Ikram Sanaullah – The life of Sa’ad Ibne Abi Waqqas R.A #03

Ikram Sanaullah
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of Charity and the need to worry about the birth of children before leaving the world. They also mention the need for parents to worry about the inheritance of children before they leave the world. The speaker emphasizes the need to be careful of people who are only known by Allah and not others.
AI: Transcript ©
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also has the honor of seeing the angels

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that's out there the Allahu taala. And who later on in hospital with

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goes to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because he had a daughter and by this time, he became a rich companion of Prophet Muhammad. So he goes to the Prophet of Allah. And he says to him, that no prophet of Allah I want to give all of my wealth in the path of Allah subhanho wa taala. So Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam says that no sod, you can give everything in the path of Allah. So other thought says, Okay, fine. Let me give half of my wealth in the path of Allah. Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam said, no, no, no, no, no, sad, give 1/3 in the path of Allah and leave the remainder for your daughter. Now there is an important lesson that we learn from this statement

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of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The first lesson respected elders and friends very important. Charity begins at home.

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Charity begins at home. Charity begins at home. If Allah subhana wa Taala has given us well, yes, we should spend in the path of Allah. But it shouldn't happen, that we are spending and spending in the path of Allah and later on when we leave the world, our own children, our own family members, our own relatives, our own close friends are begging from others. That shouldn't be the scenario that is not the teaching of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we should worry about them to a certain level, we are trying we do worry about them, we do take care of them. But if a small Mises misunderstanding comes our way, then we stop the charity.

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We stop the charity

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you know what we need to understand is that charity should be given for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Even if a misunderstanding takes place, we should carry on with the charity.

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If a misunderstanding takes place, and we are not giving charity, it means that we are not giving we are not giving charity for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala we are giving charity in order to control someone if I give you charity, so when I tell you to stand up, you should stand up. When I tell you to sit down you should sit down that is not charity. Look at what the MUFA serien have mentioned in the tough sin of so many so many verses regarding charity. They mentioned that even when you are giving charity to a non Muslim, your intention shouldn't be that this non Muslim should accept Islam. It should be solely and only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala it comes regarding

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that Aisha Radi Allahu Talana, when she used to give something to a beggar, and when the beggar in return used to give dua you know we give dua May Allah subhana wa Taala do this for you. May Allah subhanaw taala protect you may Allah subhanaw taala give you more Baraka so when a beggar used to give to her that Aisha used to go on the masala and she used to pray to Allah, and she used to give the same dua to the beggar why she meant that this charity is only for the sake of Allah, I don't even need it do i In return, so I'm giving you your DUA back. That is our charity should be. It should be only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala that is the first lesson we learn. The second

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lesson we learn is what Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam said, leave the remainder for your daughter. What does that mean? Specially the parents, they need to worry about the inheritance of their daughter before they leave the world. When the parents leave the world, the brothers, the men folk of the family, they need to worry about the inheritance of the sister or of the daughter. It is their responsibility. Many times we are making a mistake regarding this matter. And it is happening. It happens. Sometimes an asset is undervalued, for example, the sister is getting a share. And the real value of the chair is let's say 1 million kwacha. Now the brother goes and tells the sister

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that you know outside in the market, the value of this particular asset is 200,000 kwacha. Now this sister has never seen big money in her life. So she agrees. She agrees and she gets that. So we undervalue the property. So the parents and the menfolk they need to worry about this aspect. Inshallah. We'll all do that today. When we go home. Let us sit with our parents and let's

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Let's resolve this issue. So later on there is no miscommunication. There is no disunity regarding this particular matter. May Allah subhanho wa Taala guidance going forward towards the life of the Tsar, there are the Allahu Taala and who

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at that side of the Allahu Taala and who was also from Mooster job with that what? You know almost a job without a man who has to raise his hands and Allah subhanaw taala accepts his dua. We have such people amongst us, only Allah knows about them. They are only known by Allah, we don't know about them, and we should be very careful of such people.

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