Ahmed Hamed – Why Muharram & Ashoora is Important

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of the upcoming month of Muharram, which is the 10th day of the Islamic calendar. They stress the need to fast during the month and ensure that everyone is doing so to avoid negative consequences. The speaker also mentions the importance of fasting for gaining rewards and the upcoming film, which is a highlight for the upcoming month.
AI: Transcript ©
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Said I'm ready go more with Allah He will work out to my brothers and my sisters, I hope all of you are doing well. This is your brother Mohammed and I'm here in sha Allah to shed some light on Muharram and Ashura, what is the importance of this, you know, sacred month and what is the importance of Ashura in this month of Muharram? Well, the name Muharram itself signifies that it is holy, it is sacred, it is prestigious in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And also this is the first month of the entire Islamic year, it is the month of the new where the New Year of the Muslim starts Subhan Allah it is a month about which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that

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shahidullah Hill Muharram This is the month of a loss of Hannah huhtala love workbook by attribute in the month of Muharram to Allah subhana wa tada itself shows that this is a great month Subhan Allah and that is the reason the prophets of Allah isn't used to be very keen fasting in the month of Muharram. So used to fast a lot, you know, after the month of Ramadan, this was the month used to fast a lot so we must also do the same. Also we know that to Han Allah in it in the month of Muharram. In this secret month is a de r Shura as the name itself stage, it is the 10th day of Muharram on which we need as muslimeen to fast Why do we need to fast? Well, we have little

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background, you know for this, when Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Medina, he saw Jews fasting on the day of Ashura. And when he was asked, Why do you fast on the day of Ashura, they said this is a celebration date. This is the day when Allah subhanho wa Taala gave victory to move inside a Salaam and this is the date when the third round was drowned and was defeated by Musa alayhis salam. This was the day when the children of Israel were saved. So the prophets and the devil I didn't even send them, he said, we have more closeness with new signings than you do. So, He then said that we need to also fast on the day of Ashura, that is the 10th day of Muharram also the

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prophets of the level and he said them, he said that I hope whoever fast on the day of Ashura, his previous year minor sins will be forgiven. So again, it's an opportunity for us to be forgiven by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Also my beloved brothers and sisters, we know that the story of Musa alayhis salaam in the Quran is mentioned a lot. So there is a context towards this date. So we need to ensure that we fast and we remember, Musab a Salaam who is also from the * Amina Russell, the best and the highest five prophets in the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala did his reflection that we need to do on this date that it was the day when Allah subhanaw taala helped

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Mousavi Salaam, defeating for our own and making children of Israel saved through him to Allah. So my beloved brothers and sisters, this is a month, which is sacred, you know, which is holy, which is the month where we need to do a lot of good, we need to prevent ourselves from that which is bad, we need to ensure that we fast as much as we can, and especially we need to fast on the deal for Ashura. As I've shared the benefits and the virtues of the deal of Ashura and the profits of the film. He also indicated that if inshallah, if I live for the next year, I will fast to gaze not just one two days, so the prophets Islam we couldn't live, you know, the next day otherwise, we know he

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would have fasted to me as Bruce Lee mean, we need to fast the 10th day and we need to attach it to one day, either the ninth or the 11th. Meaning we need to fast two days in this month, bare minimum in order to gain the rewards and have that reflection that this was the day when Allah subhanaw taala helped Musa alayhis salam and we need to have that connection that that you know, link and the relationship with Messiah a Salaam also, we need to have that that that beautiful form of understanding of our Deen that every step every you know, action that is given to us is a point of benefit to us. And it's a point

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To be forgiven by Allah subhanahu tida Let us make use of this beautiful month of Muharram by fasting as much as we can and gain the consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and be successful for dunya with us in this world and in the hereafter what after dalada and in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

Why Muharram & Ashoora is Important

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