Ali Hammuda – Indicators Of Insincerity

Ali Hammuda
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the issue of everyone not being honest with their intentions and causing problems, as it leads to problems and wasting time. They stress the importance of minimizing initiative and giving opinions on issues, particularly in the afterlife of Islam. The speaker also emphasizes the need for people to act on their own initiatives and not allow others to see their views, avoiding disrespectful behavior, and not being seen as a result of public gatherings.
AI: Transcript ©
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Here is the issue brothers and sisters. The issue is that nobody will confess that he has an issue.

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Nobody will sit down with himself for the most part, perhaps, and say I am insincere.

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Rather many will claim sincerity.

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And when they are advised, they may say yes, we need to renew our intention. But they don't do it. The problem is that nobody really feels that he has a problem with this matter.

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As Jim Butler, he said, one of the American authors who said that everything is perfect, and completely healthy in the land of denial, and everyone is in denial. Therefore, everything is perfect and healthy, everything is okay.

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However, there are symptoms, there are signs. So even if we are refusing to accept the fact that there is an illness that needs to be addressed, there are signs that you can't run away from, what are the signs, these are indicators brothers and sisters take note of these I will mention maybe around eight or so signs that there are there are problems with a person sincerity is like your red flag, it's like your red light. One of the signs is that there is a lot of self praise involved in the life of this person and his supposedly Islamic activity.

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This self praise will sometimes come about through him

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explicitly or sometimes it is implicit.

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Sometimes he will speak about himself and his achievements or achievements because of a need, because at times there is absolutely no need for it whatsoever. And even if this person comes across as the most humble of all people, he will take every opportunity to sing in his own praise, whether he realize it or not, that is that is a sign. Let us say that is an indicator indicator. Number two is that there is there is a disproportionate amount of focus that he puts on the faults of other people. We're not saying that we are to close the door of enjoying the good and forbidding evil, that door is open till the Day of Judgment. And it's part of our greatness as Muslims. We forbid the

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evil. And we call out what is wrong for what it is not here we have a disproportionate amount of focus on the faults of other people, particularly on his Koran, his colleagues, his peers,

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those who are like him in his field. So Dahlia on that yeah, hatred, shame on shame, backstabbing, recite or on reciter slander committee committee banter,

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a disproportionate amount of focus being put on the phones of other people, that is a sign that is a sign that there is an issue with sincerity here. Another one of the signs is that there is

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minimization of the importance of other people's initiatives.

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You hear of a project that a brother or sister a colleague of yours has has in mind, for their Islam for their hereafter. And there always seems to be a tendency by this individual to want downplay the importance of that idea. Now, I don't think it's gonna work. I know, I think I think he could have pushed himself a little bit harder to come with more of an innovative and more effective idea. And that seems to be his his method across the board, not wanting any attention to be taken away from his work her work. How do they do that? They always seem to shoot down other initiatives, as opposed to wanting to see others succeed and to grow. I mean, Prophet Musa alayhi salatu salam, when he was

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commissioned by Allah to become a prophet, he said,

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how do they actually Oh Allah, my brother, how long? Can you make him a prophet as well? Allahu Akbar, the aspect of wanting good for others, and seeing them succeed. Islamically that's part of sincerity is part of prophethood.

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That is a sign here, minimizing the importance of other people's initiatives. Now, I don't think it's going to take off.

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The element here is also another element or another side is

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insistence on your own views.

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So it couldn't be a discussion that you have. And you say to people, yeah, we open up the door of consultation here. We've got to think together as a team, but it's a reoccurring theme. Your opinion has to go through at the end of it.

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And if it's not your opinion,

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then people see it on your face. And you struggle to work as part of a team has to be your view, my way or the highway. That is a sign that sincerity really needs. Another another look. Another one of those signs is there is this boldness and courage in issuing fatwa in delivering an Islamic ruling, giving an opinion on any given matter.

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And sometimes these aren't contemporary issues. Sometimes these are issues that require scholars to get together and to deliberate to think, to discuss, to pray, istikhara, to consult to call upon Allah to ask Him for guidance, are we going to say the right thing to give and take, it may take a month, it may take six months until you formulate a view, no, this individual doesn't have this process.

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He's the first to speak about almost any matter.

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Any issue political, financial, economical, Islamic, otherwise, he's on Facebook, he has something to say. Even though it may not be his field at all, and he is eager as well to ensure that he has a say in everything. That boldness, that courage, that for oneness is a worrying sign as well. That sincerity needs a review. Another one of those signs, signs number six, is that there is this aversion to advice, hatred of the advisor and the advisor.

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And whilst he may say yeah, actually, we welcome advice, Allahu Akbar. And, you know, if it wasn't for people, like you were, how would my faults ever be spotted. But you see it in the eyes, and you see it in the tone of voice, and you see it in the inability to look into you to make eye contact with you ever again, his willingness to his unwillingness now to take part of your projects, why because you are the one who called out one of his faults,

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whether it was an element of immorality, whether it's a financial issue that needs revisiting, or whether it is an Islamic idea that required enhancing, he's not happy with the advice. And that is a sign that sincerity is in question.

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Another one of the signs is that this person will distance himself from the public gatherings of benefit.

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So you will not see that person in a gathering like this as an example. He will not be seen set with the laity of Muslims or so he may describe,

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benefiting from somebody whom he feels he is superior to, he can't do that.

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Although what is interesting is that this person may, in fact, get in touch with the very teacher himself on a private basis and say to him, I'd like one to one tuition with you.

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But he will not be seen set with the rest of the people learning, learning for free. The thing is, if we're going to shy away from sensitive topics, because people will feel hurt that they are being targeted. And that means we mustn't talk about anything. We shouldn't talk about interest because some people in this room or perhaps using interest, shouldn't talk about fornication should talk about backstabbing shouldn't talk about any of these elements of not wearing hijab, because we're going to upset some people who are not wearing hijab. This is not Islam.

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So this is another sign yet number seven, that there is this distance.

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This person is not around when there is a public gathering of benefits a lecture or a series of course, it's it's like he doesn't need it.

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But on the same token, this is now number eight. On the same token, that very individual who was not seen in these public gatherings to learn he's very keen to contribute and to be at the front cover of the magazine. He wants to be the person who gets the rubber stamp. Yes, the one who cuts that red ribbon, the one who is interviewed the one who speaks about the project and is the focus of the limelight.

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And that is a scary sign brothers and sisters. Therefore, as you see we are elaborating so much on this one mannerism. We're not in a rush. We're not in a rush to move to advance because this is really a make or break in the life and the afterlife of so many people

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