Muhammad Salah – Gardens Of The Pious #079 Jul 26th 2014

Muhammad Salah
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of following guidance and guidance in achieving success in life. They emphasize the need for guidance and offer advice on how to achieve success, including following the right path and avoiding the danger of mistakes. They also mention the use of words like confidence and confidence in the process of achieving success.
AI: Transcript ©
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As the greatest the moment only glory to Him, He only has to be the best and give his best religion to Allah Our God is the Greatest. The one and only Glory to him on any illness to be the best and give his best religion to a Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa ala Kibito lil McLoughlin what are we doing in Allah volume in or salat wa salam ala se You will only know rain and a beginner Mohammed. While early he was here as you may know about the viewers everywhere. Welcome to a new episode in the series of Guardians of the pious by the Grace of Allah. That is a 93rd episode in the series. And today in sha Allah will continue to

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explain in the 16th Chapter of real solid Hain and that is the sixth session in this chapter by the Grace of Allah. The chapter which is known as observing the Sunnah and its ethics. And today inshallah we'll begin with the following Hadith Hadith number 160.

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On Evia, Abdullah a nominative never Sheeran or of the Allahu Anhu Omar Khan, semiotic rasool Allah He is Allah Allahu alayhi wa salam ala Kol let us have one so who for whom? I will let you Holly Fern Allah Allahu Bucha in our drew HECM motif Hakuna La

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La my Muslim has another narration, which says, cannot Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are you so we saw hoof Anna? Hotter Can you say well, we help Ada had either an kadakkal on who? So Maharajji omen for karma had to record a new cat Biro for Roger Olin Birdie and sobro for call a bird Allah. That was a woman also for Falco, la Holly fan Allah who very know Drew Hickam,

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a great companion and normally if you were Shira, may Allah be pleased with him and his father narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, straighten your lines during the prayer, or Allah would create dissension amongst you or discord.

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This narration is collected by both al Bukhari or Muslim while Imam Muslim has extra explanation why the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam shifted from mere encouraging and exhorting the believers to straighten the lines into threatening those who would not say it in the lines. He said, once the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam used to straighten our rows in the prayer, as if he was threatening arrows with with the help or straighten an arrow with their help, until he saw that we had learned from him. So we comprehended the message. And one day he came out, he stood up for the prayer. And while he was about to begin the prayer by saying Allahu Akbar, there he saw a man whose chest was

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bulging out from the roar. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, are servants of Allah, you must say it in euros, or Allah would create discord amongst you, that is a collection of lmm. Mostly, may Allah have mercy on him.

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Some very important vocabulary I would like to tackle with you in order to comprehend not just the general meaning of the Hadith, but also the examples which will give it in the Hadith, the word Qaeda plural of cada which is a sum

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or the arrow.

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam use straight in use to say it in the rows as if he was lining them up against an arrow or lining up errors.

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And the words are piling on who means we understood from him, we comprehended his message like we got it.

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The story of the man whose chest was motorcar, the man and your Safi means bulging out, like you know how many of us sometimes we have, you know, a stomach and the person if he steps forward a few inches.

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It will be very odd. It will seem like he is off track ahead of the line. So

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through the prophets, Allah Allah Allah Salam had to address the companions with the message, which is explained in the collection of Imam Muslim. What do you understand from this hadith, Salah to Gemma, we repeatedly mentioned that it is superior to attending the same prayer by yourself at home or in your shop when t seven times greater as far as a word and it is the duty of the Imam to make sure that the mousseline the full words would line up, because this is the command of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam according to the vast majority of the fuqaha This is a sunnah lining up straighten the lines and the rose is a sunnah. But some scholars comprehended from the previous Hadith in its

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two different dialects that lining up in the prayer is Awaji. Because as sunnah, if you do it, you will be rewarded for it. And if you skip it, you will miss a word but you will not be punished you will not encounter any punishment. While in the Hadith the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam threatened those who would not say it in the rules or would cause the road to be crooked or not lined up, he said let us have one webinar Sophie come

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or let us have one now. So for Falcom you either say it in your lines or people or Allah will cause this dissension or discord amongst you will cause differences. We know that it is Allah subhanaw taala said we're LF ever in Apollo be him. Lo and falcoda Murphy of the Jamia left the bay Nakuru beam wala kin Allah el lefur. By now, a lot of mighty co confers His favor upon the Muslim ummah, particularly the first generation that he and I did their hearts.

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They had discord. They had plenty of differences. And it was not mere verbal differences. No, they fought against each other, and they fought for decades. And they killed hundreds and hundreds of people from each side. Whether they're the owners of the same cities, such as in the case of outsole Hazaragi in Medina, or the city and other cities. So in either case, Allah subhanaw taala reminded the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and reminded the believers with his favor which he conferred upon us by uniting the hearts of the believers, even though they had all the means of disunity, but Allah is the One who united the hearts and not only the house of the Arab, among themselves, the Arab and non

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Arab. So you have Sandman person, so hi Byzantine Roman Bilal ever seen in sleep, and they are the Qureshi, the honorable, the noble and the average person, the all melted like one body in a melting pot. That was by all by the lives of Allah subhanaw taala by his blessings. One of the means of uniting the OMA is when we line up in the prayer, we become all the same, like one body. When we lion up, we seem like we are in the military. We move together we follow the Imam we make the move once we hear the commander of the Imam whether he says tech Virata haram, or the tech via for Rocco rising up from bound down or the procession we follow the Imam and NWO Salalah Alia Salam won't.

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Whosoever will go before the Imam Allah is about to turn his head into the head of a donkey. Because some people did not comprehend the meaning of an imam. He said in a Nigerian Imam, Lille, 10. Nabil

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Allah Allah appointed an imam to lead the prayer in order to be followed. So if the Imam makes a call or follow him if he makes a joke, follow him not before that. And when he makes that clear and rises up from frustration, follow him not before that. And it is also the duty of the Imam to make sure that the rules are straightened. After the karma, no one is allowed to talk, but the Imam has the right in order to straighten the lines to say what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to say such as istil Straighten your lines, straighten your rows. So also for Falcone, straighten your lines do not leave gaps because Satan will stand in between you in this narrow gap. There are

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some people who believe themselves funny and they say well I don't see Satan there. I know that you don't see Satan there. But this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, do you see Satan when he eats with you when you don't say Bismillah? Do you see Satan and his calm?

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penne when you enter your house and you don't say Bismillah or in the name of Allah and they enter and they live with you and they eat with you and they end up divorcing your wife, or causing a chaos at home because Satan and his horse walked in along with you. Do you see actually Satan when you experience a nightmare or bad dreams or you keep flipping over on your bed, you can sleep because you did not see the car. He did not say the name of Allah. He did not recite. kursi Do you?

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You may know Neville hype. That is the most important quality of the believers we believe in the unseen. We don't have to demand from Allah subhanaw taala to prove every statement that he makes are from Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, like the Jews, when they say to Musa Ali Salam called where in Allah hija Hara said, Well, you said that you spoke to Allah said yes. He said, Show us Allah, we want to see him physically. And they insisted we're not going to believe to you, or in you.

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And why do you until you make Allah subhanaw taala appear before us and we see him physically. And you know what happened to them when Allah subhanaw taala caused them to die? Did he brought them back to life to be assigned to people.

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So brothers and sisters, they are in this hadith. People who take it personal when somebody asked them to close the gaps to fill in the gaps and to make sure they're next to shoulder and for next for this and now I don't like it. I don't like anyone to keep his body next to my body but this is Salah to Gemma. This is how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to line up the mousseline in rows. And subhanAllah you turn right and you walk between the lines and you turn left and walk between the rows and make sure that people are straighten up. Then he would begin the prayer one day when the Prophet sallallahu sallam said is that will sell will so forth back home for in NetSuite or Sophie

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Montagnana Salah which means say it in your lines, because slating in the lines oh the rose is off the perfection of the prayer.

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It's a sign of perfect in your prayer. It is one of the means of making your namaz your prayer perfect. Then while he was elated to say Allahu Akbar,

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he saw somebody's chest was projected, or ahead of the line. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam stepped back. It's like a mnemonic device. She said, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam used awfully to teach us how to set it in the Rose hat. Nah, man, until he makes sure that we comprehended his message. That's it. He said sittin in the rows is of the perfection of the prayer. But still somebody didn't get it. He was either negligent or he did not pay attention. Daydreaming Allah knows.

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So his chest was projecting of the row. So in the view of Salah Salem returned back after he was ready to make that Bureau, haram. And now he utilized another tool which is at death's ear, and worried the warning.

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He began by the exaltation by the promises, how to perfect your prayer, and so on. And he came to warn those who will continue

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to cause a row not to be Satan.

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He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you either Satan euros or Allah will cause dissension and discord between your hearts

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Subhanallah so this is something very significant and important. Well, this hadith perhaps should be in the chapter of Salah to Gemma, right? How to attend the prayer in congregation but Al Imam nawawi May Allah admission him listed this hadith in the chapter of observing the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the commands of observing the Sunnah and its ethics. Why? Because in this hadith interview Salam, Salam won't, those who will not follow the tradition of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam

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and take it lightly, that the punishment is very severe. If you do not say it in euros, Allah will cause the score between your hearts would let you deal with each other as used to deal before Allah provided you the means of unity so you should act upon them. This is a very beautiful Hadith

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in which an abuse Allah Allah Allah Salam teaches us, how should you attend the prayer and the duty of the Imam of chicken out the rows making sure at least the first couple rows are stated and if he finds a gap to the right or to the left, and never use Allah Allah Allah selama said man was salah, soften wa Salah hula, whoever connects are all Allah will connect him will connect him to him. There are some times maybe a few inches and somebody is reluctant to step forward. But perhaps there will be a young man as the person who can fit in there. So the Imam has authority to say come forward please fill in the gap. Man masala soften was hola hola. And say it in the shoulders and the feet.

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So that when we attend the prayer, we really really feel that we are standing before Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the following hadith is Hadith number 161 161

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on every morsel Ashari Robley Allahu Anhu call Tara Kobe to Bill Medina to Holla Holla him in LA.

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Philomena hood DISA Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abhishek near him all in the herdy. Now, I don't want lecom For either name term for altfi Oh, her uncle, whatever canali the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told about a house in an Medina, which was burned with its occupants at night.

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When this was reported to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He said, And now fire is your enemy. So put it out before you go to sleep before you go to bed, put the fire out. As you know the brothers and sisters in the past they didn't have electricity, rather they had oil

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they have the light which will be from fire not from electricity, the oil lamps, the gas lamps, and so on,

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which is basically fire. So in the video SallAllahu Sallam taught us

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to take our precaution to protect ourselves. Prevention is better than cure. And he ordered that in many occasions, he ordered that when you go to sleep, make sure that you cover all your utensils. If you have any food Do not leave it uncovered. You got to put anything on top of it. So that Alfawise aka the mouse and insects would not go and eat our food did they didn't have fridges and likewise today sometimes we leave the fruits outside we leave the sweet we know cover that up as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said and he said put out the light. Why?

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Because it happened once in an incident that the

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picked up the mouse picked up

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some fire and bought it into the carpet or the rug before the Prophet sallallahu wasallam it and it burned the spot of a Durham or a dinar. So the prophets Allah Allah Allah Salah mercy, this is what happened when you leave the fire on.

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Satan utilizes this voice aka the rat, the mouse to move the fire or the light in order to kindle fire and burn the house. So make sure that before you go to bed that you pull it out.

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This is very interesting. Especially when you know that Allah subhanaw taala spoke about fire in the Quran repeatedly not only as a means of punishment, but if you remember in Surah Al workarea Allah subhanho wa Taala said fra to moon now Leti to

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share to shed water

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NAT muda

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Kyoto Mata muku we

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have you not seen the firewall CI Kindle

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Fire is also a blessing from Allah subhanaw taala.

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If you use it properly, you benefit out of it. If you misuse it, it becomes an enemy to you

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Allah says about the fire which we enjoy in cooking in starting fire in in camps while we will travel while will travel and also in order to warm the places the fireplace and so on. Is it alright to manana let it run and to man chatroom. shedule rotta did you go it's three? Did you re grow the word

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industries or it is us, we cause it to grow. National Jana hurt has gotten one meta allele Moquin. So far has two benefits accordingly. In this area as Kara it's a reminder,

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a reminder of what reminder of the fire which will be in the hereafter to the non believers to the wicked, and the sinners and those who did not repent. And then we'll Salalah Anya selama said, This fire is a part of 60 or 70 parts of the fire of *, all the fire that exists in the dunya, including the volcanoes.

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And the fire which sauce

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in a forest for instance, and it lasts for months. All the fire of the dunya is like one part out of 60 parts of the fire of the hereafter.

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Because of that we have seen some of our predecessors. If Satan whispers to any to commit a sin to do a Marcia, he will bring his finger close to fire for instance, the fire of the lamp, the oil lamp

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and tell himself can you bear this flame? Can you bear the fire? No, you can't eat rice. Well, if this is the case, then you better be careful and avoid the fire which is everlasting. The fire which is 60 times greater than the fire of the whole dunya the fire of *. So it's a mean of reminding ourselves as Allah subhanaw taala say Jana does garat and will Mathurin as a mean of cooking and warming and so on. Lena McQueen for the Wayfarers and the travelers, and we're all travelers, even if a resident because we are traveling in this dunya to the hereafter insha Allah azza wa jal one thing happened with me. Two days ago, as I was going home, this guy was roasting corn.

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He had his

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burning corn.

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And he was roasting cold corn. So while I was buying, he said, Pray for me. I'm a big time sinner. I said, You want me to pray for you with what it said that I want to repent. I said and why don't you repent? He said I want to pray. He said I'm Al Azhar graduate, but I don't pray and I don't do this and I do bad things. I said, What is preventing you from repenting, you see, Allah is providing you we just prayed and we came out of the machine you know right across from your cart while you silicone Allah sent the provision to you. Why don't you pray? Why didn't you repent? It's I don't know. I said when I rolled my hand close to the fireplace, where he was awesome corner said oh my

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god, it's very hot. He said yes. I said imagine this is nothing compared to the fire of *.

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That is the meaning of national Jana Tez keratin reminder.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us steadfast on the straight path and inspire us to repent unto him before it's too late. We'll take a short break and we'll be back in sha Allah in a few minutes stay tuned

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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh and welcome back with regards to the previous Hadith which we discussed before the break the prophetic command to put out the fire before going to bed before going to sleep, lest it may start a fire and burn the place that happens a lot. And nowadays we have other means which could do the same, not just fire. So if we have stoves if we have cooking places that we have to make sure that when we go to sleep, they are off. Some people say we have a security system we have fire extinguishers, will prevention is better than cure. Add to that. The gas, the gas which we have it at home, the gas by

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The tubes, the natural gas in the pipes. Make sure that you turn it off, especially if you're traveling as well.

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Do not expose yourself to any risk. Do not expose yourself to any harm, because Allah subhanaw taala said, Well, I told Kobe idea come Elita Luca. So when you study the etiquettes, and the ethics of the sooner you will find all of them for all for our own advantage, not only the advantage of Muslims, but for the advantage of humanity, every person may benefit out of that, if they intended and they were willing to comply with the teachings of the Sunnah, teachings of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, similarly, you are Iran in some clothes, and you finished make sure to unplug it. Electricity is very dangerous as well.

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I have seen some plugs that they cover the switch places with in some Western countries, it's a smart idea. Why don't you do the same? Many kids were electrocuted because of being careless. You know, they have the switches on the lower part of the wall. And the kids like to pay like to explore things. So if they plug in a nail for innocence or any metal, they get electrocuted. It could be very harmful, and it could cause this. So why don't we avoid everything which could lead to harm as a Prophet sallallahu Ania cinema said Nahalat Komodo, Allah said it's an AMA, but it could be an Akuma. It's a blessing, we utilize it to

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turn the light in our houses

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to spread light and eliminate the places even at night. But meanwhile, it is very dangerous, if you leave it unattended and without the proper care. So that is the instruction of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam which could be applied to anything similar to by analogy. Similarly, when we go to the gas station to fuel our vehicles, many people are very careless in in the West. In the States, for instance, the law is very firm in this regard, because you're not going to only kill yourself which is big time haram, you can cause a disaster because you've been careless. Now we're not talking about smoking as haram or Halal because we have killed this matter before discussion, or

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talking about those who still smoke and they're so careless, they may smoke even in their vehicles at the gas station, that's not permissible using the cell phone while bombing the gas into the car is not allowed, because it is proven that this is very risky, very hazards, so it should be avoided. Whether it is the guy who is fueling the car, or if it is self service and you're doing it yourself, because it can cause a disaster may Allah subhanaw taala guide us to what is best. The following hadith is Hadith number 162.

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In this hadith, the great companion Abu Musa Ashari are all the Allahu on

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the rated the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Mercer Mercer sunny LA Hui Min al Huda? Wilhelmi

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camellia la Ethan Asaba Arban for Karen at minhang Auto if a tune for Yeva

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copywriting firm betta till Keller I will rush Belkis here What can I mean?

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I'm Sokka tilma Vanessa Allahu be a nurse if a sherry boo minha was a call was our

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what I saw no thought if at a minha okra in Nana here peon la tomb SQL man and Wella to be to Keller

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for the Anika, method woman Felco heavy Dean in Lehi whenever I will be sending love will be found email will handle them.

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Well, my son will mail me Alpha visa and son while Amir Cobell who the law he led the or seal to be more DEF CON LA.

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have almost a luxury may Allah be pleased with him and now he narrated this hadith and the previous one so we need to remind each other with this great companion Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with them. He said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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the power level of guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent me is like abundant rain falling on Earth.

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part of which was fertile soil that absorbed the rainwater and brought forth visitations and grass in abundance.

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And another portion of it was hard and heal the rainwater. And Allah benefitted the people with it. And they utilize it for drinking, making their animals drink, and from it

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they use it also for irrigation, irrigating the land for cultivation.

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And a portion of it was sandy land, which could neither hold the water nor bring forth visitations. Then the prophets Allah Allah Allah Salah mentioned the link the relationship between his knowledge and guidance. And these three examples you say the first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah's religion and gets benefit from this knowledge which Allah has revealed through me. And the last example is that of a person who does not care for it, and does not take does not take Allah's guidance, which is revealed through me. So he is like the barren land the hadith is collected while Buhari were Muslim. Let's look into these few vocabulary before we acknowledge and

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to explain in the Hadith, the word of advice

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for mouth, which is the help especially when people are desperately in need, and that is the greatest help where people need it on regular basis, daily basis every hour, water, which comes from the rain, so Allah calls it Elroy, Allah called it allies because he caused it to save people's lives.

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Advice is rain. el calor refers to fresh and dry plants. So it is the grass for cattle and plants and visitations for humans.

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And there is a rush. The word LaRoche refers to the dry plants and the slow

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the word tea

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in the example that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave is the sandy land does not withhold any water, no matter how much rain falls on it. It just goes in vain.

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Falco her means he became the key. He comprehended his religion. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam has said in the Hadith, which is collected by enamel, Bihari, and narrated by Maya may Allah be pleased with him, may you read the level the Hiren Ufa who feed Dean if Allah wishes to do good to somebody he will make him comprehend his the understand his D and that's why we have what is known as Al mole fuck the science of fuck comprehending the deen what is halal and what is haram? What is digital and what is not? Where do you follow the Sunnah etcetera school

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and the word edge Edie

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is referring to an herbal jet bear plural of

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jet ba which means the hard land

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edge is hard adapted. The heart land solid does not absorb anywhere. Well, just look into this hadith and learn plenty of lessons number one, which chapter is it?

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The chapter is referring to the importance of observing the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and its ethics.

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For the vast majority of the prophetic etiquettes we know the reason and the wisdom behind it and for some, we don't know.

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But since it is from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and it is confirmed, to be his sunnah, then it must be followed circly

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Mo Mo Salah Cherie, the narrator of this hadith and the previous hadith is the great fucky scholar of folk who comprehended his Deen more correct, a great recite of the Quran and half of whom the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam I once said to him, I enjoyed your citation the other night.

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And also the angels descended to listen to the recitation of Abu Musa lashari. So he was a fucky, a scholar who knows the halal and haram and that's why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam deployed him along with more RDP Jamal to Yemen. He needed people to teach people their religion and who would be better than was amount of knowledge and Abu Musa Shari.

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A great hockey and a great reciting of the Quran. And not only that, and a great ibid so where mancha when he was a devout worshiper to Allah subhanho wa taala. Because of that, and who SallAllahu Sallam once made live for him and the DUA is reported in. So here for failure mode Buhari, he said Salallahu Alaihe Salam Allahu Melfi Abdullah hypnotise. Oh ALLAH forgive Abdullah I have no place which is the cornea of

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Abu Musa Ashari may the name of Abu Musa luxury may Allah be pleased with him. Allah Melfi Abdullah obnoxious. Then he said Salalah Salam wa krill whom would hurlan Karim and yell Malkia. And on the Day of Judgment, admit him into a noble entry into agenda, Allah Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and may Allah be pleased with Abu Musa lashari, Radi Allahu Allah and all the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and their followers and those who follow their footsteps and their guidance me. So I will Musa Shari, combine the faith

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and the citation and the health of the Quran, and the worship with sincere devotion. He learned from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave us once an example of people who either benefit or not, from the knowledge from the guidance, which Allah subhanaw taala revealed and bestowed upon His Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And that led us into three cases and three examples. Before we learn the three examples, I would like to point to the advantage of learning the religious knowledge and the virtues of seeking the religious knowledge and how Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the in the Quran. For instance, in Surah Zoomer in a number nine, Allah subhanaw taala presented this ethical question its answers already known, but he is bringing to our attention. The fact that the knowledgeable one in the Dean are superior, especially those who learn and act upon their knowledge. And the best will be those who learn act upon the knowledge and then pass it on to others.

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Who will help us that will let me in i Allah Moon

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Moon in Nana, cow all

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say our though, are the equal or the even those who know and those who do not? And the answer is obviously not. Those who know are superior how superior surah Fatah and number 28 Allah subhanaw taala says in Nana Yaksha Allah Herman Avery Hill rollin.

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So this knowledge benefited the knowledgeable one, it led them to feel Allah more than anybody else, to feel him to love him to comply with his orders, to comply with the guidance of His Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So their knowledge benefited them in Ghana, exclusively, only Yaksha Allah mean a burden, those who truly fear Allah, or L ruler, the knowledgeable ones. And furthermore, interview Salallahu Alaihe Salam has said, the superiority of eliaquim over the worshiper, we have plenty of worshipers but without knowledge.

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But the superiority of the knowledgeable one over the one whose mere worshiper is similar to the superiority of the moon on a full moon night, over the rest of the stars. Whenever it is the night of the 14th Nobody cares about the stars, everybody is looking at the moon beautiful, very bright.

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So this is the superiority of Alon over Eliab it and there are many a hadith in this regard which insha Allah will get to study on its time in the chapter of secret knowledge and its virtues. But now the Hadith which we have and the three examples that an abuse Allah Allah Salama gave, I like to present this slide, which will make it very clear to us and will help us to understand what the Prophet salaallah Salah meant by providing us with the three examples. These are three pictures in one

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to the far right of the screen, greenery, beautiful Masha Allah

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and the cloud and the rain is the same in the three images. So as I said there are three images in one

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the right section. When the rain falls on a fertile soil, it produces fruits, vegetation,

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And the greener

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What about the middle one?

00:40:05 --> 00:40:07

The middle one is solid

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and was able to withhold the water. So we use the water to irrigate other fertile soil

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to drink out of it and to give water to our cattle. So it has a benefit as well. What about the third one? To the far left, this is a barren land, a sandy land, that it does not withhold any water, nor does it absorb it to benefit out of it rather the water gets absorbed and disappears.

00:40:44 --> 00:41:26

That is a bear that's a desert, barren land. So Salalah honey selama says that people in accordance to this classification with regards to benefiting from El Huda alHuda is the guidance which will lead you to the final destination in the shortest cut. What is our final destination? What is our ultimate goal and Jen? So Al Hoda is that guidance which will take you to Jana in the shortest Scott who brought the hood and a view Salalah. Salah, brought it along with ln ln min nerfed the religious knowledge and the guidance. So some people took this knowledge from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they learn it

00:41:27 --> 00:41:35

and they benefited out of it. So they acted upon it, and they furthermore pass it on to others

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to benefit others when there is a slide which was on the far right side of the screen. The fertile soil, it absorbed the rain water. And since its fertile, it produced foods and visitations so that people ate Arafat, animals, birds and so on, beneficial in every condition.

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In the Hadith, which is collected by Buhari and narrated by Horace Mann did not offend may Allah be pleased with him, and Emile Salalah and Selma said, Hi, Rocco mentale, lemon Khurana Halima, that is the best of the best, the one who learns the Quran and the relating sciences, then teach it to others. May Allah make us from amongst them,

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you learn, you benefit yourself and you benefit others. Then the second slide or in the middle, the solid

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ADAD which does not absorb the water, it's lucky. But the water gets accumulated in one area where we can use it in order to irrigate fields give water to our care, Kathy we drink ourselves, Okay, not bad. That is an example of somebody who learned who benefited from the knowledge of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam memorize and get a degree and then he teaches it to others, unfortunately, he does not apply.

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So he learned the useful knowledge he got the rain, but he withheld it to be given to others.

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And the third, which is a worst case scenario, is a person who neither learn no benefit it no pass on anything to others, because how could you shine a light on helium? He doesn't have to give How could he give if he does not have and it is a sign which precedes okay and so the Day of Judgment that Allah subhanaw taala will take the souls of all the scholars and her father of the Quran hatherleigh Illa rules and your Hala there will be only

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what total heads ignorant ones, and people would inquire about things and they need an answer. So they will ask an ignorant people and those ignorant people for you've tuned a nursery rearrangement file the lunar, so they will give fatwah without knowledge and accordingly, they will go astray and furthermore, would lead people astray. May Allah protect us again is this time and again is this calamity and again is this condition. May Allah subhanaw taala inspire us to learn the useful knowledge and be of the best of the best. A whole Holyhead our stuff for Allah He walakum wa salam ala ala Sayidina Muhammad in WA early he was on your Salam. And until next time, I leave you in the

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care of Allah, wa Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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allah God is the greatest

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glory to Him. He bought me Good Omens must to be the best. Give his best religion to Allah Our God is the Greatest. The one and only glory

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00:45:02 --> 00:45:19

used to be the best and give his best religion to them so why did they know that forgiving all about and in paradise? We're shipping cows fire and stones sending their best with the cheapest

00:45:21 --> 00:45:32

day known that forgiving go about * bad or dies. We're shipping cars fire and stores selling their best and cheapest

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