Mohammed Hijab – How Should We Deal With Coronavirus – Dr. Imran

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The coronavirus is a family of viruses that can be transmitted and is crucial in preventing the spread of the virus. The virus causes people to cough or sneeze and droplets that can be absorbed by the body. People should avoid touching their faces and washing their hands to minimize the virus's spread. The virus is not as dangerous as it is before and is driven by respiratory symptoms.
AI: Transcript ©
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molecule muramatsu Library capsule guys, make sure that you try these supplements out. They're very, very good, very healthy, natural. And you can check the link in the description box. That is nature's blend black seed oil. And they have other things as well. Oh

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by the way, boy, boy, boy

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Hope you enjoyed the video

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh how are you guys doing? Hope you guys doing good. We've got a special show today here in the green room, and I'm joined by Dr. Dr. Diamond on the field. How are you?

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Today? We're gonna be talking about why that is the case. But before we do inshallah I wanted to since we're coming out obviously from Islamic paradigm a few if you like, there is a Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he says either the hulten be outdone, or is XML to be towny be outdone, filata to holla if you hear of a plague in a country, so don't enter that country where either what copy what is our copy of the land to be half Lumina and if it happens in a country whilst you're in it, so don't leave from that particular country or particular land because it could mean land, meaning it

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the prophetic advice for dealing with things which are infectious things which are transmittable things which can spread is isolation.

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So, that's that's the Islamic advice.

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Looking at the Coronavirus as the example here, a quick question. First of all, what is the Coronavirus? And a subsidiary question here is to what extent now should we be thinking about isolation as a solution?

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two very important questions and I'm glad you started with this because really as Muslims we need to be thinking bigger than this crisis and thinking about our lives in the bigger picture. Yes.

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So, so, some very basic questions. So what is the what is the Coronavirus? A Corona? viruses are a family of viruses that have been known known for many years. They include things like SARS and MERS, which which happens with 2003 2012 to 17.

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Which are the most serious ones that we've heard about but even the common cold falls into this as well. Absolutely So and and they named after the shape so they shaped like a crown hence the kroehler like a crown. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah. So

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we've what what's happened now is that there's been a mutation in a virus that's now transmissible amongst human beings. So this is started in Hubei province in China.

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what what really happened, we don't know the cause of this, but really from from an animal virus, this has transmitted, mutated slightly and now become something that human beings can pass on to each other. And this forest is

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something that can spread quite readily. And that's the main danger from this just spreads quite readily, and also affects people, particularly spiritually, quite significantly. And so isolation is a very important step. Now, I mean, the government's announced this, and we can talk about the government advice in a moment. But really, there's a couple of things that happen. So

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because this forest is so tiny, as you would expect. So human here is about 75 micro meters in size and microns in size, this forest is naught point one microns. So, the 1,000th, many fold 1000, at least 1000 times less many more fold. So something that's very tiny and itself is the waste propagate as it enters your body. And this is important to understand how is it doing? So how is this you're covered here, how is actually transmitted, people do think it's airborne, is it airborne, so it's not airborne in the sense that the virus itself is traveling in the air, right. And the what happens is that when we cough or sneeze, we can generate a sum from vapor from our

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mouth, that can contain droplets of saliva, that in the saliva, they can, we can have the virus present, this will then do a couple of things. So one of the advices is to stay meter two meters apart, two meters apart, which is what we're trying to emulate here. And that's because that's probably the distance that if someone were to generate something, it would sort of fall down and settle before. So that's one thing. The second thing is once this these particles, so if you inhaled those particles, or you breathe them in or this is how they would attach to your, the membranes inside your mouth or inside your nose and then find entry into the body. The other mechanism that

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they enter is they fall onto surfaces or hard surfaces, soft surfaces and they tend to the virus tends to last in varying times depending on the surface that loss lands on.

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So that depending on the surface, the time can vary. So people have given different times that you can expect this rise to

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lasts anywhere between a few hours to a couple of days or longer.

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What then happens is we're going about our day to day do business with touching hard surfaces, and then the virus is on our hands. So it lasts for what a maximum of five days or so no one that no data isn't clear. So the thing to do is to assume that it's a long time. So two to three days, at least, on any surface, although it could be some people saying less than 24 hours, three, three to six hours is on a soft surface as well, this a soft surface is much more absorbent to absorb things, and you're less likely to get it by touching.

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Now, once you come into contact with a hard surface, you then have porous particles potentially in your hands. And this is where the hand washing is really important. Because if you're touching things, and then inadvertently, our habits are to scratch our nose, you know, face eyes, it will find its way the virus will find its way into our system through the mouth, through the eyes through the nose, because of handling. So a couple of things to do, keep the hands below the shoulders, if you can. So try not to reach up to your face. And also wash the hands often. And we're being told this sort of and to do that with soap. Absolutely. And the reason you're absolutely right, so the

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washing the hands of the soap is important. Because what the soap does is acts as a detergent. And the virus itself is surrounded by a liquid layer, so layer of fat, or oil, if you like. And what that does is it allows it contains on there molecules that the body the virus can attach to molecules in the body and to enter the body. So if you use a detergent, what you're doing is you're removing this liquid layer to the virus simply becomes inactivated because of that process. And it can't have that effect. So the so the Washington acts are quite well described. We can talk about that a little bit later, if you like. But the key thing is to make sure you have a good lather, and

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you love the hands well and you wash for a certain length of time. 20 seconds has been described as a minimum, but the longer the better.

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So the face masks and stuff like that, Does that help?

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That's a great question. And a lot of people have been buying face masks. So face masks are helpful depending on who uses them.

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the like I said, the micro viruses hope is tiny. And unless unless you have a mask that is able to inhibit that tiny particle from entering the mass is not going to do very much. So what's the point of masks. So if you're, if you're a medical professional, and you're in touch with patients all the time who may be coughing, you may have active symptoms, you're going to be at risk of having these particles that might be floating in the air from the coughing and sneezing. And so you'd have a face visor with a mask that you'd use to prevent spread to yourself as effective, that would be effective, because you're minimizing the contacts, you'd also have a gown, you'd have gloves, you'd

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be fully clothed with that. And you would change that whenever you come out of that environment if we come out of that environment. So that's one set of masses of health professionals with us. There are other more superficial like surgical masks, these don't have that fine filtering capacity. But what they do is they they will prevent water droplets from ensuring that people can wear if and these were the people would be people who are seeing someone who be suspected of having the condition. So maybe Jeep is on the front line, etc. Who would who would have this interaction.

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The average person on the street should they be wearing a mask.

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So what we have to think about how this is transmitted and what the mask is forming. If you wear a mask, the only the only time it would be useful to wear it is if you're coughing yourself, and you don't want to transmit this, these these sp 10 particles or vapor particles from the coughing to other people. So it's protecting other people from getting your virus that you already have. Because your costs are less let people continue doing it.

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Yeah, the the worrying yourself, if you're asymptomatic, probably you're going to increase the likelihood of touching your face. Yes, because people are just mass without realizing that obviously once the virus once the boss becomes a bit saturated with fluid, it becomes ineffective. And so people tend to also when they're eating, they tend to remove and eat and you're essentially contaminating yourself more it doesn't really serve a purpose. So it's counterintuitive, but wearing a mask if you're asymptomatic, probably has nothing to do too much for you. I'll ask a question about now closing down masajid mosques or any other religious place for that matter. I mean, it was

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Boris Johnson has come out and said those clothes pubs and you know, leisure places, whatever he hasn't I don't think he's imposed any law just yet, which might be part of the problem, which might actually discuss later on. But in terms of

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closing religious places. What's your advice on that? So I think this is pretty clear. Yes. And the rip through which is any plane? Absolutely. You should close it down. Absolutely. Yes. So anyway, there is a gathering of people, there is an increasing likelihood of spread. So we have a measure of spread in viruses. That was called the aro value. It's called the aro value.

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Is there a value or not value people might, this is really the the number of people who will get the virus from an individual effective.

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So, this virus, a virus has an R value that sits between 2.5 and 3.5. So it's probably around about three so that means three people can get this virus from anyone individually. So if you imagine this, one person with the virus will give it 234 invites and nine will then give it to 20.

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