Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures From The Quran – 11

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam's protection of its children and people, as well as its use of signs and symbols to signal its presence is discussed. They also highlight the importance of not rushing into the "the Day of Judgment" season and the need for people to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. The potential impact of the coronavirus on the US economy and the U.S. economy is also discussed, with a focus on the importance of being prepared for the worst-case scenario and not just to go through it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah commanded Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Ashraf al anbiya even more saline Nabina Muhammad Ali of Manas salatu wa Taala to sneem rubbish roughly sobre la acidity Emily, Melissa any of Coco Lee, my brothers and sisters in Islam a set Mr. Na ko moto moto la he will buy cattle.

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We are an hour away from finishing the 10th day of fasting. So one third of the month is already pretty much gone. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to continue to benefit from the rest of this month of Ramadan. As quickly as it came, it's going to leave some Hanalei remember,

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we were just in the car and my wife was counting the days of Ramadan that are left. And

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I was thinking, I remember a month ago, when someone told me there's 19 days left until Amazon begins. And now there's 19 days left until Ramadan finishes until the next month begins. So I was like, wow, a month already passed from that time. And here we are, you know,

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losing losing out honestly on this month of Ramadan it goes by so quickly. So we asked a lot to make it easy for us to maximize from every single minute of this month. I mean,

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we continue with sort of lard, which is the 13th surah of the Quran. We had

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sorry, tonight we're going to be reciting from verses number 19 of Sora to lard until the end of the surah. We will be reciting all of surah Ibrahim surah till hedger and the first 89 verses of Surah

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Surah Surah Ibrahim Surah Al hedger, as well as the first 89 verses of Surah tonnelle.

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We begin our test scene in sha Allah to Allah today with verse number 20 of sola to blood. So what are the variety yesterday we left off saying that it is the surah named after the thunder, Allah Subhana, which Allah created the lightning, he created the thunder. And we know that lightning itself when it's produced, the sound that comes from it is the thunder. And that is said to be the

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I think, I'm not sure if we, I realized the partition is not up. And it hasn't been up for the past couple of days, maybe.

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If you don't mind.

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I'll just continue and just

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put up the partition in case any of the sisters want to come out.

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They can do that in trauma.

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So just to recap, while the brothers are putting up this partition is the source of the thunder and Allah subhanho wa Taala. You know, says in in the verses that we took yesterday, believe that verse number 13, when you submit when you submit her locker to be handy, he will mela eager to increase it. Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that the thunder, the lightning, the angels, the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala generally speaking all of the creation of Allah subhana wa tada worship Allah and they praise Him. So all of the creation worships Allah subhana wa tada and praises him. And this is something that, you know, we sometimes take for granted, we think we're the only ones

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that have to worship a lot actually, maybe just put a bit more of a bend in there so doesn't. The last thing we want is to have the sisters come out and that partition falls off. Good luck. Hello, hello. So the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala praises a lot continuously and constantly. And so Hello, this is something really interesting that you know, my children developed because my wife always does. When they see an animal, they will recite some of the Quran to the animal and you realize that the animal tends to pay attention, the animal pays attention to the recitation of the Quran, and that's because they recognize it, just like Allah mentions in the Quran in surah telegin

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that they recognize the Quran and they became you know, wonderstruck where they were at all with with the verses of the Quran that Allah subhana wa Taala revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Similarly the creation all the creation of Allah subhana wa tada praises Allah or is busy in the Riba of us from how to what to add in various different ways. So for example, there are from the creation of a lot of those that disbelief, whether human being jinn or other creations However, when Allah Subhana was added, creates the animals, the insects, the trees, etc, they they are busy in the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala by simply doing what they were programmed to do, because I

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know we live in a day and age where everyone is in it, right. So they're programmed to do that. A seed that is given the command to, to grow this sprout from it, and then from that comes the trunk.

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Can the branches and the leaves etc. And then it absorbs the water from the ground and it sends it out through the through the branches to the leaves. All of that is the command of Allah and by doing so, they are busy in the worship of Allah subhana wa Tada. Why? Because they're fulfilling the command of Allah, the command of Allah upon those creations were to do as a law commended, just like for us is to do as Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded for us. He commanded for us to pray Our Salah, how we pray it, the method we pray, the method we fast etc, is all shown to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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In verse number 20, and 24 the qualities that we should have if we want paradise and Allah subhanho wa Taala goes through that here in verses 20 to 24 of soldato. Lockhart, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, alladhina your foreigner behind the law, while golden and meet those who fulfill the covenant of Allah and do not break the contract. In verse number 21 it says and those who join that which Allah has ordered to be joined and fear their Lord and are afraid of the evil of their account, so they do as Allah subhanho wa Taala in

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nothing encourages as Allah commands us to do when Latina YLC Luna Amar Allah will be those that Allah commanded for us to do something or for something to happen to take place that we're supposed to carry out. Those that do that are the people that are on the way on the road on the past two gentlemen, in verse number 22, Allah subhanho wa Taala says when Medina sabato, the tevar, a wedge here, Rob, be him, and those who are patient, seeking the countenance of their Lord, I one of the most important steps to get to Paradise is to have patience to be patient with the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and those who are patient seeking the countenance

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of their Lord, and established prayer, wakame, Asana, what, unfuckable, Mim rasa canal whom not only do they pray their prayers and establish their prayers, as in when it's time to pray, they pray, it's not like, Oh, we have to pray five times a day. But we pray three of our solid combined in the evening and two combined in the morning, because we just are not, you know, well versed in the timings of prayer, or we're too lazy to pray at the times that we need to pray. And so they establish their prayer, when it's time to pray, they pray, and I know Subhana Allah, you know, a lot of teenagers have this question. I didn't pray my Salah volha acid I missed and then it had been a

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shell, you know, is chilling with friends, can I pray for her in a month at a shot all together? Well, if you missed them, then yes, you have to, but you should not encourage yourself to do that. It shouldn't be that, you know, I'm just gonna go about my day, and do what I want to do pray fudger in the morning, and then not pray anything throughout the entire day until I shot and then every shot time I'll pray for how to answer most of it, and I shall know. But if someone did miss those prayers, then yes, they should pray those prayers and make up the prayers that they missed. So Allah Subhana Allah says what I call masala terroir, unfuckable. Mimara zakenna. Home, Ceylon, what Allah

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and they spend from what Allah Subhana Allah provided for them, and they spend secretly as well as publicly. Now why does Allah Subhana Allah say secretly and publicly?

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Why does he say secretly as well as publicly?

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We know that we're supposed to spend secretly, as in when we want to give a sadaqa we give it secretly, we don't want to show off in front of others. But why does Allah Subhana Allah say they spend from what he provided them with publicly?

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What's the purpose behind it?

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so that

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people know that they spent so they will praise the person who spent No,

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to motivate good. I know, that's what you meant, right? So they will see someone spent as simple examples of handler last night in the mustard and Milton.

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We started our fundraising of the 27th night last night. So we started to basically give people pledge forms and said, okay, you know, those that want, I asked for 10 people, 10 people to take home five pledge forms, and try to get friends, family members, relatives, whatever, to donate $1,000 each for the year, which is less than $100, right? every single month. And so

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what I did was I asked, okay, who's going to take these pledge forms home, I need 10 people, and we're standing there waiting, who's going to be the first one to raise their hands as soon as one person raised their hands 23456789 you know, everyone just starts to raise their hands. And so what's really interesting is this was done during the time of the Prophet sallallahu. I think he was telling them he would encourage this a habit on the long run home, who is going to be the first one that will donate that will you know, give what they have, what they own what they possess, for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and by doing so,

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Everyone else that is motivated and encouraged to give after seeing that someone else gave, we ask Allah subhana wa tada to give that person the same reward as well, because you initiated something, you started something that was not happening. No one was giving, no one was donating. No one was raising their hands. But when you did that people started to do so. So what's really important is when we want to donate and sadly, a lot of the time when we have these fundraisers, we start with the highest number and people are like, well, I can't give that amount anyways, like who's gonna give 20,000 I can't give 20,000 that's like, you know, for some people, that's half of the year the

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salaries have had a lot, right. So it's important for us to try to be the first whether the first one for the night or the first in that category, to raise our hands and and to contribute towards what is beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah. So Allah says, What unfuckable mimma Razak, now home and we didn't we didn't mention this, those that spend from what Allah gave them. Remember, a few nights ago we said that a lot does not like when we hoard our wealth when we keep it. He wants us to earn wealth and spend it earn and spend, earn and spend and the more we spend, the more Allah Subhana Allah returns our wealth to us either in actual wealth or in rewards that we will reap later

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on and the reward is there. Even if he gives us back in this life, the reward is still for us there in hereafter because Allah subhanho wa Taala loves to multiply our deeds.

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And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and prevent evil with good. So those are the people of paradise. They are not only the people that established prayer that are patient that give their you know, sadaqa they help etc. They are also those that prevent evil with good, those will have the good consequence of this home as in Allah subhanho wa Taala says, you can go home or go back down. And so the blessings of Jenna will be with those people and not only genda We also see that the rewards come to them in this life as well as in the hereafter. And so Allah subhana wa tada loves when we stopped evils and encourage Good. Now that's a challenge that we need to embark upon in our

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lives. I remember when I was a student in Medina, we had a teacher by the name she was saying. So Pamela

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scheck was saying, oh, shucks, shucks, him Solomon. Sorry, Chef Salman Al Hussein, the chef, Mashallah he was our professor for a subject known as hisbah. hesper is like analyzing yourself. And if we were to explain what it means, it's a little bit about all for now, he I didn't want to encourage good and forbid evil. That was the entire subject for an entire semester, that subject all we did was come to class, and learn about the different ayat, the different instances during the time of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, and the Sahaba, of the alohar, and home where, you know, they encourage good and forbade evil, they stopped evils, and the lessons that we can learn

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from it, how do we encourage good? What methods do we use? How do we behave? How do we speak? Do we approach someone who's doing something that's bad and smile at them? Or do we approach them with an angry look on our faces, all of the different you know, intricacies to do with it was what we learned throughout that that semester. But what this shift encouraged us to do. So Pamela was one of the first times as a student in Medina where we were actually given practical homework, we had to go out on the streets of Medina,

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between classes. So let's say we had the class every, you know, Saturday, because Saturday was the first day of the week, Saturday's

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a Monday and Tuesday. So Saturday, we had to go out and after class, for example, and do something either Saturday or Sunday, and then Monday, when we came back to class, we'd have to stand in front of the class very quickly, in 10 seconds, say what we saw and what we did. What did you see? And what did you do? Did you see something that was good, and you encourage more goodness from it. For example, you saw someone in the masjid picking up the shoes. And so you decided to help pick up the shoes and you encouraged him to do so more often by saying something nice to him? Or did you see someone coming into the mustard and leaving their shoes on the floor? And you you know, stopped all

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the people that were coming in because he came in and left his shoes and another person came in another person came and loads of people just come and see Oh, you know what, there's no space on the shelf. Let's leave our shoes there. But you know, there's another shelf over there. So you tell everyone Hey, you know what, by the way, there's there's a few more shelves on that side over there. Why don't we carry our shoes to that side. So you remove an evil by encouraging good in that process. So we had to do that. And we'd have to come and tell the class. So for example, you might be walking down the streets of Medina and you see some youth you know driving by in their car, and

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they're smoking and they throw their cigarette butts outside the window. So you encourage good by maybe going to them and speaking to them telling them how dangerous it is for themselves to smoke.

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Not for anyone else first, firstly for themselves, right? And then this is the city of the profits in the long run, he was sending me throwing garbage on the floor on the ground. Not only is it the city of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam it's the earth that Allah subhanho wa Taala created for us, when you see it will fill out Allah Subhana Allah tells us go travel, see this world, right, but you're dirtying this world, this world, the earth that Allah created. So it's, you know, practical exercises that this chef encouraged us to do. And somehow we had to do that for the whole semester. And honestly speaking, it's a really good exercise. I tried doing that with some of the

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students that I was teaching that summer when I came home, and they absolutely loved it. They became so passionate and like, oh, we're now starting to see things happening around us and want to go and help people to do goodness. And so we should try and encourage ourselves to try and you know, change the situations around us. When we recognize something is happening. Try to make it become the best. We can go on in the verses but I want to skip to verse number 24 of the suta inshallah to save time.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in verse number 23, before going into 24 He says, guardians of perpetual residence right Jenna to add in. He had to colonna woman saw him in other he him was watching him other reality him Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that those who enter Paradise that did good deeds and their family members did good deeds. Allah subhanho wa Taala will enter you together into paradise. You with your family members, your parents, your children, your spouse, Allah subhanho wa Taala will enter you all into paradise and you will be able to enjoy genda together as Allah subhana wa tada mentions in verse number 23. In 24 he says Santa Nahanni comb beam

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slobo Tom funnier her miracle in bed.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us Santa Monica alaikum Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured, what you patiently waited for

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the male sabaton and we know that Subhana Allah gender is not something that is easy to attain. And this life.

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The internet is choppy a bit if maybe someone could open the door, just open the door because I think when the when someone comes in and then closes the door, every time that happens, the internet cuts off.

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You need to put something there to keep the door open.

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Does that go okay? If it stays open? That's great. Perfect. Exactly. Because I got a lot of people messaging me from around the world as well as here locally a lot of people watching and even at Tata we had met a few brothers. And they said you know the live stream is good. We watch it like in Milton, for example, but it was choppy last night it was cutting off quite often. So hopefully with the door open it, it works well. So Allah subhana wa Taala shows us your sentiment on a combi Masato, remember I said patience is one of the most important aspects of our life. Everything that we go through requires patience and some handle that even during the month of Ramadan, sometimes

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like this, we lose our patience, or fasting, we're tired, we're exhausted, we're angry, we're upset, whatever, you know, we're just we're not feeling good. We're not feeling normal. We're not happy, like you eat a meal. That was a great meal. Everyone's happy. You're hungry, you're waiting for food. And so sometimes we become really edgy. It requires patience on Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to see that from us. In verse number 28 Allah subhana wa tada says, Alevtina man What up llama in no go No, go home, be the Quran

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and be the karela he tells him in

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a Latina woman what Optima in Canoga home Allah subhanho wa Taala says those who believe and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala as in our hearts, our content. Whenever we go through any difficulty remember we just said Salim and it can be Masato, right what we go through in life, we need patience, and those that believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and whose hearts are content with whatever Allah gave to us, whether it's good or bad, whether it's easy or hard, we're content with it. Allah subhana wa tada shows us

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that with the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala we constantly will become content. Allah be Vickery la he talks about in Nakuru so Allah subhanho wa Taala, showing us that, you know, when we want to become patient, or want to have a little bit of relaxation in life, we don't need to go and do yoga, right? People go and do yoga and like, Okay, um, you know, they do all this strange stuff, and now they're going to become very patient and stretch and relax and you're hearing, you know, sometimes they're playing that sound and tunes in the back, which is actually a type of a bad for those that did not know, is the type of very bad so we need to be careful when doing yoga. It's one

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thing to do yoga and stretch and do the stretches, but it's

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And to actually get so involved in it that it becomes like a meditation. It's actually a type of worship that people use to worship the gods. And this was something that's, that's more linked to Hinduism, Sikhism and a transition of the two. And so we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us the deeper and deeper understanding of the of the different religions as well so that we know what to do and what to stay away from when it comes to our Deen. And so sometimes people will seek alternative motives like yoga for example, which is fine, there's nothing wrong with doing yoga like I said, stretches etc. But if you're seeking that deep contemplation from it, and you're playing the

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tunes in the back, and you know getting into this trance, where your mind is now shifting into a different world, you need to be careful with what you're doing. We seek remember, sorry, we seek pleasure with Allah subhanho wa Taala and patience through the remembrance of Allah.

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Let's move to the next slide on Sharla because some of these verses intertwine in the 14 sorta of the Quran surah Ibrahim Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us at the very beginning in the first verse of the sutra how beautifully he begins this surah Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah

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wa kita boon

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la canne ito region s Amina Luma tienen una de be in Iraq be him in a sling all plein air azeez in me need. Allah Subhana which Allah says Allah Islam Ah, again, the hurdles, Alamo kata had the disjointed letters that we spoke about the other day Kitab one and zelner who la casa Nieto region nurse Amina volo Mati Eleanor, this book, The Quran was revealed to you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that when you show it to others, when you recite it to others when you teach it to the Sahaba, and then to us, we know it, we learn it. It takes us as human beings, from Volvo mat, into nor from darkness to light, from hardship, to ease, from struggles to patience, and even though

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we still have to go through struggles as believers we still struggle, but our struggles are a little bit easier than the struggles of others. And that's because we have the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala on our side, we are constantly busy in the remembrance of Allah. And we know that when we're going through hardships, our hearts become content with our situations with what I love, the victory law he taught me in Nakuru as we just covered, and so we see here how Allah subhanho wa Taala begins the surah highlighting in highlighting to us a description of the Quran. What does the Quran do for us? You know, Subhana Allah, a lot of the time people will, you know, try to relax by

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listening to water, which is something that does relax us no doubt is a creation of a lot of there's nothing wrong with it. But you'll notice that people who don't believe in Allah subhanho Adana, when they hear the verses of the Quran being recited, they start to relax. They're like, Oh, what is this? Right? They become really interested, they don't know what it means they have no idea what it means must have had a lot, their heart becomes very content with it, and they're eager to listen to a little bit more. I want to listen to more of it. You know, some panelists, it's an interesting thing that Allah Subhana Allah revealed this quarter unto us in Arabic, that some people don't even

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understand it. But it becomes really interesting to us. And even us as believers, many of us don't know Arabic. And some of the words might be similar in some languages, right? Like some of us speak or do and will know that some of the words are very similar, but Allah subhanaw taala had to put something in the Quran that even though we don't understand it, we still love to read it. Like we sit there I always see this brother Mashallah he holds this most half the score on in his hands. And it reminds me of when we're young, sometimes we're reciting the Quran reading it and our hands get tired, but we still continue to do it. We still continue to do it. We don't even know why we're

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doing it. But we continue, we will shift we will move we'll find another comfortable way. But we will continue to do it because we love the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala without even knowing what's really in it, because we don't understand it. And so somehow These are from the blessings of Allah subhana wa tada in verse number four.

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Allah Subhana, Allah tells us he sent messengers who spoke the languages of the people that they were sent to. And so it's important for us the lesson that we learned from this is to understand that we need to speak the language of the people wherever we are, we might be in this country. Alhamdulillah we all speak English, that's great, but English can vary. English can vary. You could speak in English that is in the books of

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The translation of liquid and very traditionally, where you see words like thou art, die, or hate words that we don't use today, we don't even know what they mean. A lot of our youth will not even know what these words means kind of a lot. But it's important for us to try and convey the message of this Deen in a language that's understandable not only a language as in English, French, Arabic, Chinese, Mandarin, Cantonese, etc. But a language that gets across that's easily understood. And this is why in the last 10 years, 15 years maybe you'll see that there were a lot of people that focused on translations of the Quran. Many different translations of the Quran came out in the

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recent years. Why is it that traditionally we had like one or two, the use of Allah that picked out right the these very few translations of the Quran, but now in the past few years, we noticed that there were many that came out and it's because we were trying to make the Quran easily understood at our time. We don't speak with the British English that people used to speak with. We don't speak that way anymore. Even if you go to England people don't speak that way. Right? They use very

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watered down English or slang we could say. And so it's easy for us to understand when we speak the language of the people. And this is important for us as as leaders as well and as Muslims who are trying to convey the message of Islam to others. Don't complicate the deen simplify the deen as it's already been given to us simplified, as in do not make the deen easy by watering it down how you wish the deen already came to us very easy through the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam we at times make it more difficult. The other day I was doing some research. And I was looking through some of the fatawa some of the the the Islamic rulings that the scholars made based on the changing of time,

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etc. And one of the scholars said as time goes on, we have become more rigid in our Deen than it was at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Sahaba. And I was like, well, this is really interesting. I need to read into this. Why is he saying that? And he says if you look at the fatwa that was given a fatwa that was given maybe 100 years after the death of the Prophet salallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, 200 years, 300 years, it varies so much from a fatwa on the exact same topic that would come from a scholar at our time, 1437 years later, after the hedge of course, right? And so the fact of our time, why is it so different? Is it because times have changed? Is it

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because you know, things are different? We know that technology is here things are supposed to be a little bit easier for us, right? That's kinda what changed is, we as people as we go on, we complicate things too much for ourselves. We're complicating things too much. The further we go from the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the less we understand the context of the life that they lived, the less we understand it, because our life is changing so much as compared to how their life was. And so the Quran came to the to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the way that he delivered it to the Sahaba of the Aloha home was a method that they understood and was easy

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for them to practice very easy. Like today, if we say, you know, us take a simple matter. I know the other day the brothers were asking me the permissibility of wiping over your socks. When you make Lulu and you put socks on? Can you wipe over leather socks? Can you wipe over regular socks? What's the rulings etc. And so we've made it a little bit so complicated, because now we start to ask questions. What if the sock has a zipper? What if the zipper is not 100%? waterproof? What if the leather itself there's stitches on it? It's better if we go to the store and some kinda like the other day was at the bookstore and I saw they have these like neoprene socks. They're like the new

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version of the leather sock. It looks exactly like a sock. But it's made of like, you know, like spandex type of material. very stretchy. And it says 100% waterproof, you could put your foot in water and it will not the water won't go inside because it's like rubberized. And so the advertising on it is like even better than the leather sock. Wow.

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How we're complicating things, there's nothing wrong with with doing massage over the leather sock. There's nothing wrong over that sock. There's nothing wrong over a sock like we were as long as it's thick enough. There's no holes in it. And you know if you if you wear it, it covers your ankle etc. so kinda Why do we complicate the deen? Why do we make it so complicated for ourselves at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were they wearing woman or cotton or knit socks like we have? No That wasn't common their footwear it was made out of leather. And so that was the norm at their time. At our time. Our footwear even the Nike and the Reebok and the Adidas are no longer made

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out of leather. Okay, you don't get leather on your shoe.

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So much. You see all these plastics, fluorescent orange, lesson green, all these shiny colors, it's all plastic. And so some kind of love when it comes to simple things in our Deen. Sometimes we make it a little bit too complicated. In verse number five to 18

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows to us the challenges of the past messengers, and how they face the pressure of expulsion and other types of pressures. And we're not going to go through it but Allah subhanho wa Taala begins there with Moosa Allah has sent him and some of the other messengers that we remember through the challenges of Moosa, etc. Verses 22 to 23. For those that are just joining us, we are in Surah Ibrahim, verse 22 to 23. Allah subhana wa tada shows us how shavon remember we said shavon on the Day of Judgment, some of us will say, or we will think that we will stand before Allah subhana wa Tada. And when he asks us or questions us about something, we will say, yeah, Allah

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shaitan made me do this. It was his fault. He made me do it. So punish him, don't punish me. Here we see what shavon tells us in the Quran, Allah subhana wa tada and verses 22 and 23. I'll just read the English to save time because it's a fairly lengthy verse, Allah subhanaw taala says, and shavon Satan will say when the matter has been concluded, as in when time is over, and now we're being questioned.

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Indeed, Allah has promised you the promise of truth. And I promised you, but I betrayed you.

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See what shaitan says, I promised you but I betrayed you remember, Adam alayhis salam and Hawa when they were in Paradise, they were told by Allah not to consume from that tree, but they took the fruits of the tree, and they consumed it. And what happened shavon had come to them through the his helper and whispered to them, and told Adam and Eve, if you eat from this tree, you will become immortal, or you will become an angel. It's in the Quran, right? We covered the verses the other day. And Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that there, he lied, he betrayed them. He deceived them, and told them if you eat from it, I'm one of the messengers to tell you, you will become from

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amongst the angels or the immortal, you will live forever. And what happened when they consumed it? The truth came out, he deceived them here shavon shows us in verse number 22. And they promised you but I betrayed you. And then Allah subhana wa tada shows us, the verse goes on, but I had no authority over you, except that I invited you. And you responded to me. I didn't force you to do it. You did this? Well. shavon will say, I didn't force you to do that. I only invited you. I invited you. I made this thing that is hot on look good for you to want to have it. And you went to it yourself. I didn't push you. I didn't shove you. I didn't bring it closer to you. Right? You went to

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it yourself. You wanted it. You took it, you consumed it. You used it whatever the case is. But shavon says, you responded to me. I invited you and you responded to me. So do not blame me. blame yourself. So kind of look shavon is telling us right? blame yourself. I cannot be called to your aid. Nor can you be called to my aid. I can't help you. You can't call me and I can't call you. Indeed I deny your association of me with a lot before. Indeed for the wrongdoers is a painful punishment, as in shaitan is not going to come and take the blame for what you did.

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Nor can you call the punch a THON when you're standing before Allah Subhana Allah and say, Hey, you know about it, which I found over there, can you just throw him in gentlemen and put me in paradise, because I wanted to do good. And I didn't intend to do that. of you did bad. That was something that you did. And now the consequences of that a loss of Hannah Montana will be the judge and justice will be held on that day. We know that Allah Subhana Allah is merciful. So we ask Allah subhana wa Jalla to have mercy upon us. I mean, in verses 35 to 41 we see the dua of Ibrahim In fact, a few days of Ibrahim alayhis salam and how he shows us you know, he took his Marielle alayhis salaam to

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Makkah what is gone Ebola he Mona B Gianni, then Bella Damn, you know what, you know, Benny why Benny and Naira Buddha

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us the Ibrahim Allah has said I'm

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sorry Allah subhanho wa Taala says what if Allah Ibrahim and mentioned Oh Muhammad when a Brahim Allah His Sallam said, My Lord, make this city referring to mcca secure and keep me and my sons or myself

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Children right away from worshipping idols. Imagine Ibrahim Allah has Sena made the dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala so that we could be protected. The children of Ibrahim alayhis salaam, his descendants, his people and the people of their children of his children, his heart, right is Marian Yaqoob. Allah has sent him the children of Ibrahim and he has sent him going all the way down to the prophets on a long day he was sanlam. And after him, those that follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam us and Allah subhanho wa Taala protected mcca but there was a time where even after Ibrahim, Allah has sent him around the carrabba there were idols and people worshipped idols and we

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know that very well. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam knew that this was wrong and he used to go up to the cave, which cave

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head up and he used to sit sit in the cave, and he used to watch over the people of Mecca, and he would wander he would ponder he would contemplate. People say he would meditate, he wouldn't meditate. He would contemplate over the condition of his people and try to link it and tie it in with the texts in the scriptures of the past. And try to understand that the deen of Ibrahim that was hanifa that was pure. his belief was pure with Allah subhana wa Tada. How is it that his people now the people of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam were worshipping the idols, and this was before he received revelation before Prophethood sent a long line and he was on.

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The verses go on

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and on and on him and his son Adam says I've been in the US come to mean the Yeti v word in a variety. These are very, these are in the beta metabolome it continues but there's an interesting part here that I want to cover. I've been in Thailand will not see one neuron. Oh our Lord, indeed you know what we can see and what we declare and nothing is hidden from Allah on earth or in the heaven Alhamdulillah Hilary Wahhabi buddy, lol Kibera is Marian What is her? in Nairobi lesson here do ha he shows us that Allah subhana wa tada is the hearer, the one who hears Doha and now he makes the dua Listen to this. I'll be Gianni mocha masala tea.

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Only tea. Do we know this? of course many of us are taught this to a hot there's a few different duha that you can recite at the end of your Salah. But I know most of us from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. This is the typical Doha that we recite, which is awesome now one of the doors that was recited by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this habit of the Allahu anhu in their solar lobby Gianni Maki masala tea woman the Li Yeti, Amana Taco Bell

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after his Mary sorry after Ibrahim alayhis salam testifies that the daughter of Allah subhanho wa Taala is sorry the data that we make to Allah is always heard because he's the one who hears us this drop comes down. My Lord make me an establisher of prayer as in make me someone who establishes prayer and helps others to establish prayer

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machi masala tea woman votary Yeti and allow the same thing to be for my family for my descendants our Lord except our supplication my application I'll build feelingly when he when he Dania when he meanie Na Ma apo mn

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O our Lord forgive me and my parents and the believers and unbelievers, the day the account is established. So Allah subhana wa tada shows us the story very briefly of Ibrahim it has sent him at the end of this surah and how he makes dua to Allah and the importance of Doha. Anytime we want to achieve anything in life, make dua ha, just the other day I was on a group with a few of the Messiah from around the world. And one of them said, you know, we were talking about a, something that came up a difficult moment and some trials that are that are that are happening, and one of the shoe yolks and Pamela on the other side of the world, he said, do this, this this. And then he said smila

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he goes chill and mix sujood to Allah subhanho wa Taala right, he says just after you do what's necessary, what's required of you relax, and then make sudo to Allah make lots and lots of Doha and sudo to Allah subhana wa tada and ask him to change this situation. So we know in our Deen, we have to take action, we have to change the situation as best as we can. Whatever is in our capability, and this was taught to us by the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam you don't just disembark from your camel and leave it and think it's going to be there when you return. You tie your camel and trust the loss of Hannah Montana together.

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Protect the camel. Now that you've tied it up. Similarly, when you leave your car, you exit your car, you close the door, you don't just walk into the mustard and leave your car with the windows down, you know with the roof off, because maybe it's a convertible, right, you close the roof, you put the windows up and whatever is inside of your car, maybe you left your cell phone sitting on the seat, someone might not steal your car, if you have the convertible or your windows are down, but the cell phone is there, they can easily reach in and take the phone out of the car. But if the windows are closed, and the roof is closed, or the sunroof is closed, and then you lock the doors

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close, you took the ASVAB you did what was needed. And you trust the loss of Hannah Montana to further protect your car if needed. So you might close the doors, close the windows, lock the car, and your cell phone is sitting on the seat and someone goes to steal it and they lift the handle, the doors are locked. You know what I'm not gonna bother with this car. Allah protects the car, a lot protects the car, or the person doesn't even see the cell phone there. Because a lot covers their eyes and doesn't allow them to see your phone sitting on the seat. And so also kind of what to add as the one who answers our door. And we ask a lot to constantly answer our door and give us what

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is best for us and not to give us what we want. Because what we want is not always what is best for us. So we ask a lot to give us what is best for us. We move on to spiritual hedger, the 15th surah of the Quran, the rocky region or the rocky Valley. And this rocky region

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is where my dad in a solid is today. A ledger approximately 360 kilometers or 370 kilometers northwest of the city of Medina, you will go to Elijah and you'll actually see on the street signs Elijah, the name of the city 300 some odd kilometers that way and you continue down the highway. And so this is the place where Allah subhanho wa Taala sent saw the Halla his Sanam and his people who are his people we asked this question yesterday

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so mood exactly the people of the mood right?

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In verse number one to eight Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us anything.

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To tokita

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will be in Alif Lam raw, these are the verses of the book and a clear coat on. Clear, easy for us to understand well hamdulillah from verses one to eight, I'm not going to go through the whole sutra, every single verse from verses one to eight Allah Subhana Allah to Allah warns the McKinsey the people of mcca that what I used to do mostly Kuhn at the time, about the punishment of those that came before and they were asking for a punishment, show us a sign, you know, you claim your Mohammed, you claim your Prophet, show us a sign and Allah Subhana wits and if you read through the verses, Allah subhana wa says, even if we give them signs, great signs coming from the sky, they

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still won't believe and they're gonna say, Oh, you know what we were just a spell has been placed upon us by this magician, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they would call him a madman, they would call him a soothsayer, they would call him you know a bunch of names. And so Allah subhana wa tada highlights that there in verse number nine, however,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, In Nash known as the Corolla in

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her field,

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on indeed, and in the translation, look how the translation is different look, it says, indeed, it is We Who sent down the Quran does it say quote anywhere in Arabic In this verse? No, it says in national unison vichara doesn't say in an afternoon as Elena and a Quran, it says a vicar. And that's important for us to understand.

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Sometimes in translations, yes, it's translated to make us understand Alhamdulillah we understand that we get it, okay. But sometimes translations are not. They don't show the depth of the verse. Like when we just we just took the verse. I don't remember which verse we were talking about, when we're talking about you, but on him right? Do I have it on him? And he was saying, My son's

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woman, the Yeti, or my sons, right? Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in different places in the Quran, where things are mentioned in the masculine it also refers to the feminine. So if we see a part in the Quran, where it says, not not all not generally sorry, generally speaking, but not you know, for every single case you can apply this rule, but understand that for example, when Allah subhana wa tada says,

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Let me just think of an example.

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Zucchini nursey hug Buschow.

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What do you mean? aneesa? Well, Benny, Benny, what has been named?

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sons sons, the plural of urban, Benny, Benny Benny, right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here an example in the Quran, where the word sons is used. Does that mean that our sons are the only thing that Allah subhana wa xuyen alumnus, Boucher, what he beautified this world for us to have sons only no children is what's meant what is meant children, sons and daughters. So Allah subhanho wa Taala does not always describe every single thing. And we do that in our speech. Some languages are more rich than others. Some languages you mentioned the masculine it also applies to the feminine, so the feminine is included. It's understood, it's already included. I know French is like

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this as well, for those of us that are true Canadians know French, French is like that too. Right? Not saying you're not true Canadian. So just picking on it shala last night, this brother got upset with me says you're too sarcastic. Like I'm not sarcastic. I'm just giving examples. He's like, No, no, stop doing that. You're making fun of our culture, and I'm not making fun of your culture. I'm half Pakistani. So had a lot because I was saying you know, sometimes we eat pagodas and samosa and we come to the masjid we eat so much and then we burp and we disturbed the people next to us he's like so what? We're not supposed to eat samosa pakoras anymore. What are we supposed to eat now?

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Right versus just what do you want us to eat? I'm like no, you don't understand the some of the prophets that along with some of them and we know is not to eat things that are going to disturb people next to us in our solar house. So we returned to this Allah Subhana wits and it shows us here in verse number nine, in Nunez Zellner, the Quran now the Quran is what is referred to here we know that Allah is referring to the Quran. But Allah subhanho wa Taala uses the word Vicar, referring to the Quran, which shows to us it indicates that the Quran is easily remembered. It can easily be remembered it can easily be used as remembrance as well. We can simply walk around and recite verses

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of the Quran and that is considered Vica remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. So for those of us that say you know what, I don't know what Vicar to say what do I have to say when I'm walking around when I'm working when I'm shopping etc. When I'm driving my car, recite whatever you know of the Quran, it is considered remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada it's the words a whole lot. So recite it and Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us the beauty of the Quran and how he reveals it to us.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala in this verse also indicates to us that he is the one who will protect this score and don't think that we need to protect the Koran yes, we do our share, we do our bit, but he protects the Quran, even when people go out and burn mass amounts of of muscle of the Quran the book, right? Even when people destroy them and burn them and try to get rid of them, you will see that people are watching it. And those people watching that happening are her father of the Quran. Their students who memorize the Quran, and so they're seeing there must have their own that they used to memorize being burnt. And they can begin now and recite from 30 all the way to the end

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of saltiness without even having a simple mistake sometimes Subhan Allah in National Nurses and decra were in LA hula, half his own Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who protects the Quran. And he protects it in the ways that he granted us protection. He's the one that does that he's in control of it. And we leave this up to Allah subhanho wa Taala we move on in sha Allah vs number 26 to 43 we will not cover just to let you know what it's what's going on. It's the dialogue between a loss of Han with Anna and at least we already spoke about it yesterday or the day before so we're not going to cover it again. The dialogue between Allah subhanho wa Taala and a police you can go

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through it there's more detail there for you. In verses number 44 to 50 Allah subhana wa tada highlights the people of Paradise and Janna. Okay, the people of Paradise and Johanna, in verses 51 to 84. And again, we're not going to go through this because we discussed it previously and we're going to continue discussing it throughout our tough season in the next 20 days. Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights the life of the other prophets and their stories and some of the hardships and difficulties that they went through with their own people and calling them to the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala so again, verses 51 to 84 Allah subhana wa tada goes through some of the stories

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of the other prophets sorta to nahan

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sora to know *, which is the 16th surah of the Quran.

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It is titled who knows what it means.

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The DS right the bees are

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To beat Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us and sort of, in the very, very first verse, he says Mila hit him at a moral law, he found a test starring Jean

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Suba Hannah.

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Your Shinjuku on Allah subhana wa tada very clearly, very simply says, a matter of law. Fela to strategy, though, very, you know beautiful how Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna says the command of Allah is coming as in, whether it's a punishment to some of the nations of the past that came to them, or for us the Day of Judgment, the command of a lot, or you're going through a hardship and you're asking a lot to rectify it, don't worry, the command of Allah is coming. Now here, I want to simply attribute it to the Day of Judgment for a reason. You know, a lot of the time people will go through signs of the Day of Judgment, and they will analyze, oh, this happened, this happened that

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happened. All of these things happen. So when is the day of judgment going to come? When is it going to happen? And people are like waiting, waiting, waiting for it. Don't wait for the Day of Judgment. Work hard before the day of judgment.

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Let us dive in. Don't rush don't try and get into it. chill, relax, worship Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as you possibly can, in the ways that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed us that is permissible in Hillel Don't rush into when is the day of judgment going to come and get lost into watching lectures and trying to learn from people that are saying, well, this happened. And that happened. And this is going to happen. And you know, some handle that there actually are people who have videos up on the internet, I'm sure we all know very clearly, some of them some panela they spend their days and their nights talking about the signs of the day of judgment and those that have

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come and those that are going to come and those that are happening right now. And they're making people like Okay, so the day of judgment is coming. It's really near okay, but what are you doing about it? What are you doing about it? How are we preparing for the day of judgment? You're just sitting there watching these videos becoming really passionate, our blood is rushing, we're really zealous and you know, going out of our way to talk to people say Hey, did you know this happened in Hey, did you know that? But what are we doing? How much sauna are we increasing in our life? How much of coward we just mentioned the vicar remembrance of Allah. How much of the Quran? are we

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sitting down learning and memorizing?

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How much time are we spending to try and ask Allah for forgiveness from the things that we've done? Before the time comes where everyone is trying to figure out when it's going to be when remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala at that point in time asking for forgiveness will not be accepted.

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When those major signs come, when the sun rises, for example, from the west instead of from the East helaas Toba is done. Forget about repenting, it's done. It's over what we've committed, we committed it's done, it's over. The day of judgment comes now you want to ask for forgiveness, forget it, it's over. And so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to allow us to seek forgiveness before the time is up. And before our time is up as well because some of us will die before the day of judgment comes. And so we asked a lot to forgive us before our time is up. And this is the month of Ramadan is the month of forgiveness. It's a month of mercy We ask Allah subhana wa Adana to be merciful upon us, I mean, in

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verses 10 to 18

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verses 10 to 18. I would simply list what Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights here. He shows us blessings, signs of his greatness, blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala that he showers down upon us. And one of the first things Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions his rain, he showers it down upon us. It's a blessing right now and 100 in LA is it raining those that came in now? hamdulillah it's raining a little bit it should rain over the night. It's a blessing from Allah Subhana Allah to Hana. And then in these verses Allah mentions the night, he mentions date, the sun, the moon, the earth, the oceans, the mountains, the rivers, the roads, the stars, imagine the roads are a blessing

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from Allah subhana wa tada and he mentions them here verses 10 to 18. Read them you'll see Allah subhana wa tada shows us.

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You know how the night and the day our blessings. Imagine if it was night all year round? How cold Oakville would be we're in Oakville, right? Let's just say Toronto in general, how cold it would be how cold Canada would get if it was night all year round. Imagine if it was day all year round. How difficult fasting would be. You'd get hot and stay hot and continuously be hot. But Allah gives us that balance. The day gets hot and the night gets cool and the day gets hot again

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Night gets cool. And we don't need the air conditioning sometimes because even though the day is hot The night is so cool that the day remains cool as well. It's sunny, it's warm, but it's cool. The breeze is cool because the night was you know, shade upon us, the sun was not, you know, bringing down its heat. It was it was, you know, shining on the southern part or the eastern the other part of the world. And so Subhana Allah, the night in the day is a blessing from Allah subhana wa Tada. Just imagine, in your day, I know there's people, a friend of mine, you know, a friend of my dad's he went up north to teach at a school and he was a principal in a city in Canada, where it was six

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months day and six months night.

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Imagine if the entire day was daylight and nighttime you want to sleep but it's daylight. It's like trying to sleep during the day. And you can't because the sun is shining in your face. You become you know, your system is messed up. You you get confused. You don't even know when it's time for solar anymore. You have to use your watch, you can't figure it out anymore. So kind of like these are from the blessings of Allah the night, the day the sun, the moon etc. And we'll end with with with that in Charlottetown a verse number 68 and 69 the ending of the surah going towards the ending Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses the bees and how he inspired the bees. And I wanted to read it for

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you but I want to stop so that we have time for Doha. So read verses 68 and 69, the English translation in sha Allah hota Hana you'll see how Allah subhanho wa Taala inspired the BS and he tells them find your place of dwelling wherever you want to live, whether it's in the homes or in the in the mountains on high land go and find he's telling the bees go and find your place to live and Subhanallah the bees are a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala they come and they pollinate the the the plants and the trees and the flowers etc. And they go from one to the other. And it's actually what brings the fruits about. I remember when I was a student in Medina, we would see these

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Bedouins going up in the date trees and trying to manually pollinate the trees from one to the other so that the tree can bring dates in date seasons, kind of let the bees do it for us, when handled Illa is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala that we sometimes take for granted. And we ask Allah subhana wa tada to allow us to seek forgiveness during this month of Ramadan. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make it easy for us to be from amongst those who recite the Quran regularly. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to have mercy upon ourselves and our families. As Ibrahim Allah has sent me to have for his family and his progeny. We asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to protect our

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family and our progeny from the evils of society miniato Bella alameen wa salatu salam wa barakaatuh anabaena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salim please use this time to make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala, which is Camilla Hayden.

Ramadan Tafseer Night 11

June 15, 2016

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