Abu Abdissalam – What REALLY happens when YOU connect with the Quran

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The title of the Quran, which describes a journey from chaos to transformation, highlights the significance of the title for interactions with the century. It also highlights the importance of practicing to elevate their world and increase their honor and connections with the creator. The importance of reciting the Prophet's words in every language is emphasized, along with the challenge of completing the transmission within 60 days. The speaker encourages listeners to participate in a challenge to translate the Quran in a language they understand.
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What if a single book could mend broken bonds elevate the fallen and soothe pain, a book that transformed chaos into Unity bandits into heroes, the last into leaders a book with the power to heal in ways you never imagined. This isn't just any book. It's a journey of transformation of spirituality and of building a great nation that spanned across continents and cultures. I am of course, talking about the Quran
as salaam aleikum, I'm your brother about this and I'm speaking to you from the blessed city of Makkah, that's my kettle mukarram Allah Allah has described the Quran with various adjectives emphasizing its great stature, one standout reference in Surah facilite Allah subhanaw taala says La Jolla T hillbrow to illumine benei de he will learn in kullfi 10 Zero min Hakeem and Hamid falsehood cannot approach it from before it or from behind it. It is a revelation from a Lord who is wise and praiseworthy. Allah declares it and mighty book that is free from any falsehood revelation from one who is the most wise and most benefited this book changed the people from those who hated each other
to a people would sacrifice their lives for one another from a people who worshiped wooden stone to a people who worshipped only their one Creator from a people who disregarded women as men property to be owned to people who honored their women folk from the people who would fight for 40 years over an animal which had strayed from one man's land into his neighbors to a people who are united under one prophet with one Lord from people in whose gatherings wine was served abundantly to a people who gave up alcohol in totality, such that the streets of Medina were flowing with wine that was thrown away. This is the power of the Quran, and if it could transform those people into the best of this
ummah, then it can also change you my dear brother or sister in Islam, but what does this actually mean for us today? How do we interact with the Quran? The Word of Allah subhanho to Isla imagine you had a letter from a king that everyone referred wouldn't you by default feel honored for having received it the Quran is like that letter, but infinitely more profound. By connecting it we instantly connect with our Creator Rob will Isla mean Lord of the worlds and subsequently we elevate our status is striking example is from the time of honor, imminent photography Allahu Allah, which highlights this point. nerfed Ibn Abdul hararithe met Omar Abdullah photogra The Allahu Anhu in US
fun and Omar or the Allahu Anhu had appointed him in charge of a Maccha. So Amara, the Allahu Anhu said to naffaa Who have you appointed as your deputy over the people of the valley, meaning the people of Makkah. So now that replied, I have appointed over them even osebo Rama Radi Allahu Anhu asked him who is this person? And so he replied, he was one of our freed slaves surprised Amara, the Allahu Anhu said you have appointed a freed slave over them now fair responded he is proficient in the book of Allah has a lot of knowledge of it and he is a scholar in the rules of inheritance. And he's a judge upon that are Marathi Allahu Anhu said, indeed your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
said surely ALLAH raises people by way of this book and makes others lowly by way of ET Allahu Akbar through memorizing the Quran. And knowing its rulings, someone who was a slave once in shackles was put in charge of the blessed city of Mecca in the absence of its governor Allahu Akbar, and that is just the worldly reward as for the reward in the Hereafter, for reciting the Quran, then it is immense and without bound Abdullah ibn masala Turati Allahu Anhu reported that the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever recites a letter from the book of Allah, He will be credited with one good deed and a good deed gets a 10 fold reward, meaning it's rewarded 10 times
the Prophet salallahu Salam continues, he said I do not say that Alif Lam. Meem is one letter. But alif is a letter. Lamb is a letter and beam is a letter Subhan Allah. Every time you recite the Quran, you get 10 Good deeds added to your scale, not for every word, but for every single letter that you recite Allah subhanaw taala he says in Alladhina, yet Luna Kitab Allah he will have gone was Salah at our own far for me Melrose Akane, whom serum what Allah Ania serum Allah neoteny or junetta Jah Ratan Cebu? Surely those who recite the book of Allah and they established the prayer and donate from
And what We have provided for them secretly and openly. They hope for an exchange that will never fail. Aisha Radi Allahu anhu, underrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whoever recites the Quran, and masters it by heart will be with the noble righteous scribes of the angels, and whoever exerts himself to learn the Quran by heart and recites it with great difficulty will have double the reward. And this hadith is in Bukhari, Allahu Akbar. This shows that reciting the Quran and mastering it leads us to be in the company of the angels. May Allah make us of these people, and those who find it difficult to recite the Quran, they get double the rewards Subhan
Allah. Now the scholars of Islam have said that when Allah's Messenger SallAllahu sallam said that they will be with the angels. This could mean either that there is a special place for those who recite the Quran in Jannah, where they will sit among the angels who carry the Quran and reveal it. Or it could mean that the recite of the Quran is similar to the angels in that he also protects the Quran, from alterations by preserving it in his heart and continuously reciting it and fulfilling its commandments. Now for all of us seeking practical advice, engage with the Quran, be it memorizing, understanding, teaching, or just reflecting upon its verses. Every interaction with the
Quran amplifies our connection with Allah and consequently increases our honor. Allah azza wa jal says, What about the yes sir nellcor Analyt decree for Helmy muda care and we have certainly made the Quran easy to remember. So is there anyone who will be mindful always remember being associated with the Quran in any way is undeniably a source of immense honor. It's so awe inspiring, isn't it? How a book can uplift transform and honor us? It's a call for us to reflect, engage and live the Quran aiming for the elevated status in this life and the hereafter. So let me ask you a question. Have you read and understood the whole Quran cover to cover? Have you read it in full in Arabic if
you understand Arabic, and if you do not understand Arabic, have you read a translation of the whole Quran in a language that you understand if you have not and one Llahi that is a true shame. This Quran is a message to you, from the Lord of the worlds from above the seven heavens, Allah recited this Quran for you. So let's make a resolution today here and now I want you to make a resolution that you will start reciting and reading the Quran or the translation of it in a language that you understand not just the Arabic, but also the transmission so you actually understand what lies sang from above the seven heavens to you from Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil
Alameen all the way to the end of Surah to NAS. So who among you will make this promise today, I want you all to write a comment and commit to this Quran challenge so that you complete the translation of the entire Quran within 60 days. So in the next 60 days, that's half a joules per day. Remember, this book can transform you, your life and your whole family. Indeed, it can transform our entire ummah. So let me know in the comments below if you will commit to this challenge. I'd love to hear from May Allah subhanaw taala make us among those who are honored by the Quran Jezza como la Hi Ron, I'm your brother about the salam Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi
please What if a single book could mend bro tell now please
move it back up King about the Quran
and now you have to go back and you have to move that back.