Haifaa Younis – Jannah Gems #42 – Understanding Human Thought

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of understanding one's thoughts and their sources in order to determine one's actions. They stress the need to be aware of one's thoughts and their sources in order to determine one's actions. The conversation also touches on the concept of "hammed desire" and how it can lead to behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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human thought this is a meme, a suit is credited with giving us this, you know, breakdown of understanding our mind, just look at this moral law, that our scholars centuries ago, were able to understand the way that our thoughts, you know, come and to give us a terms to be able to identify and distinguish certain thoughts from other thoughts just such beautiful I mean, really, we should feel incredibly indebted and just constantly grateful for the blessing of Islam. And and if we don't feel that as parents or as educators, how do we expect our youth to, to get that, especially with the messages that they're getting? But, you know, again, look at our scholars and what they've

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contributed, this is all part of our incredible faith. So what are what are how do we understand human thought, right, and how just so this is a whim, or a sudden fleeting thought that comes and goes quickly, we all have wins, we all have thoughts, that fleet, they they come in, and they go, they're not really permanent, they don't have permanence, we don't hold them for very long. Just a passing thought maybe you see something and it reminds you of something, it's a trigger, whatever the case is, so these are how to start understanding your stream of consciousness, right? A little bit more a little bit better, as to understanding through this framework, a hot that a notion or a

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thought that enters and is contemplated or considered these thoughts that we contemplate, there are sources that could be, you know, inspirations that are positive and good, and inspirations that are evil. And so knowing how to discern those, how do you been nervous, this is now a conversation, right? That you're having within yourself, because we have an inner dialogue. And so knowing that, that inner dialogue, what is the source of it, you know, and if you are not aware of your nerves, then you're having a conversation and internal dialogue with a source that's compels you to evil. And you should be very aware of that, because sometimes your sound very convincing, right? It's your

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own mind. It's your own thoughts. And if you're not aware, like wait a second, that's actually going to harm me, that's not a good thing. I shouldn't listen to my neffs in this case, right? I should challenge my nerves. If you don't know how to do that, then you're susceptible to making very big mistakes, egregious mistakes, and then I'll hum autism right an inclination or motivation so him, we may have heard this term right to have to be motivated, right to have ambition. So you may have that and then if you know how to follow it through or you or you have this resolute desire to follow it through. That's an awesome

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