Adnan Rajeh – Ramadan 2024 – Quranic Reflections #03 Surat Al Baqarah (267) – Surat Aal-Imraan (120)

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The speaker discusses the book breakdown and the challenges faced by Muslims in the face of the "ideology" problem. They provide advice on how to deal with external and internal challenges, emphasizing the importance of identifying and acknowledging the challenges and following appropriate steps. The transcript highlights the legal process for bringing forward actions and goals, emphasizing the need for practice and caution. The importance of understanding one's capacity and not overburdening others with mistakes is emphasized. The speaker also emphasizes the need for a group of people to make a mistake and avoid mistakes, and the importance of showing love to others and being kind to them.
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I'm assuming that people were coming early probably have it saved somewhere on their phone, it's the same link. So you don't really have to take it every day. If you have it, once you have it for the rest of the month, we designed it that we can make it a bit easier for those who will come early to kind of continue to vote on the verses and also see what the verses are beforehand. The slides are available, if you don't have them, then you just need to go to the watsapp group and scroll up a little bit, you'll find the link to the slides. You can also bookmark that, don't download them because they continue to update and you'll just miss out and end up with an outdated version and you
just don't. But you can use those slides to kind of prepare the user throughout the day I talked I break down to use it for you, you'll have that access to the breakdown for the first 50 nights after the 15th nights you probably won't anymore, because I was too lazy throughout the year to complete these slides and I just couldn't find the time to do it. So we're going to end up without but the first first 50 nights after
Maria, you'll probably have the breakdown for those in Charlottetown
if I ended up finding us some magical
free time I'll try and complete them till the end of the Quran. Alright, so
making our way today is the 33rd night of Ramadan Hamdulillah.
here we are
we have not completed concluded SOTL Bacara. He will do that today. I like pointed out to you so the buckle is very simple. It's the longest so in the Quran. And it's the simplest, easiest way to understand the theme or the purpose of out of all the other students of the Quran that are much the shorter they get, the more
trickier it is to understand what they're trying to explain to you sometimes. But the long ones with the bucket is very simple. Just two pieces. Here's what you do for a living. You're a Khalifa, you're a caregiver, you're a steward. And here's what you're going to use to fulfill that purpose, which is the methodology of Islam. So the second piece of it just covers everything is covers every aspect of our deen going into almost every detail that you would find. Actually the chapters of the book are taken from the concepts that are the topics of total Bukhara. Interestingly, interestingly enough, so that's what we're going to get continue today we'll go through, versus at the beginning,
we'll talk about wealth regarding Liberty guarding loans. And then the conclusion is that Allah subhanaw taala knows all So listen, listen and learn, to listen and learn and learn about Islam. And this is what this is what the conclusion from the Bacara is. The conclusion tells you those verses that we all love that everyone followed the commands before you. You make mistakes, ask for forgiveness, try your best. That's what those last three verses are typical that everyone loves. Allah He might be similar to if you only went to Purdue just tells you look, it all belongs to Allah, all of the prophets before you listened and tried their best, you will do the same. You're
only asked to try to do the best you can. And if you make mistakes, ask Allah for forgiveness and keep on moving forward. And that's a beautiful way for the for the sutra that kind of talked about the main outline of what our deen is about, to kind of be concluded by so tightly. Emraan on the other hand is a little bit different. So early I'm Ron, it talks about the fact that our deen
This is the thinos with local area. So the idea Milan talks about the fact that our deen requires maintenance or protection. There are two types of challenges that any theology or ideology will undergo, they will any ideology in the world is up against two types of challenges, external challenges meaning challenges that come from outside of the ideology, people who oppose it, or groups that don't agree with it, and internal challenges to the ideology, meaning the people who actually believe and follow and the mistakes that they make. So every every way of thought every way of life has these two types of challenges at all times. This is not specific to Islam. It's for
everything. And so dolly Imran is a Surah that explains to you how to deal with the two types of challenges so that you can maintain and protect and keep the deen functional. So the first part is, I'm going to talk to you with the external challenges, meaning the things that will affect your deen from the outside affects your the ability for Muslims to function as Muslims for Islam to function as a faith from the outside. And the second half. It's like 100 is 200 verses almost down to the almost exactly in the middle, and 100 You'll find the breakdown. First 100 Talk about external challenges. The second piece talks about internal challenges through the story of a hood. The whole
second time I'm on is just a story of the Battle of Ohio. That's all it is. Because the Battle of Ohio is the perfect example for perfect way to to address internal challenges, because the failure on the day of it was not external. It was fully and completely internal. What happened on the day ahead was not because of the strength of the enemy, or they don't know what happened on they had because the Muslims themselves were made mistakes, mistakes were made. And those mistakes continued afterwards as well. So so now I'm on the second half of it just kind of hashes out all of the different mistakes that were made. And to make sure not to make them again, this all talks about so
very, very relevant, similar to our time, very important to us as Muslims today because we are literally living that we are living there.
At peace, where we're in the midst of a time where we have external challenges that we need to identify and deal with. And but the majority of our challenges are internal, which we also have to figure it out and deal with.
And we I don't think this is why I complain a lot. All right. This is the reason why I'm always complaining and talking negatively. The reason being is that there are a number of challenges that are that are out there, right. They're, they're staring us in the face, and we are not addressing them, we are just looking away, just trying to go around them and figure out some way to function without actually dealing with the problems that are right there in our own mind that we can fix and outside of our own mind that we can protect ourselves from. And when we're doing very little of either efforts. And this is my problem is that I don't think we can actually get anywhere if we
don't acknowledge or identify where the problems are, what the challenges are, so we can fix them. So we can actually start dealing with them. You cannot fix a problem. If you don't identify it or acknowledge it or accept that it exists. I can't treat a patient that they don't accept that they have a disease. Can I if they don't accept that they have a disease like Well, how am I going to help them they're not going to accompany me to begin with. It's the same thing with within our deen, we have to acknowledge that there are a number of challenges that we're dealing with on an internal level and external level. And that's the beauty of soya ambulance, very simple. And today, we'll
probably go through the first part
that establishes Jonnie the the narrative of how to deal with external challenges. And it looks at a couple of different different types, to looks at intellectual challenges. Meaning from an athlete perspective, when you get all of those doubts that come from an external source, poking holes in your faith, or the way that you look at it and how to deal with that. It'll talk about temptation or challenges, challenges that are based on temptations, desires, that come from externally, that are external to you as well, that temptation of, of haram, different types of parameters smell, haram, whether it's substance, whether it's
sexually based, whatever it is, these are external challenges that continue to come at you. And these sutras are this sooner, we'll definitely talk about this part, we'll talk about it, we are given at the end of just at the middle just after 100 100, were given some tips of how to deal like what you need to actually deal with these with these challenges. And I broke them down for you here people's final pieces of advice from 102 to 120, piety and unity and social reform, confidence, objectivity and awareness and caution. And Isha is a group of verses teaches them and you can go back and look at them if you'd like if you're interested. So we end up 120, which is exactly where
the first parts of it number one finishes. So the external challenges finish is number 100. That is 20 verses of pieces of advice. And then the rest of the sort of the 80 verses are all talking about, which are internal challenges we'll talk about a little bit tomorrow. Today, when we live as Muslims in the West, definitely we deal with a fair number of external challenges. Because we are surrounded by people who don't agree with our faith and don't see the the light within our faith and actually wish to a certain degree that we didn't continue to carry our faith. So that requires from us a certain level of awareness. And also an approach that is in one hand on one hand, holding on to the
identity, which is the identity challenge, which is also talked about in the first 120 and the tolerance challenge, you still have to integrate, you still have to be a part of the country you live in, you still have to deal with people around you are different than you in a way that is productive and functional. And that's the tolerance challenge. And some people swing the pendulum between these two extremes, they can't figure it out. Either they have a strong identity and don't know how to work or work with others or they have integrated but they don't know who they are anymore and really you don't need you really don't need to lose either. You can easily have both and
continue to function properly. So do we know what Okay, so we're going to go through and show all of the verses we'll go through the you're welcome to but we'll go through the highest voted verses in Charlottetown up until until it's time for free event good
rules will be law he made a shape on your Rajee law you can leave for law who enough son in
law, cancer but wha la Makita Sir But Rob Benalla to save now in scene gotten a lot better now. benna wanna me Lila in your swan camera? Hi Malita who I leadin
called Elina Rob benna WADA to hum mele
pacote de wa one wellfield Luna well don't hum
Phil sooner I'll call me in theory in law, Mommy. So this is the
perfect verse to kind of start out with this I am that concludes sort of the buckler the longest in the Quran that gives us these two pieces. Here's what your job is. Here's how you're going to want you want to use to actually achieve the purpose of your job or the goal or the objective. At the end of social buckler. This beautiful person exists for me
In you, for you and I to contemplate, to give us a certain degree of comfort, because when you think about the weight of the responsibility that sutra, Buckler is throwing on you, My teacher used to say that if you are not scared beyond your ability to sleep from sutra belcarra, then you have not really understood it. And then he will say, and then the only reason that you're able to sleep is the last two verses of it. Like, first you have to resort to Bukhara and then be scared out of your mind because of what you're being asked to do. And then the end of it will make will help calm you down a bit. And that's the only way you're you can deal with the Sunnah because of how many rules
there are. You're you're a caregiver, you're responsible. And here's what you're responsible for. This is massive, massive, you're talking about just two and a half of just one ruling after the other of things you have to hold yourself to and changes that have to occur and reform that has to be brought forward. Kenyan changed the world that you have to carry. It's a lot of work to do. Almost every aspect of life. Islam goes into every aspect of life. So you feel the burden of it. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam was told early on in St. Lucia, alayka, colons, tequila and deed, you're going to carry a heavy burden. He was told Alia salatu salam, I'm not sure he understood what how
heavy the burden was going to be at the beginning. I don't think anyone did. I think the Sahaba even as they went through time, they didn't fully appreciate how much work this was going to be. Got to take this message from a small, little area in the middle of, of basically nowhere, obviously, it's it's a sacred land, different ages were Makoto Makoto Rama is today, but he's somewhere but for the rest of the world wasn't very well known. And you have to spread it to every corner of the earth. And you're responsible to not only spreading it, but practicing it in a way that will allow people to accept it. People should be able to accept it because if you don't practice it, well then why
would they accept it? So at the end of it, he says, You lie you can live Allahu nevsun Illa wasa This is how he calms us down Subhana wa Tada, you have to understand it that way. If you don't enter this area, filled with caution and a little bit worried with you know, your guard up feeling I don't know how I'm gonna do this, then this it doesn't you don't understand this, if you don't understand it, it won't speak to you, you have to walk in with the proper attitude that the surah built for you, which is why this is a lot of work. My God, this is a lot I have to do. You're giving me a lot to do here. Now you can leave Allah who never son in law was, Allah does not hold a soul to more
than its capacity. He does not hold you accountable to more than your capacity, what is your capacity? What is your wisdom? How much can you do, he will hold you to that he will never hold you to more than what you could have done. He will never hold you accountable for something you could not have achieved to begin with, or is beyond your capacity ever. So don't worry, he's not asking you for something that is beyond your humanity. But he is asking you for everything within the capacity of your humanity. He is he's asking you for everything that exists within the capacity of your humanity. That's what this is saying nothing beyond but everything in everything within nothing
beyond that everything within now you can't that's what this means locally for Allah when Epson Illa was the hamaca but while they hammock testament, every knifes every soul will take that which work to get. You will be you will you'll be rewarded with whatever you work towards. Why don't you have access to but anything you make mistakes about you'll be held accountable for that as well.
So what do we do if that's the case? Rob banner is the job that he commands you to make. He makes it in the Quran so that you are forced to make it whether you like it or better learn to Kidner in nesina or, Lord don't hold us accountable for when we forget. Or when we make mistakes because both are going to occur. You're human you're incense so tense that you're going to forget by nature and connubia makapag every human being makes mistakes. Are you going to make a mistake now in the Cena Oh have gotten a lot better. We are definitely definitely insulin coma Hamilton who Allah Levine I mean cobbling or Lord do not carry upon us a burden that is as heavy as the one that you carried on
the people before us so that we can't carry it anymore so it's too much for us and don't carry this don't put sin on us on top of it as you did too. But he does eat are the people before them Robina went out to a meal catalana the Overlord do not overburden us with that with you cannot carry with that which we don't have the ability to actually carry
this is what you use what you speak to Allah you say say me I know Alana right not say me I know. You say say me I know Aparna. Then you say you're up there to eat they don't hold me accountable forgive me for when I forget. Or when I make a mistake and don't carry upon my back the the sin of as you did the people before us or of the people before us an O our Lord, do not overburden us was that which we cannot carry in our lives. Well I for one pardon us well the funeral and and forgive us well hum nine grant us your compassion and mercy. And tema Willa you are only Lord from sadhana Oh mill carefully and grant us victory and success upon those who have defiers and oppose us. That's
what this is saying. It's a beautiful ending to
suited to Bukhara so do every Muslim should make all the time. It's not just a dog that you make.
As an as a request, it's an attitude. This dua is your attitude is how you live. You live through understand what the dot means. You're trying your best, you're asking him not to hold you accountable for your mistakes and shortcomings. You're asking him to remove your sin and not to overburden you with that which you can't carry. You're asking him for his partner, his forgiveness, his compassion, he will be always that He is your Lord. And you ask him for the success that you that you hope for. That's how you live. A lot of the idea and the Quran are not designed just for us to do them in total, we know they're designed for you to live by the message that they carry. And
that's what the end of sutra Bakura does that that last area that starts with, I will not hold you accountable for more than your capacity,
ends with that door. And so we understand you are responsible, though, or your full capacity, I think that's what we're just missing.
We're just missing that full capacity. People who are running full capacity, we understand that they are responsible for it. So they are going to do their best to reach everything they can within it. They're not worried about whatever they cannot change. They're not worried about things they can't influence, but they're worried about the stuff that they can change they can influence and how hard they're working to change them and influence them. That's what we need. We need a group of people who will do that. You have too many people who are worried about stuff they cannot change, they cannot affect the can't influence talking about things that are way beyond their payroll, but you
just don't you can't reach that piece. It's just at least not now you can't at least right now where you are you don't have the ability to influence that stop worrying about it. What can you do? If you're wasting time worrying about whatever is outside of your capacity, and you're neglecting what is within your capacity, then you're making a big mistake, which is why this is at the end of the season and so important that summarizes things for you. You're just asked to do what's ever within your capacity. And I asked you as we said as Muslims in the West, what is our capacity? Have you thought about that? Do you know what your capacity is as a person? Have you thought about what it is
that you can actually do? And are you doing it
it's much easier to sit back and complain about corrupt rulers. I can tell you it's way more fun to it's much more enjoyable to sit around and curse out corrupt people who we don't we can't reach like they don't care about us they don't know we exist they probably never will.
But it's a way to run away from fulfilling our full capacity which is why I think this is explains cycle. Let's move on to the next
Yeah, you heard leadin man hula can you be upon at mean do Nicola Luna? Cada Allah What do I need to La luna como la cabana what Duma I need to order bear that in bow all mean FY he him what? Why am I talking to you so do Room EQ Bell?
Either by en la Kuhmo
in goon June Tapi to So here Allah subhanaw taala gives us an extremely interesting and important and significant command that I think we should all listen to. Yeah, you hola Deena Amano la Turkey to be on at Amin Dooney comme la luna come Kabbalah What do I need to the guy that will work for him? When I talk to him about it will be Thana, it are the people who are your close counsel, those who are your close counsel and like butanna, those that you depend upon the people that you you, you turn to when you you always have someone in your mind or a few people that when you need something, or you want to spend quality time or you're in a difficult situation, those are the numbers that
come up. That's your butanna in life, whether you you know whether you consciously have called them that or not doesn't make a difference. That's just who your batana is. It's the people that when you need when you feel need, or you feel distressed, you'll turn to them or when you wanna spend quality time you want to spend it with them. That's your butanna. So Allah subhanaw taala. In Saudi Arabia Imran, when we are being told that beware of external obstacles to your faith, he's telling us the power to either watch out who you choose to be or butanna Watch out who you
were to build on it comes from, you know, what, if you're if you come from Arabic background, when when you get a cover, whatever you call it, about money, right? But money gives you something as if it comes from above when Belton is inner or inside, right, something that is on the inside. So it's something that very close to you that is stuck to you that is touching you. So butanna are those who are really close to people are really close to advise you who can influence your decisions, who can help you make your choices who can get you to go in a different direction. There are people like that in your life, that's fine. That's not wrong. Everyone's going to have those people. For you to
assume that what I'm saying is, Oh, you shouldn't have people like that. No, you have to have people like that you couldn't you couldn't exist otherwise, it'd be very difficult to be very lonely existence. And some people live like that. And they need help because you shouldn't be that lonely. You should have a bit on people who can turn to who you can ask questions when you need
is there advice and those who you can lean upon when you're when you're when you're crumbling and falling? But watch out who you choose? Don't choose to be fine. Luna come Habana. They have no interest of helping you. They can't wait to see you fall. They will take every effort to make sure you're weak and weak, you're not doing well, and that you're you failed. I don't know nothing about it. They don't hold back any effort to ruin things for you. What do I need to they're very, they hope and wish for your failure. They wish to see you not do well. They wish to see you in distress. But the budget will work for him you can you can hear that hatred in the words that they choose when
they speak to you. What am I doing for you so Dora whom Akbar and what they hide in their chests in their hearts is even worse than that what they show called The Yen Allah qumola. This is how the IRS ends. We have shown you the signs in quantum tapping. And if you our brains, you'll learn do not choose the people closest to you. ones who do not have your best interest in mind and heart.
Do not choose the people who are going to be your butanna. Even if you're 10 years old, you have a good partner. If you're 10, or 11, or you have a bond, if you're 70, you have everyone does have the people there, there's close counsel the people that are that are near to them that are dear to them that they can go to choose people who love you, like truly love you, not, not love you enable you and not love you as in any. It's just as long as you're not better than them.
It's very rare. But that's what you have to look for people who actually want the best for you. People who see most people, let me just give you this little bit of a practical piece of advice. Most people are happy for you to be, you know, to succeed, just as long as you're not doing better than them. That's the only just as long as not better than how much how well they're doing. But they want you to do well just don't do better than they are. If you do better than they are, then that caused some problems, that's not good. Because you don't want someone like that and you're in your inner circle, you want to get rid of someone like that in your inner circle. And if you feel that
way towards someone get out of their inner circle. If you are talking to someone and you feel that way towards them get out you're not doing them any good. You have to be in the inner circle of someone whom you want them to be the star of stars, you want them to reach the cosmos with their success and you will be happy to see them do it and you would like to see the focus to be on what they've done and the height of that come through them you'll be happy with that. That requires a certain degree of selflessness and love that most people don't have but make sure that when you're looking at your inner circle do not have within IT people who don't feel that way towards you that
takes time to establish that takes time to establish it doesn't say that I'm taking it to the extreme. I'm taking this idea to its extreme that is saying make sure you're not surrounding yourself by people are hoping that you fail that's what the eye is saying because it's so rare to find someone who will stand by you and say May Allah strengthen you strengthen you until your honey the strongest person around and I'll be happy to for you to outgrow me I'll be happy there are people like that you'll find that your parents are like that. If you're lucky some of your siblings will be like that your shield your teachers will be like that your teachers will love will look at
you and say I hope I teach you become better than me cuz if you don't become better than me I failed I failed miserably if you end up just like me or less that means I live it's going to get smarter the amount of knowledge is decreasing I had this much and then you did a bit less than me that you were going to come to a point there's nothing I said go the other way around. You have to teach someone who they know more so that knowledge experience so that we're far away from your milk Liam is saying just don't choose a baton Elia Luna cabana they can't wait to see your fall. What do I need them they love to see you in distress. You can hear that the hatred in their mouths and you
don't even know what's inside their hearts beware of them they can ruin your life alright let's go to the win over to the one that went after doing good time today well he's got he's got a long way or is
in the mood our FICO off here okay in a year when Muto hero Kameena lazy and Kapha Raja you know Lady in Tibet room Cafe lady in a cafe Oh Eli, Millie
from Isla de Jiang Khumba. Como Bella Unicom thema
fie heat of Delhi foon. So this is sort of early, I'm Ron is important is that as I put it there, I didn't actually think anyone's going to avoid it. And so I'm pretty surprised. But I guess there's a certain degree of interest in understanding these parts of so when he told me this piece that we're looking at, it's talking about those external challenges. So amongst those external challenges are the other faiths that we're dealing with on a daily basis, other faiths, so what are the two faiths that are talked about and so early on one is yahoodi, or oneness one, you know, Christianity and Judaism because of the two that we have the most interface with to begin with the rest at that time
of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam were much farther away. And even till this day, our interface with them is very limited. And there's really not much like you don't need that much prep to have discussions. But for these two for sure you do because we are quite entangled with their stories. I mean, the story of Muhammad Ali's
thought was everything tangled with the story of East and the story of Musa and all the prophets who came in between. So there's a lot of entanglement and our version of the story, our understanding of it can be quite different than their understanding of the story for a lot of different aspects of not just the story of Musa and the story of Asa No, but the story of DOE dallisa diamond. So a man who said, I mean, it's always the story of all the prophets of use, if it is time his father Jacoba in his grandfather's house and the story of his maid, and he said, I'm aware he lived and what that meant to his father, Ibrahim, there's differences in how we understand it, you'll be surprised how
the comprehension of Armageddon to the Christians and Jews is very similar, and very different than the one that we carry as Muslims, which is a piece that Jani actually finds it way finds its way into the political arena. It finds its way into politics quite a bit. And it's talked about more than you probably even imagine. It's talked about behind closed doors, even amongst Congress, people, they'll talk about these things. And a lot of the problems that we see here today come from a skewed understanding of the story of Armageddon, which in my opinion, is is a big mess up on on multiple levels for different reasons. But when it came to the story of ESA, this is what Allah
subhanaw taala says it's called Allah Who ja isa in the Moto a fika. What are firaga Ilya? Well, motohiro Kameena Allah Xena Cafaro Raja Abdullah Xena tuber Oka phone call Xena Cafaro yo, mil PA, O Isa, indeed, I'm going to take you back to me what I fear, okay, I'm going to elevate your status up to me.
And I'm going to move on here, okay, I'm going to cleanse you from the effect of the disbelievers I'm going to make and I'm going to make the people who follow you, superior to those who disbelieve in them until the day of judgment. And then Then on that Day, so many of you who come follow me, on the Day of Judgment, I will bring you all back and I will judge between you. Now there are different elements of this idea that are important. The first one is the fact that he told him in the Moto fika Well, if you look at the gym Hall of Honor the mass, vast majority of our scholars believe that easily Saddam was elevated to Allah subhanho wa taala. Before he before he died, well, mouthguards
to whom, what else Allah Whoo, we know for a fact they did not kill him. When I can show behind a home and someone else was on the cross, whoever it was, is that that's a long debate. But it doesn't matter. He wasn't a Sally's, and I'm sad. Sam was dying on the cross. And He was elevated back to Allah subhanaw taala, the vast majority believe that he did not technically actually die. So we similar to the Christians believe and to the Jews believe in the return of the Messiah. We believe that the Mercy holidays, then we'll come back at some point that Allah subhanaw taala chooses at some point in the future. We however, do not build around that any form of preparation, meaning
we're not required to sit down and prepare anything for that or wait for something to happen in order for that to occur is just something that may happen in the far future, at some point.
Wanting to acknowledge with this idea that there are scholars within our site within Islamic history, old and new, not just an old and new, that don't see that to be the case, to actually see a Saudi student to be someone who did pass away at the time and is not returning. So this is a point of difference of opinion, even though the vast majority say that he you will. But it's not something that is there's no consent, there's no issue mounted on this topic. There's no edge mount on this topic, even though I believe that the majority is probably correct. There's enough evidence to kind of support that concept even coming back. But the fact that there is some difference of opinion on
it is important. Because things that have differences of opinion in Islam. They don't reach the level of first degree theology that requires people to spend their time fussing about it's not that good. It's not that's not what it's there for. You focus on within your deen on the topics that are that are x and there are maximum axioms stuff that that are that are
that are self evident things that we don't need to just there's no disagreement upon you focus on your role. You focus on towhead you focus on the ethics, these things, there's no difference of opinion on it. There is no scholar sitting somewhere saying that maybe maybe honesty is not always you can I think lying, No, there isn't that doesn't exist. These things aren't debatable, this talk that are undebatable in Islam, in my opinion, if we spend the next 200 years now just focusing on them day and night, just preaching those just preaching the ethics and the morals and the concept of Teskey and sun, the concept of humbleness and sincerity and don't hate and honesty and
trustworthiness. And just just focusing on these for a very long time understanding the basics of our faith rituals, which are also fully agreed upon and leaving all of the controversial topics, don't we? Will we be our best interest? I think every moment spent arguing on topics that are controversial or heavily
or don't have an effect on how we live our lives is a waste of time. So as Allison was told by Allah, Rafi Rocha, la Mota Heruka I told him whatever fee are gonna come to me, I'm going to remove you from the disbelievers. I make your followers superior to you do those who disbelieve in them until the day of judgment and then I judge between
You all want to date on your millenium. That's all we need to know. He wasn't on the crisis, all we need to know. There's nothing else that you need to spend time understanding about a Sally's suicide, what the Quran told you, if you needed to know if there was necessity of you knowing more about the story of a Sunni Islam, the Quran would have explained it. The Quran, the Quran explains all that which is essential, which there is no, there is no way that Muslims can survive without knowing about it, it'll at least point it out, and then allow the Prophet alayhi salatu salam to explain in more detail, so we know what to do. But when, when it's not pointed out at all, you can
rest assured saying that this is this is not as essential we could survive without necessarily having these details. I don't see the benefit of ongoing debates and discussions and diving deeply into the stories of the end of time of Armageddon or the apocalypse. I don't see the benefit of doing that. I actually heavily encourage people not to, and I advise people not to start, if you're starting to do talab enemy trying to learn this lesson. That's not where you begin. Honestly, that's not even where you finish. You only do that if you are a specialized Islamic
knowledge seeker. If you're actually going for a bachelor's degree or a master's degree in Islamic Studies, and you're focusing on historical aspects or study of historic text, then you would go ahead and you look into that stuff outside of that. Your ability to decipher understand these narrations is very weak, and the the races can lead you into directions that can be very confusing. And at the end, what I see to be the effect is that people become passive. I'm sorry, what ends up happening is people become passive. They feel like they're watching a show. Someone tells them the story, so they feel like it's just a movie. Oh, so this is all going to happen at the end. Where's
the popcorn?
Where's the popcorn put a lot of butter on. It's a big one jumbo size. I sit here and watching is gonna he said it's gonna happen. It's gonna happen Oh, watch and see what goes on. They feel less obligated to do much. They feel obligated to contribute because well, it's going to happen Allah subhanaw taala is what the prophet is going to some time for it to occur. And then that feeds that feeds more and more passivity. And what ends up happening is what ends up what we have right now. They're
30,000 dead.
What happened?
If anything happened, no, nothing happened. And the next time they go after the Kaaba, they'll bring it down. rock by rock. They will bring it down rock by rock and destroy it forever. It's as simple as that. It's as simple as that. But you're waiting for it. There's nothing to wait for. You are what is being waited upon you you are being waiting for. For the one who's supposed to carry this message. Preach it and teach it and practice it and unite people upon it. That's your job. When the problem with these narrations, they, they make people feel that way. That's why I say to Steven Messiah, study the Quran in depth study how the Prophet Allah you saw to some Liberty the Messiah
and you'll end up with the same mentality he had Allegan salatu salam and when you have that mentality, that active proactive mentality of feeling responsible and caring this message can go read those narrations no problem because it's not going to change who you are. It's not going to change you're marching forward but I find when people spend time doing that it causes them to sit back and feel less less needed
Mahadeo will come later on to see how come the sound will come and fix it as long as there's not me because God forbid I put down my diet coke and turn off Netflix and get off the couch and do something reasonable now someone will come and do it I'll clap for them when they do if they have a large army and I'm far away and behind all walk all walk after
it's all about that that's not that's not how Islam works just it never has been and I think we for sure have to get rid of that way of looking at things that went after it we have one we're
going to come to a boon on law have Debbie Rooney your debit common law way I will feed it let you know back home what law waffle Raheem yes please vote in more of these your shifts or hearts are hardened as they are calling Clinton to hipbone Allah say is what he's told on a southern say this. Say indeed, if you do truly love Allah subhana wa Tada. Or as some scholars will explain this if you want to, if you want to. There are two ways of looking at this verse and they're very different than they're very unique and beautiful in whatever way I'm not sure I'll get through both of them but I'll try. So in condone to hit bone, Allah if we,
if we accept this wording as it is, then the relationship is actually very, very unique. He's saying Say, if you truly love Allah, then as a testament to your love of Allah for whatever you're owning, then follow me being me emulate my lifestyle, live the way I am living, because I am doing it the way he loves most. subhanaw taala the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was never arrogant, nor was he ever proud as a person, but he was teaching us that look, I am living the way he wants people to
Live, don't go beyond it, don't go under it, do exactly it because that's what Allah subhanaw taala wants if you want, if you want, if you truly love Allah, and you want to show him that you love him, because love has always been an aspect of human experience that is almost undefinable, but can be seen, we can see the effect of it, we can see the consequences of it. How do you define love? It's really hard. If you're attending miters Gala, you know that we spend over a year and a half talking and we still don't know exactly how to define it's hard to define what exactly is it but what we can define are the consequences of it. Like I can no love is there by looking at effects, looking at
results, looking at behaviors. I can't know it's there by you telling me that it's there. Or there's just no way to measure it's not a measurable thing.
So Allah saying boil say if you truly love Allah, then may the testament of that love be following Muhammad so Allah Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Debbie Rooney, you'll be welcome Allah. And if you do so that Allah will love you back.
He will love you back beyond the love that he loved you at the beginning when He created you from nothingness. He has already established that he's already brought you to this world. So he's, you already been shown love already you've been shown love. Now if you love him, backs upon what's out of them follow I let him Salatu Salam be like him because he loves no one more than he loves the Prophet Allah you'll set out to us to them. And no one loves Allah more than the Prophet alayhi salatu salam loves him. So this perfect relationship of love is what you're going to use as your example. If you true if you to feel like yes, I love Allah. And I would like to show him that I love
him. Even though I don't know how to define that feeling in my heart, then follow up the Prophet on the inside. And the more you follow him the more you will prove to Allah that You love him. And the more you do that, the more Allah subhanaw taala will love you back. And if he loves you back more than you will love the more and then you will follow the Prophet Allah is also more and it's not an it's a virtuous cycle that just keeps on going up until it lands you on the doors of heaven gates of heaven knows how this works. But to be your own, you have to be buku moolah. And to add to it well, if you're looking to new Bucko, and he will forgive your students as well. He will remove aside but
why? Because I told you love how do you define love. Love is defined through actions. You can define it any other way. So your definition of your love for Allah is going to become it's going to come through the fellowship of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, how does Allah define His love, He forgives your sins. That's how he shows you His love because like, you love me, I show I don't know.
Love is so if I come every day and tell you I love you feed up dog food all day long. I love you and slap on your mean, I will I love you and stop and you're very confused. What is this love of yours? I hate this love of yours. Do not love me, please stop loving me. Don't love me anymore. Because this is not I don't like this love for himself. I love you all. I love you. I love you a lot. It means nothing. It means nothing. It's actually it's actually harmful. Because you would rather someone be honest with you. Love is only as good as the consequences. This is something that I say. And it's important for everyone here to understand, especially if you're married. If you're married
for a long time. You've been married for a long time look, especially the sisters, men, they express their love that way. That's how they express their love is through the consequences. They give up a lot of what they want to do in life, to make sure they take care of their spouses and their children. And they do it and they're fine by doing it. And they'll do it all their lives and they'll die doing it. No problem to them. That's their testament of love. That's how they show it. They may not say it, but that's how they show it. Now they should I'm not saying they shouldn't. But I'm saying that that is a part of how men show love. Women do the same by the way they take care of the
children, they take care of you. They just like talking about a little bit more than we do. But it's still the same concept is there that love is only seen through behaviors. There is no value to love that has no consequences that doesn't result in caregiving or being kind to people there's no point someone who tells you they love you and does nothing for you. Never they never show up when you're in need. They never help you. They never do anything for you. They're not there. They're not a part of your life, but they love you. What is this love?
Who's in this love? Eliza? I don't want you to keep it I don't need it. Love is only valuable if it can do if it brings higher to someone else. This is how love is who cares what you feel inside your heart. Forgive me aside from you. No one cares. Why do I care how you feel inside of you? What does that mean for me?
To make dua for me. That's That's good. That's something you're going to help me out. You're gonna be kind to me, you're not going to envy me. You're gonna support me when I need you're not when I fall. You're not gonna laugh. You're not gonna say I always knew it. I always knew what he was full of it. We all knew he was full. When I fall you pick you help pick me up with your student and you can see that's what love is. No one cares what's in your heart really aside from you.
And your wife will too but you can say whatever you know, no one can know really. Your heart no one knows. But that's why Allah says it this way. Paul say include them to hipbone Allah, if you love Allah, you say your love
Allah. Yes, that was the way you got out of the FARC back in the day with the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, when you didn't want to be called them when they were hit Bula suited that way and you got the testimony of that from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam when he felt free for the rest of your life. So he's saying you love Allah. Yes. Fatima and you follow Him, show me, show me that you love me. Show me. Show me we will follow my most beloved sallallahu alayhi salatu salam do that and I will love you how I know that I will forgive your sins you'll come home with him you'll find yourself sinless. I'll remove them all I'll remove them on and that's how you'll know I love you.
Aside from the fact that I brought you from nothingness which should be enough.
When you're done inshallah Allah subhanahu Hendriksen enter Stubblefield to Lake wa sallahu wa salam O Allah like Anna Anna you know Mohammed Yusuf Islam Allah here about a Colombian will go for satiation inshallah. Allah will make us