Ahsan Hanif – The Book Of Fasting Episode 4

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The Prophet sallday is a legal rule that fasters during the time of the legal act. The rule is not true for women, as men have permanent or long term illnesses. The importance of exp fraud and strong support for individuals is emphasized. The history of Islam is discussed, including the legal system for freeing slave labor and the use of Sharia law as a means of expelling the culture. The importance of fasting for personal health and belief in the natural process of the natural process is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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mana Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa

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sallahu wa salam o Bara Carlos de la hache Marine. Were on early he wants to be human sarada Sabina he want to hug you. Just the numbers from Nottingham he wanted to meet in Casa de Matos Freeman cathedra. about yesterday, we covered a number of ahaadeeth. The vast majority of them concerning the issue of what breaks a person's faster move up the route. One breaks a person's fast. And we said that they generally fall into two categories, these issues number one, is that which the scholars have consensus over that is concerning them. Things like eating intentionally drinking intentionally, marital relations intentionally, and so on and so forth. And then the other issues

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that were over which there is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars of Islam, marry him McCullough. And those are the ones that have been hunted, Rahim Allah discussed in detail in the Hadith that we took yesterday. So things like for example, a person kissing their spouse, things like for example, hijama, cupping things like for example, wearing the i o instrument, things like for example, vomiting, things like for example, a person who eats and drinks unintentionally and so on and so forth. So those were some of the issues that we took yesterday.

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And we stopped, we stopped at Hadeeth number 561 561. When are delighted when you're dancing rhodiola and Kumar called orifice Alisha, Phil kabiri enough to where you three Martin Cooney Yomi Myskina Wanaka da de raha dharapani will help Kim masaharu

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the authority of abdulai blog buzz about your long run Houma, who said that there is a concession for the old man that he should make if thought and that he should feed for every single day one poor person, and there is no expansion upon him, or he doesn't have to make up the days of fasting. And this is collected by a data company and a mammal hacking, and it is more authentic.

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The author now Rahim Allah tala is going on to another issue. And that is the issue of the fasting of those people who are unable to fast for whatever reason, they are unable to fast. And so he brings for this chapter, and there are many people who are unable to fast for one reason or another. But he brings as an example of that this narration, which is actually a statement about the library, bus or the long run Houma when you come to the science of Hadith, and he come to the statements that you find in the books of Hadith, they are of two categories. Number one is the second is the statements and actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and these are what we call a

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Hadith, these are known as a hadith. The second on the statements and actions of the companions are on the long run. And these are known as, as our as our and an author is basically an action or a statement of one of the companions, or of the long run. Now, these actions and statements of the companions can further be divided into two categories. Number one, is motherhood more rough, that which can be attributed back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So this companion says something. But we know from that Hadith, because because of the issue that he's speaking about, it is impossible for him to know about this issue, except through the profits on a loved one, he will

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sell them. So even though the statement is his own, the words are his own, that knowledge must have come from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and so even though it is an author a statement of the companion, it has the ruling of a hadith. So for example, if a companion speaks about an issue of the Day of Judgment, or one of the issues of Hellfire and paradise issues of the unseen, no companion knows these issues from the top of the head, nor is it conceivable that are companion would speak about these issues out of ignorance. So they must have heard it from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. But perhaps they can't remember exactly when or where or how it was said.

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So they don't narrate it as a hadith per as esteemed of their own, but it is given the ruling of a headache. So that's the first category. The second category is those statements, which are their opinions. And this in the sense of over fit is known as almost Sahabi the opinion

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You have the companions, so companion has an opinion in an issue. For example,

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it was the opinion of some of the companions of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Like Horace Mann even affirmed the long run the third belief of Islam, that in how much you make a fraud, meaning that you make only hunch on its own. That term is only for hygiene don't do an ombre before hunch, only hunch on its own. Even though there is an authentic hadith from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he encouraged the companions to make tomato that they make ombre first, then come out of her arm, then go back into her arm to make her however, was the opinion of the long run, that was not a valid way of doing that you make a fraud and inshallah, we will come on to this issue

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in the relevant chapter. The point is that this was his opinion. Now, Horace Mann on the long run is one of the greatest, most illustrious companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this was his opinion. So this Arthur, this narration, which is a statement of a companion, is his opinion. So this opinion isn't given the ruling of a hadith. So the first category was that it's given the ruling of ahaadeeth. It can only be taken from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The second issue is an opinion. How do we know it's an opinion? Because we have an authentic hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, encouraged encouraged his companions to make to mature.

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So now for now, we therefore know that this is his personal opinion, and the opinions of the companions can be accepted, and they can be rejected just like any other person, they are not infallible. No, are they safeguarded, from making mistakes and from sinning? And so these are the different types of categories you have. The statement we have is a statement of Abdullah Bernard bass, or the Allahumma. But it has given the ruling of ahaadeeth because he's speaking about what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed to take place during his time. And as you know, Hadith and Sunnah is made up of three things, the statements of the prophets of Salaam, his actions

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are that which he allowed to take place, that which he saw and he allowed to take place, and we've spoken about this before as well. So in this issue, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed something to take place. And this is what I'm delivering our best, or the Allah one woman is narrating to us. So even though it is his opinion, on this issue, there is no Hadith that is authentically attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. But we have this statement from ebonheart bass, which is given the ruling of a hadith because he speaks about what took place during that time. So he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during this time allowed from old

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Muslim, male or female, someone who's so old, that they are unable to fast that they break their fast that they don't have to make up the days after Ramadan, and that they feed for every single day. One poor person, one poor person. And this is something which Allah Subhana Allah mentions in the Quran as well. Where I don't live in a UT Punahou figure parama Miskin, we said that Ramadan fasting was abrogated in a number of stages. If you cast your minds back to the first lecture that we did in Quito slim. We said the first stage was the fasting of no number.

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No, okay? The fasting of Ashura, the 10th of Muharram that was obligated at the beginning. It was obligatory upon every Muslim to foster day. Then after that, that was abrogated. And the second stage was the fasting of Ramadan, but people had a choice, either you fast or you feed in place of fasting one per person, per day. And this is what Allah mentioned in the Quran, where Allah Allah, Xena UT owner who fit the atom bomb on the skin, whosoever is able to feed one per person per day, then he may do so Furman totowa. Pharaoh and Pharaoh Pharaoh law. And if you want to give more meaning in charity, you want to spend more that's better for you want also mohila come in quantum

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talamona. If you choose too fast, that is better for you, if only you knew. So they had a choice. It is better to fast. But if you want to feed you're allowed to do so. And then the third stage was that really was abrogated. And the fasting of the month of Ramadan was obligatory upon all of the mysteries. However, for those people who are unable to fast, for example, you have someone who has a permanent illness, they have a permanent disease, a long term illness, you don't think that they will ever be cured, or that the cure will be probably in 510 years time is a very long prolonged illness. So not just someone that's got a headache or feeling a bit ill or talking about a serious

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long term illness or someone for example,

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was old in age, they are physically very weak, the infirm and so on, someone else maybe has a disability and so on. For these people, that ruling of feeding was kept. So for everyone else, they must fast. But this ruling of feeding one poor person per day was kept for these people who can't fast, who are unable to fast. And this is what Abdullah bass, or the long run woman is saying within this narration. So for a person who is infirm, or a person who is severely ill, person who is very old, and so on for these people, people who can't fast, they feed one person per day. And they don't have to fast nor do they have to make up the days of fasting. And this is basically what this

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narration of Abdullah bin Arbus rhodiola. One woman is speaking about here.

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One of the other issues that we have that concern system as well. So this is the issue of the infirm, the weak, the very elderly and so on. One of the other issues that can also be mentioned alongside this, even though perhaps Rahim, Allah does not mention anything concerning this is the issue of a pregnant woman or breastfeeding woman. Do they have too fast? Or can they also feed one per person per day? What the scholars of Islam have done when it comes to the pregnant woman and the breastfeeding woman, they have categorized into two categories this split this issue into two. The first is if the woman who is breastfeeding or is pregnant, if she feels for herself. So she feels

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for her own health, she feels for example, herself that she won't be able to carry on or whatever she feels for herself, not the child for herself. In this case, she takes the ruling of the one who's ill. The second one is ill in the month of Ramadan, they don't have to face the day. But what do they do? They make up the day after the month of Ramadan. And there's no expansion, they don't have to feed anyone, they don't have to do anything else. They just make up those mistakes. Just like a person who is ill in the month of Ramadan, any ordinary person, that's ill in the month of Ramadan, they don't pass that day, but they make it up after the month of Ramadan. So this woman

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because she feels for herself is like an illness. And so therefore she has the wounding of the person who is ill. So that's the first issue the first category of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman. The second category of the pregnant or breastfeeding woman is the one who doesn't feel herself before her child. So even though she is able to fast, the doctors say that your child will be weak, or your child is already weak. And the fact that you're not eating will make him weaker or her weaker, and it will have problems or he may become ill and so on, or the breastfeeding woman even though she can fast she fears that our milk will dry up and she won't be able to feed a child,

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so on and so forth. She fears not for herself, but for her child. In this case, the scholars of Islam have said that for such a woman, what she does is that she breaks the fast, then she makes up the fast. And she feeds one per person per day for every day that she's missed. And so she breaks the fast, obviously, then she makes up fast. And then she feeds a one poll person per day. And this is based upon the statement of Abdullah bin or basadi, along with Omar, Abdullah bin Rama, Rama, one whom are the two famous companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they said that the woman who is breastfeeding and the woman who is pregnant, and they fear for their child, then

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they must do this, they must break the fast make up the fast and feed one poor person per day. And because we don't have any authentic hadith from the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. This is the strongest generation that we have from these two illustrious companions. And we don't have any other narration from any other companion that opposes this. And so the scholars of Islam have taken this opinion concerning these women. And so we split them into two, one who feels for herself, one who feels for her child, the one who feels for herself is like the person who is ill, she breaks fast and makes it up the one who feels for her child not for herself, then she breaks the fast she makes

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it up and she feeds a poor person per day.

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So therefore, when we come to these people now, who can't fast for whatever reason, we can categorize them into three broad categories. Number one are those people who make a thought meaning they don't fast, and then they make up the fast. So those are for example, the people who become ill just general people, they become ill in the month of Ramadan, or the person who for example, travels in the month of Ramadan. For example, the pregnant woman, the breastfeeding woman who fears for herself, or someone who has an illness, but it's a temporary illness so maybe the ill for a month, two months, but they know that a sham after two or three

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months, there'll be competitor, or someone has a major operation. And they can't fast for three, four months. But after four months, they know that they be able to fast these people break their fast, and then they make up the fast, they make up the fast. That's the first category. The second category are those people who make iftaar.

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And then what they do is they don't make the fast up, but they feed one per person per day. So they break the fast they don't fast in the month of Ramadan, nor do they have to make up the fast after the month of Ramadan, but they must feed one per person per day. And this is the example of even our bass in his Hadith, the elderly person, the person who is very weak and infirm, the person who has a very prolonged illness, they know that they'll never be able to foster he doesn't seem that for the foreseeable future that they'll be able to fast. And the third category is the one who breaks the fast, makes up the fast and then feeds a poor person per day as well. And that is the pregnant woman

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and the breastfeeding woman who fears for their child.

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As we've mentioned before,

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Harry's number 562

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want to be hora de Allahu anhu. Call Jen Rajan Elan Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have a call HELOC to Yasuda, La Paloma electric poner

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te fi Ramadan fukada helter Cheeto Metro tipo de cada pan Allah tala for help to stop Iran to sama Shalini mata turbin Paula, Paula for her cocido Moto Z Tina Myskina barnala majelis for OTL Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we are up in fee tomorrow for Paula to be hada sakala of para Mina Amina from abena Liberty Hello beighton la HeMan for dominicana bu sala de he was seldom hotter but an yabo sama Paula is faltering who Allah Rama Who said I will not go

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on authority of Abu hora hora de la grande who said that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said, or messenger of Allah I have been destroyed. So he asked him what has destroyed you? He said that I had my cultural relations with my wife in the day of Ramadan. He said, Do you find that which by which you can free a slave? He said no. He said, Are you able to fast two months consecutively? He said no. He said, Can you find something to feed 64 people? He said no. Then he sat. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was presented with a basket of dates. So he said to the man go and give this in charity. So you replied or messenger of Allah is there

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anyone who is more poor than us, for indeed, by Allah, there is no one in Medina that is more impoverished than my family. So the prophets on the long run, he will send them smiled, until you could see his back teeth and then he said, Go and give it to your family to feed them. This is collected by the seven, and the wording is of a Muslim.

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This hadith of every rhodiola one, which is a very beautiful Hadith speaks about the issue of expiation, cafaro. And that is that if a person in the month of Ramadan does something which they shouldn't have done, they commit to one of the major sins in the month of Ramadan. Obviously, for example, if a person was to eat intentionally they were to drink intentionally, then that would be a major sin in the month of Ramadan, they have sinned in the month of Ramadan, what do they do they go, and they make up that day again. However, for certain things, there is a much more severe expiation and that is marital relations in the day of Ramadan, meaning in daytime months, a person

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should be fasting, they have marital relations in the month of Ramadan. For this, this is considered to be one of the grievous, most grievous sins that a person commit can commit in the month of Ramadan. And because of this, expiation is very, very severe. It is very, very severe. As is mentioned in this Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this man he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, O Messenger of Allah, I have been destroyed. He asked him, what's the street? He said, I had mouth relations in the month of Ramadan. I want you to see the beautiful etiquette of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the way that he dealt with this

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Muslim this person who Yes, he committed a major sin. Yes, he broke his fast. Yes, expiation was due upon him. But look at the beautiful way in which the profits on a long run he will sell them interact with him. He doesn't curse him. He doesn't shout at him. It doesn't say that you're a person that's been destroyed. Yes, there's no hope for you. Look at the beautiful way that will respond to him. And look at the etiquette that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had, yes, his sin but now

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He's coming. He's acknowledged his sin. He wants to make Toba. And so he's coming to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking for expiation. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and someone had sinned like this, and they would come wanting to make Toba asking for expiation. Then in all of the Hadith that we have the profits on the long run, he was the vast majority, he would be very lenient, very gentle, very kind towards them. He would encourage them to make Toba he will be good towards them. He would prevent other companions from saying anything harsh towards them. And everyone knows that famous hadith of like, for example, the woman who committed Zina and she wanted

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to be stoned. How the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rebuked the companion, who said something harsh towards her, had that companion who when he would drink alcohol and he would be latched, when one of the companions says something evil about him. The prophets on a lot while he was selling them became upset. Why? Because these people have come to make Toba and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say, don't help shake on overpower your brothers is they made a mistake. Yes, they've sinned. But now they want to make Toba. They want to go back to Allah. So if you shun them away, you're harsh towards them, then who are you taking them towards you removing them from Allah and

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only placing them back in the hands of shape one.

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And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be gentle with them, he will be kind with them. This man even though he's committed a major sin, is done something and you can see by the expiation that Allah has placed on this issue, how grievous is how great it is in the sight of Allah. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't curse him. He doesn't say anything harsh towards him. He just asks him, Do you find that by which country escape? Meaning Can you? Can you buy a slave and then set them free? It or Acaba and in many of the expansions in Islam, even of the smaller issues, you find that one of the explanations is freeing a slave. And this is from the beauty of the region

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of Islam, that even though there are slaves and slave slavery is allowed in Islam, it is something which is not considered and not liked and recommended in Islam. And so the Sharia has come as a means of expiation of freeing these people, that an expiation is always one of the ways that you buy a slave and then you free them. And so, this is the first thing that a person does, if a person were to fall into the sin of having marital relations in the day of Ramadan, then the first expiation is that they have to free a slave only and if only they are unable to, they move on to stage number two, what is stage number two, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to this man, many

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responded that he wasn't able to free a slave. Can you fast two months consecutively, Surya Masha harini Matata and you can imagine how difficult it is to fast one month of Ramadan and the shape on the shelf in the devil's have been chained and the gates of Jen are open and the gates of the fire are locked. Imagine fasting to normal months consecutively, meaning you can't miss a day. So you can't just have a day here and leave it's not like the sixth of show world where you can choose you have the whole month choose from two months consecutively to Luna months consecutively without Miss not missing a single day.

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So yeah, Misha Marina Mata tambien. And so it's very difficult requires a lot of energy and strength. And so the man and Allah knows best perhaps he was old, perhaps he was unable to perhaps and it seems from the Hadith that he was very poor. Maybe he didn't have enough physical strength. He says no Mr. jobalign able to fast for two months. And look at how beautiful the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his character is. He doesn't start to examine him. He doesn't hold him to account and say you look fit enough to say Go and bring a doctor's report and say you know, do 20 Press ups I want to see how strong you are. He takes him for his word. His issues between him and

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is the professor Sonam is the judge in this affair. The man is saying that he confessed that's between him and a life he's not allowed rejection on normal piano. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't go into this you know expose he doesn't go into this whole issue asking him you know why can you free a slave bring me your bank accounts I want to see this I want to see that. No, you can't free a state you can't fast two months consecutively has tells you to matter to him obesity in America Myskina Can you then feed 64 people find food to feed 64 people? And again, the man says no. And again the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accepts, doesn't say

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to him, No, I want to see you know, why can't you you know, spread it over like a three year plan was on me. No. man said no, no. And so then he sits down. And again look at how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his character is now the man has said no

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All three things. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doesn't say to him in that case, you should do A, B or C, this is the Sharia law. This is the ruling of Allah. In the Sharia law, there are only three explanations, freeing the slave fasting two months consecutively, or feeding 64 people. Now when the men come do any of the three, he just sits down and he's quiet. And so after some time a man comes and he presents a basket of dates to the prophets on a lower on equals sullom as a gift. This isn't charity. It is a gift for the prophets on the love where they will sell them. And it's well known that the prophets of Allah are not allowed to take charity, but they can accept

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gifts, they can accept charity, but they can't accept gifts, even the family of the prophets of Salaam, his children, his wives and so on, are not allowed to take from sadaqa they can't take charity. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to his grandsons, we meaning the family, the household of the prophets of Salaam, don't take from charity. Indeed, it is the filth of people, wise people, because people give support to purify their wealth. And so in a way, it's like, you know, the getting rid of this to purify what money they have. And so it is as if it's a ransom. It's like blood money. It's something filthy. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam in his household wouldn't take from such sadhaka. So this man came, he presented the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with a big basket of dates. So the prophets on the loan were and he was seldom said to him, take it and give it in charity, meaning the feeding of 64 people, here's some food, go and feed as many as you can. And again, look at how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been very easy, very lenient, very kind, very gentle with this man go and feed people with him. So what does the man say? I mean, is there anyone in Medina, more poor than me?

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And then he says that there is no one between the two parts of Medina and liberty high means two volcanoes or two volcanic areas and as is known that the Medina is surrounded by valleys and mountains, he's saying there is no one within this vicinity of the city of Medina that is poorer than me, or poorer than my family. Now, obviously, this man, you know, he hasn't been to every single citizen or the issue of every single person in Medina. Notice, you know, everyone's financial, that's impossible, doesn't know everyone's financial situation. But this is a tough one. Most likely, there's no one poorer than me.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam again, doesn't hold him to a candle, say, Have you been to every person? Or let's go to the people of Medina, let's ask them, maybe there's someone poorer than you. And this shows that sometimes,

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if you don't have certainty, or it's very difficult to have certainty and an issue, then you go with what is most likely,

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most likely, you know, 90% 80%, this is going to be the case. And so when this man says what he says there's probably no one in the whole of Medina, poorer than me and my family. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam smiles at him. Again, look at this beautiful character. And sometimes when you go by the time you reach the end of the Hadith, you forgot what the man did at the beginning, why he came looks like just a sadhaka issue. This man came to make Toba because of a grievous sin that he committed in the month of Ramadan, he broke and transgressed one of the boundaries of Allah. Yeah, by the end of the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is dealing with him in situ is

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mining on him. And then he says, Take it, and go and feed yourself and your family. Not even like take a bit of it, and then give the rest to the other poor people. All of that the basket of dates, take it for yourself, and your family and feed yourself and your family. And look at how beautiful the character of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is, and it's no wonder that people would love him and they would accept Islam simply because of interacting with him. So in the long run, he will sell them. And this shows us sometimes in the month of Ramadan, outside of the month of Ramadan, when someone comes to you and have an issue like this, there's a place to be tough and

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rough and harsh. And there's a place to be gentle and lenient, and kind. And sometimes that Muslim that comes, needs encouragement from you, they need you. They need you to help them go back to the path of Allah. They don't need you to take a hammer and hit it over their head. And so this is what the prophets on the lower end he was seldom did. And it was normally with people that you didn't know very well this man, smart reported that he was one of the major companions, one of the illustrious companions. Perhaps if it was someone like armor or rough man, the professor may have been more harsh, because they had stronger Eman. They were closer to Allah. for them. It is

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something which they need to be reminded of. This man is a gentle man surgeon will mistake Muslim comes in he needs help. And so the process of selling them from the beginning of asking him to buy a slave and free him now gives him a basket of dates and says take it for yourself.

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And your family be Abby who are obese on insulin. So the issue that we're mentioning here then or the point of this hadith is to show the expiation of this particular issue, and that is marital relations in the month of Ramadan. And that is that there is this expiation attached to the sin, if committed in the month of Ramadan had Islam a 563 when Arusha won't miss salamati on long run Houma, nebia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Atlanta hospital Joe Lubin Jima Toshi Nakamoto upon la casa de Muslim on fee howdy to me Salama wala Yakubu on the authority of Arusha Nomi Salama the two mothers of the believers or the long run Houma that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would wake up in

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a state of major ritual impurity in Geneva, after having had marital relations. And then he would take a bath and fast and in the narration of Imam Muslim in the hadith of Salah, and he wouldn't make up that day of fasting. The issue that Rahim Allah wants to bring to our attention in this hadith is the issue of purification. Is purity, a condition a precondition for fasting. So for example, if a person wants to pray Everyone knows that you need to make Waldo, right? You have to be in a state of purity. If you want to read the Quran, you have to be in a state of purity. If you want to, for example, go and make the law you have to be in a state of purity. However, what about

00:31:29 --> 00:32:15

fasting inside the month of Ramadan outside the month of Ramadan? Must you be in a state of purity, meaning by the time that the time of soul finishes at the time of vigil in the morning? Must you be on a state of bahara with a minor or major? Or can you be in a state of minor major ritual impurity, and your fasting is accepted? From this Hadith, of operational Salama rhodiola one human we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would often wake up in the morning, after having had marital relations with one of his wives the night before, he would wake up at the time of fudging meaning that the time of support has finished, the fasting has begun. And he would be in a state of Geneva.

00:32:15 --> 00:32:58

And then he would make awesome and he would continue to fast without having had his fast broken or repeating that fast or doing any type of expiation. And so therefore, purity or purification is not a condition for fasting. But it's not a precondition, whether minor or major. And obviously this hadith speaks about major ritual impurity. So therefore, obviously minor ritual impurity is not needed either. Because if a person doesn't have made is a major ritual impurity, obviously, they don't have minor purity either. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do this, and therefore it shows that purification is not a precondition for for fasting. And so if a person makes

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up instead of Geneva, or if a person wakes up and they haven't made withdrawal, and the time of fasting begins, then it is sufficient and inshallah the fastest correct and there is no harm

00:33:11 --> 00:33:22

hedis number 564 one hour a Chateau de la Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam appall men matter what are they alayhis salam, and who will lead you

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on the authority of Chateau de la Juana. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whosoever dies and he has upon him fasts, then his Wali, the person who inherits from him, his heir should fast on his behalf woodcliff upon Allah collected by Allah Mammon Buhari, and Mr. Muslim,

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this hadith speaks about another issue now, and that is if a person dies, and they have fasts upon them, that they haven't made faster will obligatory upon them that they haven't made, then must someone fast on their behalf or no. So we know for example, that if a person has missed prayers, person hasn't prayed, and then they die in that state of not having prayed, the heirs, the people who inherit from their money, their children, and they don't have to play on their behalf. They missed their prayers, they've missed their prayers, no one has to go and make up that prayer after them. However, the issue here now is that we also know that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam

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allowed for those people who don't make Hajj or they don't make armor that someone should come and make armor on hand on their behalf. This is authentically reported in the son of the proximal settlement. inshallah, we'll come on to this in the relevant chapter of hygiene. Now the issue is of Ramadan, a person dies and they have obligatory fasts upon them. What are obligatory fasts as we said before, there are three types. Number one is the first of the month of Ramadan, meaning that they had days that they missed in Ramadan

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They haven't yet made up. So a person who was ill and was traveling they missed a couple of days. They didn't make them up yet after Ramadan and they died before that. What we're not talking about is a person dies in the middle of Ramadan, having fasted up until that point, then they have to you have to make up the rest of the Ramadan No. So if a person buys them Ramadan, the rest of the Ramadan is not obligatory upon them, because they were dead at that time. What is obligatory upon them are those fasts that they could have done, but didn't do for a reason. And then didn't make up either. So like a person who missed a couple of days, because of illness because of traveling, that

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after Ramadan, they didn't make them up yet, and they passed away. That's number one. The second type of obligatory fast is an oath or a vow. So a person takes an oath by a law that they will fast three days in this month of May.

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And in the month of May, they die.

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So even though they were able to make up, they were able to festivals three days in May, they didn't fast and they die. That's an obligatory fast because they took an oath by Allah. So even though it's not obligatory in the sense of Rama bond, they obligated it upon themselves by taking an oath by Allah. The third type of obligatory fast is cafaro expiation. So a person had to make a expiation, for example, a person who breaks an oath. And they're unable to give the explanation of feeding temple people or closing them, or feeding offering a free asleep, that is an expression of breaking that oath. If a person can't do any of those, then the next expiation is that they fast three days.

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So just say a person couldn't make up those expectations. They don't have enough money to feed and poor people know to close them know to free a slave. So they had to fast three days as an expiation, but then they died, they died, and those three days was still upon them. That's an expedition or, for example, like in the example of this, the previous had, if a person has marital relations in the month of Ramadan, they can't feel free a slave, but they can fast two consecutive months. However, after one month of fasting, they die. So one month is still left, it's an expiation upon them. These are the three types of obligatory fasts. If a person dies, and they have one of these three, or any

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of these three are all of these three types of fasts upon them, does the one at the air fast upon them on their behalf or no. So according to this Hadith, and the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Islam, and Allah knows best, they fast the air fast on their behalf. So if, for example, they missed two days in Ramadan, there's some son, the daughter, whoever the areas, they will fast those two days, if, for example, they had an oath that they made to unlock, they will fast three days, they make up those three days, if there was an expansion, they missed two weeks, they had to pay for that, then those people make up those two weeks and this is what is mentioned in this Hadith

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and a lot of Xhosa knows best and inshallah will conclude that next week within the light Allah will have a lesson on Wednesday as well. And that will probably be the last lesson for for a week or so or two. So shall Linux first inshallah we will continue?

00:38:21 --> 00:38:24

Are there any questions very quickly because that

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is it frowned upon to make an oath to Allah? Yes, if inshallah we'll come on to this in the relevant chapter. If the oath is for a good deed, meaning that a person makes an oath that they will pray to allow that they will last for the last 10 years, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that only a stingy person will do that. So it's like you have to force yourself to worship Allah, make an oath, make a promise to Allah in order to worship Allah. And so therefore it is frowned upon models best or even after that. So if a person misses, like in the Halle Berry show for personal mix up in major regional impurity, just see the misfortune so they intended to make up

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before for sure, I mean, also, they miss Virgil, they wake up at nine o'clock, then is still correct, or like you said, if the time of origin has come in, and they wake up before the geometric time but the time of fudge have started and they're not in the state of purification system. Okay, either way.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:26

Okay, we'll stop there. Shall any questions you can ask me later.

00:39:32 --> 00:39:37

Amina shavon, you know Jamie

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