No cheese when you take a picture

Haitham al-Haddad


Channel: Haitham al-Haddad

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The speaker describes how people often pronounce words like " cheese" in a manner that is seen as rude and unprofessional, causing confusion and embarrassment for others. The speaker suggests that people may actually be trying to earn money by pronouncing " cheese" instead of " earn some" and causing embarrassment.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim many brothers and sisters when they take pictures, they say cheese. Why do they say cheese in particular because it is the one of the few words. When you pronounce it you don't close your mouth and you look as if you are a smiling and instead of saying cheese, earn some has an act and say another word where you don't close your mouth as well. But you earn a lot of Hassan La ilaha illallah wa, again, La ilaha illa Allah, you don't have to close your mouth, and you

00:00:38--> 00:00:42

will earn a lot of Hassani use this when you take pictures