Mirza Yawar Baig – Ramadan 2024 Reminders Day #02

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The speaker discusses the fear of disobeying Allah's actions and how it can cause resurrection on the Day of Judgment. They express their belief that fear is rooted in their belief of resurrection and that they want to be the best day of their lives. They ask Allah sub hangroar to fill their hearts with his Taqwa and encourage their brother to be the best day.
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Salam O Allah, Allah He was early he was he was salam to Sliven cathedral.
Or the Isla de column in Virginia will work on heavy our will we live in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. You Yeah, you are la de la mano quotevalet como CRMO Kumar Gudivada Levine carbolic on La La Quinta taco. My brothers and sisters, ALLAH SubhanA wa della della della who said in His Glorious and Magnificent Book, Al Quran Al Karim or you will believe
prayer fasting has been prescribed upon you, as it was prescribed for those before you saw that you may have become a taco, so that you may become people of taqwa. What is that? What? That why is the concern
for the fear of displeasing ALLAH SubhanA Hutan agenda Dinallo because we love him more than anyone or anything else.
That why is not fear of Allah. Taqwa is fear of displeasing the one we love the most.
Is not fear of Allah. The qua is the fear of displeasing Allah subhanho wa Taala because we love him more than we love anyone or anything else.
We ask Allah subhanaw taala to fill our hearts with His Taqwa.
And therefore, the more and better we know Allah, the more we will love him, and the more we will love him, the more we feared or offend him, the more we fear to do anything that he dislikes jealousy.
And all of this is rooted in our belief of resurrection on the Day of Judgment. We fear to disobey Allah, because we belong to Allah. We fear to disobey Allah, because one day we will stand before Allah. And that day, we want to be the best day of our lives. And therefore we say Allah, save us from ourselves and save us, save us from all that we do, which is harmful and beneficial for us. On that day when we will stand before you make a stand up that day, in a way that is pleasing to you and that may make and that will make that day, the best day of our lives. We ask Allah subhanaw taala for this journal journal, to give us this Ramadan, to enable this to happen Insha Allah, wa
salam, O Allah, Allah, Allah will carry on Ali, wasabi ajwain be Rama Tikka Mara Huey. What hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh