Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail Muhammadiyah 03A

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The importance of shaping one's behavior and bringing out the right kind of hair is emphasized in religion, with the use of "ash" and "verbal" terminology and the use of "portachised" to indicate the right person. The importance of privacy and communication in religion is emphasized, along with the use of "portachised" to indicate the right person. The transcript is not a conversation or exchange between speakers, and it is a dialogue between two speakers discussing a story and a situation. The first speaker describes a situation where a woman named Connie talks about her sister and how she had to fight a difficult time in her life, while the second speaker describes the difficulties of working from home and the impact on her health and retirement.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and data. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Sierra intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam, go to Sierra intensive.com to register and for more information

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like he will handle lava flow salatu salam ala rasulillah Thank you Allah Allah He was here as mehreen shala. Continuing with our study of the Shema in mohammedia, the prophetic personality we'll be starting with the third chapter. Babu ma Jaffe, Shadi Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the chapter about the hair of the messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Before we get started, just two things, obviously, we've read a lot of mention about his hair. So this chapter won't so much be talking about what his hair exactly was like in terms of looks, but how long the profits a lot. He said, I'm typically used to have his hair. So this chapter will be focusing on that, but because we've talked about a lot of it before already, we'll be able to go through this fairly quickly. inshallah. The second point I wanted to make, which will seem like a minor point, but it's what will clarify something to you in the text for the student in the text, so that the student doesn't assume that it's a typo, but rather it's a part of the Arabic language

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itself. The word for hair in the Arabic language is shot. All right, but field of attack, there are two ways that the Arabs would say that word shot, they would either say it'd be so cool near the end, ob fetes hilarious sometimes they would say shout out on with a photo on the line. And sometimes they would say it with a spoon shout out one with a spoon on the end. So if you sometimes see it with a spoon and sometimes with a Fatah, you can understand that it's not a typo, but the Arabs would say it in both ways.

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So we'll go ahead and start with the first Hadith in sha Allah.

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Your mama Timothy says head death now do you have no herget in color of Parana izmailovo Ibrahim and her maiden Anna 70 Malik in are the Allahu taala on who Paul kana Shah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, ala neisseria aldona he and asupra Malik radi Allahu taala anhu relates that the hair of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was till the middle of his ears

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had eaten number two. Carla had Donna Hannah Dooku Sadie palace Marana. abderrahman IGNOU Abby Abby Sinead. unenchanted northwater be here on eyeshadow radi Allahu taala on her. Let's come to after Cebu Anna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mean in as in wa heydon What can Allah who shot our own focal Giamatti? We're doing Alba frati

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the mother of the believers, our shadow, the Allahu taala, and her relates that my I the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I used to bathe from the same container. And he had hair that was above his shoulders, but below his ear lobes, so it was still the middle of the neck.

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Now I wanted to mention a couple of things here, there are three terms that you will or I should rather maybe say four vocabulary terms that you should be familiar with, when talking about the length of the hair of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The first vocabulary that you see or you'll come across is the word Shama. Shama refers to the ear lobe. So when it says shakima to do name, those are the ear lobes, or this will Udo name is the middle of the ear. The second vocabulary term is wah wah for is when hair comes to the ear lobe. The second vocabulary term is Joomla. Joomla refers to when the hair actually touches the shoulder. And then the third vocabulary term, which is

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limma. It refers to when the hair is between the ear and the shoulder basically, on the neck. That refers that is referred to as the Lima so that's the first issue just these are the vocabulary terms you'll come across. So when the Allahu taala says that the hair of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam was below l wafra. That means it fell a little bit lower than his ear lobes. But then she says focal Juma. However it was above his shoulder so it was still his neck, that it fell somewhere in the middle of his neck. The second thing, obviously here

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That is mentioned that somebody might notice is that I shadowed the Allahu taala, saying that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in her, they would bathe from the same container. Now,

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this can be understood in a number of ways, the Maha detune. The scholars, they interpret this in a number of different ways. Number one, it could be referring to the fact that there was one container of water and both the Messenger of Allah Allah the sentiment, I both used to be able to bathe from the water that was in that container, meaning this is referring to the quantity of water that they used to use. And I spoke about this I believe it was yesterday that the Prophet of Allah Allah the sentiment used to make will do with about a cup of water, and the profits a lot of them would take an entire listen with with the amounts of water that would basically be about four to five cups of

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water. all put together the profits, a lot of them would be able to take a husband from them. All right, so it was a very efficient use of water. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talked about sarafan filma right, it's rough. And the the prophets a lot of them was questioned by one of his companions, a filmmaker he set off from El rasulillah.

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A filmmaking setup from yellow salad that you can be excessive with water is soft usually means excessiveness, when you spend too much money on something, right when you can buy a pair of shoes for 2030 $40. And yet you go and buy a $400 pair of shoes that's called this trough. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was asked, Can someone practice that same level of extravagance or excessiveness, in the usage of water? He said, Now I'm waffling. He said often that you can be excessive in your usage of water. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a hadith he says, Don't waste water, even if you are sitting at a running stream. Now obviously, if you're using water at a

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running stream and keeps on running, and unless you know you're dumping the water out, it might fall it back into the stream, which naturally and it's running to unnaturally purifies it. But nevertheless, the profits a lot of them is using that that's Bulava. Right, that's emphasis and eloquence, that the prophets Allah is me saying even at a running stream, just don't build the habit of wasting water or being excessive with water. So that's something else that the prophets a lot he said I'm alludes to. So when I shadowed the Allahu taala, and he says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I would both bave from the same container, it could be referring to

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the quantity of water that was used, we would go fill up one bucket of water and both of us were able to use it in order to take a bath or a shower.

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At the same time, then we'll have the throne also explained that the verbiage that I shout out the Allahu Allah Allah is saying, In the Arabic language, when you use the verb in this manner, when you say, going to act as he knew, I know what Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam that when you structure a verb in this manner, that you say you you attribute an action to yourself, and then you bring the pronoun for the first person outside of the verb, and then you attach another Dewar write another dollar to the verb. On top of that, that type of structure usually means that the action was taking place at the same time. I'm sorry, it's a little bit of an issue of grammar. So it might get

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a little complicated. But basically, when you say that I used to base I am the messenger.

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So in the Arabic language, if you were to literally translate it, that's how we translate I used to bathe, I am the messenger. So when you bring it out, and you structure it that way in Arabic grammar, it communicates to meaning that two individuals were doing that particular verb that action at the same exact time. And so what the narration is stating in that particular case, is that is Shara the Allahu taala. On her the mother of the believers, she's saying that the prophets, a lot of these among her would take a bath at the same time.

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Now, there's two issues here, obviously, we want to be appropriate. It's a family environment. And number two, we are speaking about the messengers, a lot of use of them. And we are speaking about our mother eyeshadow, the Allahu taala and her so there's no room for any type of inappropriate talk or the usage of any type of you know, lingo or a slang language that would try to explain exactly what they were doing, but as appropriately as possible. What are you shouting Allahu Allah, Allah is communicating to us. What she is teaching us is the intimacy that a husband and wife are to enjoy with one another.

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That the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, as he was the best of all mankind, in terms of character, in terms of knowledge in terms of worship, in terms of obedience to Allah, in terms of his leadership, in terms of his nobility and dignity and modesty and truthfulness.

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honesty and so on and so forth. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was also the best of all of mankind, when it came to handling each and every single relationship appropriately. So the prophets Allah, who was extremely respectful of his elders, and the profits, a lot of them was extremely kind and merciful, and gracious with the people who were younger than him. And he was extremely merciful, kind, forgiving and compassionate with his children. And similarly, the prophets a lot, he said, was very intimate, very loving and very romantic with his spouse. And he is a role model for us in that regard as well. And so the only reason you can tell why our mother Isha is

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sharing this with us, you know, I was talking about this with someone else recently.

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Normally, when you read the Koran, and when Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about things like intimacy between the spouses, Allah subhanaw taala, uses language that is not very expressive, in order to teach us a sense of modesty and dignity, and privacy. The Messenger of Allah, Allah, he said, when he speaks about matters of intimacy, he would similarly use

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words that were representative of that intimacy, but not talk about it outright, again, to teach us that sense of modesty and appropriateness.

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However, the wives of the messenger, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wasallam, the mothers of the believers, they oftentimes shared very intimate details.

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And the normal ruling within the religion is that these types of intimate details should not be shared.

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They should not be shared, they should not be talked about publicly.

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But the mothers of the believers, they were the most modest women, of all, of all time, of all mankind. They were the most modest and dignified women.

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That will either be like, it's not that because they're talking about this, that they had a lack of modesty. That's, that would, that's completely untrue. But they were the most modest women. But they understood that they were in a position where they had to make sacrifices for the greater good of the community. They made sacrifices of time, they made sacrifice, they shared the profits, a lot of them with all of mankind. They made sacrifices of their own time, where the mothers of the believers who became the teachers of the community, they made sacrifices of money, they made sacrifices of opportunity, and so on and so forth. And one of the great sacrifices that they had to make was the

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fact that they would have to share some of their personal intimate lives, details of their intimate personal lives, so that we would know what is appropriate and what is not. And somebody could argue potentially, well, that should be pretty obvious to everybody, that spouses are supposed to be intimate with one another. And they can practice whatever level of intimacy you know they're comfortable with. But that's not necessarily a given. One of the narrations that we're going to read about today is that we saw that at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, some of the Jewish tribes that went a little too far in trying to practice what they thought was a religion and

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interpreted the religion inappropriately their religion and appropriately, that they had actually created standards of piety that were not from the religion itself. What are Banita into that? Oh, ha, Makka taberna Allah him mockup na aleikum. Allah subhana wa Jalla says that they invented they innovated a form of monasticism right? over conservativeness, over rigidness extreme rigidness in the practice of the religion that we did not mandate or obligate upon them. And so we saw things like when they're, and we're going to read about this, that when their women would be during their days of menstruation, that they would not even make any type of physical contact with them.

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They would not make any physical contact with them interpreting that as some form of piety

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that even in intimate relations between spouses, they started becoming very rigid and things and started restricting things that were not permissible. And as Allah subhanaw taala told the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about a particular situation, but for us, it's a very vast lesson in its limit. johari muma Allah hulak Why do you make him permissible for you what God has made open and permissible for you? One of the crimes of the nations of the past that Allah says in the Quran is you have a moon, Mr. halala.

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That they would make not just make permissible what God had forbidden that they would do impermissible things, but vice versa that

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They would also treat open and permissible things as being wrong, they will make things hard on themselves. And that is something that is not permissible. That in and of itself is impermissible. And that is a distortion of the religion. And it is, especially if two people consensually decide that they're not comfortable with something. That's their choice. Now, it's not a mandate. It's not an obligation that because of this narration, not every spouse, every couple has to practice this. If they consensually and mutually agreed that they're not comfortable with something that's their choice. But when it starts to become prevalent in the community, as a standard of religiousness or

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piety, then that becomes a distortion of the religion.

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I remember my teacher, he was explaining to us our teacher, and he was explaining something to us. Very interesting, very fascinating.

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When you're reading through the Hadith of the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you come across instances, situations where

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a person sits in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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A person sits in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the masjid. And requests permission, asks him blatantly for the permission to the allowance to go and commit fornication,

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in the masjid.

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And the profits a lot he sent him doesn't have a single wrinkle sink, single wrinkle on his forehead, the profits, a lot of him doesn't even frown at that young man.

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Other people for optimal And naturally, everybody turned towards him. You know, when everybody just turned towards somebody, that look, you're going to die now, right? Everybody turned on him? Right?

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And the profits, a lot of them said, whoo hoo, leave him leave him shoe.

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And the profits, a lot of them didn't even have a single you Don't frown didn't have the slightest bit of a frown on his face. Nothing. Very pleasant.

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It didn't faze him. It didn't bother him. Of course, not that he approved of it. He taught the young men what is right and what is wrong. But the reaction is interesting. He's not angered. He's not frustrated. He's not upset. But he educates him.

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Now compare that. Contrast that to when those three young men, they go to one of the wives of the prophets, a lot of them almost selama.

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And they asked her about the daily routine of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And she informs him he sleeps this much wakes up this time, spend time with family, etc, etc, etc.

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They felt like this is not that much. It's not that heavy. Not that they were talking about about the messengers, a lot of them they just said that we think we can very easily manage that schedule. But he is a messenger of Allah, God has forgiven him God has protected me is blessed by Allah, we would have to work a lot harder. So they took oaths. They took oaths among themselves. One of them said that I will never get married.

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Marriage, children, family distraction.

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So I'm never going to get married, just going to worship for the rest of my life. One young man, he said that I will fast every single day of my life.

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The third young man said, I will never sleep at night, I will never sleep between Asia and fudger ever.

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I'll just take a couple of naps throughout the day and I'll manage. But I'll worship all night, every night.

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When the Messenger of Allah ceylonese me heard, when he was informed that these were the oaths they have taken, the reaction of the messengers, a lot of them is fascinating.

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He was visibly angry. Remember, we read that he had that vein in the middle of his forehead and it would bulge when he was angry. The vein was bulging. His face had turned red.

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His voice was raised and stern.

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And he went to them and look how we speak to them. A man urinates in the machine and he says how he had to get massages, latos law hola de la. Like these are massages. These are the houses of God, places of worship. We don't do things like this. That's how he addresses the young man who says I'd like to go and fornicate with that woman. He says that, would you like it? If someone said that about a female member of your family? That's how we address him. What does he say to these young men who are saying we will worship and pray and fast? He says, and

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I know more than you

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were talking Bella, and I'm a lot more pious than you are.

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That's very interesting. Very fascinating. That is not the normal tone of the messenger salonica

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So our teacher asked us, how do you explain that? Here you have maaseiah you have sin,

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Xena, and the messenger Salatu. Salam is very calm, very relaxed, very level headed, very soft, very gentle in advising him. Here you have somebody or be it's going a little too extreme. But in worship a Baba

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and the prophets, a lot of them was angry

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and almost yelling

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and reprimanding them.

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Like how have you explained that?

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And so our teacher explained to us

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that in the first instance, that's a sin.

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And fundamentally deep down inside, a person realizes it's a sin maybe doesn't know. But the second that they're informed, they realize, okay, that's a sin. And they repent, and they return from it. And everybody else in the community recognizes it as a sin. Maybe they don't know. But as soon as they're informed, they say, okay, that's a sin. What those other young men were talking about, was altering was changing the very nature of the deen and the religion itself. That was distortion of the religion.

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And that is something that if it catches on, because it's under the guise of piety, right, on the surface, it looks good.

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But the trajectory that that has, is a complete corruption of the religion over the span of generations. And it oftentimes takes generations after generations to correct such a distortion within the religion.

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And that is why that's more problematic.

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And so going back to the topic here is a shout out the Allahu Allah, Allah is sharing this with us. And they shouldered the burden of sharing this information with us, they made that sacrifice, to make sure that nobody would ever create a standard within the religion that does not belong in the religion.

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That somehow being, you know, very rigid in terms of intimacy with one spouse is not piety.

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And if you interpret it as piety, you are extremely incorrect, you're committing a much greater crime than maybe just not being intimate with your spouse, you are now distorting the religion,

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which is a very serious issue.

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And so the second interpretation, as I was mentioning of this,

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is that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or I shadowed the Allahu taala as informing us that they would actually bathe together but they are spouses that is permissible between them. And in no way shape or form is is representative of any type of lewdness or shamelessness. But this is intimacy. And as a Prophet's, a lot of these on top the Sahaba intimacy with one spouse is an act of reward. It is a southern

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going outside of that relationship is where it becomes a sin.

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May Allah subhanaw taala protect us all.

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Hadees number three,

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Colorado Santa Monica, Colorado Santa bukata calahonda Santa Ana de is happening right now as Eben radi Allahu Allah, Allah who call kana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and mirboo and bury them avena monkey Bane Mancha Bane what cannot do much rebutia matcha O'Donoghue.

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babina algebra the Allahu taala anhu we've seen this type of a hadith before he says a messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was of an average build, his shoulders were wide, and the hair of the prophets a lot of them in the back would actually reach down to the bottom of his neck, but on the sides he would come up to it would curl up around his ear lobes because of the slight curliness of the hair of the prophets allottee center Hadeeth number four

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Mohammed Abu Bashar in

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Bala had that and I

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knew Jerry Benny has a min Paula had destiny be on Katara de Paula petroliana Sydney Malika Nadi Allahu taala on who gave Akana shadow Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a polynomial can be God will not be subtree can a blue shadow shadow de

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batata Allahu taala says that I asked and as you know Malik the Companion of the prophets a lot he said him How was the hair of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said it was not extremely curly. Nor was it completely straight, and the hair of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was up to his ear lobes.

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Hadid number five

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Kala Hadassah Mohammed Abu Yahya Ibn Abu Omar al McKee, calahonda Santa Sofia.

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Ariana to be Nigerian and Mujahideen. Hani vincey Binti abee taalib

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radi Allahu taala Anna Paulette, Padma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Makita Kadima, 10 Wheeler, who are over that era. So I'll translate this and then I'll explain.

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Oh honey.

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The daughter of Abu Talib, radi Allahu Jana and her. She says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Mecca once

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and he had his hair was split up into four sections.

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So now we'll explain this. First and foremost, Oh, honey, this is the cousin of the profits a lot. He said, um, and she is the sister of Ali radi Allahu taala. And who, the daughter of Abu Talib. She was a believing woman. She was the Sahaba and she says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam came to Macau once. Now somebody could have the question, wasn't he from Macau? What does that mean? He came to Morocco once. So that automatically implies that this was after the hinterland after the migration, after the hedger of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. How many times did he revisit Mecca?

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Four times. How many times do the prophets allottee seven visit Mark after the hijra? Four times you're supposed to respond How many times? Four times All right. So the prophets Allah He said them visited Mecca four times after migrating to Medina. The first instance is what we call ombre

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ombre Tada. All right. And so that was when the prophets a lot he sent him along with his companions had set out for Umrah. We're going to be going through this in the Sierra, and they were stopped for the Treaty of who they be a part of the Treaty of her day BIA was that they would return back the following year, it would be allowed to remain in Mecca for three days and be able to perform Umrah at that time.

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That was the first instance. The second occasion on which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam visited Mecca

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was the conquest of Mecca fetch from Makkah.

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So the second instance, was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam visiting the city of Mecca for the conquest of Mecca. The third instance on which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam visited the city of Mecca was not so much the fact that he came from Medina and visited a fourth time, but after fetch from Makkah, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he left to engage in the Battle of Hussein, the battle that took place after the conquest of Makkah, after the Battle of who named the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam returned back to Mecca one more time.

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And he performed Amara once more because he did not want to just return back. He was close enough to Mecca, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he wanted to go back to Mecca one more time and be able to do ombre once more. So that was the third time. And then of course, the prophets a lot. He seldom came for the head jetten VEDA, which was the farewell pilgrimage. So those were the four occasions on which the prophets a lot of them visited Makkah, I guess in a sense, you could consolidate them into three actual trips outside of Medina. But nevertheless, he actually entered back into Mecca four times, after the hits or the migration to Medina, once for Amara, after the

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Treaty of DBS, second time, the conquest of Makkah, the third time when he left for the Battle of who name and then he came back and did it all once more, and settled some more issues within Mecca. And then the fourth occasion was when he came for the farewell Hajj, the farewell pilgrimage.

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The next thing is that she describes the hair of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that it was divided into almost like four sections. What that means is that when the hair of the prophets a lot of him got very long, to the point where it was touching just the top of his shoulders, that's the hair of the profits a lot he sent him, because some of the hair of the processor was kind of curly. So what would happen was that it would curl around his ears, so then it would bunch up a little bit here on either side of his face. And then then there was hair that would hang in the back. And the profits, a lot of them would oftentimes wear a turban and determine that we're there's a specific chapter

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about the amama, the turban of the profits a lot so that actually used to hang like a piece of the turban like what you could call I guess the tail of the turban, you would hang in the back of the head of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And so because of that turban hanging back behind the head of the prophet SAW some that would sometimes also parked his hair in the middle

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into the back. So if you looked at it there was hair that was kind of bunched up over here on either side of his neck and then the hair in the back would become split because of the tail of the turban. So you could count almost four sections that His hair was divided into it by no means Does it mean that the profits a lot of these are made for braids.

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Alright, some sometimes people will see the

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inappropriate translations or not. They'll see bad translations of this particular Hadith and they'll assume that the prophets Allah is made for braids. Absolutely not. In fact, the prophets a lot of them identified the fact that braids are something that women do within their hair, and he forbade men from emulating women in these types of things. So he actually did not allow for men to braid their hair and disregard

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Hadeeth number six

00:30:53 --> 00:31:08

by the head does and has a way to be unison Bala Hadassah Abdullah even mobarak on mama on Shabbat Hill banani unece radi Allahu Allah Allahu Allah Shara Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Ghana Isla and Safi

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and asuna Malika the Allahu taala. Anu relates that the hair of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was till the middle of his ears.

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Hadith number seven of this chapter called a head death Anna. So a Dooku nasserein Kala head Athena

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one seconds. All right, there's a little bit of a typo in the text.

00:31:38 --> 00:31:59

Color Hadassah psuedo Nasir in Palau Hadassah Abdullah Abdullah Mubarak and Yunus of New Year's Eden, and azuri work on Hadassah obey the law IGNOU Abdullah even urba an evening person under Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are gonna use de Lucia who

00:32:02 --> 00:32:19

were candle machinic una una Russa one where can I learn kitabi St Lucia from Wakanda you Hippo mwah foccacia lol kitabi FEMA, Murphy BA in from a farakka Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are so

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so ignore Abbas radi Allahu taala and Omar relates and there are two chains of narration for this particular Hadith.

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Ignore a busser of the Allahu Jelani relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would leave his hair sometimes, and it's very natural state that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wouldn't like and what that means yes, the loo shadow who that doesn't mean that the prophets a lot, he said would walk around the shelves. Because the prophets a lot. He said, there's a very interesting narration I'll share with you in a bit. But one time the Prophet salallahu Salam saw a man with the shell tear, and the prophets all of a sudden said Can that mind man find a comb to comb his hair?

00:32:59 --> 00:33:32

Like almost like saying Can somebody please pass him a comb? Right so that it's not that the profitsystem would walk around the shelves, or that he wouldn't comb his hair. But what it means is that the prophets a lot, he said did not use something they would they would use at that time is they would use sometimes like things like wax, or they would use things like that to basically mold their hair into a particular shape, and then leave it in that particular shape. The Messenger of Allah, a lot of them did not used to do that. But he would let his hair fall naturally as it should.

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And then he says that the the the machine deikun the idol worshipers like the culture in Makkah, typically was that they used to park their hair in the middle, that they would park their hair in the middle. However, the iron Kitab would not so much like and so what the Michigan would do is they would use things like that wax and things like that. And they were like really harshly part their hair and applied that wax to hold it. And the profits a lot ease and Adam Kitab did not used to do that. But they used to kind of maintain more of like a natural flow to their hair. And the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to typically prefer the profits a lot isn't preferred,

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doing things more in similarity to the job than the machine akun

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in matters where there was not a specific ruling, so unless and until the profits if the Profit System was given a particular instruction by a law was given a ruling by a law, then that's what he would do. But in matters that were left open, like cultural issues. In the early days, early on, if there was a cultural issue, and the machinery Kuhn of MCI had a particular culture and the keytab had a particular culture, the profits, a lot of them actually used to prefer the culture of the Kitab

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Then he says, later on the profits, a lot of him started parting his hair.

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So on one, in one instance, you can take this and this is how you kind of comb or maintain your hair is more of an open thing. It doesn't have any type of strict instruction in regards to it. This again is an issue where you don't create rules into religion where there are no rules in the religion. This is not an area of piety. All right, praying five times a day is piety. Reading for honest piety, being honest and trustworthy and truthfulness is piety. Being good to your family members is piety, so on so forth, having good luck, right hairstyles are not representative of piety. So that being said, on one at one level on the surface, you can take this

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to mean that the Messenger of Allah salon him, preferred a particular hairstyle at one time. And then later on, he preferred a different hairstyle. It could be as simple as that. However, we know that that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam did not just simply do things like that. He didn't just do things for the sake of doing them, because he is the messenger of God. So lolly sent him.

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Everything in his life is a form of guidance, if not specifically, as the scholars mentioned, that, even if it's not behind the he, for who I hire to be Gen Z. What that means is that if it is not guidance, specifically, in doing something specifically, it is still guidance, generally meaning there is a principle there is an underlying principle that is teaching us the underlying principle that the messengers allottee some is teaching us here is that initially when they left Makkah,

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because this was such a difficult and traumatic time, especially for the Mahajan on the Muslims of Makkah, who had left Mecca,

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that the prophets Allah resume was trying to remove any and all negative effects of idol worship from them. And also possibly to kind of allow them to reinvent themselves, and leave all that tragedy behind the torture and the oppression that the prophets a lot he said, I'm started countering a lot of the Moroccan culture and started practicing things or taking things from other cultures to kind of make them depart from the lives that they were coming from. But later on, once that effect was removed, then the profits a lot. The second part is hair, so as to demonstrate that one culture is not necessarily superior to another culture.

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I was doing that for a very specific reason. And that was to basically allow you to leave mccobb behind to leave ship behind

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to leave the negative experiences of those early years behind and to leave that ship behind. But one culture is not necessarily superior to another culture in matters that don't impact one's religion, as long as it doesn't involve violation of of a loss command, violating of a less command. All right, then in that case, it's fine. You can practice whatever culture you would like.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:42

And there are other instances where the profits along the seven would take an extra step to kind of help the Sahaba leave things that might have been negative things in their past. But then you would also make them leave things that will could be associated with them. Another example was during the time of Shin

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worshipping at the graves was another particular issue that they had

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and worshiping the dead. So the prophets, a lot of them initially when they first came to Medina, he told them, don't worry, don't visit the graveyard.

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Don't visit graveyards don't go and visit the graves. But then later on when he felt when he felt that now they were as distinct from schilke as they could possibly be. Then the profits all of a sudden said Couldn't you know hey, Tacoma and Seattle. I used to tell you not to worship graves, Allah Xu Ha. Now you can visit them freely.

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When wine alcohol hammer was first prohibited. They had a particular type of container, a cup of a particular type, what they would actually do is they would take sometimes certain fruits or vegetables that have a hard shell, they would hollow them out. They would apply like grease or wax inside of it, dry it out in the sun, and then they would use it as a container. And what it did was it would keep things a little bit cooler and would preserve their drink for longer. But they didn't only use it for that sometimes people would use it for milk or other things as well. But it was primarily in that culture. You

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Use for wine. So when wine was first prohibited, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told them, do not use those containers. Like it was haram to use those containers, even if we were going to use it for water or milk. But then after a few years, the prophets a lot of them said, Now you're allowed to use them. Now you're allowed to use them. Because now that affiliation is gone, that won't be a problem anymore. All right. So this is an example of that.

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So this is an example of that as well, where the profits allowed him is basically teaching this to us about cultural issues. The next Hades

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Hadid number eight

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Mohammed Abu Bashar Kala Hadassah Abdul Rahman is nobody on Ibrahim Nasir and in McKee on a big one on Mujahid anime Hani but the Allahu Jana and her political interest lies a lot isn't it? Our bar in Omaha ne radi Allahu taala and her says, I saw the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he had four locks of hair. His hair was divided into four sections.

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Chapter number four

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bavuma Jaffe, Tara Julie Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the chapter about the the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam combing his hair.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:52

Had the Santa Clara had the Santa is how to be Moosa. I'm sorry, but I had the Santa Monica Louisa calahonda Santa Monica Santa Anas Anisha vivino Ottawa, and a big Chateau de Allahu taala and haka. Let's go into Raji Laura sarasu Lila, Hassan sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam, what an aha, you don't

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know the Allahu taala says, I used to comb the hair of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even when I was in my days of menstruation. So again, two things that we extract from here

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is that we again see the intimate interaction between spouses, that the prophets a lot, he said, was very intimate with his spouses.

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And we learn that and again, this is our mother eyeshadow, the Allahu taala, Anna, sharing this with us, to remind us and to teach us to be very affectionate and intimate with one spouse. Secondly, again, she specifically mentioned Why would you mentioned that I was in the days of menstruation, what difference would that make? Well, they made a difference in Medina and made a difference in Medina because the Medina and Arabs who would later on become Muslim, we're neighbors with the Medina and Jews, the Jewish tribes that were in and around Medina, and in the Jewish tribes. Unfortunately, they had taken their fix so far too far, to the point where if a woman was in her

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days of menstruation, as we know, that

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* between spouses is not permissible during that time, but they would take it so far where they would have absolutely no physical interaction with one another whatsoever. And so the prophets a lot of these sullom obviously refuted that and said that is incorrect. And that's why he shut out the Allahu taala and sharing that with us. Hadees number two, Paula Hadassah, useable nor Isa Allah Hi, Donna waqia calahonda sana Ravi organ su sabi Anya z depending upon who are rakaposhi who are Akashi and under 70 Malik and Adi Allahu taala and who

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call kana Rasulullah. He's a Luddism youth in New York through Diana Ross, he was at the city Halle, Haiti, where you will kina hataoka Anna Toba who Sobhuza yet

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and a son of the Allahu taala and who says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam used to frequently apply oil to his head, and he would comb his beard and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would frequently after applying oil to his head, put an extra piece of cloth on his head, so much so that that cloth would become soaked in oil.

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Or rather, it can also mean that over time that cloth became permanently stained with oil.

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So what this is referring to is the fact that the profits a lot of them used to apply oil to his hair, basically, and again, the applying of the oil right is representative it is to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam through his own example, teaching us grooming and maintenance that he would groom and maintain himself. He would apply oil to even his hands and his feet so that they wouldn't become cracked or dry. He would apply oil to his hair and to his head to maintain the health of his scalp and his hair. So he sees

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As maintenance and grooming, that's part of the sort of the profits a lot of them. So it's not so much that oil is this or not grooming and maintenance is this and that.

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And he would comb his beard similarly, and especially the reason why I mentioned the calming of the beard here, because a lot of times the bigger your beard gets the more

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right write interesting it can become as well. So the profits, a lot of them used to comb his beard, right because you're, again, you're supposed to maintain and groom yourself and be presentable. And then because the profits a lot of them would apply oil to his head, then when he would sometimes tie his mama when he would tie the turban now determine could become, you know, stained with oil. And again, that would not be good, you know, etiquette that wouldn't be wouldn't, it wouldn't be presenting yourself very well, where your head gear is completely stained.

00:45:52 --> 00:46:04

Right. And so what the prophets a lot of them would do is after applying the oil, he had kind of like an extra piece of cloth. And he would kind of put that on his head so that it would soak up at least the oil that was on top of there.

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So that then when he would tie his turban

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that then his turban wouldn't become stained. So again, you see the profits, a lot of them being very good and presentable. Right. And so what we can take from this is whether it be sometimes, you know, brothers wearing an extra, you know, t shirt wearing like an undershirt. Alright, nobody wants to see your stained Pitts. Alright. So we're in an undershirt, right? Where some deodorant, all right, it's, it's the Sunnah, right? And the messengers, a lot of them would teach us these things afterwards. And so that's something that the prophets a lot of them would do. And then he says he just remembering he's reminiscing, he said, I remember that little piece of cloth that profits a lot

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he showed us, he would wash it, after it had gotten soaked with oil to an extent he would wash it and dry it. But you know, if you use something for a particular purpose for an extended period of time, it just gets permanently stained. So he got permanently stained after a while and he he's remembering he's reminiscing the fact that that cloth itself was permanently kind of stained with oil All right.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:34

And that is another thing the profits a lot he said at one time saw the reason why I mentioned now I'll tell you the reason why I mentioned about you know even being careful about what your clothes look like the prophets a lot he said, um, there's a hadith in the center, Nova Buddhahood Jabba radi Allahu taala and relates a Tana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam approached us we were sitting a group of men. We were sitting and the messenger sallallahu Sallam approached us for our Roger LAN share, Ethan, and he saw a man that was disheveled.

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But the ferrata shadow, His hair was all over the place. sakala Americana yeji? Do hazama you Sakina beshara? Who does can that? Can you find something to kind of bring some peace to your hair? Right? That

00:48:03 --> 00:48:30

was literally the verbiage that he uses in case you find something to come here. But the way that he said it was he said, your hair, Your hair looks tired. Right? from standing up in so many different directions. Right? So can't you relax your head to head a little bit? And then what are our jhulan Alpha? And then he saw another man while he Thiago was a cotton. And he was very wearing kind of like stained clothes like his clothes were dirty.

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For color. America has a big Duma and yasuhito

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that, can't you find some water to wash your clothes with?

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Right? And again See, now the Messenger of Allah realized somebody could be it could say like, well, that's not very nice, right? Somebody could try to say that. Number one, this is a messenger sallallahu sallam, he knew these people, he knew all of his people. And he would keep tabs on his people. And so if somebody who was truly destitute or miskeen, or Filipino or homeless, and he saw them in this state, I bet that he would never say something like that to that person. He must have known that guy and he was alone. He has a house.

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And he has a home and he has clothes. And he's still walking around like a hobo.

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Right? Like, what is this? And so the messenger is so awesome, understands that. Number two, Simon and Pharisees says, The Messenger of Allah loves him was like a father like a parent to us. He would teach us and so this probably could have also been possibly a younger Sahabi even. So the prophets a lot of him is educating like a father figure to go clean yourself up, young man. What's this? Why are you walking around like this? And then number three notice of profits. A lot of them isn't saying like, hey, what you're wearing? That's disgusting. Go burn it, right. He's not insulting him. He's not telling him go buy a new pair of clothes. He just said just wash your clothes.

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Brother, just wash your clothes. It's very practical advice.

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So you see the wisdom of the messengers a lot. So that's why I talked about the sweaty pits All right.

00:50:07 --> 00:50:08

Hadith number three.

00:50:12 --> 00:50:42

Kala had de Haan hanada do sorry, Paula. Abdul ash was Anil Ashraf even Abby shatta and be here and Miss rook on eyeshadow the Allahu taala on harlot in Ghana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there you hit with a Muna fee to hoody either takahara Wolfie Tara Julie he either Tara Jalla Wolfie entirely he even tala

00:50:44 --> 00:50:46

eyeshadow the Allahu taala on her says

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that without a doubt, like most definitely the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to love

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doing things, starting things from the right side,

00:51:03 --> 00:51:12

whether it was in his purification, which to hood refers to will do. So when making will do, he would start from the right hand side.

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He would comb his hair from the right side, he would start on the right side of his head.

00:51:19 --> 00:51:22

When he would put on his shoes, he would first put on the right shoe.

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And, of course it this is not restricted to just these three things.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:37

Everything that was good, that the profits a lot of them used to do. He used to prefer to do it from the right side.

00:51:38 --> 00:51:53

Right, he would eat with his right hand, he would drink with his right hand. He would hand things to people with his right hand, he would take things from people with his right hand. All right, he's a preferred to do things with his right hand, I shout out the Allahu taala. Anna

00:51:54 --> 00:52:04

just mentioned three different unique things. Number one by mentioning to her she's mentioning that even if it was something that was religiously,

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spirits, that was something that was spiritual or religious significance, he would do it with the right hand.

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If it was something that was in terms of just his personal like private conduct, then he would even dare maintain preference of the right hand.

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And if it was something that was done in public, that was just a common thing. Public conduct, he would still give preference to the right hand. The only specific thing is that he would do good things with his right hand and anything that was identified as maybe a bad thing, then you would do it with his left hand. That's why the left hand is what we use for cleansing ourselves after using the restroom is tinjauan.

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That's why when the prophets a lot, he said would have to blow his nose. He would do it with his left hand.

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When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would exit the masjid he would exit with the left foot

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right so as to signify that he was leaving a good place. All right, so that was a habit of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hadid number four of chapter number four. I'll take the questions afterwards in

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color head death and Mohammed Abu Bashar are definitely here if necessary. Then on hishammuddin Hassan, and it has an EN Abdullah it MacGuffin, radi Allahu taala and upon nahi Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Ah, Anita Ragini illa hibben

00:53:35 --> 00:53:48

Abdullah ignore morphol radi Allahu telefonu relates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade combing of the hair, except occasionally.

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The prophets allottee some forbade the combing of hair except occasionally.

00:53:56 --> 00:54:01

Obviously, strategic pause, right. What does that mean?

00:54:02 --> 00:54:11

Right, it number one, all jokes aside number one, it just seems contradictory to the previous narration.

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All right number The first problem is is that it seems contradictory to the previous narration. So how do we reconcile this and how do we understand this?

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So first and foremost,

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is that some commentators have questioned the authenticity of the narration. However, when scholars have followed up on the narration, they found that this narration itself is supported through so many different routes that it is authentic.

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So then what exactly is it referring to here? So before I explain that to you, let's go ahead and read a deep number five and then I'll explain exactly what's going on and number four, but I had definite and has a blue has a new, a blue arafa car

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Hi def and Abu Salam in Harbin Anya z Avi Khalid in on Allah Allah Allah od and Hamid Abdur Rahim Allah Allah Raja luminous haben abhi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then the BIA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. makhanda Tara jello ribbon.

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Who made even Abdur Rahman Rahim Allahu taala tiberi. He says he relates from one of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that the prophets a lot. He said, I'm used to comb his hair occasionally.

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Now, first and foremost, before I even explain now the concept here,

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there, this is an issue of Hadeeth. But I'll just explain it here very briefly. He's He's saying that he relates from a met a man a person from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This is normally verbiage like this would be called Jia holla by Ravi Jalla, tarawih ajala to be Ravi, not knowing who the narrator is. And if this happens in any other link of the chain, after the Sahaba that somebody narrates and says that had destiny or Julian, a man told me, we do not accept that narration.

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All right, that's considered a gap in a link of the chain. That's a gap in the chain of narration, we do not accept that, that is a void in Qatar. However, if that happens in the generation of Sahaba, the companions of the Prophet sallahu setup, then in that particular case, it is not problematic Leanna Sahaba Takuma do, all the Sahaba are trustworthy, they are all dependable. They are all reliable. And so it's nice to know who the Sahaba he is. But if for whatever reason, we don't know, but it is coming from a Sahabi, then that is not a problem. Homemade. Man is a very well known tiberi who interacted with many different Sahaba. And authentically and authoritative Lee

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narrates from the Sahaba. That's why we don't have a problem with this. All right. Now talking about the concept here, what does it mean to comb his hair occasionally?

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So the first thing is that, again, in some places, in some usages of the word, sometimes the word of the button means like every other day, Yeoman bought by the Yeoman, Yeoman by the Yeoman. All right, that it means like every other day,

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that meaning does not apply here necessarily. It does not necessarily mean that the profits, a lot of them would comb his hair every other day. That's not what it necessarily means, but occasionally means that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not like obsessively comb his hair.

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He wasn't just seeing all the time, busting out a comb and just combing his hair all the time. You know who you are. All right. So he was not seen doing this all the time. He wasn't obsessed with his hair, even though he had beautiful hair. Right? But he was not obsessed with his hair because he was not a vain person. Alright, so that's the first thing. The second thing is, again, the profits of autism could have combed his hair every day. But the Sahabi is saying I didn't see him combing his hair every day, but maybe he was doing it in the privacy of his home.

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And then the third thing is where I want to explain so that explains Hadid number five as for Hadid number four, why is he telling this this man? This Sahabi not to comb his hair all the time, but only comb it occasionally. I'm delighted even more Abdullah file is a younger Sahabi

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it makes sense now. I love how that's so self explanatory. All you had to say that he was a young man. And everybody understands that he was a young person. So that means obviously the processing was telling him not to be so vain not to be so obsessed with your looks. There's more to you as a person. If you pay, you know, like I would, or we would say to somebody, of course the Sahaba are amazing people, but how like we would say to a young person, that if you worried about your character have as much as you worry about your hair, you'd be an amazing person. If you spend half the amount of time you know worrying about your you know character as you do about your looks, your

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appearance. You'd be a remarkable human being you'd be a beautiful person. Right and so that's

The Hair of the Prophet (SAWS)

Dec 17, 2015.

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