Ali Albarghouthi – Softeners of the Heart #10

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of moderation and finding a natural rhythm in living is essential to maintain healthy deeds. The presence of a natural rhythm and the ability to wake up is crucial for deeds. The importance of finding a natural rhythm and finding one's true worth is also emphasized. The speakers stress the need for moderation and practice to avoid collapse, avoiding cultural references to alcohol, and finding happiness in life. The importance of finding a way to stay true to oneself and finding small accomplishments as small success is a result of hard work and dedication. The speakers also discuss the benefits of working with the prophets and the importance of not overburden oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla he would hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he was early he was so happy he was salam Loma Linda million pharaoh now and fat and Abby, my Olympian I was in ima notable al Amin urbanna. inadequately kava Shoukry Caracas Neva retic.

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After pausing for the month of Ramadan, we'll return to our book Kitab will read

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the book of Riyadh the softness of the heart from Sahel Buhari Rahima. Hula is divided into chapters or sections, and each section has a title, as you probably have noticed, if you've been joining our sessions, so now we've reached chapter or section number 17. And the title is Babel was the one with our mighty animal, this is the door or the door or the book or the section of a post moderation when with our material mln continuity in deeds, moderation and continuity in deeds. And here on Buhari Rahim Allah was really wise in combining these two things together.

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Because you cannot maintain continuity of deeds without moderation.

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If you go too extreme and exaggerations. You will quit whatever you are doing. The only way that you can continue in any path and in any deed is there's moderation and by moderation we mean that doing things in proportion in your proportion not beyond, not less than or more and also paying attention to other needs that are around you.

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And we will talk more about moderation insha Allah Allah Allah mean the first Hadith comes from all through Aisha Radi Allahu anha when someone asked her, Are you like Emily can have the Elin Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam which deeds were most beloved to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because she knows him right? So why would a person ask her? Because she knows him. And she knows his pattern. Likes and dislikes, what he how he used to worship so someone would go and ask what type of deeds he's allowed to send them loves the most. She said a day in the continuous

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then she was asked for a year Haneen Can I have one we'd hear rise up for Salah Salah will TM when we do a look up for it. harlot can a Acoma either Samia Assad if he says he would wake up when he hears the roaster, the rooster crowing the sound the crying of the rooster.

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That's why it's called Asad. If the crier when he cries, then he will wake up SallAllahu wasallam 4pm.

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The first part here is when he she said of the Allahu Ana, the prophets of Allah Allah was sending them loved that continuous deeds, and another Hadith that correctly follows this. The most beloved deed to the prophets a lot he was a lamb was the one who's the worshiper is most continuous in the doer of the deed is more continuous. And why was the Morse continuous deeds, more beloved to the Prophet sallahu wa salam, and also more beloved to Allah than the one that is not.

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Because a deed that is continuous, is a deed that indicates that this person is close to Allah azza wa jal, you don't only worship him at one time, and forget him the rest. For instance, you don't only worship in Ramadan and forget the rest. That is not an indication of Taqwa. And that's not an indication of love. Sorry. That is, if you only call your mother on Mother's Day, is that love?

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Where's the rest of the year?

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So where are your emotions? So that could be out of custom and culture and no obligation? That's why you're calling I'm expected to and she's expecting but if you love her, what would you do? Every so often you would call right without her having to tell you call me you would call sorry. So if a person loves Allah azza wa jal would he only be pious, one certain time of the year, or only one part of the week, or only one part of the month, or one part of the know his deeds would be continuous. So he or she, they deposit in their day and their night, something that is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal. It doesn't have to be plenty because he's Allah hottie was a limp said we're in

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color, and another Hadith, even if it is a little.

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So here it's not about the quantity

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But what continuity. So somebody, for instance, who decides out of enthusiasm, I want to fast I love fasting. So they start fasting after Ramadan without paying attention to that sense of moderation and continuity. So the first the first week, the second week because they still have this high of Ramadan, the third week and then after the third week, what happens to them, they get exhausted, tired, it's hot, they're not motivated because not a lot of people are fasting around them, they got weaker. So they start fasting till next Ramadan.

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Right, or a person who does what fasts from every month, three days. That's it, which one is better?

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The second,

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even though even though it could be that the first person you know, met, perhaps, mathematically may have fasted in number of days more than this person, but that person has a more of a continuous worship of Allah azza wa jal. So the prophets Allah Allah wa salam was like that. And I usually Allah, Allah will tell us, this is how he used to be. He was continuous in his worship for Allah as his origin. He doesn't stop. Right.

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And the next part of the hadith is it called a Cana Jacobo either semi Asad if he would wake up when he would hear the rooster crowing, though, so the machete if some of them are shy, if they said who have experienced, they see the rooster usually makes the sounds around the middle of the night, from that till just before Fajr.

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So obviously people then they didn't have alarms. Right?

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Then we forget that. So how did they wake up? How did they know how to wake up? So see Subhanallah that this is an organic, natural way that Allah zodion had given to people to wake up this rooster. And you think that he is so annoying crowing at night I want to sleep. But no, Allah azza wa jal gave him a function. And that function is that when he makes those sounds, he alerts you that it's close to the middle of the night.

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And some of the Messiah have said, it's actually pretty accurate. It's actually pretty accurate that is around that time they start doing this. So if you're watching for the time to pray, and you listen to the rooster, they'll wake you up.

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And there are a couple of you know, things to note about that one. This is something that is Allah given.

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And so it's more in tune to nature, in general and to your nature as well. Because you don't think I mean, when you think about it, when should I wake up? You have no clue, no idea. But here this is something that Allah as though did had planted on this earth, so that naturally you would wake up when he calls you to wake up.

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So Subhanallah this, this is a different type of living, we are so distant from nature, right? We are so distant from it, that we may go against it against our own nature trying to figure out what to do and what have you. But the people at the prime of the prophets, Allah Allah Azza wa salam was so close to nature, that they would rely on it to wake them up. And that's a more natural, more organic, healthier way of living, right, more than the alarm, because this is something because you can set your alarm at any time. Because this is something that Allah azza wa jal gave, and for that, the prophets of Allah Allah wa salam II said, Let the Cebu DECA in the WHO up Loli Salah he said do

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not curse the rooster because he wakes you up for Salah

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as the Hadith sahih

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Why does He say that? A because you could be someone who likes to sleep and you hear the rooster coming from your neighbor's home and what do you say, Damn you, and you're this and you're that I can't sleep. But the Prophet sallallaahu Selim is saying that it has a function and an honorable function. So don't curse it or say bad things about it because you know what it's doing. It's waking you up for Salah

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and so that if they're even an animal offers you a min fat a benefit, you're supposed to appreciate it and the rooster does that.

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The following hadith

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is when the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam said,

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an old under that umbrella of moderation and continuity of deed. He sets OLALIA Sydenham la noona Jihad and min Kim Allahu Allahu who, how to Allah anti rasool Allah, Allah Allah Allah Illa de la Hui Rama de he sets a lot he was salam that none of you is going to be saved because of their of your deeds.

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None of you will be saved because of your deeds. They said even you O Messenger of Allah, He says even I, unless Allah surrounds me engulfs me with his Rama.

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Then he said, Sadie, do what Haribo he said, do the right thing, and come close to it. What could do a row hill you know, travel in the morning traveling the lead leader out in the afternoon and travel a little bit at night, while us the Costa blue and moderation, moderation, meaning seek moderation, you will reach your destination. And that hadith requires really an explanation from us. He begins to lose a limb by saying that no, that none of you is going to be saved because of his deeds.

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They say even you O Messenger of Allah. So why did they make that question?

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Because in their minds, who is the most pious who is the closest Whom does Allah love the most? He's at the top.

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So maybe for us are these are not gonna save us? How about you even you exist? Even I?

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unless Allah azza wa jal surrounds me at the moment when he surrounds me with His mercy

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and that teaches you humility.

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That is you cannot do anything to earn Jana

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Maha let's

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fast Ramadan it hamdulillah but do you think that fasting Ramadan earns you Jana like actually earns you Jana? Meaning as if it's an exchange I did. And I paid for it and now I deserve it simply by my deeds. Like a purchase? I says no.

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Jenna is way too expensive and you are way too fluid

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to purchase gender with your deeds. Because when you look when we look at our deeds, what a lot of it's Subhanallah not done right. Either it is missing a class, right sincerity. We're doing it out of habit. Or following him it missing following the Sunnah of the prophets a lot he was in them or sometimes we're not thinking about it when we're doing it. And also look at all the numbers of Allah that we fail to think we cannot even think a single nema. So by what can you deserve Jana? Nothing that you do will earn you agenda. And that teaches you humility to all do that no matter how big you become. No matter how pious you think you are, no matter how much money you give, and how many days

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you fast none of that first compares to Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in his devotion second can ever earn you Jana.

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So what are you waiting for them?

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That Uh hum of Allah, Allah's Mercy

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you're waiting for Allah's Mercy

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Okay, so does that mean that my actions are meaningless meaning that they do nothing to take me to Jannah? Or do they play a part

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they play a part

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and this will really need to understand very well. So there are some people who think that nothing that you do plays a part in new earning Jana It's only that Allah gives you a genuine out of His mercy but your deeds are absolutely worthless and meaningless. That's a mistake.

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There are others who would think that no, I earn gender by whatever I do. Like I buy it, I purchase it with my brother is that's also a mistake because the Hadith tells us but your good deeds are a cause a sub for Allah to be merciful with you and grant you Jana.

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See how it works. You earn Allah's mercy with those deeds. And so that admits you into Janna. So without them can you enter

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typically no. Typically no without nothing. Enter Jana book as you earn Allah's mercy with it. That's how you enter. And there is an example that I've given previously that I thought would be helpful. So imagine that you wanted to purchase a house. And let's say that the house costs half a million dollars.

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You don't have it. But you have a rich relative. And you go to the rich relative and you ask, tell him, I want to buy that half a million dollar house. He says okay, but I want to know that you're serious, because I know that you're responsible for I don't want to just give you the money. What is the down payment, you say? 50,000. Let's say it's a fine you go and you collect the 50,000 and if you do, I'll complete that and the amount I'll give you 450,000 For you to buy the house. So you go and you work and you save and you work and you save and you bring him the 50,000 He gives you the rest of the money you go on the

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buy the house.

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Did your money buy the house?

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Was it meaningless in the purchase of the house? It was conditional. You understand? So this is how it works. If it's going to help, yes, insha Allah, this is how it works. It helps you enter Jannah but you can't say on my own, I deserve Jana because of my deeds. So continuously you need to ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah for His mercy for his Rama

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and so the second part of the Hadith

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lest or unless people think that well, if our deeds are not going to help, better we stop. He said so Allah Adi was ylim said they do Accardi Bono actually performed good deeds, said they do. That's the first thing he said said D do. Sunday do an Arabic meaning that hit the mark and hit the mean with an arrow hit the mark.

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As Sadat he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to not be tolerated as Allah azza wa jal for a Sadat and remember and imagine as you're saying it hitting the mark

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right just an arrow and you want to hit the mark right where it is and you shoot the arrow and you hit it. That's what is a Sadat is. So he says said the do meaning do things as they should be done.

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Do them with sincerity. Do them according to the Sunnah. Do them rely on Allah azza wa jal said they do so your first aim is to do what pray on time or delayed

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on time, fast Ramadan or not fast it fast it gives a cat or not said to do do it exactly as Allah commanded. Do it exactly as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked said do you do? That's your first aim to hit the mark to do it exactly as it is. Now. At some times, you may fail to do that. Then he said what caribou and then come close to it. If you fail to do exactly as you're told, come close to it.

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So said they do is my first objective. Haribo is my second objective and come near to it as much as you can. And then he says what will do what will who will shame on me in a duel Jaya. Then he said and this is an analogy of travel.

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He says early in the morning,

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in the afternoon, late in the afternoon and part of the night.

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What is he talking about here? Somebody who said and that's how they used to travel. The smart people. That's how they used to travel. So when do you travel

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under the hot sun Arabia at noon.

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You will be baked right? Your animal will die. That's not smart at all. When do you travel early in the morning, when is still cool and nice. And then when it starts getting hot. You can and you rest and then when the sun is about to set and it's not as hot. You travel again. So that's early morning. That's late afternoon. And then we're shooting in a dojo and part of the night also travel because what you can travel the whole night in is still to rest and sleep but part of the night because it is cooler. So you're smart about how you travel right? If you are overzealous and you just want to cut as much distance as possible, as it is said in another Indian Moon betta

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law other than katawa Lavon aapke in the habit Dena Mateen on for only roofie hibbett of pieces this religion is extensive, so delve in it walk in it gently. For Indian Moon betta the one who is cut off Lahontan la Aragon kata I, he didn't travel much. And he did not keep his animal meaning a person who said he has, I don't know, 1000 kilometers, is that I'm going to reach it as soon as possible. And then you urge your animal and you prod them go as fast as you can as fast as you can. After few hours or after half a day, what happens to him, the animal collapses, dies and he can't travel anymore. He says if you behave like that you will collapse. But how do you behave smart

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with moderation.

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Meaning travel at the most opportune best times for you to travel. And then he said, well as the as the moderation, moderation, you will reach your destination.

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Now, this requires us to be a little bit more practical. What does that mean? So let's take an example from sports. And then let's take an example from our own lives. People will run a marathon.

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What are they doing? They want to run a marathon like

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Do they run the fastest in the first few kilometers?

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What type of PACE do they maintain? It's not the fastest. But if they're really professionals, it's not the slowest. They run, but they realize that I still have many kilometers ahead preserve your energy. Sorry, preserve your energy. And they know what to eat and what to drink. And they studied that. And so they go, and they walk, I mean, and they and they run. And it's a moderate type of run. When do they increase the speed? At the very end?

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Because that's it, they don't have to save any energy anymore, and they want to win the race. That is what being smart about reaching your destination.

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So when we take our lives, for instance,

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somebody wants to memorize the Quran, and you're full of energy. And you saw, you know, people who are memorizing you say, I want to do it. So what's your plan, I want to memorize the Bacara in a week,

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what's going to happen to you, unless you're a genius, that is an outlier. We're not talking about that we're talking about our masses, everybody.

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What else happens to you, if you have no experience in memorization, or you want to memorize the Bacara in a week,

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you have quit memorization entirely. Because you will be so frustrated by it, because he can't keep it. And it's too much, and you don't have a strategy, and you will exhaust yourself, and you'll squander your enthusiasm. And you will hate memorization, and we'll see I'm a failure.

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That's an example of someone who is not moderate in their pursuit. Or somebody who says I want to donate a lot of money. And they feel you know, encouraged to gain notoriety, a lot of money, without thinking without calculating. They take a lot from their bank, and they give it here for the sake of Allah as his origin. And it's great if you want to donate a lot of money, but they leave themselves in their family in need, and they look and for the rest of the month, he has nothing. What happens to him, this is another donating again, and the family will say what have you done to us? Okay, you should never donate again. And he says that said I've learned my lesson, and will be hesitant to

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give money until that bitter taste of that experience goes away. What's the problem with all of this? Where is alcohol cost? Moderation, moderation. So at the time of were prophets while you sit in them, and that is famous Hadith that we talked about when they come to the prophets, only Salam, three Sahaba. And they asked about his a bad.

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And the wife of the prophet tells them and feta Kullu had he considered it to be not as much as they expected. So somebody said, I'll never eat meat. Somebody said, I'll never sleep. Somebody said, I'll never get married.

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Is that sustainable?

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If you decide that I'm not going to eat meat, and nothing, you know, delicious.

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Either you're gonna make yourself sick eventually, and you'll be bedridden. And you'll blame yourself and you'll be blamed for that type of action. Allah did not ask you for it, the Prophet didn't ask you for it. Or you will not be able to continue and because of that you will hate religious practice. Because you put on your shoulder things that Allah did not ask and it's a burden on you.

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Same thing, someone who says, I will never sleep at night. Is that possible?

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Is it continued? Is it a continuous regular deed that you can maintain? No.

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And that's why the Prophet sallallaahu Selim II said, Well, I can do solemnly what I pray and I sleep, I sleep and I pray, and I eat meat. And I marry women. And the one who doesn't want my sunnah is not of Me.

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So what is moderation?

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Because we need to understand that word moderation, and extreme behavior or extremism accurately. There is an Islamic sense to it, which is the Islamic sense, the accurate sense, the real sense. And it's a sense of it that exists outside in popular culture and in the media.

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What is a what is a moderate in the media?

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Someone who calls himself Muslim, but it's not really practicing. Right? Not really practicing, and is very flexible when it comes to their practice.

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Who is the extreme?

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Probably all of you know me,

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all of you, right? Why? Because if you really insist on certain things in Islam, but that's an extreme position. And unfortunately, some Muslims absorb that idea. And they call themselves and I'm a moderate, I'm not an extremist.

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But that terminology is not an Islamic terminology and should never be adopted by Muslims.

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If you want to use it, use it. Islamically who is

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Is the moderate here, Mohamed Salah Heusen. So everything that he does that he had emphasized and how he lived, that's moderation. When you veer to the right or left that is what extremism no matter what people on the outside are calling it. So if you want to identify yourself as a moderate is pasta as he said, salatu salam, moderation, moderation you will reach your destination, how he lived his moderation, the fact that he would fast and also break his fast.

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The fact that he would pray and sleep, the fact that he would donate and also keep money to his family, that is moderation and that is sustainable. And that is the thing that you will be able to do today and tomorrow and a year from now until you die.

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Any extreme behavior meaning emphasizing a better way too much or seeking knowledge way too much. Because the scholars even say, a person made me have this.

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eagerness to learn.

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And the scholars were say, he says me it below me when Leila obala yami will lay it a L knowledge comes in increments.

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Day and night, day and night until eventually you accumulate something big. It's not something that you get immediately like that. So you got to have patience. And that is great wisdom from Him. sallallahu alayhi wa salam to understand first of all, what moderation means and that religion needs this moderation. Second of all, this moderation

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is going to be really different, okay, or this continuity of data is going to be different from one person to the other.

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Because what is going to seem like moderation to you may not seem like that to another person. Why? Because you have been doing this this good deed for a long time, and you can do more of it.

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So for instance, if you hear that someone today

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started their salah, and they read in their pm Al Baqarah and Al Aman and Nisa

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to us, is that moderate?

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No. But the prophets Allah sent him used to do that.

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Is he being moderate? Or are we being lazy? We,

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right. So that's what I'm saying. Sometimes there are people who had been

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what are called seasoned in the worship of Allah as urgent that they can do Allah more than we can add to us. When we look at it, we say well, that's really an extreme behavior. But as long as within the borders of the Quran and Sunnah it's not extreme. When it moves beyond the borders, it's extreme.

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And also moderation. When you take it easy. Consider your own self, what you can take and what you cannot and we will see insha Allah Hadith that emphasizes this

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and that's the following Hadith he said, Sal Allah Azza wa sallam

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it love women that are multi multi * at adopt of deeds, what you can bear, what you can withstand. So this Sharia is so vast, you can do so much. There's a lot of Salah, a lot of fasting, a lot of helping people, a lot of sadaqa a lot of dhikr of Allah, Allah of Quran, there is so much that you can do. So he salatu salam in the midst or in front of all of the sea of deeds that you can do all of the options. What is he say Salatu was Salam ala for mineral and Malema to take on take adopt of deeds, what you can bear, meaning don't move beyond what you cannot bear.

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be intelligent, be wise about it. And that thing is different from one person to the other.

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How you tell a person sit here and read or seek knowledge for the next four or five hours. Say impossible. I'm just not wired like this, I can't do this. But you tell them go and help so and so move and help so and so register for this and that and help so and so buy groceries and he said yeah that I can do.

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So sometimes Allah azza wa jal

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favors you with particular deeds that are closest to you.

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And that requires you understanding yourself.

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So there are some people who love the Quran. Right? They love the Quran, they can sit and read it for hours and hamdulillah there are other people who love sadaqa

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there are other people who love teaching. There are other people who love helping other people. You

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And so find what is the thing that Allah had favored you with, and excel in it and add to it other deeds as well, as long as you are not gonna burn out eventually. Because that's not what you you don't want to burn out. You don't want to say that's it, I'm tired of this. So you walk a fine path of being too lazy or too hard on yourself.

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So moderation should not be understood or not, you know, burden yourself should not be understood as, okay praise unto her.

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He said religion is easy. So okay, I don't want to burden myself. I don't want to burden my child, what is a burden? In praying? So not have to have to work as Is there a burden there?

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Okay, fast. Not that you have to. But I'm saying as a suggestion as an idea. First, every Monday for some people may be truly they cannot do it. That's fine. That's okay. But for someone who's able bodied, you tell them to do this is a religion is easy. Doing what burden you overburden yourself with? What is the overburden and fasting one day a week? Is there? Maybe in the summer? Okay, I understand. It's hot, I understand. But when it comes winter, and you break your fast at what, five o'clock?

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Is there a burden in it? So when you look at the Sharia, right, it's not there to burden you. So walk a fine laugh by path between being too comfortable and too lazy.

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And not wanting to do things because you simply gotten used to a particular lifestyle, and also pushing yourself way too hard that you can't maintain that type of a badass. And you are your best doctor. You understand yourself more than anyone else. And if you're confused, asked, I can do this, but I cannot do that. Am I on the right right path or wrong path? But you are your doctor. And if you want to begin a good deed, begin it small.

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So can you read a gist of a Quran every day?

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Yes, no, maybe?

00:32:14 --> 00:32:16

Should you start like that?

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No. What should you start with? Let's say let's start with one page.

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And have it become a habit.

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A regular thing that you do, what happens when that thing becomes a habit?

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You're attached to it. Right? The if you don't do it, what happens is is something is missing. Right?

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And your mind becomes rewired. So that you want to do this thing. And it's not as difficult.

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And when that's the case, then adding another page is easier. Right?

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And then adding later on a third page is easier.

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And maybe before you know it, or in six months or a year you are the type of person who can read it just a day without even knowing it. But how did that happen? Because the way that you started was wise and you were patient with yourself. You didn't push too hard, but you were regular and that's why the prophets a lot he was alum loved that type of worship. Continuous you don't stop every day you push yourself even if just a little bit but you push yourself and you do it. And for that day you remember Allah because of what you did and the next day you also do it. You remember Allah because of what you did and so on and so on. So all your days you're connected to Allah azza wa jal

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and similar Hadith when actually the Allahu Anhu he was asked

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okay, if again I'm gonna be how can I associate any minute a yam How were the deeds of the prophets Allah sent him did he favor particular deeds more than others?

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She said luck and Amanda who Dima his actions were continuous. What are you call me a stealthy OMA cannon bu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam yesterday and who among you can do with the prophets of Allah Salam used to do Who among you can be like him? No, his his deeds were continuous. So the person was asking, did he favorite particular days over others?

00:34:23 --> 00:34:40

She said no. Every day almost every day of his is like the next. So he didn't like fluctuate where he would be very pious one day Friday or Sunday or and then dropped significantly the next day. No, it were they were close to each other.

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and the prophets, Allah wa salam, you know, part of, you know, the wisdom that he had left us is that he was not rigid. He was continuous, regular, but not rigid.

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What does that mean? So suppose that you have a

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habit for the prophets, Allah Salam had a habit of fasting three days, every month.

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One of those months, they cannot fast the middle of of their month, he would do it at the end, something else came up, and he had to take care of it, he would delay that fasting for the end of the month. The next month, he knew that he had to travel, he couldn't do it while traveling, he'll do it the beginning of the month. That's why they said about his OLALIA were selling them he would fast those three days, sometimes from the beginning of the month, or the middle of the month or the end of the month.

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Sometimes he would fast until you think that he's not going to break his fast. And sometimes he'll break his fast until you think he's not going to fast.

00:35:40 --> 00:36:23

Based on a muscle AHA benefit, where's the benefit? So he was in rigid? Right? It's like you're receiving guests. And this is your time 4pm That particular time 4pm after Isha, and then you look and you say, Well, I'm sorry, you gotta guys have to leave. Because this is the time where I pray, you got to have to leave. Know that time is for you to receive your guests. And once that is done, then you find another time during the day or during the night to pray your Pm. Flexibility gives you continuity. But if you're absolutely rigid, then you're not going to be happy and people around you are not going to be happy. And you have a good example of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam now he

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wouldn't let go of that thing. If he missed it. There was a when he wants salatu salam met a delegation after the hurry, couldn't pray the Sunnah.

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So what did you do? He prayed it after us.

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And because he prayed it after us he likes a lot you said him that if he did something he would never stop. Just because he prayed it after Asana. He continued with those Toorak as after ourselves for the rest of his life. Because his Amen. His actions are Dima continuous, if he doesn't say this something he doesn't like to stop.

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And similarly, it's a hadith

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when he sets a lot he was a love letter called Mr. Fuller and don't be like so and so. Can a a former Leila Fatah raka pmla Don't be like so and so he used to pray at night. And then he left that.

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So if you do something, it doesn't have to be momentous. But if you do something, maintain it even if it is small.

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And that is part of the wisdom of the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Another Hadith here is where the prophets of the Lord he was salam said, said they do what you

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said they do. We understand what said the domain right? Do things right? Do things right? But the next part of it is beautiful app Shiro and expect the best and be happy.

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And that is a beautiful attitude to develop about Islam. Not to be arrogant, like if you do something good. You fasted you gave sadaqa you did this and you did that not to be arrogant or conceited or

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proud of what you've done. It's not that that's not the mentality over here. But that if you've done it, expect the best from Allah azza wa jal because you've done it be happy that you've done it, and live this bishop, live this happiness Alhamdulillah Allah enabled me to fast Ramadan, you still ask Allah for forgiveness.

00:38:36 --> 00:39:06

But also Al Hamdulillah that I was enabled to pray Gemma Alhamdulillah that I was unable to make the app. So living so religion, you know, so religion, you got to maintain a balance, a balance where on the one hand, you're not so confident that I've done something and it's 100% accepted and 100% Right? You don't know. So you refer that to Allah, Allah, Allah accept from me, yeah, Allah forgive me. At the same time, happiness

00:39:07 --> 00:39:52

that you were chosen to do something like that. So Hey, isn't that a cause for happiness that always is said they do. What apps you might expect the best from Allah azza wa jal, and it will be sure is a happiness or a reaction that shows itself on the Bashara on the skin. That's where the word app Shiro comes from. Because when you're happy what happens? blood rushes to your face, right? And you can see the bishop you can see that color on a person's face. That's where the word app ship comes from. So AB Shiro meaning that expect the best and be happy with Allah as though did so when you do something, praise Allah for it that Hamdulillah that Allah enabled me to do this and ask Allah for

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more of it. But this bishop is something that you want to spread, and it's something that you want to all

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So feel

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and there was this

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time when the prophets of Allah Allah, who was salam saw a couple or group of the Sahaba and they were sitting and they're laughing. And he said, Sal, Allahu Allah, he was alum

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lota Allah Munna alum, not the hectoring colleague and hola que tiene kathira. He said, If you were to know what I know, you would laugh a little bit cry much. Then you read Ali Salam came down to the prophets of Allah Azza wa salam and he said in Allah, Allah Allah is telling you limit to continue to have a bad day Why are you driving my slaves My servants student to despair. So the prophets Allah Allah wa salam went to them and he said, said to do what caribou up Shiro. He says, said they do meaning do the right thing come close to it and expect the best from Allah azza wa jal know what the Prophet said the first time was accurate love to Allah Munna alum if you were to know what I

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you would laugh little and cry a lot because we were the prophets of Allah hottie was salam knew was a lot. He saw Jana, right. And he saw Jana.

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And it considered part of Allah's mercy that our minds cannot tolerate that if Allah were to show you Jahannam imagine how would you be able to live? How would you be able to live if you show if he showed you Jana, so he can seal that he told you about it, but he can seal that so that you can function and you can live? But he said, if you will, if you know what I know how people will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment, how many people will go to hellfire, how you will not laugh? But Allah Zoda did not want them to despair. And that's what he said up she'll expect the best from Allah Zoa Jen and have a personal one. Leila as urgent personal one expect the best from him.

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Subhanahu wa taala.

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And the last Hadith insha Allah in the chapter here

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the messenger Salatu was Salam. Ala Saldana Naomasa Salah he prayed he led them in Salah one of those days after the Salah he did something different. Rocky I remember he climbed the member

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and he pointed to the pillar to where they were facing and he said but only it will earn a Mondo so late hola como salah. Tell Ginetta we're not number 13 If you have already had ng dar he says I saw in the Qibla on that wall that I was facing

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Heaven and * displayed on the wall fell a mother can do me feel Haley was shot a fella miracle yo me Phil Haley with sharp eyes haven't seen anything like today in terms of good and evil. I haven't seen anything like today in terms of good and evil.

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So here the prophets of Allah Allah He was salam

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was praying. And he could see what we cannot see. Right? The prophets Allah who seldom could see what we cannot see. So Allah displayed Heaven and * in front of him meaning he could see Jana and he could see Jahannam all the way close at the wall.

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And he's praying slaughter using so when he finished he told him about it.

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They were that close and haven't seen as much good as I seen today because what he saw was what didn't know that close.

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And I haven't seen as much evil as I've seen today because Johanna with that close.

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So, the scholars have said it says this is something useful to keep in mind

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of how close heaven and * are to all of us

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and may be useful to keep in mind when we are praying.

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That is picture as much as you can. Heaven and * in front of you. Sometimes heaven

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Sometimes * Gehenna and where while you are praying you're trying to save yourself from Jan, this Salah is trying to save yourself from Johanna. This Salah is trying to enter into Jana because the salah will be different than and that is by the way, a position that will be in when we meet Allah azza wa jal there is a person who will be standing and he will look to the hearse right and he's looked to his left and he will look in front and he will only see Jahannam in front of him and either you will be able to safely pass over it or not.

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So in front of you, when you pray, you can think of the destination is Jana. Now try to enter it with the Salah, or what you're afraid of is Jahannam and try to save yourself from it in the Salah.

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And the other benefit from that hadith

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is that as we said they are close.

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So there's a Hadith from the Messenger of Allah

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Neo assylum he said, agenda to one Naru acabo de la Hajikko minchie rockin Ali.

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It says heaven and * are closer to you than the strap of your sandals,

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the strap of your sandals, the one that goes between your toes or the one that covers.

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But let's say the one that goes between your toes, how close is that to you?

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How can you get any closer? This is it. Right? So how is Heaven and * closer to us than this? Because you can say one thing or do one thing. And you go to Jana, and he's just about a second away from you say, or you can say one thing or do one thing and you go to jahannam because of it and you're about a second away from it. That's how close

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so they are within within reach like that. They're within reach. The next thing you do and that's why you want to think about it before you do bad things and also good things. It's right there. Janam is right there. If you do this,

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he may catch it or will catch you. You're that close to it. And Jana is also very close. So don't look down on any good deed because you do not know that be the thing that trips you into agenda. That'd be the small thing as Allah azza wa jal is weighing everything and you see the hassle not arising, but also the bad deeds are rising and he wish I wish on that day, I would have done that small thing because this would have put me in now you can.

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So ask Allah azza wa jal Rabbil Alameen to give us that moderation and wisdom and religion and we asked him Subhana wa Tada to give us continuity in our deeds, so that we continue to worship Allah azza wa jal, every single day without interruption. And we ask Allah azza wa jal to send us back into his faith send us back into his religion and save us from our own sins, our the temptations of the shaytaan and the temptations of the dunya I mean, your bill Allah mean, if you inshallah have couple of quick questions in sha Allah we can entertain those

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