Bilal Philips – The Best In Islam #14 – Days (2 of 2), Debts, Deeds (1 of 3)

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The importance of fulfilling spiritual needs and attending missed prayer is emphasized in Islam. Debt repayments are a trap and can lead to negative behavior, but good deeds are crucial for future generations. The global challenges of debt repayments and poor parenting practices are also discussed, along with the importance of voluntary deeds and strong parenting deeds for future generations. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding debt and achieving healthy deeds for children. A future episode will include a discussion on debt repayments and the best in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh I'd like to welcome you dear viewers to another in our series, the best in Islam.

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In this series we're looking at what Allah and His Messenger may God's peace and blessings be upon him have described or identified as being among the best deeds, days,

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occasions etc. And

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we will begin

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with the day's in this session in continuation from our previous episode, in terms of the best day single day.

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We know that day is Friday why because Abu Huraira narrated from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he said afternoon I am and the law Yama Juma.

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The day which Allah considers best is Friday, the day of congregation that is the day of our weekly congregational prayer as a single day, that is the best day what that stress is to us, of course, is that all of the different things which are connected to that day should be done, we should strive to fulfill whatever is required of us are encouraged from us on that day. Among them is reading of Surah Al Kahf. Since that is the best day and the Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him recommended that we read soil calf on that day, we should try to do that as regularly as possible. It's also the day in which we should

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take a bath we should clean ourselves up. You know, depending people in different circumstances may have limited opportunities to bathe but at least on that Friday, we should do so that is the day when we're coming together in congregational prayer of the region or the area in the largest mosques etc. You know that day at least we should try to be at our best in terms of

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days in hajj. Abdullah had been caught

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quote to the Prophet sallallahu sallam was saying in the Ottoman ame in the law he Tabata Kota Isla yo ma na. So my Omen are the days which Allah the blessed and high considers greatest are the days of sacrifice, then the rest of days following it, so in the hajj, and this is rarely a day

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of mostly for the people of Hajj. Even those at home who don't have the opportunity to get make Hajj, are encouraged to slaughter an animal

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on that three days following it. Those days are in the hajj, the high point where the Pilgrims

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follow the practice of Prophet Abraham and sacrifice at that point. They sacrifice giving thanks to Allah because even when we sacrifice at home, having not gone for Hajj we sacrifice at home, we should know that it is a symbol of Thanksgiving that Allah has blessed us and what He has blessed us with, we share with our family, with our neighbors, our friends, etc. We slaughter an animal and share it with the community.

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So and that day in particular, the 10th of the ledger

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is among the greatest days of the year.

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So having looked at our days, we're moving on to another topic, the topic of debts and we're following alphabetical order, you know of topics from an English perspective. Anyway. We're on the letter D. We had days. Now we're on to that. So in terms of debts, what is best concerning

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depths. Abu Huraira quoted the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is saying in here ACOEM Arsenicum. Kava and

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the best of you is the one who is best in repaying his debts, his or her debts. This is emphasizing the importance of the repayment of debts. In our life, we end up in debt at some point or another. And for society to function well, these debts need to be paid. If they're not paid, then people's rights are being denied.

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People are being abused. Their wealth is being appropriated by others. This is a negative,

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a harmful circumstance. So much so that the Prophet Muhammad wa salam warned about that saying In another Hadith Narrated by Abu Huraira, the believers soul is kept in suspension, until his death, or her debts are paid for them. So this is telling us is something very serious, even entrance into paradise, the Prophet SAW Selim had spoken that even the martyr, who dies in battle is given his soul, given his life, for the sake of Islam for the sake of Allah. And that death

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since it is

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a means of purification of oneself from sin. Except that, so the Robert Solomon said,

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so debts are not to be taken lightly. We should avoid them as much as possible, we should strive to avoid going into debt, taking loans. This is very important piece of advice from the Prophet sallahu wa salam. Because today, there are so many traps to draw people into debt, the credit card, the famous credit card, the credit card, which seems to be such a big convenience, so beneficial to us. At the same time, it traps so many people in debt, because you can buy with money, you don't have this temptation to go and buy and to live beyond your means is great. It's huge. So it is a trap, a credit trap, you're trapped into debt. And when we look at the world nation, we can see the same

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thing happening on a global scale, where the powerful and the rich, first world nations, they trap third world nations in massive debts, which they can't pay off. And in that way, they re colonize them.

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This is the form of neocolonialism of our times its economic colonization, the people are no longer there in the past, they would just come in take over our countries and set themselves up as the rulers, they don't need to do that today. Instead, what they do is they offer the current rulers, massive projects, beautiful, wonderful looking projects, which will make the ruler powerful or make the ruler liked globally, fame. They've done this massive economic project in the country. But the cost is so high, the country can't pay it back. They end up struggling even to pay the interest on the loan. So they become more and more submerged in that debt riba because that's what's connected

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to it. Riba overcomes them, and their economic system now comes under the control of the Global International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, which now dictates to those countries, what they can do and what they can't do. The economics are controlled from the outside because of that world, that is the evil of it. So it is much better for a person to live within their limits. Purchase what you can and what you can't do without better to live a life like that, than to live a life in debt in America, way back in the early 90s. They estimated that more than for me

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million Americans were living in the streets. I know a lot of people think, no, not possible. America. Oh, people live good lives. There's all these high rises and wonderful Disney. You know all these wonderful, beautiful places in the Shawnee. They don't have people living in the streets. That's India. Yes, yes, India, we have people living in the streets. But America, no way, not possible. Reality, more than 4 million in 1993, the number is way more than that now, living and dying in the streets of America. And when you go to look at these people, some of them are people who were good jobs, etc. But they had lived so high, their debts had become so much that one little

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thing happened to them, they got sick, they couldn't go to work anymore, they couldn't pay the payments, and their house of cards just crumbled. And they ended up kicked out of their homes, cars taken away,

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homeless in the streets. Many cases like that many of those, a good portion of those who are living homeless in America are a result of that.

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So that is not something to scoff at. It's not something to look at as lightly. It's something very serious, so serious, that the Prophet SAW Salem had said, for the believer, his or her soul will be in suspension until debts are paid.

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And even the martyr will not enter paradise.

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You will be held back from entering Paradise because of that. So something we need to consider seriously and we need to reflect on and with that. We're going to take a brief break here now from the issues concerning debts. And we'll be moving on into other issues. After the break.

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A Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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In Buhari there is a narration by Osama bin Zayed Travelon who, that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he stood the world one of the high buildings of Medina. And then he said to the people, do you see what I see? They said no. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, I see afflictions falling among your houses as raindrops fall. That's how the parenting challenges of today's sound like it's a daunting task. With lifestyle changes and more demands on the parents. maintaining a balance between parenting job and other chores is very stressful. There is a plethora of duties with very little time devoted to parenting. multitude of studies indicate that kids are involved in

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undesirable activities because there is failure to impart moral values to them. What to pre plan to bring back balance in life and strengthen the family structure. We need focused step by step guidelines to make sure that our kids grow into determined and not easily distractible Muslim among. So me Dr. Kamal guesser, bring you this amazing course. A visionary child, a future investment for all the parents who can change the world, benefit the society and be on the part of Jana. This course is designed to bring clarity in the parenting practices so that parents understand the age appropriate behavior of the child. And yes, using principles from Quran and Sunnah develop a multi

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dimensional tarbiyah plan for the child. Remember, vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others. So don't miss this opportunity to overcome all the roadblocks that you have while you're trying to fulfill your responsibility. As mentioned in sort of the Haim was number six, yeah, you and Lizzie in Arma know who and full circle we're actually Canara are believers save yourself and your families from the hellfire?

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Welcome back dear viewers. We're now continue with the best in Islam. We looked at the best concerning debts in our previous segment of our episode. And now we're moving on to

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What are the best deeds? Allah Subhana Allah in the Quran in surah Al Kahf chapter 18 Verse 46, he said there, Al mal will balloon, Xena to Hayato dunya. Wolbachia to Salah how to Hiren and Arabic. So Arban or Hieron, Amala amarilla wealth and children are this life's adornments but good deeds that last have a better reward in the sight of your Lord, a better source of hope, that for us, wealth and children, this becomes the most important thing in this life, accumulating wealth for ourselves. And having kids, you could look back and say how many kids we had our kids were and what happened with the kids and so on. So, but what is really best for us

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are the lasting good deeds. And of course, the lasting good deeds are those that were done with the good intentions, not those deeds done for show in order to impress others. So people would say what a great, what an amazing what a what a water. No,

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the impact of those these maybe nobody knows, who did them, who caused them. That's not important.

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It is the benefit that has come from it. This is why the Prophet sallallaahu Salam had said, hate on us, and for only now is the best of people are those who are most beneficial to people. So those good deeds which benefit others and continue to benefit generation after generation. Those are the better deeds, those are the best of deeds, that we should strive to have as many of them as possible. And of course, these are deeds

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in which we have sought the pleasure of Allah

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deeds, whose value will continue on into the next life. So it is better in the sight of Allah in terms of the reward that is going to give. And it's a better source of hope, something that we could hope for a good and hope for a good life to come. It's a basis for hope.

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As for our wealth, our wealth, we leave behind this, we cannot hope and expect anything to come out of that wealth. Of course, people have been fooled by this, whether it was the Pharaohs of the past, thinking that wealth would give them a superior life after death. So they had themselves their bodies, mummified gold jewelry, and all these kinds of things were buried along with them. But we know the mummies are now in museums, and their wealth has been stolen, distributed, put up for sure. It didn't benefit them. But they believe that and you have people till today who are still caught up in that syndrome thinking that the wealth is going to somehow benefit them in the time to come. But

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the reality is that of course,

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it is what we have to leave behind us, we leave this we come into this world with nothing. And we leave this world with nothing we cannot cannot take any of the things of this world with us. The only thing that we take with us our deeds, what we have done to whatever is left behind if it is an extension of our good deeds, then it benefits us. If it is not, then it is of no benefit. So the idea that wealth is going to change anything for the good in the life to come is a delusion.

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Of course the rich would like to think that it could. And even at one point in time,

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for a number of years, the Pope's used to sell certificates to Paradise, they will call papal indulgences where the rich would buy from the pope, the pope would prepare a certificate, which would say the bearer of this certificate has a place in paradise. It will be signed by the pope who was God's representative on the earth. And the rich who bought it would feel comfortable that they had a place in Paradise and the Pope would become rich and richer. So yes, that delusion has fooled people

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in the past, and it will continue to fool people into the future. But the reality is that wealth and children are amongst

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The ornaments of this life as Allah said, you know, we feel good about them, we feel pleasure from them. But in the end, it is the last thing righteous deeds, and Baqia to Sol hat. These are those that will benefit us in the life to come. We also have a statement concerning good deeds in the Quran in surah Al Baqarah, verse 184, where Allah said there for man totowa Hieron for hua hai Rula whoever does good voluntarily, it is better for him or her voluntary good deeds.

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The Prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him encouraged us in all of the deeds of Islam, their voluntary, the obligatory deeds, their voluntary deeds connected to them, each and every last one of them, whether it is Salah, we are voluntary prayer,

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it is fasting, we are voluntary fasting, it is

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Zakka obligatory

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charity, there is voluntary charity, Hajj, this voluntary Hajj, all of the obligatory acts that are required of us have voluntary version.

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And the obligatory is to encourage us to be engaged in the voluntary. That's the purpose of it, to encourage us to engage in the voluntary acts. So those voluntary acts, ultimately, after a person has done the obligatory it will elevate them

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in faith, it will

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purify them are the obligatory deeds that they've done for any deficiencies that might be in them. So we should never treat the voluntary deeds lightly. We should try to do them as much as possible because after our obligatory deeds are judged by Allah, then he will shift to the voluntary to see what has been done to add to our obligatory deeds. And we also have another verse which has been

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repeated twice in the Quran in surah Naml, chapter 27 Verse 89, and Surah Al passes,

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chapter 28, verse 84, man Jah, Belhaj sanity, follow who Hieron minha whoever does a good deed will have better than it's worth. This is from the Mercy of Allah, that whatever good we do, instead of counting it as just one good act, with one good reward against any evil we do one bad act one evil or punishment.

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One for one, Allah multiplies the good each good deed is worth 10 times its value trade off the top and that can be increased many times above that as allow wishes, so that good deeds, as Allah said in the Quran, also, in Al Hassan art, you will hipness say at good deeds, righteous deeds, erase evil deeds, because their value is 10 times and more than the deed itself. And whereas the evil deed is only valued at one, so the good can erase the evil. So

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this is the grace and mercy of Allah, which allows our good to erase our evil so that in the end, our state will be one pleasing to Allah, in which we will be able to enter Paradise, God willing, because of the righteous efforts we have done based on our faith, with the grace of God. And with that the viewers, we will conclude our session and continue to look at deeds, as there are a number of other points concerning deeds which have elements of the best. Allah has spoken about them. The Prophet has spoken about them. Deeds are a big part of our life. We're doing deeds all the time. So what are the best among them? We will continue to look in this area in our coming episodes. So thank

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you for being with us. In this

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This episode of the best in Islam, and we will see you in the episodes to come. Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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