Bilal Philips – In the Names of Allah – 60a – Al-Ghaniyy – The Rich (Free of All Wants) Part 1 Name 83

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The host of Allah's session discusses the importance of gratitude and the need for individuals to become a " 3xful Friend of Allah" in achieving their goals. The importance of understanding and embracing one's own brand of wealth and independence is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to meet their income requirements and achieve their dreams. The negative impact of actions that will not benefit their group and their ability to achieve their dreams is also discussed, along with the importance of striving for being generous and generous, and finding helpful resources on YouTube. The speakers thank the audience for their time and efforts to gain knowledge on the most noble area of learning.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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I'd like to welcome you back to our series in the names of Allah.

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And in this session, we are continuing with session 60

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Though session 60 is in two parts. So we'll be doing the first of the two parts.

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But before going into the remainder of description of session 60 Let me welcome back our students, well wishers, followers and and

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whoever else happens to

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bump into the program and join it for the first time or whatever. You're all welcome to silence without a camera to Lyra cattle, in particular, Madeira Tajuddin she sends her salaams and

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wishes for everything to be fine

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for us, and Alhamdulillah she's

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giving us alarms and wishing us from Melbourne, Australia.

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And Abdullah VA here. He sends alarms Alaikum salaam, Bibi walaikum salam, Elizabeth Shah from Houston, Texas. Walaikum Salam

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and Bibi is from Toronto, Canada.

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And hippo Ahmed, he gives salaams Baraka Luffy calm and without any further ado, we'll be moving on into our our main program

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body radical article

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as stated earlier

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so now I didn't come to LA who about a cattle

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session 60 A Alani the rich, the independent name number 83.

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And this is part one.

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As to the Quranic location,

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the divine name of Annie is mentioned in 18 places in the Quran.

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Among them,

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well man shocker for in my esculin FC. Omen Kaffir for in rugby, or any Yun Kareem whoever is grateful. His gratitude is only for the benefit of himself.

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And whoever is ungrateful,

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then indeed my Lord is free of need, and generous. So a normal verse 40

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In terms of the meaning linguistically runni comes from the tribe literal route, fine noon, yeah.

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And the winner is its verbal known, which has four main meanings. The first meaning is to be self sufficient and independent. And the second is to be free from needs or wants. The third is to be satisfied and content and the fourth is to be wealthy and rich. This route appears some 73 times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are Asana, which is to benefit the richer johani.

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It beneficiaries it the benefits, it avails is started now. He considers himself self sufficient.

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The adjective Lonnie is in the

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far in intensive form pattern of Barney,

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the present participle.

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Linguistically renow, is used to describe a state of independence due to one being self sufficient and free of need.

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The opposite of henna is Fokker or poverty, which refers to being in dire or great need. faqeer is the commonly used Arabic term to describe a poor person.

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In reality, no one is without need except Allah. And everyone is totally dependent on him.

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Therefore, Allah honey is the one who truly transcends all needs and is completely satisfied and is the one upon whose wealth, riches and blessings all others depend.

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Linking Allah honey and Al Hamid

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of the 18 times at Aulani is mentioned in the Quran. Allah links it 10 times that is 56% of the times with his divine name Al Hamid, for example, well my Tala for in Allaha who Alleghany you'll Hamid but whoever turns away, Allah is the self sufficient, the most praised. So Allah Montana, that's the 60s chapter, verse six.

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The possible reason for this linking is that as human beings, we admiringly, look up at the rich, and praise them for their wealth, even though most of them don't share their wealth with the less fortunate.

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In a state of all, we commonly admire and praise their wealth based status. However, we usually save our highest praises and respect for the most philanthropic among the rich and famous.

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Allah has combined these two divine names in order to stress to us the importance of thanking of thankfully praising Him,

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for everything we have in this life, no matter how small the blessing may seem, because it all came from ALLAH.

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So he is both infinitely wealthy and most deserving of all praise, due to his countless bounties bestowed upon his creation.

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Furthermore, the relatively wealthy believers are instructed to regularly donate portions from their wealth charitably.

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Not because of any need, which Allah has from them. But in order that we become a part of the praiseworthy effort, the to decrease the gap between the rich and the poor in our societies,

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as to the portion of what is given,

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which actually reaches a lot of money. It is only our pious mindfulness of him, which is behind it. And as Allah, Almighty Himself said regarding ritual animal sacrifices during Hajj

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layer now the law has Allah Lahoma wala Dima Aha, well, I can hear Nalu a Taqwa Minko.

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Neither their meat nor their blood which is Allah, but it is your pirate piety that reaches him through al Hajj, verse 37.

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Whenever the believers give sincerely and charity, they should know that Allah is the richest Alani

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and he will reward them for their charity and multiply it many times over.

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Consequently, complete science and praise Hammond belongs to Allah. Allah Hamid alone.

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Since everything belongs to him, no one can do him any favors. As It Is he alone who does everyone favorites

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with regards to Allah's unique self sufficiency,

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injury or a Tabari stated regarding the verse, Allah Allah honeys unique self sufficiency, while Mo and Allah Rani Yun Hamid

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know that

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Allah is self sufficient and praiseworthy. So Al Baqarah verse 267,

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are people know that Allah has no need for your charitable donations, or anything else, the only instructed you to give charitably and made it an obligation in the form of Xhaka. To be paid from your wealth, as a mercy from himself for you, in order to make your dependents independent, and to strengthen the weak among you,

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and that you will be thanked for it in the next life and rewarded and not from any need he has for it from you.

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All of creation is in need of Allah. As he said, Yeah. Are you a nurse and Tamin Fukumura Illa Allah, or people, you are poor and in need of Allah, wa Allahu Allah, honey Yun Hamid, while Allah is Rich, the praiseworthy sort of out there. Verse 15,

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Allah is not in need of anyone in what he created, or creates

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what He planned or is planning.

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He gives and provides for what he judges and allows to take place. No one can repel his decision, and he's able to do whatever he wishes.

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Aloha Fabi said that Avani the independent is the one who has absolutely no need from creation. A lot does not need either help or support for His kingdom in any way. He has no need from them at all. For their poor and in total need of Him. Allah described himself in the Quran saying, well law hula honey, you were Unterman Fukumura Ally's rich, while all of you are poor and needy, so what are Mohammed? Verse 38.

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And her Lamy said that the name of honey, the rich, mean someone or something that is complete and perfect with regards to what belongs to it, and whatever it possesses.

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So, it is not in need of anything along with it, or besides it.

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Our Lord may Allah be pleased, be praised, has this attribute because he

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has no need.

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Having need is a form of deficiency.

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For one a need is deficient or lacks what he needs until he attains it or obtains it.

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Thus, the one who is needed is superior based on his having something which the one who needs it doesn't have

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deficiency in any way, shape, or form is totally rejected from being associated with Allah.

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The eternal in all circumstance and weaknesses cannot be attributed to him in any way.

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Furthermore, it is not possible for anyone or anything to be superior to him in any way, as everything besides him is his creation.

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Everything besides him, was originated by him.

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No one has control over anything of his for everything functions according to how Allah wishes it and plans it La hawla wala Quwata illa biLlah

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there's no movement or power except by the will of Allah. So considering such comprehensive characteristics, it's inconceivable that there be anyone or anything that is superior to him.

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Allah zali stated, alimony is one who is not dependent on anything besides himself, neither in his essence, nor through attributes of his assets. In fact, he is detached from any connection dependent on others,

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whoever or whatever his essence or the attributes of its essence is

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dependent on something outside of its assets

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whose existence or perfection depends on it

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is weak, fattier dependent on gaining or obtaining

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the real money. That's the real rich is the one who totally has no need for or from anyone. One who needs and has what he needs with him his money figuratively speaking, that is the most that is possible for other than Allah

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from a figurative perspective

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as for being free of any need, that is just not possible for other than Allah.

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But if he only has remaining a need for Allah, his colony

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in our world, if he had no remaining need at all, Allah statement would be incorrect Allah statement while Lovullo honey you are untouchable for Quran, that would mean that's not correct, Eliza rich, while all of you are poor and needy.

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Likewise, we're not for it being unthinkable that anyone or anything could be totally free of any need for anything besides Allah. It would be incorrect to describe a law as the grantor of riches.

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In terms of the application, according to Eben bottles for principles,

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principle number one,

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which is what we'll be looking at in this

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section of the session session 60.

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The first principle is to adopt where applicable, the divine name of honey, maybe apply, adopted and applied in two basic ways. The first is to recognize and understand the meaning of Allah state of Infinite Wealth and absolute independence

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and his creatures state of abject poverty and dependence.

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And the second way of adoption is to strive to become a generous Friend of Allah,

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rich in faith and relatively independent of the creation.

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The first,

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the first way that we addressed was to understand and accept the laws, absolute wealth and independence.

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A lie of any, just fundamentally absolutely rich and dependent in his essence,

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having complete and absolute independence of all respects, in all respects, from every aspect, due to his being perfect, and due to the perfection of his attributes, into which no deficiencies can enter from any perspective.

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Allah is Rich and independent. He is Aulani because His richness is necessary is a necessary attribute of his essence.

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In the same way, that he must be the only creator Khalid al Hala.

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The only one able al Qadir al Qadir,

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the only one able to do all things, and the only true provider or Rosa or Raj

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and the only source of pure good allmost sin

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he has no need for anyone or anything from any perspective. He is the absolutely rich.

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To Whom belongs the store houses containing the treasures of the heavens and the earth of this world and the next Is he alone who provides abundant wealth and relative independence for all his creation in general, while enriching special members of His creation with a flood of divine knowledge in their hearts, and a deep understanding of the realities of faith in their souls.

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So the almighty Lord is essentially rich and independent. His creatures are themselves fundamentally weak and lacking in all respects. Consequently, they remain

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intrinsically in dire need of their Lord. They can never be independent of the Lord, even for the blinking of an eye.

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Imam Ebner times discussion of this topic

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can be found in the beginning of his book

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for the L hedgerow chain, where Bob Assad attain the path of two Immigrations and the gateway to happiness.

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He begins the book with an eloquent discussion of the issue of Allah's richness and independence.

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He entitled it in title is introduction, chapter on Allah being absolutely rich and independent and creation being poor and in total need of him quite a long title.

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It begins it quoting from Allah AI and NAS and Tumon Fukumura. Elon law, well, law 100 or people you are poor and in need of Allah. While Allah is Rich and worthy of all praise or factor, verse 15. You mentioned it earlier.

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A lot more great and glorious, explained in this verse, that the type of need which his servants have for him, is of an essential nature, which cannot be detached from them

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of any essential nature,

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on detachable from them.

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It is similar to the way that the laws being rich and praiseworthy, are essential divine attributes and qualities, which are fundamental and not acquired you two factors,

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which he made obligatory on himself.

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Like when he said, In the haram to Zuma Varanasi,

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I have made boom oppression

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in impermissible

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to myself,

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though, he is the just

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so that negates

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or oppression.

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Likewise, the need of all creatures for him is a fundamental essential attribute and not one acquired because he made its fulfillment obligatory on himself.

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Thus, the reason for this poverty

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is due to an essential human need, and cannot be explained by changing circumstances or the possibility of a need occurring.

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Instead, it is fundamentally essential, an essential attribute of all of our laws poor and needy creatures.

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Thus, the dire need of a worshiper for his lord is an essential attribute, not an acquired attribute resulting from arising need.

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MLK went on to say there are two types of needs. The first is the forced poverty of natural need, which is general and from which neither the righteous nor the unrighteous can escape. This type of need is neither praiseworthy nor blameworthy, nor does it earn reward or punishment. Instead, it is merely a statement of the neutral state and station in which all creatures are created.

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The second is the Chosun poverty of need, which is basically a product of acquiring two noble areas of knowledge. The first is the worshipers knowledge of their Lord.

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And the second is the worshipers knowledge of their own souls.

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Whenever worshipers learn both of these important areas of knowledge, it will create a chosen poverty of need within them, which becomes the foundation of their spiritual riches, and the platform for their success and happiness in both worlds.

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However, it should be noted that the differences among various people's levels in this type of poverty is a direct consequence of the differences of levels in these two areas of knowledge. They're linked. Whoever acknowledges the absolute wealth of the Lord automatically realizes their own absolute poverty

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and whoever real

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arises the completeness of their lords ability to do anything he wishes, realizes their own complete inability to do anything, simply because they wish to do it.

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Furthermore, whoever realizes their Lord supreme might and power realizes their own absolute weakness, and whoever realizes the Lord's complete knowledge and wisdom, realizes their own total ignorance.

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Consider the fact that Allah has extracted His creatures from the mother's bellies, from their mother's bellies, from the bellies of their mothers.

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In what state he extracted them ignorant of everything, owning nothing, unable to give anything or to prevent others from giving anything, unable to harm others or benefit them, unable to do absolutely anything independently. In this state, the poverty of need for what is required to make us complete, can clearly be seen

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and experienced, unexperienced by any and everyone.

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It is obvious then, that this state is a result of an essential element of human nature. And whatever is related to the essential nature will continue to exist, as long as the essential nature continues to exist.

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Consequently, one can never change from this state of poverty of need for our laws, Rubia that is divine Lordship and his inner divine richness.

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We could never shift from that state of poverty, to a state of Rubia and Athena impossible. Instead, we will remain forever, absolutely poor creatures in constant need of everything from our Creator, and fashioner.

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Also consider the fact that Allah has showered his blessings and mercies on humankind, and given them the means of improving the quality of their existence both externally and internally.

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He has blessed them with clothing, and favorite them with hearing sights and hearts. And he taught them knowledge, which elevated them above all of his other creatures, and made them able to do what other creatures could not.

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Allah has also guided human beings,

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and made them able to organize themselves and govern themselves,

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on land a lot of time to horses and camels for humans. And furthermore, he gave them power over the creatures of the sea, as well as the ability to capture birds from the sky, and to control ferocious wild animals in every country, continent of the earth.

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Along also gave human beings the ability to dig rivers,

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plant trees, to split the Earth's crust, and construct tall buildings, and to protect themselves from all types of harm. However, after being granted so many blessings, instead of being humbly grateful, humans dare to think that some parts of creation actually belongs to them.

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And they boldly and openly claim that they have a share in our laws dominion.

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Humans today see themselves in a different way, from their earlier, more humble view, when they were obviously much more weak,

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much weaker, and exposed to the elements. With success, they soon forgot their previous non existence

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their poverty and their need

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until it seemed as if they were never poor or needy.

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They forgot

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their previous times of weakness. It's all in the past. Its history. This was Hypno Pam speaking back in the 13th century.

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Imagine what we would have to say about today.

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as the the people people today, in our times as well as

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Back in the 13th century,

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they forgot their state of neat how they're born and how they grew up.

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And they look at themselves as being

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any rich,

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that the poor and the needy are other than themselves. Those who betray the truth, become blinded to the reality of themselves and forget it.

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They quickly forget their former and current poverty, their dire need for their Lord, and they easily become arrogant and miserable tyrants Kela. In Al Insana layout of ah

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indeed, human beings are very insolent, and raw, who's stubborn that seeing themselves without need of anyone's who are another, verse six and seven. However, the most perfect creatures are the ones whose state of worship is the most perfect.

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They are the ones who are the greatest witnesses to the total need, and their total need for their Lord and their lack of self sufficiency from him, for even the blinking of an eye. Which is why the prophets of salaam used to regularly say in this morning and evening supplications especially sharp knee color,

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correct, all of my affairs will add to kill me Illa enough See, total for time

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and do not put me in charge over my soul, for even the blinking of an eye. The Prophet SAW Salem also is to pray yam upon level Kullu fabic lb Allah Denecke

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Oh changer of hearts.

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Steady my heart, in your religion.

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Allah's Messenger knew with certainty that his heart was in the hands of Allah,

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the Most Merciful that he had no control over it, and that Allah could flip it in any direction.

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In any direction he wished. How could the Messenger of Allah think otherwise? When he was the one who recited to the OMA Allah's words and Sorlie Surah verse 74 Well hola and sub but Naga Laqad kid deaf Taku Taku, la he Shay and kalila

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Well, Hola, and sub but Naka,

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Lacan the kids that are Keanu la him, Shay and kalila. And if I had not fortified you, you would have inclined towards them slightly.

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The prophets desire for his Lord and His harmony with the laws wishes, were all based on his intimate knowledge of his Lord. His closeness to him and the status with which Allah held him

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a lot clearly expose this reality to those coming after him.

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For because of it, he was the closest to Allah with regards to intercession and most prestigious among them, and the highest in stature, due to his perfection of the status of udia or servitude and Fokker poverty before his Lord. Consequently, he would often proclaim lotto Rooney comma trattati NESARA Edna Maria do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians did in praising the son of Mary

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for in Nama and Abdul

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for Kulu Abdullah he was truly For indeed, I am only allowed slave. So call me the slave of Allah and His messenger.

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Furthermore, Allah himself in the Quran described the Prophet SAW Selim in terms of his Obadiah his servitude, in the most critical circumstance like the Otter Valley Surah, the Night Journey, when he was faced with the challenge and ridicule of his pagan opponents in Makkah. Subhana Ledi Assad, the Abbe de Leyland, Minh and mustard in Harami, Elon Musk riddle us all. Exalted is He who took his servant Abdi

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the Abdi

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by night, from Al Masjid Al haram in Makkah, to Al Masjid Al Azhar injuries

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So LS robbers one,

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as well as on other occasions, like those found in Surah Elgin So Al Baqarah verse 23, through Elgin, verse 19 And then the hadith of intercession when people on the Day of Judgment will first flock around Prophet Jesus seeking His intercession. And Prophet Jesus will tell them, Go to Mohammed, a servant whose past and present futures were forgiven.

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He obtained that status due to the perfection of his servitude. That is his are Rhodesia and the completeness of Allah's forgiveness for him.

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If no time then invited his readers to reflect again, on Allah Almighty statement, yeah, you are NAS, and Tamin, Fukuro Illa, Allah law or humanity, you are all taught to the weak and poor in need of a law. So what I found that verse 15, he then explained that in this key verse, God's name Allah is mentioned instead of his name of lordship from Obeah. That is a rub. One of his names. He did that in order to permit the understanding of both types of poverty, mentioned before poverty of need for servitude, that is, or Buddha towards him. And then need of absolutely all the creatures and the poverty of need of his worship. That's low here, which is the poverty of his prophets, His

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messengers, his righteous worshipers, that is the truly beneficial form of poverty.

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He then went into a discussion of doing good for expected returns that his ulterior motives.

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The goodness of Allah first and foremost, a law most less than Supreme is free of any need from His worshipers, as we've said, repeatedly, in spite of that, he is unconditionally good to them and merciful to them, that is due to the completeness of his wealth and self sufficiency, as a honey is no ability as Al Karim and His mercy as r Rahim.

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In contrast, his worshippers are basically good to each other, due to the immediate benefits they stand to gain from doing good

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or future benefits which they hope to come from it.

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While further explaining the difference between goodness of the Creator and goodness of creation, if now, am said, went on to say, Indeed, Allah may be glorified is rich and noble, Powerful and Merciful. He is good to his servants, even though he has neither need for them nor need from them. He wishes good for them and prevents harm from reaching them, not in order to gain any benefit from from His servants, or to prevent harm from happening to himself or the other Biller, but merely as an unconditional mercy to them and kindness. He may be glorified didn't create them in order to increase the number of his possessions, nor did He create them in order to gain prestige from them

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after being shamed or degraded. Nor did he create them to provide for him or benefit him in any way. Nor did he create them to prevent anything from harming him, as he said, Omar holofil Jinnah will INSA Illallah Boone, the only created the jinn and humankind.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:11

For his worship, I only created what he actually stated I only created the jinn and humankind

00:39:12 --> 00:39:16

for them to worship me. Not because he needed

00:39:17 --> 00:39:44

a lot goes on to say well mount would eat them in home mineral skin. Well not only do I use a moon, I do not want any provision from them, nor do I wish them to feed me in the law ha who are Rosarito zoo wattle Mateen indeed a law is the all provider owner of power, the most firm swear that he had versus 56 to 58.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:48

In terms of the goodness of Allah's creatures,

00:39:49 --> 00:39:55

there are only good to each other due to their poverty, weakness, and need.

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

Their acts of mutual goodness are done

00:40:00 --> 00:40:03

For the benefit they derived from each other,

00:40:04 --> 00:40:06

either immediate or in the future.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:08

As I mentioned earlier,

00:40:09 --> 00:40:17

if they can't imagine any benefit to be gained, they won't be good to others.

00:40:19 --> 00:40:33

Thus, they are doing good primarily to benefit themselves. They transform doing good deeds for others into a means of bringing the actual benefit of their good deeds back to themselves.

00:40:35 --> 00:40:41

They either benefit themselves by demanding or expecting immediate reciprocal reward.

00:40:42 --> 00:40:45

That is, I scratch your back, you scratch my back.

00:40:47 --> 00:40:48

The win win situation,

00:40:49 --> 00:40:57

as they usually require some form of reward, or its substitutes in return for their goodness.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:20

Or they benefit themselves from expected praise and thanks from those to whom good was done, or from bystanders. Therefore, they're doing good to others specifically in order to gain from them whatever praise, compliments, etc, they desire.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:30

Thus, it may be said that they're doing good for themselves, through good done for others.

00:41:33 --> 00:41:40

The other alternative reason for doing good would be because they want the reward from Allah.

00:41:42 --> 00:41:51

Allah Almighty in the life to come, in which case, they're also doing good for themselves still there.

00:41:52 --> 00:41:54

In the distant future,

00:41:55 --> 00:42:01

they are only delaying their reward for it for a time of greater need.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:13

In this case, they are not to be blamed for that intention, for they are poor and needy, and their poverty and need are a part of their basic nature.

00:42:16 --> 00:42:28

They can only achieve relative human perfection by constantly and continually devote being devoted to what is truly beneficial for them.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:42

In our centum, accent only unphysical if you do good it will be for your own souls. So while it's Robert seven

00:42:44 --> 00:43:08

other human beings do not intend to do anything primarily or entirely for our benefit. Instead, their intent is primarily to be to benefit from us, not for us but from us. It is our Lord alone who does good solely intending to benefit us and not to benefit from us in any way.

00:43:10 --> 00:43:17

That is pure benefit free from any harm in the least. This is in stark contrast

00:43:19 --> 00:43:21

with the intentions of other creatures

00:43:22 --> 00:43:28

who harbor while doing outwardly good acts for our benefit.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:43

Their own benefit for their apparently good acts may have in them harm for us. Even if it is only having to hear and bear there are reminders of good that they did for us.

00:43:45 --> 00:43:57

Reflect on this, for reflection on this will prevent us from incorrectly expecting help from our fellow creatures and prevent us from totally relying on them instead of Allah.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:02

Most Great, most glorious

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it will prevent us from requesting from them any benefit or requesting from them to prevent any harm from reaching us. It will also prevent us from attaching our hearts to them. For their only for their only wish is to benefit from us and not purely to benefit us. And that is the situation of all of creation with each other.

00:44:29 --> 00:44:32

It is the same as a situation of a child with its parent

00:44:33 --> 00:44:50

spouses with their spouses, slaves or their masters partners with their partners. The one who will achieve true happiness in this matter is the one who deals with others only for the sake of Allah

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Most High and not for their sake.

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Those who do good for others only for the sake of Allah and fear Allah

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their dealings with them without fearing them along with a lot.

00:45:05 --> 00:45:07

Those who have hope in Allah

00:45:09 --> 00:45:17

hope in his reciprocal reward for doing good for others without hoping for reward from others along with Allah.

00:45:19 --> 00:45:24

Those who love others for the sake of Allah without loving them along with Allah.

00:45:25 --> 00:45:52

As the true friends, the Olia of Allah, Most Great and Glorious, as he said, In NAMA, as he quoted them, that is the true friends, the Alia as saying in the minute Mo, Camila chilla lannoo Reedham income Jessa. And will Asha kura, we only feed you for a lot of sake, without wishing from you any reward or thanks.

00:45:53 --> 00:46:22

Finally, other creatures do not know what is actually beneficial until Allah informs them of it. And they're unable to gain it for us, until Allah Most High enables them to do so. Furthermore, they won't even desire to benefit themselves through benefiting us until Allah creates in them both the desire and the ability to achieve it.

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Consequently, the whole issue goes back to the one from whom it all began.

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The one in whose hands all would press, therefore, for our hearts to become attached to other than Him by hoping, fearing trusting and worshiping others besides him, it's pure harm for us, with no benefit in it at all.

00:46:49 --> 00:47:11

An even if some benefit happens to come from it. It is a law law who destined it made it easy for us to access it, and sent it to us. So how can we then attach our hopes, wishes and fears to other than Him? in the full sense, of course, we will have hopes, wishes and fears

00:47:13 --> 00:47:17

with regards to other fellow fellow human beings, but not the full

00:47:19 --> 00:47:26

when other human beings disappoint us, we are broken, we fall apart, were destroyed.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:38

No, that's a big mistake. In summary, we all should know as the Prophet SAW Salem was reported to have said by Eben Abbas,

00:47:40 --> 00:48:13

that if the entire creation were gathered together to do something to benefit you, you would never get any benefit from it, except what ALLAH had already written for you. And if they were to gather together to do something to harm you, they would never you would never be harmed by it, except by what Allah had already written for you. Barak, Allah pecan, you have now come to the end of Part One of session 16 by two will follow shortly.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:18

Law willing and in it.

00:48:20 --> 00:48:36

With the help of Allah, we hope to cover the second way of adoption. Under principle number one, which is to strive to become generous friends of Allah, rich in faith, and relatively independent of the creation.

00:48:37 --> 00:48:47

We will also complete the remaining three principles of inbound calls for proposed principles for adopting and applying the Beautiful Names of Allah.

00:48:49 --> 00:49:02

And our usual closing dua, using the divine name Ernie will be made at the end of part two, in sha Allah. So that's why they come Rama to Llahi over the cattle.

00:49:08 --> 00:49:13

So we will now shift back to our third section

00:49:15 --> 00:49:23

where we look at our questions and answers. I'll provide the answers we'll probably look at their questions

00:49:25 --> 00:49:26

and try to answer them.

00:49:27 --> 00:49:45

In the few minutes that we have remaining, Faisal Ali asks, I've seen you dislike mentioning the names of scholars who make mistakes. But other scholars mentioned their names and call them deviant guidance to stay away from them

00:49:50 --> 00:49:56

whom we can call scholar, and what is the definition of a scholar? Because here

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59

whoever is

00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

peaks onstage people call them a scholar, but is the best

00:50:07 --> 00:50:18

book on atheism so I can give Dawa to atheists and the best videos on YouTube on defeating atheism? Have you asked for

00:50:20 --> 00:50:20


00:50:22 --> 00:50:23

In terms of

00:50:26 --> 00:50:33

your first question, you seem to dislike mentioning the names of scholars who make mistakes.

00:50:36 --> 00:50:37

I don't know

00:50:38 --> 00:50:42

what you mean by that. I've mentioned the names of many scholars.

00:50:43 --> 00:50:57

And some of them made mistakes. I mean, glaring mistakes. Others, being all human beings all made mistakes. There is no scholar on the face of the earth who never made a mistake.

00:50:58 --> 00:50:59


00:51:00 --> 00:51:06

what you're trying to say is people who may be labeled as deviant you know, who have deviated some

00:51:09 --> 00:51:14

scholars or others have labeled them as deviant and I may mentioned their name

00:51:17 --> 00:51:20

where it is relevant I don't have a problem mentioning any

00:51:29 --> 00:51:34

in terms of atheism, and all that, that's a whole body of

00:51:38 --> 00:51:43

information, which I don't think we're going to have the time to, to go into.

00:51:45 --> 00:51:56

But if you look for Hamza sources, Hamza sources on YouTube sources is spelled t s o r.

00:51:58 --> 00:52:09

S, I S or SES something like this. Hamza is Tom's a TI, you should find him you know, he has done some of the best

00:52:11 --> 00:52:13

reputations and

00:52:14 --> 00:52:20

rebuttals to atheists. You can also find rebuttals by

00:52:21 --> 00:52:30

by others, and you listen to them and take from them what is useful and beneficial and leave what is not.

00:52:33 --> 00:52:35

I don't know about the best book

00:52:36 --> 00:52:37

to refute atheism

00:52:42 --> 00:53:06

is the best shot questions. At what point should we stop begging someone whom we have wronged for forgiveness? Or should we continue to ask them to forgive until they finally do? No, it's sufficient for you to ask them for forgiveness and, and leave it at that you don't have to keep repeating it, you know, maybe your repeated

00:53:08 --> 00:53:20

requests for forgiveness, you know, can itself become annoying, you know, so, you sincerely express your regret or whatever and leave it at that.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:36

The other point that the first person had asked that his brother Faisal Ali, regarding who is a scholar

00:53:39 --> 00:53:43

and the definition which I heard, when I was studying in Medina,

00:53:45 --> 00:53:47

by one of the

00:53:48 --> 00:53:52

scholars who taught us he said basically,

00:53:53 --> 00:54:01

once your knowledge of the various Islamic sciences

00:54:03 --> 00:54:09

the major because they're detailed sections such that you may not

00:54:11 --> 00:54:14

learn or know. But in general,

00:54:16 --> 00:54:21

you know, whether it is or on tafsir, Hadith FIP.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:26

And Daddy,

00:54:28 --> 00:54:36

Islamic history, life of the prophet saw some of these areas are Arabic, where your

00:54:37 --> 00:54:39

lack of knowledge

00:54:40 --> 00:54:50

is less than your knowledge. You are considered a scholar, meaning you're capable of teaching others.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

You know, this so many different levels of scholarship that, you know, it's a very general term to me

00:55:00 --> 00:55:12

scholar is the teacher one who is capable of teaching in the full sense not limited only to one aspect

00:55:13 --> 00:55:39

or they could be scholars in one particular aspect and not the whole. So the idea is that where your ignorance is greater than your knowledge in any particular area or in all of the major areas, then you should be a student. You will be learning from those who are teachers and scholars.

00:55:43 --> 00:55:45

The third question or the fourth question

00:55:47 --> 00:55:54

I'm grateful to mention that I have been selected as a Quran teacher in an Islamic school in Melbourne, Australia.

00:55:57 --> 00:56:09

Broke a law bless your selection and make you a benefit to the people of Australia. I gain all the knowledge because of the BIS degree. How mashallah

00:56:10 --> 00:56:13

mashallah I hope to

00:56:15 --> 00:56:32

obtain reward from Allah for the courses which I taught in the BIS program, the books which I prepared for that program, etc. So, I make special doodads for you to continue to earn reward for me.

00:56:35 --> 00:56:55

I have to thank you for giving us the opportunity to gain vast knowledge of Quran and Islamic Studies. That's the main reason that I have gotten selected for being being a Quran teacher. The Lord bless you a lot. Amin, amin.

00:56:57 --> 00:56:59

And with that,

00:57:00 --> 00:57:13

we'll come to the end of our questions. And inshallah next week, it's time hopefully we'll be able to do it at the very beginning at three, three o'clock as originally planned. And

00:57:14 --> 00:57:25

we ask a lot to accept our efforts to gain knowledge of the most noble area of learning that is knowledge, our law,

00:57:26 --> 00:57:37

laws to our laws, 99 names Baraka law Deikun Subhana cologne mubychem, dika, the shadow Allah, Allah and the stone felucca when the two woolich

00:57:38 --> 00:57:42

So now why they come Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

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