Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables – Parable #12 – Allah’s Joy at our Repentance

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses various parables and scenarios related to the Bible, including examples of woman named Lila, man named Hana, and woman named Hana. They emphasize the importance of not giving up hope and letting things happen in life, and offer a parable from the Bible that highlights the importance of forgiveness and shackling oneself in a conflict. The speaker emphasizes the importance of shackling oneself and turning to someone in savings to avoid sin, and the lessons learned from the Prophet sallavi's example of joy as a fruitful experience.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala to many millennia allows for you to marry well and early he also be the woman that he had he was tending to be so Nettie la Yomi Deen along the aluminum and from now when foreigner Bhima alum Turner was the dinner man. What do you know how can what is looking at TV I already know about Lila doll. What is opener ht nada, which I mean yesterday Runa toda una Cena and the bad as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Welcome back to our series, the prophetic parables where we have been covering the various parables that were mentioned by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And we have so far been covering all of the parables that have been mentioned in behati and Muslim agreed upon by both and

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tonight we continue to look at two more parables also agreed upon mentioned in both mojari and Muslim.

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The first of these

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narrated by nsabp Malik rotting a lot right.

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On a corner sudo la sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Lola who should do Pharaoh Han be told that he Abdi Hina to become Cana and Villa de Bie Adobe fell out in fanfare letter to me while he held on

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for us I mean her shirt on Rotten for budget if you're really good at selling rafidah TV, so they in a Sabina work at Ehrlich either, who the * call me the who, for us or them to call me Hmm. So McCollum should get it for free. A lot. Enter IBD and book a spot I mean ship but men should detail therapy.

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In this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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Allah Subhana, WA tada is more joyous, is more happy with the repentance of his servant, when he turns to him in repentance, then one of you who is with his candle in a waterless desert,

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and suddenly it disappears.

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And on his camel is His provision of food and drink.

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So having lost all hope,

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he comes across a tree and lies down in its shade, losing all hope in his kennel.

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While he is in that state, he suddenly finds his camel standing before him. He takes hold of its reign. And then out of boundless joy. He says, oh, Lord, You are my servant. And I am your Lord. He makes this mistake out of extreme out of extreme joy.

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So this is a very famous Hadith that is usually mentioned

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when we talk about tober and how Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to turn to Him in repentance. And so this Hadeeth answers the common question on the minds of many who they have lived a life of sin.

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They asked How can a lot accept my repentance? When my seams are so great?

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How can awasum kind of Who would

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ever forgive me? My sins are too many too great. or

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others who say I can't fix a lot with so many sins, especially when I repented. And then I went back to those same sins again.

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And so, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he gives us this parable here to teach us a lesson.

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And that lesson is to not give up hope in Allah subhana wa tada no matter what the circumstance.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala also tells us it's in the Torah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran to never give up hope. Only a bad deal Medina a sorrowful whiner Wiener to see her last talkin acuna rush metal law in law hi elfi Rose do noon Virginia.

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Oh my servants, a lifetime the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to inform us about what a lot is telling us. A lot is telling us all my servants who have exceeded the limits against their souls, who have done everything in the world of sin.

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Do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah. For indeed, a law forgives all signals. And so there is no sin greater for a loss of Hannah with Allah to forgive.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also mentioned in another Hadith, a hadith

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he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says that a law says,

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All children of Adam, as long as you call upon me, putting hope in me, then I will forgive you for what you have done, and I will not care. All children of Adam, if your sins were to reach the clouds of the sky, and then you sought my forgiveness, I would still forgive you, all children of Adam, if you were to come to me with sins, fill in the whole world. And then you came to me, without associating any partners with me, then I will certainly match your sins with forgiveness. And so all of the all of this, it shows us

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the servant should never

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give up hope in Allah subhanho wa Taala in his mercy. But rather, we should realize that Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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He not only commanded us to repent, that he wants that from us, and he becomes happy and joyous when we do that. And this is exactly what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to explain in this parable. So in this parable, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam draws this scene for us,

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of a man who is traveling by himself in the middle of the desert.

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He's all by himself.

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And All he has is his right, his camera, and his food and his drink.

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So after traveling quite some time, he gets tired and he decides to take some rest.

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And so he finds a tree to rest underneath.

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But he forgets something very, very important. And that is, he forgets to tie up his camera.

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And we mentioned in a previous parable

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of how

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the one animal that is difficult to basically, to have them under control, if you neglect it, is the camel, meaning if you don't tie your camel tick, it's gonna run off and chances are you're not gonna, you're not going to be able to get it back. And that was when we spoke about the parable

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of memorizing the Quran. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us about how

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the Quran is like that, if you don't tie it down. If you don't continuously revise the Quran, it's gonna go away, just like the camel that you don't tie up.

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So coming back to the parable, he forgets to tie up his camel. And he goes to sleep.

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So when he wakes up, he finds that his camel has disappeared with his food history.

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So out of

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desperation, he gets up. He runs about searching for his camera.

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He goes everywhere, it looks for everywhere.

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But he can't find it.

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And so

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he loses up, he loses all hope. He loses all hope and realizes that that's because of that.

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Because if you're in the desert, and you've lost your ride

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that had all of your food and drink on it.

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And you're in this waterless desert, there's no wells, there's no rivers.

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That's it, how far are you going to go?

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You're not going to be able to survive. So he realizes that's it.

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It's over. He goes back to the tree.

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He puts His head back down.

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Telling himself that let me just lie down here.

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wait for death. That's it.

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He loses all hope.

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And so

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he's lying down under the tree.

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And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, his camel

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appears standing right at his head.

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And so his initial disappear.

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It turns into joy,

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such intense joy,

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that he doesn't even know what to say. He's lost for words, out of extreme joy. Imagine someone who he just waiting for death. And all of a sudden,

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what he had lost all hope in there it is right in front of his own eyes.

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So, his despair turns into intense joy, that he says something that

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he does not even mean to say. And that is, he says, the law, you are my servant, and I am your Lord.

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used this example to convey a very simple message to those who lose hope and fall into despair.

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That look, Allah subhanho wa Taala is not as you think, as long as the door of a Toba as long as the door of repentance is open, and it will remain open until the day you die.

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But once death comes, that is when the door of Toba it shuts close.

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And so as long as the door of repentance is open, then Allah subhanho wa Taala wants us to constantly turn back to him in repentance.

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And not only that, but

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he becomes happy when we do that.

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He becomes pleased and happy when we do that,

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more happier than this man who was his camel in the trumpet.

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emammal cool to be

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commenting on this hadith he says this parable was meant to explain how quickly a lot accepts the repentance of his repenting servant and that he turns to him and forgiveness and deals with him the kind of dealing of one who is happy with what he has done.

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But now the question is what is so special

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about the one who repent to Allah

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such that it earns him this level of joy by Allah subhana wa. What is the secret here? Why does a loss of having a hotelier become so joyous?

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It look at him, he explained it.

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He explains it in very beautiful words. He says,

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imagine there was a captive of war.

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He got taken as a prisoner of war

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by their enemy, and so the enemy took him to a far off land

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of foreign land, the enemy left

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and he shackled.

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he sits in prison.

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He loses all hope in escaping or attaining freedom.

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And also

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his family members, his friends, all of them have lost hope. months go by and they haven't heard from him.

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The imagine he must have died or you know, whatever. He must have met his feet.

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When all of a sudden one day he manages

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to escape.

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And so he runs.

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He runs

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he finds his way home.

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And he comes knocking

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on the door of his family.

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They open the door

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and when they open the door

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imagine their happiness and their joy.

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Imagine his happiness and his joy

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if not him says

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We are the servants of a law.

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We have been taken as captives of war in this battle in this dunya

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we have been taken as prisoners by shavon.

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And so when we sin

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we have shackled ourselves

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in the shackles of uglies.

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And so when we wake up from our heedlessness and realize our sin,

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we unsatisfying those shackles those chains. And where do we go?

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we free ourselves from that prison, and Philly to a loss of Hannah, who

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we run to a lot.

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We run to a lesson How to Win to Allah

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in repentance. And so when you do that, when you turn to Allah, after freeing yourself from the shackles of your enemy,

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then why would a lot not become so happy?

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Why would ally not become so happy that you have turned to him, so parallel with the ad, recognizing your sin, regretting it, and turning to him, so kind of went to Hana in repentance? And so

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this is a very, very beautiful parable that the Prophet sort of whatever it was, Selim gave us

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concerning the joy of a loss of Hannah Montana,

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when we turned to him in repentance, among the lessons

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that we learned from this parable is, first of all,

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it is from a law's mercy, that He has given us the opportunity to turn to Him in repentance, and left the door of repentance wide open.

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was apparently I did not have to do that.

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But it is part of his immense mercy. And that's why, throughout the Koran, Allah subhanho wa Taala combines between forgiving and being merciful. Those are for Rahim. He is the all forgiving and the All Merciful. It's because of his mercy, that he allows us to turn to Him in repentance. Otherwise, we sin and sin and sin.

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If it was anyone else they wouldn't forgive.

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But Allah subhanho wa Taala is not like that. Allah subhanho wa Taala isn't All Merciful, as long as we turn to Him

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in repentance, that he will show us his mercy.

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The second lesson that we learned is that Allah subhana wa Taala is attributed with attributes of perfection.

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Allah has

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the most perfect attributes among these attributes, is the attribute of joy and sorrow.

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And so, in this Hadith,

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we have the attribute of joy that is attributed to a loss of * of mortality. But Allah subhanho wa Taala, we say, that he is happy, and he is joyous only in a manner befitting His Majesty.

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Which means that

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we cannot fully comprehend how Allah subhana wa tada becomes happy.

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When when,

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when we human beings become happy and you know, join us, you could see that you could see that happy and that joy in a person's face, in his behavior, but with regards to Allah, there is no resemblance between a lot and us human beings, and that includes our attributes. So joy is an attribute, but

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although Allah becomes joyous and happy, it is in a matter known to him alone. We don't know how all we know is that a lot does become happy, as as clearly mentioned, in this in this huddle,

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but we cannot resemble was attributes to human attributes which is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here he explained how Allah joy is far greater than the joy of this man. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not say that,

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you know, this is the parable, this man you know, he loses his camel

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And then he finds it.

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And a lot is just as happy as this man, the profit sort of long run, he also did not say that, but rather he sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that what is far more happier

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and there is no limit to the attributes of Allah. There is no limit, we cannot limit a loss joy.

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We cannot limit a loss joy.

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And so, Allah subhanho wa Taala becomes extremely joyous, extremely happy. We don't know how, but we know that he does.

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The final lesson that we learn is

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from this hadith is that

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we are not held accountable for words that we may utter,

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So the words that were used by this man,

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he said, Oh Allah, you are

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my Lord and I am your servant.

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Without adult These are words of Kufa

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but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam excused him

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and mentioned how

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he said this out of you know, he made this mistake out of extreme joy.

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And so what that shows us is that what matters is the intention. What matters is did you mean it or not? And obviously, this man, when he said that he did not, he did not mean it, but rather it was

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a slip of the tongue.

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