Ismail Kamdar – A Practical guide to Tawakul

Ismail Kamdar
AI: Summary © The importance of social distancing and staying in homes to avoid the virus is emphasized in the virtual Hoopa on tawak foundation. The worker is the one who trusts Allah and is the one who controls everything. Consciously practicing the tawak praising process is crucial to achieving success in Islam. The importance of acceptance of Islam as a means to achieve success in personal life is emphasized, along with the need to live a positive life and not worry about it. Consciously adopting one's means and not stressing about it is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu. Salam Allah Nabeel Karim Allah Allah, he was happy etchmiadzin Welcome to this virtual Hoopa on tawakkol. Unfortunately, we had to close the masjid this week. This is our first week in a few months without Juma reminds me of early last year. But unfortunately, the virus is getting out of control in our community. And we have to keep our distance from each other. And so the safest thing to do over the next few weeks is to stay in our homes. So instead of having this hood, but at the mustard, we will have this could pop up from home and just a bit of fick to before we get into actual Hooda. I'm of

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the opinion that jumar cannot be played at home, I do know that there is another opinion in our community that you can be played at home. So whichever opinion you're following, just make sure you're following the opinion that you believe is strongest, and an opinion held by Allah. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to do this virtual football, and then I'm going to prove to her with my family. And I would recommend that you do the same. The topic I've chosen for today, actually, this topic, I was going to deliver it at the masjid last week. But at the last minute, I changed my topic last week to death of lessons from the life of Isa alayhis salaam. And so this topic, I was going to

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deliver it at the masjid this week. But Corolla we had to close this week. So instead, this will be a live online presentation, rather than a

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goodbye delivered at the masjid. So the topic is the Wakil. And I've actually done this good, but before at a different mastery two years ago, but a reminder is beneficial for the believers. And really in the time that we're living in right now. tawakkol is so so important. This is like it's something that we need that we all need in times like this. So I'm going to give a rather detailed discussion about the worker, because what I find to be a problem for many of us is that we all know what the worker is, theoretically, you all know this theory of the worker, we all know this idea that we must have the worker in difficult times they must have to walk within Allah. But how? How do

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we have the walker? How do we show the walker? How do we practice the Walker, this is something that's not talked about as often as it should be? Right, the practical side of the Walker. And I actually found a few years ago, a really practical guide to tawakkol. I summarized it on my website, the link is actually posted to the website. It's posted.

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The link is linked to this video. And I've taken this from the moderator Sally Keane have even came out Josie up coffee mahalo krahula, the chapter on monster to tawakkol the status of the walker where he gives a detailed seven step process on how to practice the Walker. And by the way, if you don't understand Arabic Alhamdulillah are one of the the head writers at the yaqeen Institute. Dr. Amir Andrew has published a translation of this book, recently, really beautiful translation that you should be able to find in some bookstores around the world in July, it's definitely worth looking into. So this is an excellent book, by even came out Josie on the different levels of piety.

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And one of those levels is the worker. So what is the worker? How do we practice it? And what can we do today to practice it in the modern world. So the worker means to trust Allah. And it is anything I've seen in this past year is that many of us must understand what trusting Allah is all together. Just to give you a couple of examples.

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I've had this conversation very often this year, that I'd meet a Muslim brother who's not wearing a mask, and he would judge me for wearing a mask saying, oh, you're wearing a mask, that means you don't have to walk with in a lot. That's a very nonsensical argument. And this clearly shows that these individuals don't know what the police I mean, you wouldn't walk into traffic and say I have to walk in Allah. You wouldn't walk into a department of a hospital with his only people with contagious diseases. And so you have to walk with Allah know you're going to take your precautions you're going to do what you need to do in order to have to walk. I mean, the same brothers don't sit

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at home waiting for their risk. Our risk is already ordained. Why don't we do that we all go out and we work to earn our risk. Right? So this clearly shows a lack of understanding in our community of what is the workload. Likewise, there are people who are saying

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Things like, oh, if you believe these diseases are contagious, then you don't have to walk.

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Again, this is a non sensical argument. Right? Because diseases being contagious is something proven by science. It's something proven by life experience. It's something that's known of this world by necessity. So the idea that believing in contagious disease goes against the worker, once again, so shows that a lot of people simply don't know what the worker is. So the worker means to trust a lot. And even pay more Julia mentioned that there are seven levels of distrust in Allah subhanho wa Taala, that we need to do seven things in order to actualize the workload in our lives. And interestingly, step number two, is to adopt the means to do what you need to do physically. So

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tawakkol part of the process of tawakkol is to physically do what you need to do. It's not enough to simply say, I trust Allah. That's not enough. It's not enough to simply sit back to the Oh, I trust Allah, nothing's gonna happen to me except Allah words. That's true. But a lot has created this world as a world of us BB a world of means. And you have to take the means to earn the trust of Allah to earn the protection of Allah to earn the mercy of Allah. It all comes about through actual practice. So how do we earn the protection of Allah subhanho wa Taala? We do it through tawakkol How do we practice the wako? Well, even Kamal Josie Rahim Allah in this book, he highlights seven

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Seven things we should do that if we do these seven things, then inshallah we will have the worker. Right, so what's number one? Number one, to have the Wakil is to recognize the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, related to the worker. What do we mean by this? Well, the worker is really, it really comes from a place of firm belief in who Allah is. What do we mean by that? We mean that Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who is in control of everything. Reflect on that, Allah subhana wa, Allah is the one who controls our codder reflect on that, Allah Subhana Allah is the one without whose will Nothing can happen, right? reflect on that. So even Kamal Uzr says that the first step to

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tawakkol is to reflect on the names the attributes of Allah, Allah is Allah Rosa. He is the provider. Allah is our man, he is most merciful. Allah, Allah Jabbar, he's the one who has power over everything. When you reflect on the names of Allah, yet the work will grow strong. Right? You know, your risk is only from Allah. Anything that happens to you is only from Allah, nothing occurs except by the role of Allah. And so the first step of our call, is to reflect on the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Without a correct Athena in the name, the attributes of Allah, our tawakkol will be deficient. Interestingly, step number two, according to even came out

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Rosia right at the very beginning, is to take up your us, Bob to adopt the means. What does this mean? This means the workload in Islam is not a inactive thing. It's not something where you just sit back, relax, and wait for your risk. Wait for your safety, wait for your health. No, you have to do what is within your capabilities. And we see this in the examples in the Quran, where Allah Subhana Allah tells us the example of Muslim Allah has stood up when she is pregnant, and she is hungry, a lot harder to know to touch a tree. And when she touches the tree, the the dates begin to fall down. Now, anyone who's been near a palm tree knows that just touching it, especially when

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you're in a state of weakness isn't going to make the dates fall down. If Allah wanted, you could have made the dates fall down without her doing anything at all. Why did he make attach that tree to show that you do what's within your ability and Allah takes care of the rest. The same thing with Musashi Salaam and his stick to to party ocean, Allah does not mean Mousavi salam to touch a sea with a stick for a two part Allah parts it as he wishes, but this is against the wall Could you do what's within your capabilities a lot takes care of the rest. So adapting the means is part of the workload. If you want to risk you go to work, and then you trust Allah. If you want help you take

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your precautions, and then you trust Allah. If you want anything, you have to take up the worldly means and then just allow to sit back and do nothing is not our code. It is something that is actually in some cases punishable by Allah subhanho wa Taala. For example, if a person is not if a man is not going out to earn his risk, and expecting Allah to just drop his risk upon him, yeah, let me send him his risk or let me send him his restriction charity or to inheritance to a gift to something or some other means he may still get his risk, but there won't be Baraka in it. There won't be any pleasure of align it

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Any day of judgment, Allah asks you how did you earn it, you're not going to have an honorable answer. So your risk may still come to you. But it's not going to come with honor and Baraka if you do not take up the means. So step number two of the walk call is to adopt your means. Step number three, is to have a heart that is rooted in tauheed. To remove all shut all doubts of Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Allah, you know, this is something many of us don't think about when we think about the worker. Do we have any doubts about Allah subhanho wa Taala. Think about this, right? A lot of times when you tell people Oh, don't do that business practice is haram. He will say things like,

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how am I going to make money if I don't do this? This is a doubt about lobbying or Ozark? This is a doubt about Allah being the source of our sustenance, there always comes from Allah. Because if you think you cannot earn your risk, except through Haram, can you have doubts about a loving arasaka so that's why even table jizya says that step number three of the walk is to remove doubts from our hearts about Allah subhanho wa Taala to have firm toe heat, my risk is from Allah, I do not need her arm to earn my risk, I do not need her arm to become wealthy. Whatever is meant for me is going to come to me whether I take a hollow part or haoran part, right and so this when you have this firm

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tawakkol you will avoid the Haram and you will choose the * out part because you know either way, you're going to get what is written for you. The only difference is when you choose the * out part it is blessed when you choose the wrong part it is cursed, but either way you're getting what is written for you. So to remove doubt from our heart is part of the world. Number four. Number four is to ask Allah to ask Allah. So look at the step by step you first actualize and understand and believe in the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala he rose up he is the one in control, he is the rebel alameen then you adopt your means then you remove doubts about Allah subhanho wa Taala from your

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mind and then you ask Allah subhana wa Tada. So this is step by step debacle, you starting a business, you understand your risk is from Allah, not from the business, you understand that a lot is our result. And this is simply a means to which you earn your risk. You then adapt your means you do your business with sand in the absolute best possible way. You remove doubts about Allah subhanho wa Taala meaning you do not do your business in a haram way because you have absolutely no doubt that your risk is from Allah. And then you ask Allah after doing your business with your son in the evening when you go home, to raise your hands and after all up with Baraka and what I have done and

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make it sufficient for me, you make dua, Allahu Allah McPhee Holic and holonic wasn't any before the comments he was very important to our to memorize and to make every single day, Allah mcweeny, the hydraulic anharmonic who are gonna need before the Lika Mansi walk this to our translators, Oh Allah, make the halaal sufficient for me against the haraam, and make me independent of everyone besides you. It's one of my favorite to us. It's really a part of the waku to make this to our we should be making this to our every single day, allow mfine halleck anharmonic what other ninni before the leka amongst Ewok, right, step number four, or sorry, step number five, has no one Billa

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who snows john Billa. To think good about Allah, to think good about Allah, optimism. Our religion is a optimistic religion is a religion, we think good about Allah, we think good about the future, with our thoughts about what is going to happen and nothing but higher. We expect only good from our Lord. It is mentioned in the heavy scoochie that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that Allah subhana wa Taala said, I am as my servant thinks of me. So think good about Allah. Right. So when you start a business, you think good about Allah, Allah is going to put Baraka in this business, a lot going to bless this business, Allah is going to take care of me through this

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business. When you take your precautions to preserve your health. You think good about Allah, Allah is going to take care of my house, Allah is not going to allow anything to happen to me, that is beyond my abilities to deal with. Whatever it is, when you put your tawakkol in Allah that the walk will must be with hoshina zombie luck with thinking good about Allah. You do not. It is not the whirpool to think bad about Allah. It is not the Rocco to start the business and including a loss not going to bless this. It's going to do terribly. We not going to do well. I'm not going to survive. That's not the Wakil. Part of the walk goal is who snows long Billa to think the best about

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Allah to expect the best from Allah to go into whatever you are doing with full optimism in Russia Hannah what Allah and to expect good in your culture. So after you do all of this

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after you do all of this, after you do

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You put your trust in Allah and you and you recognize all those attributes, and you remove the doubt of Allah from your heart. And you think good about Allah. The next step is to accept your father. Next step is to accept your father, whatever comes to you, this is from Allah, this is why law world. So if you are running a business, and you did it to the best of your ability, and you put your tawakkol in Allah subhana wa Taala. And you

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were content with the world of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you did all of this.

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And then you didn't make much profit, you know, you made maybe a small profit, then whatever you receive is from Allah, and you accept that this is what Allah will for me. Likewise, if you did everything that you are supposed to do when it comes to your health, your social distance, you sanitized, you avoided touching people, you stayed at home, but you still got sick. God Allah we accept a cover up. Right? So we expect the best from Allah. By the end of the day whatever happens after we have taken the means after we have taken up the suburb after we have made to our after we have had looseness on Billa. Whatever happens after that, we accept it as called the roller. And we

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understand this is what's best for us. Even if we don't understand why even if we don't understand how, right so we just submitted to the coder of Allah subhanho wa Taala we don't fight a lot about it. We don't fight to Allah we want to Allah I see at home Why did you make me sick? This kind of words not come out on the tongue of the believer. Rather, the believer should say God Allah, Masha Allah, this is Allah God, he does what He wills that is what should come on our tongue when it comes to whatever we receive. And this is for both the good and the bad, because when we look at the

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story in Surah, Al Kahf, of the of the man and the garden, he had received good in his garden, he had received a beautiful lush garden, there was profitable and he was boasting about it. And what did his neighbor tell him? Why don't you say, Masha Allah Cordova, Masha Allah, they see what Allah was. Right? So this, this is not only to do with bad but good as well. If you receive good God, Allah, this is Allah SCADA. It received bad code Allah, Allah SCADA, either way, we accept the color of Allah, and we say this is what is best for us. Right.

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And the final step, the final step of tawakkol, is to live a life of actualizing it in your actualizing tawakkol in our lives, a handing over the matter to a law company, this is called the tough weed to completely hand over the method, Allah subhanaw taala say, Oh Allah, I need this to you now. We see this, for example, in the

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story of the Battle of butter, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know, he adopted his means he went out to the army, they chose a strategic location, or they were armed. And then he made to our, and then after that, you know, Abu Bakar told him, Okay, that's enough. Now let's put our trust in Allah and go out and fight. So at the end of the day, they live the result of the battle to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that reaches a point where it's just handing it over to Allah, I've done everything in my in my capabilities, I now just leave it to Allah, I'm not going to stress about it, I'm not going to worry about it. Whatever happens next is called the roller. So for

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example, if you are running a business, then you work hard, you ran the business to the best of your ability, you may do our everyday, you are optimistic, you are ready to accept God. Now you relax, in the evening, relaxing, whatever profits come to me that that will not work. I'm not gonna stress about it, because Allah knows what's best for me. Same with our health, you social distance, you sanitized, you, you stay at home, right? You make do up, you avoided interacting with people, you did all of that. Now, don't stress and worry about the virus, don't stress or worry about now just hand the metal over to Allah and just simply say, I am doing everything I need to do. I am making

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do. I am staying home, I am avoiding interacting with people. Now whatever happens with Godzilla, I'm not gonna stress about it. Whatever happens to me Next is what Allah will for me, it is what is best for me. I'm not going to stress about it. This last step, handing the matter over to Allah. And notice this is the last step, not the first step. Right? You start off by adopting your means and then at the end, you hand the matter over to Allah. Some people must understand the code and they take this as the only step. They don't take the means they don't make do. They don't think about the heat. They simply leave it to Allah and they end up you know, making a mess of it. Rather, this is

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the final step after doing everything else. The benefit of this step

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It removes anxiety from the heart. This is the benefit of the final step, that when we are trusting a lot completely with our hearts, then there is no anxiety. There is no anxiety in our hearts because we know Allah will only allow to happen what is best for us. So these are the seven steps of the Wakil as listed by even came out choosier in his majority to Saudi keen to repeat, you begin by recognizing the attributes of Allah subhana wa Taala you didn't do what you need to do you adopt your means you work you you take care of your health, all of this number three, you remove any doubt in your heart about Rohit about Allah number four you ask Allah you make dua number five, you have

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pushed no one Billa you think best about Allah. Number six, you accept your color, you prepare your mind to accept color. And number seven, you just hand it over to Allah. Now there is a bonus each step, there is a bonus step and eight step that not only is it part of the workflow, but it's the higher level of the worker. So when it comes to piety, there are different levels, right? So even when it comes to the work will be at different levels, there is the debacle of the average Muslim, and then there's the debacle of the Odia. Now how do we get to that level, this is very hard. But this is very important. If you want to move up in your ranks within the sight of Allah subhanho wa

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Taala if you want to move from having tawakkol on the average level, to having the debacle of the year, and early the stages of the Olia is one more step that one has to take. And that step is Aranda, Bill kado, to be happy with your quarter. And this is the hardest step of all, you see that the work of the average Muslim that which is acceptable to Allah is to be accepting of your cutter wherever happens, it will allow higher than that the level of the own year is to be pleased with one's cutter, not just to accept it, but to be happy with it. And you know, you see this amongst the Sahaba and the early Muslims, that even when bad things happen to them, they would say 100 Isla

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de la was like the evil in something that we perceive to be bad happened to him, he would say Alhamdulillah and he will look for the good in it. And he will be pleased with the color of Allah in all situations. This is very hard. This is very hard, especially when tragedy strikes, especially when we face trauma, to be pleased with the color of Allah at times like that. This is not something that's expected of the average Muslim. But if someone can achieve this, it can make them a friend of Allah, he can elevate him to the status within only Allah, of what you love. This is really something amazing. It's something not all of us are capable of. But it's a degree to aspire towards.

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Right? At first, let's get the other seven steps in order and at least have proper tawakkol of Allah. And I really hope that what I have shown you here is a practical guide to tawakoni you know, just not something theoretical that we say I have to walk or I have to walk, but practical steps should take. And again, you can read the full article to learn more.

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You need to follow these practical steps. The walk will then become something we can do every day. But if you want to reach a higher level of piety, it's not enough to have the Wakil. We also must be pleased with the color of Allah subhana wa Taala and I know that's not easy and it's not expected of us. But if someone can do that, they will have a higher status in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala and so the ended one last two are very beautiful day. This is the closing verse of surah Toba Husky Allahu Allah Illa Illa who Allah he tawakkol to a horrible Urschel as in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Whoever says this seven times every morning and evening, Allah will

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take care of all of his affairs. The prophets are like I'm sitting overseas has to be Allahu La ilaha illa Allah he tawakkol to horrible Archer XIM LA is self sufficient for me. There is no god but him in him I put my tawakkol and He is the Lord of the mighty throne. This beautiful do our this verse of the Quran. The sooner you are the closing verses who are Toba mentioned in the Hadees the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said who ever mentioned the seven times every morning and evening, Allah will take care of all of his affairs. So let us revive the Sunnah of reciting has to be Allahu La la la de la cultura XIM every morning after the budget seven times every evening after

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multiple different times, and then putting our trust in Allah and doing what we need to do. The lawmakers from those who actually actualize the will in our lives. He make us on the people have to walk within how we live in what we practice. In May He grant us the best of this world at the next May Allah make our brother for the rest of our lives and our afterlife, nothing but hate and nothing what is good for us and to make us from the people who are filled with dunya and hateful al Qaeda and those who are protected from Johanna superhydrophobicity.

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Stephen was Salam O Allah mousseline with hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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