Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The hosts of a podcast on the story "Scale of Islam" aim to encourage parents to ask their children about the history of the book. They plan to use random non-ring-to- ring questions and experiences to create a dynamic and inspiring podcast. The podcast will be a series of questions and experiences covered in the future. The speakers emphasize the importance of mastering history and learning from it to make the podcast more engaging for people. They also discuss the history of the Islamic Middle East and the confusion surrounding "arental caliphates" and "arental caliphates."
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who Brothers and Sisters in Islam Welcome to this podcast mashallah it's a, it's a new thing that we're going to be doing on your channel in sha Allah Allah, we're going to be having different topics that we're going to be discussing, but in the later Allah, we're going to be doing a q&a. In each segment, we're gonna have a history segment, we're going to have a current events segment. So this is going to be podcasts that's going to be recorded fortnightly, or it's going to be released fortnightly in sha Allah Allah. So that's every two weeks. Basically later on, we're going to be discussing many many different topics with myself, Musa Adnan,

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and my father started nanosheet inshallah. Now, you might be wondering, we've gone into this podcast, just like that, quite sporadically. We haven't mentioned a title. And that's because we're in a dilemma, do you want to tell them about the dilemma? The dilemma is, we don't know what to call it. And we're still thinking and the idea we came up with was, tweet out to people, and let them advise us on this. So please send your recommendations in the comment section. without making too long, it has to be one word or two words, at max. And we want to call something we want to call this podcast something. Let's say we can give you some ideas. For example, we were thinking of calling it

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father and son. Okay, the father and son felt like that name is too common, and it's like, used and stuff. So yeah, we need a name that is going to make sense, you know, make sense for the podcast. We've told you the type of stuff we're going to be discussing, even in this podcast, we're gonna get straight into it with some of those topics in shuttler. This may not be long as the usual episode because this is like an introductory episode getting you guys into the podcast insha Allah to Allah.

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I think the first things first, maybe we should just get straight into. So guys, before we get into that, I just want to explain very quickly why we want to do this podcast in this way. Why is this podcast any different? This podcast is going to be different for the following reasons. Number one, it is a conversation predominantly between a father and his son. And this is to show the world that we the Muslims, we can sit with each other, as a family, father and son in particular, and discuss topics, discuss sensitive issues, discuss issue issues on history, for example, when discussing topics of

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anything that's urgent, urgently required, we can talk about things that are happening out there current events, for example, right? So you will see a father's perspective and you will see a son's perspective and then we will talk our minds we will speak

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as we think inshallah so the purpose of this podcast is to basically encourage people out there to talk to the parents, to talk to the children, and have these kinds of conversations at home as well. And you will see that inshallah we will be discussing a lot of interesting content, we'll be discussing history, current events, anything urgently required that needs attention, or comment. And we might be sharing historic objects, books, for example, book recommendations, things like academic questions, and even guests, we may have guests. Sometimes, if we deem fit, and the podcast is going to be very dynamic, it's not going to be very planned. We want to keep it as natural as possible. A

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conversation between father and son on different matters different issues. In the future, we request from you to send us questions because we're going to have a q&a session as well that people can ask questions, and we will try to address them in sha Allah Tala, maybe three to four to five questions depending on how much time we have, okay? So we're going to keep it as dynamic as you know, exciting as possible Inshallah, Allah will do, we'll do our best and as we go along, Inshallah, hopefully, with the help of Allah and with your support, it is going to get better and better inshallah. Inshallah, that's the intention insha Allah definitely. So to leave you guys with something on that

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do leave it in the comment section down below any names, any suggestions for names, we will take them into account in sha Allah to Allah and you never know, it could be the suggestion that you put forward that gets picked for the title of this podcast going forward, inshallah. So that's why you can see it says in the title, or should we call this podcast, we want to discuss history. Yes, we want to discuss history.

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We have a strong interest in history. And initially, I thought you might be good to do it like a series, but I think we both decided that it would be a good idea to not do it like a series like so we're not going to be covering Islamic history in order but

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Rather, what we're going to be doing is we're going to take random non random points from history, questions of history, historic objects, historic, let's say, books, literature, you name it. So we may discuss anything to do with history, because we have a very deep interest in history myself and my son Musa. I have my qualifications in history, Al Hamdulillah. Musa is, is also studying history.

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And we we feel history is highly neglected my qualifications also, yes, you do. But you're still going through something at the moment. Once you qualify my bachelors, I've done what

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I shall love was that is a bachelor's historian. I mean, one year I will be married historian masters, we will have the same unless you start your PhD, right? I think, why not? Why not PhD? We need to do PhDs, Muslims, we need to start thinking that way. We need intellectuals. We need teachers. We need professors. We need historians. Okay. Why do we allow others to teach our history to our children? Okay, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. But we shouldn't complain when people misrepresent our history. If they do, and some people do. In some cases, people have done that. So if we master our own history, we start studying the

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Seljuks, the Ottomans, the moguls and the U beads, and the OMA years and the Abbasids. And the libraries, and the philosophers and the scientists and, and the theologians and scholars and poets and Alain de luz and Muslim history in the US or in Muslims in America, for example, looking at Muslim slaves were taken across the Atlantic, the list goes on and on and on history is so big, it is so vast that one cannot possibly cover all of history in one lifetime. I don't think that's that's possible. But we, myself and Musa, we have a deep interest in history. So we will be discussing topics to do with history to make this podcast dynamic, exciting educational for everyone

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who's watching so they will be something for everyone. Okay. They will be things for families, there will be things for individuals for brothers or sisters, for elderly, for people who have interest in literature and history. You will have something in this podcast inshallah Darla. Okay, so what question of history do you want to discuss? Is there anything in your mind?

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Nothing specific at the moment.

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Recently, I think one thing that we can discuss

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is to do with the early Islamic history. Okay. So because that's something I've been looking into recently Bring it on. So we've been speaking about, for example, have been looking into

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Khalid bin Walid earlier Radi Allahu Anhu. Yeah, some of the events that happened involving the Companions, etc, or the process.

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I've personally realized one of the reasons why it's so important to look into

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this early period of Islamic history is because it actually gives you a lot of context as to, you know, the things that the companions were dealing with, yes, Subhan, Allah, right. And you realize, for example,

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how, for example, some of the companions or the companions were human beings. Yes. And you look at different benefits that you can extract. Yes.

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So for me, personally, it's been very, very interesting. Yes, looking into that period, you know, the Omate period, how that maids came about, right? You have the whole of our rush, you don't go Bakr, Omar Osman Ali, real low on him. And then you have Hussen or the Allah and the class him as amongst the whole of Russia, right? Yes, of course of the years, 40 years. He fits within those 40 within the 40s, etc. That's right. Exactly. Probably alone. And then thereafter you have Wow, yeah, that's right. Started with what are we? I think actually, this is a good place for us to go. Yeah. So the Met perhaps many people don't know about this. Okay. So, in Islam, you have the first

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qualified Russia doing that? Yes. Okay. And as we mentioned, Abubaker was first Amara, the Allah and then it was Summon, then Ali, then Hassan will be Alana. After husband, we have more hours, yes, up until Huseyn. That, that caliphate is referred to as that Russia doing that, that that period is called the rightly guided period or that period of the rightly guided successes of the prophets. Allah Allah Allah, Allah. Allah Hora Al Khalifa Rashid doon Yeah, I'll call afar Rashidun okay. So they are called the right literally translated, Rightly Guided caliphs are rightly guided successes of

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prophet of Islam why are they called rightly good? Because the Prophet salallahu Salam called him that okay the prophets Allah Salam in an authentic hadith narrated by Mr. Muhammad. He said that after me rightly guided hola or my successors who will be rightly guided, they will rule for 30 years after me they will rule for 30 years and after that they will be kingship. Okay. So he said he has no 1430 years 30 years okay 40 Is the Hijri Okay, okay, because the Prophet passed away 11 Hijri Okay, up to the year 40 Okay, you have nearly 30 years. Okay, fine. So you have a worker who ruled for nearly two years. Then you have Omar radula one who ruled for nearly 10 years, then you have a

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man who ruled for nearly 12 years. The reason why I'm saying nearly is because of the calendars depending on which calendar you're looking at Gregorian calendar, or the the Hijri calendar, the lunar calendar, okay. So, so nearly 12 years of man then Halle radula one nearly four years and then six months remaining was 100 The Allah one before he handed over power to mahavihara The Allah one to form unity between the Muslims because Muslims during the reign of Ali Baba with Oliver the Allah and Muslims had been divided due to the controversy caused caused by the murder of the third Caliph Emanuel the Allah. Yeah, okay, so Rightly Guided caliphs or rightly guided successors of the Prophet

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Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam the rule for 30 years. And that includes Hassan radula. One. So it should be five, not four. I mean, generally speaking, people say for people because for the number is very convenient, but technically it's for calculate the time. properly, then it's five, including hassanzadeh Allah one even in amongst Western historians. They call that caliphate, the Rashidun caliphate, and they even include Hassan actually, okay, okay. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah. Thanks.

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And then, thereafter, we have a new caliphate, which is called the army it kind of like or maybe a dynasty yet, but only at caliphate, you can call it I mean, that's what it was called. Yes. The reason is called the omit caliphate is because these are people that came from been Omiya so in Qureshi had different sub clans, some famous ones, very, very big ones, or big ones, I should say influential ones, were Banu Hashim with a prophetess animals form. You have an Russell Burnham zoom, which Khalid been with you through the Alon who was from bhanwar D. But they weren't as influential. Yes, but it was Omar Odilon. One, but they were not as influential as some of the others. Yes.

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Right. So then you have for example, the one we're talking about Ben Omiya, which I've also Fianna was deleted. Yes. Naboo. Sophia was very influential in college. So are we I was the son of he was actually the leader who was fighting the battles. Most battles fought by him against the Prophet and his companions. So So yeah, so like, so it was, it was it was it was about Sofia, and that was doing that it was very influential from Quraysh. Yes. So obviously, later on, Abu Sufyan became a Muslim. What are we alone? Well, the Allah and why we became a Muslim? And what are we I was the First Army caliphate. That's why it's called Omiya. Because they come from Benny omega and omega.

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And then after what are we have? We have a line of

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my youth rulers who came from the same family? Yes, a huge line, right? And my age is ruled from

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about 40 Hijiri, 232 Hijiri, when they were actually asked it by another dynasty that came to power called the ambassador, Banu Abbas, the children of Abbas, the uncle of the Prophet of Islam, Prophet Muhammad salallahu Salam. So the first dynasty of Islam, after the Rightly Guided caliphs, was the Omega dynasty. And then came the basket dynasty. So MA We are the Allah Juan was the first ruler of the Omega dynasty. Yes. And the first of the Abbas it was, it was a fashion. Yes. Right. And then it goes on until around what period? There was a period where the abovesaid caliphate as well.

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It kind of lost its power, power. Right. Yeah. And became that was in the in the third century. Hijri. Yeah, yeah. So who was that qlf would you say where it became kind of where they kind of lost their power? I'll moto kill. A Moto, Moto vocal. And they they came underneath the Turkish

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Uh, was it generals? Yeah, so the ambassador had a Turkish contingent in the army, right? When we say Turkish we mean people from Central Asia, Turkic people, Turkic, yeah, they became very powerful and slowly and gradually they gained more power than the Kailis themselves. This is a long story. Yeah, how this happened. Okay. First baskets are very powerful. Starting from element elements over in the dental Molly, then Harun Rashid, and then we go on to Amin, mon and then mark the Cymbala. Then we have asset Billa. Okay, then we have our Matoba kill. It was after the killing of all Matoba kill. When Ambassade dynasty went into a sharp decline and the Turks they started to gain more and

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more power and the basset dynasty never fully recovered. Very, very powerful, very interesting history. There is a book by fire al Highbury

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on the Bassett caliphate published by the Cambridge University Press very, very good introduction to Dr. Bassett history. If those of you who are interested in reading please do look in look into this book definitely about every so I think what we've done there is quite excellent actually, mashallah, I didn't intend that. But we've given you guys a brief, very, very summarized breakdown of the early Islamic history after the Prophet saw

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a period which I think is very, very interesting, you know,

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when you look into the period, you realize the human nature, even when you read detailed into the some of the stories, yeah, happened with I mean, mourn and stuff like that you see fascinating, the human, the human side of the human side of people, and how power can get the best of people of people, sometimes brothers against brothers. And a lot of the times be when people are reading these histories. They say How can two brothers fight each other and,

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but they don't understand the dynamics. People don't know, how these brothers lived. And whether they were actually brothers, like, people are brothers today, you know, two brothers living together in one household, they know each other, they see each other every day, they have attachment, or relationship, for example, you talk to each other, you have friendly discussions. These guys, they never grew up with each other. They came from different mothers, they will live in different provinces, they were rivals, they were rivals, they were right. They were they were competitors for the throne. Right. So that's why they didn't see things like that. And plus each and every single

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one of them had a state of his own. Right. They had their own state, a protest, they had their own political power. The military is the staff. Some of them had 1000s of people working for them. Right. So they were like states within a state. Right. So when the father died, let's say the Calif, the emir, the sons would fight, they would fight it out. And anyone who is victorious will take the throne, basically, whoever wins at the end, whoever, and this kind of continued for very long throughout the Muslim history, you know, where sons fought each other after the father of the immune muscle bone died. So this is not something very, very extraordinary. Rather, if you study the

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dynamics and how they lived, and what was what was expected of them, you will start to appreciate the situations and their decisions and what they did in lives. Not justifying the atrocities of course, we don't we don't do that. But But why are they ended up fighting each other? Why dynasties ended up rising and declining? These things are very, very, you know, nuanced. You can't just make make black and white judgments reminds me of, you know, one of the issues that some people raise about,

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well within the field of anthropology, where they mentioned that the job of an anthropologist is to go and live within a people and to discover and one of the criticisms that historians might mention is that this guy who's an outsider, when he goes to this village, and he and he examines these people, how is he seeing them? Is he seeing them within themselves as an outsider and as a discussion? Is he seeing them from their own lens? Or is he seeing them from his social lens? Exactly. His lens is also conditioned. Right? And that's exactly what we do with history nowadays. Exactly. We have our own lens, which is a mistake. Yeah, right. Yeah. Well, we look at we look at

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things I mean, it can be beneficial at times for sure. You know, so we won't necessarily call it a mistake, but it's a thing where you don't realize that the way you're looking at this is with your 21st conditioned moral compass. Exactly. It's conditioning, you're looking at them etc. Obviously Islam is our moral compass, right that's, that's obviously a given. But we have to also look at these people for you know this around

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things as well to understand what they were thinking. This is what historians do. That's what historians do their best to study people, dynasties, civilizations, in light of their own cultures, their own social conditionings their own norms, rather than using our 21st century norms to judge them. And when we do that, it is called anachronism. And history is called anachronism. It is a mistake. It is Miss judgment, it is actually being unfair to past civilization. That's a very important thing to keep in mind. Yeah, for sure. So we've given you a brief summary of the Islamic early Islamic history. I was reading actually. And they were mentioning that there were four main

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caliphates that they would call, call them. And I think the first one was definitely the Rashidun caliphate. The second they're referred to as a made third basket. And the fourth I think they included the Ottomans within that. Well, right. Historians. Yeah, they include Ottomans within this country. So it became a caliphate. I mean, there is another one in Spain. Yeah, the OMA yet caliphate is also there. But what that is that not ever looking at Sunni caliphate? Yeah, these are the Sunni caliphates. Yeah. Okay. But there was a Shia caliphate as well. The Fatimids the Fatimids in Egypt, right? Okay. The Sunnis don't accept it as a caliphate as a as a valid as a legitimate

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caliphate, but it did exist. So so when we're speaking about, for example, the Ottomans, there's a question that arises that some people discuss which is

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a Khalifa, arguably, it has been argued needs to be from the foundation of its polish. That's because of the release of the provinces. Right, I mataman Quraysh. Okay. So now, what then becomes a case for the Ottomans, while it is a highly debated, very contentious, contentious issue? Yeah. Okay. There are traditionalists who don't accept Ottomans as a valid

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Ottoman caliphate as a valid Khilafah Is it because of this because of this hadith, not because of the Hadith. Okay, so the, the thing Yeah, are focused on the Hadith that states ally mataman Kurdish leaders are from Koresh on the tribe of Quraysh. So that's why strictly speaking, they say the institution of Khalifa or Caliph it can only come from Quraysh Okay, okay. But they can be saltpans rulers, kings who can be Muslim, right, right. Yes. Muslim rulers who ruled by Sharia, they kingdoms or their their? You can say the state is a legitimate state. Okay. But they are not strictly speaking caliphs. So let me ask you a question that some might find controversial.

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In your personal opinion, your personal opinion, okay. Would you class the Ottoman caliphate as a caliphate? No, you would? I don't know. You wouldn't. I have the I have the strict traditionalist. So you would say the this view the strict, biased view if you wanna call it that, so you would say, but I don't have a problem with Ottomans being rulers kings are ruled by Islam Of course. Okay. Yeah. From time to time. Yeah. place to place. The Ottomans are virtues and the vices, they have vices. So maybe we can have the whole opposite episode on Absolutely. We can discuss ottoman. So now separately, yes. His his a question of

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so the only caliphates that you would say, the Islamic caliphates are? The Rashidun caliphate? Yeah, well, maybe it's not but it's that's it. And and caliphate in Spain. And the caliphate in Spain? Yeah. We had caliphate in Spain. Was that linked to the earlier Omate? Yes, it was. Yes. Yes. Okay. So these people can legitimately claim to be careless, strictly speaking, in the Islamic sense, if they claim to have the institution of Caliphate, so you would say Sultan Abdul Hamid the second for example, that wasn't a righteous king, but it wasn't the last Islamic Caliphate long. I don't believe I don't believe he was a Caleb. Okay. I mean, this is my personal belief. Yeah. I don't mean

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to hurt people. So that means there are people out there who love the art. I love the Ottomans. By the way, don't don't, don't, don't start. Don't start cussing us. None of

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that my opinion is based upon my convictions that come from the Hadith literature. No, Sharia as I understand it, okay. People are very free to disagree with me. They don't have to accept my view. Some people's, you know, they insist that Ottomans were a caliphate, the institution, okay, was there. I don't believe that strictly speaking, Ottomans are a dynasty, okay? They were kings, many of them are right, his kings. Okay. And I leave it as that inshallah. Okay, so what we're going to do now is we're going to conclude this episode in sha Allah on that note, we're going to jump in with this episode. Next episode, we can try to take questions you can send your questions to us.

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But this episode please leave in the comment section your advice on the title of this pot the name The name of the podcast that we can use to put this podcast I mean it's gonna go on in Charlotte Allah so long as Allah permits and it will be uploaded every forum fortnightly and inshallah suggests some good titles in the comment section but the next episode you can start sending your questions in the comment section that we can address inshallah Allah will choose those questions and address them and podcast. So there will be a current events section there will be a history section and there will be a q&a section and then we can have other conversations in between the podcast very

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natural and dynamic inshallah and brothers and sisters Desikan Lachlan for watching On that note, we'll see you very very soon so I'm on equal

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