Moutasem al-Hameedy – For the Sake of Allah – EP 17

Moutasem al-Hameedy
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam is highlighted, including its teachings about mercy and love, its success in helping people become stronger and confident, and its deep impact on mental health and relationships. Pr Pr practices Islam is emphasized, along with praying for one's brother's death and following rules of the janiss. Consciously burying a deceased and holding his grave in the same manner as burying his brother is also emphasized, along with honoring the deceased's family and setting a strong image of their brother. Islam is also emphasized as a way to improve one's life quality and achieve their goals.
AI: Transcript ©
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We belong to a big family. We have many brothers and many sisters, they are there for us and we should be there for them. How does that work out? Stay tuned.

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All praise is due to Allah, we praise Him. We seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evils of our actions. Whomsoever Allah guides, none chemists guide, and whomsoever leaves to go astray, none can guide and I bear witness that no one has the right to be worshipped, except a law alone who has no partners. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant, and His Messenger Dear viewers, salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome to a new episode of your show, for the sake of Allah. I'm your host but also Matt Hamidi. Today we have our guests Brother Mohammed, and brother Abdullah man salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Okay, we are still dealing with the rights of brotherhood and we know as we said at the beginning, that the Muslims are all brothers to one another as a last panel to other states in Malmo, manana. The believers are brothers to one another, they look after one another, they help one another. Now, from the rights of brotherhood, a beautiful etiquette that I say people are trying to replace with something that they have

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imported from other cultures.

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Now, ask you, man, when you sneeze, what do you say after you sneeze? I said hamdulillah hamdulillah. Mohammed, how would you reply?

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He says yahama callejon reply.

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como como la. And what did you say after that?

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Some people say I say personally, how many Hong Kong and some people say the new Nico. Okay. It is the de como la.

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de como la. Bella, can you see this beautiful etiquette? You know, even when you sneeze Hamlet Stan teaches us beautiful etiquettes and everything even when you sneeze. So now when somebody else sneezes, they will say those things they would say sorry. And somebody else saw when I would say okay, you don't want to Excuse me? Oh, excuse me. Oh, whatever. Yeah.

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Oh, one second.

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Yeah, so hang on. Yeah, but Islam has taught us something better. you sneeze you say Alhamdulillah praise you is to to Allah.

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The other one says, You see how Allah wants to bring the hearts together. See your hammock Allah. May Allah have mercy upon you.

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Allah have mercy upon you. So can Allah mean the love of the Muslim is related and attached to Allah. When you wake up, you praise Allah. And you remember Allah, when you leave your house, you remember Allah. When you walk in the streets, you remember Allah when you enter the market. You remember Allah when you do something, you remember the name of Allah. When you face hardship, you seek the help of Allah. When you go back home, when I mean even if you are sitting when you leave, when you stand up and you are ready to leave you say, you remember Allah and when you enter your home, remember Allah when you go to sleep, you remember like see how the life is the Muslim is all

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attached to Allah. This is why we say, you know, one of the versions of Darla stifter. In nasality, Manu Suki, Rama Rama Mati Villa Hara Bill alameen, say my prayer salatu wa Suki, all my sacrifice and all the acts of worship I do. Why am I here and my life? Well, my Mati and my death are all for Allah. So we all belong to Allah. So the Muslim is attached to Allah in all his affairs. wherever he goes, whoever he's dealing with, whatever he's doing, he's with Allah subhana wa tada and the one who is with Allah, and Allah is with him, and he's under the protection and the care of Allah subhanho wa sallam. So you see, the one sneeze, he says hamdulillah Praise to Allah. Say a hammock

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Allah may Allah have mercy upon you. The other one replies, yeah, de como la. vida, Ko, may Allah guide you and give you tranquility give you peace of mind. You see how beautiful the Muslims speak to one another. It's not our look at other people who have no religion, they swear at one another. And they have really racy bad words. They say

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bandwidth. They're not. Stem teaches us a lot of even Muslim that are not really practicing Islam in the right way they do that. And usually they get the any what they get is disrespect. Usually when someone is cursing the whole time, so he gives the opportunity to others to cursive because they see that he doesn't mind so it doesn't mind getting cursed also, Yeah, boy, when someone is respectful, it obligates the one who's in front of you to respect you. Yeah. And that affects the dignity of the person and

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some people don't mind if they are sworn at, then find a problem with that. But not the person with dignity. He doesn't take that it doesn't accept it. It doesn't feel good to them. Anyway, so we see that Islam is teaching us to have good speech towards one another. May Allah have mercy upon you. May Allah guide you. See, it's all about mercy. This mutual love is love and mercy.

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Subhana Allah, and this is this one is from what the prophet sallallahu Sallam said, we will be late he will your will effort, failure polygon, anyone who believes in Allah the last day, then let him say that which is good, I'll let him remain silent. So the Muslim only says good, we remain sorry, it doesn't say that which is evil. See how Allah wants to purify our souls, and elevate our character.

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This old teaches the Muslim to be mindful of Allah, at every moment. For us needs you say, notice Alhamdulillah but Allah, Allah says, hamaca, Allah, Allah, He says, again, de como la.

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So the Muslim is mindful of Allah, his creator, he knows this life is not a test. It's a passing moment. I'm not dwelling here forever. I'm not dwelling here for some time, then I will go to die and become non existent now. It's one stage of your life, you have to go through this test. And you prove yourself to Allah. If you pass this test, you will have eternal life in paradise. And this all comes from where good speech and imagine.

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Now psychologists, they have come to the conclusion that

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to help self esteem, you have to speak to yourself and say good words. This really helps psychologically, when you speak to yourself, and you say, I'm confident, it helps you become more confident when you say, I'm strong, it helps you become stronger. If you say, I can make it and it really helps you achieve what you want to achieve. So this is psychology, because they say, if you keep saying some positive words, positive statements, it will give you a positive mentality become part of your character. But if you speak negatively, or I'm going to feel I can't do this, it will help you Oh, it will destroy you morale will help you really feel. So it's important what you say.

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Imagine the Muslim throughout his life, he's saying good words. So every day his character is improving. His I mean, his morale is getting better. That's it is yeah, his morality. He even believed the prophet SAW some, like, he valued the fact to be to be optimistic, right? Yeah, not to be pessimistic and to always think bad. Yeah. So you can see that now the Muslim with everything he says something good about Allah, about Allah all the time. So every day when every every supplication you say, you're getting closer to Allah, you see how beautiful Islam works. It's a very beautiful system. Very beautiful system. So when you say that you say to a cultural ally, depend

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upon what helps you really remember the power that Allah has. So you become more confident, and you rely upon the trust of Allah Subhana Allah. So imagine with everything small things, it's nice to sit at hamdulillah you know, that semester from Allah subhanaw taala reminds you of Allah favors upon you, all the time you are mindful of your Creator, and you are mindful of the reality of this life. So you don't really become more inclined to worldly benefits. I say okay, work some people get really immersed into work, they get taken by that they forget about prayer. They forget about stomach manners.

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This shouldn't be the case with a Muslim, the Muslim is attached Allah subhanaw taala. And this is manifest through his words, through his words every time you enter the bathroom, we say

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smilla Aloma In

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the name of Allah, Allah I seek refuge in You from the shavon or the devils, the males and the females of them. So when you wake up in the morning, yeah.

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issue that sounds like so every time you are with Allah, yes, you are with Allah. So Allah is with you and improves you day in, day out. You're becoming

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stronger, you're becoming better. This is why Islam. I mean, it's deep in the hearts if you see people's loyalty now to have people have different ideologies, different religions, it's easy for people in the face of the slightest temptation, they give up. Well, their ideology, or their party or their group, or whatever idea they are calling for. Under the list of pains and hardships they give up. But with Islam,

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even if you lose your life, you know, it's different because it's deep in the heart. Yes, we are born with it as we are born and fitflop, the natural disposition natural state of belief. And this is made stronger. This is supported with more knowledge, with more remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala by the Arabic related group, so we're constantly constantly making the

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panel. So that's makes our hearts

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Yeah, have you noticed that sometimes you sneeze and you said hamdulillah? And no, nobody really bothers to say, yes.

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especially among non practicing people, because they don't want to be seen as practicing people. Yeah, maybe.

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But around the practicing brothers. It's like, the whole group says back hongcun what you must valedictory would say, sometimes you say it in English. They're like, God bless you.

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Yeah. Yeah. What, what's better to stick to this and other

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people of all languages. I mean, those who come to Islam, they know what's at hand and they have honkala they know these words.

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So it is just about to see how the Muslim is in constant contact with his creator with everything he does even the smallest things like sneeze or like entering the bathroom, entering his house, leaving his house, I mean, even riding his car.

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He said, over a coupe of mounting the animal or the beast, etc. So all the time the Muslim is with Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah and this important. Now some people think that it's not really obligatory. If someone says, hamdulillah after he sneezes that you say a hammock Allah, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the Hadith that we narrated, and the previous episode, that the rights of the Muslim brother upon his brother from them, he mentioned if he sneezes he says, at handling that you see or shamokin law is called the Schmitz you say a hammock, Allah hammock, Allah is an obligation. So when you hear someone sneezes, says that hamdulillah you have say to him or her macula, but if

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there is a group of people, one of them says that in Sharla, it is a key factor if one does it, then it is just not no longer obligatory on the rest of the people who are present. So these are beautiful etiquettes we want inshallah to implement them. We will talk about some other etiquettes in sha Allah and highlight their importance in the life of the Muslim and in enhancing one's faith and one's Eman one's belief and improving one's character. So inshallah we benefit from will elaborate more on other rights and discuss them but we will have to stop for a few minutes, we'll come back after that. I say to our viewers, stay with us, we'll come to you back shortly in sha

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cannot choose whom he wins Subhana Allah for his mercy for his messenger ship for the revelation to be revealed. This is not for the human beings to make that decision. If a person will turn to our last panel, Alison Seeley, truthfully, asking for forgiveness, Allah Subhana Allah promised to forgive, we have as Muslims a duty and that is to recite the book of Allah to ponder over the verses the words of our last panel to Allah, and to act according to the mercy of our last panel dialogue encompasses everything, but it who would this mercy wouldn't be for, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was sent to all mankind. So they are the people of the prophets of the largest seller of all

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mankind since the time of the prophets or send them till the Day of Judgment. Why waste our life without getting to know every verse in the Quran, what Allah subhanaw taala wants from us

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome back. Now, we are still discussing the rights of brothers and Islam one upon the other.

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We talked about when someone sneezes, how to reply to him and how beautiful this etiquette it is. And we maybe sort of delved into the psychological impact and the psychological effects that it brings about. But I would like to mention another one, which is really beautiful. This mutual love that we have goes beyond life. Even when your brother dies, the moment for her death, for his death comes and he dies, after that, he still has rights upon you.

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He still has rights upon you.

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Because there is loyalty for one another. This is what stem is all about. If you really love him, then you would fulfill his rights, even after his death from these rights is to follow his janazah follow his funeral, follow his funeral. And we know that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the same Hadith that we said when he said six things are obligatory for the Muslim brother upon his brother. And from them, he mentioned that you follow his journey as you follow his janazah. Now the Genesis Some people think that you just go to the masjid to pray on him the janazah and you go with the janazah to the graveyard, and that's it, you leave back home and that's it know what the agenda is,

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the best thing actually to do for your brother is when he dies, if there's no one to wash him from his families that you help emotion because buddy, you help in washing his body. So because this is a privilege that you give the one who's deceased, your brother who has died, okay. And after that, I mean, when you this person has taken the agenda as a starts before pray. Some people think that Genesis starts from the masjid, where you pray on that person to know the Genesis starts from when the body is taken out of his house, out of his house, as well as his thoughts. Because of the time of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam they used to play the janazah just outside the graveyard outside of

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This is the Sunnah with the Jenner, as it is not prayed

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wasn't really preached in the masjid except in some occasions. But the best thing is to pray. I mean, because anytime he dies, the person should be quickly washed and prepared for burial not kept in the air, they keep him in the fridge, they keep him for I mean, just to maintain his body for two or three days, this is not from the sun, not from the sooner. The first thing that is doubling up on your brother, in terms of janaza is that you hasten to bury him, you prefer him and hasten to bury him, because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that, the janaza rush with it or hasten with it to bury it. If it is good, if it has done good, then it is good yet that you are presenting it to and

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if it's evil, then it is an evil that you are taking away from your shoulders.

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You see how it is.

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So this is the first thing to hasten with the janazah to prepare him and bury him. The second thing that you have to do is as we said to pray on him, pray on him the janessa and you know with the prayer, it is for tech villatte and during this you supplicate on behalf of him, or ALLAH forgive him, or Allah have mercy upon him a lot. Make it easy for him. Allah make his grave a garden from Paradise, or a lot. I mean, extend his grave for him, wash him from all sins, wash him from all his sins, or Allah I mean, make him safe on the day of judgment or lawmaking from the people of paradise. All I saved him from the Hellfire or alarm make the reckoning easy for him, and all this.

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So even after the death of your brother, he still has rights upon you and you are concerned about him. This is the loyalty This is real love, loss even after death, and from the things that are obligatory upon the person is to carry the janazah yes towards the graveyard to carry that and deal gently with it. Some people they don't really it's a dead body, so don't worry about that. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that breaking the bone of the believer during his death is just like breaking his bone during his life. So when you hurt, I mean, the believer of the body of the believer, the dead believer is just like you are heading him while he's alive. So you should look

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after his body treated gently

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and from the obligations also upon upon that is to walk with vaginas. Now, people make mistakes with walking with the janazah.

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process, Adam said the one who walks the janazah on his feet. Well he can walk in front of it. He can walk next to it or behind it, but the ones who are riding

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The hoses the camels or their cars, they should be behind the engine as this is sort of respect, respect for the dead for the dead body or the body of your dead brother to respect even after death.

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Because and I mean, those who are writing the behind, the agenda has a behind the body that go with that. But the ones who are walking there can walk in front of it next to it or behind it, there is no problem with that.

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And from the things that are breached as well to me to put him in the grave and bury him. And after that, during the journeys that people have taken to the habit thing, La ilaha illAllah autec be say Allahu Akbar, there's not from the sun. It's not from the sun, that is to contemplate on the moment of death. And the moment you are sent to your grave, so you start to reflect upon that and think of it and remember the day of your death, so that you get yourself ready for that moment. It's not about a low awkward Subhanallah people say that even without thinking, they just say that out of habit. Okay, because they're used to it, we shouldn't say that we should remain silent and reflect

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upon the moment of death. So that you take the lesson, and you feel that difficult moment. And you really reach your heart that one day I will be in the same situation. What have I prepared for this moment? So you start thinking about this.

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Now saying, Allahu Akbar, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah and that you don't really think of the meaning it just habit, a habit you say, people say that it shouldn't be the case, at the time of burying the deceased. And one of the other things as well is to remain next to the grave of the one you bury for some time and you asked the last parameter Allah to make him firm. When he's asked by a question by the angels, he gives the right answer and Allah makes him firm as emulgel asked me Allah be pleased with him. When he was dying, he said to the people around him to his family, he said, when you bury me, just stay for a short while, next to my grave and supplicate to Allah, Allah to Allah to make me

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firm, when I answer the angels, and that I feel that you are around me. So it is as soon as it's taken from us. One of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also so you see the Muslims loyalty to his brother and love remains even after his death, even after his death, do you think that people really pay attention to the jhanas I think or they just pay attention to it, but they don't follow suit. That's the main issue. It's like some innovations have come up. And they do it. Like as you said, they like they say Subhan, Allah Alhamdulillah and things like that. While you should say like Allah muffin Allah, Allah Muhammad Lamas a bit on the set. May Allah forgive him and

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may have mercy on him. And may He strengthen him when he's been asked in his grave. So people forget the way of the Sunnah, in doing the ganas procedures, and yeah,

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still, people attend a

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little bit away from the sun, that you think people really they are concerned about their brothers, when one of them dies, they really pay. I mean, they take the pains of attending the janazah or they just do away with that, Mashallah, I see, brothers, they do that and they they're really doing it for them tension of, of this, right, and they know the right of the butter and the love.

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And they want to pray for him when he's getting asked in the grave. But there's a lot of people still that takes it as a tradition

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or a routine or just went and Oh yeah, I have.

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I'm just gonna go to the janessa and come back. And then I'll go to work and sound like something. Yeah. It's like if you went and had lunch and yeah, so inshallah, from now on, we will pay attention to this important thing. If you really love your brother, even after his death, you honor Him, and you follow the janazah there's no mercy for him. Yes, and strengthens. I mean, the bone you remember him how righteous he was. So you follow his example that inshallah some other things may be?

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You know, I want to ask him Hamlet, sometimes people when they have good brothers, they die. Okay? The family of their brothers, they turn away, they tend they don't really pay attention to them. They don't keep in touch with them. Do you think that that goes really with brotherhood or not at all? Because it's like the teaching of the SLM or even the Sahaba after him was haba. Remember, an incident that a worker on top of the law in Houma

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visited a woman was aware that the Navy salon seldom visited in his lifetime. So they still remember the people who the nebulizer alum knew his friends and his opiate. So they kept on visiting the

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The people who have a relation with the nurse Lawson, you know, I know some brothers

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from a country in the West, and they were four friends, four brothers, they went to England, they had an accident, on the way car accident, and one of them died in the accident. And they really loved one another for the sake of Allah. And he had two families, that brother, and the brothers until today, they said, one, one of the best examples I have ever seen in my life, looking after his families, after he died,

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they check on them, they check they have their house, they make sure that they don't need anything. They look after the children, they really help them. And I was really amazed at the way the brothers dealt with the two families of this brother, may Allah have mercy upon him. They really looked at them. And this shows how Muslims I mean, love one another. You see, if they weren't, they weren't Muslims wouldn't be the case.

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Even if they weren't practicing. Yeah, that's it. Yeah.

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Since you're a practicing Muslim, you review, the sooner you get incidence, daily incidence that happens to you, and you go back to the sun, note, the nebula cylinder of the components. So we see how Islam really went through its teachings, it's for our own benefit. And it really will lie, it's a beautiful thing to have this high morality, this, the hearts will become pure if we implement Islamic regulations with regards to brotherhood and everything. Everything it really prove purifies the heart improves the life quality that people have. And it just makes life really enjoyable. And I mean, it makes our stay or short stay in this life, something good, where we can attain that which

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is good, and we can be good to the rest of the people. And we can establish justice, and this religion. And we can set the best example for others. For the rest of the people who have no concern for one another, who have this kind of self centered mentality. And they don't care for others, they're only concerned about their own enjoyment about what they are going to get. And half life has no other meaning, other than enjoying oneself. And I mean, actually not really applying evenings in the West, because a lot of people think, oh, for example, they're really when you go into the shop, and they give you a smile to say, Oh, really nice for me. That's really saying is Yeah, they're

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doing this for the self interest for the business because if you don't do that, they won't get the customer Yeah, but Muslims do it for the serum.

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When it comes to Muslims, and someone who practice Islam does sincerely from Jordan Fillmore Yeah, shall we apply all these beautiful etiquettes for the sake of Allah, for being with us?

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Allah, may Allah benefit us from all these and I say a Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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