Mirza Yawar Baig – Retirement Whos she

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The negative impact of retirement age on pursuing a doctorate or research in stem cell is discussed, along with the importance of learning to enhance one's knowledge and knowledge to help others. The lack of knowledge and lack of capital investment is the root of society's negative impact on society, and the importance of documenting learning and creating a method for people to contribute to learning is emphasized. The loss of learning from salesmen and the lack of parenting have been identified as root causes of the negative impact on society.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala should have filled them. Gable mousseline, Muhammad Rasul, Allah is another highly right ally, he was able to sell them to sleep in Nevada. i Brother sisters were very, very dear friend of mine asked me a couple of questions and I have been just making some notes on those, I replied to him, and I want to share those thoughts with you. Inshallah, maybe this will become a basis of maybe Jehovah or something later.

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The first thing he asked me was because he is around my age and maybe a bit younger, but not too much younger. And he decided to do a PhD and do research in stem cell.

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mashallah, he is himself I have is of the Quran, he's an adult, he's a graduate from the from abdominal. And he's also a surgeon. So Marshall is, you know, very accomplished person.

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So his question was,

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I have this thought, I have the desire to do a PhD and to do research in stem cell. But at this age,

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I should be retiring, I should already be retired, or I should retire in the next year or two.

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What's the good of starting something like this, because a PhD means for years and then research, we're talking about the next maybe 10 years of study and research and work.

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So, you know, I'm not sure I do it or not.

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And I said to something that I

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remembered from this Clint Eastwood film

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called The mule, which he made at the age of 90 something.

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And when somebody asked me this question, he said, How old would you be? If you didn't know your date of birth? How old would you be if you didn't know your date of birth? And that's a good question to ask yourself.

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I went to this our course to study Arabic.

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And that was the stage at the time. In the Hijri. Calendar, I'm 70.

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I was older student in the class, but what does matter?

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What, what does age matter at all, you know, in which way does it matter?

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As long as you are able to do something, and I'm not even saying physically able to, because physically able to has to do with actual physical strength. So we're talking about, you know, physically doing something, lifting something climbing, you know, walking long distances, or climbing mountain or something, but I'm talking about physically, mentally in any way, as long as you can function and you can do things, what stops you from exploring what stops you from starting something new, what stops you from

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making a contribution, just enjoying yourself in good positive ways which, by which automatically will make a positive contribution to the world and to life? What stops us the whole concept of retirement age is a completely as far as I'm concerned, it's a completely negative, ridiculous concept because we,

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we meaning human humanity, and especially we're talking here about

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organizations, whether they're government or non government, commercial or corporate,

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who actually don't know how to expand jobs, they don't know how to create new jobs. So therefore,

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to get new people, new graduates into the organization, they have to kick out people who have been there for a long time. So they have no concept of human capital. Now what is human capital human capital is the knowledge that people acquire when they work for you. One of the questions they ask sometimes asked my clients

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as them for example, what's your your organization's what's your, you know, gross sales? What's your net sales?

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what's your what's the ROI you're getting on? On your capital investment?

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And so on, so on, and then ask them Do you know how much what's the value of learning you have?

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Do you know what you know? Do you know how much you know?

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And the answer invariably is no.

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Then ask them for example, that you have people for example, salespeople who are on the street they are experiencing, selling, so they are selling your products. They are talking to your customers face to face. They are listening to them they are

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you know, answering their questions.

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either solving their problems or not solving them and so on. So they have this huge if you look at a large organization, you have this massive net of

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salespeople who are spread across the world, and every single waking moment they are acquiring knowledge.

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So my question to them is, to my clients is, where is that knowledge?

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So, if you if you imagine, like a,

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you know, like some kind of machine,

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whatever, that those those tertiary

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ends of the machine, whatever they encounter, it comes back to a central

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you know, a central database or a central memory. Does that happen in your organization organization, it does happen. So, if I'm, I may have my, you know, best salesman, who's, who's there on the street. So, one thing he leaves

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to add the most, I might say, well, you know, I lost my best salesman, I don't know why I lost him. But if I ask you tell me, you lost your best silver, why is your best sale? Oh, he's best selling, because this was his, this was a number of products he sold last year, and the year before that, and so on, so great. But what else did the person

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what else did you actually lose? Because when you lost the best salesman, you are saying to me that you lost all the learning that he acquired as a salesman. And guess what, he acquired that learning. And you paid for it, because he acquired that learning, selling your products and services, for which he was getting a salary, he was getting perks, he was getting maybe a sales,

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commission, and so on, so forth.

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But since you have no concept of how to transfer that learning, and put it into a database, so that so that this can become now a shared learning for everybody.

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You just lose it. It's almost like, it's not obvious. Exactly. It's like going to a bank, for example, and asking the

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bank manager, how much money do you have any awards? Here's all I have lots of money.

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Now, if you get that answer, what would you say? You would say you're crazy, or you're a nutcase, you have no right to be in this job, you should be kicked out immediately, because you have no idea what you have.

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What do you mean, you have lots of money? I mean, there's a number. So how much money do you have? Similarly, you go to a store, and you ask the, the store manager to say, what's your monetary value? And he's all what have you ever we have very valuable, who are lots of lots of stuff, which is, which is what a lot? What should you say?

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You mean to tell me you're running a business and you have no concept of your inventory, you don't know how much you have invested in there, you don't know what the cost of your total cost of products is? What kind of business? Now, that's if that's how we run our organizations, and we run our life. So you say, Well, you have no cards, you have no idea of how to capitalize on the people that you have. And so what you do, you kick out your most valuable assets, to make way for raw recruits, who has learned everything the hard way, repeating the mistakes of the predecessors, because there is no one to teach them. There is nobody to teach them. And there is no central

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repository of data of knowledge of learning that they can tap into to learn.

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So retirement is really society's admission that he doesn't know what to do with his people. Right. So this is the whole issue of retirement is so completely stupid.

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The point is that as long as you are productive, as long as you're working, as long as you can do something beneficial. Continue to do it.

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And if you are running organization, and so on, and I'm saying this, though, no, across the world, take parenting, for example. What do you learn in parenting? Where is it? Where is it? Where is that accessible to new parents?

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That you get some really freaked out parenting blogs, right?

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Written by don't even know who and know what sort of mental state they write them in? Because some of those things are so freaked out, it's unbelievable.

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In terms of what to feed a child and what how to treat a child and what not, I'm not talking about I'm talking about in terms of building in

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ethics and morals and values, how do you do that in children? How do you raise children who are

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who are tough, who are resourceful, who are resilient, who are all at the same time kind and considerate, and who are sensitive and who are, you know, willing to go out of their way to help other people? I mean, how do you do that?

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So if as a as a new parent or somebody wants love that where should they go? So it's a very important thing that I that I want to leave. Here we just to say that do think of ways in which you can document your learnings in life.

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If I do I do it all the time. That's how I end up writing up. So radical summary books that document your learning. So what did you learn in life? And how is that how did that benefit you? And inshallah maybe, maybe that will benefit somebody else. And this is, of course, this is a tragedy as well because you know, you're what you do benefit people, and, and the goodness follows. So do think of do think about this. And as far as retirement age is concerned, forget about the cost per se. It's a completely dumb concept that,

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as I said, it just is just society's admission that they don't know what to do with the most valuable assets. And those are the those are the people who have spent life who have

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learned from life, they will they would love to return that to society, from where they learned it, but there is no mechanism, there is no method by which they can do that. And that is something to really think about and say how can we create a method where people can contribute their learning

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and which which then of course becomes a shared capital, which is of beneficial benefit everybody? I ask Allah subhanaw taala to help us to learn and understand and to benefit from it was ALLAH will carry while he was a member the whole together

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