Mirza Yawar Baig – Finding the way forward #1

Mirza Yawar Baig
AI: Summary © The "we" movement, focused on addressing issues related to the killing of Muslims, is taking root in the United States. The "we" movement's focus on justice for Muslims is discussed, along with the "we" movement's use of negative language to incite violence. The "we" movement's use of negative language to incite violence and the importance of reading history and listening to podcasts is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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100 was another center my dinosaurs

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were buried.

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I mean, mentioning your park again at this little pond at the beginning, just after the first bridge. As you take the left, there's a pair of molars there, which is feeding or trying to find some food.

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Bond is very shallow, marshy, it's full of weeds, but that gives it all these colors. And you can see some of the reflection of the leaves of the trees on the side. And these matters are the mayor of the municipality.

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And it's a beautiful, beautiful, bright, cold morning in Western Massachusetts, so Hala, every time I look at this, I thank Allah subhanaw taala for the opportunity to see so much beauty

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and the Halloween that hamdulillah

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Some people complain about how they say, oh, all the leaves are gone, all the color is gone.

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But my take on this is that this constant and continuous changes.

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It's from the signs of Allah subhanaw taala mean it Allah. And Allah subhanaw taala shows us over and over again, how there is beauty in every thing that he creates. There is beauty in the youth, of course. But there is you have to look at so hard. I mean, I am always amazed at the sheer beauty, the dignity of

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an old Muslim man with a full beard. Amazing. I'm always floored with the beauty of an elderly Muslim woman in a hijab.

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And this is not a religious thing I'm talking about from an aesthetic perspective.

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It's amazing is that you you

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there was one I was in, in MCI in Harlem. And

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I was in the workshop.

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So this elderly,

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the kind of man I mentioned, uses an old Muslim man with a full white beard, almost, you know, down to the middle of his chest almost. And he was trying to explain to the shopkeeper who was a Malayali, from Kerala,

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about some book that he wanted. And he wasn't getting very far because he was speaking in Arabic and the shopkeepers seem to have a little of it. And so, I saw this and I, obviously since I speak, you know, both languages if I can say that, not particularly well, but it's enough to

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make sense. So I did the translation and he was very happy. So he raised his hands and he said, May Allah give you a wife? Who doesn't trouble you and who will obey you?

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So I said sure.

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May Allah bless you I already have such a wife and hamdulillah

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so Allah so

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as I was saying this this fantastic scenery is absolutely beautiful scenery I have the sun in my face so I don't know we probably will see some reflection of the light on the on the in the picture so forgive me for that but

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some of the of the color as you can see is still there. And that's all for the good. So it adds some more color to the scenes, but color or no color. Everything has its own unique unique unique beauty

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now the thing I want to sort of share with you the thought

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process in my mind, that has to do with

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people have been asking the saying you know whatever is happening in Palestine How did we get here? How did we have Muslims How did we end up in a situation where we can literally literally we can be mass slaughtered in person, not the only thing if we saw before Palestine, we saw what was happening to the Rohingya as in Myanmar continues to happen. We saw what is happening and has been happening to the wiggers in China. We are told that they're actually harvesting organs from them. So it's incredibly bad, incorrect but I don't even want to get into the

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discussion or which is worse because all

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Human life is, is precious, and the loss of any human life is hugely, hugely regrettable. And it's something that is, that amazes me that we simultaneously talk about civilization, about

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education, about religion, and we can't even get the most basic thing, right, which is killing people is not okay. I mean, what is so complicated and complex about understanding that killing people is not okay. There are sources and the first the big sins and he said the first one is to

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join partners with a la Shaban otalgia Lizarraga, who were just shocked. And he said, the second one is to take a human life and justly so murder, killing somebody. We have the Quran, where the girls were buried alive. And of course, this applies to all children who are killed. And I say I want to use the word without cause because there can be no cause to kill children. No matter what child, no matter what kind of child. And think about this. We know how lucky that every child

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is born on the fifth, and what is the fifth, the fifth is the nature of the child. And what is the nature of the child. Lila Hill, Allahu humbler. So

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the nature of the child is Tawheed which means that every single child who is born is a Muslim child.

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And the source or someone said, it is the parents who change the religion later, when the child cannot think and so on, so forth, the parents are the ones who

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convert their child into a Christian child or Jewish or Hindu child or any other really, the child was born Muslim, and the child remains a Muslim

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until he or she is converted to something else. So every single child who is killed is a Muslim child who is killed.

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So I think this also bears some thought.

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When we think about the,

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the wars and the things that happened, and how

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we have this killing of innocents, killing of young children, killing a women

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not justifiable at all. And think about this also, that no matter which child is killed, in which war, it was a Muslim child that was killed, it was a Muslim child who died.

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So give it some thought. We ask a lot of data to

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to have mercy on us and to save us from ourselves. Because especially with regard to the killing of Muslims, I'm not monetarism and Katara manana matambi damage done. For Jessa Oh, Jehanne no more, solid enough. You have heard a lot about that I said, the one who kills a moment a believer.

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The reward for him and that reward, the word reward is used in a in a sarcastic sense, is Jahannam is the hellfire, where he will remain forever.

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In the case of adults, you can argue and not for the case of or not for the sake of justifying murder, but one can say, Allah said brought me down he didn't say Muslim and so am I a Muslim woman, but with children,

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with children,

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every child is a moment.

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So when you're killing children, when people are killing children, this is what this is what's happening. We ask Allah to save us from ourselves. And

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so, the question always, therefore, what must we do? Now?

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We have talked about and we have heard enough about what is happening in Philistine and we can continue to make dua for justice we continue to make dua for mercy Allah subhanaw taala we continue to ask for protection for the innocence and for punishment for the oppressors.

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Question is

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beyond this watch, because this will also end one day Joe it ends it will end because everything else and then what

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is that a?

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Will we just have a recess until the next cycle? Or is there a way of doing something that will change this so that there will not be any need for any more of such cycles?

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You know, the famous

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famous slogan quote, whatever

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Not to say that

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Nations that don't learn from history are condemned to repeat it. History doesn't repeat in a literal sense, because obviously, as time passes, those particular specific people have, have died have left the world.

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But history does repeat itself in terms of the circumstances and situations and the challenges. And if you look at different times of history, it's quite easy to connect one to the other. And say that challenges, for example, when people in 1857

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in the Indian, what is called the First War of Independence or the Sepoy Mutiny, depending on who's writing

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the challenges, they're faced with the challenges that were faced later on, in 19 4700 years later, it's very easy to see the parallels and the comparisons between.

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Now I'm going back much more between the society, what comprises society, what were the societal norms on which that society was built, and so on, in the seventh century Arabia, that Muhammad

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Sallallahu sallam was born in and grew up in and

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where he raised his voice for Tawheed, where he preached Islam those times, and strangely enough, our current modern day times now, those of you who read my books on Sierra, as well as who have listened to and continue to listen to the lectures on Sierra, I think,

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currently, NASA Thursday was 44th of the 45th lecture

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on the Sierra Nevada, so, you will see, and, of course, many other lectures. So the point being that you will quite easily see the parallels between society in the seventh century. And today.

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It's important to,

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to draw these partners before that, it's very important to read history, and not just one from one place, but multiple sources, and be objective in who you read. That's why I'm saying multiple sources, because some people write history, which is really propaganda.

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Not very well disguised. I won't even say propaganda in disguise, because you can see through that disguise quite easily. So it's not even particularly good disguise. But it's basically both bad propaganda.

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They write about people as if they're their favorite people that write about them as if they're absolutely perfect, never did anything wrong. And anything wrong that they did, which was so blatant and clear, and in the face that you can't hide it, they try to gloss over it, they try to find excuses for them, and so on. And the opposite for those who they don't like who they leave no stone unturned, to malign them, and to destroy the reputation and so on. And this is a terrible way and a terrible waste, sort of squandering of time. And knowledge, if you do that to yourself, because you're not doing it, anybody else. You're doing it yourself, where you are

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taking the time and trouble to read something, but you get nothing out of it. So don't do that. Read history, objectively. And then, as you're reading, keep an eye open for

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situations that parallel and that are

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that are similar to the ones that we are living in today. And the biggest reason to do that is because that way, you can learn lessons at somebody else's expense. You don't have to pay for that lesson. That lesson is extremely valuable. We need it, but we don't necessarily have to suffer to learn that lesson because somebody has suffered already. And they wrote about it. And we

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are able to now learn that lesson without suffering. The that's the whole point of reading. Reading connects you across time, across across boundaries,

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connects you with people who are who are, who live lives, which were much richer than our lives, much more, had much more variety had the face challenges which

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make our challenges

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seem like the challenges of mice. They faced situations difficulties, and then they overcame them the brutal things and they succeeded and they were victorious. And the only way that you and I are going to know about that is if we read history. There is no other way. You know, time machines have not been invented yet.

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And even if there were

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imagined being dropped into colorism

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just before Genghis attacked it, I definitely wouldn't want to be in that place. But if you look at what the savannah Carson did, and his decision making, if I can call it that, which was completely suicidal,

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because of bad intelligence, because of arrogance, because of believing things about himself and his times, that were not rooted in literally in observation and fact.

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Now, if you take this lesson out of there, and say, what is it that is happening today, in my time, which is factual, which is clear, which is

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which is rooted in,

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in actual

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observation, something which is rooted in things which I can see and touch and smell, and, and watch and test? Not literally, but you know what I mean?

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And what do I learn?

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So, this is the point. So the point is that, we don't have to get into a time machine and land ourselves in a place where we probably won't come out of their life, but sit in the comfort of our homes, in our schools, and read history. The only

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and I'm very * about this, I'm very hardcore about the importance of reading.

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The only exception I make is podcasts, which are

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literally just the, you know, like audiobooks, somebody is reading out the book to you.

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Without that person putting in his or her take on that. It's not that I'm against that I've been, I've recommended the Empire podcast to a lot of people because William Dalrymple and I need another among my favorite favorite podcasters they do a fabulous job.

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And it's a different podcast they're not reading is their take on different books, and this is what hamdulillah but I know I listen to that. Usually after having read the book myself, and that's, that's upon me. So try and read the book yourself. And then of course, listen to the podcast, which gives you a perspective on it. And you don't just follow that perspective by the nose, you have your own ideas about it and use them

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more that moderator Inshallah, in the context of going ahead, what do we need to do

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to create a situation where we

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become the thought leaders of the world thought leader, I don't just say leaders because leaders, the whole problem with today's world is the concept of leadership and how people want to get it, which is a

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2000 year old,

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as far as I'm concerned,

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hardly failed. And that concept of leadership through military expansion, and military power, it never worked. It never will. And all it does is it spreads misery after misery after misery. We ask Allah to save us from that from save us from being able to spread misery and enable us to be people whose only and only goodness was sort of the Halloween Fairy Manali. He was happy to get him

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