Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-040D Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 7 Part 1

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and meaning of the title "the internet" and its foundation on the foundation of the book "The internet". They stress the importance of the Bible and the need for clarification to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. The speakers also touch on the "has been" meaning "has been" and how it can lead to ambiguity. They emphasize the importance of understanding the title "has been" and finding clarity in order to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, who will lead the ends Allah alayka al Kitab. It is He Who has sent down to you or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the book in the beginning verses of Surah Al Imran we learn about the Quran, how it is Allah azza wa jal who has revealed this book who revealed revelation or guidance in the form of different books before as well and the Quran is only a continuation of the series and the final revelation that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada sent down for the guidance of mankind. Here Allah subhanaw taala tells us that who Allah the he is the one who meaning Allah is the one who ends Allah alayka who sent down to you and you over here refers to the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Allah is the One who has sent down to you al Kitab, the book and the book, this is the Quran, the full con, the criterion that Allah has revealed, and Allah subhanaw taala mentioned this again, I mean, if you look at the previous verses, this has been made very clear that the Quran has been revealed by Allah. So why is this being reiterated, because if you notice in the previous verses we have also been reminded of who Allah azza wa jal is, we learned that he is a high, he is the EverLiving that he is a young he is the one who upholds everyone, and everything depends on him. We learned that Allah subhanaw taala is Allah disease the Almighty He is

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Al Hakim, he is the one whose words whose decisions whose decrees are full of wisdom, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala is the one from whom nothing at all is hidden. We learned that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has created and fashioned every single one of us. So, it is He Who has sent down this book and this book is such that men who is to mahkumat men who have it meaning of this book, within this book, there are eight verses which are more commands, which are specified in meaning. And these verses are Allah subhanaw taala tells us who know they who knows a pronoun This is feminine of the pronoun home. So who knows the feminine form is being used because it's referring

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to it yet and I act is a feminine word. So Hoonah meaning these verses the more commands versus they are omole keytab they are the foundation of the book were ocorreu and others meaning there are other verses in the Quran that are Mutasa, Behat that are unspecific meaning in their meaning they are unspecified. So, we learn over here that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has revealed the book and in this book, there are mainly two kinds of verses the first type of verses are is more commands and the second type of verses are I add that are muda Behat. Now, there is another way of reciting this ayah Meaning you can pause and in a different spot and that is after Minho. So we can read this

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as who are Ludy nzlr Lal Kitab Minho, that it is He Who has sent down the book to you from himself, meaning this book has not just been sent by Allah this book is also from Allah meaning these are his words, these are his commands, this is his message and this book is such that I have to mark them out on Hoonah on Wilkey tap that it has verses which are more commanded and they are the Amal Kitab they are the foundation of the book. Now what exactly are Wakamatsu? Let's talk about I add more command as you know the word I act is a plural of the word idea and the word more command is the plural of the word more comma and more comma is from the root letters haircalf meme and more gum is

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something that has been Akama when something is a coma, for example, a building that it means that it has been made very strong, it has been made in a very solid compact way. So it is a coma. So it will not fall apart all right, this is more come when something is made in a solid, firm and stable strong way so that it will not fall apart. So it is something that has been solidified something that has been perfected and secured alright made secure. So mahkumat verses are such verses the meaning of which is secured. Okay, how is it secure?

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Word How is the meaning of these verses secured because of the vocabulary the words alright. And also because of the way that the verses are in terms of their clarity. So, basically the meaning is very obvious, the meaning is very obvious. And so the verses are secured against ambiguity, they are secured against interpretation. Okay. So for example, when you recite Surah Fatiha, all right, and you recite Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen All praise is for Allah who is the Lord of the Worlds The meaning is very clear, it's very obvious, you know what the word Hamed is, you know what the word Rob is you know, what the word aalameen is these words are well known in the Arabic language

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and the verse is very clear, obvious in its meaning. So, the interpretation is known, the meaning is obvious and the meaning is clearly understood. Okay. So these are more Kamath verses in which there is no ambiguity. And they are as Allah subhanaw taala says omole kitab omole kitab literally means mother of the book. But in the Arabic language, the word mother is used in different ways. All right, it's also used for the foundation of something the basis of something. So these are the foundation the basis of the book, meaning the majority of the verses of the Quran are more commands. Okay? They are the foundation the basis meaning that's basically what the Quran is, I add more

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commands clear verses okay specified in their meaning obvious in their interpretation secured against any ambiguity. So these verses are on Wilkie tab. And these verses are also basis of the book meaning that they're also a basis for understanding those verses which may appear to be unclear, okay, or those concepts which may be a little difficult to comprehend, or those words or phrases or sentences that require further explanation. Then you refer to what the more Kamath verses so the Quran is mainly verses which are more come at clear, obvious in there meaning secured against ambiguity. Alright, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we're all huddle and others will have total

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of the word Ohara meaning within the Quran there are also verses other verses meaning other than the more commands versus which are muda shabby hat, with the shabby hat is the plural of the word Mata shabby, and Muda. Shabby is from the root letters sheen Bahaa and the Chava is when something is similar to another. If you remember, in circle Bacara we learned about the story of the slaughtering of the cow and the Winnie Israa. Eel said to Masada, his sunnah, that in Al Baqarah, Tasha Bahar Elena that all the cows look the same to us, okay, so please specify exactly what kind of a cow we should slaughter. So this is the meaning of the Shabba when something is similar to another, okay,

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Shiva. So some verses are muda shabby hat. What does that mean? This means that they are unspecific in their meaning, okay? And you see when something resembles another, okay, when something is similar to another, then this can cause ambiguity. This can cause somewhat confusion, because you don't know how to tell things apart. When things are clear in your mind. You're able to list them right you're able to see each thing distinctly clearly, but when things are very similar, you don't know what is what you cannot comprehend. You cannot make distinction okay. So, the word motor Shelby is also used to mean something that is unclear or unspecific okay. So, here motor shall be hurt does

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not mean resembling. It means unspecific in meaning and the motor shall be hurt verses are basically those verses which require interpretation Okay, which require explanation which require clarification. So, the meaning is not obvious to everyone. And the meaning is not obvious. You know, the first time that a person reads you know, such verses and they're also called with a shabby hat because, you know, they may be open to a wide possibility of meaning because the meaning has not been specified. Now, when it comes to the

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ambiguity in them with a shabby hat versus remember that this ambiguity is of two kinds. The first type of ambiguity is that which is relative meaning those verses which are ambiguous to some people, but not all, okay? Their meaning is unclear to some people, but not all people. Okay? So these are basically verses, which when the majority of people when they come across them, they don't immediately understand them, all right, and the average person would not be able to comprehend the meaning right away. This doesn't mean that the verses themselves are unclear, no, this is because the average person does not have much knowledge does not have much understanding. So their first

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exposure to such verses at a time like that they will not understand right away. So for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that in Al halala begin the lawful is clear well haram obeying the unlawful is also clear, well, being a woman wish to be had lay on the moon Nikka Filomena, Nas and between the halal and haram there are some Mr. Behat matters. All right, some ambiguous matters, which the majority of the people do not know about, meaning whether they fall into lawful or they fall into unlawful. So for example, if I were to ask you, is it permissible to eat lizards? Is it permissible to eat lizards? What's your answer? You can type in the chat Okay,

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I was expecting some nose or some I don't knows. Mashallah, radical. lofi. Come? Okay, very good. All right. So there's an incident, we learn about the time of the companions, and there was actually a man who got married, and in his walima, he served lizards. So imagine now you go to a wedding, and the feast is roasted lizards. SubhanAllah. So some people said, oh, no, no, no, this is not halal. Other people said no, it is halal. Some people said, you know, the Prophet sallallahu. Or you said him didn't really say anything about it. He never declared it to be halal. He did not tell us that it was haram. So we don't know. So we're just going to stay away. Because we don't know. Now, when

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this was mentioned, to even our basketball, de la Mourinho, even our basketball, Dilawar and who got very upset with the people that how could you say something like this about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was sent to make things clear to people not to leave them in confusion. Right? So then he explained he gave an evidence. At one occasion, lizard was served to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he was about to eat it. And Maimunah will de la Horne had told him that this is lizard and so he did not eat from it. All right. And so the people over there wondered if they could eat it. And he said, Yes, you can eat it. This is something that I do not eat. All right,

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meaning that was his personal choice to not eat it. But it was not unlawful to eat it. All right. So this hadith actually makes it very clear to us how many people they don't know about certain matters. Any If a question is posed to them that is this lawful or unlawful? They will say, Oh, I don't know what this means. I don't know if it's lawful. I don't know if it's unlawful. Now does this mean that the prophets of Allah who are who said him did not clarify the laws of the Shira? No, he did clarify it. Absolutely. He made everything clear to us. But as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, layer Allah Maha Nica Filomena NAS many among the people do not know them. So just

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like that, the Moto Shabbiha versus those which are unspecific in their meaning or unclear in their meaning. It's not that the Quran is unclear No way. The Quran is a book which is more been which is eloquent. And how could a book that is eloquent and clear, have verses which are unclear, right? So it's not that the Quran is unclear, the meaning is unclear to the people who don't know the Quran all right. So, in this way, the verses are Mater Shabbiha. So, this ambiguity is for many people, not all people and the reason for the ambiguity could be you know, different. So, for example, some people find certain verses ambiguous, why because of their lack of knowledge, okay, because of their

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lack of knowledge. So, for instance, if a person you know recites Surah Toluca have alright and then they come across yet jugement jooge For instance, the wall that they will contain built, right, so, they don't know you know, how they will contain could build a wall like that, right? Or they come across a verse of the Quran. Actually, look at total Bukhara we learned about verses of divorce and verses related to read the the waiting period and also headed the waiting period of the widow. So an average person when they would be reading

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Salut Baqarah they will come across the ayah that mentions that the widow has to sit in waiting for four months and 10 days. And then there is another idea, which mentions that she will be in the house of the husband for a year. So, the average person who doesn't know about abrogation, what will they say? They will say, Oh, here it says four months, 10 days, and then it says one year. Well, what is right, this is contradiction. No, this is not contradiction. This is not unclarity. This is abrogation. So why did this person have confusion because of their lack of knowledge? All right. Another reason for ishiba is lack of understanding. There are times when a person does not

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understand a certain idea or a certain concept, and so they remain in confusion. Sometimes the reason is also referred to the lack of reflection, they're not reflecting upon the Quran the way that they should. Other times there is so focused there is bad intention, meaning a person is reading the Quran not for the purpose of guidance, but to find fault, to find fault to criticize and to find those verses which they can mock at and reject the Quran on that basis. So for example, we learned sort of the soft fat about the Shudra to the comb. Alright the tree in *. And Allah subhanaw taala says regarding that that in Niger Allah fit Natalia volley mean that we have made

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that tree a fitna, for those who do wrong. And by the word fitna, one of the meanings that the orlimar have taken is that the shedule is a comb is a means of deviation for the wrongdoers in this life, because they say how could there be a tree in *? * is fire. So how could there be a tree over there? So this verse becomes a means of their deviation, you understand? It becomes a means of their deviation. Why? Because they're not listening to the Quran learning the Quran for the purpose of guidance, they're looking for things on the basis of which they can reject the entire book. So the Buddha shabby had verses all right, they are verses that are unspecific in their meaning, not

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that they are unclear, okay, because the Quran is clear, they are unclear to some people because of their lack of knowledge, their lack of understanding their lack of the boat, their evil intention. All right. Now, there's another kind of motor Shabbiha versus and these are those with the Shabbiha verses in which that the shabu the ambiguity is absolute meaning These are Verses whose reality we could never know why, because they mentioned matters of the unseen or matters which are beyond our comprehension. So, for instance, so many verses talk about matters of the Hereafter, the details of Jannah the details of Jahannam the details of the Day of Judgment, and not just the matters of the

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akhirah we learned about the angels for example, we learned that the angels have wings, right this is mentioned in the Quran, that the beginning of solid faltered only engineer, now, what are those wings? Like? Do they have feathers? You know, are they or how could they be wings when we cannot see them? We cannot touch them, we cannot feel them. So, the exact nature the exact appearance of these wings of the angels, we can never know why because we cannot observe them. So how can we specify and gain clarity about something that is not even observable? Alright about something that is hidden from our eyes. So, this is where we admit our limitation. Okay. And we accept that we cannot know

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beyond a certain limit. All right. So this is where we admit our humility that yes, we don't know everything. So we're Ohara motor shall be held motor shall be hurt versus remember that there are two kinds, one, those which are unclear to some people, not all people, why are they unclear to some people, because those people don't have more knowledge. They don't understand, they are not reflecting enough or they have a bad intention. And then there are those verses which are completely unspecific, meaning we can never know their meaning in this world, because they are about the matters which are in the unseen. All right, and this is why right at the beginning of the Quran,

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what do we learn that Alladhina Yamuna believe those who believe in the unseen so when it comes to those

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As verses which are unclear to some people, not all people, then what should we do? When we come across something in the Quran which is unclear to us, we should seek clarity and we should ask those who have knowledge right? First Alou Allah decree in control letter Allah moon, ask the people of the message if you yourselves do not know. So, if you do not know something, if you do not understand something, ask about it right. And then those matters which are beyond human reach, right human comprehension because these matters are not observable, then this is where we say I'm Ana will set the color we believe and we affirm, we admit our limitation we know that we cannot understand

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everything we cannot know everything. For a Molina few Karoubi hymns a Johann Allah subhanaw taala tells us that as for those people in whose hearts is xhale Club is a plural of the word Calpe and xhale is from the root letters ze Yeah, line, okay. xhale literally means deviation, okay. Zela is when something deviates, it turns aside or it declines. Okay. So for example, Zaha shrimps, the sun declined, and when the sun begins to decline from the meridian, what happens to the shadows, the shadows turn from one side to the other. Right. So this is the deviation, the turning aside Zahle bustle. This is when the eyes turn aside, meaning the vision turns aside, a person is no longer

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looking at what they were looking at. Now they're looking at something out there looking here and there. All right. So this is a to turn aside. And remember, Rob says that xhale is to deviate from the truth. Okay, it is to deviate to turn aside from the truth it is male and help. And some say that xhale is doubt about the truth because when a person has doubt about the truth, they're skeptical, they don't accept it, then what does that mean that they're turning towards something else? Right. Now, Allah subhanaw taala has created hearts in such a way that they inclined their natural disposition is to obey Allah, the inclined towards obeying Allah. This is the natural

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disposition, but there are people who have deviated from their natural disposition. Right? They don't want to obey Allah, they disobey Allah. So this is xhale. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us and so too soft is number five that fella Mozelle, who as of Allahu kuruva, who, when they deviated Allah subhanaw taala cause their hearts to become deviated, meaning Allah subhanaw taala did not force them to go astray know Allah subhanaw taala did not compel them to go astray. These people themselves turned aside all right from the truth that deviated from the truth. And so Allah subhanaw taala let them go further in their misguidance so those people in whose hearts is deviation, okay.

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They do not like the truth they're not inclined to it, they do not desire it. Rather their heart inclines more towards you know falsehoods, then such people what do they do? Allah's puntata tells us that they fire Varuna Mata Chabahar min fire to be Runa so they follow the pursuit they go after turbine etbr is to follow they go after what kind of versus Matt the Shabba min that of it which is unspecific, meaning that portion of the Quran which is unspecific, that's what they obsess over as if the entire Quran is unspecific, and that is not the case and Subhanallah there are people like that the moment you mention anything about the Quran, all right, they will start talking about

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universes, which are unclear to people or those concepts which are you know, not generally known or generally understood, or, you know, matters which deserve a more serious academic discussion. Meaning they will not know the meaning of Surah Fatiha, for instance, but they will ask questions like, well, how come l hither killed the young boy? All right, and now that that young boy was killed? Well, you know, he never ended up committing the sins that he was going to commit. And so he will never be responsible, he will go to paradise. What about fit our own fit our own was not killed as a child. I remember once Subhan Allah I was sitting somewhere and I was doing some of my work

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related to some Quran class that I was taking.

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And somebody came up

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but they're like, oh, studying the Quran, what are you doing? So I explained to them what I was doing and they're like, you know, I have some questions about the Quran and this is a Muslim and this is someone who was highly educated. And Allah subhanaw taala guide this person, and out of all the things that they could talk to me about the Quran, this is the question that they posted me that, you know, the boy that that killed because he was a child, he is going to go to Paradise fit our own was not killed as a child, and he ended up committing all those crimes, and he's gonna go to *. So if you think about it for our own, and that child were not treated fairly, this is the

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question that this person posed at me. And, you know, on the surface, it seems like wow, the Quran is so inconsistent as to what Allah that is not the case. Okay? We learn that the prophets of Allah who are new Salam explained about the children of the machete keen, okay, that Allah knows what they would end up committing or what they would end up doing if they were alive. Because as Muslims, we believe in Elkader, everything happens by Allah's divine decree. And there are, you know, certain aspects of product that we also believe in. And one of the main premises of cada is that Allah subhanaw taala, as knowledge is complete and absolute. And part of that is that Allah subhanaw taala

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knows what someone would have done if they were to live on. All right. So to say that, that boy and fit our own were not treated in the same way is wrong. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala knew from before what that boy would have done if he was going to remain alive. So, you cannot say that that boy is going to go to Paradise, you are not going to make that judgment. It is Allah subhanaw taala who is going to make that judgment. So this is a huge problem in society that people find verses or they pick on certain concepts or certain details that are mentioned in the Quran. And based on their little understanding, or superficial understanding, they try to jump to conclusions they make, you

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know, judgments, and based on that they criticize the Quran, and then they reject it. And moreover, they create confusion among others. All right. So for example, this question that this individual posed at me and he initially you feel so confused that oh, my god, yeah, he's right. He's got a point. But then when you look at the other concepts that we have been taught, we see that no, there is no confusion. So the people in whose art is deviation, they just pursue that portion of the Quran, which is unspecific. Why abt, ha al fitna, Wabi Tila, really two reasons. First reason if de la in order to seek bail Lamia is the route in order to seek and fitna, Fitna means different

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things, it means punishment, it means misguidance it means shit, it means persecution, here it means misguidance okay. So, they pursue those verses in order to create misguidance in order to seek misguidance in order to create dissension among people, all right, what would the law really and also in order to seek its interpretation, okay. Meaning the interpretation of these verses, meaning, instead of focusing on that portion of the Quran, which is clear, which has to be followed, which has to be lived, these people obsess over those matters, which could possibly create confusion, doubt discord among people. And also they want to seek its that will now the word that will is from

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the root letters Hamza, while lamb, okay and that will means many different things, one meaning of the word that will is will go or shape when something actually comes about it actualizes So, you can see the word actualization in your translation, right? So, they seek its actualization, they want to see it happening, and only then, they say, they will believe, then the word that will also means for him, to understand something, to understand the actual meaning of something, so, it means interpretation of seed, all right. So, they pursue the unclear why in order to cause dissension and also in order to seek the interpretation, Allah subhanaw taala says, Well May Allah Mata Wheeler who

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Illa Allah and no one knows its interpretation except Allah. So then how can they ever know it? They cannot have knowledge about it. So remember that as human beings, there are some matters about which not just some there are many matters about which we cannot have absolute or clear knowledge. Okay, there are some answers you cannot know in the

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swirled, for instance, the reality of what will happen in the hereafter. The descriptions of Jana and Jahannam, the reality of Allah subhanaw taala has attributes right? The Quran mentions the Hand of Allah, it mentions the face of Allah. In Hadees we also learn about the cudham the foot, alright. So how can you know the actual wholeness? Okay, how these SIFAT actually exist, you cannot know because law to recall, absorb, Vision cannot perceive Allah, you cannot see Allah. So, the verses which are such that you could not know, their actual interpretation, Allah Subhana Allah says when they are limited Willa who Illa Allah, right. So, people spend a lot of their time arguing, arguing

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about what the face of Allah means, okay? Or what the Hand of Allah means. And people lose their good o'clock over such discussions, they become very disrespectful, where they begin to attack scholars, people of knowledge, they begin to attack and criticize and refute a past scholars, for instance. And the fact is that no matter how much you argue and debate about these matters, for instance, the attributes of Allah, can you actually know their full reality? Can you grasp their full reality? No, you cannot. Because you can only know about Allah when Allah subhanaw taala has informed off, right? So for instance, a man came to Imam Malik. And that man asked that Allah

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Subhana Allah says in the Quran, that Allah Allah oshi stowa, that Allah subhanaw taala is stowa He rose over the ash. Now, what does this mean? And you are Malik explained, that look, Al sdwa is MaryLu the fact that Allah subhanaw taala did sdwa You rose? That is known? Because Allah Subhana Allah mentions that multiple times in the Quran will cave, how exactly that happened? Right how exactly this attribute of Allah exists, we don't know and we cannot know you know, as human beings when you want to learn something, what do you do? You observe, you study you experiment, you ask? Right? But can you know, while being in this world, how exactly Allah subhanaw taala rose above the

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throne? No, because you cannot observe it, you cannot study this matter. You can ask Allah right now. Right? So there is no way you could learn fully about it. Correct. So he said, Well, cave module, we don't know about it. But believing in this. And he believing in the fact that Allah subhanaw taala rose above the throne. This is something that is Whadjuk it's mandatory. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala mentioned that in the Quran. And if you don't believe in this, then your Eman is incomplete. And then he said that asking about this. Okay, asking about this is a bitter it is an innovation leaning, this is a question that you should not be asking. Because you cannot know about

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this matter. And if you dwell over this question, and you obsess over this matter, what's going to happen, you're gonna go further and confusion, and you're going to create confusion as well. And this is, you know, what people would do some individuals that would come to the gatherings of my Malik and ask questions, my Malik would not even answer them. He would not entertain them. Because such people spread fitna. Right. So when I animate Wheeler who ill Allah, we have to understand this fact that there are some matters about which we can never know. Well, are you here to want to be here in Lima. And such matters we believe we accept and we do not argue about them. We do not argue

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about them. Because we have been taught that Almira will feel Qurani kufra Almira argumentation in regard to the Quran, this is covered this is disbelief why? Because eventually it takes a person out of Islam. All right, so when Allah subhanaw taala, for example, when he mentioned in the Quran, that he is the word an arch, right? Why is almost punctata telling us this, for instance, in total and haram Allah's parenthesis in narangba como Allah who led the Halacha sinuata will have the physicality a Yeoman. Son was the world rush, that indeed your Lord is Allah, who created the skies in the earth in six days, and then he rose above the throne. What is this ayah teaching us is this

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ayah telling us that figure out what is the law means if you know the meaning of history, or if you don't know how exactly that happened? Does it make a difference to your actions? It doesn't. What this is teaching us is about who our Lord is. So we believe in Him. We have fear of Him. We

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I feel His mercy. These verses or these things have not been mentioned in the Quran so that we argue and debate and create fitna. So Allah subhanaw taala tells us that when my yallamotor Ouida, who ill Allah, no one knows it's true interpretation except Allah. What lossy Hoonah filtering. Okay, now there is another way of reciting this part of the ayah where basically you pause after what rasuna filtering, so you read it as well my Yarlagadda Wheeler, who ill Allahu wa Rossi Hoonah filler in, no one knows its interpretation except Allah and those who are firm in knowledge. Okay, so Allah knows the interpretation of these matters, and the people who are firmly rooted in knowledge, they

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also know the interpretation.

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Okay, the interpretation of what the interpretation of those matters with generally people find confusing. So for example, if you go back to the two types of with the shabby hat versus remember the first type of the shabby hat versus those which are relative, meaning unspecific or unclear to some not all people, so in this is an instruction that when you find something unclear in the Quran, then what should you do? Ask a lossy Hona filarial. Okay, and as we learn about some companions, that they were among a lossy, Hoonah film,

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right. So, when people had questions, they did not understand something, they would ask those companions. Alright, so what Rossi Honda Fillory ask them when you don't know. And of course, they're not going to tell you how exactly it's the what happened, but they're going to teach you how to believe in Estella. So, for instance, how Mr. Malik explained, that is the why is known how exactly it happened. We don't know believing in this is mandatory dwelling over this asking about this. That is a problem. Don't do that. So when I are unable to Wila who il Allahu Allah see Hoonah film

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