Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail Muhammadiyah 06

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the significance of the Prophet sallama's title, its use in publicity advertisements, its use in various culture, and the importance of protecting one's health and safety. They also touch on the history and importance of the Lucena, the use of leather socks, the importance of prioritization, and the use of tanning. The conversation is not a conversation between a customer and an agent, but rather a reflection of the customer's own experiences. The speakers discuss the importance of healthy human being, acceptance in society, and fear of failure in culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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In these podcasts we uncover one chapter after another from the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in an attempt to learn about him, love him and better ourselves through his example, immersion, mentorship, companionship and tibia. These are just a few of the things we offer, alongside knowledge of the prophetic Biography at Sierra intensive, two weeks dedicated to the study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and his noble characteristics. So this winter, join me in Dallas, Texas, alongside your classmates from all over the world, to learn the story of the life of the best of humanity, their mercy to mankind, the prophet muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, go to Sierra intensive.com to register and for more information

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Malachi one hamdulillah salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah He was happy to be here, Mary

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Charla, continuing with our study of the Shema and mohammedia the prophetic personality today inshallah we'll be starting with the ninth chapter.

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Babu ma Jaffe, Ayesha Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the chapter about the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam standard of living.

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There are only two ahaadeeth in this chapter.

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But it explains conceptually what we can understand about the standard or the lifestyle that the Prophet of Allah salatu salam had.

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The first hadith of this chapter.

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Galahad does an aqua table to Sara Eden Paula Hadassah, Hamada Noseda on YouTube and Mohammed Ebony Shireen? takuna. And Abby hooray Raja radi Allahu taala and who were Allah He so Bonnie Masha Connie min min kitten, Fatima Sophia Hema for Kala buffin buffin yetta maka to abou radar felucca Tam la Katara a toonie we're in Neela Hebrew FEMA Bina minbari Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wahoo jurati Aisha Moxie and Alia. For your je, je further orage la who Allah en op Yara Nabhi junoon Wahhabi jenolan ma Hua Elijah

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Muhammad Abu serien Rahim Allah hota Allah who is one of the key baru tabea ame he's one of the senior scholars from amongst a generation of the Tabby our own. He's a student of the Sahaba he says that we were with a boyhood Ada about the Allahu taala on him. And he was wearing two garments that were dyed dark red, and they were made from linen.

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So he blew his nose, wiped his nose with one of the garments use the edge of the garment to kind of wipe or blow his nose.

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And then he started to reminisce he said that wow. bucking buffing is a way of saying Wow, amazing, said, Wow, look at a boohoo data he wipes his nose with linen. And I can still see myself falling unconscious, somewhere between the member of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And the apartments of Chateau de La Hoya on how a person would come along, seeing me fainted on the ground, and would put his leg or his foot on my neck, thinking that I was insane. But it was not insanity. Rather, it was just hunger.

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So to explain some of the concepts that are mentioned here, first and foremost, of course, this is data about the Allahu taala. And who we've talked a little bit about Abood, Ada radi Allahu anhu in the setup portion of our class as well or rather in the hood, but today I talked about it, I booted out of the Allahu taala and who a brief very, very brief introduction is from the tribe of a dose. These were people who accepted Islam

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during some time probably either in the late mccunn or early muddiman period. And individual from their tribe a very notable individual by the name of Sophie Lucknow, amor, accepted Islam came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and accepted Islam when the prophets a lot of them sent him back to his people. He grew very quickly grew frustrated with his people and came back to complain to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that these are heedless people. They don't listen they won't believe make dua that Allah says Allah eradicate some Allah destroys him. And at that time, the prophets a lot is made to offer their guidance and advice to fail to be very gentle and to be very

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kind to failed, went back and spent the next decade

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to his people in a very kind, gentle, loving, compassionate manner in a brotherly fashion and making to offer them and after about a decade of working with them, they had accepted Islam pretty much the entire tribe. And he brings the whole tribe to Medina Tijuana, where the prophets a lot of Islam now resides to not only accept the song but also pledge allegiance to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to learn the deen directly from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And amongst those individuals who came to accept Islam, at that time was Abu Zubaydah. Abu Ghraib when the tribe returned back to Fabian amor, decided to stay in Medina and take benefit from the company of the

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messenger salallahu alayhi, wasallam. And above whatever the Allahu Allahu similarly stayed back. He didn't have any money, he didn't have a job, he didn't have a plan, he didn't really know exactly how he was going to get by. But that really didn't get in his way. They were not they were the type of people where those things didn't get in their way. And so he spent his next almost three years sleeping in the masjid, sleeping outside in the courtyard of the masjid, eating whatever food somebody could spare here and there, he would go days without food. And he survived in this way. For years spent the last three years following around the prophets a lot. He said, I'm observing every

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little thing that messenger sallallahu Sallam did, and learning all of that. And today, I believe eight out of the Allahu taala and who has narrated the most ahaadeeth, from all the companions of the prophets a lot. He said them in only three years of time, two and a half to three years of time. And that was because of his devotion and dedication.

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So this habit, hooray, now that you understand who he is, and why you would be in this type of a circumstance. So many, many, many years later, I will put a bullet out of the Allahu talanoa sitting there. He's surrounded with some of his students amongst them as Mohammed Dooku serien, the great scholar of the Tabby our own. And so Mohammed mousseline says, while sitting there, and he's wearing of whatever of the Allahu taala, who looks just, he looks really, really nice. Right? He's dressed extremely well, he's got these linen garments on and the way they would wear to garments was they would wear one as like a wrap as the ease are. And then one would be worn on top kind of like a

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shawl. We've talked about this. And so it's made up of linen, and it was dyed red, in some narrations. Also, when it says Mama shakun that also refers to the fact that it had red stripes on it. So it's very, very dark red, almost maroon and black. And it has these stripes on it. And so while he's sitting there wearing this, probably teaching them, he takes the edge of the cloth as a person would and he basically uses the edge of the cloth to wipe his nose. And the second he does that he himself kind of pauses and freezes. And he reminisces and he, you know this is almost like a

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smell a SWAT. These are almost like sounds but they're used to they they're expressive, they have meaning to it. Say says buff buff, right, which is a way that we would say wow, are amazing. And so he says Wow, look at a Buddha sitting here, wiping his nose with linen garments, which were very nice, very expensive. And he says that I can still remember that. But there are a toonie I can see myself that I still remember that I was getting up and walking in the masjid. And the member of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Fujairah of eyeshadow the Allahu taala on her. It's probably not too different than the distance between this member and the glass doors right here. And

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of course, if you've ever been to the machine of the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Medina, then where the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is resting, that is the hotel rod, the apartments of it shuttle, the loved one Ha. And then of course you can see the member where it is. So it's similar probably to this distance. And he says I was getting getting up and walking and I hadn't eaten for so many days that I passed out and fell on the ground and was almost having a was having a seizure.

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And he says that somebody came and what they used to assume at that time, first of all, they used to they used to assume or they what they thought was epilepsy, they used to consider it a type of insanity. They used to consider epilepsy as like some mental disability or insanity a bout of insanity. They didn't understand the condition of course back then. And when somebody would have an epileptic seizure, one of the things that they would do is that they would place the foot on the neck. I'm not exactly sure what the thought there was, but that's what they would do at that time. So he says according to what anybody knew at that time, somebody came along and tried to help me

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place their foot on my neck. thinking I was having one of those seizures about them insanity and he says it was not intended

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It wasn't even epilepsy.

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But it was hunger. That hunger was so severe that it drove me to this point.

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Why does he wanted me the Rahim Allahu taala bring this particular narration it doesn't make mention of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam anywhere. Why did you bring this particular narration in this particular chapter to demonstrate the standard of living or lifestyle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's an interesting question.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first and foremost,

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suffered through even more hunger than a boyhood, Ada went through the profits, a lot of them suffered through even more hunger than a Buddha went through.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam However, this is obviously going to be redundant in its verbiage was the messenger sallallahu. So what that means is that the Prophet of Allah, Allah Nizam had patience,

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of a superhuman level, something that no other human being possesses. At that level. Secondly, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, particularly when it came to his difficulties, and the sacrifices. As the prophets Allah Leeson taught us that these are deeds that are between us in the last panel which Allah and they are better kept between us and Allah, that the prophets Allah Nizam would was very private, about a lot of sacrifices in disregard. People wouldn't know people had no idea.

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One of the instances that is that is mentioned is that at the time of conducting the Battle of the trench, this hunger was so severe that they were tying rocks to their stomachs.

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And so they came to the profits a lot of them to complain that we have rocks tied to our stomachs and the profits a lot of these embraces shirt and some narrations he had a larger rock, some say that he had two rocks tied to his stomach, because he hadn't eaten for twice as long as they hadn't. But nobody knew. He only mentioned that to them to create a little bit of perspective to some of the key bottle Sahaba the Senior Companions.

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So number one, the prophets a lot of them had superhuman patience. Secondly, he was very private about these things, that this is my sacrifice between me and Allah. And then the third thing is that just the physical strength the prophets Allah Nizam possessed

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was such that it's unimaginable no other human being would be able to tolerate what the prophets a lot he was able to tolerate. And the physical strength of the prophets, a lot of Islam is actually something that is confirmed. This is not just some type of fairy tale or myth about the messengers, a lot of them it's confirmed through authentic narrations. The story about the prophets a lot of these some defeating the wrestler.

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The narration explicitly it's an authentic narration that explicitly mentions that wrestler was a lot bigger than the prophet SAW some he was taller, and he was larger than the prophets, a lot of them use a trained wrestler. This was the skill, this is what he did. And the narration mentions that when the prophets a lot of them defeated him, it wasn't some fluke, the prophets a lot of them lifted him up, and slammed him, like turned him over and slammed him on his back, pinned him and he did that three times. So the physical strength of the prophets a lot of them is has been observed and authenticated in a number of different generations and ahaadeeth. Alright, so the profits a lot

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of the some miraculously prophetically possessed such physical strength, that his level of sacrifice and the standard by which he lived and how he conducted himself and what he was able to tolerate is just can't we can't even comprehend it because a human being would die before they would get halfway to that point. So the reason why he mounted me and there's a couple of observances here there would give us a little bit of an idea

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of the Allahu Allah Allah.

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After the Messenger of Allah Allah many many years later, when people would want to learn about the prophets a lot he said, um, she asked she was asked by someone, what did you eat the day the prophets a lovely son passed away. Just to kind of know what was that day like?

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What was this what was the feeling? What was the sentiment? What was the tone? And so what did you eat?

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On the day the profits, what did you cook on the day the promises and passed away and she said cook. Cook. If I had enough oil to burn,

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a stove I would have first actually lit the lamp.

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I would have first lit the lamp. She said moons would go by and the stove would not be lit inside of our house because we had nothing to cook with.

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Forget about something to cook we didn't have the oil that it took to cook the food to light the fire. And she said that we didn't even have enough oil for me to burn the lamp. The day the profits a lot he sent and passed away it was dark in my home. I sat that night, mourning the loss

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profits awesome in the dark. I couldn't even light a lamp.

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This was the standard of life of the Prophet ceylonese. Pertaining to Abu Dhabi Allahu taala anhu Abu Dhabi, Allahu anhu. There's a very well known story about how the prophets a lot he said him, or rather a boyhood, ADA is very hungry, and he's sitting at the door of the masjid. People are passing by, he's waiting for somebody to kind of take him home, invite them to his house to share dinner. And what about the Allahu taala who comes by passes by

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Almighty Allah who has nothing to eat at home, so he's very embarrassed salam, aleikum wa Salaam

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Alaikum contact nothing

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because he has nothing at home. What are you going to invite him to to nothing? Abu Bakr radi Allahu Allahu passers by salaam aleikum wa sallam, I contact nothing. Because Abu Bakr has nothing at home, he plans to sleep hungry that night. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam approaches the door of the masjid.

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He sees a border of the Allahu taala and who's sitting at the door of the masjid.

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And the prophets allow these seven smiles at him.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam smiles at Abu Ghraib.

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And he says that I know why you're sitting here Yeah, by

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the prophets a lot, he said, um, takes him to his home.

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And he finds that a bowl of milk has been gifted to him.

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And so

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great sacrifices were made in order for us to be able to sit here

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in the house of Allah subhana wa sallam to be able to read this and learn this and talk about this.

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We are so blessed by Allah subhanaw taala that we underestimate the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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that today, you and I

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sit, humbled by the blessing of a lion learn from all of this, but to think about those people. And what they had in their hearts what they had in mind, when they were willing to make so many sacrifices to understand the value of this Dean,

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that they were people who understood that people will come 1000 years later, that will need this guidance that will need this Dean.

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And that we have to make whatever sacrifices we can to make sure that this Dean is something that they can learn from, they can benefit from, that they can implement.

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So anyways, the story goes on that the prophets a lot of a sudden was gifted a bowl of milk and he sends up a data about the Allahu taala and who to go and get all the rest of the Bible so far the Sahaba who used to live in these conditions, and who would enter the Allahu taala and Who says I'm looking at that bowl of milk and the prophets, a lot of them is telling me the prophets are lovely, someone is telling me to go and invite 70 Sahaba I'm looking at a bowl of milk, but I trust a messenger of Allah Allah de Sena.

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Send me an hour Donna. So I go in I call everyone. There's a party at the profits a lot. Sometimes. Two people pile in.

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They're lined up outside and the profits a lot of these hotels, I serve everyone.

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And now my heart just sunk into my empty belly. And he said that I'm thinking because the one who serves is the last the host he's made me a host. The host eats last. So now I'm thinking okay, I guess.

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So I start serving everyone.

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And everyone drinks from that bowl of milk 70 Sahaba drink from the bowl of the milk

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until it finally comes and they're still the milk is still in the bowl. Everyone's drank

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The milk is still there. And the profits, a lot of them says it should be about who they don't drink.

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And so I drank

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and then he says drinks more. So I drank more. He said, drink more and I drank more. And he said, drink more. And I said, you have to love there's no more room. There's no more room. And then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam drank the milk, finished it up in the bowl at hamdulillah. This was the standard of living of the prophets a lot easier.

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So this is why he mentioned above that he has experience because the prophets A lot has experienced something we don't even really fully know. And even if we knew it's something we couldn't even understand.

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The second Hadeeth

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ballhead does an APU Teva falahat Deaf Anna Jaffa Lucia de mana Dewberry, unmanly kidney Dena Carla Masha br Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in homes in part to one when Allah min Illa Allah

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tala Malik Sal to Raji landmannalaugar badea muda fu tala atena wala mirnas

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Malik bundeena

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Rahim Allahu Allah. He says this is a type of narration. Let me just translate Malik bien de nada. Rahim. Allahu taala says that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he never filled his stomach with bread nor with meat.

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Allah buffer

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except in the situation of buff.

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So then Malik says, I asked one of the veterans who speak a very pure form of the language, I asked one of the Bedouins What does the word buffer mean? He says that you eat with people that you eat with people. Molly bundeena hammerlock just explained here. Now Malik bundeena Mola is a Tabby he's not a Sahabi. This is a type of narration that we basically referred to as musen.

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All right, this is a narration that is called Moodysson. Marcel basically means that when a Tabby he hears something from a Sahabi, but then does not mention the Sotheby's name, and just mentions it directly about the profits allottee. So, this is not done maliciously.

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But there are certain to have your own there are certain students have Sahaba, who learned from their teachers the Sahaba for 30 years continuously.

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Right? There are people like I masari, who say you have Malik bien de nada, these types of individuals who studied with the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for 2030 years. And they studied from companions of the prophets, a lot of them like Abu ADA, and Abdullah bin Ahmad, and I'm delivering Mr. Owen and NSV Malik and Alisha, well, the Allahu taala on her, right. And so these are companions of the Prophet system that had so much knowledge from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and they spent 2030 years in their company learning from them, that sometimes they just became very used to they became very casual, because everybody associated when you heard

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something out of the mouth of automotive news obeyed, you automatically knew that there was was coming from Russia, there was no doubt about the fact or do I was the nephew and the student of Ayesha. So O'Dwyer anything he said it came from Ayesha, undoubtedly. So because of that trust, and that long, that long standing relationship, that comfort that they had developed, they would sometimes just narrate directly. And so that's what he's doing here. So it's not a problematic narration. But nevertheless, technically speaking, in the science of Hadith, it's called Mufson. So he says that the Messenger of Allah salatu salam never ever sat down to really eat bread and meat,

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except that he called people to eat with him. Another

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explanation or another narration

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from Abdullah Ibn Abdul Rahman, he says that calabaza whom who are cathro to the ad, the word buffer means a lot of hands and means basically the same thing to eat with a group of people. Imam Ahmed Rahim Allah hota Allah, He says that either Gemma or ban Papa camula

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that a food has four qualities and this is the best type of food.

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Food that has four qualities is the best type of food. Number one either Akira smolov feola he number one that the name of Allah subhanaw taala as mentioned before eating the food, number two will homie the local fee or fee that God is praised Allah is praised at the conclusion of eating the food. Number three, what kathrada Allah He will add that there are a lot of hands into food meaning there are multiple people eating together. Number four, what kind of inhaling and of course it's halaal permis. It comes from a permissible source. It comes from a permissible source

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And one of the things I want to just kind of mention very quickly because in my mind it mentions is for the cell if

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eating something or drinking something that is actually hot on like Hindi or common, right like swine or wine. This is something that is like just the concept didn't even exist for them that's unimaginable. When he says we're kind of in hidden and then it comes from a permissible source. He's talking actually about that someone's income.

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If you're lucky to Allah in Sedona it relates this quote from him, Ahmed, and he actually says that what Mr. Mohammed is referring to here is that someone's income is a permissible income, that they earn money through permissible means, right? That they're honest, trustworthy, truthful, businessmen, or they conduct business in a truthful, honest manner, and they don't sell or buy or conduct any type of business that is not permissible.

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So the Messenger of Allah ceylonese, in what was his lifestyle, in conclusion, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would sometimes go for days without eating and food, hunger and starvation was just

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a part of one's daily routine.

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Not because it wasn't possible the Messenger of Allah syllogism is the most brilliant man that ever walked the face of this earth. He's the most genius human being to ever exist. The Prophet of Allah ceylonese him could have conquered the world if he had put his mind to that.

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And he didn't even have to put his mind to it. Allah subhana wa tada gave him the choice. The prophets a lot of them talks about it and narration he was given the choice and the opportunity to become a king and the Messenger of Allah ceylonese him said no, he said that I want to be with the people

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I want to live with the people serve the people be with the people he said my edges when I sit as a slave sits aku Luca Morocco lab I eat like a slave eat simple, humble.

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are kabu kabu labdoo

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am she come I am Sheila Abu I walked like a slave walks I ride a donkey as slaves do. Simple man.

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The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the famous door of the prophets of Salaam. There's some questions about the authenticity of the DA, but nevertheless, just in the realm of virtues and forgotten as a da. The scholars permit the DA that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, I love mining Myskina why misnamed Myskina? Why shouldn't you pay me to feast on Rotten Misaki know Allah, allow me to live in the company of poor, humble people. And when I die, allow me to leave this world while in the company of poor, humble people. And on the Day of Judgment, I want to stand with the poor and the humble people. That was the lifestyle of the messenger sallallahu sallam. And

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even when the prophets a lot of them didn't get anything, then he never forgot other people then he shared it with other people. I think the question that

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had the number 10 chapter number 10.

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Now it's a little bit of a shifting of gears changing of topics.

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But it's very brief, not very

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detail or not very complicated, I should say. Bible my geography houfy Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the chapter about the socks of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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There are two ahaadeeth here. The first one Allah had death and ohana do sorry.

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Bella had does not work here. And then Hamad bin Salim and who JW Abdullah and even the Buddha and Avi and Nana Joshi darlin Avi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam aka Fein

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Adelina be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ofany as were they nice saveh jany for levy seven Mata Mata Waka amasa Halima

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even barreda

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Rahim Allah Allah relates from his father, Buddha Ada radi Allahu Allah ano, that Anna Joshi gifted or sent as a gift to the Prophet for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to socks that were made to socks that were made from plain black leather.

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And the profits, a lot of them would wear them. And he would make when he would make will do, he would wipe over them.

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So a couple of things here to explain first and foremost, and the joshy, who has an agenda of course, the students have seen all intensive. You're familiar with this. And the joshy is the king of Abyssinia, East Africa who had given refuge to Muslims and also had accepted Islam and then maintained a long distance relationship with the Messenger of Allah Allah

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While he was sitting where he would communicate with him, send gifts for him and keep tabs on everything that was going on in MCI and later on in Medina. And he was a very devout believer and he died on him and his name was us hammer, and he was a believer. So this Anna joshy he sent some gifts to the prophets, a lot of the sermon amongst the gifts that he sent for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam were whole fame. Now, the word hope, why did I translate it as leather socks? Somebody could have that question, right? Because if you maybe looked up the word sloth, in a more modern dictionary, you would just say socks, right sock is hoath. Though in classical Arabic, if you

00:30:37 --> 00:30:53

go and you look up the word in the classical Arabic lexicon, the word for the word hope translates as a sock that was made out of leather. Before I explained the concept of that the word for normal socks in the classical Arabic language was the word Joe would,

00:30:54 --> 00:31:20

they would use the word job. joda Bane, is how they would refer to socks that were made out of cloth, or cotton or wool or material. Other types of material socks made out of leather, specifically were called cloth. Now first and foremost, generally speaking, in that culture, why are socks being made out of leather? Right? That sounds very intense. So why are there socks made out of leather, obviously, because of durability.

00:31:21 --> 00:31:28

Durability, we have to understand that things just were not mass produced, the way they are today.

00:31:29 --> 00:32:11

The way we mass produce things, all types of material is very unnatural. Right? That's why it's not shocking to see that people behave in a very unnatural way the world is, you know, so to speak, falling apart. And this is not a very natural way of mass producing of things. And so they didn't mass produce these types of things. And so, socks made out of cotton or other material would get worn out, and would tear and fall apart. And so they would make the socks out of leather, so that they were more durable. So that's the first thing that's why they actually existed.

00:32:12 --> 00:32:41

Now, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, particularly yongala, the prophet doesn't particularly he himself is fond of these leather socks, again, because of the durability of it. And number two, because in the fit, the practical rulings that the Messenger of Allah ceylonese has taught us is that socks made out of leather have a very special ruling attached to them. And the special ruling that is attached to them is that when you have made will do

00:32:42 --> 00:33:19

and you put those socks on, then at that time, if you put them on in that state in the condition of the hora, the prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam allowed he permitted he said that then when you have to make will do again, and you still have those socks on, you actually don't have to remove the socks, but you can just simply wipe over the socks. So this special ruling was then created by the prophets laws, or rather implemented and talked to us by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa send them. So that's the concept of the hoof. And so must have wiping over the leather sock. Not only that, but it's it's another.

00:33:20 --> 00:34:05

It's another issue that is multifaceted. It has plateaued. I explained the concept of doctrine to you earlier as well, too often is something that is narrated by such a large number of Sahaba. And then obviously in every generation following afterwards, that it's unimaginable inconceivable that this could have any type of inconsistency or irregularity within the understanding of this concept. So it is a concept that is motivated. Alright to its, its conclusive, and that's why Abu hanifa Rahim Allahu taala when he was even asked about what is the identity or what is the understanding of our Lucena. Well, Gemma, then Abu hanifa Rama Allahu taala said no fabuleux Shane, we virtue we give

00:34:05 --> 00:34:53

virtue we honor of a bucket and Allah will the Allahu taala on Houma, unlike da da da da da da field. And then he said that when, when hibel heartening and we have the greatest of love for the two seven laws of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam earthman and Ali, radi Allahu Allah Allah, unlike the cottage the rebels, and then thirdly, he said when Nara l must have lol fame, or when Raja was mushy Allahu Fein we view that it is permissible to wipe in your will do over leather socks. Now why is that somebody could say why do you Why is such a small or such an isolated issue of a part of the identity values. It's not so much this issue itself, but more so what Abu hanifa is

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

saying is that this is motivated. So recognizing and believing in things that are established through the water

00:35:01 --> 00:35:46

That irrefutable proof, then that is a position of a Houston ojama that we do not reject things that have to lie to them. All right, so this is the first Hadith about the socks. And so the description of the socks, excuse me was that they were black, so it was black leather. And then when it says sad, the Jane sad that basically just means that it didn't have any type of imprint, or drawing or any type of pattern on it. It was not adorned It was not decorated in any way. Some some commentators have of the Hadeeth of the Shema in they actually say that the word savage means that it didn't have fur, like it didn't have the hair of the animals too long there, that it was leather

00:35:46 --> 00:36:23

that was cured that was tanned to the point where that it didn't have any hair like loose air to it, but it was completely tanned to the point where it was solid, or it was smooth at this point, the tanning of leather the process and it was tanned to the point where it had become smooth. And some say that a lot of times when they would have things that were made from leather, as a decoration or as an adornment, what they would do is they would imprint different designs onto the leather. Right? They would carve certain designs into the leather, but this did not have anything like that, because in the joshy knew that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like the prophets of the

00:36:23 --> 00:36:46

past and the joshy was actually a scholar. He was a scholar of the previous scriptures. He was a Christian scholar is a very, very well read and educated man. And he knew a lot about esala his Salah, and so he knew from the Sunnah of the prophets of the past that they are simple people. And so because of that, he sent simple materials for the prophets a lot he sent him

00:36:47 --> 00:36:52

the second Hadeeth butterhead death and Appalachia potato chip no sorry, didn't call her head Donna.

00:36:53 --> 00:37:03

Yeah, he had been zaccaria even a visa EDA. And it hasn't even been on Abby's heart Anisha Abby, Paula Paula l movie Roku sure about

00:37:04 --> 00:37:34

radi Allahu taala on who? A daddy here linby sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who Fein for lamesa Houma wa Taala is la isla and jabeen an army with jus button. philipe Sakuma hetta taraka ligeia de Antabuse de la la hora de he was cinema as the key Yun Houma la palabra de la hota Allah wa Abu is hapa Da Hua Abu is hot a shibani What is musou Lima

00:37:36 --> 00:38:13

so what I read there at the end is not in your text, but it's just an extra comment of Imam dimity on the chain of narration itself. So the second generation Molina to be sure about Robin Sharma is of course a very notable Companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And when the prophets a lot of them would travel, he would serve as like a personal assistant to the Prophet of Allah, Allah they sent him. So he says they're here. They're here and Kelby radi Allahu taala. And who is a companion of the prophets a lot of a sudden Sahabi who is known to be very dashing, very, you know, handsome. And of course, we read about the fact that you believe Allah His salam, when he would come to visit

00:38:13 --> 00:38:54

the prophets a lot, he said them, he would oftentimes assume the look and the features of Daraa, the Allahu taala and who, and so he says that the hero the Allahu taala, and who had gifted to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to leather socks like it gives to Tim leathers talks, and the prophets a lot Nizam used to wear them. Then Mr. Timothy brings another narration, another chain from another route. And that adds that D hero, the Allahu talanoa had gifted to the prophets of Salaam, not just leather socks, but he also gifted to him a overcoat, he gave him an overcoat along with leather socks. And so the profits along the Civil War, the leather socks, and he was so fond of

00:38:54 --> 00:39:33

them, especially towards the final years of the profits a lot of the Sims life when it would be very cold sometimes in the desert in the wintertime at night. And so the profits a lot of them would make will do before you know maybe earlier in the day or in the evening before nighttime set in and you would put the leather socks on. So that's why that way at night when he would wake up for his pm for his tahajjud. And you would have to make will do and it was very, very cold in the desert in the wintertime where he wouldn't have to wash his feet because he was a lot older now. So the promises and would be able to make massage. So used to use them so much that they started getting were worn

00:39:33 --> 00:39:42

out to the point that they started to tear, they started to rip. And he mentions is to say that the Prophet system was so fond of them and used to use them to the point where they toward.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:46

Then he gives a little bit of a comment.

00:39:47 --> 00:40:00

Some of the scholars of Hadith who have reviewed the work of the Shama and they say that this little comment here at the end, is it the Raj Amina Ravi, this is mudra Raj. All right. What that basically means is that this is an

00:40:00 --> 00:40:09

rejection. This is extra commentary from the narrator, and is not necessarily confirmed, of course not from the prophets a lot he said them, or even from the lead up in Sharla.

00:40:11 --> 00:40:44

That this is not confirmed from the actual source of the information. But it is some extra commentary from a narrator later on, he says that the Messenger of Allah salani, some did not know, whether the animal from where these leather socks have been made, that the the height or the skin of the animal that they had been produced from whether that animal had been properly sacrificed, had been properly slaughtered according to Islamic law or not. All right, so first and foremost, even the authenticity and the the, the,

00:40:45 --> 00:41:09

the authenticity of that comment itself is questioned, or is contested. So it's not for certain that this is an authentic comment. That's the first thing. So it's very deeply contested. Right, and it's something that is discussed a lot. One of the most famous commentators on the Shema L of the prophets, a lot of them is a scholar by the name of a llama by Judy allameh by Judy was a family of the Shafi mother.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:26

And and so in the shafia. So there's a difference of opinion. So remember, Judy completely rejects this extra comment as being something that is completely unfounded and cannot be authenticated or verified by any means. So he completely rejects the comment altogether.

00:41:27 --> 00:41:56

However, some of the scholars do, we'll go ahead and accept the comment. And overall, what is the problem with the comments in and of itself? Well, because it involves an issue of fit that involves a legal issue. The legal issue is this, that we know that the meats of an animal or the any body part of the animal, right, becomes permissible after an animal has been cut has been sacrificed properly.

00:41:58 --> 00:42:07

All right, that that is a requirement to make the body and the, you know, utilizing the body of the animal, especially for food.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:19

That's a requirement for making it permissible. The question then begs that to use the skin of an animal leather to use the height of an animal.

00:42:20 --> 00:42:27

Is it a requirement that the animal was sacrificed properly or not is not not a requirement? That's an issue of difference of opinion.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:41

Imam Shafi Rahim Allahu Allah says it is a requirement. The height the skin of the animal is not permissible if the animal was not slaughtered, was not cut properly.

00:42:42 --> 00:42:59

Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allahu taala based on some narration from the Sahaba Radhika laguan home, and there are some weak narrations as well. But there's also many narrations from the companions, the opinions of the companions, where they where it talks about that, at the badla to houden.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:02

At the battle, dibaba to hold on,

00:43:03 --> 00:43:07

right, and the bow dibaca basically refers to

00:43:09 --> 00:43:54

it refers to the tanning of the height of the animal, the process of tanning, where you take the skin of the animal after it's been removed, right, and you stretch it out and you apply, you know, grease or whatever it may be to it. And then you leave it under the sun, and allow it to basically dry up under the heat in the sun. That is called tanning of the hide tanning of the skin. That there are some narrations would say that the tanning of the hydrating the skin of an animal makes it permissible. So even if the animal was not sacrificed or cut properly, that the tanning process itself makes at least the skin permissible to use. All right, and that's the position of Abu hanifa.

00:43:54 --> 00:44:16

So based off of that, that creates a little bit of a discussion here. But nevertheless, one of the narrators does commenting that the prophets a lot of them did not know whether that animal and the reason why he did not know that was because they are the Allahu taala and who this gift that he brought to the prophets a lot. He said, um, that overcoat, and those leather socks, he had brought them from Rome.

00:44:17 --> 00:44:26

He had brought them from Rome. It was the Juba Rumia that we learned about in the previous session, the Roman overcoat that the prophets alabi son would wear. So he had brought it from Rome.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:59

And a lot of in a lot of different places. They were not in the habit at that time already to sacrifice the animal or to cut the animal according to Islamic requirements. So that's why the commentator says that there was no way for the profits allowed him to really know whether the skin from which this the socks were made, that the height of the animal from where which the socks were made, there was no way for the profits awesome to be able to confirm whether it was properly sacrificed or not.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:37

Therefore he the near one of the narrator's assumes this. And then it would also support that other opinion than some of the opinion of the Sahaba that the tanning of the height of the animal in and of itself purifies the skin of the animal. But the contention from the other side is, who do say that? No, it is still necessary for the animal to be sacrificed properly in order for the leather to be permissible to use as well. They say that we can't just assume that because it came from somewhere else, and it was given as a gift to the profits, a lot of them that the profits, a lot of them wouldn't know whether it was sacrificed properly or not. Because if in fact that is

00:45:37 --> 00:45:46

impermissible to wear, how would the profits a lot SLM be able to figure out that this is not permissible to wear and I should not wear it? How would that happen?

00:45:48 --> 00:46:28

Exactly jabril alehissalaam, would come and tell the profits a lot he said them, don't wear it. Because messengers of God, prophets of Allah are protected by Allah subhanaw taala from engaging in any type of impermissible conduct or behavior. And there are multiple instances, even before hon WA, let alone after an Ebola after prophet and there are multiple instances in which Djibouti Li Salaam would come and warn the prophets along with him about a particular issue. One of the things we'll read about in the following chapter one time the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam was wearing issues, and he was leading prayer and the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam removed issues.

00:46:29 --> 00:46:33

And so all the Sahaba basically seeing the process of they all also remove their shoes.

00:46:35 --> 00:47:04

Right in following the example of the profits, a lot of human He said, No, I removed my shoes because you believe that he Salam came and told me that there was some Nigel said that there was some filth on the soul on the bottom of my shoe, it had gotten on there, maybe something from the street or whatever. And so he told me, there's something on your shoes, make sure you take it off. But if your shoes do not have anything impure on it, you didn't have to take them off the process, I'm said, but that's how you bleed alley, somebody immediately warned the profits a lot he set up a low attend up to the profits along the center.

00:47:05 --> 00:47:12

And that brings us to chapter number 11, which I had intended to do today, but is obviously not going to happen.

00:47:13 --> 00:47:14


00:47:15 --> 00:47:16


00:47:17 --> 00:47:27

may Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that was sending her And may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to make the most of this opportunity and to learn from the life and the guidance of the messengers.

00:47:28 --> 00:47:34

So Hanna Luckey will be handy he subhanak Aloha, Nick. Mashallah. La Ilaha Illa internal software, one or two?

00:47:36 --> 00:47:36


00:47:50 --> 00:48:28

Right, so sisters asking the question that this level of, you know, hunger and difficulty, was that something that was an ongoing thing? Or was it something maybe progressive, that kind of developed over time, as more and more, you know, sacrifices were made, that was something that kind of developed over time, because the profit of a loss, a lot of them, obviously was so preoccupied with the mission of prophethood he was not able to conduct business or work anymore. He had dedicated and devoted himself to this in overtime while continuing to support the cause. And the mission, you know, they had basically exhausted whatever funds that they had, and from the years of boycott non

00:48:28 --> 00:48:33

forward, going from there, this was basically their situation.

00:48:34 --> 00:48:34


00:48:49 --> 00:49:06

prioritization, this is asking the question that it was possible for the profits, a lot of some of the Sahaba to be able to earn more to be able to make a lot or whatever the case then, you know, what's the wisdom or what's the understanding behind the profits, a lot of these, I'm choosing this,

00:49:07 --> 00:49:44

it was an issue of prioritization, that every second of the life, every breath of the messenger salami sim is so valuable in such an opportunity for all of humanity and mankind, that basically all of that time was used for something more beneficial. So the profits, a lot of them, again, the lesson from that isn't necessarily that we all deprive ourselves to the point of starvation. But the lesson from that is prioritization. We can all prioritize a little bit better in our lives, and what we give how much time we give to what we can all kind of reconsider some of our choices and our priorities.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:53

Yeah, it's kind of a complex issue. It's okay.

00:49:54 --> 00:49:59

Not Not to say you can't understand it. It's just, I'm going to get super nerdy on you guys and it's not going to be fun.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00


00:50:05 --> 00:50:26

difference of opinion sisters asking obviously the question that pretty much I'm pretty sure everybody else that is raising their hand they're asking is about the permissibility of wiping over socks that are not from leather. Again, I'm not going to get into a lot of detail about the issue here, obviously, because it's a whole topic and issue in and of itself. And again, not to be disrespectful, you know,

00:50:27 --> 00:51:10

all y'all are probably a lot more, you know, brighter and more intelligent than myself. But it's also just understanding and we understand this in academics in any other field or science or area of study. There are prerequisites usually to any conversation, right? There's a certain level of arithmetic you need to know before you can progress algebra, and so on, so forth. Right? So similarly, there's usually some type of prerequisites in order to have the really complex full scale conversation. But to summarize it, and to just share with you just some of the opinions on the issue, there's a difference of opinion on the issue. There are some narrations, which do mention,

00:51:10 --> 00:51:47

the primary thing is the fact that the prophets a lot, he said, and he himself was never seen in his lifetime wiping over socks that were not made from leather, that were non leather, he himself was never seen doing it. And that sort of becomes the issue. Now. However, we do find some narrations such as Alibaba vitalia, but or the Allahu taala. I know in some other companions, that they did either wipe over non leather socks or talked about it. So there's a little bit of a difference of opinion on the issue. But overall, what I would say is that it is generally permissible. Some scholars do a lot for it. Some scholars are more strict about it. But it's definitely not

00:51:48 --> 00:51:51

a seriously contentious issue. It's more of a choice.

00:51:53 --> 00:51:54

Yes, Muhammad.

00:52:01 --> 00:52:02


00:52:04 --> 00:52:05

For travel?

00:52:06 --> 00:52:40

Absolutely. So the brothers asking the question that this wiping over massage over the socks using that as a, as a look saw as kind of a concession that that is permissible even while at one's residence and what the profits allottee some taught us about that integration is that if somebody is at their residence, after putting on the socks, they are allowed to wipe over them for a duration of a day and a night, Yeoman went a lot 24 hours. And when somebody is actually traveling, then they are allowed to wipe over it for a duration of thalassa 2am and wilayah leha. three days and three nights, 72 hours.

00:52:44 --> 00:52:46

There's two issues

00:52:47 --> 00:52:56

that come up a lot. One thing regarding men wearing pants should be about the ankles or not. The other ones like you know, having pictures on clothing.

00:52:58 --> 00:52:58

Clothing itself.

00:53:00 --> 00:53:18

Okay. Two questions from previous chapter number one is that what about the issue because we talked about clothing? What about the we sell the narrations where he talks about the commies of the profits a lot. He said, I'm falling to mid Shin level

00:53:19 --> 00:54:02

above basically his ankles. And then of course, we have the Hadith of the Prophet Alayhi Salaam, which talks about the severity or the seriousness of men having clothing below their ankles. So what's exactly the ruling on that? That is something the prophets a lot of them have one general narration, he generally reprimands or, you know, advises against, however, and then in another narration. So again, this goes back to that issue that I talked about in this the study or the science of interpreting ahaadeeth is that it's very important to combine and reconcile all the different variations on the topic. So that's where we come across the authentic narration of Abu

00:54:02 --> 00:54:06

Bakar radi Allahu taala anhu that Abu Bakr radi Allahu taala and who had his

00:54:07 --> 00:54:23

pants or ease out the rap that he would wear below his ankles, it was kind of low. And Boubacar de la Catalano asks the prophets a lot. He said, um, what about this on messenger of Allah? And the prophets? A lot of them actually tells him he goes No,

00:54:24 --> 00:55:00

because you do not do it out of arrogance, meaning why Allah, you do not do it out of boasting and arrogance. All right, so this is an issue. We were going through this with the column students, this is an issue of International Affairs, this is referred to as the extraction of the ALA ala to hokum what is the basis of the ruling a lottery hokum? All right, what is the basis of the ruling? There are multiple ways to extract the basis of a ruling electoral hokum and the easiest and the first and the most

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obvious way to arrive or to extract the basis of the ruling is when a lot or the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam actually stayed the basis of the ruling themselves. And that's what the prophet system does here that he himself explicitly states, the basis of the ruling is arrogance, pride, boastfulness, right that if that is the factor that is contributing to it, it is done as an elaborate display of luxury, or an elaborate display of glamour or something of that nature to show off, right, so that becomes your love the hokum, so, basically, the prophets, a lot of them turned it into more of not a standardized ruling, but more of an individual call. And most issues most

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issues pertaining to personal conduct, such as clothing and things like that are usually in the realm of an individual personal call, that this is something each person has to kind of consider themselves and as to kind of police themselves, you know, not things that are necessarily policed at a state level, or governed, that these are more individual responsibilities are given. And then the other question that he's asking about is, what about the issue of there being pictures or faces or things like that on one's clothing?

00:56:20 --> 00:56:59

There are so in and of itself as a form of clothing. It is permissible, it's not prohibited, because there were some Sahaba, who sometimes would have certain drawings and things like that, and they would have a sheet or garments that had certain drawings on it. He didn't prohibit them from wearing itself. The prohibition was more so in the fact of praying with things like this, while having things like that on. That was more of what the prophets a lot of some reprimanded was praying with something like this hanging in front of you, or it being on your person, or it being the prayer rug that you put down. The prohibition was more in that area. And the reason for it, some people also

00:56:59 --> 00:57:37

then further delve into it, saying that, well, that was because a lot of times people would engage in shitcan. This was like a shake, like practice that they would pray worship, with the picture of the idol on them, or a picture of the idol in front of them, or something like that, that obviously a Muslim would not be doing that. So then the ruling wouldn't apply. It's not only just simply that, it is also so that somebody else could never misunderstand that the observer somebody watching a Muslim pray, could never understand that this is somehow a part of our ritual. When they see us praying, they understand that the sujood is something that sticks out. This is an obvious part of

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their prayer, that seeing us they don't get the idea. They don't get the impression that's having a picture or something like that would somehow be involved within our prayer. So that's why generally speaking, it's for the purpose of sola sola is only five times a day, there are only a few records, it's better not to negotiate so much with the rules of prayer itself. So abstain from having something like that on while praying, but generally as a form of clothing, it is not

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00:58:21 --> 00:58:26

Sisters question obviously, is it okay to use leather products that are sold normally in stores here?

00:58:28 --> 00:59:09

It really just depends, based off of the opinion and the opinion of Abu hanifa Allahu taala. The issue where he says tanning of, you know, the processing of the skin of an animal does make it permissible even if it was not slaughtered properly. The the processing itself makes it permissible, does have quite a bit of evidence to it from the companions from the Sahaba as well. And it also practically just makes the most sense, especially for Muslims in different places, particularly as minorities. The only problem that What does come up and it's a very serious issue, it's not a nitpicking issue. We have very, very few restrictions, prohibitions. And a slew this one thing I

00:59:09 --> 00:59:29

forgot to mention a Sofia, the Lashkar e Baha, the general rule for things like clothing and hair and type of shoes or socks and the bait, the general ruling, the default ruling is permissibility. Most things are permissible, very few restrictions, but we should take those restrictions seriously.

00:59:30 --> 00:59:44

And one of those restrictions is that the frenzied a pig is something that is natural and it is in an in it's something that is just completely impermissible and taking benefit from it.

00:59:45 --> 00:59:59

In its form in any it's something that comes from it in any way, shape or form is not permissible. So therefore, if there are leather products that are made from pigskin

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

Then they will not be permissible.

01:00:07 --> 01:00:10

Yeah, actually, so

01:00:13 --> 01:00:19

actually, you're gonna make me expose my overindulgence into the topic. So I researched the topic.

01:00:21 --> 01:00:24

And actually they don't make footballs from pigskin anymore. Took me

01:00:26 --> 01:00:29

a good Alright, we're calling it a night at that's

01:00:31 --> 01:00:38

ending on a good note and shala and so if there are any other questions of course I'll continue to take them throughout the rest of the week in China. salaam aleikum afternoon.

Chapters 9 and 10


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