Adnan Rajeh – Ramadan 2024 Tafsir of Surat Al-Raad Part 2

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The importance of watching laws and not reflecting on them is emphasized, along with the use of words like "upbeat," "monster," and "monster" to point out similarities in the world. The series of verses of the Bible is a result of a long strategic argument about which attributes of the Bible are true. The importance of science and understanding the way people think about their existence is emphasized, along with the need for forgiveness and monitoring behavior. The speakers also discuss the negative impact of Allah's actions on people's lives and the importance of observe laws and try to break them. COVID-19 is a slayer and people are working to keep their bodies healthy.
AI: Transcript ©
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govern the world which we live in.

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And amongst these laws, he's going to focus upon it with the eye on the law of righteousness or help.

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And what that's going to mean to us as Muslims as that's something that we have to observe

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that I find it interesting that that's how the Quran

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looks at these things. The Quran sees that the laws that need to be respected. First are the laws that Allah subhanaw taala used to govern the world, those laws have to be observed and respected. Those Sunon are what we have to be aware of. And we have to make sure that we use them and utilize them appropriately. Before he talked before we talk about the laws of physics, and also that filter and whatnot, you have to observe the actual laws, the laws that everything in the world follows and listen to.

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And I think that's, that's a very healthy way to look at the world around us. And as Muslims, you may have lost touch with that just just a little bit. And that's fine. Does the phone goes through a lot of these laws on a constant recurrent basis? How many verses have you read in the Quran that talks about water coming from the sky, and then life coming from the earth and then life dying, dying, and then going back into the earth, talking about the movement of the sun and the moon and the movement

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of water and the existence of mountains and the existence? He gives a using these things that are they're obvious, right? They're obvious? Well, they are obvious, but how obvious Are they really, we tend as people to take for granted things that we constantly see. That's how we are, we just if something is always there, we just tend to take it for granted and not really contemplate it or reflect upon it, or even learn anything from it. Because it's just always there. Even though that thing that's always there is probably the most important phenomenon that we have to see.

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As children growing up, you just you take for granted that you have a family, you have parents, you have a house just live in swarm at night, and there's food on the table, you take that for granted. And you don't really think and what you end up realizing when you're older, that was all of that was extremely important. It was very, very significant and very meaningful. And not having that could have been very easy. You could have easily grown up without any of those things like would be very, very different altogether. So it's a it's a trait that we all carry, where we just don't notice the things that are always there. They're always there, we take them for granted, we become entitled and

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we move along and we don't really reflect upon them and the Quran just keeps on pointing them out that none of these things are actually really important. Look, take time and look at them. They're there. Yes, they're always there. But because they're always there, because they don't change they're worthy of your time to reflect and contemplate and they actually tell you about the laws that govern everything even if you don't understand any

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thermodynamics and and you're not an astrophysicist nor are you a biologist understand all the detailed laws that govern everything just by a simple observation of how the world is. It tells you a lot about about Allah subhanaw taala about yourself which is what these first four verses are and they just kind of focus on that so will recite that I had them before and as we go along the meaning will become clearer inshallah. I will be laying him in a shape on your body

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Bismillah young man you're Rafi

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working out of the airport I'm moto Jia we are to Virgin

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what gen two mean? Being was your room one se you don't

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All seen

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when Philo's in one way, or you're losing money you score Bhima you hate Haider.

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105 low bound blah Ha, bling Phil Ooh cool

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in FE the leaker yeah T Lee call me t Lu

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so he continues to ponder what Tyler wasn't these verses within audibly and on earth dip on with the job or pieces of land. And if you're ever in a plane you look down and you're not over a metropolitan you see land, you see how pieces of land are their little

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rectangle rectangles or maybe maybe different shapes. But do you see how that little pieces of land are stuck or stuck beside one another. So get on with the job, your job your neighboring pieces of land, which are not to mean when there are Gardens of vineyards or Vine or grapes was it was or is anything that grows from from the earth and various Souza is various plants or various plantation. So he points out a pile of data, some things that are specific, and he uses terms that are generic to point out all types of Plantation. So on Earth, they're pieces of land pieces of neighboring land, and you see on them gardens of vine, and various plantation when he and and palm trees Slean

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why not? Well, hadal cinema and the word cinnamon is Gemma.

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It's actually not Wolfin No, it's not it's not dual term. It's actually he's young man. He's one of the few Jumuah and Arabic that work that way. It's not that most of you care about that. But that soon what I noticed, is the form of plural. It's not it's not talking about two things as usually, the form with Elif noon at the end sound like just to think of it's not here, it's actually do more. So now you don't see why. And you'll see one, I'll say no, or are things that are united at some point. So here is talking about having one route. So now you don't send one meaning palm trees that have the same route, while Abelson mine and palm trees that stand alone, they don't have the same

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route. And if you're a farmer, you know that that's how trees or plants function, sometimes sometimes you'll find multiple trees, they all are gathered at the root. And sometimes they stand alone, he just pointing out subhanaw taala. Here, the variety and the biodiversity, which, which is what Earth is, you saw the man had to say all of these different pieces of land, you can identify them as different because the soil has different color, or what actually is going on is quite different. And there are Gardens of vine, and various plantation. And there are palm trees, some of them with one roots, some of them with with the separate routes, all of it is irrigated Bhima in WA

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had the same water.

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We all knew that. My son, my three year old probably understands that. It's very simple, but has that been ever reflected on that?

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It's the same water that irrigates all of these, yet they come out so different, they come up, they look different when we felt blue, that Allah Allah Malindi feel awkward, and we make sure that they taste different, some of them tastes better than others, like the stuff that you'd come from the ground, you know, or, or taste the same. It's the same soil, and it's the same water, get, you're going to get all of this variety, all of this diversity in terms of what it looks like, in terms of the species, the nature of these of this plantation, and then in the way that it all tastes in Nephi that Iike indeed, within that, yeah, tilicho me yeah, there are science for those who have the

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ability to have intellect to understand who can think about these things. What is it that you're looking for when, when you're seeing this stuff? It's the oneness of the origin is what you're seeing. You're seeing the oneness of origin and yet the diversity of the outcome. And that points in the direction of Allah, Allah and Allah, you can come to the conclusion of a creator, you can come to the conclusion of the oneness of a creator just by looking at the world just by looking at what exists. Now the other attributes of Allah subhanaw taala require a long philosophical, philosophical argument of understanding to hate meaning if you understand or hate, technically you will come to

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the conclusion of all of his attributes Subhanallah and I will talk about that first.

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Let us know probably in a few days,

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this upcoming week, you can come to this conclusion it requires a very vigorous and sometimes difficult philosophical argument. But it's the only conclusion that you can come to once you understand what once you come to the conclusion of a creator, and you come to a conclusion that is one Creator. And this is what the every all the phenomena on Earth are pointing in the direction of, which is why these verses exist. So if you if you think about what you've read so far, I live la meme erotica, I have to look it up here the verses of the book, that's the language that is used here. And what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the is the truth is, is righteous, there's

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no question about it. But a lot of people refuse to believe Allah is the One who rose or raised the cosmos, and there are no pillars that are holding it. This is not the law that holds the cosmos up. It's not pillar based based, like we do everything else here on Earth. It's a whole different law that governs it.

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And he put the sun and the moon at your service, both the sun and the moon continue to move and to rotate, and they're going to go to a specific destination of both time and space that Allah has decreed for them.

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He takes care of matters jelajah Lu and he details his signs for you, so that maybe you come to the conclusion of certainty that you will meet him, and he is the one who has opened Earth in front of you, and put on it mountains that go deep into the earth as pillars, and upon it he put for you rivers, and from each type of fruit there are two pears,

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as day is covered by night and night is covered by day. Indeed within that you will find Signs for those who would like to reflect and upon Earth, you will see neighboring pieces of land and upon them gardens of vine and various plantation and different palm trees that have one root or separate roots and they are all irrigated by the same water and yet they taste different to some tastes better than others. Indeed, within that you will find science for those who have intellect is what the verses are talking about. Allah I just pointing out here the laws that govern everything around you. That's why you're here. You're the laws that existed. So what is the verse after it? This is

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one of my favorite verses in the Quran? Let's read this one and you'll see why why in a moment. We're in Jeddah hijab womb

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either going to Robin in Luffy hoping God the

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hula Eagle levena Kefa will be it'll be him

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what hula Egan, Ella Luffy are now for him

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what hula Eagles Herban been rehome fee her holy do.

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And it went agile. But if you want to be surprised, then be surprised by what they're saying. Like if you weren't agile, agile was when you're in a state of being surprised of something. So it's telling the Prophet Muhammad if you want to be surprised, we'll be surprised at what they're saying or what they're saying either. According to Robin, when we become soil again, when we die and we go into the air and we're buried, and we're slowly taken up by the by the soil of the earth and eaten away. And within a couple of of years, there's nothing really left to view inside of the of the grave. A decade later, there's absolutely nothing left inside the grave. And you can put another

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person in there. It's just

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a sign and a name on it to someone who wants meant something to people in their lives. But there's no one actually down there anymore. They're gone the Earth, the Earth absorbs us even if you try to stop it by putting them in a coffin of wood or even in a coffin of cement the worms finding their way and nothing is left of whatever it is you put in you put down there or you couldn't naturata when we turned back to the soil of the earth in Lafayette Hall looking God we're going to be resurrected and brought back. So I am saying you want to be surprised be surprised about what what they're claiming. That is impossible that we turned to Earth and come back with everything that you

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see it that's exactly what happens. With everything. That's exactly what happens. Everything turns back to soil and then it comes out again, in with the diversity of of creation. It's all the same water but it comes out as vine and it comes out as palm trees. It comes out various plantation. It all tastes different looks different just like us. Just like us. We're all a little bit different. We look different. We have different backgrounds, but we're all coming from why is it that you're used to

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is a plant coming from the earth and it gives fruit and you eat it and then it dies and it goes back to the earth and then you irrigate again and it comes up again. And that's not weird to you. But yet if I go back into the earth, it's impossible that I'll ever come back again. Why can't the same happened to you? What's the biggest what's, what's the big differentiation here? What is it based upon? What is it based upon? It's just based upon the fact that you didn't see it happen. You're seeing a billion other examples happen on a date on a momentarily basis, if it wasn't happening wouldn't live. If this wasn't imagine if you if you took water, and you put it on the soil, and

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nothing came out?

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What are you gonna do?

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You complain to Amazon wanting to return this oil, there's nothing, there's really good, we're going to take this to, you're putting water and sun and nothing's sending it to the earth.

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Now what? Nothing, nothing with all of the technology, technological advances, we have nothing, we have absolutely nothing to offer. We have nothing we can do if sometimes, for some reason. If for some reason you irrigate Earth, and no life comes from it.

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That's it. There's absolutely nothing you can do. We don't understand exactly why it is that these

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these dried up shriveled, seeds, will once you give it water and sunlight, it will grow. We understand how it does it. We've learned to describe it in some degree of depth in terms of, but why it doesn't like why doesn't just not grow, that we don't know that piece. And science is not necessarily at all interested in that piece is the nature of science. Science doesn't care about why things do what they do in science is cares how things are done, and how it's happening so that you can manipulate the process so you can get something for yourself that's maybe more beneficial. And that's important. But why allowing them

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so that our job is not the job is photo. This surprising was isn't what they're saying. Either couldn't July. But in the Philippine journey, when we turn to the back to the soil, well, how is it that we're going to be returned into a new creation? There's nothing magic about that everything that you're reading points out that that's what happens all the time. And it happens to everything around you. So why wouldn't happen to you will equal the xenophobia of being those are the ones who just just believe in their Lord, they have no belief, you have no acceptance of Allah subhanaw taala? What would I can those are the ones who have Allah Luffy and Nafion. Those are the ones who

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have the chains in their necks on the Day of Judgment, what would I have been known and those are the ones who are the people of the Hellfire comfy Holly doing for all of eternity, because they denied something that is dead simple. And they see happen every single day. And it's the reason that they're able to survive.

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reason that they're able to survive it that this happens every single moment. Things die and go back to the years and the the resurrection and come up again and die again and go back to the earth and the resurrection and come up again. And this process is ongoing all the time. Why are you and I an exception for that. We're not just like we live today. And we went back into the earth and a few years, we all brought be brought back again from the earth to live. And to experience what what Allah subhanaw taala has in store for us. He's just pointing out, this is the laws, these are the laws that I put on earth for you. This is what exists around you do not be surprised the fact that

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that's what's going to help come up next. Don't deny that see.

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In science, or the way we look at the world.

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There's a difference between evidence and proof. There's a difference between evidence and proof. They're not exactly the same thing. hard proof

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is when you actually have the element or the incident that you want occurring right in front of you. Evidence is when you have the science to tell you that this is what is going to happen. This is what occurs without having that physical piece of proof on your in your hands. And both elements are used in courts of laws, right? So really, you want understand how logic works, you have to talk to lawyers, and you have to watch a lot of lawyers try to argue their cases and bring forward forward to the court. There are many different categories of evidence they talk about things. Not all convictions that exists on earth come from pieces of proof, actual physical proof, a lot of it is

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evidence. There's something that you can conclude from what you're seeing here. When you when someone dies, right? And there's a knife lying there on the ground with

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with blood on it. That's not proof because you didn't actually witness that knife going in and out of this person's poor body. But if that person has 12 wounds inside of them that fit that knife and that knife has a blood on it. That's evidence enough that this is what happened.

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And for you to say for example, that yes, this knife killed this man. We

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He's absolutely insane. No one would accept that. No one would say that's a good conclusion. Yes, the knife killed someone. Well, who took the knife? I don't know who it is. I know someone did it. It would be would it be acceptable for a prosecutor or for someone that the knife did it?

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But I've just got tired of its it's very boring life and decided to lunge itself into this person's body 12 times and then gave up afterwards. That'd be a dumb conclusion. No one would accept that. Someone did it. Just because you don't know who did it doesn't mean that someone didn't do it. You know, for sure that someone isn't these are. These are simple, evidence based conclusions.

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We accept them all the time. We use them in our daily life all the time. Yeah, when we come and look at the universe, somehow we turn that piece off. I don't know what it is when you come and look, when you zoom out, you turn it off, you know, keep it on and zoom out. Keep it on, keepin on. Same thing. What is all this, but it's a system that you're seeing everything, everything that he pointed out in these three, these three, yet the existence of the sun and the moon.

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And the movement of both of them and the and the mountains and the rivers and all of all of this is all of these pieces are necessary for the existence of life and in the way that exists today. If you were to remove any of them any any piece of this puzzle, life would not be here.

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Any piece will like anything at all if the mountains weren't there, life wouldn't be here. If the rivers weren't here, life wouldn't be here. If the sun and the moon were not where they are moving in the direction that Allah Subhanallah has decreed for them life would not be here. If the Earth was not spreading in front of us the way it was. If it was not neighboring pieces with different plantation if there was no biodiversity there would be there'd be no life. If it was just one piece of it just plant it just one plant that came up that made one thing was just sweet like would not exist your height without this diversity without the way that Allah subhanaw taala set the system up

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we wouldn't be here today. Life would have not evolved the way you did. It's impossible. It just doesn't wouldn't have happened. Everything in this world. It just lined up lined up exactly the way it needs to be lined up in order for us to be

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in order for us to be here. And then they say oh no, we can come back again. When Ty jumped by double Don't be surprised you surprised about this. Listen to this. Listen to this garbage

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draw but once we're in the in the soil of the Earth, we're gonna come back again why not everything else does. Everything else does. You just don't want to accept something. There's a reason for it a low item with what the reason is for the person but there is one you can see all of these aliens are just talking about his laws Subhana wa Tada that govern govern the earth that we live on. Let's move on to the laughter Well yesterday Luna can be say to Podell Hudson

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well call the harlot meal poverty he Moon math hula

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we're in baccala, zoo Melfi about T Lin. C Isla we'll meet him

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we're in Mecca Alicia de dual repo

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where you have cool levena Cafaro Lang Lulu Zilla Ali to me Rob being

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the moon will

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one equally power mean heard.

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When you start you do not get this say yeah. And as they say all of this nonsense.

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Yes. To add you to when they are hastening you stay agile is is asking someone to do something quickly. And they're hastening ubass Sayur. To say here is referring to punishment. They're hastening your punishment of your Lord. So that's what police did when they when the provider you saw to wisdom came and he started teaching them they will say if it's true if it's true.

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And if I'm clear Elena,

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if quite Allah Houma in Canada who will help come in indica for employee or Allah in a hijab, Allah hydrolite and Minnesota, Tina, have you ever been Aleem, you will come and say if it's true then your OB sent upon us

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and you rock from the sky or

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Bring us severe punishment and you find this all across all through the Quran. With different nations that spoke to their prophets. They're hastening punishment. They're asking well bring us punishment. If you're this is to bring as punishment. Why? Why would you? If it's true, why would you ask for but we started, you know, like A, B, C, or D carbonyl. Asada beforehand, asking for that which is which is good, which is height which is beneficial from their Lord. They're hastening punishment upon themselves, instead of you've forgotten or have been a band aid debate as Farina. What

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they would tell you, and he make it worse for us. This is not worse, bad enough. He's not bad enough, make the journeys that we have even farther away from one place to the other, you know, the sarcastic rudeness that the human being can carry inside them when they don't like something. Well, that unfortunate home. But John now has a hadith almost talking to him queued up, so he gave them exactly what they want wanted in their kingdom, and civilization was reduced to rubble into nothingness, it can always be worse. If you're in a bad situation, just remember, it can always be worse.

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Hope absolutely can't be worse. There is no end to how bad things can be. The fact that we are used to always hoping for it to be a little bit better is just because Allah subhanaw taala, as him Delena, he spoiled us, He gave us way more than what we need way more than what we deserve. So we have this now, this entitlement and in this is what we're used to, things should always be better than what they are, even though if you look at the scale,

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there's an infinite number of ways for things to be worse, just like there's an infinite number of ways for things to be better. Why? Why do we expect that we always have to be on this side of the scale. Why is it that we always have to be here, even though that's not what he promised. And that's not what he pointed out. And it's not over here, we're not here to be on that side of the scale at all times. We're here actually to be tested and trialed on both sides in a constant back and forth. And sometimes the seesaw is a little bit more on one side than the other. But for it to be an expectation of

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an expectation for us. I know that has to be the case. It's a big problem. It's an attitude problem. And that's why the US judges want to see you bring it on, they will see it but it hasn't worked out the herdsmen will copy him will method that method is jam and metadata. And metadata isn't an example an example of something that happened before. And here's referring to what happened to the nations that came before them. Maybe the olive they knew what happened to add own hood. And they knew what happened to the mood home solid. And they knew what happened to talk about medical Yemen, mean they knew the stories they knew what happened to me I need

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to Abra came to the GABA

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they had seen there are people from the army, by the way, who still lived in resided in Mecca.

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When an Alberta who came with his army and played a beat were sent upon them, they didn't die. Again, we always assume that things happen instantaneously. So we read the surah.

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Also, now you can play it on a Babila told me him behavior not him in CG. But John gostream cool that it happened like that, that they all died immediately. They didn't all die immediately. The Prophet alayhi salatu was I remember so I still feel the person who who who carried the resin or the reign of the of the elephant on that date, who lived in Mecca. And he was blind. Yeah. And yes, I will notice he sat in a part of Mecca with his handout, shahada, and he was someone who was always asking people for for handouts. He was extremely ill. He was extremely ill most of the people who there were people who were still from that they still saw them out of a witness what happened to

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them and they're the people who were who came with that army resided in Mecca, ill and disabled and not able to do and not capable of taking care of themselves in a little South Dakota and even they would give them food and you know, just keep them keep them alive until they passed away on their own. So this was not unheard to them like they understood that punishment from Allah subhanaw taala existed, that it was an option that it could happen that it happened before. So for them to go around and say it's tragic episode Yes. As you would ever say give us the say Yeah, bring it on, bring on punishment is just is just very ignorant. When they shouldn't be hastening is the hustle is

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the goodness from Allah subhanho wa Taala not not the not the punishment, especially after the colored correct meaning and it went before them hard and something happened in the past and then cobbling him before them and Matthew law, the examples of the nations

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and then one of the pieces of the Quran that Some scholars say allergic mineralogy to Quran. If you look up the word Allah if the Quran the most hopeful ayah in the Quran, you get two or two or three options at the scholars historically have talked about the first one holy idea Latina is sort of well obviously the second one will be this one here. We're in another Becca Ledoux Melville feel it nursing Allah will meet him. Indeed your Lord is the one who possesses forgiveness for people when they perform acts of oppression.

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When they do, when they perform acts of oppression to themselves or they perform acts of profession toward oppression towards others, indeed your Lord is the one who possesses forgiveness for them. Which is why they don't they weren't punished right on the spot. Because why Allah didn't punish them when this when they when they made these claims to the prophets of Allah Hi, it's IBH mine.

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And it's always it's interesting if you have time in your and you want to read something, go to a book of Sierra and Vien, during the period of negotiations with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was having an in depth debates and discussions with curation read with these to tell him or say to him

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in when you do you'll be very first of all, you'll be in awe of his patience. His thought was that I'm with the stupidity of some of the things that he was subjected to. You can always only listen to nonsense for too low for so long before you lose your temper, the same time it shows you that Jonnie Allah subhanaw taala as Helene, the one who was very passionate and very very patient with his with his creation, because there was the hastening of punishment the asking the entitlement that the asking of a call and not Minella Cohutta death July Lenna, mineralium Booyah. I was just last summer I came as a hunter Elena Kisa otet to Villa he will Mala ecology but Babila alter coffee summer he

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will not mean a little Pika 00 You're gonna like habito museography They they start asking him okay, we won't believe in you until you give us this list of miracles that you need to bring forward for us to I need for us to accept you

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for it not Becca, nobody will melt feel it leanness. Yeah, Allah will mean indeed your Lord is the possessor they do when you do something, I mean, the possessor of something, that's what it that's how it's translated to allow them into English that they want to feel it leanness, Jada will mean the one who possesses forgiveness for people upon their acts of oppression. We're in Becca, Russia did indeed your Lord is the one with the most painful of all punishments.

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It works both ways. When you understand Allah subhanaw taala, you understand that there are two sides. In terms of what we get regarding the way we behave. It's not just one thing. I mean, no go back to

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whoever feels they're in safety, from punishment, they will quickly lose their their manners.

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When a child does not feel that there's any possibility of them being punished for a mistake, they don't have a lot of manners. And they'll grow up quite in the Learn rudeness. And they'll learn to be disrespectful, and it kind of gets worse and worse, because I don't know who but they don't feel like there's any punishment that can come to them. That's how the human being is.

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This doesn't go away, and we use it with children. We are no different.

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Not even a little bit.

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We test the

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we test the laws of society on a daily basis. We test the laws of society every single day, multiple times, and the moment you find a loophole, or you find a part of that that's not regulated properly. You break every law

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unless those those who don't are the ones who see the laws, which is why this is this is important. And this sorta see the laws to have the source of them to be Allah subhana wa, tada, those who see these laws to be sourced by Allah subhanho wa Taala don't doesn't matter to them, because they don't see they're not holding themselves accountable based on people's any regulations. They see themselves accountable to these laws through Allah subhanaw taala himself. So they hold themselves to these laws, regardless,

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they hold themselves to the consequences of these laws, whether people are watching or whether they don't. And that's why

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that's why to heed is important. And that's why it should be a part. That's why it should have an effect on people's life. It doesn't vary much, because we don't think about things those way, in that way anymore. But that's how we're supposed to think about it. But you know, that if there's a piece of if there's any aspect of of leniency within a law that governs the country or the city that we live in, then people will break that law every day. If there's no if there's if there's no hole, but there's no punishment, and no one standing there to catch you. Then you don't care. They'll just break it every day. Yeah, and have you been to the Middle East before? ever driven there? Have you

00:34:24 --> 00:34:26

driven in the Middle East and coming towards the

00:34:27 --> 00:34:45

streetlights? They're just suggestions basically. Yeah, they're just a suggestion, maybe thread maybe stop but people don't. They they come up with their own laws because there's no one to hold them accountable. When there's no one to hold you accountable. You do whatever you want, unless you see the source of that law. Allah subhana wa Tada.

00:34:46 --> 00:35:00

Right, no buckle so he's stating for you how this works. We ended up Dakota Dumela Filati Linares Allah will meet him we're in the Rebecca Alicia de la cop. He will he possesses forgiveness for those who oppress themselves but he's also he will severely punish as well. So

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Listen, to accept that as you move along. And think about that as you move along with your life because you're going to be held accountable. Hopefully you'll find forgiveness, but you could easily be punished as well. Well, of course, we're living in a CAFO and the peat and the disbelievers will go ahead and they will say, No, without losing our property, where are the signs?

00:35:19 --> 00:35:27

Well, there's a second piece, where are the signs? Your most earliest RAM, he had his staff, at least, and I'm resurrected the dead and walked on water and

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did a lot of other stuff. Who would not use it? I'm sorry, at least and it all came with something where you're the first hastened punishment to themselves. They were told that's not very smart. We're gonna forgive you. But don't do that again. All right. Whereas

00:35:42 --> 00:36:22

in tamuning, they're exclusively all that you are Homo habilis, that Allah Allah Muhammad, as I said to them, you're among them. You're a Warner, you're someone who comes in and warns, that's what you are, you're not here to provide them with whatever they want. This is not an open buffet, they don't come, I have no standing and asking for, oh, I'll believe in you if I need this, or I need that. No, you don't need anything. You need the first three or four verses of this surah. You I already gave you the how to believe I established for you all around you on an ongoing basis miracles that continue to occur, the right there in front of you observe them, and then you will come to the

00:36:22 --> 00:36:43

conclusion that you need. You don't need anything else. You don't need me to break the law is that I mean, that's basically what miracles were miracles were a were a break of the law, meaning the law that you're used to seeing, and then Allah subhanaw taala would give a give a prophet the ability to break that law, water flows in Sliquid. Not anymore. Here, I broke the law for you.

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That's what it is. Things die, they don't come back. We'll break that law and bring them back for you.

00:36:51 --> 00:37:26

Did it work historically? For most people, it didn't, didn't work that well. They didn't work that well. So the Quran is explaining we tried this before. It doesn't really work. Actually, the way you're going to come to the conclusion of that's what the Prophet alayhi salam says in the Hadith, no Muslim, and Buddha would another scholar in a cola and IBM and public UIA mean a yachtie. Ma'am, if you know who I am and a nurse or maybe mentally and a nurse, all the problems before me there were given signs with those signs that people would usually, you know, find Eman when they saw them. Were in nama Ott, who can our young men Allah.

00:37:27 --> 00:37:42

And what I was given was, why was revelation from Allah, we're in the elders, you and a goon Accelera, home Tabea, Yeoman to Yama. And I'm hoping that on the day of judgment, because of that, I have the largest number of followers, because what I was given wasn't a

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x extra. An extra ordinary physical phenomena that was talking about broke the law is that everyone observed actually something that was going to get you to observe the laws that are instead of breaking them, here's what they are, these laws are actually miracles on their own their existence, their consistency, the fact that they work, what is the probability of a child actually being born a probability outside of 90 Understanding how the biology where it's less than 0.00 415, zeros 1%, that a child actually comes out normal because of the amount of because of the possibilities of different mutations that can occur from the moment the sperm and the egg meet. Because when you

00:38:27 --> 00:39:06

watch the actual process, it can go wrong so many times in so many ways, from the moment that the the, the the sperm and the egg meets until the child actually comes out of the belly of the of the lady alive. This can go wrong so many times in so many ways. Now, and that's for us to observe as creatures that don't have control or sovereignty over what's occurring. This could this is impossible. Like if you're watching it and you understanding what's occurring. This should work once every 90 million people, one child should be born normal, everyone else will be will be a miscarriage of some normalcy. But that happened on the inside, because it's just too complicated.

00:39:06 --> 00:39:39

Because however, there's a whole working every single how's it working properly? From where is it going? The only way to look at aged intelligence is not just small cells, and how do they choose? Like when the cells differentiate cells that will turn into placenta and then cells are actually turned into you? How do they decide? There are no meetings occurring on the cellular level they look they know how to do it, there's no difference the exactly the same, they took these cells they shouldn't have but they did they took them and they looked at it was there's no difference to absolutely the same. And then some of them will differentiate into a placenta and then only be

00:39:39 --> 00:39:59

sloughed off and throw it into the and others will turn into myself. And then when the cells that are me, the one that will turn into my ear in my in my in my liver and my kidney, absolutely no difference. Absolutely no difference at all. Exactly the way that we can't find they can't find anything. They call them stem cells and they take them out or they just use them. Put them here

00:40:00 --> 00:40:19

See what they'll grow into? But we don't know why. Why is it that they're differentiating that way? And how is it that they actually do all that? And where did they get this? You look at sales and all at the same Why do these ones have this magical ability to turn into something that is talking, speaking, walking capable of, of metacognition in higher intellect

00:40:20 --> 00:40:22

will not mean you maybe everyone else me

00:40:26 --> 00:40:33

but when you look at these things, you don't have an explanation for it. You don't understand why. And not only that is just there's something

00:40:35 --> 00:41:14

nobody owns the Dalai Lama, probably he they're saying where's the sign from their Lord, you want to know you need signs? You need more than this. You don't need more than this. That's what he was told in number 10 When you're just all you do need to do your exclusively Your job is to warn them when he couldn't leave home in the heart and every nation will find a guide will find a way to guide themselves. Allah subhanaw taala makes sure that every nation will equally own every group of people had some had in Ohio D something someone that will guide them and something that will guide them and for us it's that or even show a tumor versus and they will let you go Allah who we are Allah Mata

00:41:14 --> 00:41:18

miracle loon warmer tell the bull

00:41:19 --> 00:41:21

does the

00:41:31 --> 00:41:34

work will Lucia in Hubei may

00:41:40 --> 00:41:45

early Malloy be wish that he can be removed

00:41:52 --> 00:41:52


00:41:54 --> 00:42:00

Ming men as a world power ruler woman Jaha Robbie

00:42:08 --> 00:42:15

women who were most stealthing B lady was Sadie boom been

00:42:23 --> 00:42:29

Allah Who Jana Mala and these are beautiful verses and they serve very nicely the purpose of what we're doing on

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on weekday mornings with His Glorious Name subhanho wa Taala and it's a continuation he goes back to the laws again, Allahu Allahu

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Allah knows what every female is carrying inside its womb. Why not illegal on ham and what decreases or what lessons within the wombs of females and turns into a miscarriage why Matt has died and what increases and then turns into a functioning human being well Kulu che in an everything for him to in regarding him and everything for him Subhanallah what's our Kulu che in in the home? As far as he's concerned, everything being the CODEL has a precise amount and has a precise as a certain degree

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of appointed of an appointed amount of space appointed amount of time and appointed amount of provision were called Lucia and OB nakodar Everything is it's assigned a specific amount, there's a certain slither of existence that is going to be assigned to them when it comes to space and time and provision everything else that comes with it according to say everything, even things, even the Eve will matter here. This is a theory or handle even something decreases meaning there's a miscarriage, even though why is there even that even when a lady carries for a day or two and then it comes out and she doesn't even notice that it came out and it was one so even that and there will

00:43:55 --> 00:44:19

be no doubt Allah subhanaw taala as he knows about it, and it has was given us a certain slither of existence that was going to have even the things that you think are pointless even the exist even the existence of something that to you is pointless meaning Why did it happen to begin with either live or not live or their be or don't be all together? What is this point? What is the even that? Yeah, I meant Yeah, Lambo man

00:44:20 --> 00:44:31

he knows what every female carries. When I tell eagle or Harmon when the wounds get smaller and the miscarriage happens and nothing comes out that's that's liable. Well, why does that and what and what actually reaches

00:44:32 --> 00:44:45

fruition? Well clearly Lucia in every absolutely everything and who will be knocked down, as far as he's concerned has has a precise amount, like a dog that is assigned to it, it will get that and we'll move on.

00:44:48 --> 00:45:00

He is the knower of that which is the unseen animal baby was shahada and the scene the two existences the unseen the aspect of existence that we don't

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would have access to. And the same shirt that wishes we have access to anyone wavy wish that you knows both LKB are the great the all great Subhana wa Tada ilimitado, the Supreme, the one with supreme status. So omen COVID is equal to Him amongst you men serve only those who speak secretly and keep their voices down. While man Jehovah be here and those who speak openly and publicly.

00:45:27 --> 00:46:05

Well, men who are more staffing belaying and those who walk around quietly at night trying to keep a low profile, were sad even been hard on those who are swimming within the day. So someone who was moving in in a visible manner to those around them, makes no difference to him. You say it secretly you say can you say it publicly? You move quietly in the night when no one sees you or you walk openly in the day when everyone does it makes no difference then it's all the same. He sees all of it supine and went to and couldn't shake and the Hoby McDarrah and all be brought back on the Day of Judgment because he is El cambio al Motta, Allah subhanahu wata, Alisha, Alicia will start well and

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with that in short, all and we can continue, they are translated the Tafseer of sutra and Inshallah, Allah next Saturday Subhanallah hum diction Allah Allah Allah untestable he'll go to break also Allah wa salam, O Allah, Allah so you didn't have you know Muhammad Ali he also be here Jemaine just talking about

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