Mohammad Elshinawy – Too Concerned About People to Sit Still

Mohammad Elshinawy
AI: Summary © The importance of sharing love for others, particularly those with worst consequences, is emphasized. forgiveness and staying on the path of fear are also emphasized. The importance of creating a culture of passion and being a person who is the perfect fit for it is also emphasized. The segment touches on a young man's story and how he talks about his life, as well as a woman who wants to be a part of a community.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yeah, you

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and EDA,

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Glory belongs to Allah Almighty God, we thank him and we seek His help and his guidance and his pleasure, his forgiveness and his protection from the lowest or anything else and evil consequences of our misdeeds

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from a member of loved guides that can lead astray and remember our loved leaves love guidance, and can offer them guidance. And we testify that no one is worthy of our worship, and our devotion and our dedication in our lives

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and are lovely entirely. And I will obedience entirely one

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tiny part

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of the profit.

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Eating truth is profit and is serving as messenger

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will be sent as a mercy to the world before the coming of the hour.

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I think the onset of this day for gathering me with you one more time and tomorrow.

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And this does bring me great joy. And I claim

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and presume that the farmer often some of them are alive today. Nothing will make him happier about our times but the people that through it all there's still

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people that are longing to draw your love, longing to meet him working hard, impatiently trying to please him despite all the challenges despite all the trouble struggles, he would be happy to meet your

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greatest concern as a last

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how do you

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there are certainly come to you a messenger from among you.

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Seeing him as from amongst you have human messenger like you are human

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is a key factor in appreciating a messenger from amongst you that it is very difficult for him to see you go through difficulty to see you go through hardship it hurt him to think of you hurting a distressed him and kept him up at night.

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To see people in distress and anticipate that people after it's hard to be in distress. Or then worse, people will lose their path to a lot of

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hobbies and our income diverse continues. He's so concerned with you, meaning team and with the believers in particular. So profession, so merciful.

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Gen says the province of

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Blue Jessica magneri when

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the example of medianews by the example of a man who started a fire

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and so the moths and the locusts are diving into it while he is trying to chase them away from it. And I am grabbing on to your waist that

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trying to keep you away from the fire and you're slipping from my hands as well. You're slipping past

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and it's like

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he says I asked I shall

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and cannot

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park in the province of

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ever free.

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So she said

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she said yes but only after he was worn out. He was rewarded down by the people meaning by serving the people with every last ounce of energy

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says he heard

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that a young Jewish boy was on his deathbed.

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And so he rushed to his house, we lost our breath catching up with him.

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For whatever.

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Say none is worthy of worship of the one true God. And he turned to his father, his father said to

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obey, obey.

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And so the young man said that he died, and then he passed soon thereafter. So the process of

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exiting, exiting the house,

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with his face beaming from joy,

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and seeing

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another woman now praise me to have been saved in the last moments from slipping into the fire.

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And our profit from above.

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On a fourth occasion,

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he heard a man in his prayers see a man that he was extra considerate with. So the man found himself without thinking, perhaps see a lot more harmony having one can have more than one laptop cannot

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have mercy on me and have mercy on me and don't have mercy on anybody else. And so the profits on your system since

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you have limited something that is very wide, Allah mercy can accommodate us all. And we want everyone to receive that ultimate share in the hereafter unless mercy,

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in fact, in one hand are better than some of the other one says that the prophets of Allah said, Minister Farrakhan meaning

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meaning, meaning,

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whomever includes in their prayer for forgiveness, all men and all women,

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all love forgive all believing women, when you make it that inclusive,

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when you want them to be forgiven, as bad as you want to be forgiven, he said a lot of rights for you, for every single believing men and believing woman, a good deed.

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Number, of course, is not the number.

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And so this was the path of your province.

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And so here is a bit of a sober question, an honest question. Are you on his path, that particular path of his

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calling to a lot inviting to all concerned people will deviate from the path of home law concerned people will go through the stress away from God, the greatest distress and not having enough time to return course.

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The problem was,

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he said, the editor will

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say to them,

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this is my path. So really, my path is that I call to God, I invite you to God. And God will see it I call to God upon clear sight. I know who God is, I know what God wants, I know how to deliver the message, I know who I'm speaking to, because I'm sensitive enough to care to find out how to have all of that upon insight

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upon insight in those who follow me, so this is no room for ambiguity for lack of clarity.

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Are you on his path? His path is one morning calls to a love genuinely concerned about the creation.

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And the implication also should be very clear, there is packed and only his path ones open the place that you want to get to the place that anything less than it is not survivable.

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There is not a paradise Hellfire and a stupid in the middle where you just sit down and hang out. There's only two locations his path needs to go on. And if you're not on his path, you're in great jeopardy of one thing over the other. So are you on this path,

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path of down the path of concern for the creation, the path that winds up with a reunion between you and him.

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Inside was

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the catalyst of the loved one who said I used to bring new water for my Prophet,

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the prophet of God so he gets up in the middle of the night he wants to wash up to grade water is readily available

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and so he wanted to read

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He felt indebted to me that he that I burden myself this way for him.

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So he sent it to me, send me out of the out of me or asked me for something he

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asked me for something, make a wish, basically.

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And so he says to him, give me time.

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Day at the Prophet messenger valid, tells you them.

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And so he came to him a few nights later, he said, Oh, yeah, what is it that you want? Tell me, maybe get an offer and maybe I can help you. He said more often.

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those are those are our goals.

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Brothers, if you can move up and fill the gaps as best you can.

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Those are very lofty ambitions, very fiery ambitions. He says, I asked you for your company in paradise.

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So Robbie Africa, didn't have a house. He was tremendous. The people that live next door to the province, they live in the masjid, they lived on the sand. That means that everyone goes home at my destination, they have no place to go to.

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Everyone goes out and gets dinner. And so no one remembers that they're gonna go to sleep hungry that night. They have many.

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But his greatest need. He said, I need to be with you forever. I need to be with you.

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He didn't say I want to be in gentlemen. Because he didn't even ask for a paradise in Paradise, a palace in paradise. That's not what he asked for. He asked for what gives that paradise, its greatest value,

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that you are also a law and host to these profits.

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You know, when you have a house go to certain cities in the United States. And you feel like that house is not worth small, it's tight. There's no parking. Why? Why does it cost 10 times as much as you live here, as opposed to quiet somewhere miles away, they say no, but you don't know who lives in this neighborhood. Next door.

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And next door is this politician. And next door is his personality. That's what gives it its work. And that's why my wife around she said

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she said Oh Allah, when she was being tortured by federal, the franchise's that she said, Oh Allah grant me with you a house, not the house for you. She chose the neighbor before she chose the house, because that is the most valuable thing.

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The nicest house in the world amongst neighbors doesn't just lose value, it loses every sort of taste.

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So she asked for the highest company that would be applicable was asking the problem. I want you

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to delete this. It wasn't just wishful thinking either. Right? Like this is the person who left his house, his own

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family to be the neighbor of the Bravo Solomon, do you live next to him? if that's what it takes, I'll do it. And so he did that, so that his requests can be legitimate.

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Finally, what did the prophet SAW Selim, tell him reality made this request? He said,

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Because Can you

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help me help you is basically what he's saying.

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Help me Help you by making many frustrations. Every sujood you make to a loss is another level you climb so long as you hold on to those such that you protect them, you don't invalidate them, you're protective of them. Every sense that you make, that is the greatest thing you can do for yourself, not just a robot to safeguard the prayers and the quality of those prayers and the timeliness of those prayers five times a day without negotiation.

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Nobody's better than you, except one person.

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Someone who does what the prophets of Allah will send them

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to promote other people to make sense you and that takes many forms of that is building massaging and we will not talk about that until

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we tell everyone This message is far from resource to get built. And every session is made is in your scale of good deeds until the day of judgment as if you made those legendary, absolute.

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But there is something one thing that is better than even that. Even better than building MSG and getting people to make sense

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Dude inside and that is a saggy compliment massage is basically get the person himself to execute. The messaging is a place to do the Sajan the person who makes the Jude should be your greatest priority. What is the point of filling documents? If they are, if they are frequently once a week,

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you will be in that case if your intention is in the right place, the on the path of the Prophet, a person of doubt, calling people to lower their heads to God, to find purpose in life through lowering their heads.

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You would be the best person on earth.

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That's why a lot of soldier said women accidental, mean men die, you know what I mean?

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To me who is better than someone who calls to Allah, meaning there's nobody better than someone who calls to Allah,

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and works righteousness and says I am one of the Muslims I am of those who submit.

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So he responded to a large call. And then he called others, he responded to the call of

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God. So

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for head habibollah, what

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he says about this is first and by Lama I swear this is the nearest person to God. This is the closest person to God, the one that gets other people to connect with Allah. So I'm going to ask you a question. Why don't we do this? Even our most immediate circles? Why don't we have this? Why do we have this drive in us to go convince people teach people to respond to a call?

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teach people convince them to love, love, love? Because that what's that all about? That was all about love, your love for Allah, and you're loving for people, what you love for yourself to be connected to him.

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You're not on submission just to get people to agree with you because it's you. But because this is Lamb of yours, the most valuable thing you have, and you're in love with it. And if you're in love with it, you're supposed to be talking about it or ask questions and go back and rediscover it.

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Go back and rediscover any young person here. Even you perhaps when you were young, when you fell in love with a girl, and you said she's the perfect girl and I need to marry her. And you just you go home and you talk to your mom or your dad or someone who's going to talk to your mom and your dad and you just start selling you right? You say she's absolutely perfect. Great. Well, Amanda, beautiful until that your mom and your dad really like oh man, maybe she is

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because you loved him. And so you couldn't tell what talk and endorse and advocate and invited to her draw people's attention to her. That is the path of your profits.

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Loving a lot about loving all else and loving for people. What do you love for yourself to get in on this love?

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Regardless of what it costs

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How did they even transform the world anyway? They would read in other people before the video what jam innopolis on Medina

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came running from the farthest end of the city on foot. I don't have a candle, I don't have a car, no problem. Nothing's gonna get in my way. He said all my people follow the messages. He didn't leave this to the messengers. He didn't say that was not my job. I'm not the sheriff. I'm not a preacher. This is everyone's job. who desires on what's the question? who desires are most company who desires neighboring bodies

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that serve as a perfect depiction of it. And then at the end of that story is on the second picture. So to go back to

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a law says about this man exerted his every effort to call them as a guidance field and avoiding gender. It was said to him at the end of his story, meaning by law editor in paradise.

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Some narrations mentioned, though it's not in the verses, but it is possible that they killed him for his call. He was persecuted and killed and then told as a martyr in the heavens and to paradise. But the point is the first day he was so enter Paradise, gotta yell at me. How do you select

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that he said, Well, I wish my people knew.

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I wish more people knew what this is like. I wish people knew the promise of Allah was true. I wish my people knew that paradise was a reality and not wishful thinking. I wish my people knew

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what was in store for them?

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despite him dying, he's still looking back. Because that focus on the creation is a quality that a lot of wants you to have.

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So if you know a lot, you will have that inside of you.

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And that's the setup some of the early lessons, they used to say that it would be way too fast to leave them an hour for lunch.

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Nobody smiles in the face of a sinner, except those who know God.

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It's not you're not smiling, because you're pleased with what they're doing. You're smiling because you wish well for them. And you want them to see you as someone who is not chasing them away. And you want them to know that you have their medicine.

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And so the person that knows God will go out and look for these people and smiling their faces, and make them feel welcome. Welcome in God's house, welcome in God's religion, fully eligible for God's mercies?

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You will not be able to sit still Can you imagine?

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Change the planet. They could not sit still. Imagine me Forgive me still. Imagine the Muslims in this mystery were to after this football.

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And I don't want to say challenge. But tell you honestly, pick one Muslim right now. And say this, most of them will be my project after all.

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after Ramadan,

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the early Muslims they could not sit still. And and even the Muslims in our age and let them work with us. It's still I was told about I read about a young man in Germany, who his friends felt bad for him because of how tireless the work for the cause of Islam. And so they actually worked for him and his wife and vacation. Isolated, they put them on like a cottage somewhere. And they promised to come back a few days later. And they when they came back a few days later, they found that he started like a mini organization and Islamic organization. He found those who have the workers that work in these resorts, a few Moroccan brothers.

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And he told them you guys can have a Mr. Around here. Let's start the mission in a little nice little apartment. And he started to work wherever he was.

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You know, she had a

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great Syrian scholar, Pastor, and he says

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and I saw a young man that I could not believe was praying next to this guy. And so after Salah, I said Michel modeling What brings you to a bus house, I'm so happy to see you. He said this person used to drink and use the parking his parents go out of the house and used to never pray and everything you can think of a Rebel Without a Cause in the city. He said, What's your story? How'd you get in here?

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He sent to us. He said minor, minor form at the nightclub.

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There was an elderly shed in MSG here in town. That one time he turned around and said to the people, the older folk were on the other guys. They said they're in the nightclub. What's a nightclub? You know, a place where people partying girls and dancing and it shows and he says everybody's there. Yeah, that's what happens in Nigeria. What are we doing here?

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What do you mean? So we have to go get them to chip and I'm serious. You're gonna get beat up. He said, I don't care.

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And so he went, and the bouncer brought up the manager and the manager says to him, No, you're absolutely not getting it. He said, we just want to speak to the people inside. He said, You're crazy. There's no way we're going to let you inside. He said, How much do you make. And he negotiated with the management to give him a day's earnings to let him in. He said fine, but not today. Tomorrow.

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The next day, he comes, they let him in this young man is telling the stories and I was in the nightclub that night.

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And the girls dancing on stage, and the curtain came down.

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And then it came back up for the netscaler. But there's an old man with a big beard sitting on a chair on the stage.

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This is the people had no idea what's going on. He began by tracing a law and praying for the profits of a body or send them and mentioning is even worse people never heard before. After a while people realize it's not a joke. And so the guilt trip told them to shift that attitude is not here. We want to come to the mercy will come until a few people that have on this chain quite invisible God just let the man speak. And so he began to speak to them. And he said to them, look at your life. You've lived forever.

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A long time and so much of your lives have been filled with city filled with rebellion to a lot of fuel so much too. He said in this life of yours, despite of yours, all the things you've committed, where is the pleasure that you gained from that sin, it's all gone. And the only thing that remains are those dark pages that you will be asked about the Day of Judgment, your scrolls, your registers of deeds. And he said to them, they will come when everything was said and vanished.

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And there will only be two destinations, and you cannot bear the fire of this world. And it's only 170 of the fire of Hellfires.

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The young man says,

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so we cry, and everybody in there crying. And we all walk out,

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walk out to the club with the sheriff, including the owner of the club, he eventually shut it down and turn the new leaf with a new life.

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Do not sit still.

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Wherever you are so many people say like, I can't do that. Because I'm not a good person. But you will not be doing that if you weren't up to the person, if we're going to just accept that. You're not doing that. What

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is another indictment against you? That makes you a worse person. And it makes the whole world around you back. Because then people are not teaching each other. You know, some of the biggest movements where people have come back to appreciate his lab have started with some of the biggest scholars who are still alive today. Getting in buses, like micro was in the small buses and transport like buses in the Muslim world and talking to people one by one. I will have an older brother used to go out I would say the people in the massage you don't know how to pray. So what about someone who's outside the massage outside of the cities in the middle in areas in the

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farmlands in the deserts. This is all our responsibility. And so wherever my voice will reach I have to reach and these people will love you when they did that they were impactful. And they were able to leave a mark. what might happen to them became that who no one knows the troops of Allah. But to him. You can be one of them. You may not realize that you can be one of them. Some people say I can't do that. I don't know much I'm not telling you to stand up here necessarily. Be some specialize, learn something, teach it to your children every night. There's one brother this community told me he doesn't find one person in Ramadan. If you keep him in the masjid number one,

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you will stay in the mystery. You will stay in the mystery. And the stories are really beyond mentioning and and this topic. This topic

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has a fulfillment but we have an appointment today. And we haven't done as a prayer after

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two three minutes short.

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I hoped it would have been even shorter. But I do need to conclude by saying that I wish everyone will leave the job after saw to make up for our sister.

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Our sister

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showers mercy down upon her

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as much as I am heard. As much as I have heard. I'm not exactly sure what to be jealous about. Milan, Belgian Mercia from Seoul visit that she was a young sister in her teenage years. And so not many things were written against her or resisted a lot to her in the month of Ramadan, the skies are open, or is it that you took her on Friday the best day of the week? Or is it the fact that a lot of selgin put her through a purifying phase fighting that disease? Or is it the fact that her heart was attached to a lot of xojo in till the very last visa for Lifeline just a few days ago.

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I cannot help but assume the very best of all thought that he only gives life and takes life when he knows that it's better for them believe the believer trying to get close the believer that we are trying to be with our with our with our thing. May Allah make us define that and beyond and beautify the reception in the heavens.

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See my wish when I said

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what he said and saw

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when he mapped out

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in magenta line level you

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can apply tenant

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one to level

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with them between jetavana What did you what people do better was

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Nina was at the MC Latina was 70 density in Atlanta was 70 density.

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And how do you know what FDA we asked a lot of sodium to purify also during this month of Ramadan and except from us and you will make it or Milan to remember and bring us out of this month. Have you been pleased with us and having cleansed our slaves and purified our hearts and protected the Muslims in the US and boatman every place where Muslims are targeted about them. I mean

Khutbah 5.27.2018

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