Kamil Ahmad – Prophetic Parables – Parable #13 – The Scarcity of Uniquely Helpful People

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the theory that evil people are rare and that good people are rare to find. They also mention a hadith from the Prophet activation that states that individuals who do not want to be associated with criminal and legal systems will be kept in prison for a period of time. The parable also touches on a statement from the Prophet that states that individuals who do not want to be associated with criminal and legal systems will be kept in prison for a period of time.
AI: Transcript ©
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We move on after that to the next parable. And this parable also mentions that same animal, the camel

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and so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said, on the authority of on the law even more of the law I'm gonna call us now to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he called in Nam and nurse who can Eb Lin Mia Latta, caribou taggi doofy. How are you? This howdy It is also

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tough and highly agreed upon mentioned in berhadiah Muslim.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, people are just like camels, people are just like camels, out of 101 can hardly find a single camel that is suitable to write out of every 100 camels, you can hardly find a single camel, one camel that is suitable to write.

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And so in this Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave an example

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of how difficult it is to find good people.

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Good, generous, helpful people who are uniquely good in every way.

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Such people who are able to take on other people's difficulties and other people's tasks,

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both in the sense of helping other people and taking on their, their load, you know, helping them with whatever they need help with, as well as taking on

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taking on people's

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insults and injuries, taking it on, you know, not being affected by it, etc.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, here he resembled such people, to camels,

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most of which, most camels,

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they are no good for writing, and traveling.

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Not every camera is good.

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Only some cameras and very rare ones

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are suitable for

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writing and also for transport, putting your load on them, your baggage etc. And, you know, expecting these camels to, to traverse these long,

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long distances in the desert.

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And so

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and so those

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those that you find a rear, those that you find that are suitable, are very, very rare. And that's why you're the profit sort of Luckily, it was mentioned that out of 100 camels, you may find one that is suitable to ride on.

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And so, if you do find one, if you do find one, then it becomes a very precious commodity. Because it will take you

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on that long journey, bearing every difficulty for you and helping you to reach your destination.

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Remember, good to be

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he says

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what suits the example

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here is that a helpful man who takes on the difficult burdens of people upon himself and relieves them of their distress, that such a person is rare to find like a suitable ride among many camels.

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And this is the explanation of many scholars concerning this. Concerning this hadith

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some scholars mentioned

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that what is meant here is at the end of times,

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when people will become when good people will become very rare to find and only

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evil people were me.

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And that is one of the signs of the Day of Judgment of the of the coming of the day of judgment that only evil people will remain behind. And this is why emammal mojari

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this Hadeeth

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He mentioned it in the chapter that he entitled The Disappearance of a man or a man.

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When a manner which is trust,

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when trust disappears when you when you trust when you when you no longer can trust anyone in society.

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So, remember behind this hadith under this chapter showing that this is what he understood, that this hadith refers to, at the end of time, when you will barely be able to find anyone who is good.

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this hadith is general, whether it is at the end of times, or even in the present or even in the in the time when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned it, and so

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on people who are helpful,

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you don't care about others and don't only care about themselves, they are something very, very rare to find.

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Just like, you know, a suitable camel, for traveling.

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And so, among the lessons that we learned from this hadith is, first of all,

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that this Hadeeth should encourage us to be helpful and generous to others, helping

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our brothers and sisters when we see them in need, and going out of our way to help them out. And we have many ahaadeeth

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in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encouraged us to do that. One famous Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, manifesta, I'm meaning quote, a better, cooler be dunya. For so long, I'm quoting an attending Columbia,

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that whoever relieves a believer of one of the hardships of this dunya a law will relieve for him a hardship from the hardships of the Day of Judgment. And then he said, woman, yes, sir. It was hidden. Yes, sort of long led for dunya. What?

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makes it easy for the one in debt.

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Meaning somebody who's in debt, and he owes you, and you make it easy for him by saying, It's okay, you don't have to pay me back or

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you don't you lighten, you reduce the debt, that he has to pay you back, etc.

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He said, Whoever does that, then Allah will make it alone will make it easy for him in this dunya and the next. And then he said, one and cetera Muslim and cetera who law dunya will ask you for whoever conceals the faults of his Muslim brother or sister, then Allah will conceal him in the dunya. And in the accurate one month, he only lived Maracana labdoo fee only a fee. And Allah subhana wa tada

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will always be helping the servant, as long as the servant is helping his brother.

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And so, if you want the help of a law, then help those around you be a helping servant of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Those who are always helping others. The second lesson that we learned from this hadith

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is that the only way to reach that level

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that has been described in this hadith

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is by defeating our selfish nature,

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our nature, as human beings, we are selfish. All we care about is ourselves.

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And these rare individuals that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam spoke of one out of 100

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they are those who defeated that selfish nature of theirs.

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And so the best example of this are the prophets and the messengers.

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They did not live their lives for themselves.

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They didn't live their lives for themselves.

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They were not looking for their own personal interests in when they when they were in this dunya

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never not once,

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but rather, they would always shun

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and reject anything

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That would come their way that would be for their own personal interests. Rather, what do we find? We find that all they cared about was other people. All they cared about was the interests of others,

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helping others, whether it be in matters related to the dunya, or what is greater than that, and that is, you know, the answer of the people,

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guiding them,

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teaching them about what will what will save them from the punishment of the asker.

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And so they never live for their own selves, but rather all they lived for was for others.

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And not only the prophets and messengers, but the companions, if we were to read their lives, we find the exact same thing. And so

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they were an example of this hadith.

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And the only way they attained that status was by defeating their their selfish nature. The final lesson that we learned from this hadith is that this hadith teaches us

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a very important lesson. And that is to choose our friends and companions carefully from among the hundreds of people out there.

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Because a true friend, is

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a friend in need.

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A true friend is not that friend, who he's with you, when you guys are having fun. And everything is going well.

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the true friend is the one who, when things are not going that well.

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And you're in a deep problem.

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He comes in stands with you, he comes and helps you, he doesn't abandon you.

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He doesn't run away when you're in need.

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And so

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it is only friends that bear with you through your thin and your thick

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to your good times, through difficult times. It is only those friends that will remain with you forever. As for others, they will come and go.

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And that's, you know, that is the reality of life.

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If you were to ask anyone, they'll say that's true. How many friends have we had in our lives? But how many friends actually stayed with us? You can barely count them

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on one hand,

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and that attests to what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentioned in this hadith

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the truly, you know, the, the truly

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helpful person, the one who really helps people, he is rare to find, he is rare to find just like just like a suitable camel. You can rarely you can hardly find a good suitable camel to travel on.

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from among 100 camels. And so this is a very, very beautiful Hadith and parable that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make us to be from among those who are generous and helpful of others. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, to grant us beneficial knowledge that we learn and implement, but that we come to the end of

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tonight's session, and charlo to Haida we'll see you again next week. So panic a lot know behind the shadows

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and stuff you want to be like, what's Salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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