Assim Al-Hakeem – Lessons In Fiqh 30

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary © The importance of praying for Islam is discussed, including during prayer hours and after events. There is a conflict between two hygienists, confusion over who should pray, and issues with praying outside of hours. The importance of praying for oneself and others is emphasized, as it is a fundamental duty to not allow others to interfere with you. The speakers also discuss various types of sinners and the importance of praying for oneself and others, as it is illegal to pray after answering prayer. The upcoming program is mentioned, and future issues are discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdulillah salat wa salam wa barakaatuh Abdi what a Saudi Arabia Bina Mohammed while he was so happy Germaine assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome to lessons and

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we're still studying the times of Salat times of prayer. Last time, we did not have time. So, for another time, brother Fadi will read us how to eat number 136.

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All right.

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Narrated by Abby Seidel. Hooray. May Allah be pleased with him. I heard Allah's Messenger solo lives and I'm saying, no salaat meaning prayer is to be offered after the morning prayer until the sunrises are after the afternoon prayer until the sunsets and integration of Muslim there is no solid prayer after the morning prayer, all of them are narrated, there is no narrative there are three times at which Allah's Messenger so as a means to forbid us to pray

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or bury our dead. When the sun begins to rise, it's fully up. When the sun is at its height at midday, it passes the Meridian, and when the sun draws near to setting till it sets, okay, if you recall, last time, we talked about this Hadith, we said that was idle Audrey's Hadith talks about two general times with a long span timespan between them. And Bob Namur talks about three specific times that are very short and

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not that long.

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And to sum things up, it's very easy to make them into three times. That is, after after prayer, until the sunsets completely,

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we have here two times, after after prayer until the sun begins to sit. And from the moment it begins to sit until it disappears completely. So these are two times the last time that the latter one is the latter period is extremely forbidden to be prayed in. Because this is the time where the non Muslims, prostrate to it.

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Those who associate others with Allah, whether they're devil worshipers or whatever. So this is one time. The second time is when, after a person prays fudger until the sun rises. And just before it rises, this is one time when it tries begins to rise until it's completely risen. This is the second time and it's about five to 10 minutes. So these are two times actually are four in two. And the last one as an anonymous Hadith, when the sun is exactly in the middle of the sky,

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which is about five to 10 minutes before the event and when is the event called for Lahore Rushdie

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is not written for me when does the Adhan for Lahore

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is called What is it called?

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When the sun

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when the when the sun

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sun rise

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when the shadow is yes, same with the no nor

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when when a pseudo is

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too too to meridian. And yes and no Malik. When the sun is being turned to us, yes a little point okay. When

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The sun starts to head towards the west, and the object begins to have a shadow. This is called zywall. Lower prayer is indicated by this short shadow. As you remember, when fetcher is called, in sunrises, the shadow comes from the west towards the east, and it decreases as the sun rises. And the minute the sun is in the middle of the sun in the middle of sky. When the object has no shadow, it's forbidden for us to pray. Until it's called, The Lord is called, though her prayer is called. And when does prayer.

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The time of prayer begins, is when the sun sets to the west a bit, and the object begins to have a shadow pointing eSports. This is the time for prayer. So we have three times if you look at it in a general way, or we have five times these times is forbidden for us to pray.

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The question is, brother Mustafa, is forbidden for us to pray all kinds of prayer, want your prayers on voluntary prayers only because obligatory prayer, you can pray them any time of the day or night, there are no restrictions, none whatsoever for you to refrain from praying. Now, we come to these Hadees. Scholars have different opinions, as usual, because some of them say, well, when it tells us not to pray, this is not because it's forbidden. Now because it's not recommended. But if you pray that it's okay. Some scholars say this. Other scholars say, well, it's forbidden, because the Prophet tells us not to do it. So some scholars say you do not pray any type of prayers at all.

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And this is one of the one of the schools that does this are the Hanafi school, also the Maliki school. That is why if you see a person that follows the School of Malik, even Anna's may Allah have mercy on him, you would find them coming before mockery, prayer and sitting down immediately, without praying anything without offering anything, and also the followers of Abu hanifa, they will do the same thing. So others say no, you may pray. And if you look at it, you will find that you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. because on one hand, you have the Prophet saying, Please, do not pray

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during these five times. And on the other hand, I come into the mosque after us a prayer. I'd like to sit down until it's Mallory. I would like to read the Koran, I want to sit down. But I remember that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that whoever enters a mosque must not sit down until he prays to Raka.

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So, what do I do? Again, we have a conflict

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that appears to be conflict in the here between two hygienists. And if you recall, we have set for stages four steps for us to follow whenever there is a dispute or a conflict between two hadiths. One we join, if we cannot, we look for a Hadith, or the one that obligated the other nests. If we cannot, we try to

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determine which one is stronger or more authentic. If we cannot we just wait until another scholar comes in. And Allah xojo gave him knowledge. Second, you have a question? Yes, I have some story that I got in my home, someone pray

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as our prayer. And after praying, he pray again

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to rocket and then after praying, I asked him, What can afraid you do it? You just have to do it. At the moment. He said to me, I pray to God to my brother who has that day. It is it is

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included to the

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Sona prayer or movie. Well.

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What this gentleman did was wrong in two ways. One, he offered voluntary prayer after answer and this is not permissible. The prophet SAW Selim said is forbidden to he offered a prayer to the death to a dead person. And scholars say that no one can offer prayer on behalf of a dead person. Of course, not even on behalf of a living person.

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Because prayer is an individual form of worship, it's different than paying charity sadaqa and it's different than performing Umrah or Hajj, because you can do this you can give your Hajj to someone else. So if I have a grandfather that is dead, I would say, Okay, this year's hatch for my grandfather, and before I set off for Hajj I say, the baker lahoma had Jen and my grandfather, this Hajj is for my grandfather. But prayer cannot be.

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There's no transaction in prayer, you cannot draft a prayer and give it to someone else. This is not acceptable. So he did two mistakes, one and two. Coming back to our Hadith. Coming back to our dilemma. This guy who came into the mosque and does not know what to do, what do you guys think? Should he sit down without praying?

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And then he would have not followed the second Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, or should he pray? And then he would have prayed in the time of night. The time where he was not supposed to pray, as mentioned in the five times. What do you do you think,

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I think he's not pray. He should not pray because the Prophet says that these are times of night.

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And should he sit down?

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Yes. Okay. Birthday. I think I have the same with brother Mustafa is better left for the Salah. Because it's the time is for a bit. I mean, okay. bumalik. I assume he should pray. Because this other Hadith, you know, he's talking about certain prayers. This takes us prayer out of these ones, you know, I say. So you're trying to join both hadiths instead of neglecting one of them? Brothers Zeki? Yes. I think you could cook free. He could, or he should. We should pray pray. So we have two E's and two knees. Okay, we have we're looking for elbows. Now, Fadi. I think this is an exception. When you enter the mosque. You could not he's not allowed to sit. Therefore, he should pray. And

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this is like a type of obligation to not praying, not abrogation, or

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specializing a general thing. No. I think you should pray. You think you should pray? What school? Are you following Shafi? Yes, like all Indonesians, you are all Shafi school. And

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this is an issue of dispute amongst callers. And each one has his own chunk of evidence, which is offensive, which is considered to be authentic and correct. And depends how you look at it. And

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the first thing that we should put in mind is that always allow those who differ with you in opinion, to have room of thinking. So it's not always that what I think is the ultimate and it's the best, and what you think is strong, there has to be common ground. I see it this way. And I have the evidence that backs it up, usually differently, and you have the evidence that backs it up. We're all doing the right thing. So there's no need for us to fight over it, especially in lots of things that differences among that is possible and probable. Before going to details. I think we have a short break. So stay tuned.

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This program insha Allah will be discussing the major sins in Islam, the way that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had taught us why the neighbor does not care about the neighbor anymore. Why does the father does not care about the son anymore? Why does the mother does not care about her daughter? There's major sins that we need to be very far away in our lives. So we could get an A give the pleasure of a mother

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obtain the pleasure of a life soldier. As long as we commit those major sins, Allah subhanho wa Taala would not be too pleased from us. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will punish those who commit those may just keep away from what Allah subhanho wa Taala had forbidden, and you'll be the closest worship but Allah azza wa jal, it is our duty from Allah subhanaw taala to keep away from marzotto to bidden. As when we commit the sins, especially those major sins, remember you are displeasing your Lord and you are bringing upon the curse and the anger of your Lord.

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullah and welcome back. Just before the break, we had an interesting survey regarding that if a person enters the masjid, the mosque, just after us or prayer, and he has prayed.

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And he would like to sit down and recite the Quran. So what would he do? Would he spray to record the solute of the message as it's called, amongst callers the hated message, so that he can sit?

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Or what he said without praying. And in both cases, you would have done something that seems to be conflicting with the Hadith, or the other of the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam, we have split decision here. And thank God, we don't have to refer to the golden goal. And we will just move on and mention what the scholars said about this issue.

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One, and a member Shafi may Allah be pleased with him and have mercy on his soul said that, if you look at all the hadiths See, this is the job of a factory. This is the job of a scholar that works and deals with jurisprudence, he should look into all evidence, not on only to one because because if you limit yourself to one, there are many others that have exceptions and exemptions and so on. And you would lose a lot. So a chef a says that, after looking at all the evidence,

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we can say that it is prohibited for a Muslim to pray during these five times that we've mentioned before, after also until the sunsets after fudger until the sun rises. And during midday when the sun is exactly in the middle of the sky. He says but there are exceptions.

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With the exception of things that have a reason. So it is prohibited for us to pray. If it's voluntarily general forms of prayer, what are you doing? I don't have anything, do those. I'm just going to pray. No Sit down. It's forbidden. It's the time now it's forbidden for you to pray.

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And there's another different form of prayers. And that is a prayers that have a reason behind them. And he called it the word to the prayers with a reason. For example, we prayed.

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And just as we prayed answer, and we finished praying, they brought a funeral. And we have to pray the prayer of the funeral of the dead. So one says Um, also prayer,

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we can pray until it sunsets, we cannot pray until sun, the sun sets. So what do you think, leave the guy lying there for three or four hours? And not pray? Or shall we pray? The answer is we should pray. Then what how would we say that do not pray after answer. This is exempted because this has your reason. This has a cause. Another example, you enter the mosque, your prayers are answered prayer. And just as you finish answer, there is an eclipse of the sun.

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I don't know if it's possible to have the sun

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Eclipse after us. But you have to ask those that deal with the stars. Let's assume. So what do we do? We pray the prayer of Eclipse.

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Why? Because it's time for it. It's being called for. And likewise, if I am going to engage. I'm going to propose to a woman after after prayer as soon as to make istikhara is the hardest is prayer with supplication requesting Allah azza wa jal to choose for you and to

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support you if it's good for you and to distract you away from it if it's bad for you. So I have to propose My wife is not watching again. I am going to propose after answer prayer, but I did not perform Sahara and my meeting with them is at five o'clock. So should I go without making a star and then find myself in

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real bad trouble because I didn't seek Allah's support. Or should I pray? scholars say go ahead and pray because this has a legitimate reason. It's not the

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voluntary prayer. It's not something preferred prayer you're doing you're just offering without any reason. And this is your choice of Admiral, shall Islam, even Tamia, the choice of chef Aziz bin Baz, a chef Pamela beside her, say me, and all the authentic and strong scholars, knowledgeable scholars of Islam. They say that this way, we combine all evidence together without neglecting this one or that one. It's all combined. And it's all

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joined in one category. Brother, most of you have a question. So that will exclude for example, if I missed the sooner of fetch,

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can I upgrade after fetch directly? This is different because there's a hadith that states is okay. So we don't have to, you know, imagine things. There's a Hadith, the Prophet salla, Selim finished one day, he finished fudger prayer. And then so one of his companions praying next to a pillar,

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praying to Raka. So he came and stood beside him, and said angrily while the guy was praying for his future for Raka, his future for Raka. And he kept on repeating it, the guy finished prayer quickly said, Oh, Prophet of Allah, I asked Allah for forgiveness, I left my house without praying the sooner and I came into the masjid, while you were praying in the congregation. So I joined you. And immediately after you finished, I came to pray the touriga of sooner that I was supposed to pray before, but I couldn't. I was late. So the prophet SAW Selim did not say a word. And this is one type of sin.

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There are

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four types of center.

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Let's try and

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brainstorm it, the first step of center.

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Who knows you're saying my word words, if the Prophet says something, this is sooner, the second type of center action by action by action. So if the Prophet does something, this is sooner, because he did it. So we do it afterwards. Third form of sinners, this

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statement is what's already mentioned, first step, which is words, from the script, a fee, if you refuse to answer approvals proven. So in this case, here, the companion said something and the Prophet did not say anything, which meant that he approved it. Otherwise, the Prophet would have said, No, don't do it again. So by not saying anything, this becomes a sooner approval, and the fourth and last one is the short.

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sell something from sun? Well, this is again, either considered by deeds or approvals, because, for example, howdy,

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jabber and Abdullah canal, we used to, well, I don't want to translate this. They used to do something at the time of the prophet Elijah Salaam, while the Quran was revealed, and the Prophet did not deny them from doing it. So this is an approval. Now, the fourth type of Sunnah is the description of the Prophet alayhi wa sallam. So when one of the companions say that the Prophet was this high, he was this big, his eyes, were this, a form his fingers were this, or that he used to wear this and that this is called a certain sunette. What was fear describing the prophet of Islam? coming back again, you have to catch up with me because so many times I talk, and I forget what

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brought me to this

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issue. So remind me, what brought me to this issue.

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Nevertheless, yes, we're talking about the times you're allowed to drink.

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Okay, so this is the very thick of the scholars that you are allowed to pray in the times that you're not allowed to pray, depending that the prayer has a legitimate reason, a legitimate cause of it. One thing I'd like to point out for you

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is that

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the, the time may span and may be short. Now, it's forbidden for us to pray after answer till

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the sun senses. Now, does this mean it's forbidden for me to pray from five o'clock until eight o'clock, which is promise of tomorrow? No, it can be shortened. In the case if a person did not pray answer yet. So if a person prays answer at six o'clock,

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though people have prayed and gone home, he can pray as long as he has not prayed.

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I believe that this is understood. And again, if you reverse this, if a person is treating

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happening. And he proceeded answer prayer and prayed it. Gemini duck Diem with her solo has called at one o'clock. He prayed for Raka

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of Lahore. And he prayed for lack of answer or because he's traveling, he prayed to it too. So he prayed to recover. Then he prayed to the kind of answer, and the time is still one o'clock. And the call for answer has not been called yet. So if the guy came to the mosque at two o'clock, and said, Well, let me pray. Nothing. I just want to pray. Voluntary prayer. Is this allowed?

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It's two o'clock. The call for answer has not been called yet.

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Yes. Is this allowed for him in travel? In traveling now? No, he went into the mosque now. Now he prayed us Dr. Nasir to Raka Raka and a two o'clock he went to a mosque while he was traveling, and he thought that I might as well sit and rest for about half an hour and pray shouldn't voluntary prayer for about half an hour then continue to travel. Is it permissible for him to pray?

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Yes. Yes. Rushdie.

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I think yes or no. Yes. Zeki?

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No, yes. Friday? No, most of them. Well, we got four opposing to and unfortunately to lead the way. He is not allowed to pray. Now if you look again, at the Hadith we've studied, the Prophet says that it's forbidden for you to pray after us up until the sunsets you as a traveler, traveler, did you pray

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you pray Our sir, but to pray that at one o'clock because you have the option to proceed the prayer. So, now it is for you forbidden to be to pray voluntary prayer, though the call for us it has not been called because for you individually, the prophet tells you that it is not permissible for you to pray until the sunsets. So as I said, it is individual basis quite can be quite long on an individual basis can be quite short. depending if you did not pray answer. You can do this. We have like 55 seconds. Okay.

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What if someone for for any reason, forgot the fridge?

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In the same case, forgot the son of the fridge prayer and the Prophet he never left the son of the fridge when he was traveling? And he came in this time between door and asked Can he enter the mosque and pray the son of the fetch that he had left earlier before he left the country or the his his town? In this case, there's a hadith narrated by oma selama where the Prophet salla salaam used to pray to records of sunat of Lahore after acid. So she asked him. Now you said that we should not pray, how can you pray? He said, Well, I was engaged with some delegation that came to visit me and I could not make it. I could not make pray the sooner so he prayed it. So she asked Can we pray it?

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The Prophet said No, you cannot. So this answers your question. You have to delay it after words. I'm afraid that this is all the time we have for today's program. I think there are a few issues here there we shall be able to continue it when we meet next time. Until then Family Law was cinematical Mahi barakato

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