Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera – Sins Luxury Chocolates Poison

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The segment discusses the concept of dis dis dis arrangedness and shay "will eventually come back." The three conditions for doba are to stop doing it, have intentions clear, and desire. The speakers emphasize the importance of making intentions clear and finding suitable people to emulate. The segment also touches on the negative impact of wearing a turban and the importance of not being dis bi or avoiding "has been lost."
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Bismillah your Walkman you're walking
smuggler in Rockman Rahim
Al Hamdulillah in Hamden Cathedral on the Ebola confy akonadi. Gmail
your headboard guna where the ball jelajah who aren't marijuana? Wa
salatu salam ala say you didn't have evil Mustafa SallAllahu Taala
are they he was the he was taught me he
seldom at the Sleeman cathedral and Eli Yeoman Dean. Amma buried
called Allahu wa Lakota Philip earning module you will for
corneal Hamid what to boo Illa Allah He Jamia and you help me
noon what to boo Illa he Jimmy and a you help me noon
so that Allah will leave
my dear respected brothers and sisters Salam aleikum wa
rahmatullah wa barakato.
The thing which we're dealing with day in and day out, is
disobedience to our Lord.
And the one thing that we all share in everybody that's sitting
here, the fact that we're here today on this Sunday evening,
which is generally a time for, you know, many other types of
activities. The one reason we're here is inshallah to gain some
form of guidance, gain some form of advice, to take some kind of a
lesson and direction, so that our life becomes a bit easier. When I
say our life. We're not here to study ways of making money. We're
not here to study ways of having a healthier life in terms of a
physically healthier, or cardiovascularly healthier life.
We're here to this is this is what it is for the, for all of us is
that we're here to learn, have a better spiritual life, which is a
life that transcends beyond this world. The spiritual life is
essentially this life is a preparation for our spiritual
life, by which we benefit both in this world and in the Hereafter.
And our life in terms of
cardiological health that we have our heart health and lung health
and kidney health and body health, which mashallah we take care of by
going to the gym and eating healthy and all the rest of it,
that is restricted to this world. However, it's definitely
beneficial and helpful because that is what is going to benefit
us to become be more fresh and vibrant, to be able to gain
closest to Allah subhanho wa Taala if see if we so will. So here the
the common theme for all of us here is that we want to learn
something. And one of the things that constantly plagues all of us,
and we throw our hands up in the air.
Sometimes in absolute frustration, it's something which we like to
do. It's something that we do, we fall into we do and then after
that we actually feel bad about it. Sometimes there's, you know,
these nice restaurants and new restaurants open up and you go
there and you eat and you actually come out and you feel good about
However, many times with what I'm speaking about,
the problem is that we do it, and then we feel so bad afterwards.
Just the moment before we're about to do the act, nobody can stop us
from doing it. In fact, we could be in solid, and the desire for
such a thing. The desire for such a thing enters our heart. We could
be in such the in frustration doing this B but because we're so
accustomed to this particular habit, we can't help ourselves.
It's no longer shaytaan that is it's no longer shaytaan that's
influencing us shaytan has done his job. Now he's made it a habit
for us to do this bad act, this act of disobedience, which is what
I'm speaking about. So now the difference between shaytaan
prompting someone to do something and the knifes desiring to do it
is that the shaytaan as soon as you take the name of Allah, when
you're making Salah and you're saying Subhan Allah Al Hamdulillah
Subhan will be allowed Lehmann reciting the Quran. You're
standing in front of Allah subhana wa Tada you doing that we there's
no way shaytaan can attack you in that. However, once we've given
ourselves up to shaytaan many, many times and become habituated
to the act. We've personalize the act. And now that disobedience is
part and parcel of our knifes and the knifes is extremely pathetic.
The knifes is extremely pathetic. The reason is that it's not like
the difference between shaytaan and
knifes which is very interesting is that the shaytaan is like a
I mean, he is a dog, but he's like a dog. Whereas the knifes and the
the lowly self, the ego that is actually like a stubborn child.
Right? So you throw a few stones at a dog, you Shoo it away, and it
will eventually go. I mean, it will definitely go and then maybe
come back, but it will definitely go. But when we're talking about
the knifes the problem with the knifes is that it's like the
stubborn child, it's not going to stop crying until you give it what
it wants. So try as you might try to say, you know, imagine you're
in the middle of the market in the shop in the supermarket, and your
child is stubborn and starts crying. Right and you see a child
like that you can give it everything you want. The only way
it's going to stop crying is if you give it what it wants.
That's the way that nurses, that's why doing vicar is not going to
take away the knifes eventually it will by purifying it by us putting
a pressure on it. So the one thing that we are all dealing with is
disobedience. And as I mentioned, sometimes if you look at the
moment before the disobedience, nobody can stop us the knifes once
it. We're habituated to it now, the next one said, There's no way
nothing's going to stop us, you finish it. And immediately you
feel like the worst person in the world. You feel like the worst
person in the world. But this is the nature of these things.
And despite the fact that we have been,
despite the fact that we have been
vulnerable to this over and over again and felt despicable over and
over again, we still continue to do it. Because then again, the
desire for it slowly grows and grows and grows. So the desire is
very short lived. It has a very bad fall after it to talk in drug
language. Right? And but we still then build up the desire to want
it over and over again. So the thing we're all dealing with is,
is this now
how does one to a repentance is you might think that it's such a
simple thing. But the amount of things that are on them I have
written about repentance is quite amazing. One of the most famous
things that you will constantly read is are the three conditions
for doba. Which majority of us no one understand.
We understand that, which is to stop doing it. To have regrets and
remorse to make a stick for and to desire. Never want to do it again.
These are the conditions these conditions are not fulfilled.
We'll do it again.
The question is that why do we sin in the first place?
The reason is that although we know that there are harms to it,
but the harms of it are not very close to our heart.
I give you an example who likes chocolate here?
I do. Who likes chocolate here? No seriously? Who likes okay me ty
Mishti chocolate, right? That's 50% of us and I've got some really
nice chocolate today. Right which
it's a really exquisite connoisseur collection of green
and blacks organic, the connoisseur collection 12 bars of
white milk and dark chocolate so you know you've got the selection
here. Mashallah. Right, whose mouth is watering now?
Yeah, that's that's what it is. This is beautiful chocolates. And
this is not the best of it. This is the, you know, one of the more
decent chocolates you can buy on the high street in a normal
supermarket. I mean, if you really want chocolate, I mean there's
ways to get good chocolates. Anyway. So now if I was to tell
you that here you go, there are these this nice collection of
But there's only one problem here. And the problem is that just one
piece of one of these chocolates, just one one piece, right
has got poison inside.
Now who wants it?
Who's going to still take the risk?
Let's just say we had five boxes of this. And only one piece like a
centimeter square had poison inside. When we don't know which
one it is when you take the risk and the poison is such that you
can't go to hospital. It has no antidote for it you will die Who
is going to do that?
Now that's that's the difference. Essentially these chocolates for
those who like chocolates and imagine this is nice to have she
hello for those who like me Thai instead, right?
This is what you call sin. This is not sin, but this is the same
direction of sin
and the poison. That is the punishment and the Wrath of Allah
and the displeasure of Allah. But as much as we may want to stay
away from this poison that we would not take any part of we want
to take a chance, but we take a chance with Allah subhanho wa
Taala have we considered Allah subhanaw taala to be more
humiliating than poison which is has its effects only in this
And Allah subhanho wa Taala is displeasure will carry on into the
next world and what will have eternal repercussions on us and
consequences. That's really something to think about. May
Allah subhanahu wa Tada and I pray to Allah, for the benefit of us
and everybody else, that Allah subhanho wa Taala make his
displeasure to our hearts like poisonous to our hearts. Because
once his displeasure becomes to our hearts, like poison is to our
hearts, then we will not sin anymore. And I pray to Allah
subhanho wa taala, that he accept this dollhouse, because if he
accepts this dua, then it becomes easy for us to do the purpose of
our life to fulfill the purpose that Allah subhanaw taala sent us
here for and that is extremely important for us to to think
about. The way to get this one is that we ask Allah subhanho wa
Taala and we constantly pray to Allah, this is the dua of our our
own Leah, oh Allah make your obedience, Beloved to us. So that
it becomes easy when something is beloved to our hearts. And Allah
make your disobedience totally despicable in our hearts. Just
like we don't want to touch haram. We don't want to touch something
that we know is inflammatory, that we know is poison. We don't want
to get close to it. Make sin like that in our hearts, and make it
true and sincere do offer that.
Now in terms of helping us
we need to make a Toba
our hearts
distant from Allah subhanho wa Taala because of the sins we have
committed, and because of that we have many problems in our life.
And we wonder where these problems come from. We don't know many
people come to us, believe me, we've done this more than once.
A person comes to having massive family problems. They think it's
magic. It's very easy to blame magic, it's very easy to blame
others. But little do we know that the majority of problems that come
into our lives is from Allah subhanaw taala directed at us,
primarily because of the sins we commit. We just don't make the
connection. It's as simple as that. So when we want to make Toba
these are the intentions we should have in mind, these intentions,
this frame of mind, this procedure, this kind of
methodology is what will help us one is okay, we want to be close
to Allah, this kind of a blunt attitude. We want to be close to
Allah, which is a good attitude. But let's make it more refined.
The first intention we should have is I'm on the wrong path right
now. I want to be on the right path. To recognize I'm on the
wrong path. I want to be on the wrong I want to be on the right
path as Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, and I'm in a year
bunny, Allah Tara Buddha shaytaan, didn't I? Allah subhanho wa Taala
says that did not make a covenant with you did not make an ad, a
covenant, a pledge with you, oh, Children of Adam, that you should
not worship the shaytaan. That's the wrong path to be in. So what
is it? Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what an Arab Jew Dooney what
an Ambu Dooney Harada Serato stalking and worship me, this is
the straight path. So we're we've got all of this in mind, Oh Allah,
I'm on the path of shaytaan. I want to be on your path. So if
somebody comes to you and says, I want this from you, and when you
do me a favor, I want this. Another person comes and says, you
know, I've heard a lot about you that you've got a lot of influence
here. And you know, you do this very well. Right? You guys cater
very well, you do this very well. And I've heard so much about you.
And I know you're not going to let me down the person is you're going
to make an extra effort to please this person than the other person.
Because there's expectations from this person. He's got reputation
in your mind, in his mind, he's got reputation for you, you have
to hold that position in their mind. That's the way these things
happening. You tell Allah subhanaw taala that I'm on the wrong path.
I understand that I recognize that I want to be on your path he will
take it will be much better than just say Oh ALLAH forgive me. Oh,
Allah turned me around. Number two.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says we're two who eat Allah. Hey, Jimmy, can
you help me noon, la la quinta freehold.
Oh people all of you should do Tober should return to me. Now
let's understand the difference between straightforward and Tober
is still far is to seek forgiveness. And doba is to return
to Allah Toba is a higher level status is there for us to ask
Allah actively that I want
You to forgive me and Toba is to drop the axe feel bad about it,
shun it and return to Allah and go on the right path. So it's
essentially Toba means to return tarbiyah to women's are the Euro
do it means to return, so to make Toba as Allah subhanaw taala says
in the Quran, the third intention we should have is that we want
where we are running away and escaping from the oppression of
ourselves to
to success with because when we do something against ourselves,
that's oppression, it's oppression against ourself, because this
knifes will complain on the Day of Judgment, our hearts will complain
on their judgment. So Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us women
Lamia took Fula eco home with body moon. Those who don't make Toba
they are oppresses
those who don't make Toba they are oppressors. So not making Toba is
an oppression Subhanallah number four
Oh Allah, I wish to escape from your punishment. That's an active
point in our mind, I don't want the punishment of Allah and FIRA
Roman other biller and Ferraro when either Billa fulfill ru il
Allah is Allah subhanaw taala says What does Allah say for Pharaoh?
Illa Allah? What have you run to Allah? What have you run to Allah?
There's a lot of compassion in that run to Allah.
Allah subhanho wa Taala says another place in a third baboon,
where you guys go in.
It's like, when you're totally helpless about telling your friend
over and over again, you sound like don't go don't go it's bad
for you. It's bad for you. They keep doing it, they keep and then
they don't listen to you. Eventually, you just put up your
hands and you say
what's wrong with you? Don't you get it? See the sorrow in the
voice. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying, in a tangible way you
guys going and giving so much fulfill ru il Allah, run to Allah
subhana wa Tada.
Run to the right man, to the Merciful One. That should be our
intention, because then that mercy will come.
And number five,
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam undertook an extremely
great undertaking, which is his migration from Mocha, mocha Rama
to Madina, Munawwara and that's why those who are considered more
hygiene, they considered one level superior to the unsavoury because
they, they had to leave something for the sake of Islam. So let us
make an intention. Because one level of migration is not to leave
a place, but to leave your status of sin. That's why there's many
people who are constantly saying, we need to go to a Muslim country,
we need to go to a Muslim country. And there are so many people that
I know, so many years ago, when somebody said that, it would sound
like a very good, great exotic idea. And I would think myself,
Yes, we need to go to a Muslim country. However, it's been about
15 years since the idea was made fashionable. It's been about 1015
years, that the idea became fashionable that you need to go
study in a Muslim country, right? And to the Arab lands, and to the
deserts and so on. Now, subhanAllah, after many people
have been come back, and I've been come back as well. It's not as
easy and as rosy as it sounds. Not every place. Even if it's a
majority Muslim or all Muslim or an Islamic country, it doesn't
necessarily mean that you're going to be able to be any better there
than you are here or any other place. Yeah, yes, there are
certain advantages of certain countries of others. There's no
doubt about that. And to hear that and etc. But at the end of the
day, you could be in Mocha mocha Rama or Madina, Munawwara and and
you could be involved in Hong Kong as well. If people are able to
steal and pickpockets around the Kaaba, and people have had lost
their money around the Kaaba while doing tawaf into Office era. And
if people are there just during the days of hedge pickpocketing
people and molesting women, then you can imagine that haram can
take place anywhere. Haram can take place anywhere, it's a knifes
issue. So you regardless of where you are, our responsibility is
that we worship Allah subhanho wa Taala and make Toba and Toba has
the benefits. How would you make Dobot?
How do you make Toba? I mean, you want to how can somebody even talk
that much about Toba? Subhanallah It seems it's such a simple,
simple concept. But all I'm quoting you to you today and
relating to today are what the only say about Toba because they
are the masters of repentance. They are the masters of turning to
Allah. They are the masters of understanding what it means to
love Allah subhanho wa Taala and and turn to him. First thing is
one of the first things is to constantly give our own selves
nasiha what have Ignacia took
constantly we'll see you want to see a wouldn't be tough to Allah.
This is what the Prophet SAW was him setting a hotspot. He says, I
advise myself. I advise myself my own knifes
and you
with the Taqwa of Allah subhanaw taala. To adorn themselves with
the Taqwa of Allah subhanho wa taala. That is extremely important
we keep telling ourselves about this.
Yeah, enough to be cobbler and to Mutti or enough's, make your Toba
before you die before you overtaken. So the first thing,
first thing is that we need to keep advising ourself, we can only
advise ourselves, if we listen to advice from others. Sometimes
Allah subhanaw taala gives us a wake up call to difficulties.
Unfortunately, sometimes we have many difficulties in our life. And
we blame it on magic, and we blame it on others, and we blame it on
the economy. Whereas there are people who are mashallah enjoying
themselves in this economy, whether it's a good or bad
economy, there are certain businesses that just work, they
can throw the dice any I mean, if I was to use that example, they
can throw the dice anyhow, they still get a six out of it. Right?
They seem like the most jehlen son, but the closest to Allah
subhanaw taala is such that regardless of what they do to have
Baraka, that's all signs of the closeness to Allah subhanaw taala.
It's as simple as that. Number two, once we've told ourselves,
and we've tried to advise ourselves that we want to avoid
the sin that we can constantly commit, then the second thing is
then for us to, to to abstain from all of the places that we
generally did sin, whether the most of the time, that's friends,
most of the times, that's companions, associates,
colleagues, it's like that generally going out and doing
certain things. Unfortunately, today, some of the biggest sins
are committed in isolation. You don't need a friend to commit some
of the biggest sins today, some of the most detrimental sins today
that destroy your iman that destroy families and so on, are
committed right in your house. Right? Whether it be on a phone
screen, or on the computer, when everybody else is sleeping, or
when nobody's watching. These are some of the worst things that we
can do in isolation. So what we need to do is whatever our biggest
challenge is, we need to occupy ourselves away from that suit,
find a suitable suitable alternative. If it's friends, then
we need to find suitable alternatives. Either we need to be
the changing force, otherwise we're going to be changed so we
find suitable people that we can emulate that can help us if we're
people who generally can't change others.
Allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran, Aquila, we have made him do
humbly but then I do want Elon Musk talking.
Today, people who are very close to each other, they are considered
friends of each other on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala
says that they will be clear enemies of each other. Because now
the blame game will start. It's like when the police take a gang
in and they the gang recognizes that the only way for their
survival is to snitch on the others. That's now they become
they become enemies of each other. They don't want to know anybody
else. Now they will they will tell who the who the main person was.
And that's what's going to happen in the hereafter. In this world,
you can still have a friendship where people don't betray each
other. But in the Hereafter, it will be such a scene. It will be
such a situation that you will betray your own father and mother
that's the scene on that day. Allah subhanho wa Taala says
you're late any he says in the Quran about the way a person will
feel? Yeah, later Neelam Fuller and and Hadith
will be upon me. Why did I take such and such person a friend?
Yes, he had a lot of money. He had a lot of influence. He could help
me a lot, get the context. He got me the girls that I wanted. He got
me the boys that I want. She got me the boys that I wanted, you
know, whatever the case is.
But on the day of judgment, it will be a source of nada, and a
source of a source of great loss. So it's to abstain from that make
a conscious decision to do that right now. Number three,
which helps a lot is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam said, fast, not just Ramadan, but fast constantly
throughout the Mondays and Thursdays, three days of each
month. The other days of virtue. What this does, is the purpose of
fasting is to cut down on the eating.
Genuinely that's what it is, is one of them one of the purposes
and if we're going to eat before and after the fast enough to make
it as much as we would have eaten anyway, then we're not going to
have the same thing. So to make the fast effective, right? We need
to actually cut down on the amount of food intake for that day. Then
you get
The benefits of fasting has that has that benefit of keeping a
person away from sin because it gives you consciousness of Allah
subhanaw taala. Because fasting is Allah says can only be for him. So
when fasting is only for him, that kind of presence in the mind is
number four, is to constantly think of the Hereafter is to
constantly think of the hereafter. Subhanallah we're at such a stage,
we're so distracted with worldly aspects and worldly love that
people die in our families. People die every day, there's a janazah
prayer and it doesn't make us feel any closer, we can go to the
graveyard and doesn't make us fear because the hearts hearts are
But to think about our mortality, mortality is a very important
thought when a person thinks they're going to die. Sometimes
that happens, as you get older, it has to happen. And if it doesn't
happen, it's a sad fact. Right? To have our mortality in front of us
to see somebody die in front of us to think that that could have been
That really helps a lot to think about what we're going to do. You
know, I sometimes think I'm going around the roundabouts fast,
you're holding the you're holding the steering wheel, if you let go
of that steering wheel, where's the car gonna go, you have to go
around to the third exit. If you let go of that steering wheel,
once you get past that first exit, where you're gonna go, you're
generally the chi is gonna go straight, and it's just going to
bang into something. Now I think to myself, I'm holding this, the
energy that I have to hold this is from Allah subhanaw taala.
Imagine if Allah just took away that energy, I suddenly just lost
feeding in my hands, what would happen?
That gives us an understanding of how Allah subhanaw taala is
constantly, constantly assisting us. It's by His power, only that
we're doing what we're doing. Because Medically speaking, you
can lose energy in your body country, you can suddenly have a
fit or whatever the case is people who do that we see examples like
that. So imagine that it goes not to feel that Allah subhanaw taala
is constantly on our case, and he's helping us like this, that
will increase the love of Allah subhanaw taala. To think of
delicate matters like this that imagine if I was to lose right now
what would happen that reminds us of our what we owe to Allah
subhanaw taala that will inshallah help us stay away from sin.
Another aspect is to just take out the love of other things from our
heart, which doesn't mean that we abstain when you can have good
chocolates, but the love of it should not be such that it leads
you to haram and makes you commit the haram. Let me give you an
example. Imam Malik Rahim Allah, he was able, he had this big
claim, he was able to figure out a person's income as to whether it
was halal or haram or a level doubtful by where the wealth was
It's amazing. By where the wealth was spent, he could tell where the
wealth had originally come from, what kind of a source somebody
came to him one day. And he said, How do you do that? Like, how is
that even possible? How is that even possible? So
he said, Okay, fine. It took out some money. He said, Here, let me
give you some money. I want you to go and look for the most
wealthiest kind of individual that you find in the markets, on the
streets, rather, and I want you to go and give him this money as a
gift. And then I want you to follow him and see what he does
with that money.
So he went, he found this very dignified, honorable looking
gentleman decent clothing. He thought this guy can't be poor. He
had a bag in his hand of some shopping of some sorts, right? Or
something. And he went up to him and he said, Okay, this man seems
to be the kind of guy you know who's not in need. He seems to
have what he needs. Let me give him the money. Here you go, I've
got some gift for you. I'd like to just give it to you took it.
Now. Then he went back and he watched and he saw that then the
person, he went to a dump area or something through the bag that he
had, he threw it there, turned around and went into the shop into
a shop. And he went and purchased some supplies. And then he went
home. So this person thought, That's strange. So hurry such in
such a hurry to go and spend his wealth to go buy some shopping.
Right? And he throws is very cheap. So he went to he went to
the house and he waited for a while and they knocked on the
door. And he said, You know, I'm the guy who gave you the money.
I'm just curious that you had the bag with you. And now you've got I
gave you the money and then suddenly you want to put some
shopping through the bag away. What's the situation is that you
don't want to know the situation is this. Despite how I seem and so
on. I've made children haven't eaten for three days. We've got no
And I'm sick, I'm an ill person. And that's why I can't work. I've
got a problem, I can't work. But the other problem is that I can't
even want to ask anybody because I'm a senior.
I'm a family of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, and descendant, so I
can't even go and ask somebody. So now for three days, and for three
days, I'm suffering like this, I had no way of earning, not today,
my kids were just so distraught, so agonized that I couldn't bear
the I couldn't bear the agony any longer. So I went out and thought
the first thing every day, I'm going out, but today, I found a
dead goat or a sheep on the road. And it's dead. It's been it's
dead, it's dead. It's on death rate. So hello. But I thought in
my situation, in this extreme situation I have, it must be
allowed. So I cut a piece of a leg of it. And that's what I put in
the bag. That's what I was taking home. And then suddenly, you come
up and you give me this money. So I thought, hello, this is this is
no longer halal for me now. So I threw that away. And I went,
bought some surprise supplies. And now my family is eating that. So
thank you very much for that. The person came back to Imam Malik.
And he's already learned half a lesson. But then he thought he
hasn't been the full yet lesson yet. Now, Imam Malik Imam Malik
told him, Okay, now what I want you to do is I want you to take
some of your money, and go and give it to the most needy person
that you find. So now instead of a rich person, go and find a needy
person and give it to them and see what happens. So again, this
person says, I went out, and I went, and I looked for this person
who had a bit of a
disability in his, in his in his leg, and he was limping. And he
seemed extremely poor and needy in need. So I went up to him, and I
said, you know, you're in need is that yes, of course, I'm in need.
So I gave him this amount of money that I had.
What he did, then he sat back and he started watching him, what he
noticed was that the person immediately went and he bought
some drugs. You know, this was what is called jobs, right? He
bought some drugs, you know, some crude drugs. And after that, he
went to the whole house. And he committed Zina.
Right. And then this person for him, it just became completely
clear. And he went back to the murmuring, and he says, Now I've
understood, and he said, This is exactly what it is, when you have
a haram source of income, depending on level of haram,
that's generally the way it's going to be spent. That's why I
don't ever become deceived by people who are committing wrong,
and they have a lot of wealth. Because if that is how wealth is
haram, then you will notice that or you may not not notice, but
that wealth is not going to be spent in any way that is going to
satisfy themselves is going to be squandered. They're not going to
feel it's enough. They're not going to feel this enough. That's
why you find so many people, they have no time to come to the
masjid. They have no time to make their Salah to attend a gathering
in a material or anything like that. And then the next minute
they come to you and they say shake, you know, I'm starting this
new business. Right? You've been telling them for so long, you
never see them. You know, in the midst, you just see them once in a
while for Jumar. And now they're coming to you and they send you
shake, you know, I'm starting a new business and disturbing the
other. Can you make dua for me? What's wrong with you, you don't
have time to come to the masjid. You don't have time to worry about
your hereafter, you're starting a new business, another business
you've already got one way you're gonna get time for that. The
reason is that we are actually prevented from Allah subhanho wa
Taala that is why this doesn't happen. These are all signs,
Unfortunately our time is up. But these are all signs. These are
These are all signs of prevention from Allah subhanaw taala. And the
main thing for us is to come back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and
make that Tober by making the Tober the benefit of it will be
numerous difficulties because some of the greatest harms of some of
the greatest harms that you get by not making Tober and accumulating
sin regardless of how you are how you're dressed. Whether you're you
seem religious or not. And you're outwardly doing religious Believe
me, there are many of us today who are wearing a turban, who are
wearing clothing, women with niqab with hijab, praying Salat, but
they've got empty hearts. They've got empty hearts, they don't feel
close to Allah subhanaw taala all of this has just become a habit or
routine. There's no spirit, there's no spirits in there is
because our sins are preventing us from realizing the love of Allah
subhanho wa Taala and true connection to him so that he's in
our hearts without that love of Allah subhana wa Tada without
Tober what happens is we get humiliation in this world, you
start losing friends, people don't respect you as much as they used
to believe me. People don't respect you as much as you as you
used to. When you when you have these things on your hand, the
face becomes, regardless of makeup or regardless of how you look and
how you appear that the face has no no. The face, the face has no
no. And beyond the face now the heart becomes dark. When the heart
becomes dark. There's no pleasure in worship. You can pray salah,
but there's no pleasure and you just feel like doing since it's so
easy to do. And then you feel bad on top of it. And it's just this
really bad circular
Circular sense of loss one after the other number. Beat beyond that
what happens is in front of your enemies you you feel know him you
have you have no power against your enemies, people attack you
and you you can't do anything. You just don't you just lack the
energy to even do anything. Now the thing, you start having
problems within your own family, you break up with your own family,
husband and wife problems. It's not magic brothers and sisters.
It's it's more than magic. It's our own doing. It's our own film
on our hearts much majority of the time. That's the case. Yes, magic
works, but who allowed the magic to work on you? Who allowed the
magic to be even, you know, who allowed the person to even think
to do magic on you? Subhanallah
there's a lot of things that we need to think about. Beyond that,
some of them the worst things that happens is that a person begins to
hate himself. That's why you have people who swear about themselves
they say Damn me. You've seen people on the street they say
these things.
Forget Damn you, them everybody else they condemn themselves. In
fact, they think they're gonna go to *. Oh, I am such a bad guy.
I'm going to * anyway. That's what they say. They feel so
uncomfortable with themselves.
And beyond that,
you constantly feel in need. I want this I want that. Allah is
not giving me the sudden you start complaining about Allah subhanaw
taala. These are all the despicable acts, influences and
effects of sin and no Toba.
Which means that if we're making Toba and we still we still sin,
sometimes it's that's still better, better than not making
Toba at all, because then it's just a cumulative. So these all
these sense of losses, and then as Allah subhanaw taala says in the
Nano persona bainham, my Isha Marisha, whom we've distributed
their Marisha their systems among them, and the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said in the lab, you haram or risk with them be you
Cebu, that verily a servant becomes deprived of sustenance
that was supposed to come to him, he becomes deprived of it because
of sin. This is what the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is saying us,
yes, you're enjoying the sin, but there's a decrease happening
somewhere else. You're enjoying the sin, but there's a decrease
happening in our sustenance, which is sometimes felt afterwards and
then you think back, why did they waste my time? Why did they
indulge like this? May Allah subhanaw taala give us the Tofik
makeover make Toba before before when there's no time to make Toba?
Let's not wait for calamities, to surmount us, and to totally
destroy us before we actually make that Tober. Now you understand
that Toba is not something so simple. It has extreme benefits.
It has very extensive benefits of our life. It governs our life.
It's the nature of our life, that to have a pure life in this world
gives us a life of Jana in this world, because there's a life
connected to Allah subhanaw taala. And without that, it's a life with
the shaytaan. Yes, it seems temporarily enjoyable, but it's
not in the long run. So even if it's temporarily enjoyable in this
world, when it comes to the hereafter, there'll be absolutely
nothing. About a month tomorrow. There'll be nothing. So as we're
all here today, this is this is the message for myself and for
everybody else that we consider remember Allah subhanaw taala
without Toba to return to Him and do our best in that regard. And as
I pray to ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada that he make obedience, Beloved to
us, and disobedience, totally despicable in our hearts in our
sight, so that it's easy for us, because if he does that, then it
saves us from a lifelong of toil. It saves us from it, but we need
to show him that that's what we want. So may Allah subhanho wa
taala, accept our doors and make the best day of our entire
existence. The day that we stand in front of him, and we're to
stand in front of him and be questioned, make them the best day
of our life, with all the goodness that you give us. Welcome to that