Health Truth In The Medical Industry

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The rise in medical errors in the United States, which kill over 250,000 Americans every year, is a major issue. Health benefits of nutrition are crucial to healthy health, and protecting one's health and mental health is crucial to achieving goals. The medical paradigm focuses on prescription drugs and is drug-oriented, and the importance of learning to manage one's health is emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need for proper care and attention to one's health, and the importance of finding a doctor who focuses on promoting health and building one's health through n Waiting.
AI: Transcript ©
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A story that affects every American would you a friend or a loved one goes to the doctor? Do you know how good your doctor is? These stories seems to come right out of a medical TV drama. Doctors operate on the wrong body part, or the wrong patient gets the wrong medicine. But these errors are becoming a scary reality in America. The medical journal BMJ says medical error kills more than 250,000 Americans every year, medical error is now Third, the third leading cause of deaths in the United States. So the medical errors in hospitals and other health care facilities are incredibly common, and may now be the third leading cause of death in the United States.

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Welcome back to The deme Show. We got a double treat for you guys. Jim Marlowe ship, Mustafa. Now if you guys don't know if you haven't already sick and tired of being sick and tired, we had you talking about your history for those that don't know Dr. mercola. You are his you were the chief nutrition trician is colas optimal Wellness Center from 2000 to 2007. Helping people for optimal health and because of because of the popularity of this website. During that period, we were probably the busiest nutrition based health center in the country, certainly one of the busiest and had a lot of experience helping people to improve their health through nutrition. Now you're one of

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the movers and shakers in the community. People come to you they say look Should we

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do this with our families? Should we What's with the C section? Many health issues I'm having

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named some of the things that people their concerns and they come to you for advice and you got to give them advice. Yeah, people want to know I mean, people Muslims asked me all the time in the community and even general people what's going on with the birding industry? You know, should we consider alternative forms of you know, home birthing, our C sections becoming you know, just routine is something that we need? What do we do with vaccinations, the vaccination schedule seems very long, we're not really encouraged by our medical practitioners to eat nutrition there's really not that much focus on on health just kind of just go to the doctor, should we take all these pills?

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Should we do medical marijuana we get all these sorts of questions. I think this is extremely important. I want I mean, personally, all the all the other movers and shakers in the community, what are some some some women that are out there that you're very close friends? Well, you guys have the

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conference that comes together? Yeah. And you guys decide these things? Is it so many of the MasterCard these the almost dilemma was what are some names that are out there? Yeah, there's Imam Suraj Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Shea yasir Qadhi mumsie chocker they get the same types of questions already. I'm sure they get they definitely get the same types of questions. We got the fit Council of North America, we got Anja, we got different scholars, councils, and people are going to them as like a source for kind of getting getting some more information on these issues. And they want to know what is Islam say about this? Right? Where do you? What kind of guidance does Islam give you?

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And what should Muslims be doing as good Muslims? And we know that we're you guys are specializing also in protecting humanity and helping humanity and you know, delivering the message of the purpose of life protecting people from the spiritual toxins that are out there. But nowadays, Jim can testify there are so many health toxins 50% of people living today will have cancer, one in three will die from it. Almost 70% of people are obese, overweight, skyrocketing

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rates of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, so this is something that definitely I usually mentioned that a all that wonderful work you're doing, it's going to get shut down if your health gets shut down. And do we have it wrong here? Because a lot of times we'll say okay, go see the, the, you know, the expert on the guy in the white coat. See, he knows best? What we're seeing some things that sometimes, you know, there's a conflict here some things that, that he had mentioned, that people aren't taking the matter of nutrition seriously from their regular doctors, some are saying, okay, you know, they don't don't they have a lack of education in this field. What are your thoughts

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nutrition always matters. And some people are more sensitive to the nutrition than other people. But what you're eating and drinking every day is going to affect the structure and functioning of your body sooner or later. And the better you get your nutrition, the more you eat. What Eddie knows I like to keep it simple. The more people eat, high quality real food, and

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the more faithful they avoid all the fake foods that dominate and our junk food fast food, convenience, food, American culture, the easier they make it for their bodies to be healthier and my intention for for my own health.

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For many years has been to honor my body to honor the the miracle of my life the wondrous, amazing miracle of life with the best quality food that God and nature have to offer. I, I was on the other side of health for the first 20 years of my life, I was chronically ill, I taught to discuss that. And the first time I was on the deen show, and but at the age of 20, I woke up to wanting to take responsibility for my own health. And the only way I knew how to begin to do that was to educate myself. And

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I began to educate myself about nutrition. And I

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applied what I was what I was learning, and after just a week, just one week of some

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significant improvements. As far as subtracting fake food, and eating more real food, I felt better. And I felt significantly better.

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I was able to think more clearly.

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Before I improved my nutrition,

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I didn't like to read, because I would read something. And I would moment after I read it, I forget what I just read. And I'd have to reread over and over again. And I kind of learned to live in a constant state of brain fog, I didn't see it as brain fog, until the fog started to lift as I improved my my nutrition and and then eventually over the years, I came to learn that the brain, the brain,

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is the most nutrient sensitive organ of the human body. And to this day, when I'm giving people nutrition and health building guidance,

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I would say at least four out of five people I work with will admit to experiencing brain fog, lack of clarity, poor memory, even people in their 20s and 30s. This is not older people, this is people of all ages, four to five people I work with will admit to having brain fog to some extent. And like my experience, the very first health benefit I realized from improved nutrition was the brain fog started to lift and I could think more clearly. And that's what I hear from almost everybody that I work with to this day who had some noticeable brain fog. And as they improve their nutrition, even though they may be there, their main goal was to have

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more energy and to support healing from some injury or some other condition they have. Or maybe they wanted have nicer skin or maybe they just wanted to get rid of chronic aches and pains have better digestion and elimination. It's amazing to me, and very enjoyable to hear that almost everybody that I work with experiences a lifting of the brain fog to a very significant extent, sometimes dramatically within a week or two of following the nutrition plan. Now, how much do you guys discuss this at your at your annual meetings for companies? Do you guys sit in? Do you have a portion dedicated to good health? Because we know, you know, according to this Dean that one of the

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blessings we take for granted is our health. Yeah, you guys talk a lot of our health. Yeah, I mean, no, we don't actually I don't know, we don't. We don't it's not a topic that comes up very much. It comes up very seldom. And you know, there is a principle there's a statement of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, where he said, you know, loud louder or louder. Ah, this principle comes up a lot, which basically means that there is no causing of harm, and there should be no receiving of harm, to try to avert harm, doing harm and from receiving harm as much as possible. So we kind of use this principle in trying to decide certain cases and issues that are presented to us. But what

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we generally what generally ends up happening is, every time there's a medical issue, we kind of look at it from the Islamic interpretive side on the text. And then we say, you know what, whatever medical research is presented to us, or we need to go up, you know, call up a local Muslim doctor or something like that and say, Hey, guy went to medical school, whatever he says, We're gonna take that information that we have, and we're gonna build our fatwa, we're going to build our verdict or, you know, our ruling or what, what Islam says about it, based upon the information that we're getting. And the problem is sometimes I mean, I've started to realize now that sometimes the

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information that we're presented with is just wrong. It's It's It's either very poor, shoddy research, or it was just something that was believed by, you know, the medical industry for a very long time. And it turned out that it was not accurate. And we built in an Islamic ruling upon that, and that's obviously very problematic. So we generally don't talk about it a lot. We try to just outsource it. Just say, you know what, just just go ask your local doctor, you know, like you were talking about, it's the guy in the lab coat, you know, so he's the guy who has all the answers. So that's that's pretty much what what's happening at the moment, right? I walked into a pediatricians

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office not too long ago.

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About a year ago, I walked in, and I observed the Rami, a waiting room full of kids. And to my left kids eating potato chips to my right, the kids eat drinking a coke, straight ahead, the other kids eating some cookies and other fake food, which you're bringing your kid there for an ailment for because he's having a health issue, but right in front of you, you're not addressing addressing the main issue.

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What do you think, Jim? I think that's that's, that's a prime example of

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one of the things that's wrong with modern medicine is that they don't give any real attention to nutritions influence on the body and they learned in medical school? Not at all, because that's not part of the business model. And this is one of the things we were talking about earlier,

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that there's a fundamental question that that really needs to be asked to help people have more understanding about why things are the way they are. And

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the question is to ask, Why are things the way they are? Why is modern medicine practice the way it's practice with such a heavy emphasis on pharmaceutical drugs, and surgical procedures, and, and, and other practices that people can't do for themselves. And it's all about what the doctor does for you what the doctor does to you. But they really don't give any, any attention to empowering people to help you better know how to take care of yourself. Now, there are some exceptions. There are what I call some real doctors, some real doctors who do that. Some real doctors who actually do teach patients, how to improve their health by improving the nutrition and the and other aspects of self

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care. But that's not what dominates, unfortunately, what dominates our medical doctors who no matter what your problem is, no matter what's going on, here's the solution. It's a prescription, or it's a series of prescription drugs. And there's a place for that, but there's no drug that was ever developed, that addresses the cause of any health problem, not even antibiotics. You know, some people might say, well, antibiotics address the cause of problem because they directly kill germs that can cause infection. But wait a second human beings have an immune system, your immune system is supposed to be the main the main protection against any type of infection. So when someone gets

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an infection, consider that their immune system was too weak to do what it needed to do, the immune system got compromised somehow. And antibiotics can certainly kill germs and and

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and clear up a an infection in the short run. But antibiotics also they have they have some pretty serious other effects. They can damage your intestinal ecology kill off friendly bacteria in your in your intestines and set you up for all kinds of intestinal problems everything from from a condition known as candidiasis, which is intestinal yeast and then fungus overgrowth, which causes problems with digestive distress. And

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in antibiotics also, they they not only They not only have this adverse effect and killing the the probiotic friendly bacteria that everybody needs for healthy digestive and intestinal health, they also can weaken your own immune system response. You know, in my years at Dr. mikolas Clinic, we had so many patients come there who had his their history in their history, recurrent infections, respiratory bladder, sinus infections riepe constantly treated with antibiotics. And this would go on for years with some people, you know, the antibiotics were not addressing the cause of their problems because it was only they take the antibiotics and clear up the infection and then you know,

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month later Two months later, they get another infection treated with more antibiotics. Consider that this is not medical science. This is a business model.

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Let's hold off we're gonna take a break. Very exciting show much to learn. We need the movers and shakers out there. We got one of them so we can get enlightened and get informed. make the right decisions, the right choices with right click More here to the show. And don't forget, subscribe right now.

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Back here on the dean show with Chief nutritionist. Jim Marlowe is going on 40 years What's going on? 40 years you've been so are we saying as soon as not quite yet. You're starting I started studying nutrition, the age of 20 in 1977. So next year will be my 40th year of studying nutrition and the other fundamental

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have health and I'm going to continue to study it for as long as I'm around because there's no end to learning is, no matter how much you know, or how much you think, you know, there's no end to learning and I hope to continue to learn and grow for as long as I'm around you, God willing, we can all do that grow. That's the part. There was a great statement talking about, you know, intelligent person, one part of learning is is is relearning. Sometimes you learn some things, and you have to get that out of your system and relearn the right information. All of us sometimes we are susceptible today. What do you think about he was saying, we know there's a great misuse of

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antibiotics today, you know, there's benefit in it. But there's a great misuse every time you go, I know myself, I get sick time and time, but then there's time what the consequences over misuse. And some of these other things he was saying, What do you think? Yeah, I mean, initially, it's starting to make sense, right? I've been looking into this as well. But you know, when I first started to hear this, in the beginning, the average person thinks hold on this, something doesn't seem right about how can we how can the entire industry that we have so much trust in you know, we have so much faith in we we know, so many doctors, and they seem like good people, they seem like intelligent

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people, they seem like people who know what they're doing, they did good in school, in order to get into the medical school, they paid all this money or, you know, got some loans, you know, to do all of this, their goal was to do to do good. So how can this be like some, some giant conspiracy that's taking place? You know, that's, that's the initial initial reaction that that takes place until you start reading more, and you start, you know, listening, so wait a minute, this, this, this, this person may be onto something, and other people may be onto something, you know. So that's, I want I want to, you know, just, I want to put the questions out there, that a lot of people are going to be

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asking themselves, like, you know, what, you know, you're telling me that these antibiotics and everything that people are prescribing, this has been going on for decades now, so many people involved in some kind of giant conspiracy? You know, I think that's an important question to ask. And we should get like a response to that. Are you some kind of conspiracy theorist.

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Now, just the truth seeker and a truth teller?

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As I was saying before, a very important question to ask is, why are things the way they are, and when you you go down that path, and you go down, all the way to find the origins of modern medicine, you find that the the interests that actually had the biggest influence on modern medicine and why it's so drug oriented, the interests these are very powerful, very wealthy interests over 100 years ago, that saw unfortunately, it's, it's it's kind of, it's hard for, for people to believe this.

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If you have, if you have a conscience, you have you have, you have

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passion, or at the very least respect for truth and, and not lying and not harming other people. It's hard for people to understand that there were very wealthy, very powerful interests at the beginning of the 20th century, who use their their their wealth, their power and their influence, to basically shape a medical system that would serve their business interests even more, but they saw disease and illnesses and even more so the fear of disease and illness as a marketplace to be exploited there. This is all documented. Oh, yes. Research it. Yes. Yes. I would suggest that for any anybody viewing this episode of the deen show, that you go to YouTube. And there are give you

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give people a number of presentations, to check out.

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A really good starting point is a is a presentation by G. Edward Griffin, who's an investigative journalist, a truth seeker. And through truth teller, he wrote a book in the 1970s called World Without cancer. And he's written many books over the years, and other subjects too. But he's got a wonderful presentation from 2005. on YouTube. It's called the science and politics of cancer. And he gets into within his presentation, the origins of modern medicine and the people that had the the biggest influence on on

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the way medicine is practiced to this day. Most people don't ask this question, why are things where they are most doctors don't ask this question. I have a sister who's a medical doctor, and she went to medical school with good intentions. But she doesn't she didn't know who was the dominant influence on the medical school curriculum when she went there. But she went through four years of medical school without one minute

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of nutrition. It wasn't it wasn't part of her curriculum. How could you go through medical school without having one class or even one minute, giving attention to what people put into their bodies every day? You know, of course what we put into our bodies every day is going to affect the way we feel

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I mean, the average person would assume that this is naturally part of the medical school curriculum. And how can your doctor not know about nutrition? It's the assumption that they know everything about the human body, and they know how to take care of it. That's the propaganda that we get, you know, be put before you before you change your diet, check with your doctor, before you take a vitamin supplement, check with your doctor, before you start an exercise program check with your doctor is if they know about this, they don't learn about the food.

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Well, I I think it was so appropriate that a pyramid was used to convey the government dietary guidelines Because ultimately, what is a pyramid? Well, one of the functions of a pyramid, it's an Egyptian tomb. Right?

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What an appropriate structure to use for conveying dietary guidelines from the government. But what what I mean, but people would say okay, but these are the the the biggest organizations, FDA, CDC, these World Health Organizations that the doctors go back to, there's a consensus on the amount of sugar intake cholesterol, and for a long time, I don't know if it's changed now. But we were thrown off the yoke, or the Oh, and we eat just the egg whites. So they were onto something where they but is that changing now? Or is it still those recommendations are they Well,

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there is no one specific nutritional practice that is going to be right for everybody. For many people, the best part of the egg is the yolk. For other people, they do better with just the white. And I think for most people, they do better just eating the whole egg. Just to address what you brought up, Eddie. But I think

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we need to, we need to be persistent in addressing the origins of modern medicine, who really shaped

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the way modern medicine is to this day. And when you when you when you go down that path, you find out that one of the most powerful interests was not a doctor was not a was not a scientist was not a researcher, but

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the wealthiest man in the world at that time.

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The person who was considered the first billionaire in the world, john D. Rockefeller, he was the man he and his people, they set about taking over the medical school curriculum, and ultimately using the met the conventional medical establishment to serve their business interest. We're gonna go ahead and take a break, more to talk about we're talking about the history and this is very important, we can get more into it, we come back here to the show, don't go anywhere. And don't forget, subscribe right now.

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Back here on the D show, let me get you in on this. We were We were we left off with some of the history Well, did you know a lot about about this have, you know, I mean, I, I kind of had some suspicions that, you know, what, there's obviously an economic aspect involved in kind of the medical industry, it's a very big industry, you make a lot of money, you know, keeping people kind of, you know, giving them pills and getting them surgeries and all that stuff, there's a good aspect to you know, helping people but obviously, there's, there's, there's economic aspects to it. And also, you know, there's, there's conflict of interest sometimes because, you know, the goal of a

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medical professional goal of a doctor is supposed to be to, to help the patients to get wellness to get healthy, you know, to get out of the issues that they have, and to maintain a good healthy body and you know, you're able to function, but there is that conflict between you know, what, your surgeon, you know, I want to upgrade my Mercedes, you know, I want I want the latest model, if I don't give this guy surgery, I'm gonna be making you know, 10,000 20,000 less just to add a little extra surgery in there, you know, I can make an extra 20 K, or 10 K, whatever it is, little tiny thing, you know, someone's going to birth, maybe the baby would have come on naturally, to just go

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straight to C section, just so you know, we recommend you just go straight to C section. And the person's like, Well, you know, the guy in the white lab coat said that, so we should go ahead and do it. You can make some extra money, and that's just part of human nature. So I think that the medical industry or even the medical experts, they're not, they're not exempt from these type of, you know, human frailties, human weaknesses, and that's concerning. That's very concerning. So we can say we shouldn't be naive, we shouldn't be nice. And we need to question we absolutely have to question and that's, that's something that we're taught as Muslims. We were taught in Islam that you know, what

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should always be searching for the truth in everything, you know? So God created us with the mind for a reason, right? And we're supposed to try and find the truth wherever that truth lies. Yeah. You'd be willing and open to listen and to kind of hear what's going on and kind of, especially when you when you when a mistake has been made in the past, you know, the prophet peace be upon him. He actually said that a believer is not bitten from the same hole twice. So once you find that

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doubt that you know what if there's a misdiagnosis or your doctor did something that wasn't needed to be done, or you learn in the past that you know what some medical information that was mainstream, it was taught this is absolute fact. And then it's completely overturned. 10 years later, 20 years later, and like, I can't believe they everyone bought into that idea that that's crazy. They, they, they thought that this was correct. You have to be a little bit more skeptical so that you're not bitten from that same hole twice. You got to learn your lesson.

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Yeah, that makes sense. That's what we're taught to be true seekers. You're as you were talking about some more of the history Yeah, and and resources for people to learn for themselves. Besides the presentation on the science and politics of cancer by G. Edward Griffin. I also recommend that people check out a

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YouTube video presentation from an investigative journalist by the name of James Corbett, the core people, some people may be familiar with the Corbett Report, but he's got a wonderful, wonderfully researched, well researched presentation on Rockefeller medicine is what he calls it, it's about a 45 minute presentation on basically what I brought up a little while ago about the origins of modern medicine, who has the biggest influence on the medical school curriculum, who's the biggest influence on the way medicine is practiced to this day and, and I, I don't want to sound I don't want to I don't want people to think that entirely critical of the whole medical establishment. I

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think modern medicine is at their best in urgent care, emergency care, immediate care situations, trauma medicine, they can do some some wondrous things, and that's where they're at their best but, but that's a relatively small part of medical care in this country.

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The vast majority of medical care is is treating people with chronic health problems, chronic health problems, degenerative conditions, arthritis and diabetes, and you know, cancer and heart disease and neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease,

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conditions that ultimately manifest because too many of us have too many toxins and not enough nutrients. And it's just only a matter of time before the body begins to dysfunction and begins to break down where we dysfunction and where we break down. That's, that's determined by our individual strengths and weaknesses.

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And that's there's certainly a genetic influence there. But you know, exposure to toxins like mercury and arsenic might cause neurological degeneration in one person, immune system damage in another person, you know, and ultimately cancer or heart disease on another person. So there's a spectrum of possibilities, therefore, how ultimately the consequences of exposure to environmental toxins will affect someone's health, but other resources besides the G Edward Griffin presentation and James Corbett on Rockefeller medicine, john Rapoport, who is one of my heroes, he's a truth seeker and a truth teller. he's a he's an investigative journalist, especially in regard to medical

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issues. Jon rappoport. He has his own website called no more fake news, which I I read almost on a daily basis, but he's got his own presentations. If you Google john Rapoport and Rockefeller medicine and CDC fraud, FDA fraud, he's written about these issues a lot, and also a doctor by the name of Mateus Rath. He's a German Doctor Who has some wonderful presentations he was he was a one of the doctors that Ty Ballinger interviewed extensively in his series on the truth about cancer. And of course, I'm all for people watching the Tai Ballinger truth about cancer series, especially episode one in which he addresses exactly what I'm talking about is why are things the way they are?

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Why is his is his cancer treatment in America, as practiced by the conventional medical sales. Why is it's only really oriented toward the poisons euphemistically called chemotherapy and I refuse to just call it chemotherapy without practicing it with the poisons euphemistically known as chemotherapy goes, those drugs are poisons and and radiation,

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chemo and radiation with no attention to natural therapies, alternative proven therapies and there's a lot of information in the marketplace about that. There's a wonderful book by a researcher

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consumer patient advocates by the name of advocate by the name of Tanya harder peer she wrote a book number of years ago called outsmart your cancer, which covers natural therapies for helping people to overcome cancer.

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The conventional medical establishment gives no attention to But getting back to Dr. Mathias wrath his presentation on YouTube, if you just Google Dr. Mathias wrath

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eradicating Heart disease is that's that's his specialty.

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that that would be a very good starting point for people to actually take in information from from people that have actually learned the history of the origins of modern medicine. And so I think a lot of people who go to medical school with very good intentions and they want to help people, I think their their good intentions are to a very large extent, exploited, and, and even betrayed. And as far as what they're learning, I mean, they're the the conventional medical establishment is there's no doubt it's a very, it's a huge, very expensive infrastructure that has been built up, it's in place, and they need customers. No money is generated for for the the medical industrial

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complex until someone gets sick or injured. And because they don't they only give lip service to prevention and promoting health. But we really we don't have any real health care system in this country. You know, what it really is, if you think things through logically with the way things are set up what we what's called health care in this country, it's really disease treatment, or injury treatment, payment insurance is what is what health care insurance insurance really is it doesn't

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the premiums that people pay on an ongoing basis it, it does very little, if any, to any to anything to ensure their health, but it's disease and or injury treatment, payment insurance, you've been in a car accident, and you're you have developed some disease. And now it's all about who's going to pay the bill. How does that ensure your health? How is that good for your health, you know, the the most practical health insurance we could have is to give faithful attention to putting the best quality food, the best nourishing ourselves with the best quality food and drink that's available to us and getting the rest of our self care, right, because we're giving faithful attention to other

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fundamentals of health, our breath, the quality of our breath, the quality and quantity of water, we're drinking every day getting a good night's sleep, moving your body moving, activity exercises, of course, the fundamentals. These are some some basic things, the key how to 50% of people who talked about cancer will have cancer, one in three will die from it. So this is obviously something that these sessions with other scholars that I think is something that should be prioritized. What do you think from what he's saying? Yeah, I mean, this, these are very important questions that are being raised, and we get, you know, people want to know, okay, I got cancer, should I go for chemo?

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I'm kind of scared. I'm kind of scared. But you know, I'm a Muslim. What does what does God want me to do? I mean, does he want me I got the money? Should I go ahead and just do the chemo? Because I might be able to live longer? And how does that, you know, how does that tie into, you know, the decree of God, everyone's gonna die at a certain time anyways? Or should I go with something more natural? These are questions that we do need to start discussing. And we were usually just getting one side of the story. And that story, that side of the story is the medical professionals in these clinics. So hearing this is very important, I think, for all Muslim scholars to kind of weigh and

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say, wait a minute, maybe we need to rethink the advice that we generally give us it just Well, you know, this is beyond this outside of our realm. Just go ask your doctor. This has has played a major role as people as human beings. And there's a big difference between truth and propaganda. And my advice to people is to be very skeptical about any health information or any information you hear on disease treatment from the mainstream media, because the mainstream media is basically owned by by corporate america and these interests that are part of the medical industrial complex. I think the mainstream media, television and radio and newspapers, they all are used to convey the propaganda to

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the public promoting that, you know, America has the has the best medical care system in the world and that people should, should should go into the medical establishment for anything to do with health. But I recently shared with Edie something that was was never brought out in the mainstream media. But this is from this is from one of the most prestigious medical journals in the world. July 26 edition in the year 2000, of the Journal of the American Medical Center,

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Association, there was a comprehensive

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article written by Dr. Barbara starfield, who had all of the most prestigious medical establishment credentials and the the title of her article was his us health care, the best in the world. And within that article, she stated a number of facts such as every year as of 2000 as of July 26 2000, every year in the United States,

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at least 225,000 people are actually killed from medical treatment, and over 100,000 people are killed from taking FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs as prescribed. This is not people overdosing. These are not mistakes. This is people dying from taking FDA approved drugs as prescribed. Again, the citation is Dr. Barbara starfield, Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26 2000. The mainstream media never addressed this. In fact, Barbara starfield was interviewed by john Rapoport a number of years after she published this article. And he asked her, will you ever contacted by every any government agency that's in charge of, you know, protecting the public

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health, the FDA, the CDC, about your information, and the fact that almost a quarter million people as of 2000 are acknowledged, this is not this is not controversial, almost a quarter million people are actually being killed by medical care in this country? And she said, No.

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No one had any interest in looking into this, and what can we do to improve, improve medical care? So there's, there's less people being killed by FDA approved drugs. So when you when you learn about this, and the truth is there the information is there, but if it's not supportive of the the medical industry propaganda, you don't hear about it at all, or you only hear about it, you know, one time, and then there's no follow up investigation at all. But the truth is there and ultimately, we have to be very careful who we trust what we buy into. And is the is the medical industry is

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are they trustworthy? Is the FDA trustworthy? Is the is the CDC trustworthy? Or was Ralph Nader who ran for president A number of years ago was was was was he onto something when he said the real issue about what's going on in this country is that corporate America has taken over the government they've taken over government agencies and the government agencies, which were originally created to serve public interests, are serving corporate interests serving very powerful entrenched business interests, we're almost time your last.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:38

Some of the Yeah, I mean, you know, this, this is very alarming, you know, hearing more and more of this, the more I hear, it's I mean, Muslims are concerned about people dying, they're concerned about, you know, the children in Palestine, who are being killed the oppression in that area, in Syria, in Burma, in all different parts. But this is, this is just another thing. Now to add to the list. I mean, if people are dying, because of federally approved drugs that they're taking, or medical treatment that they're going, many people still have this perception that, you know, America is the best place in the world for health care, and therefore, hey, it's, it's better than India, or

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it's better than, you know, Nigeria or something like that. So this is the place where you'd want to be. But if we're harming people, and if there's some type of harm going on, or people aren't even being killed, we have a responsibility as Muslims, and we have a responsibility as Muslim leaders as well, to kind of look into this in whatever capacity we can, and start asking the questions becoming at least a little bit more skeptical, kind of open our minds and say, you know, what, someone does need to investigate this more. We do need more education on this. And, you know, we need to rethink this entire thing. You mentioned c section before I have a recommendation for for people who would

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like to be more educated about what goes on in regard to hospital births. There was a wonderful documentary that was done

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a number of years ago, called the business of being born. So you've seen that yes, I strongly recommend that to to all parents who are about to have a child. But one of the basic lessons of watching this this very well done documentary is that the more medical treatment people accept, the more than they need.

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It's like the way the way the medical industry is

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So like there's they're very good at perpetuating more business for them. So many people have been affected by this this this is a great example of the C section you want to have

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more kids, but now because you've had one or two now Yeah, once it once you get one c section, then you get what's called VBAC, you know, vaginal birth after c section, and it's very difficult to be able to have a normal natural birth after it happens once. There's a lot of you know, Muslim sisters in the community that are saying, you know, well, what should we do? And where do you draw the line? Where do you make the decision between Okay, I'm afraid for my child, I don't want my potential child, you know, it's kind of becoming out. I don't want it to be harmed. At the same time, it might be more harmed by going into this procedure. So it's skyrockets like over 50 60% suicide. So this is

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another greatest we're out of time, we only touched the surface. But that's another great example of maybe profits over people. Yeah. Any closing comments?

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For the audience? Yeah. be confused. I think, what do I abandoned medical care? What I mean, do I it's some people for hearing this for the first time. What advice do you give? Yeah, I think what I heard from from Jim made sense is that you know, what, it's not about abandoning medical care, it's kind of understanding where it functions very well. And where there's, there are some gray areas, and there's some question marks and we need to we need to kind of, you know, re analyze what our understanding of medical care is, like you said, emergency care and those type of things. Generally, I mean, if someone breaks their arm or something like that, you would still advise them, yeah, go to

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the doctor, don't don't, you know, start eating some more nutrition or, you know, don't stay at home and say, just going to heal itself, you know, just just it's okay. So there are aspects where it's pretty clear cut, right? There are, you know, some good research out there, there's, there's good care. But then there are other aspects where there is gray areas, history has told us that we've made several mistakes, and several U turns and all of that. So my advice to everyone is just to kind of, you know, before dismissing everything as a conspiracy theory, there may be a few people who are very extreme out there, but you know, people who are kind of knowledgeable, they have an

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understanding, they have researched people from within the system within the medical community, when they're asking the questions, we should be willing to listen, we should do a little bit more research, you know, people, like you said, we shouldn't always trust the mainstream media. We don't you know, more people have woken up, they're not always trusting the mainstream media for political issues, they realize the corruption in that field. So like, we're going to find alternative avenues, right? So So this could very well be something similar, where we need to find alternate alternate knowledge sources, where we can actually kind of get the real story of things. Jim, would you be

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willing if they had one of their meetings with some of the movers and shakers and they wanted to learn more on this topic, would you come and sit with somebody Of course, in this field, of course,

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I'm enthusiastic, and glad to share what I have to offer with anybody who's interested in, in in nutrition and health truth and and empowering themselves and other people to know how to better take care of themselves. You know, doctors do have they have have their their role and they have their place my my advice would be for people to seek out natural medicine doctors, doctors, it could be an MD or might be a do or a nature path but seek out doctors who actually focus more on promoting health than treating the symptoms of disease or illness, but there's a lot of noise. There's a lot of natural medicine doctors around not nearly as many as the the doctors who are little more than

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legalized drug pushers, especially in regard to chronic health problems. But there are there are some real doctors around and ultimately, the most important doctor to honor to respect and to support is the doctor within yourself. The innate intelligence that we all have our body knows how to be healthy, it wants to be healthy, it's always trying to be healthy. If we cut ourselves it heals but it doesn't heal magically we need to be be getting our nutrition and our self care at least right enough to support the the the healing potential that we all have inside of us. But we all do have a an inner doctor and that's the doctor that I think we should

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honor and respect and support most of all US system is powerful as a gift from God that he's given us, not just the immune system, but but our, the entire body the the it the whole body is one it's not it's it's it we function as a whole organism and the immune system is just one part of our biology. And

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when when you're when you're on a health building nutrition plan, you know, nutrition, good nutrition feeds every cell of your body, you know, when you take a drug, a drug may have one effect on one aspect of your biology to suppress a particular symptom that you know, improves a blood test or makes maybe reduces a simple

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them a little bit in the in the short run, but it's not good for your whole body. But you know, when you when you eat a truly nourishing meal, it's it you're feeding your brain cells, you're nourishing your, your, your heart, your liver, your kidneys, your lungs, your immune system, your endocrine system, all of you is getting nourished. And, you know, as I mentioned previously, that our approach at the optimal Wellness Center, Dr. mikolas Clinic, in the glory days of the optimal Wellness Center, was

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the, the approach that we had was really to teach people how to build their health through nutrition. And the best way to overcome what you could call the darkness of disease is to turn on the light of health, beautiful build health. Well, and with that, thank you guys so much for being with us. Thank you, Eddie. do this again sometime in the future. Thank you guys. Hope you benefited. We'll see you next time. Peace be with you, Sonic. And don't forget, subscribe right now.

In this episode of The Deen Show, Eddie speaks to Sheikh Mustafa Umar as well as Chief Nutritionist Jim Marlowe about issues that are relevant in today’s day and age around the medical industry.

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