Ammar Alshukry – Belittling Others

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and use of Islam, including its legal system and use of sallama for personal and political gain. They also touch on the use of sallama for religious gain and negative consequences of not doing things. The importance of self-consciousness and weight in determining one's success is emphasized, as well as the use of "will" and "will" in relation to the presence of a woman in a household. The speakers also remind parents to stop smoking and change one's behavior, and encourage them to use YouTube to stay true to their projects. They also remind people to support and assist projects and give gifts to those who help.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah

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lucha de who was the Ainhoa stop, fiddle, what our rules will be law him in short order unforeseen women say Dr. Molina Mejia de la who for

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one minute when fella Heidi Allah, worship to Allah Allah illallah wa the hula Shetty kala

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then I will do what a solo was a few women helping you hi Lila Bella Risa

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tele Coahoma Alan mahadji Till De La La Ilaha can

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La Ilaha Alec salatu salam wa ali

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Kula as zinfi kitab al Karim bada Rudy bIllahi min ash shaytaan Jamia yo man otaku Allah

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O Allah,

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Allah, Muslim moon yeah SUTA or a backhoe? Mala ha Holika come in nursing Wahida well hold up I mean has Oh Jaha Westerman Houma Regina Alan Garcia oh when is what Allah Halliday Luna he will or hub in Allah Karna alikoum rocky Eva. Yeah, you know tabula.

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You're slick

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way of silicones Rubicam, what may, Allah rasool Allah who forgot the FISA hose and I'll leave my uh, my bad, all praises due to Allah, who is magnificent in his assets, perfect in his attributes, undeniable in His presence. All praise is due to Allah Who has the most magnificent names or praise that is due for him. A praise that forever roommates may send peace and blessings in their most perfect fashion, he said, Greetings and salutations that are complete and everlasting upon the best of his creation. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam may perfect his rank and elevate his station for he taught us what we did not know. And he gave any he gave and he gave because he loved us. So

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it is narrated that on the day of the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered into the Kaaba

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and one man entered with him, belie live nearby Hello the Allahu Anhu

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after which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam commanded Bilal to call the man

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and beloved ascended upon the Kaaba, or the Allahu Anhu. And he proceeded to call the call to prayer.

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And when the people who still did not accept Islam, saw that man standing upon the Kaaba, they said and Hamdulillah that our parents did not live Alhamdulillah that our fathers did not live to see the day when a black man would descend upon the Kaaba,

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behind him the robber Herati Allah and who are traversed a long way. His journey was long, he had gone from being a slave in Makkah, to be bought and to be sold to be killed.

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Useless property worthless, he went from that to a day where he would be standing upon the most sacred of the Arabs sacred places. What gave him that strength? And what gives him the ability, that strength of character where he would dare to stand on the Kaaba one day,

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you will find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took this group of people, he took the Sahaba he took that group of companions that Allah azza wa jal had given him and he was able to transform not simply blood, but all of them. He took out the live Nimbus route from being a young shepherd, Roy el Hunnam like Abuja and called him and he transformed this man to be the scholar of the Quran for the entire Ummah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam transformed the companions. But how did he do it? The Prophet salallahu Salam instilled in them character, and he was the best to instill character. He was the greatest moral be that mankind had ever known. And he restricts the

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reason of his being sent when he says enough.

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The only reason why I was sent was to perfect good character. One of the ways in which the Prophet sallallaahu syndrome did this. One of the ways in which he tried

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was formed the Sahaba of the Allah on whom and were transferred. A transformed the OMA after is what we will be looking at today. The prophets Allah Allah Allah is sending them. One of the ingredients to this recipe of success is that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not allow for any one of his companions to be belittled in His presence. He would never allow for a Muslim to be belittled in His presence. He says in the famous Hadith, la de hacer do don't envy one another. Without an agent, you don't raise prices without the intention to buy. Well as a rule. Don't turn your backs on one another. When asked about Hulu, don't hate one another. Well, cool anyway, by the law he is why not

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be the slaves of Allah all together. And Muslim, our whole Muslim, the believer or the Muslim is the brother of the Muslim, Leia limo. He doesn't oppress him. While I am Zulu. He doesn't forsake Him. When I accuse evil, he doesn't belie him while I grow. And he doesn't belittle him a duck waha Hoonah a taco Hoonah taco is here. And he pointed to his chest three times. And then he emphasizes on that last point, which is the subject of our hotbar. Today, B has been written man, shall I? Oh, who will Muslim, it is sufficient of an evil that a Muslim belittles his Muslim brother. If you were to do nothing else in your day, but to belittle your brother, then that is sufficient to have an

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evil for you. If you do nothing today, more than calling your sister stupid, or calling her ugly, or calling her short, or calling her skinny, are calling her fat.

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Then you have done enough of an evil today. And the prophets Allah Allah alayhi wa salam created, and he taught his companions to never, ever belittle each other. Not only that, but to never allow for anyone to be belittled in their presence, and to always correct that behavior. And I'm going to give you many examples, because there are many examples in the seal of the prophets, Allah, Allah is Allah, what are the reasons why people are belittled? What are some of the manifestations of that? You have someone like Bill

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and Bill and was black.

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And he was a person who did not speak the Arabic language naturally, he was someone who was an immigrant. He was someone who was a slave. And so even though he's his Muslim brother, he calls out to him and he says, Yeah, even a soda.

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He goes out to be loud. And he says them, Oh, son of a black woman. Now he's not alive. No, he's not lying, because mother is black. But the way that he says it, and the intention behind it, and the way that beloved would understand it, it's one thing that we don't really pay attention to, is that when you make fun of someone, you may say, Well, I'm only joking. I didn't mean anything by it. But do you have any control over the way the other person understands it? No, you don't. As soon as that word escapes your lips, then it is no longer under your control. And it may very well be

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that the person who you are making fun of is very self conscious, and very sensitive to that aspect that you are highlighting. And so he says to be like, Yeah, even a soda and Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he doesn't smile. He doesn't laugh it off. He says

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I have to be oh man. Are you making fun of him? Are you blaming him due to his mother is in Naka immediate and fika Helia you are a person who has in uj Lea abou that'll then because he's a companion as well. And he doesn't become arrogant. He places his cheek on the ground. And he says to be loud stuff on my face. Slap on my face. Forgive me for saying a word that would offend you. Or that would offend rasool Allah Allah Allah Allah is Allah.

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What is another reason that a person can be

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Abdullah him No, Mr. Radi Allahu Anhu is described as being very short and very skinny.

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One time the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam had him climb a tree. And as he was climbing that tree, the wind began to blow and it's uncovered his legs and his legs were so scrawny. He was so skinny.

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That was the harbor began to laugh.

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And so Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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coming to the defense of his companion, he says of hugger when I'm in pain. Are you laughing due to how skinny his legs are? You know, a person who's skinny.

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They've lived in skinny their entire lives.

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is something that they're self conscious about. Just like the person who's overweight, may be self conscious about their weight. The person who is short may be self conscious about their height and the person who's very tall may be subconscious about their heights.

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And so they also have another hola and when when they are laughing about that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam he removes from eponymous route, he removes him even he must route any cause of being afraid or any cause of feeling inferior or any cause of having low confidence. He says those legs are going to weigh more than the mountain of Earth on the day of judgment. He immediately instills in him as a reason for confidence. He says those legs are going to wait outweighs the mountain on the Day of Judgment. Sophia been to create Sophia into her Yeah, who was the wife of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam who he married after the Battle of Cable. There are two instances that are

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very beautiful that I want to share with you about our mother Sophia been today the Allah and the first is in her absence. The prophets Allah Allah Allah has sent them with defender. I showed her the Allah and how she narrates that one time she indicated to the prophets Allah Allah to send them that Sophia was short.

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But soon Allah Azza wa sallam, we all know that Aisha was the most beloved person to him. She is the one who the Rasulullah sallallahu sallam was most inclined to accommodate.

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And so when I showed on the Allaha, she indicates that Sophia is short. And Sophia, isn't there. Have a life let it slide. The province will Allah Islam says no.

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You had said something you said something at this point in time, that if it were if you were to spit it into the ocean, it would become black.

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That you back by to her, or that you say something about her that she would not like and just as you would not like to say it, or she would not like for you to say it's in her presence. Then don't say it in her absence. And then another narration Sophia herself came to the hula cellulitis and she said, yeah rasool Allah, these your wives, at times, they start calling out to me, and they say to me, yeah, who the

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Oh, Jewish woman. And that's what she was. She was Jewish. And yet the prophets Allah Allah, Allah has set it up when you're living as a minority. Now the rest of the women are once you are not Jewish, or Arab. So even though she may be proud about her Jewish heritage, when the Prophets when the Wiser rasool Allah Selim call out to her like that, it becomes an insult. So the province of Elijah Selim, he removes for her again, this cause of inferiority and he says for in our do if they returned to that, then tell them in OB Hold on, why me Musa was OG Mohamed salah I listen, shut off on by the shot off. If they say anything to you, again, if they call out to you, they want to make

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fun of you because of the fact that you're Jewish. Tell them that my father is Harun and my uncle is Musa. And my husband is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam. Now who else can claim anything similar to that? He would take their insecurities, cellulitis, and he would take their reasons of feeling inferior. And he would instill in them reasons to be confident. The last one that I want to mention, as well. And so here it is narrated that he was a Bedouin, and that he the province of Elijah is sending them used to love him very much. And that he used the winds to head would come out of the desert, and he would come to buy and sell in Medina, the province of Elijah sending them would say

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so ahead. You are desert and we are your civilization, and the prophets of Allah and Islam had walked into the marketplace. And he saw us ahead buying and selling and he came from behind him and he grabbed him. And he said man yesterday Hi, that out. Who is going to purchase the slave as if he's selling him? He's joking with him. But so head was a person with a very rough character. And so he immediately wanted to free himself from the person who was behind him. And so he looked behind and he saw that it was also lost. So I said to him, so he said, I leaned back. And I said to him, isn't that Did you do any Cassie Daniel rasool Allah, you're going to find me not worth anything in

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the marketplace. What is he? He's a Bedouin, he's illiterate. He's not worth much amongst the city dwelling folk. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he says to him, and tell us that because it and Allah, you are not worth nothing in the sight of Allah. No, you are worth a lot. And so we need to learn from the character of Rasulullah sallallahu is and the way that he would develop his companions, the way that he would enrich them. He would enrich their lives and increase their self

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worth, he would enrich their ability to, to feel like they have something that they could give to the society. He wouldn't cut them down, never cellulitis in them, he would never allow for them to be mocked, he would never allow for them to be belittled. And he would always, always always

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heightened their self worth and increase their ability. And it is no surprise why then that generation that would learn from the prophets of Allah Allah who is sending them would soon be able to create people like live in now Ahmed, who at 19 years old, is walking into the palace of Kisara 19 years old, and he is able to give a very succinct message. He says not an omen of das and Allah, we are a people whom Allah azza wa jal had sent the collage and revise, revise

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it but we are a people whom Allah azza wa jal has sent to remove mankind from the worship of creation to the worship of the Lord of mankind.

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And from the restrictiveness of the religion, to the or from the oppression of religion, to the justice of Islam, and from the restrictiveness of this dunya to the expansiveness of the dunya of the era, make some space for your brothers in sha Allah and move forward. A Kumasi will start for Allah Allah welcome First of Pharaoh in the whole of all right.

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hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while he was a happy woman who Allah has been very in Menasha Sakura, ha ha Muslim, it is sufficient of an evil that a person belittles his Muslim brother.

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The OMA is required to strengthen its personalities. We want to create a generation after us that is going to become stronger than ours. A generation that will be confident in their calling others to Allah, we are the best match ever arise from mankind Allah Azza this is going to play Roma, or collegiate leanness to Morona been my roof with unknown and mooncup but to Amina wanna be law, you are the best or much arise from mankind you command the good and you forbid the evil and you believe in Allah. But that commanding of the good and forbidding of the evil requires strength of personality. It requires confidence. It requires power. Yeah, who's ill kitab. Allah Azza says, oh,

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yeah, it takes a book with strength. And that does not happen. When people grow up being cut down

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the act of belittling another Why do people belittle each other? Psychologists they say it's like a seesaw that a person will belittle the other person, they'll bring that person down so that they can rise up a little bit. Even though it's something that's temporary, they will say, oh, so and so they'll make fun of him, they'll gather around him and they'll call him stupid, or they'll call him worthless, or they'll call him this or they'll call him that. And for that moment, they will feel like they are better.

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They will feel like they are better. Because they wouldn't do it if they didn't feel that. But Allah Allah says, Yeah, you will have

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liars for

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men whom Allah says, Oh you who believe. Let not one group of you belittle or mock another group. Why? It may be that that person whom everyone is gathered together around making fun of it may be that in the sight of Allah, that person is better.

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What it sound mean nice,

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as I couldn't hire a main one, and they may be no group of women should gather. No group of woman should mock another group of women. It may be that their butts are in the sights of Allah.

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And do not call out to each other. Do not make fun of each other do not call each other by names that you don't like. Imam Muhammad, the nurse in the province of Allah, they said Lim came to Medina, they used to have this habit. A person would have two or three names. And so the province will always send them is learning their names. And so he would call out to that person and he would say oh, so and so. And then they will say to them, yeah, Rasul Allah, he doesn't like that name. He doesn't like that name. And so the prophets Allah, Allah azza wa jal revealed, without an ibis, we will

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do not insult each other with your name. So don't give each other names that you don't like. And when you know, someone doesn't like a name, don't call that person by that name. Don't call that person by that name. Allah says Wilma lemmya TUPE. And whoever doesn't repent from that, when I como volley moon, those are the oppressors. Those are the oppressors.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, he described pride after he said that pride, whoever has a bit of pride will never enter paradise. They asked them and he said that pride is what will help want to nurse. It is the rejection of the truth.

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and it is belittling others. It is belittling others. And so

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even, you know a lot of the names that we grew up on, that our families might have called us, donkey this an idiot that and who knows what other animals that we are named after, as we were kids.

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The province Allah sent me declared all of that to be held on the province I send them declare all of that to be held on to the name your child him out. It is harder, because he's not he's not a donkey and he's not this and he's not that he's a human being Allah azza wa jal made him a human being. And Allah azza wa jal even set and look at the precision of the Quran. Allah says Mr. Torah, so Mala Mia,

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can methylene Shema, Allah Azza just as the example of those who carry the Torah, and then they didn't carry it, he says they are like the example of the donkey. And notice how Allah azza wa jal didn't call them the animal because they're not. But he said that example of that.

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So your action items from this football, something very specific hamdulillah the scope, but as far as the takeaway actions of it, it is very, very simple. Never insult a person.

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Never belittle your brother, do not call them names that they don't like. And whatever names you may have for someone, if they are names that you know, have a negative connotation, it doesn't matter if they smile, and it doesn't matter if they laugh, because you don't know what happens in their hearts. And you yourself, have experienced many times maybe where someone said something to you, and it was hurtful to you, and you laughed in their face, and you smiled and you brushed it off, and you let it slide. But Allah knows that that hurts you. So if that happened to you, don't let it happen to anyone else. And don't be the cause of that. Because that is enough of an evil for you that you

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belittle your Muslim brother. So just stop. That is point number one, just stop, don't do it anymore. Change your habits. I know we grew up in a culture where this is what's considered to be normal conversation. It is showing off your verbal skill and your verbal prowess and your wit to be able to cut anybody down to sides. But don't do it anymore. Because we love the province on the lightest, and the more than we love our cultures, and more than we love any habits that we may have picked up. And undoubtedly in his example is the best example. Second is that even if you are not the person doing it, but if it happens in your presence, then you have seen the example of

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Rasulullah sallallahu sended them that he would not stand was the one who was making fun of them. And there was no more Jamela there, there was no accommodation, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would rebuke the one who said it, and he would affirm a beautiful quality to the one who was mistaken, or the one who was insulted. And then the last thing that I want to mention is

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Don't belittle yourself.

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Don't belittle yourself.

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Yes. Don't belittle others, but don't belittle yourself as well.

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The, you know, I'm not even a hot dog, but I'll be Allah and who he learned from those little Allah. So I sent him this lesson. And when him now boss was in the companionship of Omar, and everyone around him is a lot older. Sometimes even Abbas would have an opinion that was different from the elder Sahaba. And so he would say later on to OMA, he wouldn't speak in front of everyone, but he would say later on, so I mute him well, meaning Oh, I mean, to be honest, I had an opinion that was different than everybody else's opinion. So muddy Mahatama Dylon, who would say to him, speak, yeah,

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oh, my nephew. We're not good enough sick, never belittle yourself. Never belittle yourself speak out. So we want to raise amongst our children the identity we want to raise amongst the youth amongst us, we want to teach them that. Because in a very short time, how soon are the ones who are in the massages? And speaking in the membrane and doing all of these things? How soon are we all replaced, and who is the one who replaces us, it is the one that we are nurturing now. So we want to make sure that we're nurturing people of strength, even from a young age. And finally, with regards to belittling themselves, I have noticed that amongst my own circle of friends, the ones who are you

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know, people gather around and they make fun of very easily. The first thing that I will notice is that they themselves are very quick to make fun of themselves. So they're the first person to say, I'm such an idiot. Oh, I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have done that. So when you're the first one to say, Oh, I'm so stupid. It's very easy for someone next to you to say yeah, you're right. Let me tell you how stupid you are. Such as such as such as such as such or such. But I've also noticed about friends who no one ever makes one. Oh.

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I've noticed that I've never heard them make fun of themselves. And so there's this Haber. There's a line that since you've never seen anyone crossed that line. You don't want to be the first person to cross it either. So you

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These are some qualities of the Sahaba that we want to take advantage over. The first is never belittle anyone. Second, don't allow for anyone to be belittled in your presence. And the third is Don't belittle yourself. And before coming to conclusion, I wanted to remind our brothers actually move forward and sha Allah make some space, continue to make space as the message is full. It's a holiday today

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of the obligation towards this message and this project. I am from New York. But I tell you that on a regular basis, even in our masajid, we will go on to YouTube. And we will watch videos from Majid, OMA and Farrokh of the hilltop that are happening here of the events that are happening here. Allah I saw an event recently on a lecture with the brother Joshua Evans, who was a 45 minute lecture in this masjid, and it has over a million hits almost a million hits on YouTube. And this is something that is a blessing that Allah has given you. And so reminder, a reminder as well as you are in the last week or the last days before the year, the end of the year, to continue to support and continue

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to assist your community and your projects in this Masjid. There are people who are watching you guys and everything that happens in this masjid, from not just New York but from all over the world. And so continue inshallah to Allah to support the Messiah budget and this Masjid in particular, and to support this project in sha Allah to Allah before the end of the year, as you know, and remember, you know, that whatever you give, Allah azza wa jal will continue to replace Allah Azza just says Ramallah from Allah, Allah, why is it that you not given the pass of Allah, when he let him heal off somehow that you will not and so Allah belongs everything that is in the heavens in the earth. Last,

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enduring Garmadon I have this beautiful story that I was blessed enough to experience myself.

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I was in a, I was in a fundraiser for Somalia. And you know, somebody, everything was happening for Somalia during Ramadan. And I had a brother at the same time, a little before Somalia happened, the iPad two came out. And so there was a brother who was trying to save a $500 to get it. And he didn't have a lot of money. It was really taking him a while it was taking him around a month to save up for it. And so when he went to that fundraiser, when he went to that fundraiser, it he wasn't intending to give, he was attending to support. But what ended up happening, someone said something and it affected his heart. And he said, You know what these people are in need. I'm not in need. Let

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me give. That's it. Let me just give. He said that he was going to donate it. Some other people heard that he had donated at the expense of his iPad. And before the end of the night, a person came to him and he said, You know what, Brother SubhanAllah. I have three of them that were just gifted to me. I work for a technology company. People give me gifts all the time. I didn't even know who to give it to. I'm giving it to you. That was on Saturday night, the brother was sitting in the chair and he looked like he was gonna cry. Everyone's like, just leave him alone. He's having a moment. Then after that three days later on Monday, on that Monday, he got a tax return. And he was thinking

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that he was supposed to be paying taxes. He got his tax return in you know, four months late. And it was for $2,500. But Allah Allah Allah says, Whatever you give, he is going to replace it. We ask Allah azza wa jal to teach us that which benefits us to benefit us from that which he taught us. Aloha. My name is Erica Jana Omar Kamala balay Hamid potent Mohammed. When are we becoming enough? When malerkotla balay have an accordion Muhammad? Aloma Tina husana Taqwa Zakia antihero Monza Ka and until really you home Hola. Hola, Maximilian. I mean to be he been in Albania Marcia tick, I mean to article jannettek I mean, I

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saw dunya on maternal Allahumma the asthma in a wobble sadhana boku wa Tina

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Turner. John who is me mean, watch I was talking

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Dina, what are the dunya Kabbalah Hamina what are my beloved Illumina Elon Musk the Rana watch agenda to hear Donna Durametric Alhambra means Subhan Allah because I've been registered to the phone.

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Or hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen beaucoup de la sala to Muhammad Muhammad Allah

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