Tim Humble – 051 – The Tafseer of Surah Nazi’aat Part 1

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of protecting from punishment and good deeds for a stable society. They stress the importance of planting trees for survival and the benefits of healthy nutrition and overall health. The speakers also mention the need for treatments and medications for COVID-19, but there is no FDA approval yet. They are waiting to see how the pandemic will play out before making any decisions. They also discuss the potential treatments for COVID-19 and the need for further research.
AI: Transcript ©
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by ina team on

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my deewani Oh bye

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Abdullah who are solely Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge Marin.

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So in sha Allah Tala, today we're going to start a new surah. And that is sort of noisy art. solten as the art is a sort of that is makiya. It was revealed in the time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam spent that period of time. While he was in Makkah. It has some other names. It's also called a thumb, because of the iron, which mentions autometer Kouvola.

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And it's also called a Sahara, and other names that it has. But the name that it's well known by is a noisy art or oneness yet

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there is no doubt that the surah in general speaks about resurrection. And that's a theme which is fairly common in the sewer of Jerusalem, talking about and particularly in the sword, which are makiya, generally speaking, to talk about the resurrection, and to talk about what will happen when a person dies. And remember, when we're talking about ilium Amblyomma earlier, generally speaking, we're talking about the moment of death onwards. And that's not because the moment of death is yo Mel Kiama, per se because of course Yamaki ama is is a particular time that Allah decrees Asara that Allah decrees, but in reality, everyone's piano, sometimes they call it al Qiyamah, to sohara, the

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lesser Kiama it begins the moment you die, because from the moment you die, you pass from this world into the ark era. And you have to then you're no longer in in in Donald Amell, the place of actions for your internal Jazza, the place where you're getting recompense for your actions, whether that is the battles of the grave, the life of the grave, or whether that is the resurrection, or whether that is eternal life in paradise or in the fire with a biller. And that is that all of it in terms of the recompense and what starts to happen, it happens from the moment of death onwards, and that's why sometimes they call it LKm Okayama, a surah, the lesser Kiama, or the smaller key Amma before

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alchemical Kabbalah when all of mankind are resurrected together.

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We'll begin with the

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the first

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the the first few words of the surah and these are a little bit difficult today.

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Generally speaking, most of the scholars of Tafseer they said that the WoW here is a custom so Allah once again, Allah subhanaw taala, as is the case in Jerusalem, Allah subhanaw taala is swearing by a number of different things. And we took a principle we've mentioned it so many times in the Tafseer of just ama we've took it as a principle that Allah azza wa jal lay oxime Allahu ala be more alpha, Allah only swears by something that is very significant to him. Allah doesn't swear by things that are not important. So whenever you hear something being swarmed by in the Quran, while Assar walked to her, when Lael worships they are very significant things. They're not things which are

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insignificant or small matters, they're very significant in the sight of Allah Most of the scholars of Tafseer they said the WoW here is

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little cousin.

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So, Allah subhanaw taala is swearing by these things. And if you remember and we talk at the end of the lesson today, what is the job of custom here? What is the the the sentence which is the reason for which all of these, these OT or these these words are being mentioned? So for example, if we take sorta acid for example, well acid, Allah swears by time in L in Santa Fe also that's the reason Allah swore by time to tell you that

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mankind is in a state of loss. So this job this answer you're waiting for where this is the reason for it, it's like when you hear a custom in Arabic, your ears are listening for the reason for it. Right?

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For example, somebody says let's give it a give a simple example from our speech, one of us say Wallahi

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and then you just stop and sit down.

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When someone says to you Allah, you're listening to Allah Who what any Wallah he, what you swearing for? What's the reason what's the any Wallah he I'm going to finish this today in somebody's got a set there's a sentence that so again here in any time that this custom comes in the Quran there is a Joe up which we have to ask ourselves what is it what is the the reason for these things being swarmed by

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the difficulty in these things were noisy it all caught when now she thought the next thought

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was Sir Behati Saba

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for Serbia quality said apart filmora Buratti Umbra five things.

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The difficulty in them is that there is a lot of a lot of different opinions mentioned about them.

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And this today, we can take it like a a lesson or a practice on how to deal with different opinions in Tafseer.

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Because a lot of times in the science of Tafseer, we start reading what the scholar said about an idea, and you get halfway through and you just want to lie down you know, because you are so your mind is so full of different ideas and different opinions.

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There are

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two or three things that can be really helpful to you here. The first is to look at the the language of the iron. So before you start looking at this scholar said it was this and the scholar said it was this and this scholar said it means this and this scholar said it means that for example, the majority of scholars, they said when nosey RT got a call whatever they said about it, they said it refers to the angels. But then you have a group of them who said it refers to the stars, and a group of them who said it refers to the person who fires, arrows, shoots arrows, the archer.

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So you start thinking, I'm lost, where did we end up between angels and stars and archers and others other things.

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And it can be helpful at that time to go back to the language and to understand what the word means linguistically in the Arabic language. And then from there, maybe you can find ways that you can link between the two. What also helps and we're going to do this today, inshallah is to go to some of the scholars who their specialization is to gather these different opinions and tell you how to reconcile between them. And I believe perhaps the best and Allah is Journal's best among the best of those who did this is even okay him, Rahim Allah to Allah.

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In his

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for white, that he Rahim Allah, Allah many times, he will say he will bring you all the different opinions. And then he'll start like weaving a thread between them. Like this came from this and this is because of this and this is because of this and this became because of this, and therefore this is the answer.

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So, a nurse, the RT Gurkha I'm going to start with the easier part here. I'm going to start with

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the word Harca.

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The word Haruka here it means Iraq and Iraq is when you when you do something to its limit, when you do something to the maximum that it can be done,

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you for example, people say things like alcohol coffee,

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I need to completely you can even say to drown yourself in at any but like to submerge yourself in it completely albaraka

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So, in any case, the word is more general than just submerging the word means to do something to its utmost limits and the maximum emphasis you can put on something

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and a Nezzer

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the word another is to extract something or to to take something out.

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So a Nursey it to take something out in the utmost way that it can be done to the maximum that it can be done

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to extract something

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even Okay, here, he says straightaway, even Kathy he doesn't he doesn't give you any different opinion. He said Al Malaika they are the angels.

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Tell you

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what is it that the angels

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Pull out with force because a lot of car any they're doing it with, there are two things that tell us about the force here. The first is the word and kneser itself is to extract something forcefully.

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You don't say Naza for something which is like gently, you know, gently just removed any unnecessary is

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a mirage, we should die any to take something out with force and then Eroica it only adds to it again.

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So those who forcefully remove, extract something.

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Even look at it. He said, Yeah, I know that. They mean by this, that they forcefully remove the soles from Ebony Adam.

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And the word Harka would indicate that these souls don't come out easily.

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The souls they don't come out easily.

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Rather they are extremely difficult. So they require the utmost

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the utmost force to remove them.

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This is what the majority of the scholars of Tafseer they said they said Al mela aka the angels.

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So now if we look at the angels, what do we have from the Quran or from the Sunnah that will tell us how to understand this if it does indeed refer to the angels. What's the famous Hadith that we have

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about the angels taking the soul of the believer

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or the disbeliever

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very famous Hadith we mentioned it many many times this hadith in the classes

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do you know the Hadith?

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Yeah, when the professor was sitting at the grave, very good.

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Hadith, well, ballade no as

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it's known as Hadith al Bara ACTA with the long hadith of Al Bogner as

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when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was he they went out for a funeral from a man of the unsolved and they sat at the grave and the prophets i Some had a stick in his hand and he was scratching the ground looking up at the sky.

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And he told the companions to ask her to seek Allah's refuge from the punishment of the grave.

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And he described what happens to the believing soul and what happens to the disbelieving soul. So the disbelieving soul when the angel of death comes,

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the angel of death, according to the stronger opinion, and what is via what is apparent from the hadith is that the angel of death is one angel.

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But the angel of death has helped us. Somebody might say, well, how can we say the Angel of Death is one person when you know or one angel, when so many people die at the same time? This is not our concern, because the angels they live in the world of the unseen, right? The angels live in the world of the unseen.

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And we don't have to apply the rules of our our universe in our world and say how can it be there is that a hadith indicate the Angel of Death is one angel. But that angel of death has helped us those helpers they come with faces that are that are black or faces that are bright like the sun.

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Depending on whether the person is believe or disbelieve when the disbeliever comes the angel it tells the soul to come out from the anger to the anger of Allah and his and his curse or to the anger of aloneness punishment.

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When that soul truth, it doesn't come out easily.

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That soul splits in the body, it splits through the body, and it's removed like a skewer through wet wool. So if you imagine that you had a skewer with like a stick with like shorts on the end and you had wrapped it in wet wool, and you ripped you ripped it out. So it rips the flesh it rips the the nerves the whole, the soul doesn't come out easily. So many of them they said this is the meaning of oneness the it hochkar

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Because every one of these five appears to refer to the angels and the most common opinion is that each of the five refer to the angels when as the idea of Arakawa National Party Nesta was said Behati said I have a salvia Kotti, Saba filmu their purity

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umbra, that all of them refer to the angels, if that's the case that all of them refer to the angels, and this refers to them, extracting something with force, and with something which doesn't come easily. Then they said that this refers to the soul of the disbeliever the disbelieving soul when Nursey it are

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we going to go to the next idea, but we haven't finished with this a yet. We're going to go to the next idea because the next idea if we keep thinking about the angels, the next idea will also it will fit when nurse she party Nash thaw.

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A Nash here

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is when something is released from being bound.

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Like the the the call right, like the call. So the call if you you remember the camel how they used to tie the camel,

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the they used to have a rope

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and they used to take that rope and tie it around the legs of the camel so the camera can move. When you remove this rope from the legs of the camel, what happens?

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It it easily it goes it gets released. This is the meaning of one Nashi thought in Ashta

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those who release any it they extract it or they let it go with ease. So those people who spoke about when nosy it a lot of car referring to the souls of the disbelievers so then when ownership multinational refers to the soul of the believing believing slaves, again from a hadith the Hadith available Abner as of October in the long Hadith, well, no, I said that the soul comes out

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like the drop from the mouth of a water skin.

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In other words, if you imagine you have like a bottle, and there's a drop falls down the edge of the bottle, how easily it just, it just falls out. And if it falls down the side of the glass, this is how the soul of the believer will come out.

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The soul of the righteous believer will come out

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and it comes out to the Mercy of Allah and His pleasure.

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So the soul comes out easily. So it's as though it's being released. And it's like when you release the leg of the camel. It goes and it it walks free. So the soul it's the soul of the believer is though it has been it has been freed and the soul of the disbeliever as though it has to be pulled out with with force and difficulty.

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When Nancy it Arca winner, she thought he nishtar.

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However, if we look at these two words, neither of them mentioned the angels specifically.

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And this is where the difference comes. Because yes, we can we can say this fits the angels perfectly. And we have a hadith which supports this type of seal. But the Hadith itself doesn't mention that this is the Tafseer of the IRA and the IRA itself doesn't use the word angels.

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So where did we get the angels from? Or what is it that we can use to strengthen our

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opinion here that it's the angels we can go to the end

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of the five that I mentioned.

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When as the RT hot call when national anti national was said Behati Saba half a savvycard he said aka fel moda, Buratti emra even okay him and a group others some and others, they mentioned Agema consensus that the last of the five is the angels there is no difference of opinion among any scholar of tafseer that the last is of the five refers to the angels. So by this they say since these are mentioned all connected together, and since there is a far also linking them

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For Serbia, Kati Sabka, fel moda Bharati Emre, then this means they are linked together in the same topic, and therefore, we have a hadith which indicates to us that they refer to the Angels we have the last idea of the five which is definitely the angels with no disagreement, and therefore it makes sense to say that all of these ayat refer to the angels and therefore if they refer to the angels, the most obvious thing which comes to mind is

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The hadith of albala Ignore Isaiah regarding the extraction of the soul of the dead person when they die when there's the idea of al Qaeda when National Party national but because the word angels isn't mentioned and because the hadith of Al Bara doesn't mention these two Ayat as as specifically as the Tafseer of the of the of the

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of the idea then here we can go to see what are how do we reconcile

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between these different opinions

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even though km,

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Rahim Allah to Allah He has a very very nice way of explaining all of these different opinions

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he said

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call to

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a nurse er to his smooth early Minh Neza

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he talks about the linguistic origin of it it comes from the word NASDAQ. Where you Harun as I Kedah

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the word Naza is used if it is if it is brought towards you either it's tethered by who'll be cooler, it's brought to you with you know you take it to yourself with force

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when as I am who either holler who are Taraka who

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and you say NASA and who if you have left it and and it's gone away from you after you had been connected to it. When is our era he either had the LA he was Mr. La La and you use the word nessa with La he to mean that if it if it went to you or it inclined towards you. He said what are the enamel tools soft will be no force. This is how we describe the soul.

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And let he let her how raka era de Lille Maley Illa Shay a will mainly

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because the soul has the ability to incline towards something or to go away from something.

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So he says that this we describe the soul like this. This is how we describe the soul.

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And he said What are Haku Masada Allah He was almanor iica the word even Okay, and the thing that he says here that's really important is he says, aha, he doesn't say that the only valid Tafseer of the ayah is the angels. But if you were to look at the most deserving meaning here who can you apply this idea to in the best possible way, the angels would be the best possible way.

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He said Leanna Hill Kuwa

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fie her a Kamal.

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We're moldable IOTV her out of them. He says because the angels power to do this is the most they have the most power.

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And the the the sign from it the IRA from it would be more it's more emphatic. For example, if Allah is swearing by the archer, who who draws the ball to it's full,

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its full width.

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That's powerful. But it's not the same as the angel who takes the soul from the dead person, right? Which one is a greater which which one is our more I attend it has a more of a it's more of an eye it's more of a sign or a symbol for you. It's not the archer who draws back the ball. The archer who draws back the ball. Yes, this is perfectly valid for the word you can use the word for it without any problem. And the archer that releases the ball and lets the arrow fly. You can use this and it's perfectly valid and it is something which is our theme in the lights. It's got a place in the sight of Allah, Allah in the Quran in Nakula Allah in El Quwata Rami that the meaning of Kuwa or the

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cooler in the sight of Allah is archery and so many a hadith like that. But which one of them is more deserving? The angels are more deserving. And that's why the the the idea is more appropriate

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to apply to the angels than others

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for hear Leti tools for necessary either pala bats,

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ma 10 00 10 00 to one zero ad

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when Neff sued in 78 one law Hill Kuwa one newsroom, Avon 10 Zero min O'Flynn Illa

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He said yes, you can apply it to a person like the archer who draws the ball. Because a person has that ability, a person can pull something, you know, towards themselves with strength, like the archer, when they pull the ball all the way to the full amount, they pull it with all of their strength. And the stars also disappear from one and one part of the sky and reappear in another part of the sky. But the the description, which is the most powerful, and the most complete, is the angels.

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So this here,

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he said for kneser Halaqa, twin shed EDA, SOA incarnate minute, Min Min melachim, our nefs in in Saniya Oh najman. He said, So the meaning of a kneser Here, look at how even Okay, him he brings it back to the language, that word Nezzer here is a powerful movement. It's a powerful action.

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And angels can do that. And people can do that. And the stars also do that. And that's why we have this difference in Tafseer.

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Between those scholars, because this hierarchy, this action, all of those three things can do it, angels can do it, and people can do it, and stars can do it. But which one of them is more deserving, or more powerful in the sense of the meaning and in the sense of the eye. And in the sense of the fact of the context, when you link all of the IR together, there is no doubt that the angels are what come to mind. And that's why we say that the angels here, this is the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Tafseer. Who said the angels. And if we look at it, the meaning is more comprehensive in terms of the angels than it is for others. But it's as though even okay, you may

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see here, that the reason the scholars of Tafseer gave these other opinions is they're giving you examples, they are not contradicting their belief that it's they're not saying it's not the angels, but they're giving you different examples by which you can understand the meaning of the word. So they so some of them when they took this word, they said, what comes to our mind for this word is the archer when they draw back the ball to the to the full strength and they pull back the ball as far as it can go. That's what comes to our mind. That's a missile. It's an example. Without necessarily cancelling out the other examples. I even even Jarier Rahimullah Tada, when he came to

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this if

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he mentioned these different opinions, and he didn't prefer any of them. It's as though he's saying the word covers all of them. And this is even Jerry generally does this and if you have a word that can be applied, he will apply it to the biggest possible application and I will try to give it to all of them.

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So Allah subhanaw taala didn't mention the word angel specifically, we think the angels is a Haku.

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Any handle was any The angels are the most deserving of what is mentioned. However, you can also say like him and Jerry appear to say that you can apply to all of them because all of them, all of them are significant in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala and the word in terms of the the usage of the word covers all of them.

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So here we have winners the RT Harca.

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Winner she thought he Nash thought we said that if it refers to the angels here, then it refers to the taking of the soul of the believer because the believer comes easily the soul of the believer comes like this, like like a gnashed which is to be released from when you're holding something back and you let it go. And it's released. It comes it goes easily.

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We're sir Behati Sabha.

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Here, the word cyber here is to swim right? Was Sal Behati Saba, it's to swim.

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But, and here again, most of the scholars of Tafseer they spoke about the angels. Most of them said, it is the angels who swim or who moved through the heavens, between the heavens and the earth.

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And the movement through the sky. Allah subhanaw taala calls it swimming in the Quran. And for example,

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the sun and the moon.

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Fela Qin Yes, they are in

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and orbit swimming around. So this movement through the sky or this movement through the heavens, Allah subhanaw taala uses this word for it to move through the heavens. So most of them they said this, they said, was Sir Behati Sabha is the angels that swim through that the, the sky, the heavens,

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and they move between the heavens and the earth. Some of them said that this refers to the angels who enter the body to take out the soul, and they swim through the veins.

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However, this tafsir

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it seems to me that it's unnecessary. First of all, it's speaking about the rave that we don't know we know the shaytaan travels through the blood right?

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In the shape on HD FedUni Adam major demo camera Karla sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the shaytaan flows through the son of Adam like the blood flows. But we don't have a clear evidence that the angels do this. And the hadith of Al Bara that describes the angels it describes the Angel of Death sitting at the head of the person, it doesn't describe the Angel of Death going inside the person's body and swimming through the the arteries and the veins to pull out the soul. So this seems to be an unnecessary

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explanation of something which we don't have evidence for. rather to say that the angels swim through the heavens, this is clear, because Allah subhanaw taala uses this word for the movement.

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Seven for the movement, bit through the heavens, between the heavens and the earth.

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And so it seems to be referring to the angels that move between the heavens and the earth with the command of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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I will read you what even Kathy have said, I want to get to what happened Kathy has said here

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he quotes even even miss Ruth Rhodiola when was Serbia it said to her call Lebanon call Eminem's rude or the Allahu and he'll Malaika

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what are we an alien? Well, Mujahid was very different. You were beside me through Dallek. So he simply quotes that even miss Ruud and Ali are of the Allahu Anhu OMA and moja Hayden Sarita VentureBeat, and Apple sila, or hammer home Allah, all of them said that it's the angels. There's the angels.

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They said it's the angels.

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Because the angels move through the sky through the heavens,

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when Allah subhanaw taala commands them

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to do so

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if we want to tie this movement to the two eyes that came before, we also have an evidence for this in the hadith of Albarado Isaac, because once the angels take the soul of the believer or the disbeliever, what do they do with it? They ascend up through the heavens,

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they go all the way up through the heavens. As for the believer, they go to the seventh heaven. And as for the disbelievers, they go to the first heaven and they're not allowed to go any further and the soul is cast down into the grave.

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So even this, of the angels moving through the heavens is still related to what we've talked about the the taking of the, The Taking of the soul at the time of death.

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And we said the whole topic of the soul is all around what else birth, we're not sure resurrection and so on. So it starts with the moment of death when now see it a lot of car, when now she thought he was sad, Behati said, the angels that are send through the heavens with the soul,

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or the angels that are sent with the command of Allah who is going to live and who is going to die. Because Allah commands to the angel of death, the Angel of Death doesn't choose who lives and dies, the angel of death follows the Command of Allah subhanaw taala, about who will live and who will die. So the angels descend

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with the command of Allah, and they ascend with the command of Allah. And they move at at extremely fast speed between the heavens and the earth

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was Sir Behati said the Hab.

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They command and that's why some of them said tests I do in T Thal and the umbrella that they they ascend through the heavens

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following the command of alias origin.

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Also others we have an issue here that if this refers to the angels, do we not have now a proof that

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The first two also refer to the angels. Here we say no because those people who didn't take it to be the angels in the beginning, they also didn't take this to be the angels either they said, Sir Behati was said Behati Sabha or the ships that sail through the sea, or they said the stars that

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you know, sail through the night sky, or that swim through the night sky. So again, even okay him. He takes the same approach by saying that the most deserving and the most profound in terms of the meaning is to say refers to the angels.

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But you can see why the Scholars who said other things like the ships and the stars and so on, why they said it because all of them this term can be referred to was Sadie Hattie said to her, but which one is the most profound which one is the most emphatic and which one is the most consistent with the Tafseer is no doubt the angels was said Behati Saba, they ascend with the soul, that is taken the soul when it dies, and they descend with the command of Allah azza wa jal as to who will live and who will die was said Behati said for Serbia Kati Saba calm.

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Here, there are two things we need to ask ourselves, the first thing we need to ask ourselves is the meaning of a Serbian heart. And the second thing is why is there a fat here and not a while like the rest of the ayat. So a savvy cart the word is easy to understand. So book is to proceed in something to somebody goes ahead of you and beats you to it, and they raised to it or they rush to it and they come ahead of you.

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For example, a person says,

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Sir balcony facade back to

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the person raised with me or, or or they, they were rushed out with me and I beat them to it. So as this word of savvycard, they are those who come before others

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or who raise others.

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Again, most of the scholars of Tafseer here, they said a sir, because they are the angels. But they explained it in different ways. Now, you shouldn't be confused about this NFC, because this is most of the differences of opinion in NFC are not contradictory. So there's lots of ways that you can say that the angels are savvier Kuhn, the angels have have precedents. For example.

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Some of them said, al-mulla aika, the angels they how they proceed, or they beat the shale teen to the revelation Bill, why? Test speaker Shayateen Billahi. Some of them said this. So when the shaitaan tries to steal something from the heavens, the angels take it first. And the angels descend with the command of Allah before the sheltering whisper it to the fortune teller some of them said this.

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Some of them said

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and some of them said that this is any This is is not the most apparent meaning. The most apparent meaning some of them said Elmira ICA circuit, Ebner, Adam, Bill Hale, that the angels did good before mankind did it. Before mankind got Gainey was put on the earth to do good, the angels were doing good before mankind did good.

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And some of them said

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the angels take the souls of the believers to Jenna before the body.

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So they kept on the theme of the on the theme of death and the theme of The Taking of the soul. And they said that the rule

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precedes the body

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in paradise or the hellfire. Now here you have to understand what is meant here is not that the soul goes to Jenna, and the body is still on Earth. But that the soul receives some of the bounties and the pleasures of paradise, or the punishments prior to that happening to the body because the angels take the soul, either to the seventh heaven, where the soul is written in Alien, or either to the first heaven in the case of the disbeliever where it's cast down to the earth. So the soul is getting the soul is is going ahead of the body in this and generally in the life of the battle Zack generally speaking, the soul precedes the body in the life of the buzzer. The punishment happens to

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both it's not the case that it only happens to the soul, but the soul is dead.

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Saba here, the soul comes before the body in the in the life of the Barossa.

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So some of them said the angels, they take the soul of the believer to the seventh heaven, before the body goals, are they they cast down the soul to the earth before the body

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and some of them said it's not the angels at all, for Serbia party Saba, they said, it is this. It's the souls of the people of Eman

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that race out to the angels.

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And they go out to the angels quickly. Whereas the soul of the disbeliever it doesn't. It doesn't race out the soul of the believer races out.

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Some of them said something completely different.

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And this is an opinion of Mujahid. He said, I'll Mote yes people insert

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that death. A person is in a race against death.

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A person is in a race against death. So they said that for Saba karate Saba refers to the race between your soul and death. And some of them said, the stars race each other in the sky. Some of them said the horses that race each other in Jihad and so on and so forth.

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However, the majority of the scholars of Tafseer they said it refers to the angels. But there is there was one opinion for the angels we didn't mention and this is other horrible qualities. The most obvious of all of them is that the angels race each other to implement Allah's command.

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The angels race one another, to implement the Command of Allah azza wa jal, generally speaking in every matter

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they have precedents in answering Allah's command, and fulfilling what Allah

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commanded them to do, and they rush to do it and they don't delay it at all. In anything which Allah commands them.

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So here for Sadie McCarthy, Saba, it is the angels and the angels always are at the front end, they always proceed. And the angels proceed because they don't delay in implementing what Allah told them to do.

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They do it immediately, whether that relates to the death of the person

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or whether that relates to any other command from the commands of Allah xojo

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for savvycard, t cybercom. So now the question is why the fat here.

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Some of them said,

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normally, the fat here the word is letter fat, it has a particular meaning in Arabic. So sometimes it means

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it can mean the reason for something.

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Sometimes it can mean it follows immediately.

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Any topic, it can mean that a follow up, it follows immediately after the other sometimes it can be suburbia, that it follows the reason what's the reason for it.

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And based on this

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they spoke about how it's connected to what came before. So what came before was the moving through the heavens Right? Was so Behati Saba that they the angels that they move through the heavens, they move through the heavens with the soul of the person who died, or they come, they descend from the heavens with the command of who is going to die.

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And then immediately, it's like it follows on from that, that they are rushing to fulfill the Command of Allah.

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It's as though the two are being tied together. It's as though the two are being tied together.

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Like as if we said sever hat faceva got

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that they

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travel through the heavens and they rush to fulfill what Allah commanded as law we're tying those two things together and if those two are connected to each other, they go through the heavens and they

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and because of this, or due to this, or immediately following on from this, they fulfill what Allah subhanaw taala commanded them to do. This makes more sense if we tie it to the next iafl Modeh Buratti emra

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fel moeda Buratti emra

00:45:01 --> 00:45:05

Here, many of the scholars of Tafseer,

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a tetherball, arranging things and organizing things as well known the meaning and modality Emre

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that they fulfill, or they carry that they arrange what Allah has commanded them to arrange. But here if you think about it

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it's like each one of them is.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:31

The is.

00:45:32 --> 00:46:08

Yeah, like a speciality of the angels, and each one follows on from the other. As they travel through the heavens, you did Bill Emre Minnesota, he let out, they take the matter or they come, they arrange matters from the heavens to the earth. They take Allah's command that Allah has given them from the heavens to the earth, when they do that, what is what are the angels doing, they are passing through the heavens, right? The angels go from the heavens to the earth, from the earth to the heavens, arranging the matters that Allah has commanded them to arrange, and they are the first ones to do it, they don't delay in anything.

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They don't delay in anything.

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So here, it's possible to see this in the context of the person who dies. And it's possible to be more general than that, in in the context of the person who dies, the angels either rip the soul of the disbeliever or they let go, they let free the soul of the believer, they move, and they move extremely quickly as if swimming through the sky. They take the command that Allah has given them and they implement it immediately. And they arrange the matters that Allah has commanded them to arrange.

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Whether this is the death of the person or whether this is to take that person to gender or to put that person to cast that person down, the angels do it without any delay. And some of them they said, This is the meaning of the fact here. There is no delay.

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They do what they have been commanded without any delay at all. And when they have received a command from Allah, they immediately arrange and carry out what it is that Allah has told them to arrange.

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Many of them they mentioned for this the various ayat of the Quran that mentioned

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they tend to be that mentioned how Allah azza wa jal commands for matters to be arranged in the heavens and the earth. The angels are the ones who carry out that arrangement. The angels are the ones that carry it out. So the angels are filmora Bharati, and Mirage The angels are the ones that carry out the commands that Allah gave them. Now here Emre, Allah commanded them to angels were commanded Fillmore, Deb Bharati emerald, the angels receive the Emerald from Allah. And the angels carry out the tedsby of it, the arrangement of it, how Allah tells them to arrange it. Some of them said it's not just the death. And of course, it isn't just death. It's not just death. But also if

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you think about it, even for example, the rain that Allah commands to fall, and the angels that carry it to its place and the angels that that drive the clouds and so on. Each one of them instantly, a bass, Allah's command, and each one of them rushes to arrange what Allah has commanded them to arrange. Otherwise, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't need the angels to arrange anything. Allah doesn't need the angels to cause the rain to fall and Allah doesn't need the angels to cause someone to die. But Allah has decreed the matter like that Allah from his infinite wisdom, has decreed that these angels will do this job and these angels will do this job and this angel will do this job.

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Otherwise Allah doesn't need the angels. Allah doesn't need those who carry the urge to carry the option. But Allah subhanaw taala from his Hikmah, from his infinite wisdom, is that he decreed for that to happen like that. And he does whatever He wills for I'll only Marguerite Allah does whatever he wants, and whatever He wills.

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Now, the question comes,

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after all of that, the question comes, what is the job?

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And there are two opinions that are strong. There are lots of opinions, but two of them are strong opinions. One of them is that the job here is more cada maruf. It's understood from the context of the of the text. So what would be the context here? What is Allah telling us about telling us about death, right? And about the angels when they take the soul, and the soul dies and when they they rip out the soul of the disbeliever and so on. So after all of that, what is in doubt, we're not in doubt that we die. Everybody, everybody, believer and disbeliever. We all know that we die

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when in doubt, or people are in doubt about resurrection. And that's why many of them said that the job will cost them here is more

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cut down my roof it is understood from the context led to the iPhone you will certainly be resurrected when Nazjatar call will now she taught English thought was so behind he said a half a Serbia karate cyber car fell moda Bharati Emre led to version you will certainly be resurrected. However, even okay him has an answer which I think is better than that. And Allah knows best. Even okay him he mentioned it in sort of professional.

00:50:31 --> 00:50:34

Do you remember what we said about the job of customer service and federal who can remember?

00:50:37 --> 00:50:42

Welfare job while I add in Asha? Was chef a waiter? Well lately either Yes.

00:50:43 --> 00:50:45

What did we say that the

00:50:46 --> 00:50:48

the purpose of this oath was

00:50:54 --> 00:50:56

in sort of the fetcher Do we have anyone on telecom today?

00:50:59 --> 00:51:04

Because the same answer even Okay, and gave it for sort of federal and the same answer he gives it here.

00:51:06 --> 00:51:06

We let them type

00:51:09 --> 00:51:23

that the objects by themselves are enough, there is no need for a job here. That the severity of what is mentioned is so important that it doesn't need anything to say after it.

00:51:24 --> 00:52:06

Allah swore by welfare job while I Alan Asha, was chef very well worth well, lady there. Yes. These are so important that you don't need a sentence afterwards to tell you anything, you automatically realize what you're being told. So when you talk about the angels that rip apart the soul of the disbeliever, and the angels that gently take out the soul of the believer, and the angels that rise and swim through the heavens, and the angels that rushed to the Command of Allah, and the angels that arrange what Allah told them to arrange? What do you feel? Automatically, you don't need an answer, you automatically know that Allah subhanaw taala is telling you about resurrection that

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Allah is telling you about your lucky ama that Allah is telling you to think about what will happen when you die, automatically, this comes into you don't need a sentence. To finish that off.

00:52:18 --> 00:52:39

There are some times you need, you need a sentence to finish it off, or there is a sentence to finish it off. But even Okay, and he says here there is no it's not every time that there should be a sentence to conclude that sometimes the things in of themselves, they give you a certain feeling that is more profound than any sentence you could bring.

00:52:40 --> 00:53:24

So for example, if I say to you, you will certainly be resurrected, that's a good you know, a good summary, it's a good summary. But you understand more than that from the ayat, you can you can take more than just that. So it's as though the sentence here has been left out, because it can be more general and more powerful. And the meaning is automatically conveyed you automatically get what is being said without there being need of any sentence after it. And because of the importance of that, that you will certainly be resurrected, that you will certainly pass from this earth. And the angels will take your soul either they will take it to pleasure and and and blessings or they will take it

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to pain and punishment, one or the other.

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And that you don't have a choice in the matter and that the angels will not delay

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won't allow you to federate, when they don't delay they don't fall short in what Allah commanded them to do to affect heroes who Luna will hula your favorite one, the angels will take your soul and they will not delay for a moment.

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For moto il Allah himolla homak Then there'll be returned to Allah, who is their true protector.

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And Allah will judge between them. And all of these meanings you can take without needing the meanings to be mentioned. Just the topic itself, the angels that rip the soul apart or the rip the body body apart the veins and the nerves to take the soul of the disbeliever the angels who release gently the soul of the believer, the angels who swim through the heavens and the angels who

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implement the commands of Allah and arrange what Allah has commanded them to arrange, that in itself gives you all of the meanings that you need to understand, especially in context of what is going to follow in the sort of from here, in terms of the description of

00:54:38 --> 00:54:42

of Yama, Yama, and the description of

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those who deny the piano and those who believed in it and so on.

00:54:48 --> 00:54:59

He has some of them said other things. Some of them said that the job here is * attack a hadith Hadith Musa but these are not like they are not very strong. The two strong opinions are

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either that the answer is understood to be you will certainly be resurrected. Or that it's not even needed because the meaning is clear from the if

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that was the hard part of certain Nazjatar what follows from certain as the it is easier to shatter

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those five

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and then insha Allah to Allah after that we will speak next lesson about the remaining or some of the the ayat inshallah.

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Next lesson, believe me later, Adam. So what we took from that is we took that these five things that Allah swears by, all of them refer to the angels, predominantly, they could refer to other things as well. But the angels are the ones that that come to mind more than anything.

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We understood the five specific things that Allah told us about the angels, the way they take the soul of the disbeliever, the way they take the soul of the believer, the way they ascend and descend from the heavens, the way that they raised to implement what Allah has commanded them to do, and the way that Allah has decreed for them to be the ones who arrange certain things like who will die and who will live and The Taking of the soul and the way the weather and all of these other things that the angels have been given responsibility for by the commander of Allah subhanaw taala. And we spoke about the meat the reason why Allah swore by those things, for us to recognize the truth of the

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resurrection, and the punishment, and the blessings of the grave. And the fact that your resurrection in reality starts with the moment of death. And we said that this is strongly related to the hadith of Al Bara, ignore Isaac of Tawi, the long hadith of Al Bala, no acid regarding what happens to the believing soul, and what happens to the disbelieving soul. There is one important point to mention

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in the hadith of Apollo, and generally, is that usually, the Quran and the Sunnah don't tell us about a lot about the disobedient Muslim.

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So the hadith of Al Bara as it tells us about the righteous believer, and it tells us about the Catholic. But between the righteous believer and the cafe, there is a third group of people.

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There is the one who is neither the righteous believer in the sense of someone who is fulfilling what Allah commanded, and someone who is doing what Allah, you know, told them and leaving what Allah told them to leave, nor are they Kaffir. They haven't left Islam. But they're not. They're not at that level of practicing Islam that they should be. The scholars mentioned, the reason that they are not mentioned in the hadith is in order to increase them in fear of Allah. So they return to Allah, because they say, Look, I know what's going to happen to that person. And I know what's going to happen to that person. And I now have to make a choice. Do I want to be like that person or like

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this person, because we know that some of the punishments of the grave will happen to the Muslims. We know this for sure, from some of that hadith. In now, Homer, you're either the burning one, it benefi cabbie, or these two are both being punished, and they're not being punished for something people think is a major sin. Oh, come on. So therefore, if that's the case, that Muslims will be punished in the grave, then we know that some of what happens to the disbeliever could potentially happen to a Muslim, some of it, not all of it, but some of what is happening in the Hadith, what is described to the DIS as happened to the disbeliever that could happen to a Muslim. And we also know

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that there will be some of those people who will have nothing but pleasure and nothing but reward from those people who are mentioned in the hydrothermal Bogner acid. So the person who is the disobedient Muslim now has to make a choice. Do I now want to incline myself to this group or incline myself to that group, and if you choose to incline yourself to the group, who are the people who are righteous and who their soul comes out easily, and everything for them is just a blessing after blessing, then you have to work for that and do the actions that are required for it. And that's part of the wisdom as to why we often hear about two groups of people, a group of people who

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get nothing but good and a group of people who get nothing but bad. But we're not always told about people who lie in the middle. We don't sit in the middle because the disobedient Muslim is not in the middle. In reality, they are not in the middle, they are a Muslim, but they are neither from those people nor are they from those people in terms of the

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the reward or what happens to them after they die. So for this reason, you are told in order to give you encouragement to be from the righteous who will enter agenda without any punishment and out without any without any reckoning.

00:59:57 --> 00:59:59

Do we have anything on the telegraph for the finished

01:00:04 --> 01:00:45

That's exactly the question that we answered. Now is noise a good question. But the question is, how will the source of the disobedient Muslims who did not repent be extracted, as we as we mentioned now, that we are not told how they will be extracted because of the fact that it encourages them to be fearful of what will happen to the disbeliever and to be hopeful of what will happen to the believer, that's why we're not talking about even though we're not, we're not saying for a second that they are not Muslim and they are Muslim, but just that, we are not told of what will happen to them, except that we are given some insight that some of them could be punished. Not all of them

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have to be punished because Allah can forgive whoever he wants. For whatever is less than shirk, Allah has said in the La Jolla arrange like heavy wire ferromagnetic anemia, SHA, Allah doesn't forgive that you make a partner with him. But he forgives what is less than that for whoever He wills, so Allah can forgive them completely. But if Allah subhanaw taala wishes them to be punished, then they have done what is deserving of punishment. And so they should fear what when they hear what happens to the disbeliever out of a fear that they may suffer some of that punishment. And likewise, when they hear what happens to the believer, so they can hope to receive some of that

01:01:21 --> 01:01:22

reward or all of that reward.

01:01:27 --> 01:01:31

You mentioned in the beginning, that the CEO of the school that speaks about your

01:01:39 --> 01:02:25

Is there a reason for that? So this is a really good question. The question is just to repeat for the for the YouTube and live stream is that we mentioned that a lot of the the the songs that are key, they talk about Yom Okayama, and the resurrection and so on. There are a number of reasons. First of all, if you look generally at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi, wasallam in Makkah, it wasn't a time of a lot of cam rules and regulations, right. It wasn't a time of a lot of, you know, rules and regulations about things. There was a prayer, but it wasn't as detailed as the prayer we have now until the end of the time in Makkah, there wasn't Sekhar, there wasn't fasting in

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Ramadan, there wasn't, you know, there was some small examples of these rules, but not, not to the extent that they were in Medina.

01:02:35 --> 01:03:20

The reason for that is the need of the soul to be nurtured upon knowing Allah before it then becomes given these rules and regulations. So that's that was how the Prophet slicin began, he began teaching the people about the Oneness of Allah Tawheed, he began calling the people to believe in what it what it means to believe in Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah has names and attributes. And this is a lot of what we hear about in the time in Makkah, and slowly introducing some of the acts of worship to them, which then became more detailed in in Medina. But also because of the people that are being spoken to in Makkah, there's another way you can look at it. The people who were in

01:03:20 --> 01:03:21

Makkah from

01:03:22 --> 01:03:23


01:03:24 --> 01:04:04

And if you look at what was predominant in their belief, certain things they had they had wrong beliefs. And that is the idea that you have to remove the wrong beliefs before you, you know, as you are planting the good beliefs, you have to remove the wrong beliefs as well. So the beliefs that a lot of the people of Christ had in Makkah, is they denied the resurrection. They had mistaken beliefs about Allah. They had beliefs that their idols brought them near to Allah or gave them some nearness to Allah or means of nearness to Allah. These beliefs are are are challenged in the sewer, which are murky in the Macan solos because these are the people who are hearing the Quran from the

01:04:04 --> 01:04:09

disbelievers at that time, or people who many of them they had

01:04:10 --> 01:04:15

issues about belief in resurrection. that's those are two things that come to mind. Do you have another one?

01:04:17 --> 01:04:21

If you have another one, I really appreciate it. Those are the two that come to mind.

01:04:22 --> 01:04:28

Do we have any more than that? Okay, then in that case, a good time for us to stop inshallah get ready for Salah. Oh, we have one more.

01:04:33 --> 01:04:36

There are a number of good deeds that protect the person

01:04:37 --> 01:04:59

from the punishment of the grave. There are a number of good deeds. In general, the scholars they say every single good deed you do could be a reason for your protection. And every single sin that you do could be a potential cause for your punishment. But there are certain good deeds which are mentioned in the Sunnah and certain sins which are mentioned in the sun.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:16

So for example, just to give an example of some of the sins which I mentioned in the Sunnah, we mentioned the Hadith in the Hoonah. You it, Ben, those two people are being punished what were they being punished for? One was being punished for not keeping themselves clean of urine when going to the toilet.

01:05:18 --> 01:05:24

The other one was being punished for spreading rumors and gossip, gossiping and spreading rumors among people.

01:05:26 --> 01:05:33

These are two sins, they're not the only two sins but they are two sins that are reasons for a person to be punished in the grave.

01:05:35 --> 01:05:43

And likewise, there are good deeds that are mentioned as a reason to be saved from the greatest of the good deeds, and I'll just mention a few

01:05:44 --> 01:05:51

is to ask Allah's refuge from the from the punishment of the grave, so I shall the Allahu Anhu. If I'm not mistaken, she said

01:05:52 --> 01:06:05

that since the time that it was revealed to the prophets, I send them that there is a punishment in the grave, He did not leave a single prayer. Without asking Allah has refuge from the punishment of the grave.

01:06:06 --> 01:06:45

From the moment that Allah revealed to him that there is a punishment in the grave, He didn't leave a single prayer without saying, asking Allah to save him from the punishment of the grave. For example, what we usually say at the end of the prayer Allahumma in the hour also Becca may either be Jahannam woman either to cover or sometimes people learn it the other way around Allah in the hours of becoming recovery. Women either have enough. In any case you mentioned in the four things you seek refuge from at the end of the prayer before the Salah, you seek refuge from the punishment of the grave, and from the hellfire and from fitness in the * well my mat from the trials of life

01:06:45 --> 01:07:08

and death, and from the fitna of lmsc, hunter jet, these four things, there are different wordings. The prophets, I said never left seeking refuge from the punishment of the grave. From the time it was revealed to him as soon as he knew that there will be people who are punished in the grave, he kept on asking Allah subhanaw taala to keep him safe from the punishment of the grave. So this is one.

01:07:10 --> 01:07:11


01:07:12 --> 01:07:14

before you go to sleep,

01:07:15 --> 01:07:17

the recitation of sorts and milk

01:07:18 --> 01:07:24

before you go to sleep, this is also from the from the means to be protected from the punishment of the grave.

01:07:27 --> 01:07:35

There are others there are many others that were specific any that are specific to, but there is one that I wanted to highlight that people make a mistake in a lot,

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which is this idea of planting flowers on the grave to be saved from the punishment of the grave. And they take it from the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu it who was sent them when he split, he took

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like a leaf or like a twig

01:07:55 --> 01:08:18

there was alive, like, what do you call it an offshoot of a leaf or something, and he put it into the, into the grave. And he mentioned that their punishment will stop for as long as this remains soft until it dies, as long as it remains alive, their punishment will stop. This is from the size of the profit slice and it's only for him

01:08:19 --> 01:08:59

Salalah why alayhi wa sallam because he said here first of all the Sahaba didn't follow them him in this they didn't start go to all the other graves and start breaking off leaves and putting them in the grave until you know that the punishment will be lifted from all of them. Nor did the prophets I said it's not an aerated that he did it again sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again and again to different people. And after you know after he passed away the Sahaba didn't do it to other people's graves either. So we say this is masseuse and besides them from the specific situations that he did for this particular person, that he may do ask for them and that he mentioned that as long as this

01:09:01 --> 01:09:38

this like small leaf or whatever it is, as long as it remains alive until it until it dries and it it it becomes hard it will the person's punishment will be it will be lifted, but there is no chaos on this. So some people they make chaos on it. So they say that you know when they when they bury their dead they come with leaves and flowers and they keep putting them on the grave and they come back after a few days and they keep putting them on the grave. This is not not correct to do so some people mentioned me I wanted to mention this because we had some funerals recently um it does you do sometimes see people doing this they go and they put flowers or they put plants on the grave in the

01:09:38 --> 01:09:41

idea that it will save the person from the punishment of the grief.

01:09:42 --> 01:09:49

Okay, that's what Allah is. Jen made easy for me to mention and Allah knows best or Salatu was Salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge

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