Sulaiman Moola – Tafseer of Surah An Naml #02 Regret is part of repentance
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other day in
our solar Eema knowing what all Al Hamdulillah
although Billa he may not show up on your rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim Allah Dina up Munna solid doonas kurta whom to whom you know on in Levine Allah You mean owner Bill Earth Irati Xia Yun murder whom for whom Yamaha on so that Allah who love him. So we concluded on the note of urging our listeners and viewers in light of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tying it up to the second verse of chapter 27. Bushra guidance, who then guidance Bushra glad tidings and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said But Sherry And Michelle in give glad tidings to those people who walk to the masjid in the hours of darkness of perfect light on the day of the Yama and
while every prayer is important, there is again a separate reference for the fajr prayer and the answer prayer which has been referred to as birthday in mon Sol Sol birthday in the halal Jana, whoever will perform the two prayers. The two cool prayers will go to Jana. And we also know the incident that appears in Buhari and also in chapter 11 sort of hood where a person came and he said oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I was selling dates, and a woman came to me. And then I presented some superior dates to her and when she came in,
I could not contain myself and then I kissed her. And of course, I regret it and I lament it and this was the beauty of Sahaba they intense regret, they intense regret, and this is what we need to learn.
So number one principle if you look at the Sahaba there were very few errors that had taken place. Yes, there were occasions and moments in which there was a slip up there was an error. And that is our belief. We say a smuggling Gambia that a man assume protected from sin is the prophets. They are protected from sin. Now again, my mind goes into another discussion here. It's academic, but I hope I can simplify it. So we refer to the Ambia as NuForce as Kia knifes, and zakiyah. A pure soul. So there's a question here, and Surah Ibrahim, Allah subhanahu medalla says that Ibrahim alayhis salam made this dua what is Pilar Ibrahim Rockbridge Isla del Bella Amina wha general bunny weapony
nabooda snom and remember the time when Satan Ibrahim said Raj Alhamdulillah Bella Amina, oh my lord make this place a place of safety and protection. What you know bunny meaning Mocha, mocha Rama what you know money and save me what bunny and my son nabooda snom from idolatry from worshipping idols. So, it is mentioned that in that have said Della Allah Anil Ambria, let me menorah Allah and fusi him we learned from this year that even the prophets despite being pure, wholesome, innocent, yet,
they will not complacent with themselves, they would still seek and implore and supplicate Allah for protection for K for women who are yet taka, la boca learning bein enough see what shaytaan so what about the average regular Joe, the fallible mortal who is drowning and is gripped by the devil and the demon and the enough's. Fella fella gamble, really? I had al turabi Come early here early, so it is not becoming of any person to feel safe, secured, and anchored, that I am fine. Now in Ron Mahoney Allah Malusi Baghdadi has academically opened up this year. It is our belief and an integral Article of our belief that Satan a Brahim and the entire galaxy of prophets are might assume they
protected. So why the need to make dua for protection from idol worship when we know he is safe. So the first answer given is that the one will have the one will have that oh Allah as you have saved me. Allah protect me permanently as you have protected me and safeguarded me. So the request to Allah of protection in essence is the request that Oh ALLAH secure it and keep it like you say, Oh Allah I'm healthy, keep me healthy. Oh Allah give me help somebody say you are healthy, no, I mean, allow this help to continue. But then the academic argument given to that is that a Nebby just as he is safe now, even in future he will be safe. Furthermore, Allama elucid and gives this explanation
and I hope I can simplify is that the a nappy is protected he is Mac zoom as we refer to sinless, and this is not a camera topiary, but it is Beto. 15 ilahi.
It's not natural, it's not obvious. It is through the will of Allah. It's through the grace of Allah. It's through the boon of Allah. Hence the Nabhi seeks and asks Allah for the perpetual and continuous,
you know, showering of the boon and favor of the Almighty. So I was saying to you,
that Sahaba they did on occasions. They did make mistakes, but Subhanallah they're restlessness, and that's my message, my brother and my sister, we all have our mistakes, we all have our mistakes. The key thing is not to persist on it, and a UCLA annual Maxia to detach immediately. So the claim of wanting to change without taking action immediately creates inconsistency in the veracity of your motive. You're not genuine in your motive. So no, no, you know what, you're smoking, you're smoking weed. You smoking some substance, you're indulging in something forbidden and I want to give it up okay, then stop now. No, well, actually, by the way, no, well then you're not genuine. As the Quran
says, Well, you read on insanity if you're a man, you you don't want to part in wean yourself with your addiction. So you're going to create the steel wall between yourself and forbidden and the Haram and then you will see the sweetness beyond this year.
So anyway, this company under the Allahu Anhu in the hadith of Buhari, which I opened up on and let's just complete it. It said oh prophets, Allah is him the woman came, and then I fell upon her in the sense I kissed her and I regret it, and the messenger SallAllahu Sallam didn't say anything. And then Salah time had sat in and the prayer was performed. And can you imagine the Prophet of Allah leading the prayer and the Sahaba in that congregation,
and then after Salah he SallAllahu sallam said, Where's the person who was asking for some guidance and assistance and explaining his condition? And he presented himself and the Prophet sallahu wa salam said these verses have been revealed to me what Alchemist Salah Torah in a hurry was will have a mineral line in Al Hasan it you the business say that Lika the Crawley that Kieran Walton masala and establish Salah Tara for in a hurry. On the two ends of the day was all of a minute late and in a portion of the night in Al Hasan. Verily, the performance of good deeds in Al Hasan at you the Hibben essay will erase the effect of sin. And this was the ruling given to him that you've
performed Salah Allah will forgive it meaning the mind essence 1111 as the Quran says.
The minor sins will be forgiven provided you do not persist on it. And when the concession was given other companions came forward and they said oh prophet of allah sallallahu wasallam is this exclusive for him or is it for us as well? And he said Beldon Nasir Amma, this is for everyone. This is for everyone. So when we turn to Allah subhanaw taala insincerity surely, Allah subhanho wa Taala is most forgiving and that's what has been mentioned here. And in fact now I have another thought. You have been wired Rama to Allah Allah He said that how can Allah is that Allah did not only say that when you do wrong and you repent, he will forgive. ALLAH said that if you repent sincerely,
then he will not only erase it, but he will substitute that Vice by virtue for hola Erica, you but did Allah who say to him has enough? Okay, so may Allah grant us sincerity in our Toba? May Allah grant us sincerity in our Toba what are the fella setting levena Holy foo had to evolve that and he will have to be Mara but without that I know Him and follow Him. In methodical Tenzin. In this verse of Surah Toba Abubakar woroch Rahim Allah has quotation is mentioned there that the three companions can be Malik Murad Robin, Robbie and Hillel, Ben O'Meara, the Allahu Anhu on the occasion of taboo, when they talk about was postponed, what was the condition, the land had become narrowed upon them.
And he says, if if your Toba is of that level, where things become you know, you lose taste in the food, you lose taste in indulgence because of your own, then that is the genuine sign of your Toba we It eats into you, then surely, Allah subhanahu wa taala will in sha Allah accept your Toba May Allah allow us to be amongst those that repent utter Ebola RB Donelle Jaime dual as Allah subhanaw taala makes mention as well in you know, the chapter of the Quran in surah Tauba as well. Okay, so in verse number three Allah says Allah Vina ut Munna Salah who don't want Bucha meaning that the Quran is guidance and glad tidings for the believers who are the believers today people each one has
their own label, and each one has their own claim and
Oh, it's laughable, but real many would even argue the identity of Muslim by probably a particular phone number. A particular registration to say listen 786 is an indication that I am a believer. Now we can argue the numerical, you know order and does it equate Bismillah or not? But is that a sign of iman? Or is Iman in your heart and Iman in your actions? If Robin listen to Bill Janeane Amell Bill Arca these are the three components. If Robin listen, you confess what your tongue you testify what your tongue does, did Bill Jinan you believe what your heart and I'm Albin Archon I'm an Archon and you display with your actions right and in the same way in almost 23 year, I was just
researching some fatwa and verdict and I came across this year Imam Abu Hanifa has call an opinion and vertic is mentioned that it's in volume 12 paid six, in which he says that LA Yehuda had menial Iman in laminal Babel Lolita caleffi What the whole bakery listen with the statement ginawa hamaca Eman that it's not easy to just classify someone as a disbeliever. One needs to be very wary and cautious before you render someone out of the fold of Islam because a person will only exit the faith through the avenue through which he entered and he entered the deen by uttering the Kanima and believe in Iman believe in the heart. And if those two principles are established and preserved,
then a person will remain in the fold of Islam. May Allah keep us in our iman till the last breath while at the Mutanda Illa one two Muslim moon and let it not be that you leave this world but that you are in a state of iman. So okay.
Allah says that it is guidance and glad tidings for the believer. Now in verse three Allah tells us who is a believer and Medina up Munna salah, those who establish Salah Wow. Now again another verse comes to the Quran, political internal HalleluYah either Messiah who shall rule Jazeera WeatherMaster
man is impatient man by nature is a miser inland mousseline but those who perform salah they are protected from this. So when you perform Salah in the correct manner in it's with all its adapt and its etiquettes starting from Gulu remember, I feel without a Seraph. Is there wastage in Moodle? Yes, there is wastage in Moodle if you use in excess water you are compromising the water the wudu if you are not using adequate water, the narration of tyranny the way Luna will amp up him in an hour will be to the heels of * meaning you did not wash your heels correctly that is one of the further the obligatory organs so that compromises the complete nature of your ablution if that
compromises the complete nature of your ablution which is the key to prayer, then your prayer is compromised. So in all regards, you take care of your your Salah with all its related aspects, you know, with due diligence and letting you know up Munna and you would know those who appreciate Arabic Akarma you clean it karma versus you saloon you Ki Moon has the impression you know in all regards accommodating and capsulate in completing every aspect of that salah.
We need to wait our gaze needs to be focused and fixed in which posture of the Salah when we standing in TM where the gaze ought to be. Unfortunately, our gaze roams This is how the devil will create disturbance any movement just distracts us any movement distracts us and that is why it is it is undesirable and it is Makrooh to perform prayer. When a person has the call of nature. He has the need to relieve himself or to pass when or release gas. Although his widow is technically intact, but then to that state is McGrew why? Because this doesn't allow for a focus mind. This doesn't allow for a calm mind. You are at unease The bladder is full, you need to you need to pass the water
you need to pass the urine. You know it's undesirable for you to be performing Salah in that state. So you need everything and anything that allows and enhances a sense of seclusion focus, where you can align your thoughts. Allah subhanaw taala refers to the nocturnal prayer in a nutshell utterly here I should do what to Anwar to one will kill up Verily the performance of nocturnal prayer tahajjud is effective in crushing the ego and more focus in your utterance your prayers, it's calm, it's serene, it's tranquil, you know, it's just so peaceful. There's no noise, there's no movement there's no activity, you can heal yourself you can pray to Allah it's so wholesome. Okay and let me
know your pain Munna salah, may Allah give us the Tofik and the ability
that we try to up our prayer. We we in the game to up and advance everything that we have in this world. We want to better our car we want to better our things. What about enhancing our prayer the quality of our prayer
and levena up Munna salah, those who established Salah when you're doing a cigar and you discharge the cat? Yes. Right?
In surah, maroon or 811 you can they will be Dean. Allah has divided this short chapter of the Quran into the traits of the hypocrite and the traits of the disbeliever. So this chapter of the Quran surah one or eight and whether you can be the Informatica lady, let me go through it quickly, because I want to tie it up with the aspect of the God are I telling you can liberate Dean or Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam Have you seen this person who denies the Yama who doesn't believe in resurrection who doesn't believe in accountability? The consequences of this denial is fidelity and letting only a team he rebukes the orphan because he doesn't think and he doesn't realize he will be
answerable and he will be accountable to Allah. Allah Allah to Cremona Leah team kala Bella to Cremona Leah team. Wala to have known Allah Tamil miskeen
for that he can lead the team whenever you're hungry, Allah Tamil miskeen he doesn't encourage people to feed the poor. So the Quran doesn't only frown on those who don't feed the Quran also frowns on those who do not support the initiative. Meaning you don't have the courage to spend but you don't even have the courage to encourage others to say this is a good thing. This is a good investment help people. So that's the disbeliever then Allah speaks of the Mana 15 For Whelan, little mousseline will be to those who pray in the following manner. And Lavina, whom Ancelotti? Ahimsa Hoon wa heedless, careless, negligent oblivious, unmindful haphazard, casual, if and when how
and what just dashing. Just come in, you know, not focusing not going through the rituals of ablution correctly not standing with with passion and diligence and focus. We're como de la hit carnitine WaPo mooloolah He turned 18 and stand in prayer in focus in diligence. But after the Hallmark manana Lavina whom face Allah to him Hashem rune
Alladhina whom your own the aim is just to impress people William neuronal maroon, and they are the Mana 15 They first as another verse of the Quran Allah says that you'll be Luna aidea whom the first is closed, the first is tight, they cannot pot Yumna own they withhold l maroon, maroon means trivial act of kindness in the dimension in Lohana Quran some have academically mentioned that it is from the underside of God is the plural of the word is hidden meaning there are certain verses in the Quran or Arabic terms and expression which have the opposite meanings what kind of whare will Melek a Wakanda amomum Those that are intuitive seen will know what I'm talking what are commonly
means the back the rear, but it can also refer to front ahead.
Likewise, Allah use the word ISIS in the Quran, Allah oxy mobile wholeness, Jawaharlal Kunis, when Layli either asked us this is also from the earth dad, so Alma rune Alma rune, some say it refers to trivial act of kindness, small act of kindness, and many Sahaba said, this is the literal translation but it implies zakat, Allah is referred to as the cart as a small amount, trivial amount compared to your wealth. It is just the simple amount gives the cart with a happy heart be grateful to Allah that is made you from amongst those that I discharging the cart and not receiving the card. And if you are one who is the recipient, then this is the arrangements that Allah has made for you
because this economic system of Islam is Kala you're gonna do let them banal other near him income, that the wealth must not become an exclusive commodity of the elite from among Zoo. So that's it verse number three, Allah subhanho wa Taala says Olivia up Mona salah, those who established Salah while you're doing Zakah and they discharged as well whom will irritate whom you will be known, and they have absolute and total and complete reliance and believe in Africa. So what are we learning here? In terms of
monetary donation the God they are in the forefront? In terms of bodily actions, prayer, they are in the forefront in terms of act Ada and believe they believe is absolute and the conviction is unwavering. May Allah make us amongst those people who implement and imbibe all these guidances and instructions in the Quran, so we can become recipients of that favor of Allah in this world and the letter Amin era Bill Alameen wa sallahu wa sallam and an OB GYN and Muhammad wa early he was hoping he will hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen