Mirza Yawar Baig – Ramadan Reminders – Day 17

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss their expertise in learning from the wild, love for learning, and the origin of learning in India and Africa. They also touch on the importance of sugar in learning and the need for individuals to practice praying at home during the pandemic. The culture emphasizes the importance of praying for Allah's forgiveness and keeping up with worship, highlighting the need for individuals to practice praying at home during the pandemic.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah be with mousseline Muhammad Rasulullah, sallAllahu, Alayhi, wa sallam, this lamancha, serum kathira from ababu,

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my dear sister, I'm looking at my birdfeeders. And they are a source of

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continuing delight for me.

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The numbers of birds, and the different varieties of birds that come here.

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And umbrella, my expertise in the wild with birds and animals and forests and so on is in India and Africa.

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Alhamdulillah I have spent a lot of time in the forests in both of these

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not here, not here, not in America. So this is like being born again. As my friend already said, to me, it's like being born again. I mean, I see tracks in the snow and I can't recognize them this morning. I saw tracks that look to me, like bear, but they turned out with squirrels. So that's how bad it is.

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It's great, great, amazing anyway, but it's good to know good to know, good to learn,

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good to go back to a state where you're not the expert, I enjoy change, and I enjoy learning. So it to me, it's not an ego issue. That I don't know something if I don't know something, I'm very happy that I don't know that. So I, I now know something new. And I in my experience Alhamdulillah as long as you don't have an ego about learning as long as you're willing to learn. Everybody in the world is happy to teach you. And anybody can teach you people who otherwise are not mean people are not they don't have a sort of title called teacher

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or chef or something, people who otherwise and quite incorrectly, they might be considered to be

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you know, they might be even looked down upon by the ignorant to say, Well, what does this person know? Well, guess what? That person knows a great deal. Except that he won't or she won't necessarily tell you. You know, they won't necessarily announce it they won't. They're not wearing a placard

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around the neck saying asked me but if you do ask them when you do that respectfully and if you want to learn then there is learning everywhere on hamdulillah. And that can only do your good Believe me. Nobody ever lost by learning something new no matter what it was, like no matter what it was. Maybe it was the right way to hold a shower when you're shoveling snow. So what's wrong with that? That's I need to know that at first I my life I'm living in a country where there is this much of snow

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and if I'm not holding the shovel, right, you know, I'm my back will tell me about it. So I it's there's learning in everything Absolutely.

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in the context of what we are talking here in terms of Ramadan,

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there's this beautiful Hadees in Bukhari and Muslim, narrated by Abu Dhabi alojado,

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who is a classic example of the learner of the one who was focused on learning single minded focus to learn from the reason why seldom remember that I think about this, many of you may not know this, but Abu Dhabi Alonzo came into Islam after or at the time of hiber

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which was three years before Susana passed away. So I was in the company of a solar system only for three years. But he has quoted more I had these than anybody else.

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And people asked him this question. They are right in the time of the Sahaba. People asked him they said how is it that you know, so many IDs, and you quote, so many you have these are sources. When Abubakar and Omar and others do not quote, those are hobbies or they allow anomaly rain. Right. So who is not commenting on Abu Bakar? The Alon, Omar Omar Katara de la, he's commenting, he's replying to the one who asked him the question. So he says to him, when you were in the market in Medina, I was with a supervisor.

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That is how I know more than you. And he said, second thing is that I would be with him. And sometimes I would be with him for so long, that I would not even have time to go and eat and so on and so forth. And he said there were occasions when I would fall down. faint, I would faint, probably hypoglycemia. with not enough sugar in the blood or something. He said I would fly I would faint and fall down. And people used to think that I was getting an epileptic

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Fit. So in those days they had, there was this superstition that if you smell old leather,

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if you get the person who is in an epileptic fit to smell or leather, it brings them out of the fit. So people would bring their sandals. I mean, there's all leather and old leather.

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So, they will bring their sandals and they would put it on mine or under my nose, so that I could get that smell is there it was not an epileptic fit fit, it was just weakness with hunger.

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And this is the mahad this, this is the scheffel Hadees of the omoto Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Abu huraira the Allahu anhu. Now, he reports that also the sorceress said whoever stands in the in the armor level and in in Ramadan. Now that family know that refers to tarawih. So he said whoever stands in common lay in Ramadan. And of course it could refer also to the hedgehog. It could refer to a person playing praying alone or it could refer to a person praying Ravi, by Gemma in the masjid.

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Nobody mentioned calculate so is the, the law says that Rasul Allah so Salim said whoever stands in the voluntary night prayer calculate of Ramadan out of faith bill a man well it is up and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven. And this is in Bukhari Muslim our motherland reported that Rasul Allah said, Whoever stands in the income level in Ramadan

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with Eman and in the hope with the hope of Allah subhanho wa Taala his reward his previous sins will be forgiven.

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We know from the audience which I need to devote yesterday, our other learner reported the same thing about the fast itself where he said whoever fasts during the month of Ramadan, out of sincere faith and hoping for Allah Subhana Allah has mercy and reward, then all his or her past sins will be forgiven and both of these ladies are in Bukhari and Muslim.

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Now, please understand, how important is the position of gamma Leyland as I mentioned you

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keyamo late in the form of Dharavi is in Ramadan only.

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And the place for that is the masjid. But of course, if you cannot go to the masjid, because of COVID or whatever you can pray at home and it will still be taraweeh you can lead your own family or you can follow somebody in the family can lead and you can follow. But the point is that it's the voluntary it's the NFL Salah,

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which is the show now of course, but it's enough it's another to pray, we just emulate which is another word also for the head, which is one more of the many I had these, as well as the ayat of Quran, which extol the virtue and which emphasize the benefit of the hudgell. As I mentioned before, the purpose of all of this is twofold one is is to inculcate in us a desire to do this, because of the specific reward which is associated with Ramadan, which is the forgiveness of all sins, but also because of the continuing reward which is associated with that form of worship with that ibadah which is throughout the year, which is the reward of the hijos where Allah subhanaw taala descends

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to the first heaven in a manner which is in keeping with his majesty and grace. And an announcement is made to say that Allah subhanho wa Taala who who is it that needs anything from Allah subhanaw taala who is it that needs the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanho wa Taala will give it let him ask. So let us not waste the time. Remember,

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Laila to color comes once in a year, the haggard comes every single day.

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Right? We will come to the Hades of Africa in a while but this is very important to understand that our hamdulillah We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us were to cover but that would come every single day Let us not waste it. Let us not squander the time. Allah subhanaw taala gives us It gives us this opportunity every single day of our lives wherever we might be. So make the haggled into fall on yourself. Make sure that from today inshallah you will never miss the Hadoop for the rest of your life. And if you make that Nia I make dua for you. That may Allah subhanaw taala take your soul when you are in so rude. In tahajjud insha Allah

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was Allah Allah Allah, Allah will Karim Allah. He was

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Have you ever been but I haven't forgotten what

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