Musleh Khan – Tafseer Suratul Fatiha – Conclusion of Verse 1

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the use of the word " rub" in Arabic and the use of the word "naught" in cultural groups. The rub is viewed as a general belief that takes care of everything, with political support being a factor. The speakers also mention the history of the rub's use in Arabic and English, as well as the use of " rub" in various cultural groups and the importance of it for every human being.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alhamdulillah then we have lillah he, Allah azza wa jal doesn't say Alhamdulillah. He does the difference. He says al hamdu Lillah him. So the Elif is erased from Allah. And then it's replaced with a lamb and this lamb here that's attached to with Allah and makes it lilla. He this lamb is called a lamb, Inaba, or another name that other scholars of the Arabic language have said, it's also called the Lamb of Sahaba. Now this lamb here is a lamb of possession and ownership. So an example of how you use this lamb is, if you take a book and you say, this book is Li, Mohammed, or Li Fatima, what you've done is you've given possession to that book to somebody else. So this book

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belongs to Mohammed or belongs to, to Fatima. So the same idea when you look at sudut Fatiha, Al Hamd, belongs all of the praise and the gratitude and the thanks belongs to align so agenda. But more so, because it starts that starts with lilla. He, in addition to that, All praise belongs to Allah and he owns that praise, which is very, very important, he owns it, he's the source of that praise, and all of it belongs to him. Now, this is extremely important, because when you open some translations, you'll find that the person will translate Alhamdulillah all praises due to Allah. Now, that is correct, but it's not. If you'd like it's not as accurate, accurate as you want it to

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be. You want to make this stamp very strong that all the other hand or the praise, Allah owns it, and it's always going to go back to him. So what's happened here, here's the second benefit of when it comes to the order of the first thing is that Allah establishes all praise and gratitude belongs to Him, then Allah tells mankind who he is. Allah tells him well look, if you're going to give all your praise to me, then you need to know where it's going to. So it comes into Alhamdulillah. Allah mentions his name here for the first time in the hall. And so that tells us now it introduces to us who Allah azza wa jal is. And this here is the one of the three categories of tau heyde, which we're

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going to be talking about a lot as we go through our TIFF series, and this is the tohei that is called a towhead. Ulu here, or establishing the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah establishes that that there is no one that is deserving of praise and gratitude, but him Allah, and he even emphasizes and says lilla, and he adds that lemon in Abba, if Allah says Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil aalameen, it would have been fine for us. But this is just to emphasize the point that this belongs to him. So that comes to Linda, then we come to like hamdulillah he or rub the word or rub linguistically, the word rub means Master, or it means an owner, or somebody who sets out about who

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sets out to correct or to purify something. So again, or Rob means a master or an owner or somebody who sets out to correct or purify something. But when it's used in the possessive form. And in Arabic, we call this el Botha, when it's used in a different form, and in a different structure. It applies to the person who or a human being who takes care of their home, they become the rub of the bait, they become the rub of the house, they become that care of the home. So here,

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when you use it in this form, it's applied to other than Allah, this is what we want to say applies to other than Allah. Now, here's how you understand it. If you say Rob bone with the dogma, it only belongs to Allah. But if you say or Rob bear with the fat, then that's when it belongs to other than Allah. So I hope this this point is clear. The evidence for this is unsuited to use iv alized. Jen, when Yusuf Ali his Salim was about to be released from the prison and he had his fellow prisoners with him. One of the fellow prisoners was released. And when he was released the use of Allah He Salaam told him to go and tell your master about me. Fela major aha Rasul por la Ruggiero. Isla Rob

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big, fast Ella Houma Bella Luna sweating

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T patana idea one. So the A continues the point is he says,

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Go back to your rubber

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Fela merger or hold Russell pilotto Jr. and he uses the word Arabic. Now the reason why it's in Arabic, and it's not allowed back. I mean this goes down to a linguistic breakdown from the preposition that comes before that word, which is Isla. Isla turns a word or a noun into a genitive form or gives it a castle. That's another story. Let's just focus on the word rub. The point is, is that Yusuf Ali Salaam uses the word or rub to describe that master who was a human being, he was the king. And he describes him and says, Go back to your robe. So that's why the scholars they say that from this area, or Rob can be used in two ways. So that's why we mentioned if you say you're born

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Allah azza wa jal, this is the word in its original form. But if you say a little bear with a factor, then it can be used for other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. What were what is one point that is very clear, there's no discussion on the orlimar about this, no difference of opinion is that if you say all the rubber, so you make the word in a definitive form, and you add a new add the Le flam, then this is hard on for anyone except Allah subhanho wa Taala, this can only be applied to him. Now, what does this mean?

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We've defined or apply, listen and try to understand the context of the A and what it's talking about. Scholars they say here that the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala says Alhamdulillah or abila mean, is that this here it shows automatically to all of mankind, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who grants all the favors and blessings to all of mankind. Allah azza wa jal will have a general favor that is given to all of mankind. But scholars, they've divided this into two categories are robbed of Allah azza wa jal is in two categories. You have the general rubber, which is for all of mankind. So even the non Muslim when he wakes up in the morning, there's not going to

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be something terrible or a tsunami that's going to come and hit only his house and save the house of all the believers. Why? Because there's a general rub that Allah has given even for the non Muslim. But then the scholars also continuing these are based on many areas in the Quran, where there is a specific korab and that specific korab is for the friends of Allah azza wa jal, which of course is for his servants, the people who believe in him that people who worship Him and the people who follow their religion that Allah azza wa jal has chosen for them. So there's a specific or rubber from Allah or maintainence, from Allah azza wa jal to maintain and care and nurture that Amen. to

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nurture that belief that you have with Allah azza wa jal. So that's important, then this brings us to the final word of the A Allah Allah mean. So we have Alhamdulillah he or a bill. Now we come to Allah, they mean, Allah, they mean is a very comprehensive word. There is actually a difference of opinion amongst the ruler. Now what does the word either mean really, truly entail?

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Let's just look at it from a linguistic point of view First, the word I mean comes from the word Island comes from the word item, which in and of itself, the word Island is also a plural word. So from this scholar say there is no singular word for it, I mean, because it's singular technically also means something that's plural. So it doesn't have a singular form to it. But some of the scholars they have said that ally them which also is another derivative of ally, and I mean, it is referring to anything that possesses an intellect. So this is the first definition of art I mean, I mean, referring to anything that possesses some type of intellect.

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Some of the scholars, they categorize this into four categories, what are the things that possess intellect number one is mankind. Number two is jinn. Number three is angels. And number four is the shell team.

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And from this definition, here, as a result, Allah Allah mean, it's not it does not refer to the animal kingdom because of course, it only refers to the creation that possesses some intellect specifically. So that's one opinion. Other scholars have said other things and they have said that LLM or are the mean, is derived from the word I llama. I lemon, not

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lm butter lemma and this here means a sign or an indication or an or an indication of something that exists. And there is no doubt that that thing exists.

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Now how does this relate back to Allah? So imagine if you put the idea together, you put all of these definitions together. Basically Allah subhanho wa Taala affirms his existence in front of mankind. In front of all of his creation, he affirms that his existence is here. Now, what's interesting, Allah doesn't say Alhamdulillah he or Rob Bill muslimeen. He doesn't say Rob bill meanie. But this is Rob bill. And I mean, from this, we also see the second category of tawheed, which is the tail he'd have horrible BIA, so he'd have a robo BIA, we get this from or a biller, I mean, now the towhid of Robo BIA is the Lordship of your if you like of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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It's the towhee that indicates that Allah azza wa jal will take care of his creation will provide for his creation, today it will read it will rain in this city, and tomorrow it will rain in another city, and the other day it will be dry, then the other day will have this it will have that all of this goes back to the rub of Allah azza wa jal that he takes care of his creation. And again, scholars, they separate both of them, they've categorized it, that there is a rub just for the Muslims, and there is a rub that is general for all of mankind.

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So just to summarize, they mean, we learn here that allow the mean encompasses the one that takes care of all of us, the one that is in charge of our affairs, the one that has stamped his existence in front of all of us in front of mankind. This is an it this is a method that Allah azza wa jal uses to show all of mankind that not only is he one, but he is the rub, and he is the rub for every single human being or creation that possesses some type of intellect, some type of intellect, we will come to the discussion of the animals in an entire soda by itself. I believe it's in soda, soft fat, we will discuss the animals and what basically the destiny of animals are, are they going to be

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judged on Yom Okayama? If they are not considered to be one with intellect? Then how are they cared for? Don't they still have at least some degree or level of a rub upon them that Allah is so agile takes care of these animals, we will discuss this in sha Allah, there are many, many opinions regarding the the position of animals and what they do, aside from their purpose to provide food for us what their purpose here in this world. So that concludes the first. And if you summarize this whole entire area, this is the strongest, most powerful way to begin Dawa with anybody. The most powerful way statement, to start off a conversation with somebody about this religion is to start

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speaking to them about allies. So agenda, that's one we get this from the first as you start speaking about Allah. Number two is you start to speak about the positive things that Allah azza wa jal has done and don't focus on his anger. Don't focus on the punishment of Allah. Try to steer the conversation away from this and leave that discussion in its appropriate time. And its appropriate place. Don't just ignore it, but just know when to speak about those issues. The third thing that we get from this first aim is that Allah subhanho wa Taala will always take care of our affairs. Regardless of what our position is, we can always turn back to Allah azza wa jal and ask him for

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anything at any time. So even if a person hasn't been praying for the last two years, even if a person hasn't been wearing the hijab their entire life, this one first here is an A of hope, that a person can always turn their life around and come back to Allah azza wa jal, why, because he is Alhamdulillah and he is though tabula rasa mean. So this here is a of hope. And it's so interesting that our book begins this way. And this is one of the strongest tools brothers and sisters that you have, whenever somebody comes to you and wants to criticize the horror and that it has verses that are verses of hatred, that are verses that are full of confrontation and animosity and this and that

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from Allah azza wa jal and tried to stigmatize the religion in that manner. Your first reading

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sponsors think about the first a in sorted Fatiha. If our religion was based on so much negativity, why is the first verse of the whole book about praising Allah azza wa jal about testifying, that he's the one that's going to be in charge of our all of our affairs. It is an area of hope. I mean, you can go on and on and on about this area. But I think that's sufficient insha Allah for us to continue with a number two

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