The Massacre of Gaza will pave the way to our Victory

Haitham al-Haddad


Channel: Haitham al-Haddad

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The speaker warns of the danger of terrorist attacks on the Israelis and the need for unity among leaders. They stress the importance of protecting people from attacks and not calling people as beforehand-ready weapons. The speaker warns against giving up and surrendering, emphasizes the need for unity among leaders, and stresses the importance of protecting people from attacks and not calling people as beforehand-ready weapons. The speaker also warns against wake-up music and advises against sitting on the Israeli Israeli Israeli-led United States and not calling people as beforehand-ready weapons.

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim has to be Allahu and yet Malachy husband Allahu Wynette, Milwaukee husband Allahu Annette Malachy in the law who are in LA Hira, your own. Just a few hours ago, at least 800 people have been massacred by the real terrorist, the Israeli terrorists. Most of those people were the children were injured people in the hospital by an airstrike today. Today, the 17th of October, the second of radiotherapy. I have many messages regarding this massacre. The first

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message is to those who were who were so hasty to condemn what the Palestinians have been doing to the leaders of the world, to the to the leaders of the modern world, as they say, when they condemned the Palestinians, then your condemnation actually was an endorsement for the Israel in eternalism. You are partners in this crime? You are you actually you actually helped them in this grant, you paved the way for them to commit this war crime, and you will be held accountable for our

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prime minister, Rishi Sunak, is this what you want? You wanted the Palestinians to be killed and slaughtered like this? Biden? If you understand what you are saying, is this what you want? Now? Show me Are you brave enough to condemn the Israel? It is? Rosh Hashanah has come out now with a statement to condemn the Israelis for what they have done by then. Either leaders. Okay, the EU condemn what the Israelis have done now. Do you? Are you brave enough to condemn them? This is my

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first message. But my second message, history will never forgive. History will not forget Muslims, you will not forget this. Muslims will not forgive you for your crimes against them for this massacre that you have. You have taken you have participated in because you are partners. And of course, they will never forget. And they will never forgive the real criminals who committed this crime, who committed who committed this, this massacre and this ethnic cleansing. And another

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message to the coward terrorists, the Israeli soldiers, why couldn't kill me to the Palestinians face to face, you will run away. And now you are using airstrikes to kill their children to kill the injured people to kill to strike the hospital. Such coward, you will fail, you will fail and you will fail the so called terrorists country is ill and you will never succeed and your project, the Zionist project will fail and will we will see the failure sooner not later.

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My third message to the people of Gaza. Don't give up. Don't surrender. Either you'll either you die with your heads up, you live with dignity or you will die as martyrs. And you will know better than I do that. You're dead people you're killed people are martyrs. Allah Allah Allah Allah says in the Quran, why they attack seven Alladhina pootie Rofi sabe Laila he M word

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on Enderby, him years ago? Yes, it is so painful for all of us to go to see those children, those women, those injured people must have carved like this, but to Allah He, we have our trust in Allah, Allah Allah that Allah, Allah, Allah will accept them as martyrs. And they are next to Allah didn't know Allah in the heavens. But as birds in the heavens we have our trust in Allah, Allah Allah that Allah Allah Allah accepts them as shahada not like, unlike those, those criminals, if they die, or

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if they were killed, they will be going to the fire of hell and they will be burning in the fire of hell because they are because they are criminals. They insulted Allah before they killed our people.

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And my fourth message, my dear brothers and sisters, that now we need to mobilize the entire Ummah, because the Ummah now should wake up should you know who are their real enemies

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Who aren't the real enemies, and they should do realize that yes, today they killed the Palestinians like this to a model that will kill other Muslims, if we are not united. If you if we are not working together to become a powerful nation, powerful OMA, then we will be continuously humiliated and killed. Another message, my dear brothers and sisters, from now on, we should not call those so called Israel eel, and those so called Israelis except terrorists, we should call them like this.

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And not only that, in any in any interview now, if they interview any Muslim, ask the interviewer now as they used to ask us, Do you condemn what the Palestinians have done? Ask them? Do you condemn what the Israelis done? Us? And let us ask our leaders, those corrupted leaders, those who are partners in this war climb? Do you condemn now what the Israelis have done? Before you answer any question? Ask the interviewer. Do you condemn what the Israelis have done?

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And finally, my dear, or just before that I wanted out the entire Muslim community, whether in the UK or in Europe, let them wear the Palestinian flag. Let them put the Palestinian flag every word, let the whole world know that we are we are with the Palestinians. We will not leave them alone, Palestine and Al Masjid Al Aqsa is in our house, we will not leave it alone. And let them realize that this Messiah cup will wake up the OMA so they will regret that they have done this massacre.

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And I would like also to appeal to the lawyers and those who are involved in in the legal actions to start taking illegal actions, not against the Israelis because so many people are doing that, but against our leaders who who endorse the pellet, the Israelis, the Israelis, terrorist. An important message to our brothers and sisters. Doo, doo, doo. Don't belittle the role of Allah, Allah Allah may give victory to the people of Palestine, because of the dua of an innocent person, a humble

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person in the middle of the night, as the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that Allah, Allah Allah comes down to the lowest heaven on the middle of the night and he is asking who is making dua, who is asking me May Allah Allah Allah help the people of Palestine? May Allah Allah Allah Allah accept their dead people as martyrs? May Allah Allah Allah granted evicted er Allah Ya Allah.

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Another important message to our brothers and sisters in sha Allah in sha Allah soon, there will be a way to send aid to Gaza and to the Palestinians. Let us mobilize ourselves. Let us be ready for that. donate generously. There are Al Hamdulillah so many organizations and there are waiting for a way to send aid to Gaza in sha Allah, that will be soon donate gentle versity help your brothers the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallam said Allah, Allah Allah will be helping you

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as far as you are helping your brothers and sisters. Finally my dear brothers, my dear sisters, yes, it is Wallahi, painful Wallahi painful. I myself, lost 14 At least at least four team members from my family, my cousins just three days ago. It is so painful. However, while Allah He I am optimistic, and the buzzer will win. Russia will win and the Palestinians they will in sha Allah, they will receive their freedom and their victory and their dignity. And just remember, my dear

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brothers and sisters, that the Palestinians are not defending their own land on Lake, they are now defending the honor of the Ummah, we need to wake up because if Palestinians lose, if Raz loses, then the entire ummah will be humiliated. And those terrorists they will terrorize every single Muslim nation one after another. That's why we need to be united. We need to work smart we need to think

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strategically and in sha Allah, I am very optimistic that victory in sha Allah will be the outcome of this. Allah, Allah Allah promised will our people to live in Allah, Allah Allah promised us victory. Allah, Allah Allah says we're in touch below water cooler. Eurocom Qaidam if you are patient and if you have taqwa, whatever they plucked, it will not harm you, Allah. Allah Allah promised us were Allahu livina Amazonian como me la salud hottie Leia Stanley phenom Phil Oh, Allah

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will establish this Deen Allah, Allah Allah says, In Mateja Do not be a millionaire. Number sobble. What can be if you're keen on despite the pain, say Alhamdulillah Your head should be up you should be optimistic. Brothers and sisters, read the ayat of surah Emraan while taking on what you guys don't know. Don't be sad and don't to grieve. Don't be down because you are superior. As far as you are believers, Allah Allah, Allah Allah says in themselves concur or the micelle Kanaka myth low if

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a calamity befalls you, then other people have seen many calamities and these are this is the nature of life. Allah Allah Allah Allah wants to take shahada among us before he gives us before he grants us victory. Victory is coming sooner not later be even Allah wa sallahu wa salam O Allah cannot

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