Haitham al-Haddad – Kindness to Parents after Death – Quran Reflections

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of not stopping sadaqa and the use of saddening marks to kill. They also discuss the benefits of giving saddling marks to family members and the importance of letting people experience the joy of saddling loved ones. The segment emphasizes the importance of letting people experience the joy of saddling loved ones and making them the best versions of themselves.
AI: Transcript ©
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And Subhan Allah, my dear brothers and sisters, part of believed to be kind to your parents is to continue the sadaqa that they used to give.

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And that's why I advise you brothers and sisters, don't stop sadaqa that your parents used to give. And that's why they said, if your parents bequest, any amount of money to be given as a sadaqa, the first thing is to give that after paying the debts, after paying their debts, and preparing, preparing their funeral is immediately to give their sadhaka because, and I had this case Wallahi I don't know whether I mentioned to you or not very few weeks ago, children with their mother came and they said that their father passed away just a month or two months ago. And he written in his will, that he has to give a certain amount of money or a certain percentage of his wealth as asada

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and they were trying to find a way not to give that sadaqa

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and I told them that come on your father, he spent all of his time working day or night, etc, etc. And he has built that house and he has collected that money in order for you in order to benefit you and now you don't want to benefit him in his grave. And now imagine him suffering in his grave and you don't want to help him in his grave.

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And they found the close that

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that means that this is not obligated if you find it difficult. So they say that we will pay it but not immediately.

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I said to them immediately, okay, is better. But technically speaking I agree with you that the phrase and the will does not oblige you to pay the sidecar immediately on on behalf of your father. However, imagine him in the grave, and he will be desperate for every single Hasina.

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Every single has an A so then the minute you give any hashanah for him, he will be very grateful for that. And we know that the sadaqa intercedes for the person and he stops the fire of from eating the person in what in the grave, and the other sadaqa extinguishes the anger of Allah Allah Allah Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah and once said that the Marisol came, and they were competing and sadaqa one or overtook them all, a sidecar. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to encourage people to give a sadaqa and we all know when Allah Allah Allah says Yeah, are you Lulu to? Allah? Comala Allah commanded Allah wa my FL daddy Kapha hola como hacer

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your own? What? What I'm feeling oh, man Mera Kaam Ming Wu and Yachty I had a cool note. Fair. Hola, Rob. Biloela. Attorney Illa. Jalen, Caribbean? What? Faster Dhaka? When the time of death comes to the person, he will say yeah, Allah give me a chance. Just give me a chance to what he mentioned. What did he mentioned, to give me a chance to what to go and pray to go do hedge to go and do this and that? No, for us sadaqa Subhan Allah for a sadaqa and that's why the sidecar the sidecar has its role in stopping the punishment, in particular the punishment of the grave. And that's why the person should not stop himself from giving the sadaqa we mentioned to you the story of Herbalife

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when he used to give sadaqa every day, and one time, they noticed that he had an onion with him. So his friend told him what is this? He said

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I was about to give this as a sadhaka. He said an onion to give it to us I said up to this point, the smell of your clothes. He said I was searching for Asada in my house and I did not find anything except that on to give it as a sadhaka. So I took it and I said maybe a poor person would benefit from it. I will not stop giving sadaqa on a daily basis after I heard

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narrating that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that the person will be under the shade of his sadaqa the Day of Resurrection.

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So, the sadaqa in particular, of course, we can speak a lot about the sadaqa my day

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have brothers and sisters. But in particular, if you want to be righteous and kind to your parents, they try to give sadaqa all the scholars agreed, as you know that the scholars differ on whether the sadaqa reaches your, the deceased, or your parents who passed away. So the scholars differ whether the deeds in general will reach the deceased,

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the parents who passed away, but they said that the sadhaka of the children is excluded, and it will definitely reach the parents in their graves.

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So that's why, if your parents, yes, my dear brothers and sisters, never never ever think of this when your parents dedicate an amount of sadaqa to be given after they die. Or they put that in their will. Yeah, never think of delaying that. And as many scholars said, that,

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when they know that the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the man came to the Prophet sallahu wa salam, and he said, My parents passed away, what is how can I be kind to them, what is left from the burden to them? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned the sadaqa discolored said among the best bill to give to your parents after they pass away, is to have solder Giardia for them. So the kajaria are continuous sadaqa. And even some scholars said that this sadaqa jariya, if you intended for your parents, what will happen, you will benefit from it and your parents will benefit from it. And among the grave things that a person can do is to stop a saddle

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that his parents used to give.

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Among the grave things. They mentioned the stories about the children who stopped outside of Canada, their father used to give and they in the Arab culture.

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There was a very famous story that happened I think, in Kuwait, a few people.

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There was two neighbors, and one person gave one good big camel,

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female camel to his neighbor, and he was milking it and he was benefiting from it. And

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this neighbor, this neighbor who gave the sidecar one time he went for grazing and he got lost, he got lost. And then he went into a well. And he disappeared there. His children thought that he died. So after he died, they thought, well, they waited for him for some time. And then they thought that he died. When they thought that he died, they started to take his to make use of his assets that he has left. And they went to their neighbor, and they said, Our father gave you this camel. Yeah, he did not give it to you. He just gave it to you as alone. And they took it from him.

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They mentioned that this study has been mentioned by many scholars. And it seems that Allah Allah is an authentic Historie. They mentioned that their father, when he went into that whole big hole, he used to receive some milk. And he survived on that milk for months.

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And all of a sudden, when they took that camel from the neighbor, the milk is stopped coming to him.

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And by the grace of Allah, Allah, Allah, someone helped him and he came out. When he came out, he went to his children. And he said to them, he narrated this story. And he told them, Have you done something after I went? They said, What like what he said to me, you must have done something wrong. What did you do? And then they confessed that they have taken the camel that he has given to the neighbor. They said, Because of this, the milk is stopped from coming to me when I was in that hole. So imagine if your father, not in a hole, but in the grave, and you will meet him after he wakes up from the grave and we will meet our fathers, we will meet our ancestors and when they will, what are

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they going to tell us about the sadaqa that they have given?

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So that's why we should be very, very careful. Not only that we

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have to fulfill what they have written in their will. But we should be kind to them by giving sadaqa on their behalf. And that's why I advise you, my dear brothers and sisters, whenever you give sadaqa imagine quickly your parents, whether they are alive or dead, and give sadaqa on their behalf. Include them in your intention. Include them in your intention, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah is Rich, and Allah Jalla wa Allah will not

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Allah, Allah Allah, He will give the ideal for the sadaqa 700 times while your bar if and he might increase more than that. So by giving you agile, and giving them agile, this by giving them agile, at least will not diminish your idea. So don't worry about the idea that I need to give it on my behalf only. Now imagine your parents imagine even your close friends who passed away imagine others and include them in your intention when you give sadaqa

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anyway, we spend time on speaking about this topic, but it is a quite important topic and this is the one of the main benefits that we take from this story. We are not mentioning the stories of the Quran in order to say oh Subhanallah how eloquent that is peaches or the story is really fantastic. Or that's all or we just enjoy the story. No, the real enjoyment is to put the Quran into practice guitar when and then now they can move out I couldn't hear the bottle it what do you tell the camera? Oil Bob? The people who think can reflect upon the Quran. And the Quran can give them more ever, not just listen to

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Allah, Allah, Allah to Allah and they listen to all of these things and they do not reflect and nothing happens to them.

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of Allah to the Brunel Quran, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah mentioned in the Quran, no answer no huddle, illegible, the writer who harsh and Mutasa minha Shatila within Calum 13 available holiness, the, the mountain will crumble

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once the Quran is recited on the mountain, and that's why the whole point of the tafsir is to reflect upon the ayat of the Quran and try to put those out into into practice in our life from all angles. And then we reflect on or we reflect the hadith of ha ha Allah Allah Allah. When she mentioned about the prophets Allah Allah they send them Kana who to follow Quran. His character was the Quran sallallahu alayhi wa sallam anyway to conclude the story in our own on camera, but Ana was humbled in the Aqsa Malaya serie monogamous behavior.

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They took

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