Ismail Kamdar – Lessons from Karbala – Virtues of Ashura

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the historical significance of Kar opinion and the lessons learned from Kar opinion, including the infamous king's actions towards the Middle East and the lack of stops during the war. They also touch on the struggles of neighbors and challenges faced by their lives. The conversation emphasizes the importance of protecting people from evil behavior and practicing fasting during holy holidays like Moise's words on protecting from harms and the upcoming tenth ofattemp as a holy holiday for Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Now who want to sell him on this stuff? You know?

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When I meet Julian kusina for me, Celia Molina, Maria de la, de la. What do you do for the Huggy? Paulo to LA he sold a lot while he was alum of Dellucci heard in my color car industry, Tommy john.

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So today we have a very difficult and controversial event in history that we want to discuss. And each, I hope to discuss it from a balance model perspective.

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We could focus more on the lessons from the story rather than going into too many details, right? Because, in general, at this time of the year,

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we tend to recap the story of Caterpillar of the tragedy of karma. And too often, when discussing Karbala, we tend to go to one of two extremes. We go to the extreme of exaggerating what happened, causing a lot of anger causing a lot of

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a lot of sectarian violence calling other unnecessary problems. amongst us today are we go to the other extreme of brushing it away. It was just the a fight between two people and 3d both sides as if they were equal. And both of these extremes are incorrect. So what I hope to do today, and you'll have time to do the full story right to go through actually what happened at Karbala will take us at least two hours. And we tried to do this in about 10 or 15 minutes. So I'm going to give a summary of the story focus more on lessons that we can take from the story and apply to our lives.

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And before we do that, just a recap of last week's goodbye which this is building upon. Last week, I mentioned that history is messy. History is not you know, stories are only heroes and villains is not story The only pious people the only nice things happening. The reality is every generation faces their own tests. And in every generation, great calamities will come. This is the reality of the world. You cannot live in this world without facing a test outracing a calamity. And the closer someone is to Allah subhanho wa Taala, the more difficult the calamity that they have to deal with.

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And this helps us to understand the good of what's going to happen in the scoring. The other thing I mentioned last week, is that the people in our history are human beings. And humans feel they are going to sometimes do the right thing and sometimes do the wrong thing. If you approach history, expecting all those terms throughout history to be like pious Odia, you're always going to be disappointed, because in every generation, the way the righteous and the unrighteous. And the story of Karbala is the first example in our history of Islam of a tyrant.

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This was the first time in the history of Islam, that someone came into power, who is generally considered a tyrant was generally considered an unjust ruler.

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And, again, one more point to add to that before we go into it. It is not fun, the

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methodology of Ultron our Jamaat to curse anyone, especially to curse someone who has

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even if they committed major sins and major crimes. So when we talk about stories like this of any of the titans of the past, we don't curse them, we leave the judgment to Allah. If Allah forgives them for eternity because of some other reason, that's between him and Allah. And if Allah holds him to a calculated totally that is his, his justice, Allah, you know what man, he's also most just, and we leave it to Allah. So it's not our methodology to cause people. It just we are going to narrate the facts and take some lessons from So what happened? What was the incident of karma?

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To understand this? We go back a generation before that the time of Ali rajala, when there was a civil war between the Sahaba and that civil war would basically be if you if you were to break it down in terms of tribal support between the two main tribes of America. Now not a math guy anymore, once and silly, I'm watching Iraq, but over the leadership, right, because Ali Raja who represented the tribe of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, sunderban, Hashem and his opposition while he

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was from the budding media, and this will be trended throughout history that there will always be a political rivalry between these two tribes. And this comes up again, at the depth of where we are radula one Somalia becomes the Khalifa after Ali, and he says, as Khalifa for 20 years, and towards the end, he appoints his son, he is here to take over acting. Now two points to note on this. Number one, technically, it's not haram for him to appoint his son as an expert. It's not technically Haram, if you go and study the bookshop. There's nothing saying

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so it's not an illegitimate choice, but it's not the best choice either. Because at that time, the prophets grandson Hussein is

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Abdullah, even overeater like Abdullah, even Ambassador like Abdullah, even two babies like, right so this is like about 60 years after the time of Rasulullah saw you and Philips Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and now all the Sahaba who had children in the lifetime of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam they are now the adults and the older generation of Sahaba have passed away. So this younger generation of Sahaba, we have amongst them great people like Abdullah, even Sylvain Abdullah, even Omar and the grandson of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for saying rhodiola. So these individuals, we can say that they were more qualified for the position of Khalifa. But again, if

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somebody won't qualified exists, it doesn't mean that the other person is around to give him the job. Right. So the most you can say is that ma we are Raja who made a political mistake by appointing his son as an extra, you can't see it what it said. You can't say it was Cofer. You can't say he was betraying the oma. And you can't hold him accountable for the sins that his sacraments. But if you want to start holding people accountable for the sins their sons commit, none of us are going to get away on the Day of Judgment. Because no one nobody cruised through life without using one of the children grow up in doing things that they disagree with all the grandchildren, everybody

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at some point, you know, you have a descendant who you're not proud of, is one of the tests of life. And he can't foresee what's going to happen after he passes away. Nonetheless, it was a political mistake, to appoint yazeed as a next kaliba. He did it for his reasons. He saw it as as you're communicating the peace, avoiding civil wars, and he told us what will happen. Nonetheless, while we are passing away, he suddenly as he comes into power, now now he has in his number one, he is the first non Sahabi to be forgiven, right, he is the first non Sahaba to be forgiven. And he's a believer at the time, it's the habits the life. Now the two he is very young. Number three, he did

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not have the derby of the Sahaba. They were taught by the prophets like some of the senior Sahaba, he was brought up in a palace in Syria. So he's obviously not on the same level as them in terms of piety or in terms of his capabilities as a ruler. So he proves to be a not very competent ruler, and in many ways the tyrannical ruler. And one of the political events that occur soon after he becomes the ruler is that he tries to force the Sahaba were against him, to accept him as the ruler to give him the Pledge of Allegiance. So he appoints someone over Medina, whose job is to force Hussein and Abdullah able to bail to accept yazeed as the ruler, and so to say, and Abdullah, they run away to

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backup to escape from this hierarchy. And Abdullah even debating over mapguide another story that perhaps you can discuss another time, he ended up eventually, a few years later claiming to be the 45 aka and a civil war takes place between him and the millions. That's another event for another time. But Hussein, he is in Makkah, refusing to accept yazeed as the leader and the people of Iraq, they hear about this, and they start writing letters to Hussein telling him come to Europe come to Kufa we will protect you we will make you our leader. So he sees all of these letters he sends his cousin to inspect his cousin tells him yes loss of support for your Why did you come here people

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your love you people, your respect you people will take care of you. So Hussein takes his family, he leaves Makkah, he decides to go to Cuba. Now why he is on this journey on the way to prove up. Remember those days there's no cost. There's no phones. journeys take long and you can't receive a lot of information while on the journey. The entire situation of Kufa changes while he's on his way. So Hussein Rajaraman his family on the weekend yazeed realized that the people in Cuba want to rebel through he appoints over a very, very tyrannical government. A man by the name of Obaidullah

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and this is a name that we don't hear enough of Obaidullah even Xia is the real villain of the story. It is anybody in this story that you want to cast as a villain, as somebody who is truly was evil in terms of his political

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methodology. Obaidullah was perhaps the most

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tyrannical person alive at that time.

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So he appoints Obaidullah as well as a young man in his in his early 20s. he appoints this young man as the governor of Kufa to end any rebellions in the game. That's his main goal. Don't allow any rebellion to take place.

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So whaler goes to Kufa and he places the city under lockdown. No one's allowed to leave or enter without

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permission, because he knows Hussein is coming. And he begins to send spies to outer city to look for rebels, and we say his cousin. And he, he starts, you know, going off to anyone who supports him saying, immediately the entire city abandoned depends. The majority of people abandon their plans, they go back to living a normal life. And they give up the political aspiration of siding with Hussein against he, as he now has in regular one who does not know about this. He comes close to Kufa, he notices the areas under lockdown, there's checkpoints everywhere, can't get into the city, he meets some travelers and they tell you what's going on in the city. He's now just him and his

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family outside in the desert in a small thing called karma. And the army of availa epcr surrounds him.

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And at that point, he realizes he's not going to be saving over and in a situation change. So Hussein radula, he makes a offer of compromise. Right, and there's different durations and what he what he offered, but it can be summed up as follows he offered to either go back to Makkah and forget about the whole situation, or to go fighting jihad against the non Muslims, or to go and meet with the ASEAN himself and discuss the differences. So very reasonable, you know, compromise to make. But Obaidullah this tyrannical young man Kufa, who's got you know, this, he's got this ego about him, he doesn't accept it. And he tells saying, you either pledge allegiance to yours eat at

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my hand, or you die.

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Now think about what the insult This is to the grandson of the prophet SAW yourself that this young man is treating me this way when he's trying to give away solution to the problems. And while all of these discussions are going on, at the back and forth, it gets more and more heated. Eventually, some of the men in Obaidullah army, they attack the family of Hussein, the descendants of the Prophet sallallaahu salam, and the massacre the entire family, all of the men of the family, including Hussein, a massacre at Karbala, on the 10th of Mojave.

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And this event has a ripple effect on the oma in many, many different ways. You know, again, we understand the emotion attached to it. When we study history, we expect the only United States but they think they just the generation after the time of the Prophet slowly or sudden his own grandson is killed by Muslims. That's something many of us still can't wrap our head around, right. And

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it's a very difficult thing to swallow. And that's why right until today, the story raised a lot of emotions and a lot of sectarian violence and a lot of problems between Muslims whenever it's brought up and whenever, whenever it is discussed. But it is a part of our history, and we shouldn't do it, we should take lessons from it. For most of the lessons that we can take from what happened at Karbala

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is that every generation will face some form of protest. And even the best of Muslims will face difficulties. And justice doesn't always happen in this world. Sometimes something unjust will happen in this world, and justice will only come to the Day of Judgment.

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Because, you know, one of the biggest crimes that he has either as key was that when the news reached him of what we did not even care to say he did not punish him. He did nothing about it. And by the way, that led to another event, when the people of Medina learned about yazeed, not punishing away to them. They rebelled. And they began to rebel against

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the army after them, which led to a second massacre. We don't talk about the massacre. This massacre was even more brutal and more people were killed and more terrible things happen. The what happened at Goodwill, but we actually don't talk about it because of how bad it was. So bad things happen. And sometimes we don't get justice in this world, sometimes justice only completely of judgment. And that's something we have to learn to live with while we are in this world. Because this world is a test. And every generation adjusted is certain lessons we can take from this is that even the Sahaba themselves differ on how to deal with a tyrant rule.

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Even amongst the Sahaba, they had differences of opinion that some of the Sahaba they just lived their lives. And they didn't worry about the ruler and what he did, right he just focused on teaching or walking or whatever it was, some of them took a verbal stand against the wall. So they would you know, speak out against him or speak up to him. Right. And that's as far as they would go. And some of them like Abdullah even

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had a military rebellion against the wall. And Abdullah even obeyed when Hussein when was martyred. He became very, very angry. And he claimed to be the halifa in Moscow. And that started a civil war between him and the males right over the hill. So even amongst the Sahaba, they had different differences of opinion on how to deal with titles. And I say this because sometimes people bring for legal solution, and they portrayed as if that's the only way and there's no other way. And Dave, as you know is what Islam teaches. in theology, this is the issue that even the Sahaba

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third lesson that we can take from the life of Hussain regular Bible is the importance of being brave and courageous that he was one of the most bravest men of that generation. He was a majority, not just in his deeds, but in his words as well. In the Hadees, I quoted at the beginning, the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam stated that the best jihad is to stand up against the tyrant, to speak a word of truth against a tyrant worldwide. Because in that situation, you know that you're going to be overpowered, you know, you can't when you're doing it, because it's the right thing to do, even though you know, it might cost you your life, after that becomes the greatest form of

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jihad. And so when Hussein Rolando and his family are surrounded by this army, and they know that they can't defeat this army, but he still stands for truth and justice against the title we love, this is a, this is a clear example of what it means to stand up to a tyrant ruler, even when you know that you don't have a chance of defeating him. Now, it's permissible not to do that, by the way, because of the rule that necessity makes around Palau. But this is the highest form of jihad. Remember, not everything that's the highest form is what you have. And Hussein, of course, represents the highest form of piety in his generation.

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And one final lesson.

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Or this is a bit of a darker lesson to take. But this is one final lesson you can take from the story to see

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is that

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you know what happened on that day had ripple effects right until today

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that Hussein was killed by weight lipids

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and Obaidullah even car was killed by another rebel army, and then that rebel armies neither was killed by another rebel army. And this continues throughout history, every generation, the rebellions, and there are people who are killed. And this becomes a cycle that is dealing with right through today. In many parts of the Muslim world. We are tired kings. In many parts of the Muslim world, the civil unrest in many parts of the Muslim world, righteous people are being massacred and killed for no other reason, except that they stand up against injustice. This is a sad, dark reality of the world that we live in, is not something new. It's something that happened even in the title

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of this novel. So we end this goodbye by asking Allah Subhana Allah to grant us the ability to be people of should injustice, to protect us from ever being tyrants, and to protect us from being harmed by the tyrants. We ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to allow us to extract lessons from history to be balanced in our approach to history and to protect us from ever being on the wrong side of history. So behind Robin is a damaging phone or syllable of recevied 111

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hamdulillah salat wa salam, O Allah May Allah Allah.

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Allah, Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Bashar Al Assad to Hakuna Matata gokula Bill akintola.

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We are few days away from the 10th of Muharram and the 10th of Muharram is a very auspicious and holy day Islam and its virtues and holiness is directly related to see something we have to make. These are two separate things. Karbala happened on the 10th of Muharram. And that is a tragedy. And that is a legendary story we can take lessons from but the virtues of mohyla were narrated by the prophet SAW yourself

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on almost half a century before and they relate back to the story of Tucson, Arizona. And it was on the 10th of Muharram that Mousavi Salah was saved from the vowel and so he problems on the level he was setting up when he was in Medina. He noticed that the Jews on Medina would fast on the tent.

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And he asked him why. And he said that it was the day when moose moose, Ali's lover said. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that we have more right to honor Mousavi Salah because he's our Prophet. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the next year He fasted on the 10th of Muharram and he made the intention for the day after too fast, the tender hearted with one extra day.

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And another heavy is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever fasts on the title of Allah on the day of Ashura, then one year sins are forgiven the previous year's sins are forgiven. So what do we do on the 10th of Ramadan? The sooner is too fast. It is a day of fasting, and it is one of the most auspicious and holy buzz outside of the obligatory pass that if there's any fast outside of the obligatory fasting, I would recommend that you keep the two. The first has just passed, which was the nitrogen pitcher, the other is coming up which is the tender offer. These are the two most important facets of all of the recommended process, and for both of them the reward is

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similar. For the nine digit HR reward

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Was your previous year and your next year sins are forgiven. Now many of us may have missed that because you will go into the rioting and looting at that time. So we can get a chance to talk about that to even think about them. Right. And that is past, we have another opportunity to have a year since forgiven and which of us did not have a year's worth of sins and need for giving. So inshallah letters or make the intention to fast on the kingdom of Harlem with what he did, when we can follow and provide the sooner a very, very important to know of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there is a certain Sunnah attached to a ghetto Hello. The only thing is that this should not the

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scholars differ on the authenticity of the Hadees right, so some Allah say that this is a Sunnah and some sage novel, and that is to spend money on your family or project. So there is a narration that says you ever spent money on their family on the 10th of Muharram, then they well will be blessed for the next year.

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And there are many other matter of history, who say that they have practiced this every single Tatum ohana and he never disappointed them, that every 10th of Muharram they treated their family they spent money on the family despite their family, and they never had any financial problems for that year. So again, the Hadees is a dispute about some alarmist is weak and that is the opinion your follow up to me now focused on the pasty but other hola Mercedes authentic and they even type in a word for them. And I'm also inclined to the opinion that could be located authentic and acceptable. So that gives us a second center to practice on the 10th of Muharram wants to know is too fast the

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other is to spend money in your family. simple way to combine the two in the modern world faster Tatum O'Hara before you start to your family out or the takeaways or something like that, right you spend money on your family by fasting and that way you can fulfill both of these signals at the same time. So the tender moharram is a very important day and I highly recommend all of us that we start fasting outside of Ramadan many of us you know we have this we have this thing that we only fast Ramadan. Once Ramadan think about fasting until the next Ramadan. But there are so many Suna fasts and one of the gates of Jannah are for those who pass often. So if you want to be from the you know

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from those people who get entered from that door let's start off with the simpler pass it started with something at the tender mojarra with the 92 he job and maybe from the Allah will give us guidance will pass more often maybe the Mondays and Thursdays the three middle days of the month there are many other types of services that we can think about but let's start with this one. This make intention inshallah to foster tender mohalla as the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the great Sahaba May Allah allow us to practice on this and to be with the people of the mind and of the people of fasting the people from justice. Robin Allah to reasoner in the scene, our Robin,

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Alina is Shaka hamato commelina Robin Mila Allah

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Subhana Rahman is it on my phone or Salah

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