Allahs Beautiful Names #02 Allah Guarantees To Answer Your Duas

Ammar Alshukry


Channel: Ammar Alshukry


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The speaker discusses a recent conversation between a person named Allah and another person about a response to someone's question. They express concern about Allah's actions and the lack of response from Raha Pablo, and mention a program called visionair. The conversation is about a person named Raha Pablo who is the responder, but not everyone is convinced.

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Imagine a friend who never leaves your messages unread. The blue checkmarks are always on. And your phone calls are always picked up on the first ring and emoji.

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And which Eve means the one who responds. And Allah subhana data calls himself in Mooji in the verse where he says, for Steph field Oh, who's on my toolbar in a in Nairobi, caribou Mooji. So as forgiveness of them, and then repentant to him. Indeed, my Lord is near and responsive in solitude. And Allah Subhana Allah says, well, hudna, Danna new fella, Nirmal Mooji Bucha. And Noah has certainly called us and we are the best of responders. And Allah subhanho data tells us that he's the only one who responds to us like Who else responds to us? Allah says in surah naman and may ug Boone MCPA Eva da, we actually for Su where data Kampala file, and who is the one who responds to

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the desperate when they call upon Him? And who else removes evil and makes you inheritors of the earth? Is there in a lie? Is there a deity other than Allah? Little do you remember, there are some names that are considered to be keys of every other name. And this is one of them. This is one of those key so I want you to write down under the name of Mooji. I want you to write down key highlight that word. Because whenever you and I are looking to call upon someone whenever you're going through your contact list on your phone. If you need something from someone, then you're always looking for two qualities. The first quality is is this person able to do what I'm looking

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for? Number two, the second quality is are they actually going to respond? Like we all know people on this earth with one wire transfer, they could make us financially comfortable for the rest of our lives. They could be billionaire tycoons, they could be royalty. They could be celebrities, they could be athletes, but have you ever messaged them online? Have you ever sent them a DM on social media and said Hey, good morning Mister Money, or Mrs. Money or abou man? Could you please send me a few million dollars? No, you haven't. And the reason is clear, because you wouldn't expect for them to respond. You know, the expectation of response directly inspires the desire to ask. And so when

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ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada calls himself the responder and Mooji it is because he is inviting you to ask. So the question is, do you ask Allah Subhana Allah says, What either good or bad do I need for any Karim OG Buddha out there either. And when My servants asked you about me than I am near, I am immediately near, I respond to the call of the caller when they call upon me, you know, someone who I've benefited greatly from him is showing him the shift in the topic of Sheikh Mohammed the shooting for him. He was the founder of and Mobley. And he combined things in him that I hadn't seen combined and a person before. You know, you memorize Quran at the age of 10 years old. And that's

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wonderful and a great honor. But it's not something that never seen before. There are lots of children, mashallah, throughout the world, in the hundreds, if not 1000s, in any city, in the Muslim world, or in the world, really, that have memorized the Quran. And then he went on to university of Medina, and he studied Islamic law, he became a chef, you know, in his 20s, for him to do that. But that's also something that many people do. But in those 20s, he came back to the United States and founded a nonprofit educational institute, he called it an motive. And this organization by now has benefited hundreds and 1000s of students learning Islam, the video that you're watching right now is

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part of that legacy of a Muslim. And now you're entering into the world of unique and special because for anybody to have it now a project that has that level of global impact. I mean, that's very unique. You know, having hundreds of volunteers and 1000s of students, hundreds of 1000s of students is an incredible accomplishment. It's an incredible accomplishment. And then he creates a company called discovery that benefits 1000s of people in the self development realm. And not only that, but most people when they have, you know, all of these projects, they're very busy. You know, that's why they call business busyness. And yeah, he seemed like someone who is always incredibly

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free all the time. He was a master at creating systems and delegation and giving people the ability to grow into their roles and become superstars in their roles. May Allah have mercy on him. So he's become someone who's very successful, both in deen and duniya. And at the highest levels. And so this combination of talents and success I hadn't seen before. So I remember, I traveled to Toronto to meet him at a seminar that he was teaching. And we were taking a bus to Niagara Falls, but it was a bunch of us on the bus, and I was waiting for the seat next to him to become empty. So I slipped in, as soon as it was I sat down next to him. And so that's Jeff, you know, if you don't mind to

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have a quick question to ask him and he said, Sure. And I said, you know, what's the secret to your success? And without hesitation, he says,

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and I immediately thought to myself, like, I did not come all the way here to hear an answer that my mom could have given me in my kitchen. You know, my mom could have told me that. So then I said to him, What is the afternoon how is it that you do you take action? And he goes, What I said is it that you take action, and then he says to me something that was worth the trip, and I want you to write this down.

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I want you to write this down. He said, Do is action. And I'm still not getting it. I'm like, Yeah, but most people will make dua, and he was like, No, most people don't make that. And he said this to me, he said, and if they do make dua they make to act without focus. If you ask yourself right now, in the past week, past month, how many drivers have you sat down and actually made most people do is just something that's very ritual, if they make too hard so Bennati David Hasselhoff, with as

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they get up after the Salah, but he made, like he believed that if Allah says yes, then it doesn't matter who says no. And if Allah subhana data says, No, it doesn't matter who said yes. So ask yourself that question, you know, how do you make dua to Allah subhana data, like really make that to him? How many problems do you have in your life? How many goals how many dreams, and you may have someone that you talk to regularly about those goals? Or those dreams that could be a parent or a spouse or friends or a coach or mentor? But do you talk to ALLAH SubhanA data about these things? You know, and so he would approach Allah with that intensity in his to have that conviction in his

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diet. And years later, he would launch a program called visionair. May Allah have mercy on him that taught 1000s of people how to make art and how to approach to art and how to be inspired and making Allah who responds to you. He calls himself the responder, but the question that you have to ask yourself is do you respond to Allah, you know, that verse that I quoted earlier, there's a beautiful subtlety about it, there's a beautiful gem within it. And that is that Allah Subhana Allah Tada, he responds to the questions that the Companions asked the prophets of Allah, they send him in the Quran with a specific formula. Allah says, they're asking you about X, tell them why you find it

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versus like when Allah Subhana Allah says, they're asking you about wine and gambling say in it is great sin and some benefit, and it's sin is greater than its benefit. Yes, I don't have any rule. They're asking you about this. So say a Roman Amedeo lobby say that Seoul is part of the commander of my Lord will metal teach me that enemy? Luckily, then you haven't been given from knowledge except for little. They're asking you about Assad. They're asking you about the hours say, the formula in Psalm 13. Places in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah says, they're asking you about x. O Muhammad, say, could I learn the Quran? You're asking you about this, say?

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That's the formula. The only time where that formula is broken is in that verse that I quoted, where Allah subhana data says, were either like a birdie and me if my servants asked you about me, Allah does not say say he does not say cool. Oh, Muhammad Tada. He says, For in Neil curry, I am immediately near because the companions had asked the province for the lightest and Mr. Yato sola, Otto buena by forenoon ID, is our Lord far from us. So we call out to him, or is our Lord close to us? So we converse privately with him, like tell us about Allah? Is he far from us? Or is he close to us? And so Allah says, Well, my servants asked you about me. He doesn't tell the province the

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lioness and employed He says, For me, the fire in Arabic indicates immediacy, it means I am immediately near for iniquity. Allah does not want any intermediary to be between you and him. Even if that intermediary is the prophets for the lightest and of himself, he responds to you, you need to respond to Him and believe in Him. I mean, Raha Pablo Beulah and who said in the middle humbly Java, I am not concerned about the response to my dua My concern is whether I make dua in the first place, because I know that the response will come with it. So the homework from this session is that to make sure that you ask Allah subhanho data that you ask him for the big like you ask him for the

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small because Allah subhanaw taala is the responder and he loves for you to call upon him.