Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures From The Quran – 12

Daood Butt
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Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala MBA. I mean, maybe you know Muhammad Ali of nonyl sada to attempt to slim rubbish heraclius Audrey Siddeley Emily Emily Cerny of Gabor Kohli, my brothers and sisters in Islam as said Mr. Lee Kumara Matan why he warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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we begin our Tafseer today in sha Allah Tada. We will be going through verses

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starting at verse number 90 of surah tunnel,

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we will go right to the end of the surah We will also do the entire surah Elisa and then go into the first part of Surah uncaf inshallah, Tada. So, verse number 90 of sort of the national surah to Sri and the beginning of surah, turkuaz insha, Allah Tada.

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We left off yesterday discussing the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we mentioned the rain we mentioned the night the day, Allah subhanho wa Taala in a few of the other blessings that were mentioned. And these are in verses number 10 to 18. I just wanted to go over a few of them. In short, a lot of Tanna, you know, Allah mentions a night in the David, he also mentioned the sun in the moon. Now you can imagine we we spoke about the sun and how the sun gives us warmth, etc. But imagine if there was no moon, like how would we see at night, or today because we have electricity, etc. Alhamdulillah we can still see, right? But imagine if there was no moon at all, the Knights

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would be extremely dark, especially in some parts of the world where, you know, there's no city, there's no lights from the city, etc. It's very difficult to see panela at night, but it was also mentioned the earth, right the earth. And the earth in itself is one of the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we tend to take for granted because we have access to it so easily. And because it's around us and everything that we do takes place on Earth, by some kind of law, there's so many things that come from the earth that we take for granted, like the place that we're sitting on right now. hamdulillah This is a piece of land that Allah subhanho wa Taala dedicated for us to

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use as a place of worship.

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When we look at the earth as as you know, not just pizza, pieces of land, but also from the sky. I know when I travel in airplanes. So Pamela, just recently, I was coming back from Vancouver, the weekend before Ramadan started. And we were going over the mountains. And I forgot the name of the area. But the cabin crew member told us she said this is you know, sunsail place and I was like Subhanallah it's absolutely beautiful. It reminded me of the time I was flying over the Swiss Alps when I was, you know, going to Switzerland, and seeing the mountains and the tops of the mountains covered in snow and Subhanallah you wonder like what is out there? What lives there? Who is there?

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Which animals are living there? Right and? And how is it to live there. And it looks so beautiful from the window of the airplane. But how beautiful would it be if I was to simply go right to that spot right now, of course the scenery would be beautiful, but it's freezing cold, it's extremely difficult to get around, you know, you're walking in feet or meters of snow, etc. And then you have no food. And you might not have proper clothing to cover yourself, protect yourself from the cold. So somehow there's so many things on earth that a loss of hanaway data gives to us as a blessing. Just being here in Canada, there are things that we take for granted like snow. I know a lot of the

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time we complain about the snow, but think of it for people in other parts of the world or in other parts of the world when they see the snow like what is this thing is white stuff that comes out of the ground. I remember I had a student, not a student, a roommate in Medina,

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who wasn't in my class, he was actually a senior student of mine. And he was from India. And he had never ever in his life left India except that he would go from India to Medina and back and that was it. And one of the years a friend of mine sent me a postcard and it was a postcard with the picture of Montreal in the winter with snow on top of the cars and stuff like that, you know, it was like a heavy snowfall. beautiful picture taken. And I showed it to him and he was like how does you know? How does it grow out of the ground? I'm like it doesn't grow out of the ground. It falls in the sky is like no, it doesn't fall from the sky and he's like it must come from the ground. It's so cold.

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He's thinking in his head. You know when you get that that frost inside of your freezer. It's so cold that it builds up frost inside the freezer. That's what he thought it was like, and I'm like no falls from the sky. He goes No, you're crazy doesn't fall from the sky. Like we see it falling from the sky. Of course it falls. He's like no, no, that doesn't make sense. How does it fall from the sky? No, that can't fall from the sky. I go it's frozen rain. He's like if it was frozen rain, you'd all be dead. By the time it reaches you would be like you know about the sorry, the soil to feed. Right the example of the birds carrying the little pebble and when it falls from the sky, it would

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just kill you. So how about like

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No, no falls in nice beautiful snowflakes and beautiful designs. And you know, I started to try and draw snowflakes to show him the design. He's like, Kate, how is that possible? No, no, it doesn't make sense. So as much as you tried to explain it to him, he just, he couldn't imagine it. It didn't make sense to him. So somehow there are blessings upon blessings on this earth that we take for granted, really. And those are signs of a loss of hand without his greatness. Just look at the snowflake, how great it is kind of LA, right? It's a frozen droplet of water that's tiny, and it comes down in these beautiful, beautiful, you know, different designs, absolutely amazing how Allah

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subhanho wa Taala creates these things. Then Allah mentions the oceans and the mountains, right? The oceans. Just think of it the oceans itself, we get water, we drink the water handler, we have it in the bottles, and we get so used to bottled water that, you know, we are scared to consume any other water. Like sometimes I go to other parts of Canada where water is clean to drink. And I'm like, can I have bottled water? Like why do you need bottled water? This is Canada, right? Like, oh yeah, it's true. I'm still in Canada, or I was in London. And I know the water in London is terribly dirty, the water that comes out of the tap is said to have gone through seven other human beings before it goes

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through you. Right seven or eight other human beings have consumed this water and it's gone through them and through you know the system. And now it's coming out of your tap and you're drinking it adding to the number Subhanallah but yet we still drink the water right? Allah subhana wa tada allowed us to purify the water in various different ways. The water is also used to feed our crop, the ground, the you know, the agriculture that we grow, the water is used to produce electricity, hydro electricity, which flows over the dam in terms turns a turbine, there's so many things that allow us to use the water for and the water itself, we use it to make we purify ourselves, we clean

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ourselves without water and handled in

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the mountains we touched upon but Allah subhanho wa Taala and so what I have this also discusses the mountains and how the mountains hold the world together. And you know, if you look back 20 3040, maybe 50 100 years, 200 years, people would never imagine that the mountains were they're placed on Earth as pegs to hold the Earth's crust together. But that's what Allah Subhana Allah designed them for. And he put them there or that's one of their purposes. And now you know, scientists actually say yeah, that's what it's for. So some kind of a lot, you know, mentions these things for us. So we don't believe in them until we actually see them. Or we've actually, you know, analyzed it for

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ourselves and now we become, you know, believing even more in the creation of Allah subhana wa tada as you know, part of his creation, the roads and the stars. Imagine the stars, beautiful stars in the sky. Right, we look at the stars, we cherish them, they look nice or beautiful. We buy telescopes, we use binoculars, we look at the sky hamdulillah it's absolutely beautiful. The sky on this part of the world is different than the sky in another part of the world. For example, in Vancouver, you look for the North Star, and you pray towards the north star because they pray towards the north in Vancouver, they don't pray towards the east or the west, they pray directly

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In Australia, there's not the Big Dipper so you can actually like in different parts of the world you will see different stars. I can't remember the names of the stars but there's these three stars in the sky that are really bright and if you just look for the stars, and then one of them is a little bit of a different distance from the other. You look for those three helaas they're pointing in the direction of the Qibla how Allah subhana wa tada created you know the stars etc. Yet he says huduma Alicia Dean, Allah subhana wa tada also created these stars so that he uses them to throw at shape on so when you see a shooting star, that's actually Allah subhana wa tada commanding this

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start to be thrown at shape on attacking shape on why attacking shape on they try to go higher in the skies, when you study the jinn and shavonne etc. You know that the shaitan has been banned from being in the congregation of the angels, and that's high in the skies. And the jinn. They tried to get higher. They tried to go and eavesdrop on what is being said in the presence of the angels from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And when they get close to the high levels of the sky, Allah subhanaw taala commands the stars to be thrown at the shape and to get them away so that they come back lower down in the skies and they don't eavesdrop on the gathering of the angels and Allah subhana wa tada

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absolutely beautiful Subhan Allah, right Rudra militia. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions in the Quran in surah. And

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we move on in sha Allah to Allah verse number 90 of surah. An Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and this is a verse that we constantly hear, but sometimes we fail to analyze

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shippon genius

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in law here

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Movie nerd Anyone? Anyone eat?

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you want to carry one belt? One belly? Yeah

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on at the end of almost every drama football we hear this in the live model can be loudly well x&y at quarterback when and in fact shot you will want to carry well badly. Yeah as long as I can tell the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala here orders justice and good conduct upon us We must interact with others, you know and adjust manner adjust fashion in with honesty, trustworthiness, etc. And the loss of hanaway to Hannah commends us as well with Exxon good conduct, behavior etc. However, Sun is a various different types as in it applies to so many different things. So we use sun in everything that we do. unteren Buddha la haka, and Nikita hufa inlanta contura hufa in Iraq, the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, Son is that you worship a law as though you see him

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as in you know that Allah is right in front of you, you can see a lot but because we don't see a law, understand, know that Allah still sees you. Allah sees us he knows what we're doing. He's aware of everything that we do, where we go our way our you know, actions, etc, what we say. And so we try to make sure that every single aspect of our life is done with our son consciously knowing that Allah is aware of what I'm doing at this very moment. And so Allah subhana wa tada orders us to have sn in our lives gladly, what lesson what is the corba

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and giving relatives

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what sorry, and giving, you know, doing goodness towards our relatives, and fulfilling their rights. Now this is the month of mercy and the month of having mercy upon others as well. And many of us will give our Zakat during this month, a lot of people will calculate and pay there's a cat during the month of Ramadan.

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And we see how Subhana Allah, a lot of people ask the question, and I know I opened this can of worms last year, and it just kept going and going and going for months. We asked a question can we give our as a cat to our relatives? Now the first thing that we should understand is before we even asked that question, that we should be looking after our relatives so much to the extent that they don't need our zeca we are constantly doing sadaqa giving sadaqa to our family members. And sadaqa don't think is something that you give to the poor. It's something that you do out of kindness. It's something that you give for the sake of pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala that is rewarding for you.

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And it doesn't necessarily have to be given to someone who's poor, you might see someone who Mashallah, you know, our uncle who's always sitting on this chair, he's not sitting here right now. I think he's sitting on the outside of the wall, right? And he always has perfume in his hand or in his pocket, and he's always giving perfume to others. He has so much perfume, Mashallah, if anyone was to see it, you ask a child, do you think this uncle needs perfume? No, he has so much. But it would be nice if we sometimes gave him a bottle of perfume or went to him with some nice perfume as well and gave him perfume. That kind of action is considered sadaqa is it giving to someone who's

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poor? No, he's got so much perfume Mashallah, he doesn't necessarily need more perfume, but we're giving something back to him because he gives something to us as well. And we want to make Allah subhanho wa Taala happy in our actions, because he's always making a lot happy in his actions giving to us Subhana Allah. And so it's important for us to understand that sadaqa is something that we give to people out of love out of concern that we want goodness for them, and we want goodness for us as well. And so this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encourages us to smile, smile at others. Why it's a type of sadaqa is it wealth? No. Are the people were smiling to poor? Do they

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need our smile? No, not necessarily. Maybe sometimes? Yes. Right. Maybe they need a smile. Maybe they're going through something difficult, a difficult moment in their life and they need some someone to smile at them, to make them feel reassured everything's gonna be okay. But that's considered Southern as well. So we should be looking after our relatives so much that they don't need our zakat.

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And so we give our zecca to others, right? And then Allah subhanho wa Taala says why in her annual fascia he won't carry well Buffy and Allah subhana wa tada forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. And these are important things for us to understand bad manners. You know, bad conduct.

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dealing with people unjustly etc. These are things we need to stay away from oppression, beware of oppression. Allah subhanho wa Taala listens to the dua of the person who is oppressed or the people that are oppressed. So if we are harming others, and we are oppressing them, and they make dua, how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us there is no hijab, between that person. And Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, as in there's nothing that blocks it, nothing that stops it, there's no reason for it not to reach Allah subhanho wa Taala so it's important for us to be careful, do not oppress others. Don't do anything that will make someone else feel as though they need to ask Allah

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Subhana Allah to help them in that situation against us. Be careful of that situation.

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Yeah, he will come Lala come to the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala encourages us warns us. Sorry, also, you know, advises us so that we would be reminded of the greatness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the importance of these things that he reminds us about, we move on to verse number 97.

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In verse number 97, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Man now menara Mila Sahni

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that cat in a

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while in edges in

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general, boom bf sanema Can we amen?

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Whoever does righteousness whether male or female, so it doesn't matter if this person is a man or woman. Allah subhana wa tada says man Amina Sani Hamza, carrying out well who am workmen, whoever does goodness righteousness, whether male or female, and they are believing they believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah fell in North yen who hired by Eva, and this is the reward for doing righteous good deeds. Now you might do righteous good deeds, but don't believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Those good deeds will be written down and saved. You will not get them written down as good deeds that you actually, you know, that will work in your favor, I should say on the day of judgment

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in terms of weighing your deeds. Why because if you disbelieve, you just believe Allah subhanho wa Taala will judge you accordingly. We are not the ones to judge. But we know that Allah subhana wa Tana, you know, those, those that do good deeds that don't believe their good deeds are recorded. And when a person who disbelieves accepts Islam, all of their bad deeds are wiped away, and all the good deeds that they did in the past are added to their account. So you know, we always say that someone who accepts Islam, they're coming to you know, Islam in the world with a clean slate it's as though you know, they were just born today like a newborn baby, no sins, yes, no sins, but all the

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good deeds they did, they now get them. Right as in those will work in their favor as well. So Pamela, look at how merciful Allah subhanho wa Taala is, and sometimes you know, when we think of it, the non believers they live sometimes a life where it's just a free for all you just do whatever you want. And the sins that they commit some kind of law are major, major sins, and sometimes they do them over and over and over again. But some Pamela, when they accept Islam, all of those sins are completely wiped away. And Allah subhanho wa Taala disregards them and adds those good deeds to their account, weighing down that scale for them and at the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala so

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Allah subhana wa tada mentions here those men Amina, salami, ham, INVOKANA, Nolans, the end they are believers as well. Now with regards to the believer who does the good deeds, fella yen who hired by yerba Allah subhana wa where Diana says, We will surely cause him or her to live a good life to have a great life in this life. Now, someone might say, Well, I'm a believer, and I'm not going to the greatest life, you know, lifestyle or lifetime, the time of my life right now. I'm not going to the greatest time of my life. How is that possible for me to read this verse and say, Well, I do good deeds, and I'm a believer, but I'm going through hardships. Remember prophet Yaqoob. Allah has said,

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I'm sorry, Prophet. Are you Allah, his center?

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Prophet, Allah, his Sunnah. Was he a believer? Yes. Was he someone who did good deeds? Yes. Did he have lots of wealth? Yes. Did he have many children? Yes. Did he have a lot of property? Yes. Did he have a wife yesterday have a family yesterday of goodness in life? Yes. But he was tested. He was tested.

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And the thing we learned from the test of a Eubalaena Sam, was that he was happy with his test.

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He held on to it for years for almost a decade.

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He held on to going through hardships and struggles, he lost all of his children. He lost all of his wealth. He even lost, you know his properties. He lost support of his friends, he lost interaction with his relatives. He even lost his wife, as in his wife thought this is too difficult for me after many years, and she left.

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And then he was all alone. And all that time and all those years through all those tests, he was happy and content with what he was going through.

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And so we learn from that

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with this verse, that someone who is doing good deeds, righteous pious believes in Allah, even though they're going through hardships in life, they are still content with this life, because they know that they're going to get something better later on.

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They know they will get something better later on. You know, the other night we were sitting in the car driving back from Milton, and my daughter's wanted to listen to this CD by buena Muhammad, you guys know Bono, Mohammed, right?

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Hello. You guys know Buddha, Muhammad. No. Okay, we'll have to invite him in schelotto mustard. He lives here in Scarborough. 100 in LA, he does spoken word very nice, very clean, Alhamdulillah spoken word. And we're listening to his CD. And in the last track, he's talking about Jenna. He's just describing gender and saying, you know, the things that we learn from the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well as the Quran with regards to the things that we will get in gender. And I'm driving and listening to and I was like, Subhana Allah, I couldn't you listen to all of this, this world is like, and let's hurry up and get through this right? Let's let's quickly get

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to gender. Because there's so much goodness there for us in gentleness of handler. Why wait around. Alright, so So kind of interesting to, you know, listen to the beautiful things of genda, which we will do in sha Allah will go through the different aspects of jedna Sugata Rahman, as well talks about this world and the creation of a loss of Hannah Montana and His Signs of greatness and then the things that we get as well in gender. So we will go through it in sha Allah hota Hana, but it's just beautiful to see how Allah subhanaw taala will make those who are righteous and pious and believe in Allah, we will believe that even the hardships in life are the tests that Allah subhana

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wa tada gives us and test us with, and we are still content with the things that we go through in this life, fella. No, here No.

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We're still happy. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a prime example. He was happy Subhan Allah, He lived his life happy, he had nothing at the end of the day. nothing, absolutely nothing, except sometimes, you know, his flesh, the place that he would sleep in his in his home, the bedding, the blanket that they would spread down the blanket that he shot on the alarm and how used to use and she would even lend it to others when they didn't have a blanket. So Pamela, she would lend it to others and in an aeration, one of the habit of the long run home board it and during the night there was some, you know, NASA that came on to the blanket and some hannula you know, she

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showed us the method of cleaning the impurities off of it, she's like, just scratch it away. Just use something, scratch it away, and remove the NASA and you're done. Just use it. There's nothing wrong with it. It's it's clean. And so Subhanallah you know the simplicity of the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yet they were still content, they were still happy and they were pleased with everything that Allah subhana wa tada gave them and did not give them.

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We move on to verse number 120. In verse number 120.

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We see here from 120 to 123, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about Ibrahim Allah has sent him and he says in Ebola he can.

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In Ibrahim Khanna on really Ibrahim alayhis salaam, he was an omen. He was a nation on his own. Yes, he was a nation and he was a leader Subhan Allah, Ibrahim alayhis. Salaam he stood strong. When people were challenging his belief. he would he would stand and try to understand and try to make them understand that even when you believe in the stars, the stars go away at night, even when you believe that the moon might be God, that moon disappears. So how can God disappear? When you believe in the sun? The sun disappears at nighttime so how can you believe that the sun is your God? How do you believe that the moon is your God? God is not something that comes and goes, Son, God, Allah

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subhana wa tada is there always and you can call upon Allah subhana wa tada all the time. And this is what we need to understand from the stories of Ibrahim and he has sent them and the challenges that he went through in life was that he proved to us that Allah Subhana Allah was everlasting, that we can always in forever call upon Allah subhanho wa Taala and we don't have to wait oh, you know, it is daytime right now we have to wait until the moon comes out because, you know, we worship the moon and the moon isn't visible. So we have to wait for the moon so we can ask the moon

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for, you know, wealth or we can ask the moon for assistance know Allah subhanho wa Taala is always listening. And he always wants for us to call upon him with their own knee a steady Villa comb, Allah subhana wa tada says, Call upon me and I will answer I will answer you call upon me ask, what do you need. And in the last moments, as we'll see, as we move along in sha Allah hota Hana in the last moments of the night, Allah subhanho wa Taala comes down and he asks the angels who from amongst my worshipers are asking from me, and some kind of many of us in fact, almost all of us were probably sleeping, right? That's because it's a difficult time and that's why there's so much

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blessing in that time. And we'll take those verses as we come to it very shortly inshallah in a few minutes, so Ibrahim, Allah has sent him he was a leader. Yes, he was an omen in various different sense or different sorts, or means different things, right? oma could also mean a weight. It could mean an agreement, right? There's so many things of handling that attribute that are attributed to the word oma, but even a Hema alayhis salam, he was Holly law. He was the friend of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Am I the friend of Allah, that's what I need to be asking myself. If a Hema Allah has sent him was the friend of Allah, and he was so close to Allah Subhana Allah was mentioned in the Quran

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time and time again, am I the friend of Allah subhana wa tada as well. We took the verses, those that are earlier allies to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we took their characteristics, am I one of the people who establish this prayer, one of the people who earns wealth and understands that Allah gives it to me and I spend it for the sake of Allah as well without hoarding it. Am I from the allies of Allah subhana wa Tada. Am I one of the, you know, friends of a lot like Ibrahim Anna has sent him was whenever he was tested, he would stand firm. He wouldn't waver his belief. No, no, he wouldn't. It wouldn't shift at all.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala uses this word Hanif, we say amen. Abu hanifa right. But Hani purity Subhan Allah, in his belief, it would never waver, it would never go right. It would never go left. Right. You would always believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Mashallah. And daughter sitting there, she's giving me a big smile. She's like, he's looking at me I need to keep smiling, keep smiling.

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We move on to verse number 125, which is the last verse that we will take from this, this surah

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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ina sabini Rob BKB hikmet my worry Latina escena wacha Dena whom Bina de sin in Rebecca

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Daddy in Allah subhanho wa Taala Hannah says here in verse number 125 of soda tunnel odorheiu Isla de la Rob beaker. Bill Hekmati. Well Marie bottle has Anna, call other people to what? Elizabeth Arabic to the way to the path to the method that Allah subhanho wa Taala wants from us using certain tools, certain tips Here are tips that Allah gives to us imagine that Allah is giving us tips. We always say yeah, amen. Give me some tips or so and so person you know, you're a CEO, you're a manager, you're an assistant, you're an accountant. Give me some tips. How should I do this? How should I do that Allah is giving us some tips. He says invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom

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and good instruction as in lsvt Big Bill hikmah use wisdom while Mauer is still has an A when you speak, make sure that you're saying good things. And sometimes some handler like when I go through these verses have to see if there's some of the verses that I leave out on purpose. because it requires more time to explain. And someone might hear a part of a verse and start to criticize the Quran or start to criticize Islam start to criticize the deen that Allah subhana wa tada placed upon us. And that's not right. It's not right. We're not doing justice to the verses if we simply skim through them very quickly and go over the verses that require more explanation. And to just say, oh,

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Allah says this, and then people say, Whoa, wow. Just like the verses we took in Sula, Toba right how people will cut and paste the verses of the Quran and start to use them against Islam and against the Muslims and call Muslims away from Islam. And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala says mo Are you thought till Hashanah, when you speak speak good words. If you don't know the answer to something, don't answer it. If you don't know what to say, don't say it. What Jacques de l'homme de la te here Asan debating is not something that everyone can do.

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Not each and every one of us is skilled to debate. And it requires a lot of knowledge of the deen in order to debate people in Islam. And so we don't debate usually usually when people debate, we debate with emotions. We become very emotional. How can you say this about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Yeah, it's a hadith My beloved brother in Islam. This is a hadith a statement of his, he said this, how can you say that? A lot of the time people, you know, especially the uncles in the community, and that's because I'm a man. So we deal with the uncles, the sisters, they know they deal with the sisters, right? If we say something about the intimacy of the life of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, like when he was intimate with his, with his spouse, or things that happened within their homes. A simple example the other night in Milton, I mentioned how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam You know, he was, he was always looking after his family members. And as men, we need to give our family an opportunity also to do very bad, etc, is the beginning of the month of Ramadan. And afterwards, brothers came to me lots of brothers came to me rather, how can you say this? How can you say this? Now all of our wives are going to say we don't need to clean we don't need to cook. We don't need to do laundry. We don't need to do this. I'm not going to do this.

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I'm not going to do that. How does what are we going to do now? We're going to come home The house is gonna be a mess.

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Okay, what do you want me to do? Like, how can you say that? I'm not saying anything. This is the that was the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That's how he was inside of his house. Some Allahu Allahu wa sallam, what do you want me to do? I can't change history. That's the way it was at Savannah law. When I said that. All of them, all of them some handler, they said tomorrow, talk about the women tomorrow, talk about the responsibilities of the woman, tell them what they have to do in the house, tell them they have to clean tell them they have to cook. If we go and we bring the money to the house, they have to use the money and clean and cook it so that we can eat

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it. And I'm like, Well, wait a second. Like, don't tell me what to say. Just because you and your house are now going to have problems. No. I mean, if you can't fix the problems of your house, then you know, that's something you're going to have to sort out on your own. Don't come to me and tell me to make a blanket statement. Women you need to cook because your husband's going to work and bring money home. So now you need to cook and clean and do laundry, etc. Because they're bringing you the money, no. The profits in the long run, I need a son that would bring money as well, but he would so and fix his clothing when there was a hole in it. He would prepare himself and groom

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himself. Yet at the same time, shut up the Aloha Anna, she would groom the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so he would do things for her and she would do things for him. And when she would do things for him, he would want to do more things for her. And then she would want to do more things for him. So he would want to do more things for her. And so it keeps increasing and keeps going back and forth. And somehow Allah May Allah subhanho wa Taala make it easy for us to understand, you know how to deal with others and how to call them to Islam and show the beauty of this Deen to those that don't understand how Allah subhanho wa Taala encouraged us to live our lives we move on Surah Surah

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Surah Surah is the 17th surah of the Quran. And in this surah Allah subhana wa Taala shows us at the very beginning how he praises himself for doing something that no one else was capable capable of doing. We mentioned the other night, I saw the travel at night that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made so behind the US law brb de minimis GD how amin ulmus gd Panesar mean I didn't mess you didn't have Amina mess, Gd levy

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Hola, hola, Nuria. hoomin Tina, in

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a semi Bell sleeve?

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loss of habitat have mercy upon my teacher Kadima, who, who passed away a few years ago, this verse, or this sort of always reminds me of him. There was one time and only one time where he was upset with me. And it was this sort of the beginning of this one. He asked me on a Friday afternoon, actually on a Saturday morning to memorize

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this entire page, the first page of swords and come Monday morning, I didn't memorize the whole page and he was so disappointed with me. He said you had the whole weekend and you didn't memorize this page, some kind of luck.

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So it's always something that I remember of him he passed away a few years ago, due to brain tumors. May Allah Subhana dad have mercy upon him he created so many fathers and we've traveled the world panel on his his own son is a beautiful Imam and amazing half of the Quran and graduate as well. Student of knowledge panela.

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In Sorrento, SLR, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us how he praises himself for something that he couldn't

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That no one else could do take the profits on Allahu Allahu wa sallam at a time when no airplanes existed to

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beta mock this to Jerusalem, were a must have the Luxor where he was residing in Mecca and he traveled at night and then came back. And not only did he make this journey, he went up to meet or discuss with Allah subhanho wa Taala and received the command of praying. And he was given the command of praying 50 times a day, so we had to pray 50 times a day. And when he would come down musalla his Salama, tell him go back, it's too hard for your man, there's no way your people are going to pray 50 times a day. Imagine if we had to pray 50 times a day, so I know how difficult it will be. And so he went back to a loss of bandwidth and he kept doing this until it came down to

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five times. And Allah subhanho wa Taala prescribed for us or commended upon us to pray five times a day. But Allah is so merciful, he would multiply each prayer by 10 equaling 1550, so we end up praying 50 times a day, technically in terms of rewards of multiplication, but we're only praying one time or five times a day. So Allah subhanho wa Taala here shows us in sorla, to saw a few examples. If we move on to verse number 11, sometimes we wish for good things to happen to us and we make dua for them.

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But Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us a number of things here in verse number 11. He says, and we'll just read the English to save time and then supplicates for evil as he supplicates for good and mend is ever hasty. As in human beings, we asked for evil, and sometimes we ask for good. And sometimes we asked for something that we wish to have. And I always used the example of a Ferrari. Right, you wish to have a nice beautiful Candy Apple, red Ferrari or whatever color you want. yellow, blue, white, purple, green, orange, whatever, you know, color you admire. You wish to have that Ferrari, but some had a lot in order to. And let's say you make Doha and someone you know, gives you this

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Ferrari, someone you know, gives you that Ferrari as a gift Alhamdulillah. Now you need to pay insurance on it. How are you going to afford the insurance on the Ferrari, okay, you take up a part time job, you start to drive Uber with your other car so that you can pay the insurance for the Ferrari SubhanAllah. But then you need to do a brake job. You need to change the brakes, and it costs you $25,000 just to change the brakes. Where are you going to get $25,000 to change brakes, just the brakes kind of law. Imagine that. And so some Hana law, sometimes we make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala for things that we want, not realizing it's something that could be bad for us.

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While at the same time sometimes we make Do I have for things that are bad. We ask Allah Subhana Allah, sometimes we get angry with others, we make dua against them. Right and it happens a lot inside the family. Sometimes you say things bad to each other, making, wishing bad things upon each other. And Subhanallah sometimes we don't realize that if that was to happen to us, that's a terrible thing. And the consequences of we could not deal with the consequences of that thing we wouldn't be able to bear it's too difficult upon us. So Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us sometimes we're too quick and making too hot, something happens and immediately yellow Please punish this

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person yellow please do this yellow please do that. Wait a second, did you think and Allah subhana wa tada shows us here and men rushes human beings, we rush to you know, make dua or ask for things relax. And this is why yesterday some panelists said, we should make dua to Allah for things that would be beneficial to us. Ask a lot to give us what is good for us. And don't necessarily ask Allah directly what you want. Because you might ask for that Ferrari and he gives it to you and you can't afford it. And so ask Allah subhanho wa Taala what you want, while at the same time asking him Yeah, Allah if this is good for me, give it to me. If it's not good for me avoid it. Allow me to avoid it.

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Don't give it to me. Give me what is best for me. Give me what is better for me. And so Pamela, that is what we say into her once in our lifetime.

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Do I have what is the hora when a person is ready to get married? They make this do you not love this person is good for me allow it to come to me and if it's not good for me, then you know protect me from it. Don't let me get closer to this. So Pamela we don't realize sometimes we only make that do a once in our lives. But the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu would make this do up to 10 times a day 789 10 times a day.

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In various different things y'all love this is good for me gratitude. You don't have to make to America you don't have to pray to a doctor and then sit down and make dua ha No, you could just simply ask Allah Subhana Allah Ya Allah, this is good for me. Allow me to have it. If it isn't good for me, then protect me from it.

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Just be careful. Make sure no one steps on

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Computer Okay, sit down Nina nobody Be careful as a computer okay?

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In verse number 14, verse number 14, Allah subhanho wa Taala says ikana Gita buck Kapha BNF see kedon yom. He has the the Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in verse number 14 of Sula to Israel powerful powerful verse it got key tada now we read it says, Oh yeah, it's a short verse sounds nice is beautiful Mashallah, what is the law saying? This is the day of judgment, you're standing in front of Allah, He gives you your book of deeds, and he tells you it cannot

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read your book, read it.

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Read what you did in your life. All the actions that we did that I did in my life on my gives me the book and asked me read from this book

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kefa bnmc kedon yo Malaika hassy Heba sufficient is yourself against your own self.

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This day, as an accountant, you become the accountant, you become the person that looks at your deeds. You are the person that reads from your book, and you open it and you Subhana Allah, you're looking at these scrolls. How on earth am I going to go to Geneva after all these sins were recorded and written down?

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How will they go to Jelena Subhana? Allah? We ask ourselves, and Allah Subhana Allah gives us the book and tells you it cookies Tada, read, check. What did you do? Look at your actions, all the good deeds, all the bad deeds, what do you think would be the outcome of someone who did these deeds? How would you be the judge upon your own self?

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And that goes to show us the mercy of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah. Why? Because after reading through our deeds, and seeing how many bad deeds we've committed, Allah subhanaw taala is so merciful, that he forgives us of our sins in

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Wolfie, a b y o v. Roma Duna Danny can Imani

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wasum Hannah what Allah tells us in the Quran, in the la ley of anugerah cabbie, Allah will not forgive the people that commit shift,

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intentionally not wanting to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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But Allah says after that

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way of a futile, Medina delicately manjusha but Allah will forgive everything and anything else as He wills. So you can commit sin upon sin upon sin upon sin, and more. But Allah subhanho wa Taala could forgive you of all of those sins if he wants to. And we recite his little fatty her every single prayer all the time.

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Alhamdulillah here have been

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me in a rush, man, it was me. Ma Niki. De Rahmani Raheem, he's merciful upon us. No doubt. In fact, before we even begin the sutra, we say Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim constantly over and over in the Quran, we realized that a lot is so merciful upon us.

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And he is Maliki Yeoman Dean. There's no other King. That day he's the king he is the one who will be the judge. And he will be the one who is forgiving after he tells us he's forgiving. and merciful. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us he's the one in control. Leave that mercy up to him. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to be merciful upon us, especially at a moment like this. If we're given our book in our hands and asked to read from it. We move on to verse number 3238.

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Verses 30 to 38. Allah subhana wa tada shows us here

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in Serato, how Allah gives to whom he wants and how much he wants. in Nara. Becca. yerba sutra is calima Yeshua ye octet Lena Lena Lena, here, go to amico sit down freeze, you're walking in front of people and it's disturbing them here gaceta

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Maria Muto

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Lena sit down here Come on, don't waste time Sit down. Everyone is watching us not nice. Okay. You have to say sorry to everybody after Okay, hey JC are good to me.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala says in verse number three, hey, go to me. I have Bismillah go

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Tell me right now.

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Now she's shy. She's like, everyone's like me.

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So in verse number 13, Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Arabic episode total is calima Yeshua ye octave. Indeed your Lord extends provisions for whom He wills and restricts it. Allah gives us no doubt. But Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't give everyone everything. Some of us drive a Toyota Camry. Some of us drive, you know, Mercedes, some drive a Lamborghini, some drive, you know, a Dodge, caravan. 1986, maybe, right, the old boxy, you know, looks like a big gray box of analog. Right? Some people still driving that a lot gave them what they can afford. And he gives people lots of wealth, and for some people he withholds it, you don't need it. Be content with what you have

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those that have been given a lot of wealth, maybe that's their test. They have the test of wealth, how am I going to use it? How am I going to be you know, stand before a lot be able to stand before our last panel in town and give account for this wealth? Yes, I had a yacht. Yes, I had a home in this country in five or six other countries as well. I had cars in different countries. Alhamdulillah. Maybe that's the condition of the person. They're extremely wealthy. But Allah will ask you, you were given all these homes. What did you do with it? You're given all these cars? Did you use it for good? Or did you use it for bad? You're given all this wealth? How many poor people

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did you help? How many orphans? Did you feed? How many you know, Wells Did you dig? How many orphanages did you build? How many schools Did you produce? How many hospitals or clinics did you make? How many employees and doctors did you hire to work in those doctors? You were given all this wealth? What did you do with it? And so Subhanallah don't just wish for wealth, because when wealth comes the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that the fitna of this oma is in wealth, the trial that we will be faced with in this ummah as our own home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in wealth, wealth. That is our fitna and SubhanAllah. We know that we lose nights of sleep

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over wealth, we lose days away from the family over wealth. We lose weekends and months over wealth Subhana Allah, it is the fitna of this oma and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made it clear somehow to live. And so we know that wealth is something I must have handled it and it gives and he gives more to some and he gives less to others. And there's a reason for it to be happy and content with that. Allah subhana wa tada again, we said verses 30 to 38. A lot goes through the prohibitions of killing children. Remember at the time of Jamelia, they used to kill children, especially if they had a daughter, right? They would just debate with themselves Should I keep this daughter should I

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get rid of it is gonna is it gonna bring me prosperity? Is it just gonna be an extra mouth to feed? Should I just put it in the ground and bury this child? That way? You know, I don't have to take care of this child. Allah subhana wa tada forbade us from doing that prohibited.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala encourages us to avoid Zina as well and avoid what gets you closer to Xena stay away from what will bring you closer to Xena and we live in a day and age so panelo May Allah protect each and every one of us. This is a time where we have the use of social media which brings us even closer to committing Zina

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the prohibition of unlawful killing. So not only the killing of children or daughters, but also Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions here unlawful killing prohibited in Islam, taking the life of innocent people people said that like an Arab people in prison prohibiting us from taking the life of innocent people. Allah subhanho wa Taala does not allow us to kill, don't just go and kill people. It's not in your hands to do so. That is left up to those who are in the positions of authority. If someone needs to be punished, they will be punished by the authorities, not by us. We are civilians. We're regular people, we are not the ones that take the law into our hands. And so a

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law prohibits us from that. Those that are saying oh we you know in Islam, this is prohibited we have to go and kill them. No who said that if the leader is upon you are not saying that sit still stay where you are. Let them deal with it. They are the ones that are going to take charge in this situation, not us. And so we ask Allah subhana wa Tana to allow us to understand this Allah subhana wa tada also commends

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us to handle the wealth of orphans properly. So those that are looking after orphans, make sure that you handle their wealth properly. And remember, an orphan could be the neighbor who lives right next to you, who's a single mother who's looking after her children because her husband passed away. Don't think that their children or the mother should go and work at McDonald's or something and get a job and look after her children. No, those children are orphans. We have to look after those children. It's our responsibility to look after those children.

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Yes, she's a single mother. Yes, she has to work hard. Yes, that's her test. No doubt. We're not just going to spoon feed wealth to her. But at the same time looking after her children buys us a place in Jenna right beside the Prophet sallallahu it was something like this, as he indicated to us, we move on in sha Allah to Anna in the last part of verse number 3838 yeah 38 Allah subhana wa tada forbids us from walking boastfully do not walk as though you own this earth. Don't walk around as though you own the earth.

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You're just a regular person just like anyone else. Even though you might have the wealth, it doesn't matter. As quickly as the wealth came to you. It can leave even faster. It can leave even faster. You might work extremely hard to make loads and loads of money, millions. And with the snap of a finger. It's gone. Allah subhanho wa Taala can give to us and can take and take away from us as quickly as possible. And so Subhana Allah, sorry, as quickly as he wants.

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And so a lot advises us Do not walk around this earth, boastfully, you are not better than the person next to you. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a believer, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was sent as mercy to all of the creation and he would humble himself and call others towards the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala he would not end especially in the sutra you know, Elijah inositol la he will forget what I ate and said hello una de de la he of wotja for sub bit behind Europe because Sofia in Canada wherever. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam conquered Mecca, he did not enter Mecca with his head up high. Ha ha I told you many years

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ago, almost a decade ago that this day would come that we would conquer this land and that you are disbelieving in us and now we're taking this land back. He didn't walk in and say that so long ladder, he was solemn. He was writing his animal, his camel and he entered the city with humility.

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Feeling sad, that you are my people. You are the people of us. We are from this land. This is Mecca, this is our city.

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And they warned you about this. He walked inside that all those years they had to fight amongst themselves. They had to take the wealth from each other after their battles. They killed family members of each other.

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And he felt sad that that happened and that took place. He walked or he rode into the city of Mecca with humility. Subhana Allah showing them that I told you this was the right path. And now you understand. Now you understand. And it's sad that we went through what we went through. But at hamdulillah we come to this situation now where the city of Macau belongs to the Muslims will hamdulillah

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in verses number 73 to 75. You know what I'm gonna quickly go through this Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have been punished a severe punishment. Now people are saying How can you say that? I'm not saying Allah says it's read it versus 7374 and 75 Allah Subhana Allah Allah says in Surah

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Surah Surah that if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave in to the pressures of the machete cone, and listen to them, and went against his words, the word of Allah subhana wa Tana, Allah would have punished him a severe punishment. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood strong with the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he got through that challenging trialing time and Allah subhanho wa Taala will give him gardens in paradise on hamdulillah verses 78 and 79 shows us the importance of the Quran and Sala at night and we will cover that tomorrow inshallah We will begin with that tomorrow is an Illa heater Allah, we need to stop there I know we did not begin So to

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recap, we will go through it tomorrow in sha Allah, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to put Baraka in our time, and even the verses that we did not get to cover or things that we did not get to cover stories, etc. It's because we spent time learning other things that may have been more beneficial and more important to us and more useful to us at this time and the situation that we're going through in our lives. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant us all forgiveness during this month of Ramadan. And we ask Allah to make it easy for us to learn to score and and implement it in our lives, which has come along with us a lot of senemo vaticana Vina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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wa sallam cenomar cinematic camera to lie over the counter.

Ramadan Tafseer Night 12

June 16, 2016

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