Mirza Yawar Baig – Dont be deceived

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The speaker shares their experiences with WhatsApp WhatsApp groups and emphasizes the importance of worshiping Allah to avoid questioning and control what comes to mind. They stress the success of the Shaytan game and the importance of focusing on the point of where they have been going wrong. The speaker also discusses the importance of not worrying about provision and instead focusing on the point of where they have been going wrong. They use the analogy of "has been around" to emphasize the importance of working on what is in one's control and working on it.
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From my
brother and sister, my brother sent me
a beautiful dua this morning,
which he received from somewhere on WhatsApp.
And the Dua is let me first
tell you what the Dua is, and then
I will tell you my thoughts on this.
My the Dua is my lord, help me
surrender all that I am so that I
can receive all that you seek to give
O Allah, help me to lay down the
burden of doubt and to walk freely in
faith, trusting that your plans for me will
always be greater than my greatest dreams.
All that forgive me for the mistakes I
have made and the mistakes I will make.
My rub, please remind me that your goodness
will always be greater than my faults and
that your love will always be greater than
my shame.
Oh, Allah, shine your light upon me so
that my eyes can awaken to your truth
and so that my heart can be illuminated
by the reflection of your beauty.
In your sublime names,
I pray.
So absolutely beautiful, beautiful Dua. So I thought
let me
share it with all of you.
Now my,
thoughts in in this is
when all of this is so clear I
mean, this is for anyone of faith, any
believing Muslim.
None of this is new or none of
this is,
something which is, you know, unusual.
So why then is it
why doesn't it get reflected in our lives?
Why is it so difficult to
live by this?
And the answer is very simple. It's all
a matter of our conditioning.
Now we are conditioned,
and this is the biggest game
that plays. The biggest game that plays is
that he deceives us and very successfully the
quite literally the,
our whole society. And by this, I don't
mean western, eastern,
everyone. Our whole society and all of us
in it in it included. May Allah protect
us from ourselves.
Deceives us into believing
that matters which are actually not in our
are in our
control. Matters
for which we will not be held accountable
are matters that we should worry about,
Whereas matters which are in our control,
where we can make a difference and that
also a huge difference,
an everlasting difference,
are matters that we should ignore.
And matters
where we will be held account before Allah
are matters that we should ignore.
Now to give you the
best way,
the simplest way, the most powerful way
to answer the question, what will I be
held accountable for
is to see what Allah
made for on us, what Allah
made obligatory on us.
Whatever we have been whatever has been made
obligatory on us,
we will be held accountable for it.
What has not been made obligatory on us,
we will not be held accountable for this.
Right? This is a I mean, I sometimes
hesitate saying these things because it looks like
as if I am,
sort of, you know, stating the obvious, but
the obvious doesn't seem to be obvious. This
is the problem. So
what Allah made for, what Allah
he will question us about. What he did
not obligate,
he will not question us about. This is
logic, sensible,
So what did Allah
obligate on us?
To begin with,
fundamental principle,
Allah said,
I have not created the jinn of the
human beings for anything other than my worship.
So to worship Allah
to to do a
bad of Allah is obligatory,
and therefore, it is something that we
will be questioned about.
This has been given into our control.
We are not
to worship Allah
We are not forced
to worship Allah
It is not something that,
that is beyond our control.
Because if Allah made something
obligatory, then he gave us the ability to
do it.
To give you a on a side note,
there are many people who if you ask
them, my brother and or sister, have you
done Hajj? Because you are a wealthy person.
You have the means to go for Hajj.
You are healthy. You are wealthy.
Have you done Hajj?
They say, no. No. I'm waiting for
I'm waiting for the invitation for the call.
And when the call comes, I will go.
Believe me, the only call that will come
to us is
The only call that will come to us
The only call that will come to us
is the call of Malakul,
the angel of death. Allah said every living
thing will die,
will taste death. And Allah said, say to
them, malakor moth has been set upon you,
and he will take your souls, and he
will return to Allah.
There is no other call.
What has been made obligatory? Allah
gave us the ability to do it. Allah
made Hajj obligatory and he said
the one who has the
ability to go must go.
And what is the ability? Ability is physical
ability, meaning health and wealth. That's it.
So if I have health and wealth and
I'm not going for Hajj, believe me, my
brothers and sisters, I am responsible. It's not
anybody else. And if I am saying I
am waiting for the call, well, the only
call you will get and I will get
and we all get is the call of
Malakul. And said the one who dies
without doing Hajj, when he or she could
have done Hajj,
they died without doing Hajj, they will be
raised with the Jews and the Christians
on the day of judgment.
They will be raised with those who are
not Muslim on the day of judgment.
So think about that. So now the point
I'm making here
is the Shaytan plays this game
of convincing us, and he has very successfully
done that. May Allah have mercy on us.
I believe
I'm probably not,
exaggerating if I say that this has this
is * this has been successful with everyone.
Different varying degrees,
but practically every human being.
That things which are not in our control,
Shaitan makes us worried about them. He gives
us this false impression that this is in
your control.
You can increase it. You can decrease it.
You can change it and so on and
so forth,
and do that.
Whereas things which are not actually things which
are not in our control,
which are decreed by Allah,
there's nothing that you do which can change
that. And, therefore, you are not questionable about
Chetan says get worried about that.
To give you the biggest example of that
is the question of sustenance, is the question
of risk.
The question about risk that we will be
asked on the day of judgment when we
stand before Allah
is in 2
parts. Where did you earn it from,
and what did you spend it on?
Where did you earn it from,
and what did you spend it on? The
question that we will not be asked about
risk is, how much did you earn?
How much did you earn? Now just take
this one thing,
and we can,
you know, I I can talk to, far
more on this. But for this moment, just
take this one simple thing,
which is, on the one hand, you have
this question which which we will be asked.
Where did you earn your sustenance from, and
where did you spend it?
On the other hand is a question in
our minds
put put there, which is how much did
you earn?
Then look at yourself, and I ask my
I remind myself to look at myself and
say, in our lives,
where is the focus?
When we are benchmarking
against other people with regard to our career,
with regard to our earning potential,
and so on and so forth, what are
we benchmarking on?
Are we benchmarking on quantum of wealth,
or are we benchmarking on
the means from which that wealth was earned
and where that wealth was spent.
When we say when we talk about role
models and we, you know, we we we
name the names and say so and so
and so and so and so,
what are we talking about?
When we say net worth, what are we
talking about? The worth
of the possessions of the individual
or the worth of an of that individual
a moral,
Which one?
I won't give you the answer. The answers
are, you know, it's the answer is blowing
in the wind. I mean, it's it's absolutely
clear in our faces.
The question is for us to accept that
answer and say, this is where I've been
going wrong and change that. Allah
determined how much
in terms of quantum, how much we are
going to receive. Allah
said, and I'm quoting Quran for you. Say
Allah said, he's announced to them, tell the
are many of this nature, but I will
suffice with this one. Allah says, say to
them, it is
my Surely,
verily, it
my It is my who
who expands and gives more of provision or
the unfortunate word is not there in the
side, but
most people
do not know.
Here is Allah saying very, very clearly.
Allah is saying, don't worry about provision. Provision
has been written by me for you,
and Allah loves us more than we can
possibly imagine.
Allah loves us more than our mothers.
But Shaitan
is not happy with that. Shaitan said, no.
No. No. This is what you should worry
And then you say, well, you know, if
I do if I earn my provision this
way, if I take a interest based loan,
if I sell haram products in my shop,
I earn from haram sources,
what will happen to me? He said, no.
Don't worry about that. Allah will
Where is the daleel?
Where is the daleel in the Quran and
the hadith
to say that Allah
will forgive the one who deliberately indulges in
I will tell you the Dalit in the
Quran and the Hadith with respect to the
one who is dealing with interest. I don't
need to tell you. You know the ayat
of Surah Al Baqarah
and many Ihadis where Rasool Allah
said, Allah declares war on the one.
Allah declares war, Allah and his Rasool. In
the name of Allah and Rasool, Allah declares
war on
the one who deals in interest in reba.
Where is the,
where is the the Quran of the hadith
to say that Allah
will forgive this person?
And this is not to deny the forgiveness
of Allah. Allah can forgive anyone
irrespective without boundary Allah can forgive absolute anyone.
But when we say forgive or not forgive,
we are not
giving. I am not putting a boundary on
Allah I am not saying Allah will not
forgive. I am just saying that the
forgiveness of Allah
do not exist in this particular case. Allah
said he will punish. Allah said this person
is my enemy. I am his enemy. He
I am at war with this person.
So we are not denying the forgiveness of
Allah but we're opening our eyes and trying
to open the eyes of our brothers and
sisters to say,
leave this deception of.
Focus on what is in your control.
I want to close with the story of
Hassan Basir, which I have mentioned dozens of
They asked him, how is it that you
are so peaceful? How is it that you
seem to have no stress in your life?
He said, because of 4 things. Number 1,
he said, I
know why Allah created me and I focus
on fulfilling the purpose of my creation. Allah
and I focus on my on that, on
fulfilling the purpose of my creation. He said,
I know that what Allah has written for
me, nobody can take, so I don't worry
about that.
So number 3,
he said, I know that Allah is watching
me, so I watch everything I say and
because I don't want to be ashamed before
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala. Deliberately disobey him and
be be ashamed.
And he said, number 4, I know that
I will meet Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala one
day, so I prepare for it.
The same logic.
Hassan Basir
was a Muslim. We are Muslims.
He was at peace. We are stressed out.
So it's a very important thing to understand.
Just focus on
what you own,
what we
what is in your control,
and work on that.
What is not in your control, what's the
sense of focusing on that?
But our whole,
is to focus on that. Take our conversations.
Are we talking about what am I doing,
or are we or are we talking about
what is the what the world is doing?
Right? Let me let me leave you here
with this. It's long enough. We'll talk more
later. But very important, focus on what Allah
has given in our control.
And what Allah has not given in our
control, leave that.
knows what he's doing. We trust him completely.