Abdullah Oduro – Invocations of God #28 Satans Jealousy of the Praying Person

Abdullah Oduro
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the scenario of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's statement to the people of Bethlehem, which is the second pillar of his message. He gives advice to listeners to not pray until they have caught up with the prayer and advises them to not pray until they have caught up with the prayer. The prayer is designed to make the individual take away from the law and become negligent, but ultimately the I do the enemy's plan. The speaker also reminds listeners to remember the text in the prayer and to take it away from their remorse feeling.
AI: Transcript ©
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So we're continuing on with the hadith

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and at Tiramidi

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where the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is relating

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the statement of Yahya to the people of

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And he's telling them 3 of the 5

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pillars of Islam

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And we have reached the salah, which is

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the 2nd pillar. And now I've been okay,

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Rahim Allahu Ta'ala, is talking about

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the situation. He's creating this scenario.

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And this portion of the lesson is very,

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very beautiful because within the next couple of

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lessons, he's going to talk about the actual

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actual scenario. And it's important that you, when

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listening to this, that you think of your

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own personal story within the particular

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scenario. So you have the scenario but then

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your particular story is that what you need

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to recall to really benefit from the lessons

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in the speech of Ibn Uqaym to

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ultimately benefit from the Hadith

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of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the statement

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of Yahya Alaihi Wasallam. So he says

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He said, and these servants,

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when they stand for the prayer,

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say Satan gets jealous.

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For verily he has stood,

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he is in a standing of a supreme

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and the nearest to Allah

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So Satan, just generally the nature of Satan,

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we have to remember that Shaytan Wa Adu

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Wa Taqidu Wa Adu Wa Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala says,

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Never really

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Shaitan is an enemy.

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So take him as an enemy. So Allah

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is saying that he's an enemy, so you

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need to take him as 1. You notice

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how Allah gives you the knowledge then gives

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you the responsibility of the knowledge. He says

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that shaitan is an enemy, but what does

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that mean for you? He's your enemy. So

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you need to take him and address him

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and know him as one. But now identifying

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what are the things that the enemy will

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do to you, What are first of the

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things that he despises, which you should, by

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default, love?

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And what are the things that he will

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try to do to you, which you should

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know that when you do those things, it

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takes you away from that which Allah loves.

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Further, he loves it. So then he says

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for verily.

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You know, Satan is jealous at the individual

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because he's he's standing in the most noble

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and closest in proximity to Allah

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and the most in which is the most

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to Satan. He says

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said so he will

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take all and air every necessary means

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to make him not stand for the prayer.

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He's gonna take any means.

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So then he's saying here basically that Satan

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will take every single means to make him

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forget it and to think and hope for

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other things. And he will take him,

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by foot and by by by any by

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any means,

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until he makes him, makes

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negligent to where the prayer will become insignificant

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to him and he will eventually

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leave it. That is the process of shaitan.

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So let's just stop for here for a

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Whenever you think that the prayer is insignificant

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or you think that it is a burden

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on you, know that that is ultimately the

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I do the enemy's plan.

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Generically speaking, he wants to take you away

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from the law and in the prayer, he's

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going to take certain means. So

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Ibn Al Qaym is mentioning here, firstly, initially,

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Satan wants to take you away from the

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prayer and if you do it, it makes

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him angrier,

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which is showing that he will not give

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up. He's going to take other means. What

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are those other means? Ibn No. Pen mentions

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it here.

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This is beautiful.

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He says here, so if Satan

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was not able to do that, to make

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you leave off and be negligent of the

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to where you don't do it

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or you eventually leave it, He says, well,

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Esauhu and,

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the individual

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was to resist,

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he was to resist him and to stand

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by standing in that prayer. So if he

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was to resist Satan and to go ahead

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and pray. You know, people are telling you

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not to pray. You're at work or you're

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looking at things and people are telling you,

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you know, why are you praying? Are you

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in an environment and the time's about to

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go out and you wanna pray? That time,

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Satan's gonna come to you. Just don't do

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it. Why are you gonna do it in

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front of people? Why are you gonna do

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it at this time? It's not suitable. Look

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at what you're wearing. Whatever it may be,

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he's going to take you away from that

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prayer. If he's not successful in that, you

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go ahead and you do it anyway. You

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fight yourself. You say it doesn't matter. I

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need to pray in front of Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. I need to pray because this

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is what he's giving me, etcetera. You remember

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his beautiful names and attributes and the means

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to do that action of worship. Satan is

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not gonna give up. He says here that,

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if he if Satan was not able to

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do it and the individual stands at that

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noble station being the prayer.

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So he's saying here, at this time, listen,

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he will come to him

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with thoughts

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that will come

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between him

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and his heart and soul. SubhanAllah.

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He's gonna explain it here.

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Listen to this.

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Is saying here that that the process of

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Satan, how Satan will take you away from

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worship in general, particularly the prayer, which is

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the most noble of the worship. And that's

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why he's calling it the Maqam, the the

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station. So

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if Satan is handicapped and he's not able

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to take you away from the praying, you

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stand at his noble position, he will stand

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in front of him in front of his

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slave, in front of the the the the

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the servant that is praying to where he

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will come with his thoughts.

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He will bring certain thoughts to him that

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will serve as a barrier between his heart

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and soul.

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He doesn't stop there. He goes deeper. He

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creates the scenario. So what I want you

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to do here is when you listen to

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this scenario, think of the particular thing you

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were thinking about.

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He says here.

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So he reminds him in his prayer

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about something that he did not remember

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before the prayer

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that thing that he forgot about

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before the prayer.

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He said

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to the degree to where he forgot about

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that particular thing, and he gave up on

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Alright. He gave up on it.

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So he makes him remember it in the

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prayer. You're thinking about something at work. You're

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thinking about an assignment at school. You're thinking

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about something you had to do for your

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while you're on the way to the prayer,

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and you're fighting Chape On. You know, you're

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leaving from the airport. You're about to go

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to the airport. You have a flight, and

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you're trying to think of your lecture. You're

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trying to think of who you're supposed to

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call or this this one, that text that

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you were supposed to send to somebody.

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You forgot about the text that you were

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supposed to send, and then you say, Allahu

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Akbar. You get in the prayer, and Satan

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brings, oh, yes. That's who you you were

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supposed to text. Don't forget to text him.

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You remember the what was said in the

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text. It was an argument. It was a

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refutation. It was something, and you remember it

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in the prayer. This is how Satan will

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come to you. This is exactly what it

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would be okay in his saying. He's saying,

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you forgot about some toy. You you you

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were trying to think about it, and you

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couldn't remember. You said, no. Anyway, I gotta

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go pray. You start to pray, Satan will

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make you remember at that time. He says

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to make him to

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to to occupy,

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to preoccupy his heart

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with that thought.

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So he'll take him away, that thought,

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that text,

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that message,

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posting that video is going to take you

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away from the remembrance of Allah

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So now he is in the prayer with

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no presence, no heart.

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So he's saying so so he's not going

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to reach the station that someone that was

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present in the prayer reaches. He's not going

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to reach that level because this process just

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took place.

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He says, so he diverts himself and he

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leaves from the from his prayer just as

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he came in

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with all the problems. And he's saying here,

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with his mistakes and his faults and his

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that does not

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lighten the burden on him, that the salat

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did not take away. So this is important

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here. He's just showing the

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process of the prayer

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and the steps that that that Shaitan will

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take. So Satan will Satan will firstly try

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to make you leave the prayer. If you

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don't, he will come with your thoughts.

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And Ibn al Qaim gives a beautiful example

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here He

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will call He will cause you to remember

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those things that you forgot about before the

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He will bring to you thoughts

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of those things

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that will preoccupy you

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from the prayer.

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Now, there is a way to where one

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can use those thoughts

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the prayer

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to where if one was to think about

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a text message

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that it was an argument between him and

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the brother,

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you think about it and you say, oh,

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Allah. Forgive me. You think of where my

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mistakes are. This is how the humility

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is is is is planted within the prayer.

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You think about your mistakes and you say,

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Allahu magfirli.

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You think about how he did you wrong

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in the text. Allahu Magfirli. Allahu.

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Oh, you have gafoorik filo. Oh, the offer

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can forgive him for Yes, Saboor.

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It's very difficult for me to to let

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this slide.

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Make me patient to let it go.

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Oh, make me patient. This is how you're

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using that thing that Satan was trying to

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make you

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divert you from the prayer and you're using

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it as a means to remind you of

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Allah and to increase you. Satan doesn't want

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that. That's why the prayer ended up in

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and of itself

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is that which even needs, dare we even

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say, more of a spiritual battle between you

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and Satan because Satan is still trying. But

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it's important, firstly, that you know that.

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Now that you know that,

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be ready for Satan to try to come

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to you in any aspect of worship. But

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one way that we can easily alleviate ourselves

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of that is thinking of the beautiful names

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and attributes of Allah and which name applies

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in this particular

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situation situation

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that Satan was trying to take me away

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from using my thoughts in this to separate

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my heart from it. But how we connect

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it is by remembering the names of Allah

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Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. May Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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make us of those that remember his beautiful

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names and attributes.

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