Nouman Ali Khan – 080 Abasa A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of being true to the language of Islam, particularly in teaching others about the message of Islam. They stress the need for students to learn about the message of Islam and not to be too excited or proud of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the weight of the
AI: Transcript ©
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Hello at the Sephora Kira

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will be shortly sorry where silly Emily was no lock that I'm in lissoni of Coco Lee. While hamdulillah lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah CD and via he will mousseline early he will be minister Nebuchadnezzar he did a lot of maganda mean home woman a Latina M and o Amina slowly hurt whatever so we'll have whatever so the sub m in Arabic Allah means that salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. inshallah, Allah Before we discuss an introduction to salt, Alba and its themes, just a continuation of our tradition of introducing or connecting the conclusion of one slide to the, with the introduction to the next in the previous solar. So with the nazjatar, we

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found two contrasting kinds of people that Allah mentions towards the end, on the one hand for amantha Ethel Hyatt dunya, as for the one who rebelled and give preference to worldly life, so that was on the one hand, on the other hand, Allah says, what a man hatha Nakamura be, he went ahead and after an hour, and as for the one who feared standing before their Lord, and prevented their own self, as though it's something outside of themselves, from, you know, vain or pathetic or empty desire. In this from the very beginning, we find two groups also, on the one hand, Allah has Oh, just speaks about a minister now. As for the one who doesn't care, and who is the one who doesn't

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care at the tawassul hetta dounia, the one who was mentioned in the previous surah, towards the end, the one who rebels and gives preference to worldly life. On the other hand, here Mmm, and jack is Russia. And as for the one who comes to you running and he is fearful. This is the one that I mentioned the previous little towards the end, when he said, Well, I'm Batman, hoffa Nakamura, B, he was our as for the one who fear standing before his Lord. So the two contrasting groups the believer in disbeliever, certain traits mentioned towards the end of a nazjatar. And we begin with a new fresh look at these two kinds of contrasts in sort of navassa now in sha Allah as one of the most

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important and famous themes of sort of the beginning passage of this surah there's a lot more to the sutra than this, but it's very famous, and it's also sometimes not spoken about properly. Before we inshallah get into the depths of this sutra, one of the very sensitive things we should be careful about is how we speak about this a little less on the lohani husana. This is a very sensitive matter. So much so that in Medina Quran when Allah azza wa jal was teaching the Sahaba mannerisms, and a lot of the veterans they didn't know any better when he was teaching the mannerisms, if they would, so much as speak to the messenger sallallahu alayhi Salaam to casually not even insulting him

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just talking to him to casually, I thought would come down threatening them to take to take a step back. So for example, you have sort of progeroid where, you know, the veteran comes outside a bunch of them and say, yeah, Mohammed, Elena, right, Mohammed come up, we got to talk to you. They come right outside his apartment. And you know, this is they were kind of rough. And they weren't very civilized or city people, you can think of them right. They were kind of rough around the edges. So they brought that with them to Islam, and they spoke to the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, in kind of a harsh tone, which wasn't harsh to them. Keep in mind, that's just how they talked.

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Right? And when a lot is Origen saw this. He gave them a warning. He said, Well, we'll call it Barack Obama. Don't you call him Don't you, you know, raise your voice at him and call him like you call each other. He's not the same. It's not the same.

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And Dakota, Amal Kumar.

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And if you do this, all of your good deeds may be seized and you won't have you won't have any idea you won't even realize, he in the same surah he threatens where Alamo and nafi come rasulillah you better know that in your midst, especially in your midst, meaning the Sahaba the companions is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then in that same ayah, where he mentioned that you have to be when we're, you know, be careful with the messenger. So I saw him in that same ayah he says, Well, I can Allaha Baba in a coma, that no doubt it is Allah who has made a man beloved to you, and purified it in your hearts. So it began with regard for the messenger. And then it

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concludes towards a beautification of human in our hearts. There's no amount of a lot of Allah mentioned, there's no human in the angels mentioned, there's no mind in the books mentioned what the mind has mentioned, rather, not even human regard, honor, sensitivity in how we address or speak of the Messenger of Allah Salallahu alaihe salam, this is an important consideration. Because in our times, you have two kinds of extremes. On the one hand, you have people that almost have no respect, even Muslims have no respect in how they talk about the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. And this can occur when you talk casually about the Sunnah of the messenger, so I sent him, right Oh,

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it's just a hoodie. Or, you know, it's not in the Koran, or, or his job was just to deliver the message and he did. So we don't have to take every little thing he did, etcetera, etcetera. You know, we have to be very careful when we talk about these kinds of things. I'm not saying that intellectual discourse cannot exist, but when it exists, there have to be very, very serious and very sensitive parameters are very careful speech has to take place. Now, on the other hand, you have Muslims even consider themselves Muslims, who have so much love and so much regard for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam that they go as far as almost committing schilke with him,

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sometimes explicitly, sometimes explicit out of love and regard nothing. bad intentions, it's out of love and regard. And on the other hand, when it comes to certain ions, which appear to be critical of the messenger sallallahu sallam, they reinterpret them to mean complete something that isn't true in the language. Now, the thing is, you have to be true to the language, it is a law who speaks he speaks in the clearest fashion, a lot of himself says be listening r&b and moving, it is unclear. And clarifying Arabic speech. This is the nature of the Quran. So if Allah says something, you can say, Well, he said this, but he what he really meant was this. So you can that would be a departure

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from being true to the language of the Quran. So you have to work this really fine line down the middle, right? But there are some things that we have to keep us as golden standards that we cannot cross. And one of them is that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is free of sin, that he does not disobey Allah and that he does not commit sin. So whenever we study something, that golden standard cannot waver, we cannot look back and say no, some have even said in the past, or he only committed minor sins, etc, etc. But no, this is I mean, pretty much Mr. Rokita that he does not come in sindelle Eliza Jane has purified his heart that he has made his heart firm, and that he is

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the golden standard of human character so he's free of civilization has protected him. Nonetheless. Now with all of that in mind in shallow tarla, we begin a study of the solar and understand the hikma wisdom, some of the wisdom some droplets of wisdom of this particular address are basato commonly translated the introduction of the surah he frowned and turned away that's how it's commonly translated and he frowned. And he turned away. Now to understand the context the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was speaking to some of the leaders of college and some narrations, we find their names also, that happened to be occupied. neurobiol was one of the most obnoxious kuffaar

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Abuja home read some of these people were in this this discourse, and he was talking to me, obviously the big guns of Makkah, okay. And they're actually talking to him, most of the time, we find like in the previous surah, they're casually poking fun at him, or they're being sarcastic about the al Qaeda as we found other comments and sort of never also in nazjatar, also, but this time, it appeared that they were actually engaged in some sort of conversation. So it seems like he's getting somewhere with them. On the other hand, you have Abdullah Al Maktoum, who is a cousin of Khadija to the Allahu taala. And this is why he's close to the Prophet system because he

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connected his family. And he's we know that he was blind or the Allahu anhu. And he's one of the earliest to believe all the alojado By the way, this surah is not also about insulting him, because he is one of the earliest companions, and one of the earliest acceptors of Islam and these are from a cyber conocido. The first the first, right, so we have to maintain that honor. Also, on the other hand, he was blind and when you're blind, you know this, some of the scholars comment on this, that you overcompensate for others to acknowledge your presence because you don't know if they see you or not by raising your voice. Right, this is you and it's natural. They don't see themselves as being

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loud. It's just comes because one of those senses is taken away, the other becomes, you know, excited. So he comes to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he says, according to one narration, unlimited Mima, Allah makalah Teach me from what Allah taught you and he said this over and over, because he didn't hear the messengers response immediately. salallahu alayhi salam he assumed maybe the Prophet didn't hear

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Han Solo Harvison. Now the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa Salaam right now is engaged in this conversation, which seems like a rare occasion, it doesn't really happen often that he gets the ear of some of these big leaders all at one time, and they're actually listening. Right? So there are a few strategic problems here. One problem is one of the complaints that has always been the case of the leaders of the leaders of disbelief, not just with our messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also in previous messengers times is that why should we accept this man when the low lives, these the scum of society, these peasants, they hang around him, and this is one of the reasons they would

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say that we can associate ourselves with you because you hang out with the lower class on you know, these poor, these weak, these powerless, the oppressed there, they seem to be the ones lining up with you, we can't be seen associated associating with them, because it takes away from our elite status. So you want to talk to us, talk to us separately, right? We're not gonna come to you, you're gonna have to come to us, right. So this seems like that situation where the messengers have actually gone to them. Right? Dharma is to invite someone to you to literally means invitation, but

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is to get the message out. And this part of the messengers work was what really is going out to them, he's going out to them. Now in this scenario, one of the problems is they'll so much a sea Maktoum, and that's enough, they'll invalidated that or they'll walk away. We don't want to be seen in the presence of this guy. Another issue here is the Messenger of Allah Islam is finally getting somewhere if he turns to this hobby right now, and addresses his concerns, which can wait. It's not like he's going anywhere, he will be back. And he's, he's a true believer. He's a devout follower. So his response can wait, what cannot wait is this golden opportunity for getting the message to

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these people who are finally listening? So if you look at it from the messengers point of view, some of them there's nothing wrong in what he does, there's nothing wrong with what he does. The other thing to note here is we know that

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he was blind. So when the messenger frowns, sallAllahu sallam, you know, when you frown at somebody, then you can only get offended if what you see it, you see, so the, the, the, the idea of being rude, or being upset or being disturbed at someone is something visual. So we notice from the narration even,

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I didn't even mention his name, he mentioned that he's blind. In another indication of the innocence of the Messenger of Allah and His character that he didn't say, you know, how in regards to our parents and lettuce, says follow taco lahoma. Right, don't even say off to them. Don't even let them hear some frustration. We don't hear the Messenger of Allah expressing any frustration verbally. Rather, we learned about him expressing frustration on his face. And we'll learn more about the nature of the word Ibis in a moment Sharma and he turns away slightly. Now when he turns away, you know, trying to finish off the conversation he's having with the courage or with some of the leaders

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of the kofod. Can the Sahaba notice him turning away? No, he can't notice that either. So first of all, understand he did not offend a believer. He did not offend a believer at all. So then if this is no, there is no problem. Why are these IOD coming down? This is absolutely critical to understand. You see, you and I have a standard Allah has said for us for the Muslim, then there's a higher standard for the movement, then there's a higher standard for who the Morison right there's a higher standard. And then none of these can compare to the standard Allah has for a messenger of Allah. And of them you can never compare your standards with the standards of Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, Allah azza wa jal is very, very, very sensitive to every intricate mannerism, every smallest, my newest gentle gesture of our messengers of Allah has a messenger of Allah Allah lohani sent him so much as looks at the sky. He looks at the sky and Allah notices and then it comes down codon Allah tala Baba sama, we saw your face turning to the sky, in aspiration in missing the Kaaba, the if came down, right. So there's a very intricate relationship between Allah azza wa jal and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, keep this standard in mind. And just to give you some idea of that elevated status, that standard for us, they're the five prayers for us. They're the

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five prayers when Allah speaks to His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mandates him for Camila. Camila Allah La kalila koosman who kalila stand in the night is Farid Ahmed. It's a command. He commands His Messenger the family half the night, half the night at a minimal right. Or even some more sometimes when you have the opportunity and recite the Quran in a slow rhythmic tone. Is this a standard for us? No, that was not mandated upon us. But it's mandated upon him. Salalah Hardy, right? Similarly, the work of Dawa, we could say yes, it's something important, we should do it. We should do it. Whenever we have an opportunity, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, when does

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he have to do the work of all the time he has no break, he can't stop. He's constantly to go and deliver the message of Allah solution so there's really no comparison. Now keeping that in mind, keeping that in mind, understand that the messengers take the messenger Musa alayhis salaam for example. alaikum

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Did him. Allah commanded him to come and meet him at you know, in the valley and he came early out of zeal. They're so excited about the mission that Allah has given them. They want to make progress in it quickly. Similarly on messenger of Allah Salam was given Quran, he was such zeal to receive that revelation, he will try to memorize it quickly. This is from the zeal of the messenger sallallahu sallam, so Allah had to reveal an ayah calming him down that to be the Seneca literature we don't rush your tongue to acquire the Quran quickly relax. We have taken ourselves to compile the Koran for you and now Elena Gemma who co worker Anna who.

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Right? So Allah azza wa jal took the responsibility telling the messenger it is not your problem. But see, the messengers are so concerned they have such a huge responsibility upon them, are they human serum, and most of all, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who you have to understand, he's not just giving Dawa, to the college. He's not just giving Dawa to the mccanns. What this man does in his few years of worldly life, he understands has implications for all of humanity to come, because there are no more messengers coming. So everything he does, he's got the literally the weight of the world on his shoulders, you have to understand this, right? He's got the

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weight of the world on his shoulders. And so he understands that giving the when these leaders if even any one of them has an inkling of Islam, how much strength Islam will gain, how much of our good that will come that Islam will bring. So he's constantly concerned about taking the mission to the next step, making sure that it reaches certain milestones. And in this, this was a golden opportunity. This is the reason for which he turned and some of the orlimar even comment, it is more important to teach someone who's interested about Islam and non Muslim who is who seems to be interested in some because only a lot of the hearts it's more important for one to teach him than to

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teach a Muslim because the Muslim can wait, that if, if that was being done, for example, the non Muslim walks into the masjid, asking some questions about Islam, to the Imam. And some Muslim has some questions about Islam all sorts, you know, they're asking about some personal issue about will do or solo or something else, or they're going to hire you this year. Can the Muslim wait in this matter? Yes, because the non Muslim may never come back. He may go and if he takes Shahada, what a blessing that will be for the entire community and perhaps for so many more people that will come to Islam through him. So that the the good that comes out of Dawa to a non Muslim is far superior to

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simply ask answering a question to a Muslim, even though there's good in both of them, but you understand that there's a higher priority. Now, Allah azza wa jal mentions Abba. One of the beauties of this, you know, a lot of reprimands, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is in itself an indication that this is not the word of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, why would he reprimand himself? Why would he criticize himself? And why would he be so nervous about the IDS? If you know he's in these IR? Apparently he's upset at Who? Or he's frustrated with who we are. Right?

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Now, if that's the case, then why is it that whenever he saw the Sahaba or the Allahu anhu, he used to say, Alan Beeman at any fee, Robbie Miller, welcome to the one who Allah called me out on my Lord called me out on you, you'll be welcoming, he would make sure he has a seat, he would take special care of him. And this was not out of sarcasm. This wasn't even out of sarcasm, the Sahaba note the comment that he used to have special regard special honor for 11 o Maktoum, if he had actually upset him and no Quran is his own word. He should be upset with him for a long time after. But see, so in and of itself, it's an indication that Quran is not the word of Mohammed Salallahu alaihe salam,

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rather it is revealed to him a few beautiful things about the word Ambassador Before we go further in sha Allah, in the Arabic language, there are different words for frowning. And so I said in the beginning even you know, our Messiah is translated as he found he found but you know, in the Arabic language you have others

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that you have color ha like callicoon is used in the Quran, can is when you have so much upset or the the gesture on your face of being disturbed or perturbed is so much that you can almost see your teeth grinding, that's when it is used. And then on the step above that is Bessel. Right from another obasa sama was talking about this buzzer is when you see the teeth grinding, the faces bulging, and it's actually turning into an ugly face, your face is becoming ugly due to disturbance or due to you know, the dissonance, some kind of friction that you notice. Okay, so this is a higher state. And then finally there's muscle which I don't believe it's used in the Quran. But that kind

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of perturbed expression that lasts only between your eyes over here in the middle of your forehead, there's some bulge and none of your face and none even of your breath in your breath. Or in your voice. Is there any indication of being upset except this bulging of the forehead that's called Arbus, our booth, okay, oh boo is actually the Muslim. Okay. So what we learned from that is of the words that you can use for frustration when the message

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Salalah alayhi wa sallam directed his frustration at a blind companion. He, you know, he used or he expressed the minimal level of frustration humanly possible. And even that Allah noticed and Allah azza wa jal recorded or abasa, whatever. Okay. Now, again, we need to understand the wisdom. First of all, we know why he's concerned because this the mission is his top priority. And this seems to be an obstacle in that mission. There's another reason a lot of xojo comments on this, this this reboot of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he comments on it because the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is he's a role model in many, many, many things. He's a role model as a

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father. He's a role model as a neighbor. He's a role model as a judge between people. He's a role model in many capacities. One of those capacities is a leader. He is a leader of those who believe in him at that time. samalla Harley Davidson, he's their leader. Now, you know, in a good group in a group that is cohesive and united, the people are aligned with that leader. They love that leader. And they love that leader because that leader shows love to them, they show he shows love to them. If the leader makes the followers seem feel unimportant. If he makes them so much as feel unimportant, the cohesion of the group starts falling apart, we find the companions of the messenger

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sallallahu alayhi Salaam, with all the Aloha animoji mind, each of them convinced that the messenger loves them the most. Each of them convinced that the messenger loves them the most similar la hora de Sena, this is the sign of true leadership. Compare that leadership to the kind of leadership we have. Nowadays, each of us is convinced that our leader hates us the most right so it's the other way around. So problem, but the other you know, this is the case of the leadership of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, it is possible that another one of the fukuhara sahaabah, another one of the alpha, the weak, or the poor, or the helpless, or the oppressed of the Sahaba might see this

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from a distance, not knowing the full situation, they might look at it maybe from 100 yards away, what would they see, they will see the messenger paying attention to the lohani and send them to the elite and undermining the importance of one of their own. So this would undermine his status as a leader. So Allah azza wa jal lets the companions know how important they are by addressing His messengers of alcoholism, saying abasa is very, very powerful, that Allah azzawajal comes to the aid of the companions. And this happens over and over and over again in the Quran. Allah says what do I NACA and whom don't turn your eyes away from them? some of the toughest eye out in the Quran are in

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defense of the the companions in another place in salt Allah and Milan, Allah azza wa jal tells us with the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala, whom it is only by Allah as mercy that you're lenient towards them, Allah counts His mercy upon the messenger, so he saw them a favor on the messenger and what is that favorite? Not the revelation, not the revelation of the Quran, not Islam and Mirage, not fat America, not in the athlete, not in this ayah what is the favor of Allah, that you are you have been charged with leniency with going easy on the companions, so hon Allah, and we'll go into a little fun, little content from human Holic, if you were tough, hard hearted, they would have run

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away from you. Allah speaks to the defense of the Sahaba in this ayah and then commands His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for foreign home was stolen from the home, which I will forgive them lovingly asked a lot of forgive them. And when you make a decision, take their consultation. Right, so how to think about this? Does the messenger need consultation? The messenger receives answers of any question from what? From revolution from Why, why does he have to ask consultation? This is again making the Sahaba feel included. Even though in the end the decision doesn't lie in consensus. That decision lies with who with the Messenger of Allah. So Allah says for

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either as he doesn't say for either, as he says for either of them that when you reach decision, then put your trust in Allah. He didn't say for either as I'm talking Fatah, qu Allah.

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But Allah, Allah, Allah, singular, singular, even though you should consult them, that consultation is to make them feel included. In the end, the decision still lies with you, but you need to make them feel included and part of the process. This is part of the work of the messenger sallallahu sallam, and specifically with those who have disappointed him, because Allah says all of this after he says, forgive them, ask a lot of forgiveness. You forgive someone who's been a mistake, right? So these are the followers who have disappointed the leader and still he's supposed to ask their opinion, this is this is leadership. This is the highest caliber of leadership. You can't expect

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this kind of leadership from a normal human being. We don't even show this kind of leadership to our children. A teacher can't show this kind of leadership in the classroom. This takes a lot of him a lot of forbearance, a lot of patience. A lot of you know this, this this tough, you know, character that can take in the problem.

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But not let them out on even on their face. You know how many how many problems is the messenger someone facing every day? And imagine just don't look at the eye look at his life. Look at how hard his times how hard the Macan times are. And now he's got an opportunity to make Dawa. And here's this, you know, the Sahaba and by the way, from we learned that he actually said yeah, Muhammad multiple times. Yeah, Mohammed alim Nima, Allah Allah, Muhammad, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah. Muhammad teach me what Allah taught you, Mohammed, did you want to lead towards you? So he was calling him by name? Some Aloha, do you know something in the Quran? We don't find your Muhammad. In the Quran we

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only find Yeah, you're gonna be Yeah, Euro soon. Yeah, you mean? Yeah.

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Mohammedan Rasulullah Omar Mohammedan ihlara. Soon, right. Makana Mohammed Al Abadi marriage Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa we find the name we find those who have lost sight of so even that one case when it's only Mohammed without mention of auto soon, is in the case of surah, Mohammed itself where his name is highlighted. So other than that, we find an elevated status. So we find even in the language of Abdullah and omac tomb, there was a kind of casual thing, and perhaps because he was close in family, and perhaps also because this is early concealer, and the Sahaba haven't totally been cultured, yet, this is still new to them. Islam is still new to them. Anyhow. So the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu Sallam turned towards, you know, turn away from under Lebanon. And this is, by the way, anybody else in that situation would turn to the person and say, Listen, I'm a little busy right now. Just give me two minutes. We do this to people all the time. People call you say, Look, I'm on an important call, I'll call you back. Right? The Messenger of Allah doesn't even say that much because he's, he's that cautious of the Sahaba his feelings. All he does is show some bulges on his forehead and the Iota revealed. And a lot as always, it is so merciful to His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he doesn't say, I busta, whatever later, you found and you turned

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away, he said, he found and he turned away, he's the third person is used. And then

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because the the blind came to him, and we'll talk about that in a second, but just understand the use of the third person here. In the Arabic language. When you reprimand someone in the third person, you're going easy on them.

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And when you reprimand someone in the second person, you're being hard on them. So even in the language, we understand that a lie is showing the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi, salaam mercy, he's going easy on him. Okay, you know, this is imagine just to give you some real life kind of example, imagine you're in a classroom full of children, right. And this is one child that you want to, you know, you want to reprimand you want to discipline you're gonna send them to the principal's office, or he's gonna get sent home that day, he's done something really bad or something, right? You say, you know a student didn't do it didn't do something very good. Today, a

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student didn't do something very good. Even if he knows it's him, it doesn't feel as bad. If you turn to him and say Abdullah, you must have pretty bad today, he'll feel far worse. The third person is a lot easier on the one being critiqued, then the second person addressing them directly. So when Allah spoke of the criticism, when Allah spoke of the criticisms upon Allah tala, he used the third person obasa was the one that he found and he turned away, and here is an mistoria. What it does is it the next sentence becomes truly utterly illogical Marula. who also the reason why did he turn away as a result that an arm and a leg did not say a towel?

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Come almost similarly necrotic common to come to arrive to arrive, right? But Java means to come. It's a stronger word, which actually illustrates that he came, you know, with a lot of enthusiasm and he came running even that becomes clear explicit later on. But Java is a stronger word than that. So he came around and he came up with this enthusiasm. And he's Atlas he of course, he's blind, so he doesn't see what's coming. He doesn't see what's what else is going on over there. He just walked right into that situation. And

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well, now you recall Allahu Akbar. And what will give you any clue? Now Eureka is a very interesting phrase. It comes from da da da da da and yeah, the root and it's used in the philosophy journal also like, like today or yesterday also to know but you Rica is actually what means do you have what you know, tools do you have that you can manipulate to get some information? Like right now if we do it, we do it over the internet. It's a tool we use to get information right? So Allah is basically saying you have no possible tools at your disposal whatsoever. He's telling the messengers so notice the word you by the way here he didn't say he he said you so the first two IOD were third person,

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and now there's the Takara de creme is transition to come closer to the messenger so Islam and this ayah is commonly misunderstood. This actually this ayah is more of a defense of the messenger from Allah than a criticism. maiolica means you had known

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No means at your disposal to try to find out if he's coming with good intent or not. Now I know who he is a cup perhaps he may find the means to cleanse himself to purify himself anyhow. So the first thing here is we note, my Eureka, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam has not been given the license to judge what is inside a person. He has no idea the one he's talking to has an inclination to cleanse themselves or not, as we will see as we progress into Sora. time and time and time again, this surah is connected and is completing the themes we already studied in solid and as the art is written as the art we found Musa alayhis salam making an offer to fill out, even fill out I mean,

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you I mean looking for rounds track record, the guy kills babies, the guy is oppressing an entire nation, calling himself a god, etc, etc. And perhaps has multiple dialogues with musasa. Still musala Islam is not judging what is inside of him and says for kolhan locka illa Anta Sokka Do you have any inclination inside of you left that you want to cleanse yourself? He's not passing judgment. So this same word zeca. Now in the third person occurs, well now you reckon Allah who yaka you have no means at your disposal to find out perhaps he was going to cleanse himself. Perhaps he already had an inclination inside of himself to become a better person, really, in contemporary

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English. That's how we would say purification, to try to become a better person to recognize that there is some filth, some dirt, some immoralities inside of you, and you want to get rid of them and for that motive, he came to you about the Allahu anhu. Now with this, that Allah health Taraji, it means that this person this by the way, this is a prerequisite to seeking knowledge because in the next ayah he gets a reminder he learned something from the Messenger of Allah says Allah but Allah says first he came to cleanse himself to become a better person. So we learn from this Deen not just interesting information and dates and times and regions and you know, in names and interesting

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facts, right and which profit was first and which was second and which was third and what chapter of what book is what coding and etc, etc. There's all great information, but what's the bottom line? Why are we learning anything about the religion to cleanse ourselves? This is why the Sahabi comes and in hopes that he perhaps he may reach this cleansing. The other thing I should note, a note here inshallah is it's a it's a minor biLlahi point. But yes, zakka Yes. zakka. You notice the shed undeserved? Originally actually the word is yet as yet as aka Okay, from Turkey. This is the master of it. And what happens in Arabic sometimes is in the lamb, the two letters that are close to each

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other, they get fused. Now in grammar, you would say yes, zakka. And yet as a come in the same thing, that's what you would say grammatically. But in the Quran, even there, is there subtlety, there's subtlety, there's a difference, actually, when something is partial, or not full, then the fused meet spelling, yes. zeca. Yes.

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Okay. These kinds of words are used. When the context is complete, then the complete spelling structures are used. In other words, in one setting, or in one question, he's not going to attain complete purity, he's going to get something of purity, he's going to cleanse something of himself, yet does occur would be more complete, like in one sitting, one halaqa. One question answered, and this becomes a better person altogether. But yes, that guy is partial in meaning at least some benefit this person would have gathered will be alone who, oh, yeah, that guru, or he would have gotten some reminder for himself. Yes, he would have gotten some reminder for himself for 10 for the

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camera, and as a result, then if that would have happened, meaning if this person came with the intent of cleansing himself and taking a beneficial reminder, as a result, that reminder would have benefited him button for now, doesn't say potencia

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is a decline and decline is considered an infinitive muster from vichara ef guru but the normal infinitive is the Quran is not the crowd and this Elif, Matura masala at the end that gives it mobile Allah what's what in Arabic we say, Vicar is remembrance. The color is powerful remembrance. Okay, so it's it's a powerful form of remembrance. What this illustrates is whenever the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam speaks to someone that that in itself is not just a reminder, it is a powerful reminder, it's a powerful reminder so even if you address them a little bit, it would have been a powerful reminder for him. Now when the messenger addresses some Allah who is especially

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mechanical on this is essentially the Quran itself. So at the core of the powerful reminder that's being talked about here is the Quran itself. And there is there is another word stronger than it that we'll see very, very soon inshallah. But the idea here is that the Quran is meant to be a powerful reminder for the one who wants to get that reminder. So the first thing Allah does not mention photographer out of the crop, but he says

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that he himself wanted to make an effort to remember and as a result, this reminder would have been powerful for him, it would have had some benefit for him.

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A mom and his daughter Now on the other hand, as for the one who has a stigma minister, Nana, the one who is heedless, carefree, doesn't worry about it.

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thing is taken out from from rosani. You know, when he is someone who's so rich without worrying about the bills, he's not worried about money. He's not worried about the house. He's not worried about, you know, any any expenses in life. You know, the people who live in complete luxury with no needs, no wants, they don't, they don't aspire to have anything, whatever they want is already at their disposal. You know, these people have Reena. These people have, you know, Allah azza wa jal, one of his names is Anthony, Anthony, because he's free of need, he doesn't need anything. So here is still not with the live scene in time, the beginning by mystified What this means is the person

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who thinks that they're free of need, the person who has an attitude that they don't need anything, they're apathetic about this information. And this is still not by the way, in this specific context, of course, the leaders of the coalition are being talked about. So the messenger does he know that they don't care? No, he doesn't know that he because he can't know if they have good in them or not, or any good in them or not. musala sam didn't know forfeit our own until the last minute, right. So he's gonna give them that Allah but Allah passes his fatwa on them, and ally exposes them, and calls them a man is the one who feels free of need, the one who doesn't really

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care, the one who's reckless in their attitude. And this is a person who perhaps wants to talk to you about Islam, not because they're looking for guidance, but because they like having philosophical discussions. And they like discussing whether God exists or not, isn't philosophy clubs that Ms. You know, at campuses, that MSA, kids get tangled up with, right, they just want to talk for the sake of talking, just run their mouth and is that nothing's gonna come at the end of it. Even if you were to give them the best possible arguments and say, yeah, that's very interesting. Very nice, very nice. We'll talk tomorrow, it's all good. That's it said this attitude

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of stigma, we don't need this, we're just doing this kind of, you know, the past the time kind of thing. So on the one hand, you have the Sahabi or the Allahu anhu, the two reasons for which he came, there was you know, lalla, who has DACA that he may purify himself, make me become a better person may cleanse the you know, the moralities or the flaws he has on the inside and the other that he may take benefit of the reminder. So you know, these are the two powerful reasons to come to the company of the messengers all the sudden, none of these exists with these leaders. The first thing Allah tells us a madman is Donna as for the one who doesn't even care, he's just he's free of need.

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He is very lacks in his attitude for anti Lucha sada then it is you who has the sub de, you know, you are the one who has the status or the actual origin originally, there's a second tab there. Okay, let's explore this word a little bit. So we understand what I was saying about the messengers of Allah. So there are a few things here the word itself, and the sentence structure is very powerful. So let's first look at the word itself.

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It comes from side dial, and yeah, saadian also saw that, so that means an echo that bounces off a wall and comes back and you hear over and over and over again, right, this is a solder. The solder is to be relentless on something to go back to something over and over again, just like the echo comes back to your ear, over and over again. So with the messenger is being told something Allahu alayhi salam, if you happen to go back to them over and over and over again, right, and meaning they came to you, you they engaged in conversation, then this distraction came, but you went back over to them. So you did this about you when you bounced back and echoed back towards them, echoing your

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concerns with them, you follow? So this is the word tostada. But here Allah didn't just say Fatah sada he just said, he said for en de la who Casa de anthemic sejumlah, Ishmael. And the benefit of knowing that is not just grammatical nuance, the benefit of knowing that is, it is you who turns back over and over to them indicating they don't turn to you.

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The answer here is bad. Firing it tells us other than the file exists. So you're the one who's keeps turning especially towards them while they have what is still not in the previous eye. They don't care to turn towards you. They're very lacks about this and you're taking this very seriously. So it seems like who has the upper hand You know, it's take the example of a Salesman trying to sell something to someone who's not interested in the product. who seems pathetic in this situation. It seems like the salesman is desperate and the guy the customer is walking away. Yeah, that guy was kind of you know, you seem this giving them the upper hand. And this is very important to note,

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because a lot as origin does not want it to seem like the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam does not have the upper hand. He does not want it to seem that he's desperate to give this Islam to them. He doesn't need them. No, nor does Alon need them. SubhanAllah Donna, so Allah azza wa jal stops him from looking desperate. He stops him from looking towards them the way they don't look towards him. So he says for antenna huzzah. Malaika and there will be no fallback on you. There will be no consequences falling upon you I know is very comprehensive preposition. It has multiple meanings here. There will be no fallback, no consequences coming against you. If they don't accept Islam, if

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this person doesn't purify himself, that's one. The other here is it is not your obligation. You are not responsible. Allah, Allah zakka that this person does not cleanse himself who has

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To make that decision, this person is responsible for himself you will not be cleaning them up. You can only inform them in the previous surah in the previous surah in NEMA antimony romaniuk Shah, you are only a warner to one who the one who fears it. It seems as though this opening passage of the surah is at the feet of that one ayah. In that previous surah Allah has said you are only a warner to the one who fears it fears that Allah right and so you have both why yaksha is the one who fears who came to the messengers, Isola and these people who don't fear so now they're being put down. And here's the other here's the other amazing thing here that Allah exposes these arrogant kuffaar, who

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may have been just pulling the leg of the messenger so Isilon may just tagging him along to keep him tied up in conversation didn't really have any good intent of taking the data in Allah doesn't say well Malika Eliza in in would have been held for shelf. But it won't be any consequence of you on you if this person doesn't purify himself, but Allah said that this person has not purified himself. In other words, he made it a statement of fact, not a statement of hypothetical hypothetical situation. Okay, so in other words, a lead lets the messenger know this person has no inclination of wanting to cleanse himself at all. This is the same dialogue that is now opening up that happened

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between Finland and Moosa in the previous solar cycle, Haleakala, Antarctica, that same thing is opening up now here. What was the problem? You know, he turned away for Canada, bossa nova fashola Fernanda Kala Nobunaga he had his dilemma. He didn't he didn't think he needed this message. He was self sufficient. They're showing that same attitude again. So that wasn't just a story. It is being manifest in the situation of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, when Elijah Elijah zakka a mom and jakka what a mom and jackers is for the one who came to you with such enthusiasm, Java more enthusiasm than atta. Yes, running, rushing. This word is very beautiful and powerful because

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it reminds us of something we read in the previous surah. In the previous solar Allah, Isaiah says about Pharaoh, he says,

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fashola nada, Allah and Allah. Allah, you know, for onward turned in as you can imagine, in his quarters in his private wing. When the Tao of Musa is spreading we talked about he's going back and forth pacing. It's a pace faster than walking, but slower than running. He's pacing back and forth right now that pacing was for in out of arrogance. That was a pacing as a consequence of arrogance. Here, there's another pacing so much. What a madman jacker Yes, sir. He is pacing rushing towards you. And this is the pacing of Abdullah bin omac tomb or the Allahu anhu This is a pacing out of humility, out of fear of Allah. So on the other hand, there was no fear of a lie here there's fear

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of Allah, they're both pacing in opposite direction. So Pamela, so here, what am I my jacket is who I am. And it is He it is he who has Russia, he is the one who fears now Why didn't you just say why? yaksha and he fears he said, Well, who? Ayesha? It is he who fears and when that happens when this woman this pronoun is mentioned like this. What that illustrates his allies telling us there's someone else who doesn't have

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it is He Who else or she or not the audience you're talking to forget them, there is no good coming to them. This is why again in the previous slide, I remind you in NEMA and Roman Yahshua, you are only to warn who the one who has fear. So Allah says, By by the language by the sentence structure, he indicates the leaders of courage had no fear. Similarly, when for our own was being given Dawa by Musa Islam in the previous surah What do you say to him? What Allah Baca Fatah, I'll guide you to your Lord, so that the perhaps you'll get CATIA you'll become a person of fear of something larger than yourself. Now, alas, messenger is told, and I'm huhtala and it is you who is turning away from

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him. And the word turning away here needs more more elaborate explanation that comes from low lamb, her and well, which is in easy English calm, translated as entertainment law 102 Jonathan aluma, right. But now we actually means Originally, it means to be engaged as something that keeps you away from a more important task. So it's a relative term, when you're busy with something that took up your time and that time should have been used for something more important that is level. So Allah says in his case, you are engaged in tenaha meaning you are engaged in an activity, which is not as important as he is. This is the case of Abdullah bin Omar for the alojado. That this Allah is

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telling him the Messenger of Allah Islam, these leaders of kadesh Allah has looked inside their hearts, there is no hashish in them, they have esterna in their hearts, they have no no indication, unlike Zika they have no indicate or inclination of cleansing themselves purifying themselves, don't waste your time with them. There is a far more important thing you need to do if they had any hope this would have been a more important case. We said originally, originally in the earlier part of the session, we said if you're giving data to a non Muslim and that there's hope there

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It's a more better use of your time. But since Allah has already hooked on the inside and exposed what is inside to the messengers, there's no need to waste the time to enter an huhtala. Color. No, no, no, not at all. And color here is two things. Some consider this as

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a scolding, meaning a lie of scolding the kuffar here, no not you get lost. He doesn't have to waste time with you can, or he's telling the messenger sallallahu Sallam no no more, don't waste your time with them anymore. Don't turn away from this hobby for them, they're not worth turning to. They're not worth in Uganda. Another meaning of kaline in classical Arabic is how can no doubt about it that also is in the meaning of Canada, in the heart of Killa. damir here refers to the color of wood from the previous era that is feminine, that that reminder actually happens to be an incredibly powerful means of delivering reminder. Now look at this sentence. The reminder is an amazing reminder, that

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reminder isn't just a reminder, it's a truly amazing reminder, what this means is that decra that decra was some reminder that messenger was going to give to the Sahabi 1111 on the clock. It's still a powerful word. But a much more powerful word is from Babbitt to frame that key. This key and a powerful version in a hyperbolized version of the word key this does get off, that's the most powerful version. So ally saying that it isn't not isn't just that it's a powerful reminder, it is an incredibly powerful reminder so much so there is no reminder more powerful than it in the heart as killer dementia as acara who now notice the house feminine, referring back to the reminder, the

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clock, but in the next irbc dementia zacchara who then whoever wants he may make mentioned he may take some remembrance from it. That who is masculine, it's not high anymore. It is who that's referring to the entire Quran. There's a reference to that reminder. First, it's a powerful reminder that Allah alludes to it and calls it the entire Quran connecting the two things together, telling us teaching us two things in between the lines that the Quran is the most powerful means of delivering a reminder, we find this fuse together and another iron on well that can be any when you have worried remind with the Quran, the one who fears my promise. Right so this is this, the two

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things have been put together. The most powerful reminder is the Quran Kela in the heart of Kira from insha Allah cara, whoever wants they can make mention of it. You don't have to worry about who wants who doesn't want you deliver the message. You just warn them and they will they will be responsible whether they wanted to take it or not. inshallah tada one more idea and we take a break for the Salah, fi circle theme macaron. This reminder is in software, so literally means scriptures. Lots of words are related to the word suppose it comes from sahifa, which is literally something spread out like paper that you're supposed to write on in ancient languages also use for scrolls. So

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Allah speaks of the Quran in its original lockland mfu. Right, it's there. It's something so high, and these people are so low, so if they're not accepting it, you shouldn't be desperate to give it to them. This is far too high for them to show arrogance to the sorrowful mukaiyama it is from the most noble most honored of the scrolls. So this is not something pathetic that you're you're desperate for them to accept it's upon Allah. So Allah shows the the exhaust the status of the ayat of the Quran, of the Quran itself of the Dawa of Islam, far above showing desperation to the arrogant Kufa that we beg or we plead to them, that they should take the system, that that attitude

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of Villa, that attitude of powerlessness, when you give Dawa that should only be exactly towards the Muslims and the Latin Allah and meaning. Right Allah says they're powerless when they when they're dealing with who? The believers but we don't have Villa when we deal with the caffeine. We don't have that we don't show our powerlessness in our in our dharma. It has integrity, it stands for itself. We'll take a break here so practical llamo behenic Allah Allah Allah anta, Mr Furukawa to Willig.

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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