Mohamad Baajour – Divine Dua #03 We All Need This

Mohamad Baajour
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of guidance and reciting the Quran for Islam. They stress the need for practice and guidance to address issues such as addiction and abuse. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of memorizing the names of people and their deeds to avoid confusion.
AI: Transcript ©
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So inshallah ta'ala, we will continue

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tonight with

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the duas from the Quran explaining

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the duas from the Quran. These are

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duas that Allah Azzawajal

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asked us to ask him with.

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And anyone who read the Quran frequently

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is familiar with these duas. We took a

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couple of them and tonight,

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very special du'a.

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My beloved brothers and sisters,

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the best nama that Allah blessed us with,

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the nama of Islam,

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the second best nama

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is the nama of guidance,

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is the nama of Hidayah.

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There are tons of Muslims.

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Many of them do not pray. Many do

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not fast.

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Many disobey Allah openly.

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when you are guided,

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has blessed you with an amazing namah.

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any Ibadah that we perform,

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it is strictly tawfiq from Allah

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We were only able to attend Isha tonight

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because Allah gave us the permission to come

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to Isha tonight.

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You were able to

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move in the salat. You were able to

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recite the

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only with the permission of Allah

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like, I repeat all the time, and listen

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to me carefully.

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The easiest thing in our deen,

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the easiest thing

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is to pray and fast and give zakat

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and give charity and read Quran and make

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dua and memorize.

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This is the easy part of the deen.

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The real deen

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is when you practice Islam,

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is when you live Islam,

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is when you apply what you are learning

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on your daily life,

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is when you apply Islam

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to how you treat your spouse.

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When you apply Islam, how to raise your

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children. When you apply Islam, how to do

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business with others. When you apply Islam in

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your weddings,

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when you apply Islam in your funeral,

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in every aspect. That is the tough part.

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Salat and fasting, everybody prays and fast. Everyone,

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look at Makkah now, put Makkah live on

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on your phone. You will see it packed.

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But when it comes to implementing

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Islam, this is where our problem.

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When we come to live Islam, this is

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where our problem.

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It's too tough Sheikh. I can't. It's okay.

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This is America.

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All kinds of excuses,

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but Islam is Islam,

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That's why this du'a is so essential.

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Who made this du'a? SubhanAllah.

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Knowing who made this dua will make you

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change your mind about the dua.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, the dua is

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ayah number 8

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in Ali Imran.

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Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala told us

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made this dua.

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The ones who are deeply rooted

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in knowledge,

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not just

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a guy who learned a couple of hadith

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and memorized a few ayah or few juz.

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No. No. No.

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Yeah. And he anchored

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The people who are anchored in knowledge, they

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The ones who are anchored, rooted in knowledge,

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they said, You Allah.

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You Allah. They start with the word and

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we explained last week.

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They admitting that there is

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a means the one who create, the one

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who protect, the one who guards, the one

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who provides. This is all rub.

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You Allah,

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do not deviate

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our hearts

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after you have guided us.

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You Allah, do not deviate

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our hearts after you have guided us. You

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always ask Allah azzawajal

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with the nama he blessed you with. So

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they use the nama of guidance

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to ask Allah not to deviate their hearts.

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You Allah, you guided us. So please, You

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after you have given us

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this beauty

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of guidance, please you Allah do not make

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me go astray.

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Why? Because Rasool Allah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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told us in the hadith that the heart

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the heart is just like a feather in

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the wind in the desert.

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You could imagine what the wind does to

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the feather in the desert. It keeps flipping

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it. And it's the name, kalb means with

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a kallib. It constantly flips.

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So you Allah

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My brother, my sister, don't ever be fooled.

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I am a sheikh, I talk to people.

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I lead salat. I give jum'ah. Wallahi, don't

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be fooled. I attend fajr bin jama'ah. My

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beard is this big. My wife is has

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niqab, don't be fooled.

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Don't be fooled because who is making this

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Because the

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being steadfast on the deen is strictly a

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gift from Allah

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Sometimes we we get,

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we pray maybe 1 week, Fajr and Jannah,

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I memorize

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3 surah.

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Nobody talk to me anymore.

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Khalas, I'm I'm there.

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I'm done.

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No. No.

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You do not know how our life ends,

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and this is how we are judged by

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the way our life ends.

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So here, You Allah,

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Allahi we should all memorize and say this

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You Allah, I beg you, keep me steadfast.

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What is the most dua that Rasool Allah

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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The man

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whom his heart

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the man

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the best man ever created.

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His most dua, You Allah, keep my heart

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steadfast on your deen. So what do I

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If that was his most dua

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Can you imagine? So even so if Rasoolullah

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam

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needs tzabad,

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what about us?

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We have tasted, you Allah, the sweetness of

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coming to Isha. We have tasted the sweetness

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of coming to Fajr. We have tasted tasted

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the sweetness of reading the Quran. The sweetness

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of Ramadan. Please, you Allah. Please you Allah

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keep me steadfast on this.

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You see? Like we said last week, you

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ask Allah with the verb that you're using.

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You want rahma? Use the word the name

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Ar Raheem. You want Magfura? Use Ghafoor. You

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He said something very beautiful. He said after

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they asked Allah

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not to make them deviate,

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he asked they asked him to give them

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to give them the rahmah

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because they can

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clearly see the things that that that are

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not clear to them.

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This is very very deep stuff. He said

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the ulama, the scholars

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begged Allah with Rahmah so they can be

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able to differentiate

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between the matters that are

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confusing to them.

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Allah has rahma to all creation.

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But here I'm begging Allah for a specific

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rahma, the best of rahma.

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Your rahmah I want. I want you Allah.

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Al Wahab is a special name of Allah

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is the one who gives

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without limits,

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is the one who gives

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whether you deserve or you do not deserve.

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You see they did not ask Allah, you

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Allah because I pray, because I fast, because

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I give sadaqa. No. No. No. You Allah,

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give me your rahmah not because I deserve

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it, because you are the wahab.

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repeat after

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Before you make taslim in your sujood and

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keep in mind that when you say it,

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subhanAllah, you are actually reciting an ayah of

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the Quran, so you will getting azure also.

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