Hussain Kamani – The Prophet Muhammad – The Teacher #10

Hussain Kamani
AI: Summary © The importance of memorizing a message in conversations is discussed, emphasizing the need for clear language and guidance. The use of language in teaching and the importance of being aware of the title of the book to help students understand the concept. The use of Holika Nam in the message of Allah is also discussed, along with personal experiences of teachers using words like "naughty man" and "naughty woman" to describe their practices. The importance of growing in a professional career is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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giving an opportunity to the one that was present to preserve to safeguard to memorize what the crops that Allahu alayhi wa sallam was saying, yes.

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Speaking continuously without pausing between his lifeline to cause confusion amongst listeners, because they may not understand and remember the words,

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WD narrates Initium add on the authority of NSLDS bla bla bla

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bla bla bla, Bonnie, listen, I'm going to repeat a word or sentence three times so that it can be understood.

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Sometimes when a person hears the message, the first time, you're speaking and you say something, once they don't hear you. And then you say the second time, they may have an understanding, or may kind of half grasp what you're saying.

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There is a need at times to repeat what you're saying, up to three times. Now, this doesn't mean that sort of Lhasa Allahu Allah was sort of repeated every statement of his three times. The problem is that a lot of money was spent on mud, look at the one that was listening to him, because some listeners require repetition. And that shouldn't frustrate you. Because that's who that individual is. You may have a child or friend and you know, because of your lengthy relationship with them that this isn't someone that catches the message the first time around. So you have to say it again. And you need to clarify yourself, then, you know, this person understands what you're saying. Other

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times, the people who are listening may be sharp and probably can understand what you're saying the first time around, but you still repeat it three times because of the emphasis on what's being said, the promise of the law while he was sitting to do this, where he would repeat one message again, and again, and again. And this is a part of, of the teaching methodology. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would repeat important messages in one gathering and then again in multiple gatherings.

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In our circles of knowledge, it's common for people to get tired of hearing the same message more than once. Oh, I already heard this. I know exactly what he's gonna say. Or I've heard this narration before, so it's time for me to turn off. That isn't appropriate. This deen is not some entertainment where you're looking for something new every time you flip the television on. This is a serious affair. And the Quran is full of that repetition because the message deserves it. The message requires it ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada says in the Quran, what that kid in the Quran need. Similarly, one of the most common cultivars of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was something

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that they refer to as Cotabato taqwa.

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What was the call?

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This was the most famous sermon and if he said a lot, he said, and he would deliver it

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for Joomla when performing Nica as well, and what would the taco at the beginning consisted of how many verses

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three verses? And what were the three verses all about? Dakhla? Yeah, you're cool. Yeah. You have a couple. Yeah, you're Latina, I'm gonna topple three times the same message again and again, the prompts that are long, why they will set them would repeat it. So that way that message was made abundantly clear.

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The issue is that people don't know what they're supposed to do and what they're not supposed to do.

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So there's a child who's being scolded by their parent, and the child really doesn't know what they did wrong. I don't know what I did wrong.

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So you have to be extra clear to communicate that this is okay. This is not okay. Therefore, Sudha Lhasa Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he said in one narration and Harada unit will haram the urine that Allah subhanaw taala has made the permitted that which is allowed in Islam, abundantly clear begin, what haram will begin and Allah subhanaw taala has equally also made the Haram very clear that we know what is haram. Now between the two or other matters that not everyone has knowledge of. So it'd be said a lot is said in that specific narration tells us to steer clear from ambiguous areas. Yes.

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In other words, the message should be clearly understood and firmly embedded in the mind of the listener. This principle is discipline

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visible illustrates also the loss of audio someone's perfect guidance and compassion to his followers in general. And to students in particular, this normally means shows that it evokes a teacher to proceed slowly and cautiously his lesson, he should explain any matter energetically, and should also repeat himself when necessary, where necessary in order to be clearly understood. When you're teaching.

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It's easy for a teacher to focus on the most intelligent students in the classroom.

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So you're teaching to the smartest. In that case, you can use more sophisticated language, you can make multiple references use, you know, technical terminology. The issue is that students who are not at that level, if you're not teaching to the median, or even the weaker students, they will be lost easily. And then they will lose confidence that oh, this is something that's beyond me. There are some educators that you'll see whether it's through YouTube tutorials, or they have books, they're so clear, and so

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you know, simple in their language as a symbol because they don't work hard and using sophisticated words. They use words where they are necessary to convey a particular point. Otherwise, they're not flexing, what they're trying to do is get that message across. And this happens through repetition that happens through exercises that happens through class conversations, it happens through analogies, it happens through using multiple modes of education. Some people are listeners, others are readers, others are doers. So getting them involved getting as many of their senses as you can engage in that process. When a person interacts with when a person interacts with their knowledge

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through all these different avenues. Now that message is thoroughly embedded in their mind.

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And it becomes easy for them to retain. So here we see this sort of loss of a loved one a was sort of as well as a teacher. Now he goes to these next two narrations are a little longer.

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These are descriptions of Rasulullah sallallahu. Ani he was, the first one is from hasn't been added to the Allahu Anhu asked him to be Hala, who was the stepbrother of father, Marathi, Allahu Allah, when these are the loved one has children from a previous marriage. So he asked his his his uncle, his maternal uncle, that describe for me to see the loss of a loved one he said and what kind of person was he? So he then shares again, this is a famous narration of Timothy. Yes, correct.

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Me the narrator is Shana and on the authority of the Allahu Akbar who said, I asked my uncle in Abbey Hala, who was very good at describing Rasulullah sallallahu. He was to describe what sort of possible it was.

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He replied, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in constant worry. And always in thought he was never happens. He would remain silent for lengthy moments and did not speak unnecessarily right here we see that kind of a sort of loss of Allahu Allah was sitting with the Watson and

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continuously concerned and worried in order to be an educator, you have to have genuine concern of your subjects. You have to be worried about them. Right? Be concerned for them, that you will fit in deep thought lacet law who Raha so we will select radicalism of you really had to. And a part of me sort of loved what he was saying and being in constant concern and worry of people, he would remain silent. Because when a person is silent, and they're talking less their mind is engaged, sort of loss of law, who it was to them is thinking of different strategies of how to engage different people how to talk to them, how to convince other people. Earlier, I was mentioning that some

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teachers teach to the cream of the class, while others teach to the average student in the class, the one that teaches to the average student of the class, the overall experience for the students in that class will be amazing, because everyone feels that they were spoken to when you're only speaking to the most intelligent student in the class, those that are not at that level will feel neglected, feel hurt, feel that they aren't acknowledged that I'm new to the subject, I get it. But that doesn't mean that I should be ignored altogether. It's the skill of a teacher who knows how to take those that are struggling along with and then those that are more advanced in the class,

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engaging them where they are needed to be engaged. This is the type of teacher that you know, is a skilled expert teachers who has experience and we see this clearly in the example of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that when it taught when it came time to drop knowledge and he said Allahu alayhi wa sallam did so

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Engaging the Anima from the sahaba. And when it came time to keep things simple and basic, but still Allah said Allahu Allah was set up as public servants, his lectures where he was talking to people, he accommodated everyone in the congregation and took care of everyone. So Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam had a genuine concern. Now he speaks up the speech or the props that Allahu alayhi wa sallam yesterday, holy Kalama, Timo Bismillah heeta Allah, that whenever we sort of long while they were set on what initiated his speech or what he would conclude his speech, he would do so with the name of Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is appropriate. So that way, as we're seeking our knowledge and

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adverts educating ourselves or educating others, we do so within the framework of the remembrance of Allah Subhanallah without him

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I was speaking to my children once and I said to them, that because they're memorizing the Quran, it is important that before every session of Quran memorization, you spend some time remembering Allah sending salawat and making dua to Allah. And then at the end of the session, do it again. The reason is, because tomorrow in sha Allah, you will memorize the Quran. Five years from now, 10 years from now, if you stick to it, you'll do it. But the question is, Will Allah have been a part of that journey or not?

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For those parents or those teachers that encourage their students every morning to do that they could have Allah, those students will now

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have this mindset that the knowledge we gain was a result of the Buttercup given by Allah subhanahu without it, so when you fail, you're stuck that day your lesson, or if you're having a hard time with a particular assignment, rather than just closing the book and maybe just being frustrated, or sometimes you feel those tears flowing down your eyes because you're just so overwhelmed. In that moment, turn to Allah and make lotto Allah, you will get through that Inshallah, Allah will guide you due to your sincerity. But if you make dua that time and engage in the Dhikr of Allah, your memory of that moment won't just be that you are struggling it will be that you struggled, and Allah

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subhanaw taala was with you. And you were able to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala in your tough moments. So you have to do Holika Nam or st Moon Bismillah heeta Allah, where the kalam will be Giovanni alkalic. When we start Allahu alayhi wa sallam would speak, Allah azza wa jal had given him concise speech.

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Concise speech is where the prophets of Allah Lottie was Saddam didn't need to speak hours and hours to to convey a single point. He will say something and it would be very brief, yet the depth of it will be so great that humanity will study it until the end of times. If you read that hadith of Rasulullah sallallahu and those of you who are in Hadith class, you'll know that how long is your average narration? How many lines

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two lines three lines, some of them five lines, the commentary that follows those two lines how long is that?

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Three pages, five pages 100 pages? I'm not kidding you. There's no hyperbole here. I mean, it's right. There's I always cite the example of you I'm sure carnies book on hydrated wali you know that you I am an orderly

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manner utterly Willy and then to who will help that whoever takes one of my friends as an enemy I announced war against that person is how do you decide to put see the full narration there's no more than four lines long. He wrote a whole book on it.

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And every part of that book, for those of you who think that maybe it's just academic fluff, it's not academic fluff. Like every page in that book is something something special. There's a scholar by the name of Chef Mola Musa Rouhani Bazi. Allah Tala.

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My chef Jeff uses a lot used to speak very fondly of him. He used to always say that he was a great scholar, great scholar.

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One day, I was online, just

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going through

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some archives of PDFs. And I came across one of his books. It was on the Name of Allah, just the word Allah.

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It was like a four or 500 page book.

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And I kid you not three pages into the book, I felt like I was the dumbest human being in the world, because I couldn't understand what he was even saying. It was so technical. By the way, this is recent. This is not like 1015 years ago, this was recent. I was reading this book. And it wasn't making sense to me, not because the content was incoherent. But it was because he was speaking at a level that I hadn't read at yet in my life, where Allah subhanaw taala give us stuff to benefit from the works. It's an oddity, by the way that book is an audible. You can find this book online yourself check Musa Rouhani buzzies book, I forget the actual title of it, but it was on the name of

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Allah I have it in my

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my drive as well.

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it's a Catalan will be Jamia Alkalyn they're in very few words the sort of loss of a loved one a was cinema was able to convey a deep message

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shift of the photographer Daramola data in the commentary of this particular text. He gives examples of some of these concise statements on the visa lottery system. I'll share them with you I won't comment on them though, because then that'll just become a lengthy discussion. He cites some examples. Oh, it's a columnist Allahu alayhi wa sallam Bill kinematical kalila a sorry. Oh.

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A tickler Musa Allahu alayhi wa sallam bilkul Emmanuel kalila al Jami it lil Manila Alia Mathilde cathedra. Maybe sorta Allah, He said, I'm gonna speak few words that were very rich and deep meanings. Miss Liu, for example. Only he said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam Dino Naseeha will call the sword Allahu alayhi wa sallam for the life of workone sort Allahu alayhi wa sallam it tequila Hikmah Quint, when hallelujah Yunnan will haram ova Yunnan were either them to stay for cinema shift. What that may you look at la mala you were in Allah cuttable Santa Ana khalifate. In Allaha even liable for even prefer the agenda to Bill McCurry were offered in Nairobi Shabbat and Muslim woman cinnamal

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Muslim Allah melissani where the man Hosni Islam and Marie

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Turku Humala, Yanni in the Malama Lavinia to in NAMA, liquid limited in Manoa, in the shaytaan add mineral in Sani major a dummy

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law you had to compactor your haeberli, fe my hipbone enough see he is happy dunya you should book Allah was had femur in the nurse. You have book a nurse, matter Hey Touka Anhu him question A woohoo I'm I'm honored to be here for Alou who must have talked to him. No, you're not announced to be that Allah whom let the project with him I told me they might apollomon what Amala him? Well, I can tell Bayona to alimentari while the Amino Allah I'm an uncapped Colusa Allahu alayhi wa sallam love Allah virar okoli said Allahu alayhi wa sallam lb Romana in a hidden neffs what man Anita Hill? Well, it will Maha coffee. So today what are the the facade when after I can now so after all, he said Allahu

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alayhi wa sallam in a federal heavy heavy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were shuttered, Marie moved to Ohio. Lupita atin vana oni said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam, when added the fee, Amina had them at least I mean, who,

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for who are not doing

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it like this, these are just 20 he listed 21 of them. So I read all 20 of them out for you. I'm sure you guys are very interested in knowing what these hobbies are. And I'm very interested in sharing them with YouTube. But I'm fully aware that I'm not capable of just translating them, I'll want to comment on them and that'll become a whole lecture series itself. So maybe one day if Allah Subhana Allah gives us life. We can cover a whole series just on the Jalama Academy. sha Allah Allah Hadith, Allah with Allah compiled a 40 Hadith collection on just the Giovanni alta.

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It is a perfect book to memorize for those who are interested in memorizing it. Each of those narrations are four words, five words, six words, have you guys seen?

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I think we used to teach it at some point as well in the past it was a it was a class that we had at the seminary. So he has a book on the German I'll call him, Masha, Allah and Hadith that elevator.

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Okay, go ahead.

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His speech which was neither too lengthy nor too short, was concise and extremely meaningful, in the course of which he would often pause. He was neither Stern, nor was he looked down upon, he was greatly appreciated, he greatly appreciated the bounty of Allah irrespective of how minut they might be, he did not find a call with any bounty. He saw a large number do not find fault with any food or drink, nor do any crazy excessive. The world in a world of matters that not anger, but if the truth, religion was trampled upon, nothing could stand in the way of his anger to lead triumph in support of it.

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He summarized and then never got angry, nor took revenge for personal more personal motives. When he saw those are some of them had to point to someone or something. So right here we see, as he's describing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as his personality. This invader behind the Allah Juan he says Laffel Lulu tocsin maybe sorta Allahu alayhi wa sallam didn't speak too much, nor did he speak too little. It was the right amount. Some people speak to less. Right. And there are some people who speak too much and you pray to

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a lot in your heart when you're in a room with them that yeah, Allah allow this person to understand that it's time to put a sock in it.

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They're talking way too much.

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My shift for him Allah is to always scold me for this. He scolded me so much in my life for talking a lot.

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And the big thing was, whenever he saw me, I'd be talking.

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And he would look at me with this eye of disappointment, and when nod his head

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and God, I felt guilty every time I felt like someone was chewing me out.

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And he never said to me that you speak a lot. He would just look at me and nodded his head.

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And that silence, spoke so much that it would keep me at night. Awake that gosh, I need to learn to stop speaking so much.

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May Allah gave us a lot of

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when we were students, and we were going in for antique if

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a part of our graduation requirement was that you had to do a 40 day at the gas. So when we were entering into our 40, they take us we went to one of our teachers, and we asked him we said, Have you got a chef? Give us some advice.

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He's a Dominica. I'm not going to give you advice, get out here.

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We said why? He said don't question you. You won't listen to anything I tell you anyway, you're just gonna you're asking for advice, because it's fun to ask for advice, but you have no interest in acting upon that advice.

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So we left.

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A few days later, we went back to the shift again, he was old enough to shift know we were starting our ethic off. There was 60 of us doing ethic off together all of our graduating class and we're really interested in trying to make the most of this give us some advice. And gosh, he gives the hardest advice. He said Don't talk while you're at anthos.

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Learn to keep to yourself learn to stay with your thoughts.

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Ma'am, I'll give us tough

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love for Lulu toxic, toxic what does that mean?

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Wasn't too less, wasn't less, but not too much. Not too little. They'd be sort of on Instagram. So it's like we would say like the throttle a lot of fleet. Right? Not excessive and neither was it deficient. Lisa Bill Jaffe, Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not someone that was harsh with people. When I Mahina. Neither was he someone that people did not take seriously. People respected the pups that have autism. So right here we see that an abuser Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So and Allameh him a laser who had been in

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the car. He wasn't someone that was looked down upon. So let me say Allahu alayhi wa sallam was not someone that was harsh with people. Jaffe is a little tuber. That scolding people always shouting at them and saying mean things to them, beating them, hitting them, you know, talking down their ego and confidence.

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This is an easy way to lead a human being into decades of misery, pain, stress, and tension, probably kill their confidence along the way, too. I'm speaking to the parents here, specifically, those of us who have children, if we keep shouting at them, if we keep speaking down to them, we keep telling them that they're idiots and that we're disappointed in them and that they are, you know, they're thick in their heads. Belief. Hey, Mr. If we keep saying things like this to them again and again,

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forget again, and again, this is us. Let me start that, again. If we say things like this to them, even once, it's not good.

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You shouldn't be speaking down to people. How many young people do we have in our communities who are so excited about having Imams or stomachs school teacher, any teacher as a mentor, because they did not find that love and care at home?

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They can't tell anyone about it. Because that would be really bad for their family. It would be an odd an eight on their lineage on their group that they're from. So they have to keep that a secret. But no one has really empowered them. People haven't come to them and said, No, you can do this. I see it in you. We're gonna get through this together. I'm your support. People who are patient with them,

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who show them, you know, a path that's ahead of great growth.

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Along the way, if you scold someone, that's okay.

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But that scolding is in the paradigm of compassion.

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This is something that's worth noting with Rasul Allah said a lot of some of you said, Allahu alayhi wa sallam was

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you know, sometimes they say, your teacher should be your greatest fan. That's the type of person that we saw. Saddam was so much hope in them seeing so much greatness in them. Yet at the same time, didn't it be said Allahu alayhi wa sallam scold his companions.

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They example

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I always share with the students is more rather than the Java with your loved one. Maybe still awesome loved him. Maybe sort of law is sort of loved him a lot. Did he get angry with him? Absolutely. That time when he did that he also I think Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam got very upset with him. And even though he was one of the closest companions to the prophets of Allah, He says that he has nothing. By the way, if you're wondering what it is, he led along, there's just a lot in the community and the people the community came and complained to Rasulullah sallallahu. Listen, let me say it aloud. Islam got very angry at him for tat and NTm honest, men can email women confront

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your coffee to Salah he reprimanded and at the beginning of narration before he reprimanded him, when either the devil and the narrator's they say that the Prophet said a lot and said, I'm healthy, the husband should eat and he was very angry in that moment.

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So just because you get angry at someone doesn't mean that you don't love them and that you're not inspiring them. Lisa will just let me sort of Lot is sort of

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harsh with people.

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There was a student

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that once

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said to me that they were

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in class

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anatomy program, so they were, you know, in advance Islamic Studies classes in all the classes were not. So the student was reading, it was a female as a sister, so she was reading the Arabic, and she made a mistake. And she made a bunch of mistakes in her reading. So she said, Man, the teacher laid into me. And he said, things that hurt me that broke my heart. Like what kind of Arabic Is this your Arabic is trash is garbage. And

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one of her family members is a scholar. So he said that, even though your former family of scholars you read like this, too,

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heartbroken, it's not appropriate. This is not how you build people. This is how you break them. And we're not interested in breaking people. People always cite the example. But what about Chef?

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Chef Milan that was that school did his students here look his biography it says here that she pondered of the law. They said something very rough to one of your students, or chef Ilan said something really rough to one of his students. Usually those statements are a result or at the end or in the middle of a long relationship that existed.

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One full of love, one full of empowerment, not on day one that when you walk into a community or you'd have few students in front of you, who you've never invested in, in any relationship, our teachers that would get upset with us and they would scold us, we appreciate it. Why is that? The reason is because these were the same teachers that would invite us to their homes for meals. These were the same teachers that asked about our families. These were the same teachers at the at the beginning of the notice they would say Tell us about your family members. How are things back home? How's the weather in America? You think the weather of America is relevant to some guy sitting in

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No matter how good the weather in America is the weather in England will continue to suck.

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But they would ask anyway. So with all get hotter, get some more sun. While it is about we kinda like these are small, you know, small talk, but they asked these things, and it showed that this person cared. So at the end of that love, if there was a little bit of firmness, some reprimanding in reality, you appreciate it.

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Because you saw both sides of the tarbiyah. Our teachers used to draw him on Allahu taala.

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Before he passed away,

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he published a three volume book called Humbert anomic

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humbug Nam it translated into English means love letters.

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What he did before he passed away to him, Allah was he published all the correspondence that he had between himself and his shares.

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And it was a three volume book,

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all the letters that his shift to him and the letters that he wrote back and I kid you not. It's a goldmine. It's really a goldmine.

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Because he's in England, establishing one of the first seminaries of its type in his teacher ship. And how do you spot him Amazonia cannot have it. I'm Allah. Allah was a SCRAM Hadith. And he's telling him about the difficulties of building establishing a seminary in the West, and he shifts coaching him through it. And he's talking in the letters he talks about his personal development, he talks about his marriage. He's taking advice from a chef about his child and illness and dealing with death and all of it fundraising. Right. And the chef is coaching him so all those letters, three volumes of them are all published.

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One time someone said to me supply more love

00:44:43 --> 00:44:51

that it's good that you published letters that we've benefited so much from this correspondence, this organic, natural correspondence.

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You know, online, everything is altered, right?

00:44:57 --> 00:44:59

Everything has a filter on it. Sometimes

00:45:00 --> 00:45:20

Hiero filter sometimes it's the parents filter. There's always some filter on everything. These letters were unfiltered. It was just the way it was he did not remove one letter. So someone said to him shift your this grand senior shift. Who is publishing these correspondences? Wouldn't it be appropriate that you remove the parts where she has academia is very hard with you.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:28

I can some letters, he says you are stubborn men. You're always asking questions, but you don't get things done.

00:45:29 --> 00:45:36

So he says, is it necessary for you to write that part or to publish that part of the book as well, where you're shaking is calling you a stubborn man, or he's reprimanding you.

00:45:40 --> 00:45:45

She's in love with data set. Those are the highlights of the book.

00:45:46 --> 00:45:55

I would never delete him from the book. Because those points show how much he actually loves me.

00:45:56 --> 00:46:42

And in reality, for the reader, they're so phenomenal because it shows that as an individual, he was on the path of constant growth. And even the far into his life while he's corresponding with his teachers, teachers, you know, correcting him and scolding him at times. And for students, it's such a refreshing, refreshing read, to see that life is a continuous journey of growth. Leigh Seville, Jeff Davis, also the most not harsh of people. Learn to be kind to your students. Use good words. If they are family, hug them, embrace them, kiss them. If they're not family, and send gifts to them. Ask about them. Smile at them. If they're struggling, show them hope. If they're absent, ask about

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them. Check up on them. Lisa Bill Jaffe, you are the Manam near Mata were inducted. Then Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he made he made every small blessing seem great. Every smaller, great thing. Maybe it's awesome treated it big. So you're in your class and your student does something right?

00:47:05 --> 00:47:09

You have two ways to do this. You can either say that was amazing. Or you can say finally.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:14

You guys understand? For once.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:18

You can do a thank God followed by an IRA, thank God.

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You can do one of those or you can say that was great and 100 May Allah increase you.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:29

When I was memorizing the Quran

00:47:32 --> 00:47:48

I lacked a lot in confidence because memorizing the Quran was very difficult for me and my teacher on multiple occasions, may Allah reward him. I know it sounds bad, but he wasn't being mean about it. He was being very compassionate. He had told my parents that I wasn't cut for time.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:54

He just said your child's not let him do something else with his life. This is not going to work out.

00:47:56 --> 00:47:58

I used to struggle a lot with confidence.

00:48:00 --> 00:48:12

Then there was one teacher, Chicago summer, while preserving these days, he lives in Jersey. He he I joined his class, and he started teaching he was very strict by the way.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:22

He was also the teacher of Chef Montessori. Chef Montes had also the Daffodil put on with him as well. One of the teachers of the film seminary, we studied with the same teacher

00:48:23 --> 00:48:26

years apart. So anyway,

00:48:28 --> 00:48:31

when I would read sometimes, just to boost confidence.

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Specifically, when I would reach the man,

00:48:36 --> 00:48:41

he would gather the class together. And after every idea that I would read, he would make a dua

00:48:43 --> 00:48:47

after every i, by the way, bear in mind at this point, I was maybe eight years old.

00:48:49 --> 00:48:55

So he would I would say, man, he would say Allah subhanaw taala make you a habit and everyone will say mean

00:48:56 --> 00:49:01

and then I will say I've never Quran and then he will make a dua everyone will say I mean,

00:49:03 --> 00:49:07

and he will do this for every aisle, every aisle. He did this more than once.

00:49:08 --> 00:49:28

So when they after I finished class, I went and I called my mother and I was in tears and my mama said why are you calling Why are you crying? So I said Mama, I was reading and he was making the law. And he made dua that ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada make you a mufti, everyone said, I mean, and I felt like he was mocking me because I know I'm never gonna get there.

00:49:30 --> 00:49:33

Allah has my foot. I'm gonna go ahead. Allah has met witnesses that day.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:37

And my mother also sent me she said, Allah will get you wherever you need to be.

00:49:39 --> 00:49:45

It was this person's statement. It stuck with me for almost two decades of my life.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:47

It stuck with me

00:49:48 --> 00:49:59

1520 years those words of his I kept thinking that maybe one day that drive his may come true. Maybe Allah subhanaw taala allowed me to sit with people of elements study that the

00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

Do you have to have people around you who will lift you will tell you you can do it

00:50:07 --> 00:50:14

your abdomen no matter what. Well I mean her she and Nicola Mia claim you can use Zoom with a lot and okay continue

00:50:21 --> 00:50:32

when he had to point out someone or something, he pointed with his entire phone, because pointing with one finger was viewed to be disrespectful. So sort of lost a lot of sitting rather than pointing with a finger, he would point with his head

00:50:34 --> 00:50:56

or shift him Allah would do this as well. When he would tell someone to sit, he would make this sort of suggestion, I bet he would put all of his fingers to the place where that person was to sit out of imitation of the symbol. Yes. When you saw a lot of surprised or astonished over any matter, he turned his arm upside down downside downside of Kabbalah calibers.

00:50:58 --> 00:51:16

When he spoke, he struck the inside of his left thumb with the palm of his right inside of left thumb palm right hand. Maybe something to do this a lot when he would speak. This is a common gesture was so low and he would give hotspot or he'd be speaking to people you would do this sort of ingestion inside of his right palm with his

00:51:17 --> 00:51:35

left arm. Yeah. Lara Vera hottie? Hirahara iliamna Batara inharmonious? Yes. If he Salalah Mallesons became angry with anyone, he would turn away, he would turn away completely from the Sahaba they say it was painful. Being that person who insulted Allah would not talk to

00:51:37 --> 00:51:39

us, because they were smart, too.

00:51:40 --> 00:52:10

They appreciated the famous narration when he saw us at once nobody saw Saddam was taking a stroll in Medina and he saw a person had built a lofty building. So he asked us to have a Who does this belong to? So they told them, they'd be sort of partisan and walked away from there. Later on. That's the hobby came to see. And if you said a lot isn't this revising the mascot we covered that's how we came to meet the visa lottery system. And he sat in front of the Prophet of Allah and set Sanam maybe so a lot of them did not respond to him.

00:52:11 --> 00:52:29

He was shocked. He went again, said Salam, there'd be some a lot of them did not respond. He asked the companions. Why is the prophet not responding to so someone said perhaps it's due to his earlier comment about that building that belongs to you. So he went, and he demolished the building.

00:52:31 --> 00:52:34

Rasulullah was passing by again. Later on, he saw the building was gone.

00:52:36 --> 00:52:48

And then he said to the Companions that he basically warned them of getting obsessed with building tall structures. Someone needs to send this memo to our brethren in the Middle East, the Gulf countries.

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were obsessed with building tall structures.

00:52:54 --> 00:52:55

You know, okay, anyway,

00:52:56 --> 00:52:59

I was just gonna say sometimes you try to do something really cool, but you're like

00:53:00 --> 00:53:10

10 years late to the party, and it's not cool anymore. Like, there was a time we're building like skyscrapers really cool. And then it wasn't cool. And that's when they started doing it.

00:53:11 --> 00:53:12

It's kind of like

00:53:14 --> 00:53:15

a self burn.

00:53:17 --> 00:53:17


00:53:18 --> 00:53:32

Sort of sort of last little sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He then by the way, that's the hobby. One point I always say here is that imagine this happened during our lives. If the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave us the silent treatment, what would you and I do?

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00:53:41 --> 00:53:48

If the prophets of Allah Islam gave one of us the silent treatment, what would we do? Some of us will say, All right, then I will talk to you either

00:53:49 --> 00:53:50

to come play this game.

00:53:52 --> 00:54:00

Or you didn't like what I did? Well, I don't like what you did. Guess what? I'm about to start a hashtag. And I'm gonna get it trending on Twitter, cancel Muhammad

00:54:02 --> 00:54:18

suffered. I know, this is me. I know what I said is wrong. I know that my statement there may have caused discomfort. But that's gratitude that we have, unfortunately, that we're friends as long as your friends. But the moment you say something, that's why when someone comes in, says, Chef, you know,

00:54:19 --> 00:54:22

I want you to correct me if I do anything wrong. I say, buddy, I'm not doing it.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:38

This generation of people are toxic men. If you say one thing out of line, they will throw you under the bus. So how about you just continue to do good things. I'll keep praising you for those good things. Obviously, I'm joking. But you guys understand the point that I'm making. Yes.

00:54:39 --> 00:54:45

You correct people that you expect good from? That's the reality.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:48

People that you trust,

00:54:49 --> 00:54:56

are sort of loss of allowance and he did not show his harshness to people who wouldn't benefit from it. The monastic wounded evil things all the time.

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Not worth it.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:00

A time

00:55:04 --> 00:55:05

when he said

00:55:07 --> 00:55:39

he would he lowered his gaze. His lab was mostly a smuggler. When he left his teeth literally like white dust. Yeah, either Fairyhouse perfo jewel Ladakhi hit the bus. When we saw Saddam was happy and he was laughing, it would mostly manifest in the form of a smile. This shows us that a teacher, they shouldn't be harsh, they should be kind, loving, yet at the same time, they should have dignity and honor. Don't become too relaxed with your students too. Because that may

00:55:41 --> 00:56:05

diminish the value of the teacher in the eye of the student. There's a fine line there. Even for parents, I know some parents who say I want to be my child's buddy. Yes, but never stopped being a parent. You need to be a parent first. You're not gonna be you can be a kind little bit. You can be a friendly Morumbi might not be as a mentor. Okay? But you still always need to be I'm gonna be your son shouldn't be calling you Jack.

00:56:09 --> 00:56:18

That's not appropriate. There should be respect, there should be boundaries there. And it's the responsibility of the parent to teach those things from a young age.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:38

May Allah subhanaw taala give us still feasted on upon what we learned that Allah azza wa jal make us from those who follow the example of the Prophet of Allah and he was Saddam and allow us to teach by these provided principles as well. Well sort of luck with that. And I say that I'm a Saramonic law hero

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