Mohammed Hijab – Quran and Ancient Babylon

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © Speaker 2 discusses the use of polytheists' words in the title of the book and mentions the use of the word " Colehissalaam," which refers to a planet or a star. The use of " Colehissalaam" in the title is also mentioned in the source material of steelray Nibbana, which is also considered to be the steel. The use of " Colehissalaam" in the title is also mentioned in the source material of Nibbana, which is also considered to be the steel.
AI: Transcript ©
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If you look at the Quran Chapter six verses 75 to 79, Abraham alehissalaam is having a conversation with polytheists who worship the sun, the moon and a coke have now cocoa can either mean a planet or a star. And this is very interesting because this exact astral astral triad is not mentioned in that specific way with one Kal camp in the Bible or the previous dispensations. However, it is mentioned in primary source material, for instance, the steelray of Nibbana this which is so interesting because at the time, the Babylonians were worshipping the sun, the moon and Venus, who could have known that in the seventh century


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