Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Fasting Episode 3

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses various issues related to fasting, including the importance of fasting for achieving goals and avoiding drinking alcohol. The use of pilots and the potential for pilot training can change behavior. The discussion also touches on the issue of kissing pastor's wife and the difference between "has" and "has." The importance of fasting during holidays and the use of vomiting are also discussed, with the importance of avoiding accidents and avoiding accidents leading to health issues.
AI: Transcript ©
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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam o Baraka si de la hache Marine, where on earth he was a busy woman sobre la subida he

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stood up is from Nevada via de la Yami. Dean seldom at the Sleeman kathira, a

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couple of weeks ago before we took this break, we began with kuttabul snam, the book of fasting

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and I think we won't have this number 552 Is that correct? So anyone know why do

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you have a different numbering? What was the last 33?

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Okay, okay. Okay.

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So the next Hadeeth, this number 552. And as we said before,

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so far we've taken is basically an introduction into the chapter of fasting, and some of the issues concerning fasting such as support and such as bar and some of the other issues concerning fasting. And now what Rahim Allah what the author was going to go into was the merfolk there are those things that break your fast, but before he actually went into what breaks your fast, he mentioned the previous Hadith the last Hadith that we took the hadith of Abu hora hora de la one millimeter Allah zody Well, I'm Allah be Felisa de la hija trophy. Other parama Sharapova whosoever doesn't leave a false testimony or acting in accordance with that, then Allah has no need that he should leave of

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his food and drink. And we said that the reason why even Maharaja Rahim Allah brought the Hadith here was as an introduction into this mini chapter of what breaks your fast. So by each man by consensus of the spellers someone who lies was fasting, someone who gives false testimony, someone for example, who steals and so on and so forth. Their fast is correct, meaning that the fast doesn't become null and void by performing other sins. However, no doubt that reward will be lessened the reward of that fast will be less than in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala to the extent that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that if in the state of Ramadan, in the month of

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Ramadan, and in the state of fasting, or a time when a person should be closest to the Lord, so kinda hautala that fasting and that month of Ramadan, the heightened sense of spirituality, the fact that the doors of jahannam are closed and the gates of Paradise are open, the fact that the shell in the devil's have been chained, even if that all of that cannot stop a person then from from committing and performing major sins, then what benefit is it that that person should fast? What's the point of them not eating and drinking when they can abstain from such major and apparent sins? And so even though false testimony doesn't break your fast, because of its Verity, Abraham's Rahim

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Allah mentions that how do you feel? So then what about those things which break your fast? meaning those things that you do intentionally in order to break your fast? So that how do you halifa hora rhodiola one was like a mini introduction into this section of the chapter. Halley's number 552 and this is where we stopped last time. On the 30 year long run how pilot can be used so long while he was setting them up below who saw him are you Basha, who saw him? Well, Akina who can only ever be metafont la la familia Muslim Masada theory via fear Ramadan, on the 30th Ramadan Chateau de la jolla who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would kiss whilst he was fasting. And he

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would follow him whilst he was fasting. And he wants the one who would most be able to control his desires. And this is collected by Alabama and Buhari aneema Muslim in there too. So he's the wording of his of Mr. Muslim and in a narration, she said in the month of Ramadan.

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So now we're coming into those issues which break a person's fast some of those issues, there is consensus concerning that there is a schema amongst scholars that they break your fast for example, a person who eats intentionally, another person drinks intentionally. Another person has marital relations intentionally. These things break your fast by each map by consensus of the Muslim scholars. And because there are so well known, Abraham's Rahim Allah doesn't really mention them here. Because if you remember at the beginning of the chapter, he bought verses from

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Surah Baqarah Mashallah. So we'll mention some of those things. And so he's not going to repeat them here again. They're well known and sh Mathers consensus of the scholars of Islam. There are other things.

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Other things which the scholars have differed over, do they break a person's fast or not? Or they may break a fast in persons fast in certain situations and may not break the fast in other situations. So these are the things that Abraham's Rahim Allah is concentrating on him. The first issue is what happens if someone does something other than marital relations, so husband with the wife, the wife or the husband, below mount relations less than marital relations, they kiss, the fondle and so on and so forth. Once they are fasting, does that break the fast or not? Is it allowed or not? This is what the Hadith America Chateau de la Juana is speaking about. And so in this hadith

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she explicitly says, In the Hadith in Bukhari and Muslim, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would kiss most he was fasting, and he would fond on his wives whilst he was fasting, but he was the most able to control his desires be Abby who only sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And there is another very similar to this which even though even Rahim Allah doesn't bring will mention in the Sonoran of Ibiza would that two men came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one after the other. One was a man Olden age, the other was a man young in age. Both of them ask the same question or messenger of Allah, can we kiss our spouses whilst in the state of fasting whilst in Ramadan, whilst we are fasting? To the old man the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Yes, you may kiss to the young man. He said, No, you may not kiss her. And so the companion said, Why is it the two men come with the same question you give two different rulings. And here we see what is

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known as the fifth of fatwa, the the knowledge and the science of giving fatwa giving religious rulings, sometimes you give two different rulings to exactly the same question based upon the circumstance. And so here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has the same question from two different people, two different answers. Why? One was old, one was young, one was more able to control his desires, the other was not. So to the older man. He said, yes, you make us your wife to the younger one. He said, No. And so based upon this, the scholars of Islam have different concerning this issue. Is it allowed to kiss a pastor's wife in the state of fasting or not? And all

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of it comes back to this issue of being able to control yourself or not, if that kissing is going to lead to arousal, and lead to other things, then it was not allowed. And if the kissing Moni to anything else, then it is allowed. This is basically the criterion and the fossil in this issue. How do we differentiate between these issues, it is dependent upon an individual basis, person by person, each person knows himself better, if it will lead to arousal and other things that no, he should stay away. If he doesn't, or if it will lead to something else, then he should refrain from his spouse. And so the scholars of Islam have mentioned this, the issue of kissing and so on, and

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they have defined it in three categories. Number one is someone who kisses and nothing happens, they don't get aroused, nothing will come out from the private pots, no liquids will come out, nothing will happen. For this person, it is around and the fasting is correct, it is sorry and there is no harm in it. And this is what your loved one is saying about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The second issue is that it will lead to arousal, but nothing more. It will lead to arousal, but nothing more. In this case, a person shouldn't kiss. However, the fast is still correct. So even if it leads to arousal, that fasting is still correct, the fastest not broken. However, that reward

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will be diminished, because now they have condensed something which they should have avoided in the month of Ramadan. The third issue or the third category is that it leads to arousal and more meaning it may lead to * it may lead to other things. What happens in this case than the fasting is if it leads to *, then the fasting is null and void by consensus of the scholars of Islam. So these are the three categories when it comes to the issue of kissing in the month of Ramadan and in the state of fasting.

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The next three Hadith we will take together because they're all on the same issue hardees number 553 ronneby on betsson Road, the Allahumma and an obeah Salalah de he was Salama Gemma Muslim Gemma who was saw him a fragile Buhari on the 30th Abdullah bass rhodiola one Houma that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got cooked once in the state of a haram and he got caught

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wants to was fasting collected by Al Bukhari had his number 554 one shut down even iOS. radi Allahu Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at Allah Raja lynnville Buffy the G mafia Ramadan Nepal, of peril, hair GMO Walmart Jerome Robinson c'est la telemovie also how we might lose a weapon or a ban on the authority of shutdown even in the long run the profits on a long while he was still and passed by a man in the graveyard of DACA. And he was getting cooked in the month of Ramadan. So he said that both of you the one who gets cooked and the one who is doing the cupping, both of you have broken your fast and this is collected by the five excepted Tourmaline and the results indicated by

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Mohammed and even hoceima and Ibrahim ban had his number 555 170 Malik and Ravi Allahu anhu con, a woman in JAMA, Tony saw him and Najafi Ba ba ba ba demo saw him from Aurobindo bu Salalah alayhi wasallam of Nepal of Tara Hassan from Morocco Sana bu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the Philippine geometry design, what kind of unassuming actor jumuah who saw him Bravo, Dara Putney vaca WA, and the authority of any CBD medical your loved one who said that at the beginning of Islam, he was disliked that a person should get kept in the state of fasting. And that was because Jaffer even thought he brought the wrong one was getting kept whilst he was fasting. And the prophet SAW Allah

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while he was still impressed by him. And he said, both of you have broken your fast meaning, the one who's doing the cupping, and Jafar himself, but then later on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed for the one who is fasting to get cupped and and so on the long run, would get cupped whilst he was fasting, collected by

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these three ahaadeeth. All of them are very similar in their content, and all of them speak about the same issue and that is copying whilst in the state of fasting. I assume everyone knows what cooking is hijama and that is where a person comes and using fire they take out or dry cupping or wet cupping depending on the type of cupping, they remove ill blood or blood which is impure from the body, and it can be done from more or less any part of the body. This is a sunova profits on the long run, he will sell them and it is supposed to have health benefits in it as well. The issue here is though, can it be done in the state of fasting once the person is fasting in the month of

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Ramadan, or outside of the month of Ramadan? We have three ahaadeeth here and each one of them gives a slightly different ruling. The first the hadith of Ibn Abbas is that the prophets of Salaam used to take a Jama whilst in the state of Iran meaning when you would go for Hajj and whilst he was fasting, or is afflicted by camel mojari. This Hadith it is authentic up to the statement that he would take the Dharma in the state of Islam. As for the last image that he would take the gentleman was fasting. The scholars of Hadith have different over this particular wording. Is this authentic or not? If you go back to our Buhari and Muslim the Hadith which is in both Bukhari and Muslim,

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you're only mentioned state of Islam, not the state of fasting. And so some of the scholars like Mr. Mohammed and other scholars of the Hadith, they said that this edition of fasting is weak in this Hadith, that the authentic hadith in Sahih Muslim is only up to that you would make a Jama in the state of Rome, in the state of Iran whilst he would go for Umrah or Hajj as for the last part, then that is a weak edition. So that's the first howdy the second Hadith is an authentic hadith and that is the hadith of shad daddy when he also the Allah one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the one who gets cooked and the one who does the cooking both of them have broken their

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fasts. And remember Bukhari Rahim Allah said, this hadith is the most authentic hadith in this chapter, meaning in this issue of hijama, that both of them have broken their fasts, the one who does the cooking, and the one who is getting cooked. The last Heidi the Hadith and his evening, Manik rhodiola one, the scholars of Hadith have different over its authenticity. Some of them said that it is authentic. Others such as the amount we will pay Mahima hola another set, it is weak. And the issue is because of this narration that refers back to Jaffa ibn Abi Talib robiola one and it says that Joffrey been a bit parlayed on the day of the conquest of Mecca, young Fatimah 10, the

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eighth year of the hedgerows, he was getting cooked and the prophets of Salaam saw him and this is what he said turn. The scholars said that it is well known that jaffery been a bit parlayed was martyred before the conquest of Makkah. He was martyred on the day of moto which was a year or two before the conquest of Mecca. And so he wrote the Allahu Akbar died before the day of the conquest of Mecca.

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they say that this hadith is weak. Therefore they say that this hadith is weak. And so it would seem that the only authentic hadith is the hadith of shad that evening. Also not the alarm rang, which says that both the one who gets cupped and the one who does the cupping have broken their fast. However, anyway, there are three ahaadeeth each one of them gives a different ruling. The first one says that it is allowed for you to get cup there is no harm. The second one says that it is not allowed completely the opposite ruling. And the third Hadith says that it is disliked three Hadith, three different rulings. So how do you reconcile between all three? The reconsideration is by

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looking at the Hadeeth the first Hadeeth we say that that addition of the fasting person doing hijama and it being allowed for him is weak. So therefore the Hadith is taken up. The second Hadith is authentic. As the moment Buhari said it is the most authentic hadith in this chapter, even though he doesn't narrate to himself and Sohail Buhari, whereas the first Hadith he does not write, he says this hadith is more authentic in this issue. And the third hurry the hadith of anissina Malik, we said has some discrepancies in it and it seems to be weak. And so therefore, the issue or the correct opinion in this issue and Allah knows best and there is a difference of opinion amongst the

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scholars is that hey, Jama will break your fasting cupping will break your fasting. Shuffle is now moving to Tamia Rahim Allah He says that this is also in concurrence with the two years with analogy when it comes to what breaks fasting. When you look at what breaks fasting, it can be categorized into two main categories. Number one, things that you add to your body that you take into your body. And number two things that you remove from your body. Either way, it will weaken or strengthen your body. So these are the two categories things which strengthen your body, because you take them in like food and drink and so on, or things which weaken your body, because they are removed. Like for

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example * like for example, cupping. So if a lot of blood is removed, then it weakens the body. So likewise, even based on analogy, when you look at all of the things that thing they fall under these two categories, number one, things which strengthen the body eating, drinking, and so on. Number two things which weaken the body like *, like for example, cupping, and someone like for example, vomiting, and we'll go into the issue as well. These are things which weaken the body and so, anything which falls into this and then you can make progress on this for anything else. Like for example, if someone was to take an injection, which had some type of nourishment in

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it gave you strength, that would fall under one of these categories and so on and so forth, he can make a yes on this. So based upon this as well, even analogy from the analytical point of view, he Jama is something which breaks fasting, because it is a lot of blood which is removed from the body and it is something which weakens the body. And obviously this is also in accordance to this hadith that we said of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So hijama is something which breaks the fast and that is the stronger of the two opinions and as I said, there is a difference of opinion on this issue and Allah knows best Hadith number 556 one Anisha turabian law one and a BS en la hora de la

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silla ACTA Hanafi Ramadan one was saw him bro who even image of Islam, Allah telemovie la la superficie del babish A and the authority very short. The long run Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used kohan in the month of Ramadan whilst he was fasting collected by even manager with the week with a weak chain of narration and amendment Timothy said there is nothing authentic in this chapter on on this issue.

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This Hadith again is one of those things which the scholars have different over concerning whether it breaks the festival or not. And that is what is called that type of appointment that you apply to your eyes. Right? And so women do it and men do it as well. And in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the men would apply this on to their eyes. Does this break the fast or not?

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In this chapter there are three Howdy. Even though one is the only one is mentioned by Ibrahim Allah. There are three a hadith on this issue. The first is this hadith of Arusha, which we said is weak collected by Eben magia and there is a weak Hadith. The second is the hadith of Ibn Ahmad the Allahumma the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out to the companions in the month of Ramadan, and he was wearing coal in both of his eyes. And this hadith is also weep. The third Hadith is the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam told people that you should wear before they go to sleep unless they are fasting. And again, this hadith is weak. So all three ahaadeeth on this

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issue are weak. And that's why le mama Timothy Rahim Allah

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As is mentioned by Roger law Sophie Heather Derbyshire, there is no authentic hadith in this issue. So all of the Hadith are narrated on this issue are weak. So therefore, we go back to the original ruling and that is that coal doesn't break your fast cocoa doesn't break your fast because in order for it to break the fast there must be an evidence from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and because there isn't an it doesn't break your fast based upon this, the scholars have made progress on things like eyedrops and ear drops and so on. That they are also allowed and that they don't break your fast as well based on the hours of this of this issue of open and Allah knows best.

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So let's have these Hadith number 557 one a beholder authority Allah one who call Paula Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam manasi Allahu wa sallam for UCLA. Oh Sherry folio Tim Musoma for in Oklahoma. Hola. Hola. Sakamoto Hakuna Hari, what in hacking. men often have you Ramadan and ESEA for Napa de Monaco Farah wahoo Masai

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Mara rhodiola. One who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whosoever forgets once they are fasting and they eat or drink, then let them complete their fasting for Indeed, Allah has given them food and drink, and this is corrected and Buhari and Muslim, and no mustard in the mustard rock will help him. There is an addition that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever breaks their fast in Ramadan forget fully, then they don't have to repeat the past nor do they have to give an explanation. And this is also authentic.

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This Hadith refers to another issue now and that is the issue of the nasty is the one who forgets. And likewise you can add to that the macro, the one who is forced, these two people in the Shetty are have their own separate rulings, the one who forgets the forgetful one and the one who is forced. So the general ruling initially are Is that the one who eats and drinks has eats or drinks has broken their fast. So if you eat or drink, you have broken your fast. This issue now refers to the one who forgets.

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So a person comes in to eat in the day that they are fasting in the month of Ramadan, for example, they eat, whether it's a little bit or a great amount of small amount of weight amount, whether they eat their fill, or they don't whatever they eat, so long as they are forgetful. Then after they have finished eating or drinking or once they're eating or drinking, they remember that they're fasting. So they stop has that broken their fastener or not? According to this hadith and the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Islam, No, they haven't broken their fast. And so they don't have to repeat that fast. Nor do they have to give an explanation. Meaning they don't have to feed someone

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or do anything else. That fast is sorry, it is complete, it is correct. And they continue fasting as normal, and they make iftaar as normal. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Phil you Tim sama, let him continue to fast food Indeed, it is a law that gave them something to eat or drink. So based upon this, as long as we can make an analogy on another issue, and that is a person who is forced to eat or drink, if such an issue arises, that a person is fasting, and someone comes and they threaten their life. And they say that unless you eat or drink, I will do this to harm you, I will kill you and so on. Can they eat and drink? Yes. Does that break their

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fast? No. So this one is upon this hadith of ohana rhodiola. One have also placed the issue of the one who has marital relations in the month of Ramadan or was the fasting forget fully. If that were to recur? Would their fasting also be null and void? No. If they did it was in a state of forgetfulness, then no, they're fasting is correct. And it is he and Allah subhana wa Taala knows best. How do you from a 558 one to be Herrera Torah the Allahu anhu Paul, Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mandara aku pay for nakodar de womanist taqwa of Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah who I met

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on authority of a burrito rhodiola one who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, whosoever is overcome by vomiting, they don't have to make up the fast and whosoever makes themselves vomit, then they must repeat their fast collected by the five Anima mathematician it is weak, but remember Dr. Courtney said it is authentic. This handy there is a difference of opinion over concerning whether it is authentic or not. And it seems on Alonso's best that the Hadith is hessen that it is of a sound chain of narration and basically what the Hadith is saying

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That vomiting is of two types, either you overcome by vomiting, meaning that it's not of your choice, but the person is ill. And the vomit overcomes them and they vomit, not out of choice, but out of because of the illness and so on. Or the second choice is that they make themselves from it, either by placing their finger down the throat or some other way, they make themselves vomit. Now in these two issues, the prophet son alone, while he was Selim has differentiated between the two. And this hadith is similar to the previous one, in the sense that why, because as we said in the previous one, that if you're forgetful, then you're fasting isn't broken. And if you're forced,

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you're fasting isn't broken. And this hand is if a person is overcome by vomiting, then it's like they're being forced.

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So can you see the connection between this hadith and the previous Hadith that Abraham being brings, that if you're forced to overcome by vomit, slander of choice, is like you're being forced. And so you take the ruling of the one who is forced, so therefore, you're even though it will weaken you, even though it should be one of them perfectly right one of the things that breaks so fast, because you have done matter of choice, or of forgetfulness, or error of being compound, then your basket is sorry, it is correct, and it's not broken. However, if someone was to make themselves vomit, intentionally vomit, then the fasting would be broken and they would have to repeat the day and

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Allah Subhana which Allah knows best.

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The next Hadith

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Harris number 559, mon Jabir ibn Abdullah Brody Allahumma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ah ha Raja IML Fatimah Lomax, a few Ramadan for some better for Korra alameen for somnus some other Hema for Rafa who Hector Navarro Nasir la ke for Sheree some Mattila desertic in Nevada Manasa some for Paula la casa una casa

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de la in the nurse Shaka Lima Sam, my name is Antonio Luna FEMA felt for the abitata Hema in the last three for Sheree perahu Muslim on the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah rhodiola Juan Houma that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came out of Makkah, in the year of the conquest in the eighth year of the hijra, in the month of Ramadan, and he continued to fast until he reached a place called Cora el amin, and the people meaning the companions were fasting with him. And then he ordered that a bowl of water be bought fourth, and then he raised it until the people could see and then he began to drink. And then it was said to him after this that some people still continued to

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fast. He said they are the disobedient or those are the disobedient, those are the disobedient and then none of the wording it was said to him that the people find it difficult to fast and they are waiting for you to see what you do. So he ordered that a pot of water be bought after solid colossal and he drank from it collected by Imam Muslim, but also take the next Hadith 560 because it's similar

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and that is the hadith of Hamza ebinger mo lsmu rhodiola $1 euro Salalah in Asia Do you

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suffer for * Aliya junuh fatahna Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also to Mina la from an alpha behalf for Hassan woman assume for Arjuna How are they wrong? Who Muslim was to who are the human howdy here Aisha and Hamza to Ebony Amato, Sal this habit of Hamza Urbino amaryllis de Muro de la Huang, he said, O Messenger of Allah, I find that I have strength too fast whilst I am traveling. So is there any harm in that? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, It is a concession from Allah, whoever takes from it, it is good and whoever wishes to fast and there is no harm in doing so quickly by Muslim and the origin of this hadith in Bukhari and Muslim in the hadith of

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Aisha rhodiola Juana

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these two How do you speak about another issue now whether is the issue of concessions, and that is as we know if a person is ill, or if they're, if they're traveling, it is allowed for them to break their fast it is allowed for them to break their fast and this is mentioned in the in the last panel with Darla mentioned in the Quran, from an Quran I mean come Maria bon lsfo ferric determine a woman or whoever is ill or is traveling, then they make up those days after the month of Ramadan. So each day that you miss you make her up after the month of Ramadan. However, the issue in this hadith and in the next hadith of hams Abraham are not the only one is what if a person chooses to fast so even

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though the concession is there, person is traveling the concession

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They can break their fast. However they choose to fast, not to break their fast, not to take the concession, but to fast. Is it allowed or not? And it's hard. It's the first hadith of jab Nam de la Ravi Allahumma. It is as if the prophets on a long run alayhi wa sallam is saying don't fast, break your fast, and that is that in the year of the conquest of Mecca and athiya of the hinge rock, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in Makkah, he left on his way back to Medina. And when he passed a place for Cora alameen, which today is known as where the Aspen, if you traveled by road from Mecca to Medina, you will say you see a signpost for a small village called where the Aspen

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roughly about 60 kilometers side of Makkah, in the direction of Medina, when they reach this area, then it was said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the companions are finding it difficult to fast, because obviously it was hot, the desert, they will be walking. It's difficult for them to fast. However, because of the love that they had, or the profits on a low while he was slim, and how closely they wanted to follow his Sunnah. If he was fasting, they would fast just as you have the Hadith. In the celebrities will they be at the treater for the via, with the companions were wearing their Islam, even up to the Treaty of the BIA. When the prophet SAW Selim said to them,

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we're not performing hombre Take off your prom, we're going back to Medina, the companions refuse to do so. Why? Because the prophets of Salaam was still wearing Islam until his wife told him that you should start first take off your mom. And when they see you taking off your prom they will follow. So the process of them took her advice he took off to the prom. And when the companion saw this, they took off their farms as well. This is how closely they follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and how much they loved him. And so likewise, in this Hadith, the prophet SAW Solomon's fasting, so they want to fast as well. And that's why in the other narration, they said O Messenger

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of Allah, they waiting to see what you will do. If you continue to fast they will continue to do so even though there is so much hardship in it. However, if you break your fast they will follow you. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam bought some water and he drank from it.

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And then anyone that was still fasting, he said, Those people are disobedient, those people are disobedient. However, in the next hadith of Hamza bin are more or less than me and both of these Hadith are authentic. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying that if a person wishes to fast master traveling, then it is allowed for them to do so.

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So this issue here is something which the scholars have different over is it better to fast or is it not better to fast, there is a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam selling them.

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In the law, you hit bought a new other Oh, casa, indeed, Omar loves that his concessions should be taken. So therefore if a person is ill, they have a concession that they can sit down and pray. They have a concession that they don't have too fast. They have a concession that they can shorten the president combine the pros, if they're traveling, Allah loves that people should take the concessions that he gives to them. However, if a person has the ability, and they have the strength, and they have the energy to fast once the traveling or too fast, once the ill is it allowed for them to do so. This is what the spellers have different over know that it is allowed for them to do so.

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This is by each man. And so even this first hadith of Jabba the allogram the scholar said, the prophets of Saddam Hussein he was disliked when he was referring to those companions as being disobedient he wanted to show that it was disliked for them to fast in a state in which they found hardship. So if a person finds it difficult to fast, then it is disliked. For person first was the traveling yet they insist on doing so it is disliked that's why a large though just says in the Quran, you read the law ob como nuestra vida URI to be colmenar some allowance is for you are not hardship. And Allah says, Allah Allah.

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Allah has not placed hardship and burden upon you in your religion. So if a person finds difficult than No, it is not from the Sharia that a person should place that burden upon themselves. However, if a person is able to fast, and they don't have any difficulty in fasting, they don't find any hardship, then it is allowed for them to fast. However, is it better or not? This is where the scholars differ. Some of them said it is better for him to fast if he's able to. Because whilst in this difficult, difficult time of traveling, if he fasts alone will give him more reward, because he's putting in more effort. Others said no, it is better for him not too fast, because of this

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Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that that is something which is more beloved to me. And some of the Spanish actually stabbed me with Tamia rahima Hola. They combine between the two and they said that a person should do what is easiest for them. If it

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easy for them to fast then that is better. If it is easy for them not too fast, then that is better. And so they reconcile between these ahaadeeth and they said that again goes back to an individual basis, person by person. So, if you find it easier to fast, then that is better and more beloved to Allah. If you find it easier, not too fast, then that is better and more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala and so a person does what is easier for them and a lot of xojo knows best under Shalom and that will conclude and inshallah tomorrow after Muslim inshallah we'll continue with the remainder of this howdy

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