Nouman Ali Khan – 103 Asr D

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of understanding the meaning of success and the difference between the man and woman in regards to behavior. They stress the importance of affirmations, revelation, and rem Rememberation in achieving success. The speakers also discuss the importance of the heart, including the ability to remember words and ideas, and the importance of the brain, including the ability to recall emotions. They emphasize the importance of good deeds and appreciating the fruit of love in shaping one's perception of the person they are talking to. The speakers also mention upcoming sessions on "headed to destruction" and "headed to destruction."
AI: Transcript ©
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and he has also been helpful with a while so we'll be happy what our soul will be

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a lot more dynamic.

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So we'll have both of us on social media Brad I mean hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah seydel ambia mursalin wa aalihi wa sahbihi Minister nabeshima t Loma de

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inshallah Tada, we are starting our final session on Sol colossal. This has been a series that's been going on at the urban Islamic Center for the past three weeks. And we've been trying to wrap up some lessons from last year since then. But hopefully we can get to the conclusion of it.

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Today, what we've already covered are the first two is in a lot of detail. And we are going to spend a good amount of time discussing the final idea and the relationship between the four pieces of that final idea even in regards to the last out a lot of commentary was already offered in the last session, we'll just go and do a basic overview inshallah tada and wrap things up the first in the world we live in. And as we live, we all already mentioned that the four conditions of success that Allah mentions in total awesome, are not associated with success in the world around us. In other words, if you ask any person, most an average, even Muslim or non, when you ask them what it means

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to be successful, the things that don't come in their mind are a man or righteous deeds, or in you know, enjoying truth and enjoying patients in pursuit. This is not the things that come in their mind, career, education, wealth, you know, establishment family, these are the kinds of things that come in people's minds when they think about success. So the first thing that Sora is demanding from us, as far as our, as far as our changing attitude is really demands from us to think about success and failure in a way that most people don't. And this sets us apart from everybody else. Then, when you do experience this change in thought, then before this change, the things that seemed

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unimportant, or irrelevant or miniscule, become very heavy. And the things that used to be really, really important become less and less and less important. Your the, you know, the way you prioritize things, it changes because of the attitude demanded in these last four conditions to salvation. Now, as far as the first condition is concerned,

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a lot of we're just talking about just a common observation. I'm not going to use much academic terminology today, because we're done with that part of the sort of study before. A lot of people don't associate a man with anything other than just a statement. They just say La la la la, la la. I'm done. So La La Jolla, maybe a little bit of just go to the machine sometimes praise I mean, not even regular prayer, maybe Juma, right. But the idea why do Muslims behave in this way, the vast majority of them, obviously, you could claim it as a lack of knowledge. But really what it is, is an attitude. And the attitude is I'm already saved because I have a man in mind is the only condition.

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Now there are two problems with that attitude. The first problem is the assumption that we have a man. The second problem is the assumption that a man alone is enough. The two problems with that. So let's address the first problem. to assume that we have a man, we first have to understand what does it mean to have a man and what it means to work? You know what demand means is two things. You can think of it from a legal point of view. And you can think of it from a real, you know, a reality point of view. from a legal point of view. Anyone who says La ilaha illAllah. Anyone who says Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam has what they have in mind when the law says yeah, you had

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Edina Amano, those of you who believe Who's he talking to anyone who says the Shahada, everyone who who says the Shahada is included in that address? When you look at someone and they say salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. If they say Salaam to you, what's your automatic assumption about them? They have Eman. they've met that baseline condition. So this is this, however, is from a worldly legal point of view, legally speaking, anyone who claims to be Muslim is Muslim. And they have you know, for us then in that sense, Islam is

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No different than a man. They're essentially the same thing. Faith and Islam are the same. But then there's the matter of that distinction that Allah Himself makes in sort of a lot where he says call it an Arab Amanda column to me. No, and I can follow the bedroom and say we have a man. Tell them No, you you only have Islam. You've only accepted Islam and Eman when when am I not fully Eman? Fie, who become a man hasn't entered your hearts yet. In other words, in this statement, we learned that what people assumed to be a man happens to be what according to Allah, Islam, that's just a song. And where does he man rest? Eman doesn't rest on the tongue according to this ayah? Where does the

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man rest in the heart? So now it's a change of thought, you know, the one who assumes that they have a man base? Because based on what they said with their tongue is already being given a change of attitude. They're being told no, no, no, Ivana is something else. It's in the heart. Now there, there are many things that are talked about in the Quran in regards to the heart, but at least three things that I'd like to share with you in regards to this discussion that I think are paramount, at least three things I'm going to highlight. Because you know, the terminology of sorts of acid is very simple. But at the same time, it's very complex. Because when you say a man, well, two thirds

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of the Quran is talking about the man. Right? So when you say in the Latina ama, and you want to explore in the Quran, what does it mean those who believe, then you're really engaged in pretty much the entire Koran study, right? It's a complex thing. So we have to pick and choose at least some things to give this discussion, some structure. What does it mean to have a man in the heart? Well, what I'm going to reduce this discussion to is there are three things that Allah mentions predominantly that rest inside the heart. There are three things inside the heart. The first thing we just mentioned, what is it?

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Right when I came to La Habra, la como de man was goofy. Hello Vico. So that's the first thing inside the heart. The second thing we find is revelation. The messenger RNA is AutoSum was told naturally, I mean, Allah can Vika the angel gibreel. He sent it he brought it down on your heart. revelation came on to the heart of the messenger. So luckily for them, when Allah talks about the people of knowledge, he's has been who I met on the internet on fish food in Edina, Minnesota Angkor Wat, these are miraculous signs in the chests of those who have been given knowledge. In other words, the second thing inside the heart, the first thing is the mind. The second is Revelation.

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Revelation, when we memorize Koran, and we internalize the reminder of Quran, if we really internalize it, it's not on your tongue, and it's not in your head. Where is it? It's in your heart, he's saluda Latina, in the chests of those who have truly been given knowledge. And it's interesting that a lot of knowledge there, because usually we associate knowledge with our mind, not with our chest, not with our heart, right? So you combine those two concepts together. So the first thing was EMA. And the second thing was, the is the revelation. The third thing that's mentioned associated over and over again, among others, there are other things, but the thing that's associated most with

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the heart is actually the remembrance, remembrance and reminder that's associated constantly constantly with the heart. So Allah azza wa jal says, without attachment, alfalah kung fu and the crina don't follow the one whose heart is void of remembrance. So what's missing from the heart remembrance he says, Allah be decree law, he taught my inner and kulu know that by the remembrance of Allah hearts become tranquil. So the third thing associated with the heart is remembrance. By the way, the the climax of email, when you have your heart is full of emotion, you know what the word for that is? That word, the word is Sakina. When your heart is completely filled with emotion, then

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the gift of that emotion which we talked about last time, the fruit of that emotion is Sakina, which is what Allah talks about insulted fat, and salt and fat. He mentioned that lesson Sakina on the believers into their hearts. Okay, so this, but that's a separate topic. So the three core things that I wanted to mention in regards to the hardware eemaan itself, then the IRS, and then the third, the remembrance, I mentioned these three things, because all of these three things are actually part and parcel of the same thing. In other words, when you have it in your heart, what does that increase your Eman? When you remember a lot what's the best way to remember Allah, the Ayat of

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Allah, and when you remember that him through the ayat then he man increases and how do I know these three things are connected? Let's turn to social and file for a moment. This is the eighth surah of the Quran in Naaman Minh and Edina either leuke Allah was

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the true believers are those when Allah is mentioned or remembered their hearts tremble

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when the lies mentioned are remembered their hearts tremble so what is not mentioned next to the heart remembrance look at a lot what you who were in the same aisle go on what either totally, utterly him

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To when his IRAs are recited on to them now what's what else is in this IRA? the IRA, there is remembrance. And there's what's the only thing left? There are three things right? There's the remembrance is the third thing. He man, that home he man and

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these, these ayat, increase them in terms of a man and they continue to place their trust in their master exclusively, right. So the three things are put together by Eliza. Now one so so in other words, the first change of attitude. How do I know if I even have him on? Do I have these three things? And how do I know if I'm really counted among those who believe when allies mentioned what happens to my art? When the author mentioned? Does my Eman increase do I feel something and especially the easiest gauge of that is the Salah because Allah says to Musa alayhis salam, a famous Allah tala decree established a lot to remember me the easiest gauge of Eman is Salah, and you know

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how connected solar and Amanda this will come up again later on today. But you know how connected supply and demand are? Allah says in Surah Baqarah in terms of not wasting the deeds of the believers, Allah azza wa jal mentioned in Nakuru Anwar makanda la julio de Monaco. Allah would not be one to waste your Eman. You know when the Qibla was changed, in the crypto machine, certain bunnies, why instead you've been praying in this in the wrong direction. None of that counted. None of that counter. And Allah responded Allah would never be one to waste your prayer. But instead of using the word prayer, Salah, what did he use, he man in the meaning of prayer, he used it

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interchangeably. In other words, a sign of the man is what Salah, and salad combines those three things. It's a sign of a man it is It comprises the Ayat of Allah. And it is the ultimate form of Vicar, a chemist, Allah Subhana Allah, how incredibly these things are interconnected with each other. This is a personal gauge for someone if they have human or not. Yet last time, I mentioned some fruits of humanity, complete a discussion today inshallah Tada. But before I do the second fallacy, the first fallacy was the assumption if we have human or not. And if you don't want to check with anything else, just what you feel on the inside these three things that we just

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mentioned, the third, the second problem, the second common misconception is that a man has nothing. Once you have in mind, you don't need action, you don't need any more deeds. They're just two separate things. It's like an extra thing you're doing. You don't have to do it. And even without it, you can still have the man there. They're separable. But actually what we're learning in this Sora, and many, many, many places in the Koran is that these two things are inseparable, you really can't separate the mind from action. From a logical point of view, we're not even I'm not even going to give you a religious explanation from a purely fairly simple, you know, a logical point of view.

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If you really believe fire burns, if you really believe it burns, would you touch it? No, if you're convinced it's going to harm you, it will affect your behavior. If you really believe that going to your job is important. You believe that you're convinced of that, you're going to go on time. If you don't think it's that important, you might slack off. So it entirely depends on what your action is now determined by what you believe this is a very simple thing to understand. So to disconnect these two things and say, Yeah, I don't pray, but I still have the mind. Or I don't Yeah, I don't concern myself too much about halal and haram, or I don't concern myself too much with the commandments of

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allows origin. But I'm still happy man. That's a fallacy. These two things aren't necessarily intertwined, and connected. They're connected. And actually Allah azzawajal. Sometimes he talks to the believers, and he says, what kind of human is this? What kind of you mind you people have? He says, Yeah, you enter the nominal, the meta code.

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Those of you who have a man, why do you say what you don't do? The criticism in that ayah? You have a man, but what's not their action? How can it be man is this that you don't have action? Similarly, he says, Yeah, you know, Malcolm, is a pillar document.

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into totowa. He says, Those of you who have Eman What's wrong with you? Whenever you're told, come forward, and the lowest path your feet get planted into the earth, you don't move forward. In other words, allies calling you to action by challenging whether or not you have even they're connected together. They're inseparable. So this change of attitude has before you think about anybody else, you and I have to experience this change of attitude. It's one thing to talk about this relationship in theory, and to study it, and to talk about the different scholars will give evidences, academic evidences for the relationship between a man and a woman but it's another to internalize that and

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say my man will not survive if I don't have actions. Now, the proof one of the proofs of the man is inside whether you feel it or not, what's the other proof of your mind now? actions so you know a man is proven now for yourself. Do your does your actions

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reflect the monitor No, that becomes a good formula for yourself and myself whether or not we manage the man inside our hearts is manifest by the way in that same higher where Allah told them you don't have the mind you only have what you only have a son then you give them hope you want to get him on where they are law school level, the elite community if you continue to obey Allah and His Messenger none of your deeds will be canceled away. In other Amal are mentioned. Right after he said he said you don't quite have a man. But instead of saying how do you get a man What do you mentioned actions. In other words, he's giving them a clue you want to get him on continue to obey Allah and

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His messenger and you will develop your mind it will go from Islam all the way to Mr. Malaga and all of us real human. The final just side comment on the study of Quran and in regards to email. It's a beautiful topic. It's a study like that could take years in and of itself just a study of a man in the Quran. But just one comment we'll make about that is the difference between two very common terms in the Quran that most Muslims don't pay much attention to? There's Yeah, you know, the nominal you know that phrase, right? Yeah, you and Edina um, and also alladhina amanu. Those who believe.

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But then there's the phrase me noon or a meaning believers. So in English, I'm saying those who believe and then I'm saying what's the other phase? believers? What's the difference between these two things? First of all, note, one of them is verbal. There's a verb involved. Those who believe now believe is a verb I know isn't found in Mali. Okay, skeletal muscle. For Angelina. It's a verb, okay? When I say me, noona believers, that is not a verb that is a noun. Now rhetorically in Arabic the difference between a noun and a verb is a verb is temporary. It's not stable, but a noun is permanent, fixed. When Allah says Allah, Xena amanu these are people whose demand may go up or down

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and there they may be wiki man they may have wiki man may they may even only have Islam. They may not even have too much in mind yet, but the larger category broad statement is being made in a legal sense. But when Allah uses me noon, guess who is referring to the people of maturity man, which is why you find whenever you find in the Quran, the Fraser moon, you will never find criticism of those people, you will find elevated praise of those people that are called me No, but when you find the phrase and Latina Armando, you may or may not find nice things.

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You may find a lot saying to them, yeah, you Latina amanu, Aminu,

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those of you who believe, believe. In other words, how that's been understood is who knew meaning become true believers become real believers. And by the way, those who believe and levena Amano not necessarily doing well because Allah says Why do you say what you don't do? Right? Not necessarily, but me know and what does he say about them?

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And we know not Allah Dena amanu. But and we know those who have attained that mature Eman which necessarily leads to action. Those people have already attained success. They're already admins already, they've already been successful. And notice when Allah mentioned, we known the entire passage deals with actions and you know whom Allah to him Kashi

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actions action and start with starts with the mind and all these actions are mentioned. So you see that these two things become inseparable millionaires are included among the meaning. Now, the next thing we're going to talk about is inshallah Tada, the the core, the core facets of the three core pillars of human AI. First, I'd like to give a disclaimer, this is not a study of arcada.

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EDA is a technical study, it's a study of theology. It's a study of, you know, how we interpret certain things in the sacred text in regards to metaphysics, the afterlife, the attributes of Allah azza wa jal, and it can even become sometimes a very philosophical kind of study, and a very technical and dry study. This is not a study of Aarthi that this is a study of Eman, we should keep these two things distinct, though they have a relationship with each other. There's a fundamental difference. nakida is an intellectual study and the mind rest were in the heart. So that's one fundamental difference between the two of them, okay. But as far as a man is concerned, in simple

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terms, you can even explain this to a child this way. You can see that a man is basically its comprises three fundamental pillars, or three fundamental facets. The first of them is a man and a lot. The second of them is a man in a message. And the third of them is a man in an afterlife. Okay, so it's in Arabic we sit at the head, what rissalah wha Ha. So it's a man and a lot of tawheed A man and a message by the way, when I when we say message, it includes the book and it includes the messenger because only when the two of them can come together then you have a clear message. You know what we learned that and so it'll be and if you missed it, the seat of that

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When Allah says, had to humble by, you know, the perfect the complete proof came to them. What's the explanation of a lower beta is that assuming Allah he had to sort of be the perfect proof that came from Allah the message that came from Allah is a messenger from Allah who recites purified scripture, so that the messenger and the message have been combined. Together, this is the center. And then the third part is the thing, the reason I brought these three pillars up for you, I mean, you could say there are other aspects of the mind, other dimensions of your mind, these are the three core pillars. The reason I bring these three core pillars up to your attention is sometimes

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people take one of these, or two of these, or you know, and they say they're human is complete. And if you only highlight one of them at the expense of the other two, you will end up falling into corruption, and you will actually end up in a serious psychological imbalance. Also, there are people who believe in God, you may have met Pete coworkers, who say I have faith in God too. I love God. God is great. He's awesome. He's so merciful. I believe he created to what do they refuse to accept? Or they say, I don't think there's an afterlife. I love God. But I don't think there's an afterlife. And I don't believe that God talks to a human being, or sends any angels or I don't

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believe that. So they've accepted the man in a law but whatnot, a man in the message or a man in the afterlife, those two are gone. Now, what's the problem with that? You see that the fundamental problem with that is now what is a loved one from you?

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What does a lot how do you know what Allah wants from you? Okay, there's a God up in the heavens is we don't know. You know, anything that we can't see him. We see his power manifest, but we don't know what he wants from us. Am I am I was I created for a purpose? If I was,

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I guess, since he created me, he should be the one telling me my purpose. But since I don't believe in any message, I don't believe in any messenger that he sends, I guess I will decide for myself what my purpose is. So even though you have your mind and Allah, you have no regard for what he wants from you, because now who's dictate who's in charge of you, yourself, yourself, then there are people who highlight the belief in the message, right the message, and they ignore the ohana or they ignore it. And each of these is a discussion in and of themselves. But the one that the point I wanted to highlight is these three core concepts of the man or the subject of McKeever on the

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mechanical run revolves around these three things, establishing belief in a law, establishing belief in the message and establishing belief in the these are the three core things. When these three things become strong and solid, then what happens now you have

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just one slight thing that is of importance to common Muslims. That should just kind of get mentioned in passing, though when we get to those suitors in the Quran. It'll come in more detail Eman and risala. A lot of times when people talk about human faith, even faith, what comes to mind faith in God. But when when you mentioned the word faith or Eman even, you know who doesn't come to mind? The messenger faith in the messenger you never say I'm meant to be law he will Malaika de Vaca to be Heba Mussolini, right. We don't think of the messengers when we The first thing that we associate with faith is Allah. And so a lot of the times a discussion about aqeedah becomes a

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discussion about who, Allah, but, you know, a pillar of our faith is also a man in the messenger, why am I highlighting this? Sometimes you might say things about Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, that will negate your email.

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You know, the same way you say something about a lot that you shouldn't say, and that can waste your emotionally it's blasphemous. We should also know what we shouldn't be saying about the messenger. You know how sometimes we might end up believing something about a lot that is inappropriate, we shouldn't believe that about Allah, we might have the wrong belief in regards to Allah that will ruin our human. The same thing can happen if we have corrupted beliefs about who the messenger sallallaahu reason this is very important. And the example of that that I wanted to highlight before you are the two extremes in the oma today, I will not name any names. On the one extreme, you have

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people that love Rasulullah sallallahu, I use them so much, so much that they say and believe things about him, that actually end up contradicting what he himself taught.

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They end up doing that, out of what love. On the other end, you have pseudo intellectuals who talk about Muslims claiming to be Muslims, who talk about the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam as though they're talking about any historical figure, with no regard. So on the one hand, you have people that have way too much regard and it's good, but then it turns into something bad. Because the man starts getting corrupted, they start giving them a status beyond the human being and all kinds of crazy things like that. And on the other hand, you have this extreme where you don't give him any regard. You don't even say something and he was gentleman His name is mentioned, or when

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somebody says this is a hadith narrated by so and so on.

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It's a he, oh, it's just a heavy

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you know, it's just it's coming that's just so nice that even in the Quran, when you talk like that about the messenger RNA sample serum, this is also this is maybe something that takes your mind away altogether. Just to give you some clue of what I'm talking about here as far as a man, but in the messenger, even though that's again, a separate topic. This is a topic of three core pillars of the Quran, by the way, Imani the messenger, if you want to learn it on your own Soraka gerat. Right. And so to fight for it and three students. So Muhammad first podgora are the sutras of the study of a man in the messenger sallallahu sallam, what does it mean to have your mind in the messenger? But

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just one basic concept? You know how you and I call each other? We're Unicode. Hey, how's it going? Hey, Mom. Hey, hey, teacher. Hey, brother. No, man. Hey, you. One time, these people they came to the messengers quarters on the left hand side and they said Yamato Yamamoto, Elena Mohamad, we got to come talk to you. Come out, we got to talk to you. These were Bedouins. They were kind of ghetto. They didn't have good manners. They were raised in a certain way. So they figure they're Muslims, though. They're Muslims. But they called him by what? They called him by his name. Now listen, in the Quran, Allah says yada, yada, yada,

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yada, yada.

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What are we learning? Yeah, and the name of a messenger.

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But you know, we don't find enough time.

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We don't find young.

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There's no Yeah.

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There's jasola. Yeah, you have to be. Yeah, you have Masami. Yeah, you had

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the way Allah talks to his messenger. He doesn't even call him by his name, so much respect. And even when he mentioned his name, he says Rasulullah next to it wahama dawn Rasulullah and Athena ma Makana? Muhammadan

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rasul Allah. Right? Well, mubasher under a pseudonym yet remember this movie?

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Over and over, over again. Now, the thing I wanted to highlight these guys came out and said, Yamaha Moto G. By the way, did they insult him? Did they use bad language against him? Did he say something inappropriate? No, they called him by what? his name, his name? Allah says when?

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de gente bodycombat then and de la Maluku, why

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don't you call him like you call each other, making your voices loud, because all of your deeds may be seized. And you won't even know when the summons deeds don't count. When does when is when are summons deeds useless. When they don't have a man.

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When you don't have a man, none of your deeds count. If you have your mind and your good deeds count, you know there are people who do good deeds without what without human and Allah says about them, they will bring their good deeds will Kadena Illa Illumina amen and they will bring their good deeds forward will turn it into scattered dust but Allahu Hubba metaphora in this ayah what which which eemaan did they violate

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the man with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu a critical part of your mind. So when I say even when we read the mind in this ayah we should notice now I'm going to quickly run through because of the shortage of time and I really want to finish with the last one today, inshallah are the fruits of humans. Number one, the greatest fruit of a man is tranquility, peace of mind. No one will enjoy peace of mind like the one who has real human. So if you don't enjoy tranquility in your life, guess what's missing? A man is missing. This is the first fruit of a man because what is this tranquility come from? You come to terms with the fact that no injustice will go unanswered. No suffering goes

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unnoticed. No deed goes unrewarded. No affliction accepted comes as a test and then it becomes a means of forgiveness. With every difficulty you have imagine that there's going to be one in nama adversity usadas puts you at ease. And somebody has problems and they know it's gonna get easier. They know it. Right then then they can handle it when they don't see an end in sight that they can become they can lose their peace or transcript tranquility and who knows theirs is coming. The one who has even though one was human, then you know this, these are temporary struggles leading to eternal bliss. And I didn't lose anything, whatever. Whether it be job assets, health, whatever it

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may be, I didn't lose it because I have in mind that it wasn't mine to begin with.

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So it was his he took it in Allahu Allah He raggio these are this is the greatest gift of human that is tranquility. Then as far as the pillars of human we already established. There are the facets of human we already established. And the two things that are inseparable are what two things Yvonne and action. This is why intellegent Amina Amina soddisfatto. Okay. Now as far as imminent action are concerned, we talked a lot of last time in the last session about a middle side effect, so I won't go too much into it. I just wanted to make sure you understand the connection between these two things. Once again, I'll read it

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One of the greatest places where you understand this connection is inserted Bukhara when the change of Scribbler happened, and Allah said Allah will not waste your prayers, the previous prayers, but he didn't call them prayers. He doesn't say well my kind Allahu la sala tiecon he says what kind of La Julio br e manickam. Allah will not waste away your Eman. Wait What were we expecting there? Salam Salawat so he can he can he It is as though he talks about Salah is the same as talking about demand. So when there is no Salah

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when there is no Salah just you fill in the blanks. You fill in the blanks, and then there's no EMA, right? It's a serious serious matter soprano law, which is this is why you will appreciate their Hadith, the Hadith in which the messenger is so stern against those who abandoned Salah how they will not be they'll be judged no different from a Christian or a Jew. When you first read those needs. You just want prayer. What's the big deal when you study the text comprehensively, and you realize how big a deal this is kind of luck. Then finally, the connection, this session was about the connection of the four conditions. So the last two conditions and how they're connected to the

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first two conditions. You see a man is a treasure. And that treasure you get to keep when you have good deeds. But what kind of these? What kind of person would you be that everybody else is headed to destruction and you can save them. And by saving them you don't lose anything yourself? You know, there's one thing somebody is hungry and you're hungry? You didn't give them because if you give them you'll be hungry, you'll be left hungry. But what if you by giving them you got even more food back? What kind of indecent person would you be that you wouldn't share?

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What kind of person would you be? So Allah gave us this treasure? And so then a natural consequence of appreciating this treasure is wouldn't you want your mother to have it? Wouldn't you want your sister your brother, your husband, your child, your neighbor, your friend, your community? Wouldn't you want them to have this too? And that desire manifests itself in what our soul will have? Whatever so am I supposed to wait till eight or 745 745 which means my time is up and we didn't get to finish it with us. Okay. All right.

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Okay, yes, next session was going to be abbreviated anyway. But Allahumma Sha, Allah Zack will laugh at him for listening. I know a lot of you are here and shout out to Allah for the awesome Did you pass that starting tonight, inshallah.

00:32:26 --> 00:32:48

Next week, our session Yeah, those of you that are listening live next week. Our session is also Monday at the same time, and hopefully this time, we will wrap up the lessons from sort of barakallahu li walakum Hakeem when I finally made it with him, but also in an incentive that he hosted a Latina a mano a mano saw the hot water was holding up but also the sub alarma john them in Santa Monica.

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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