Hamza Yusuf – Ramadan Ruminations 2019 – Lesson 7 -The Types of Patience

Hamza Yusuf
AI: Summary © The importance of patient health is highlighted, including the need for blessings and using material health to avoid unnecessary health-related problems. The need for patient health, including being patient with blessings and embracing the divine " handyman" comes with it. Continuity in devotional practices is emphasized, along with the importance of patient behavior and embracing the divine " handyman." Regularity in life is crucial for everyone, and keeping people focused on the idea of regularity is crucial for everyone.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim masala addressee Dino Mohammed, Mohammed, you send them to schema as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah. We've been looking at patients and so what I'd like to do today inshallah is look at the different types of patients that have been defined by our scholars. So even to say it Kelby says that essentially solver, the first is solver, Alan Nam, which is to be patient with the blessings that Allah Subhana Allah has given you, which means that you use them for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada. And so it's very important to recognize that your health is for a reason. Some people extend their health in disobedience to Allah subhana wa

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Tada. That's a squandering of the gift that you've been given by your Lord. And other people, for instance, they have a lot of wealth and wasting their money. Somebody who collects cars, this is a sign of deep material sickness, people that collect cars, people that constantly are buying things, consumerism, these are real diseases in the heart, if you look at the prophets, Allah, Allah is set him when he when he returned to his Lord, Ayesha brought out his possessions. And this is something that's famous about Gandhi, when they show you what the possessions that he died with are privatized them actually had fewer possessions. He really was uninterested in worldly possessions. He had what

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he needed. And so that's, we certainly don't have to do that. There's nothing wrong with having worldly possessions. And if you have wealth, it's a it's a blessing from Allah as long as you're paying your Zakat, and helping others but at what point is enough enough. And so being patient with blessings means using those blessings, for for good things for purposeful things for meaningful things. So that's very important. And then also being patient with the tribulations that come in your life. One of the the the Arab poets, he said the mania to intensity and an se could lead him What are Buddha Lillian Sanjana katha mania, there are eight things that will happen to every human

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being, and every human being will eventually see these eight things Sharon was known is demand, what was demand for cotton will use around what else around

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here. So these eight things are pseudo joy, prison depression

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is demand coming together for cotton, dispersing, separate so gathering and separation, use around ease around hardship, and then sickness and health. So this is the nature of the world, it's typically new that we don't have been asked that there's a constant turning of events. In fact, Seneca, one of the great Roman philosophers, he was a stoic. He said, that always remember fortune does what it pleases. And what he meant by that is he he actually said never trust prosperity. Never trust prosperity when you're in a prosperous situation, be grateful, but recognize, it could all go very quickly. We see people commit suicide because the stock market crashes or because a company

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their company goes bankrupt. These are people that are so attached to the material world, when they lose their material things they completely collapse and fall apart. So being patient in tribulation is extremely important to to have that quality so it's not it's not having Hello,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna says in the Quran Hooda insano. Hello, you know that human beings are created in a state of anxiety. If you look at the child, when it first comes into the world, it goes into total anxiety. And, and, and, and it needs to be soothed by the mother, that embrace of the mother as you transition into adulthood. That's the divine embrace. It's recognizing that Allah subhana wa atana is there always to give you solace, even in the worst of tribulations. And so it's very important that we transition out of that state of health just as the mother removes that state from the infant, Allah subhanho wa Taala will always remove that state for the individual who

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believes sincerely, one of the extraordinary verses in the Quran about this is masaba como si button fabyan illa there is no calamity that afflicts you except by its the permission of elaborate vanilla except by its the permission of God. When a new woman you may be Lucha kalba. And whoever believes in Allah subhana wa Adana, Allah will guide his heart. So whoever believes in Allah subhana wa Adana, Allah

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ganas are, in the commentaries. What they say is that Allah subhana wa tada when every affliction that comes to you, it's, it's in Libya Neela it's by the permission of God. It's from the Qatar of Allah subhanho wa Taala woman human belay Allah, whoever believes in Allah, Allah will guide is hard. In other words, if you believe that, if you're absolutely certain of that in your heart, Allah subhana wa tada Alba, He will guide his heart to tranquility and accepting the decree. And so this is actually moving to a higher macom now, you're moving into a much stronger macom of faith. So that's really, really important to remember that and then the sobra which is that you maintain

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patience with your devotion, there's people that slack off, some people come back to Islam during Ramadan, and then when Ramadan is over, and the appellees that have been released back into the dunya, they fall back into their the bad patterns before Ramadan, we see this in many, many people, there has to be a continuity in your practice. And so this is something

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that you have to be continuous in your practice. So the first is is is patience with blessings, patience with tribulation, patience with, with your devotional practice being consistent in your prayers in the salata, Canada and Amina, keytab and mahkota that the prayer is in these defined times, some people find this difficult to understand about Islam people outside of the faith

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this this

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punctilious is this idea of specificity, that we have these regimented times of prayer, even though the prayer time has some space, but actually this discipline of recognizing that I have to five times a day, go back and recenter myself and then this discipline of time, because time one of the things about time is that it's dissipating, what is it in the in Santa Luffy hustle by time, verily, the human being is that loss, we're losing time is passing, and every instant will never gain it back in and let me know what amoroso it had, except those who are investing their time with belief and good actions. What a while so but happy what tawassul the Saba, and they enjoy in truth, and

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because those who enjoy truth will always be opposed. They have to be patient. So not only do they enjoy truth, but they also enjoy and patience, patience, in blessings, meaning using those blessings for the sake of Allah subhana wa Tada, patient in tribulation, meaning, recognizing that everything comes from God. And tribulations are either for sins that we've accrued, or for raising us up in degrees. It's one or the two. Usually, it's actually since In fact, even Tamia said, If you meant that a ban or on the one who really follows closely the narrative of the Quran, very Sakura, by a type of reasoning, he will conclude by inductive reasoning by looking at all the particulars, he'll

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conclude that the vast majority of calamities actually happen because of what human beings have done. So we bring it on ourselves. And unfortunately, one of the calamities involved in that is that the innocent also are affected by the sins when they're public, of individuals so that it affects the whole group, despite the fact that only some of the people are wrongdoers. So this is one of the trials of life on Earth. So inshallah in the next session, I'll go through the eight karamat that come from patience. JazakAllah Hayden, was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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