Hasan Ali – 3 different layers of the Quran

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The speaker discusses the importance of reciting the Quran in Arabic and its use in shaping our behavior. They stress that recitation is a reward and a way to learn from the Quran. The speaker also talks about how some people have stopped reciting the Quran and become more focused on understanding the Quran.
AI: Summary ©
See what's happening right now rather than system, please take a grasp of everything I'm saying. A lot of us have made especially especially us who don't understand the Arabic of the Quran. We've made the mission of our lives just to recite the Quran. So yes, recitation of the Quran in Arabic is a there's a lot of reward in it and it's really needed and it's necessary, and it's something we should Sula sallahu wa salam did and he told the Sahaba to do as well. And the Quran says, yet too early in the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam himself recited to the Sahaba the Sahaba recite it back to him and there was a whole process of having the what what they call the * up in the masjid.
These are small circles in the masjid mentioned in Sahih Muslim they used to sit together and these to recite the Quran, learn the dream of the Quran, learn how to recite the Quran, this is now progress Allah Allah Allah is starting that first mothers are the first mothers in Madina Munawwara before that, in my karma, karma, he had a mother who said maca now in Madina Munawwara were now freely in Masjid another way, he's got people who are now sitting in circles, and he's made certain Sahaba teachers of other Sahaba SubhanAllah. He's got a whole system running of teachers and students of the Quran, and they're reciting to one another, but that's only just the beginning. Most
of us have stopped there. Most of the thing that Okay, our attachment to the Quran just needs to be about recitation. It's not just about recitation, it's also another whole part of the, of our, our, our attitude towards the Quran, which is what which is, what about the message of the Quran? What about understanding the Quran? What about even understanding it in the English language in the old language in the bongo language in any language that you can find a translation of? What about understanding and then there's another part of it which is even greater, greater than recitation and now knowing the meaning some meanings of the Quran which is what what about my action of the Quran?
The Quran told me certain things are halal have I actually regarded them as halal? The Quran said don't do this. Did I stop the Quran told me make sure in your family life do this make sure in your transactions do this make sure you behaved like this make sure in your family life you do this make sure your household you like this. Make sure you like this with your parents with the children with people with your with your dealings with your with your wealth with politics on a on a greater level. The Quran has taught us so much but where am I with all of this because what's